HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-08-14, Page 6Fage 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 14, 1952 Announcements i BIRTHS BINNING —Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam Binning, Mitchell, are happy to announce the birth of theft son, Richard Douglas, at Seaforth Hospital, July 29. HEWSON —Mr. and Mrs. Nor­ man Hewson, RCAF Centralia, are happy to announce the birth ot*a daughter, Maureen Elizabeth, at the Hooper Nurs­ ing Home, August 7. JAQUES —Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jaques (nee Marian Copeland) are happy to announce the birth of a son, Daniel (Dan­ ny) Richard, on August 9, 1952, at St. Mary's Memorial Hospital. MOCK — Mr. and Mrs. Ron CARDS pF THANKS The family of the late Elmer Reeder wish to express their sincere thanks to theft friends, neighbors and relatives for the kindness and sympathy shown them during theft recent sad be- reavement, for the beautiful floral tributes and to those who loaned theft cars. Special thanks to Dr. M. C. Fletcher, Rev. A. E. Holley, the Hopper - Hockey funeral home and to all those who sent beautiful sympathy cards. you’ll Be Aghast With August Results FOR SALE WANTED CLASSIFIED RATES FEMALE HELP WANTED HOLSTEIN BULL calf. Gerald Godbolt, phone 178-r-14 Exeter. 14c WANTBP — Coal oil hanging lamps; old colored glass.'— Mrs. Ralph Bailey, Main St. 2-2 8 If c WANTED—Lady would like to board out 10-inonth-old baby. Apply Times-Advocate. 14 * Mrs. Josiah McDonald and family wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for sin­ cere sympathy and kindness dur­ ing their sad bereavement; also for the many beautiful floral i tributes. Special thanks to Rev.Mock, Hensall, are pleased to D R Sinclair, the Hopper- announce the arrival of their ’' ’ Funeral Home and to daughter at Clinton Hospital ? bearersTuesday, August 5, 1952. ;the Panoearms. DEATHS 1 Glen Bonnallie ALLEN—In St. Joseph’s Hospi­ tal, London, on Saturday, Aug­ ust 9, 1952. “ ' ~ Allen, beloved Irene Flynn, second year. Earl Cameron husband of in his forty- - In St. Joseph’sKERSLAKE Hospital, London, on Friday, August 8, 1952. Charles Henry Kerslake, in his seventy-ninth year. REEDER—In Victoria Hospital, London, on Wednesday, Aug­ ust 6, 1952, George Elmer Reeder, beloved husband of Ethel Holden, in his fiftieth year. SANDERS—-In Exeter on Satur­ day, August 9, 1952, William D, Sanders, in his eighty-ninth year, SNIDER—In St. Joseph’s Hospi­ tal, London, on Sunday, Aug­ ust 10, 1952, Duncan Snider, beloved husband of Susan Schroeder, in his sixty - ninth year. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Chapman, Exeter, wish to -announce the en­ gagement of theft eldest daugh­ ter, Doreen Roseann, to Gordon Glenn, son of Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Kirk, Exeter, The'wedding will take place September 6. * Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Spence, R.R. 6, St, Marys, wish to an­ nounce the engagement of theft daughter, Annie Jean, to Lorne Earl Johns, Roy Johns, take place August, son of Mr. and Mrs. The marriage will the latter part of 14* CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late Charles Kerslake wish to sincere thanks to friends, neighbors for sympathy and tended to them during their re­ cent sad bereavement, for the beautiful floral tributes, to those who sent cards and helped in any way, to Rev. A. E. Holley, Rev. Down and the Dinney Fun­ eral Home. 14* express their their many and relatives kindness ex- I wish to thank all my rela­ tives and friends who so kindly remembered me in so many dif­ ferent ways while a patient in Victoria Hospital, and since re­ turning home.—Effie Treble. * ft x Mr. and Mrs.wish to thank all those , who ,so kindly remembered Sheila , with toys, * cards and visits while a patient in War Memorial Hos­ pital and since returning home. * 14c The family of the late Chris­ tian Fahrner theft sincere friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy extended during theft recent bereavement.14c wish to express thanks to the IN MEMORIAM FISCHER—In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Mary Elizabeth Fischer, who passed away one year ago, August 15, 1951. is lonesome here without you, Mom, And sad the weary way; For life is not the same with us Since you were called away. If we had all the world to give, We’d give it—-yes, and more— To heai’ your voice and see you smile And greet you at the door. So you who have a mother, Cherish her with care; You’11 never have a heartache Till you see her vacant chair. -—Ever remembered by husband and family. 