HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-07-24, Page 11Clandeboye W.I Honors Club Girls With the number of gifts pre­ sented at the July meeting of the dandeboye Women’s Insti­ tute it resembled a Christmas meeting rathex* than a July one. The Club Girls and forks were Jackie Williams, Mary Tomes and Dorothy Ann Lewis for receiving county hon­ or! second course honors, For Well Lressed and Well Groomed” course, spoons were presented to Gwenneth Tomes, Joan Murless, Beth McRann, Marie Carter, : ningham and son, Mrs. Rupert assistant, Mrs. were in appreciation of their work, The program fox* the meeting at which 21 members attended, was; Scripture lesson read by .Mrs. Murray Thompson; roll call answered by a sewing hint; the motto, "Be Yourself”, by Mrs. Rupert Williams; music by Mar­ lene Thompson, and a skit by the Club Girls. Janet Scott received the fork for completing a since receiving her county completing the “Beiug Elaine Hodgins, Betty Anne Cun- Mar lene Thomp- Williams and her Murray Lewis, also presented with gifts MUGGS'AND skeeterv.U. :$♦ P’fff.tfH OIW*. were guests presented to Janet Scott, THE TIMES-AJDVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 24, 1952 Mr. and Mrs. R. Drennan and family have returned home after a week's visit at Parry Sound, Zw0e'"|T BY WALLY BISHOP T CAN'T TELL WMETHER. On Kirldon Program Terry Culbetrt, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Culbert, a fourth grade pupil of the Lucan Public School, was the only Lucanite who succeeded in "' get­ ting on the program at the big garden party at Kirkton last Wednesday, audience of Muriel Donaldson, junior Lucan, teacher, accompanied. Though Terry won no -major prize, he received a dollar, experience, and. a thrill. He sang to over 3(100. an. Mrs, Lucan And District News Former Lucan Doctor Injured By Patient Dr. C. B. Ross, administrative superintendent a t Qravenhurst Sanatorium, (and an old Lucan boy), was attacked recently by an elderly patient who went ber­ serk, An orderly was in the pa­ tient’s room when Dr. Ross en­ tered. The patient had an "imagin­ ary grievance’’. He seized a straight razor from* under his pillow and made a swipe at Dr. Ross’’ throat. A few stitches were required to close the in­ jury. W WXZ TIP3 )] E Lucan’s Latest After the development in Lucan in the past five years, its citizens feel they can be opti­ mistic about the future. Since 1947, 35 new homes have been built, water works installed, an organ factory es­ tablished and the Lucan munity Centre opened. Latest addition is at elevator plant of Erwin and Sons. Fair concrete storage bins of the latest type have been added to their storage facilities and an addition to the main buildings is being completed. Trucks loaded with bulk grain can be weighed and dump­ ed in a matter of minutes with the new equipment which in­ cludes machinery for fast clean­ ing and elevating. Plans now call for a dryer. The increase in the number of combines on dis­ trict farms has prompted the elevator expansion. Combines speeded the harvest but there were delays at the elevator, making it necessary for farmers to store grain, on their own farms. The new”equipment also makes it possible for farmers to deliver grain to the elevator the same day it is harvested. Mr. Scott says if necessary the elevator will remain open at night during delaythe harvest to avoid any in receiving the grain. Com- the Scott All Passengers = Fully Insured | Day and Night Call = 357 or 545-r-3 | Town Trips Only 250 | ?hiininniiuiiiiiiiniinniiniinniiinn......min ........ . ■for Speed and Comfort- was much cheering the Rev-j-J. F. Wagland, Hovey and Jack Murdy home runs. Results of are as follows: 3 Eneter Salvage Co. Phone 423 FOR SALE We specialize in the follow­ ing used items: Railroad iron, angle iron, all sizes? cables, all lengths and thick­ nesses; chains, all sizes and thicknesses; wheels, all sizes, all kinds. Used tires. Eye beams and all other beams; flat iron, plates, steel, all sizes and thick­ nesses. Pick Ideal Weather For Anglican Picnic The weatherman most kindly granted a perfect day on Wed­ nesday July 16 for for the Holy Trinity Anglican ’ picnic which was held at Springbank. * Among the 30 adults who were .able to attend, was Mrs. Ashworth who .from her chair, enjoyed all the sports, which began and ended in a ball game. It was an extra thrill to the children to have the adults play­ ing with them. There when Mr. made races