HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-07-24, Page 10Pag« 10 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 24, 1952 ZION Mr. and Mrs. Everett Beecham and family of Landon visited on Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs Milton Brock. Mr and Mrs. Orvillu Bogers and family of Kirkton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eph- Ham Hern. Mrs Angus Earl underwent an rner.itinn for appendicitis on Sunday morning. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr and Mrs. Ross Hern visit­ ed nr mud St. Thomas with Mrs. Lila Knowles and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Elions on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern and hoys visited with Mrs. Louisa Kyle, an Sunday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. Tom Hern. Mur­ iel and Alma, Mrs. Harold Hern. Marion, Doris and Doreen Brock attended Jeanne Hern’s wedding in London on Saturday at which Mr Harry Hern was soloist. Mr. Peter Dykeman. Diane and Susan Dykeman of Galt visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Jud Dykeman. Mr and Mrs. Thomas Dickin­ son ind family of Penfield. Mr. md Mrs. Edwin Miller and Brian of Thames Road spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs Warren Brook. Miss Phyllis Hern of London spent rhe weekend with her par- sn s, Mr and Mrs. Ward Hern. Contracts Aire Let For Tuckersmith j T h e Tuekersmith Township School Area Board met it S.S. 4 last T u e s d a y . with chairman Howard Johns, Norman McLean, and Wilfred Coleman present. The board renewed the bus con­ tract with R. Seott Habkirk, Seaforth, to transport pupils from the. various area schools attending home economies and manual training classes in Sea­ forth, at the same price. Tenders were opened for paint­ ing the outside of S.S. 9. Bids were received from W. Pratt, G. Hildebrand. L. T. Bailey, and R. E. Sliaddick. That of Mr. Bailey, quoting a price of $165, was ac­ cepted. The aboard approved the borrowing of’ ? 2.850 from the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Seaforth, against bonds held by the board. The building j)f an entrance porch to S.S. 5 was j also approved. Mr mi Mrs. Joe Bailey and 3er.*v »f Winclielsea spent Sun- lay ■‘••■niiiii’ with Mr. and Mrs. Norm m Br^>-k. Mrs Lena Brock of Thorndale spent i few days with Mrs. War- rm -k last week. Plan New Dams Among the work scheduled this year by the Upper Thames Conservation Authority is a dam at Kirkton. It will be part of the small dam program of the Authority. Othei* dams will be built at Harrington, Shakespeare a n d Centreville. Lots of wives turn the handle when their husbands* noses are against the grindstone. I ■. Not Tuesday I Not Wednesday Monday Is The Day Start the week out right;, Mr. Merchant I Monday morning is a good time to line up your sales message : for The Times-Advocate. The habit pays dividends, I too. You’ll telling be telling over 8,000 readers about your merchandise. I Bothered With Flies? JWina Dairy Spray is doing; a bang-up job for many farmers. Harold Hern of Usborne says: ’‘Mv hog pens and dairy barn have nevei* had fewyr flies since 1 .prayed with Purina. My buildings have been sprayed about a month and the flies still leave the rows at the barn door. Purina is the best spray I have aver used.” Some other farmers who have used Purina Spray with ■‘•he same results are George Bailey, of Usborne; Harry Klhare, of Blanshard; William Heather, of Blanshard; Harry Beaver, of Usborne; Wellington 3rox*k, if Usborne: Ivan Stewart, of Usborne. The Cost Is Small! I I II Don’t Forget I! We have a pressure sprayer we wiH Wan you to do the job. Robert Hera of Usborae as do­ ling oar custom spraying,. Farmers!! Check Your Granaries FOR WEAVEL NOW I! I Spraying your granaries now with Purina Insect Oil will destroy any weavel living in the cracks and -irevice-, of your bins and will protect yxur grain igainst damage later in the season. What Purina insect Oil Will Do When Used Right L KOls or repels mites^ ticks, weavel, etc., which liv • in cracks and crevices in granaries, poultry houses and shelters, hog pens, etc. One applica­ tion is enough, Penetrates deeply into wood and discourages at­ tacks by termites, Rats and mice leave