14c it WALKER—In loving memory of Lenorah Walker, who passed away three years ago, August 19, 1949. have lost my soul’s companion, A life linked with my own; And day by day I miss her more As I walk through life alone. —Her husband, George W. Wal­ ker. 14* i WEBER—In loving memory of Jacob Weber, who-passed away on August 17, 1935; also his wife, whose maiden name was Caroline Kaercher, •who died Loving and ways, Upright and their Sincere and mind; What a beautiful memory they left behind! —Ever remembered by their daughter Ida, Mrs. Caldwell and son Daniel. 14c eight years later, kind in all their just to the end of days, kind in heart and The Dominion’s largest lake is the North West Territories’ Great Bear. SPECIAL While They Last PIC-NIC HAMS 490 COTTAGE ROLLS 690 ICE CREAM BRICKS 300 “Live Better Cheaper The Locker Way” Exeter Frozen Foods OLIVER BEAN puller, attach­ ments to fit tractor, in good shape. Apply Earl Deitrich, tele­ phone 31-r-16 Dashwood. 14* MOTORCYCLE — 1951 James, 2,500 miles. Apply Exeter Times- Advocate. 14:21nc SEW AND SAVE —New and used sewing machines, fully guaranteed. Repairs to all makes and models. Singer Sewing Ma­ chine, Goderich. Phone 1135, 3-20tfc 3 GOOD PINE doors, 22-gallon galvanized round tank, some gal­ vanized piping, Edison cabinet phonograph with records, several Edison cylinder records and dia­ mond disc, 3 barn door holders, 2 good hay forks, 2 bucksaws, several 8”xG” 12’ joist, some lumber. Other useful articles. Apply J. W. Powell, 138 Vic­ toria St. 14:21c MAGAZINES—-New and renewal subscriptions for any magazine are received at The Exeter Times-Advocate. MONARCH ICE BOX—Like new, white enamel. Phone 507 Exeter. 14* 90 PULLETS, Hampshire and Rock; 25 pullets, Leghorn and Rock; 4£ months old. To sell immediately, $185, Apply Mrs, Murray Hamilton, R.R, 3, Ailsa Craig. 14* SIX WEANER pigs, 7 weeks old. Apply Bob Dennomme, phone 35-r-6 Dashwood, 14* FOR SALE—Two-wheel farm farm trailer; 40 ft. extension ladder; 1949-50 Dodge or Ply­ mouth car radio. Apply P.M.Q. 322-B Centralia RCAF or phone 425-T-13 Exeter. 24:7:14* GREY BABY carriage and play­ pen. Both for $15.00. —Phone 383-J. 14* ’47 MERCURY Coach, radio, heater, safety tubes, new motor. $1,095. Phone 685-r-13 Hensall.14* COLLIE PUPS—Apply Ross Oke, phone 177-r-3 Exeter. 14* RANGETTE electric stove, near­ ly new, in A-l shape. Priced reasonably. Apply Mrs. Frank Treibner, phone 458-r-6 Exeter. 14c 13 WEANER PIGS, one sow, due August 23. Also 135 Vi-Cross pullets, 22 weeks old. Apply Earl Neil, phone 459-r-12 Exeter 14c GOOD, RELIABLE TEAM of horses, grey and bay, in good flesh. Also 3-year-old Hereford bull of good quality, quiet and guaranteed breeder. — Fred Wright, phone 63-r-2 Crediton.9:16c FOR SALE—Wedding cake boxes at The Times-Advocate. STOCK WANTED I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exe­ ter. l*tfc ATTENTION FARMERS-Prompt and courteous service on all dead or disabled farm animals. Phone Collect Ed Andrew, Sea­ forth 851-r-ll, Exeter 235,5-1tfc Call Ontario Rendering Company for dead, disabled animals. Satis­ faction GUARANTEED, Sanitary Removal. Special weekend and holiday service. Call COLLECT Exeter 158, or for fast service call direct COLLECT Hamilton 3-8656, the truck in your vicin­ ity will be notified. 6-19tfc LOST LOST—A large chrome hub cap for Hudson wheel. Phone 54 Grand Bend for reward. 14c WANTED—One large sized air­ ring, for sick person. Kindly contact Miss Della Peart, Carling Street. 14c PERSONAL "SKINNY" GIRLS! GET LOVE­ LY CURVES! Gain 5 to 10 lbs., new pep. Try famous health and weight-builder, Ostrex Tonic Tab­ lets. Introductory, "get-acquaint­ ed” size only 600. All druggists. 