Four and under, Larry Lewis, Eryan Smith, Tommy Hardy; five and six, Ken Genttner, Bob Hardy, Norma Wilkinson, Arthur Leslie; eight and nine, Frank Egan, Rose Marie Wilkinson; 10 and 11, Frank Hardy, Gary Elson, Anne Marie Murdy; 12 and over, Mary, Kenny and Frank Hardy. Wheelbarrow race, Frank Egan and Tommy Ryan; one- legged race, Gladys Bond, Bobby Young; feather race, Nancy Has­ kett; balloon bursting, Frank Egan; baseball throw, Margaret Culbert, Bob Young. Spaghetti eating race, Mrs. C. Haskett, Loreen Hodgins; sealer ring race, Ann ’ Marie Murdy, Helen Hardy; girls’ backward race, Alice Ryan; bean race, Mrs. Harvey Hodgins and Mrs. A. Mathers. All six-year-olds were award­ ed a balloon in the tire roll. While the lunch was being prepared the little folks visited | the various attractions and spent their money. Altogether it was a most happy picnic. | WE BUY | = New and used feathers and | = feather ticks, scrap iron— = | top prices paid. | ^niinniiiiiiniiiiininnnnniiiniiiiniiiiiiniiiiinnnn><' • Portable Arc welding O Acetylene Welding • • Steel Fabrication • • Macliine Work • • Grinding • Mission Band Meets With Granton W.M.S. Mrs. Charles Cole, of London, was guest speaker at the Gran­ ton United Church July meeting of the W.M.S. She gave a flannelgraph address on the 23 Psalm. Mrs. Austin Hobbs, the presi­ dent, presided. The Mission Band were guests. The program was led by Amelia Westman and was as follows: Scripture, Patsy Par­ nell; reading, Garry Levine; piano solo, Norma Elston; ing, C li r Ts t i n a Wissel Dorothy Newby Hodgson. Three numbers by members of the Mission Band, led by Mrs. Wilmer Harlton, were much en­ joyed. The North W.M.S. Circle •were in charge of the refresh­ ments which followed. read- solo, reading, Leona Marshall & Murray Machine Shop EXETER ONTARIO if Mr. and Mrs. Albert Middle­ ton and family are now living in Mrs. Pearl Murdy's apartment on Alice Street. Mi’s. Irene Coursey and Mr. and Mrs. arid family spent Sunday at Ft. Frank, On the way home the adult members of the party stop­ ped off at Parkhill and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jennings for tea and family Fred Ford Personal Items Mrs. Harvey Hodgins and Mrs. Will McFalls, of Alice St., has a most enjoyable motor trip last Thursday, going first to Long Point park on Lake Erie, and then to see reforestation at St. Williams. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Jarvie, of Windsor, spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Don Beving­ ton. Mrs. Muriel Donaldson assist­ ed her aunt, Mrs. Dan Lewis, at the Vacation School in Ailsa Craig last week. Mr, and Mrs. William Killam (nee Verna Banting) are home from their honeymoon and are getting settled in their new home on William Though Lucan get the brunt storm, yet just village on concession two, Mc­ Gillivray, high winds broke off hydro poles and blacked out the area for more than two hours. Mrs. Howard Kew and two small boys have returned aftei- a lengthy visit with friends and relatives. Many Lucan relatives friends extend congratulations and best wishes to Miss Betty Jean Hobbs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hobbs, Thorndale, in her position as teacher of S.S. 15, London Town­ ship. Rev. and Mrs. T. Jackson, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Aylestock this past week. Michael Murdy, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murdy, has been on the sick list for the Ia3t two weeks and had to. miss Sun­ day School. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Simpson and family, of Peterboro, visited the former’s mother, Mrs. Joe Simpson, last week. Barley will probably be the main crop this yeai- as a great many farmers in this district have sowed contract barley. Mr. and Mrs. A. Mathers and daughter Linda spent last Sun­ day in Parkhill the guests of Mr. Mather’s father, Mr. Elby Math­ ers. Mrs, M. Lamond and Malcolm, of Cromarty, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Warner McRoberts on Sunday. Mrs. Jack Murdy’s group will be hostesses for the July meet­ ing of Holy Trinity Guild to be held in the Parish Hall Monday, July 28 at 8 p.m. Kenneth Hardy, son of Mr. Hardy, had fall off a break an arm. Frank Egan is laid up with an infected foot, the result of stepping on a nail last Thurs­ day. ’Frank, who is a most regular attendant at Sunday School felt very badly at being unable to attend on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clugston