wood, alone after it has been treated. X Preserves wood against rot, Ideal for painting shingles. THIS PRODUCT SHOULD BE ON EVERY FARM .ASK FOR OUR SPRAYERS TO DO THE JOB Cann’s Mill Ltd. EXETER WHALEN CORNERS THE OLD HOME TOWN By STANLEY Lucan And District News Attending Camp The following Lueanites will be attending Bimimi Camp near Stratford from Wednesday, July 23, to July 30: Beverly Butler, Helen Hardy, Anne Marie Mur- dy and Margaret Culbert. They will be accompanied by Counsellors Joan McLean and Mrs. Muriel Donaldson. Counsel­ lor Iva Hodgins will just be there for the opening day. This junior girls’ camp is sponsored by the Middlesex Pres­ bytery of the United Church. Dives Into Gravel Pitz Boy Injures Head Danny Parkinson, 12-year-old prize winning swimmer, of R.R. 4 Denfield, was injured in a div­ ing mishap in a gravel pit east of Clarke sideroad and north of Hamilton Rd. He wras rescued by Albert J. Brown and Jack Brown, of R.R. 8 London, who jumped into the pool and brought the hoy to shore. Danny had been visiting Iris grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dougan. He was taken to War Memorial Children's Hos­ pital for X-rays. Attendants said the lad had a head cut and com­ plained of a pain in his back and was suffering from shock. Police are investigating. At Toronto Wedding The following friends and re­ latives of Miss Joyce Gertrude Ward, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ward, attended her wed­ ding in Earlescourt Chui’ch, Tor­ onto, at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, July 19, when she became the bride of Mr. Jeffery Parson: Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McFalls, Mr. Earle Haskett, Miss Doris Weir, hex* grandfather, Mr. Lou Weir, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weir and family of Woodstock, and Miss Dorothy Pring of London. Miss Marilyn Ferguson was one of the bridesmaids and little Sharyn Weir, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weir, was flower girl. Personal Items Mrs. Earle Young had a fam­ ily gathering Saturday night to celebrate her birthday. Mrs. Fred McLean, after be­ ing home a week, had to be taken back to the hospital again. Mrs. Art McLean, of Lon­ don, was with hex- during her short stay in Lucan. Mr. Charlie Haggar has re­ turned to the Post Office after a three-week vacation. Mrs. Wind­ sor will continue relieving until Mrs. Reilly returns from hex* holidays. Mr. Ivan Hearn, president of the Chamber of Commerce, call­ ed a meeting last Thursday to appoint committees to make ar­ rangements fox- a big Boostex* Night this fall. Mr. George Paul, who spent the last three weeks with his parents at Lachute, Que., has re­ turned, and Mrs. Paul is now on her three week’s vacation at Brownsburg, Que. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murray and Delores spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Murray. Mrs. Edgar McFalls and Mrs. Harry Ferguson and daughter Marilyn attended the trousseau tea in Toronto given in hoixox* of Miss Joyce Gertrude Ward on Saturday, July 12. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Revington Rose, Anne and Mrs. Simpson spent Sunday at Bright’s Grove, the guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. O. Lovie. Mi’s. William Brownlee Sr., who has been making her home in Toronto is making a lengthy visit with Mr. and Mrs. William Brownlee. She will be 96 in January and is in the best of health. Miss Jane Elizabeth Corbett has arrived home from St. Jo­ seph’s Hospital and has taken up abode with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Corbett, where it is hoped she will enjoy many years of happiness. Mr, and Mrs, Oscar Hodgins are making preparations to move to theii’ new home on Con. 16, London. Mr, and Mrs. G, A. Piggott, of Winnipeg, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dailey, of Melville, Sask., are visiting their aunt, Mrs. George Bawden. Car Accident The curve at Clandeboye was the scene of another weekend accident. Admitted to St. Jo­ seph’s Hospital were Charles Bondy, 58, abrasions and shock, and Howard Herd, 32, face and scalp injuries. Both men are from Wingham. When their car went out of con­ trol taking the curve it clipped