5-15:29;6-12:26;7-3:17c FOR RENT UPSTAIRS APARTMENT, furn­ ished, hot and cold water, heat­ ed laundry facilities are sup­ plied. No children. Apply Mrs. Ida Caldwell, Exeter North, across from Monetta Menard’s. 14c FOR RENT—Floor polishers and vacuum cleaners. Beaveres Hard­ ware. 5-8tfc FOR RENT—The office former­ ly occupied by Clerk C. V. Pic­ kard. Apply at Times-Advocate. 3-20tf* BABY CHICKS SUMMER CHICK BUYERS. Bar­ gains in Bray Pullets, Mixed or Cockerels—-your choice—3 weeks $19.90; 4 weeks $24.90. Ship­ per’s choice of variety. Dayolds to order. Late September-October chicks, order now. Agent—Eric Carscadden, Exeter, phone 246-J 14c TENDERS WANTED RE TRANSPORTATION Tenders will be received by the undersigned until August 16 for the transporting of the pupils of S.S. No. 2 Stephen to the Crediton Public School. Daily mileage approximately 34 miles. Lowest or any tender not neces­ sarily accepted. Arthur J. Amy, Secretary, STEPHEN TWP. SCHOOL AREA 7:14c RE DEBENTURES The Town of Exeter calls for sealed tenders on debentures in the amount of Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60,000.00) maturing over a term of fifteen years, with interest at the rate of % annually, for the purpose of. re­ novating and installing artificial ice in the Community Arena. Debentures are to be dated July 1, 1952. Proceeds, with accrued interest, to be available on or about October 1, 1952. Deben­ tures maturing in the year, only, callable, and interest payable at Branch of the Bank of Toronto, and the Bank real, Exeter. Purchaser to pre­ pare debentures and have them printed. Tenders will be received at the office of the Clerk up to 5 p.m. September 2, 1952. C. V. PICKARD, Town Clerk, Exeter, Ont. August 12, 1952. fifteenth Principal the Main Montreal, of Mont- 14c former of the in the Phone 70 Main St. ft STRAYED—From the- farm of William Gould on the Blind Line, Hay Swamp, black steer, about 800 lbs., horns, white hind feet. Phone Lloyd Reynolds, 177- r*4 Exeter. 14:21c Treasurer's Sale Of Lands In Arrears Of Taxes Town Of Exeter, Province Of Ontario To Wit: BY VIRTU® OF A WARRANT under the hand of the Mayor and Seal of the Town of Ex* eter, bearing the date of June 25, 1952, &Dd to me directed, commanding me to levy upon" the lands mention in the following list for arrears Of taxes thereon, together with all costs incurred, I hereby give notice that, unless the arrears and costs are sooner paid, I shall proceed to sell the said lands, or as much thereof as shall be sufficient to discharge such arrears of taxes and charges thereon, at the Council Chambers in the Town Hall, Exeter, by public auction, on Thursday, Nov* ember 6, 1952, at the hour of 2 o’clock in the afternoon, in compliance with the statutes in that behalf. Notice is hereby further given that if any of the said lands remain unsold and adjourned sale will be held on Thursday, November 13, 19 52, at the same hour and place, and at which the Municipality may reserve the right to purchase any of the said lands. C. V, PICKARD, Treasurer, Towxv of Exeter, Exeter, Ontario, July 22, 1952. Name and Description Years in Arrears Taxes Costs Total Ernest Cooper—Lots 1328, 1329, 1830, 1331, South Side 1948*49*50-51 $506.78 $ 42.50 $549.28 of Simcoe St, Exeter, Ontario ....................... . All of the above lots are patented. Published in The Ontario Gazette, August 2, 1952 Former Exeter Man Recalls Old Days Among those who attended the funeral of the late W. D. Sanders on Monday was Mr. S. J. Hicks, of Toronto, a former employee of Mr. Sanders when he farmed in Stephen. Mr. Hicks recalls the township reeve as one most progressive farmers district. Mr. Sanders was the first to have water in the barn and the first to have a gasoline engine. Each year, best steers old country, ing as high large price __ ___ _ , Hicks described him as a "real successful farmer.’’ Mr. Hicks also recalled one of the severest winters of the first half -of the century. It was in 1908 and a terrific storm tied up the roads and the railway for a W'6ek, The farmers in town had to ration hay and straw among each other to keep their stock alive. Mr, Sanders and Mr. Hicks were the first ones, to npt to travel the roads. ■ left the farm on the fourth sssion of Stephen in 30 de- j below zero at 11 a.m. and ered hay to the late Thomas . They didn’t arrive at the on the first concession 8 p.m. was so cold they had to turns driving and running put their ’ hands under the js’ collars to keep warm, Exeter was without coal oil or gar,. during' that time, icks recalled, he gent 50 of the in the area to the some of them bring- as $100 a head—a in those days. Mr. it Mr, Half of all Canada’s dentists aduate from the University of 25 words or less 60c ‘ Mor© Than 25 Words — U0 Per Word SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS 300 More Than 35 Words w 10 Per Word 200 OFF if ml paid with order or by Saturday following the last insertion Semi-Display Classifieds * (restricted to one column) First Insertion 84c per inch Subsequent Insertions 70e per inch Classifieds calling for a number 10c extra, Classified ads accepted up Wednesday noon. Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at the latest. OPPORTUNITY — We offer you an excellent opportunity to earn income ip your spare time. All business by appointment. For full information write Box AP, Exeter Tiines-Advocate. 7:14:21c WANTED — Typist-Bookkeeper and Office Clerk. Apply at Pub­ lic Utilities Office, Exeter, Ont. 14:21:28c box tin MISCELLANEOUS FOR ARTIFICIAL SERVICE from this farmer-owned, licenced, non-profit, growing, co-operative Association, from top quality bulls of all breeds, the rates are: ship, $5.00 per cow for mem­ bers, and $6,00 per cow for non­ members. Waterloo Cattle Breed­ ing Association, R.R. 1, Water­ loo, Ontario. For service, contact inseminator operating in your district: Harry Reid, Varna, Bay- field 27 (Huron County south of No. 8 Highway including Col- borne Township); William El­ liot, Parkhill 611-r-23. awtfc $25.00 for a life member- ASK ANY SURGE USER why more farmers are switching to Surge Milkers—or contact Lovell H, McGuire, phone Wingham 593-W, Surge dealer; W. L. Hodge, sub-dealer, Crediton. 7:14:21:28* IF- YOU GROW TURNIPS for table use, don't take a chance on having water core when you can be assured of having them free of water core provided they are sprayed when they are no bigger than your finger. Call your local sprayer, L, V. Ho­ garth, phone 226. 7-17tfc NOTICE — Whitewashing and cleaning, arrangements can be made. —Bill Watson, phone 35- r-19 Dashwood. 6-18:11-3 0c PAINTING <& PAPERHANGING, kitchen cabinets, all kinds of built-in cupboards, and tile floors. —Thos. H. Walker, tele­ phone 553 Exeter. 4-10tfc NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of EMMA JANE MINERS, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Emma Jane Miners, late of the Town of Ex­ eter, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 23rd day of July, 1952, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 23rd of August next, after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON, Solicitors for the Executor, Exeter, Ont. G * 7:14:21c Councillor Keeps Dry By Helping Police Councillor Andy Snelgrove and his family can claim they were the only ones of' thousands of spectators who kept their feet dry at a recent ship-launching, won stint The local businessman the distinction by doing a of "police duty". The Snelgroves had a row—and launching Peerless” long ago. A big impact of water soaked the feet and legs of‘-’the huge crowd which gathered on an opposite peer to see the launching. The crowd had watched with interest as the boat skidded down the planks to the water. But their interest turned to horror as they saw the huge wave sail towards them, trapped on the peer. Most got soaked up to their knees. But Andy and his family watched with amusement the predicament of the others. They were high and dry on their car—- the only one present. They earned this privilege by peer lone cars dry—view of of the tanker at Collingwood Wave made by the the heavy ship on the parking their car on the driveway to assist^ the policeman preventing other from driving up. With The Greatest Of Ease Mr. Douglas jpryde witnessed a strange accident on the golf course over the weekend. A golf club he was using, for some in* explicable ball with reason, topped the four times in a row. Then, a vindication unusual in golf clubs, flew through the air wrapped itself around a tree. Serious injuries and nearby were sustained. GOOD RELIABLE woman to take charge of home and boy during day while mother in hos­ pital, starting the latter part of August. Phone 538-r-6. 