and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Drennan. Mr. and Mrs. Warner Mc­ Roberts attended the funeral of Mrs. Sarah Florence McRoberts at the Colborne United Church, London, last Tuesday. Mr. Frank Hovey, Wash, end. Mr. family, of Detroit, are spending a week ‘ *“ Coursey. Carol and Wayne Welbourn, children - -- bourn, of London, spent a few days with their'* aunt, Mrs. Sheridan Revington, returning home with their mother Sunday night. They all spent Sunday at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. John Blair and Mrs. Annie Fairless accompanied Mr, and Mrs. Alice Hodgins to the O’Neil picnic and fowl din­ ner on Sunday. This year it was held at the home of Mr. Don McLeod at Shedden. Forty­ eight sat down to dinner. Mr. Sheridan Revington and "Millie Brook” are in Boston. Already the latter has won one race. Mrs. William Sceli of Alice Street has returned home after a week’s visit with her niece, Mrs. Frayne, of St. Marys, her son, Mr, Gordon Peacock at Prospect Hill and her step-son, Mr. Stewart Sceli, Con. 16? Lon­ don Township. Terry Culbert ,son of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Culbert, is .holidaying in London with his grand­ mother, Mrs. G. Patrick. Mr. and Mrs, Clarke Richard­ son and family, of Mt, Forest, and Marilyn Thompson, small daughter of Mi*, and Mrs. Ogle Thompson, of London, 'are visit­ ing with Mr. Eli Thompson. Mrs. Wes Revington spent two days last week with her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Tom Hepburn, in Lon­ don, Last Thursday ey’s niece, Mrs. and sou, Harold, called to see him in their St,, London, itself did not of Thursday’s north of the home Delhi and of four-year-old and Mrs. Norman the misfortune to rocking chair and was and home for of Ipper- the week- Mrs. Fred Ford and or two with Mrs. Irene -A _ of Mrs.Harry Wei- .« Mr, John Cas- Violet Const, and his wife, CLANDEBOYE Ninetieth Birthday Celebrated Mrs, Joseph Armitage cele­ brated her ninetieth birthday on Thursday, July 17, ' __ granddaughter, Mrs. H e r m a n Langford, with whom she re­ sides, invited friends and neigh­ bors to a surprise party in the afternoon. The table, covered with lace cloth and centred with a gaily decorated pink and white cake, made an attractive setting when refreshments were served. Guests were Mrs. J. Ritchie, Mrs. S. Mc­ Williams, Mrs. J. Harrison, Mrs. Fred Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. ham, Mrs. 0. Cunningham, Cunningham,* Mrs. J. Mrs. E. Kennedy, Mrs. and Mrs. Ernie Lewis. In the evening Mr. Ross Langford and children of Woodham, qnd Mr. Lance and Clifford Cobleigh called. Mrs. Armitage, the Ellen Carter, daughter late Mr, and Mrs. James was one of a family of 11 born on the second concession of Mc­ Gillivray Township, on July 17, 1862, where she lived till 1894 when she married Joseph Armi­ tage, one of a family of twelve. They lived on the second con­ cession of Biddulph Township. Upon leaving the farm they moved to the village of Claude- boye, where Mr. Armitage was caretaker of St. James’ Cemetery for many years. He passed away in 1940. She has one daughter, Mrs. Pearl Cobleigh, London, five grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren; also one sister, Mrs. J. Davies, of London. Mrs. Armitage received many gifts and best wishes. She is a member of St. James' Church, Clandeboye. Edward Haslip Mr. Edward Haslip, aged 78, died in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. Funeral ducted by the D. J. Sarnia, took place in Lakeview Ceme­ tery^ Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. M. G. Glenn, of Sarnia, and two sons, James Haslip, of Port Huron, and Wilfred, of Point Edward. His wife predeceased him in 1948. The deceased was a former employee of the Canadian Na­ tional Railways, Sarnia. He had made his home with Mrs. Ray­ craft for about a year. Baptismal Service On Sunday afternoon at St. James' Church, the Rev. F. J. Wagland administered the sacra­ ment of holy baptism to Joseph Eugene, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack 'Simpson (sponsors were Mrs. Joe Simpson, Mr. Wilfred Simpson of Peterborough and Mr. Lyle Simpson of Exeter); also to Donald Gerald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morgan (sponsors, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Morgan). Personal Items The parochial committee of St. James’ Church have an­ nounced that the annual mem­ orial services and decoration of graves of -St. James’ church yard will be on Sunday, August 3, at 3 p.m.Mrs. Marjorie Dawson and son, Michael, and daughter, Mrs. Florence Nixon, and. also grand­ daughter, Marjorie Nixon, of York, England, left on Wednes­ day after spending some time with their cousin, Mrs. L. A. Kilmer, and Mrs. Kilmer. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred iSimpson and family of Peterborough are spending a week with Mrs. Joe Simpson and family. . Mr. and Mrs. Rea Neil spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. Fletcher, near Wallaceburg. Sandra Williams returned home on Wednesday after visit­ ing Mr. Sarnia. Mrs. Richard visited Mr kinson on Thursday. We are sorry to Mr. Martin O’Lwyer in St. Joseph’s Hospital, don, following an accident on Friday when he suffered a double fracture of one leg. The team was hitched to the manure spreader and in some way turn­ ed and caused the accident. We wish him a speedy recovery. We wish Mrs. Gordon Cun­ ningham a, speedy recovery. She is a patient in Victoria Hospital, where she underwent an opera­ tion on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown, of Manitoba, visited Sunday with Mrs. E. Tomes and family. when her Simpson, Mrs. E. Tomes, M. Jones, Mrs. T. Collins, Will Lewis, Mrs. E. Collins, A, Hendrie, Mrs. G. Carter, A. 'Carter, Mrs. A. Cunning- Miss Verna Cunningham 0. -Mrs. W* Darling, J. Paton and Mrs. former of the Carter, Mervin Carter has pur­ chased a White threshing machine. Mr. Carl Bice has purchased a new Allis Chalmers combine. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lang­ ford and family spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs, Laverne Cobleigh in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Pfeifer and Mr. and Mrs. L, Pfeifer and son, 5, H. Just a reminder to all WX members to be at the Public School grounds, with their bas­ kets, on Thursday, July 31 for the big W.I. picnic. ^vfiiiiuiiiiiiiMiiiiKiiKiinoKiiu......nnBuininiiMinnHininnniiiuniinninHiniitininninntintiiiwinnnnutHKiti^ For Sale S i S services were con- the Rev. Bell from Robb Funeral Home, on Tuesday. Interment and Mrs. .Tack Williams, Lizzie Bene Atkinson, i and Mrs. i and Mrs, Of London, Ceafur At- report that is a patient Lon- Donald, of Mitchell, R.R. called on Mr. and Mrs. J. Patou on Sunday, Mrs. Karl O’Neil, with her sister, Mrs. S. King, of Crediton, made a trip to North Bay over the weekend. Miss Shirley Lickenson, daugh­ ter, of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Lickenson, R.R. 4 Lenfield, a graduate of Medway and Lon­ don Normal, will teach in No. 7 South McGillivray. Lickenson was active in the Club work. Needlecraft, dancing and reading are hobbies. 5PEEDY s 3 * PEDDLAR STEEL ROOFING All length of sheets from 6’ to 10* FLEURY-BISSELL FARM IMPLEMENTS . . . . DISCS, PLOUGHS, LAND PACKERS, TELLERS, CULTIVATORS FIELD TILE All sizes amounts for delivery, 4” to 14", from stock, small or orders for truck loads delivered. 2 3 3 3 E 3 s 5 2 2 i E S.S. Miss Glee square her 3 LUCAN Scoffs Elevator PHONE O HASKETT MOTORS M YE5.WE HAVE WRECKER SERVICE AS A MATTER OF FACT !.^st •wHCMI WHERES CAR’HASKETT MOTORS LTD have the FASTEST 7 AND SAFEST wrecker service IN THE CITY. GOOD. THEN I'VE 60T A JOB FOR YOU, SPEEDY . WHAT? OH, „ * WHERE AM X?” I'M AT THE DOWNTOWN i YOUR ANO BY THE WAY. SPEEDY- t THINK I’UU HAVE MY -----YES ADJUSTED LIKE YOU _SUC»<SE5TED UA5T WEEK 1 Used Cars For Sale Sedan .......... $495 Ml Three-Ton GMC ’46 Half-Ton Studebaker $525 You’re always ready for harvest time with a Massey-Harris Combine Conditions at harvest time for taking off the crop may be good or bad according to the action of the weather. But when you are mech­ anized with up-to-date combine equipment you’re ready to go when the crop is right in good weather and you can make the most of any favorable conditions during the difficult seasons. Combine harvest­ ing is the easy, low-cost modern way to harvest under normal conditions and in many tough years the combine method has saved the day for farmers. A modern combine, too, simplifies the harvest labor problem— many farmers handle their crop with little or no extra help at harvest time. • • j For years Massey-Harris combines have been noted for their outstanding ability—your Massey-Harris local dealer will be glad to give you full details about the latest models. MASSEY-HARRIS COMPANY, LIMITED Makers of high-quality farm implements since 1847