off a telephone pole causing $100 damage to the car. The injured men were treated at the scene by Dr. C. H. George, of Lucan, and taken to London by the Murdy ambulance of Lucan. Attend Lodge Meeting The following members of Irving Lodge, Lucan, attended a Grand Lodge meeting at the Northern Vacation School, To­ ronto, last Wednesday: Messrs. Clarence Haskett, Murray Hod­ gins, Harold Corbett, Alex Young, George Paul, Don Chown, Ward Hodgins, Morris Simpson and John Thompson, At this meeting Worshipped Brother John Adamson, Strat­ ford, was elected District Deputy for the South Huron District. Lucan Wins 7-6 Over St. Paul’s The fans who witnessed the second game in tlxe Thames Valley Baseball League in Lucan on July 15 got their money’s worth. They saw Ernie Bond get a double in the ninth to win the game for Lucan ovei- St. Paul’s with a score of 7-6. Bob Watson’s hoxxier in the seventh also thrilled the Lucan fans. The series is now tied 1-1. The deciding game, scheduled for last Friday was postponed on account of rain. This was an asset for Lucan as Fred Reving- ton was injured in the last game. The team hopes by the time the weather settles Fred will have recovered sufficiently to play, as he has been their star pitcher throughout the series. However, win or lose, Lueanites are proud of their Junior team. Many wonder if the secret of their success does not lie in the fact the team is comprised of all Lucan boys of the same stock that made the old Irish Nine famous. As for the girls’ team, cupid and movings have scattered the senior team from here to Nova Scotia, but the makings of a new team is springing up from our Public School. Lucan fans are proud of these spunky little go-getters who, like banty roost­ ers, have the colossal nerve and grit to stand up against the mature girls of the league, many years their senior. Several of Lucan’s team are still only 11 I and 12 years of age. I ________________________ Personal Items Mrs. Don Anker and daughter Linda are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Don Revington and two small sons are holiday­ ing in Detroit with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Walker. Mrs. Will Saunders and three children of London called on Mrs. Saunder’s aunt, Mrs. John Blair, on Monday, Miss Elaine Revington spent the weekend at the home of her prents, Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Revington. Members of Holy Trinity Church, Lucan, are invited to attend Holy Communion at 10 o'clock on Friday, July 25 at St. James Church, Clandeboye, in remembrance of St. James. Mr, and Mrs. Joe Horne have returned to Lucan after theii* trip to Portage La Prairie. It is hoped they will decide to remain in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grose and family visited Mr. and Mrs. William Gi'ose at Edgewood on Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs, C, Magoffin and [ family spent Sunday in Wood- stock, the guests of Mrs. Magof­ fin’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Pyatt. I Two old Lueanites, Reg. Hunn, of Port Huron, and Ed. | Ferguson, of Aylmer, called on Mr. John Casey, this past Week. Msthsw Thomson Dies In Usborne Mr. Mathew Thomson, 84, passed away Monday, July 14, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. William Lamport, Usborne Township, after a lengthy ill­ ness. Except for two years spent, in Scotland, he lived his entire life in this community, having passed away on the farm where he was born. He was a member of Thames Road United Church. Fifty-four years ago he married Annie Mil­ ler, who survives with his daugh­ ter, a son, John, of ^arnia, four grandchildren, and one brother, John, of Lucan. Funeral 'services were held from the home of Mrs, Lamport on Thursday, July 17, at 2:30 p.m, conducted by Rev. Moores with interment in Staff a Ceme­ tery. The pallbearers were his six nephews—’William Thomson, Les­ lie Thomson, George Thomson, William Stone, Ed Stone and Roy McDonald. BRINSLEY The Trevethick; reunion was held on Sunday last at Garnet Trevethick’s home, St. Thomas, In honox* of Mrs. Wesley Hodg­ son (nee Olive Trevethick), of Dewberry, Alta, Mrs, Karl Pickering had the misfortune to fall while picking cherries, breaking her arm. She has been a patient at St. Jo­ seph’s Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Hong­ singer, of Toronto, visited re­ cently with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Watson. Master Douglas Watson, who has been at Ippevwash Camp, spent the weekend with his pa­ rents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wat­ son. Miss Helen Lewis, of London, spent the weekend at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Morley and babe dined Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morley. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Meen, of Toronto, and Miss May Pierce, of Montreal, visited recently with Mrs. Gertie Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hodgson and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lewis spent a few days in Northern Ontario. Mrs. Jennie Kennedy, of St. Marys,, is spending some time with Mr, and Mrs. Wes Watson, Mr.. William Hodgins and Alex spent Sunday with the for­ mer’s daughter,, Mrs. Sarah Needham, of Ilderton. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dorman of Ailsa Craig, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Hodgson, of Dewberry, Alta., and Gordoni of Edmonton, visited recently with relatives in Detroit, Dear­ born and Grand Rapids, Mich, CREDITON EAST Gerald and Geraldine Sims, children of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Sims, had their tonsils removed in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, last week. , Mrs. Rachael Sims, of Exeter, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Neil. Miss Marcia MacDonald, of Exetei*, holidayed with her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Sam Baynham, last week. Mr. Everett Sims and Miss Agnes Cutting, of Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Sims. Master Jimmie Darling, of Exeter, holidayed with his grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Motz, last week. Have You Seem The Lions Dream Home?* 411IIII11111•II o 1iI11 < s l is i 11 Ul I 1 11 It in I» 1 I I • HI 1111 in 11I111 f 111,1I111 ■ | ,1 >111111111II11111 I II1111111III II HillI It I«Mini IMMU M II< I«l» I IQFD CARS | • 1018 CHEV SEDAN, lovely condition, black | = > 1937 PONTIAC SEDAN, thoroughly reconditioned, | j new paint and good tires. | | f 1931 Ford Coupe, new paint. = | These Cars Are Ready for the Road | 1 IE, L. Chaffe & Sons I J YOUR FRIENDLY RELIANCE DEALER | I Phone 548 Exeter Devon Corners = ''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiuiuiHuniuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiunniiiiiiHiiiiiiliuiiiitiilliionMi'-’ ■—-----------,---,-------------------- -------------------------- ----M Giant SLIP COVER SALE Continues At Canadian Auto Stores, Lucan THIS WEEK’S SPECIALS Fifty-Foot Rubber Garden Hose .................. $4.95 Electric Fence Batteries ....................................... $4.50 WE SELL FOR LESS Phone 60-W Lucan .iw———...................... Be sure your car 13 safe before you start your holiday trip. Let your local garage check brakes, lights, tires and steering system. Then play It smart—drive extra carefully, besides. Be Careful—the life you save may be your own J Sponsored in the interest of your safety by Exeter Motor Sales Telephone 200 - FRED DOBBS - Nights 684-W ....................... -.■■■..- .........-...-... -..—m The JOHN DEERE Model' M” Offers You Compare all the features that add up to top tractor performance ... to real tractor satis­ faction, and you‘11 agree—-the John Deete Model ”M” offers you more for your tractor dollar. Consider its extra lugging ability ... its complete line of Quik-Tatch tools and four working speeds to handle every job . . . the operating and maintenance economy that is yOurS through John Deere two-cylinder en­ gine design. Consider such ease of operation advantages as 3?ouch-o-matic hydraulic con­ trol of equipment, adjustable air-cushion seat and adjustable steering wheel... the time you save by handling all daily servicing from one; side of the tractor . . . the long life assured by John Deere quality construction. Feattire for feature ... value for value >.. you can’t beat a Johti Deere Model "M” Tractor, See us about a Model “M” .,. soon! W. G. Simmons & Sons EXETER GODERICH z