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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-08-07, Page 10
Fag©. IQ THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 7, 1952 E E T. Harry Hoffman Funeral Home • FUNERAL DIRECTOR Member of Ontario J’-unci-al Association # PRIVATE CAR AMBULANCE Holder of St. John’s Ambulance First Aid Certificate Portable Oxygen Equipment Lucan And District News s Hospital Beds to Rent Invalid Chair to Loan 2 S i s5 Flowers for All Occasions —- We Wire Anywhere 24-Hmir Service * DASHWOOD «. Telephone 70-W TIRE BARGAIN! A BRAND NEW GOOD/VeAR MARATHON BARGAINS IN OTHER SIZES TOO LESS BIG TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE on your old tires $/w in! trade In! today!a Noyes-McRann Rites At Clandeboye Church St. James Anglican Church, Clandeboye. w a s resplendent with baskets of white and pink gladioli, ferns and candelabra for the marriage of Shirley Marie Muliann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Roy MeRann, Clandeboye, to George Francis Noyes, son of Mr. and Mrs. George C. Noyes, of Denfield. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. F. Wagland and wedding music was played by Mrs. Gordon Maines. Airs. Jack Elson was the soloist. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore an ankle length gown of white lace and net over taffeta fashioned with a lace bodice which was fastened with tiny buttons from the Queen Anne collar to the waist. I The net skirt featured inserts of lace and her elbow-length veil of silk illusion was gathered to a sweetheart shaped headdress. She wore elbow-length mitts of } matching lace and carried a bouquet -of- orchids, white car nations and steph anotis. Miss Jean Simpson, maid-of- honor, wore an ankle-length strapless gown of yellow and mauve net over green taffeta with matching bolero. She car ried a bouquet of yellow roses. Groomsman for his brother was Robert Noyes and ushers were Gerald MeRann, brother of the bride, and Gerald Noyes, brother of the groom. The bride’s mother, receiving guests at Monetta Menard's restaurant, Exeter, was attired in an afternoon dress of pale blue crepe and lace with which she wore navy and pink acces sories and a corsage of pink roses. The groom’s mother chose an afternoon dress of figured riavy sheer, red and white acces sories and a corsage of red roses. The bride and groom left later for a wedding trip by motor. The bride wore a mauve linen suit with white and yellow accessories and an orchid cor sage. LOBA Services For Mrs. M. L. Dickins Mary Louisa Hodgins, wife of Alfred Dickins, of 4 Norlan Ave., London, passed away sud denly July 25 at her home in her sixty-sixth year. She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Hodgins and was born on Con, 4, Biddulph, three miles north of Lucan. She attended school at S.S. No. 2 Biddulph. She married Alfred Dickins and lived on the Dickins' homestead until 1928. Since then she had resided in London. She was a member of St. Matthew’s Church and is survived by her husband; two sons, Harold and Ivan, and four grandsons, all of London. The Rev, Canon A. A. Trum pet’, of London, conducted a brief service at the Murdy Fune ral Home, Lucan, at 2 p.m. on Monday, July 28, and a funeral service at 2:30 p.m. at St. James Church, Clandeboye, A graveside service was under the auspices of Victoria Lodge 387 of the Ladles Orange Benevolent Association, Lucan, assisted by Nellie Ryan, Senior Preceptress of the Crystal Chap ter, London, as D of C. Other lodges attending were Lange- mark 238 and Edith Cavell 285, London, Greenway 762, Wood ham 1167, and Ballymote 1084. Pallbearers were James Paton, Alanzo Phillips, Malcolm Hod gins, Heber Davis, Nelson Hod gins and Frank Dickins. $3 E L CHAFFE feft;■;Wri< &5SONS ‘.'fe <®OOD/VEAR> *>SLTIRES >£»?&.'rt,. rr?S?J. CENTRALIA '''' "1 *** folder. ^bufO IN THE KITCHEN Fresh running water at turn of the tap . . . with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM .,. get rid of Kitchen drudgery. IN THE BATHROOM Protect the health of your family . . . add to the comforts of daily living . . . modernize your home with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM. the DuRO IN THE BARN Saves LABOR and TIME watering stock with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM . . . greater PROFITS . » . besides, you have FIRE PROTECTION for your buildings. Buy the BEST... Buy a DURO Phone or visit us today for DURO Pumps and EMCO Plumbing Fixtures tings. Write for FOR SALE BY and Fit- illustrated Edo? 524 EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED Hamilton - Si. Cafharinej Toronto » Sudliury ■ Winnipeg • Vancouver Personal Items After a 12-day visit with Mrs. Irene Coursey and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ford, Robert and Ralph have returned home to Detroit. While in Lucan, Mr. Ford's mother and sister and family—Mrs. Lampman Sr„ Mr. and Mrs. Earle Lampman, Bar bara and Lillian-, Shedden, spent Sunday, July 27, with them. Misses Helen M c F a 11 s and Elaine Revington left oif*5 Thurs day for a 10-day holiday at Montreal, Quebec, and the Lau ren tians. One of the busiest spots in the village this week is the D. A. Ashworth store where a gi gantic liquidation sale is in full swing with a host of temporary clerks to serve the eager buyers. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Grose of Toronto are holidaying with Miss Lina Abbott. Mr. Ivan Hearn, Lucan’s milk man, has taken on an assistant. Master Baby Hearn arrived at St. Joseph's Hospital last Wed nesday. It is hoped he one day will catch as many flies and score as many goals as his fa ther who plays in Lucan’s ball and hockey teams. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elson and family are holidaying with Mr. 'and Mrs. T. A. Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hardy had a family picnic on Sunday. The following members of the Canada Trust Co., London, at' which Mr. Harold Dickins is em ployed, attended his mother’s funeral at Lucan on Monday— Messrs. C. O’Hara, C. F. Sed- dington, W. A. Hay, A, G. Col lier and Miss Marion Coursey. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Earle Mathers on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Johnston, John and William, of Jamestown and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Irwin of Hickson. In the evening all visit-, ed the Fenshaw Dam. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hodgins, Ward and Wayne left early on Thursday morning for a few days’ visit in Ottawa, where they will be the guests of Mr, and Mrs, C, A, Law. Miss Patricia Gowlett extends a welcome to any of her Lucan friends to her trousseau tea on Monday evening, August 11, at the home of her parents, 267 Front St., Stratford. The Orange Hall on Con. 14, London Township and the Cam eron sideroad, which for many years served the Southgate com munity, is to be dismantled. Mrs. Mary Armitage, accom panied by her brother Nat Ogden and Jean, of London, visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. William Nadigio, in Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs, William Brown ie and family and Mrs. William Brownlee Sr. spent Sunday in St. Thomas. They were guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Laverty. Mr. and Mrs, L. Lobsinger and family, of Sarnia, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wil bert Revington anil other rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Crans ton, of London, were in the village on Thursday and called on*a number of relatives and old neighbours. Miss Ruth Ann Mullins, Lon don, Miss Rowena Abbott and Wayne Carroll, of Saintsbury are visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Henry Hodgins. The Ladies’ Guild of Holy- Trinity Church are holding a tea and sale of' home cooking on the Rectory grounds, Friday, August 15. Cash Crop Club Granton Meet A splendid attendance met in the Granton Oddfellows’ Hall on Monday for the meeting of the Western Ontario Cash Crop Club. Cameron McTaggart acted as chairman and Ralph E. White was secretary. Plans were made for a field day at the Harlton and Riddell farms October 2. The following were named as a committee to be in charge of the refreshment booths: Mrs. B. Hanson, as chairman to repre sent the Women’s Institute of Granton, Mrs. K. Gunning, presi dent of the United Church Anni versary Club, Don Middleton, Junior Farmers, and Oscar Met- ters of the Revere Farm Forum. Keith Riddell was one of the speakers. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Wilkinson and son George have returned home from a holiday at Toronto, Cooksville and Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. J. Stevens, of Toronto, are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hodgins. Mrs. W. Dickens is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Morris Mc Donald, of Saintsbury. Mr. and Mrs. B. Coughlin and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Earle Young on their way home from a holiday at the lake, Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Butler, of Ingersoll, are visiting with friends in Lucan. Miss Ida Porte and Mrs. Helen Watson have returned home after a week’s visit with Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Bawden, of Toronto, and a delightful trip on Georgian Bay. Mrs. Ed McLean, of Detroit, is visiting relatives and friends around Lucan. Whalen Church Groups Hold Joint Meeting The July meetings were held on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. William Morley Jr. with 19 ladies and 12 children present. Mrs. William Hodgson presid ed over the W.M.S. opening with devotions and the scripture les son read by Mrs. William Morley Sr. Mrs. Alton Neil, Mrs. Alex Baillie and Mrs. Hodgson took part in the topic “Korea Must Live". A donation from each member was received for the training school. Mrs. William French was in charge of the W.A. Theme of the meeting was “In the Use of Opportunities", Mrs. French read the scripture. Mrs. Duffield and Mrs. F. Squire gave readings. Mrs. Ronald Squire favored with a flute solo and also accom panied the hymns. A ten-rent tea was served at the close. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. David Hodgson, Windsor, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Hodgson. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. McKinnon and family of Guelph were week end visitors With Mr, and Mrs. Grafton Squire. Mrs. Marjorie Langford and Carol Anne of St. Marys also visited on Sunday with them. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Davis, Tor onto, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Morley. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Johnson of Regina are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Thompson. Angela O’Brien is holidaying at Port Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. James Gardiner and family of London have come to reside in the former Millson home, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkin son, Glenn and Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Melleville Gunning and Muriel also Mr. Wilfred Herbert were at Lakeside on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Roster of St. Marys visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Klhare, Mr. and Mrs. De Smit, Gran ton, visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. O’Brien. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson at tended the Ferguson reunion at Springhank on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Switzer, Mr. Andrew Sutherland, Mr. and Mrs. John Sutherland and Mrs. Margaret Sutherland of Mitchell visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baillie. Kathleen Morley holidayed last week with Mr. and Mrs. William Morley Sr. and Elva. Highest Prices Paid FOR POULTRY ALL TYPES — ANY AMOUNT Weighed on Your Sealey at Your Poor Riverside Poultry Co, 1236 TRAFALGAR ST., LONDON London 7-123Q Phone Collect 68Q-r-2 Hensall J Announcement MR. GLENN FISHER washes to announce that he has purchased the hardware business formerly owned by Mr. George Hawkins, It will now be known as FISHER’S HARDWARE Fisher’s Hardware will continue to give the good people of this community the excellent service and high value which they have received for so many years from Mr, Hawkins. You are cordially invited to visit Fisher's Hard ware at any time. We are specializing in all types of glass cutting and finishing for car and house win dows, furniture tops, mirrors, etc. We carry a full stock of Moore’s paint and a general line of hard ware, Brock, F r e <1 H u n t e r; young ladies race, Donna Mills; married ladies race, Myrtle Brock, Jean Miller; married men’s race, Nor man Brock; kick-tlie-slipper, ladies, Doris Brock, men, Duff Mills; three-legged race, Donna ^Mills and Elizabeth Hunter; grandmothers race, Willa Brock; grandfathers race, Roy Brock; balloon race, Verna Johns; bean bag race, Cecil Brock’,s side; water race, Harold Hern’s side; crazy contest, Harold Hern’s side. The oldest person present was Mrs. Mary Ann Brock, and the youngest person was Brian Miller. The person who came the greatest distance was Marion Penwarden. Winner of the bean guessing contest was Donna Mills. u Mr. and Mrs. Michael Horsy, of London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brock. Miss Marion Brock spent the weekend at Grand Bend, ZION Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen and Donald visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Earl, Mr. and Mrs, Warren Brock spent Sunday at Ipperwash. Mrs. Sugden spent a few days with Mrs. Webb in Nissiouri last week. Mr. Bob McCormick spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern and Keith. Mr. and Mrs, Melville Gun ning and Muriel and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jacques spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Earl. Richard and Linda Westcott spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam .Hern. Mrs. Cliff Salmon and girls, oi Dashwood,- spent Tuesday of last week with Mrs. Tom Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Snell and Billie, of Grimsby, spent the weekend with the latter's pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Hern. Mrs. Jessie Dykeman, of Galt, Visited in the community with Mrs. Wellington Brock and Mrs. Harold Hern. Miss Alma Hern spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Salmon and then spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Niksch. of Gary, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. W e 11 i n gt o n Brock and Tom and Mr, and Mrs. Jim Rowcliffe, of London, spent Sunday in Goderich.Miss Ruthann Salmon, of Dashwood, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs, Tom Hern. Miss Marjorie Dykeman, of Galt, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Jud Dykeman. Reunion- The Brock, Skinner and Routly reunion was held on July 23 at Gibbons Park, London. A good crowd of 50 attended. The sports started at 3 o’clock under the direction of Marion and Tom Brock. Races: Rive nd under. Gillie Brock, Doris Mills; eight and under, Margaret Brock, Betty Duffield; 12 and tinder, Doris g|—iIWIiW.IIM.l—...................... ■ I.............. ............ Mfll years underground. Tapered joints prevent the leaks, keep out the roots, no-co-rode’s tough materials don’t crack of break when soil settles. Buy no-co-rode root-proof pipe for lifetime house-to-sewer or house-to-septic tank connections, downspouts and other under ground non-pressure uses. For septic tank filter beds, foundation footing drains, farm drainage, irrigation, ask us about no-co-rode Perforated Pipe. Exeter Branch:____________ C. E. SHAW, Manager Centralia (Sub-Agency): Open Mon, Wed. & Eri. Grand Bend-(Sub-Agency): Open Tuesday & Thursday Credition Branch: CHARLES PARKINSON, Manager (Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) Dashwood (Sub-Agency): Open Mon. Wed. & Erl. Hensail Branch: WALTER JARRETT, Manager TO A MIllIOM CMADIMi i a I r GIVING you & Talk over »F ■ofit-rnaking with your B of M fflana8“l^oth t0Ugh t0W’ Bank of Montreal