14c REAL ESTATE FARM FOR SALE—Property of the late Joseph M. Querin, sit­ uated half mile west of Mt. Car­ mel, Ont. 100 acres good barn and house. McGillivray Township. Apply to -Clement Boland, R.R. " Craig, Executor. of land, On N.B. 3, Ailsa 14c, FOR SALE—'Good frame build­ ing 16 x 36. $350.00 or best cash offer. Can be seen at new hospital site. Phone 310-R Ex­ eter, D. Harness. 14* FOUR-ROOM wartime house, oil heated. Apply 306, Anne Street. 14* FOR SALE—New five-room cot­ tage. Built of all seasoned lum­ ber. Not completed inside. Will move any reasonable distance. Apply Darrell Parker, ‘Staffa, Ont. , 14c 3 - BEDROOM WARTIME house for sale. This home has been re­ cently redecorated. Also has neat workshop, nicely landscaped and large vegetable garden. Apply Times-Advocate. 14c FOR SALE — New two-bedroom house. Upstairs unfinished. —R. E. Balkwill. 7-17-tfc 5-<R00M WARTIME house com­ pletely redecorated and modern­ ized. Immediate possession. Rea­ sonable. Phone 6 8-J. 7:14:21* THREE - BEDROOM wartime house, asbestos siding. Apply evenings, 726 Marlborough St., Exeter. 7:14* HOMES FOR SALE—-Now is the time to choose a home. We have comfortable 2-, 3- and 4-bedroom houses that we will be glad to show you. All have modern con­ veniences and several may be bought on very liberal terms.— C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter, Ont. 7-17tfc DASHWOOD —We are offering one of the better homes in Dash­ wood at a sacrifice price. This property is in the best of condi­ tion and has a nicely treed lot. This is your opportunity to pur­ chase a modern home at a low price. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter, Ont. 7-17tfc FOR SALE—75-acre farm. Barn 4 8x60. Frame house. About 60 acres of tillable land. Will sell with crop or without. Price rea­ sonable. Apply Urban Peachey, Zurich, R.R. 3. 7-17:24:8~7:14c NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE, fully modern, for sale. Waterloo and Carling Street after 6 p.m. or 307 Anne Street, 7-10tfc FAIRLY NEW one - floor small house, conveniences, insulated, easily heated. Excellent for one to three persons. Immediate pos­ session. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 7-3tfc FINE FOUR-BEDROOM home with one of the most beautifully landscaped lots in Exeter. There is a very large living room with 'fireplace. Excellent hardwood floors. Oil burner. Air condition­ er. Garage. —C. V, Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 5-22 3-BEDROOM COTTAGE, insulat­ ed, hot water furnace, 3-piece bath, kitchen modernized. Three lots, several fruit trees. Posses­ sion arranged. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman, Exeter. 4-17tfc FOR SALE—Nicely located two- or three-bedroom cottage. This home has been redecorated throughout and has bright, airy rooms. Three-piece bath. Hot air furnace. Also well built building suitable for garage or workshop. Terms. Immediate possession. — O. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 6-5tfc AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE of Household Effects and Antique Dishes The undersigned has received 1 instructions to sell by publicitructions to sell by public auction in CENTRALIA on FRIDAY, AUGUST 15 t 2 o’clock the following: 2 commodes; hall tree; 2 card­ wardrobes; 2 bedroom window blinds; 2 2 floor lamps; 4 tea kettles; hotplate; __sideboard; living room linoleum; chair; curtains; quilts, blankets, pillows; pictures guitar; 2 cL" at TWO dressers, small trunk board, linoleums kitchen stoves stand lamp; r “ i; toi- children’slet set, „..........._chairs; lamp; child’s bedchina cabinet: rockers ehairs; 2 .... ......................... round ta­ ble; "end table; drop-leaf table; day-bed; 7 doll buggy; coal oil heater; alarm clock; book case; large Bible; bed­ spread; 6 cushions; towels; bed heater; feather tick; large trunk; chemical toilet; large dresser; 2 suit cases; shoe rack; sewing machine; Quebec drop-leaf kitchen table chairs; kitchen cabinet; cupboard; ironing board; washing machine; food ; baking dishes; kinds; antique pans, shovels, .garden cord; Singer -i heater; and 6 kitchen electric grinder; of all silverware; pots, stool; brooms, carpenter tools; iron; extension wm, nv/mss, quantity of coal; bucksaw; cross cut saw; clothes horse; wash tub; drop-leaf der; screen doors; 2 era; child’s wagon; wood; adze; i_„—, chairs: 2 can; can; minus mwbv; uws*, fence stretchers; flower basket; auger; crowbar; and other arti­ cles. TERMS: Cash. HAROLD FLYNN, PROP. FRED DAWSON, CLERK FRANK TAYLOR, AUCT. dishes dishes; pails; mops; tools; scythe; cradle; table; lad- lawn mow­ quantity of chair; odd sprinkling copper wash boiler; cream rocking horse; ice tongs; rocking barrels; AUCTION SALE, of Household Furniture and Antique Articles on MAIN STREET, EXETER Propertjr of the late JAMES LAWSON on SATURDAY, AUGUST 23 1:30 p.m. Three-piece chesterfield suite; dresser; desk; Royal vacuum cleaner; floor lamp; Phonola radio; axminster rug; bed, springs, mattress; mantel clock (electric); table; 3 small stands; clock; pedestal; rug; 1 vase; bedding; pr. vases, blue; lamp; cushions ; Hotpoint electric stove; small walnut finish table; kitchen table and 6 chairs; pic­ tures; curtains; brass candle stick holders; dining room table and 6 chairs; rocking chair; arm chair; chair; stool; drapes; Leo­ nard refrigerator; cuckoo clock; white chair; rocking chair; 8 feather pillows; studio couch; electric washing machine; elec­ tric iron; wash stand and tubs; flat irons; garden hose; hall rack; ironing board; runner; table; porch glider; cellar -table; 3 porch chairs; clothes basket; bed, springs, mattress; robe; dresser; copper’ commode; barrel; mat; quantity of sealers; couch; small table; trunk; ice box; 2 rockers; roast­ ing pan; bed, springs, mattress; chairs; 2 mats; coal-oil preserv- garden 1 com- dishqp; buffalo boiler; crocks; 3 cane bottom I piano bencli; toilet set; dresser; stair carpet; 2 lamps; small aluminum ing kettle; gallon jug; tools; carpenter tools; plete dinner set; odd dishes 'of all kinds; pots, pans; hot water bottle; step ladder; lawn mower; tile; hand sleigh; quantity of lumber; crow-bar; pick axe; sprinkling can; flower pots; linoleum (kitchen); 2 car­ pet sweepers. TERMS: Cash. REAL ESTATE: At the same time thei’e will be offered for sale a 2-storey, 7-room .brick house with a 4-room cellar con­ taining an 611 furnace; and a brick garage. This property is offered, for sale subject to Terms of sale will be on day of sale and 30 days. Persons interested through house before should contact Frank PROP.: JAS. LAWSON ESTATE AUCT.: FRANK TAYLOR CLERK: FRED DAWSON reserve bid. 10 % down balance in. iu looking day of sale Taylor. AUCTION A of Household Under instructions the executors we public auction in the VILLAGE OF CREDITON Main Street on SATURDAY, AUGUST 23 at 1:30 p.m. the following: Three beds; 3 springs; 3 spring - filled mattresses, I i k. e new; 3 dressers; 3 stands; 4 rugs—9x12, 7x9, 9x8iS, and 9x- 11£; 2 toileyt sets; sewing board; 5 axminster scatter rugs; 8’ pieces woven carpet rugs; 7 rocking chairs; davenport; stu­ dio couch, nearly new; 4 table­ lamps; 1 floor lamp; 1 living room table; 5 small tables; 2 smoking stands; dining room table and 6 chairs; 1 china cab­ inet; congoleum runners; kit­ chen table and 4 chairs: sbool; Singer* sewing machine; paper- rack; cellar table; Quebec heat­ er; kitchen range; coal oil stove and oven; Easy electric -washing machine; folding ironing board; garden tools; electric toaster; 2 electric Irons; odd dishes; din­ ner set; cooking utensils and all household articles; clock; trie radio; curtains; 2 drapes; mirrors; pictures; flow Screens; hangers: "bed silverware; tub; boiler; < basket; coal and scuttle; carpet sweeper, sifter; fruit canner; per; trunks; 2-wheel ft. extension ladder, wicker settee. TERMS: Cash. Estate of the Mrs. Mary L, Eilher HERBERT K. ETLBER & MRS. GLADYS GAISER, EXECUTORS WM. H. SMITH, AtTCT., Crediton Phone 7-7W E. SMITH, CLERK SALE Furniture received from will sell at a elec­ pair win- : lamp; clothes , wood; floor mops; ash bottle cap­ trailer; 40- liko new; late 14:216