HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-07-24, Page 9TOE T1MES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THUR3PAY MORNING, JULY M ,1« BILANSHARD Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hooper of London spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Hooper. Misses Beth and Lorna Facey of Welburn spent last week with' their cousins. Ruth, Clare and Veryl Hooper. Miss Ruth Hooper and Master Clare Hooper are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Facey and Mr. and Mrs. Ken­ neth Facey of Belton. Many friends of Mrs. Lloyd Thomson are sorry to hear of her sickness, hope that she will soon be better. Misses Orrie and Elizabeth Thacker are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Morgan of Guelph. Mrs. T. Waugh, of London, returned home on Monday after spending last week with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker. Miss Diane Hartwick of Bry- anston spent part of last week with Master Carl Jones. Elimvilk WAj WMS Entertain Children The E1 i m v i 11 e W.A. and W.M.S. entertained the Mission Band on Tuesday evening, July 15, at the church. The meeting opened by sing­ ing “Yes, Jesus Loves Me” and the roll call was read by Mary Skinner. Carol Johns read Psalm 100. 8 RINSE PACKAGE 79/ Ask About How to Get A 69c Bottle of DRENE FREE Yownr Drags At Robertson's K.-------------------------- ----- -----------------—HI The Mission Band sang a solo and Grace Routly played a piano solo. Donna Gilfillan read a poem and Sylvia Johns sang a solo. Members of the Mission Band put on a dialogue “My Mission­ ary Box”, followed by a piano solo by Mary Skinner. Mrs. Moores gave a story which was much enjoyed by all. The Mis­ sion Band sang a song, A dainty lunch was served after the meet­ ing. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Jack Delbridge and family, of Exeter, Mr, and Mrs. Donald Whetstone and Mer­ rill, of London, visited on Sun­ day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Skinner and Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques and family, of Zion, spent Sunday at Niagara Falls. Mr. Lome Elford is all smiles now. It’s a boy! Mr. and Mrs. Norman Holmes, Bobby and Dale visited the former’s mother, Mrs. John H. Holmes, of Arkona, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bell and family, Mrs. Thomas Bell, of Ex­ eter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell and Carol-Anne, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robinson and Steven of Avonbank spent Friday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Charles Ste­ phens in honor of Miss Florence Bell, bride of this Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William Routley and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hogg at Turnbull’s Grove. Miss Donna Murch and Mr. Brian Middleton of London spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell, Mrs. Delmar Skinner visited on Saturday afternoon with Miss Florence Bell. Miss Aldeen Pym spent her holidays last week at Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Newman’s at Sebe­ waing, U.S.A. { Miss Florence Bell spent Sat­ urday evening with Mrs. W. jNeil. Kirkton. YOU Have Only One Week Left TO SEE SNELGROVE’S GREAT WORK-SAVING LAUNDRY BARGAIN Offer Good For July Oolly CONNOR-THERMO is a favorite with home-mak­ ers everywhere. The ex­ clusive THERMO tub., insulated with a heavy wall of Fiberglas, is a patented feature that can be obtained only in CONNOR. This THER­ MO principle keeps hot water HOT THROUGH­ OUT THE E N TIRE WASHING CYCLE . . . There are no less than 42 lifetime features built into every CONNOR- THERMO. Joint Meeting Held At Creditor) Church A joint meeting of the Ladies Aid and W.S.W.S., comprising the Crediton, Dashwood and Zur­ ich societies of the Evangelical U.B. Churches, was held Tuesday afternoon and evening in the local church, with a large at­ tendance. Mrs. E. M. Fahrner opened the meeting with quie,t music and Mrs. E. Wenzel, president of Crediton society, presided for de- votionaT period. A Study Book on Stewardship was reviewed by members from Zurich—Rev, . Roppel, Mrs. J. Oesch and Mrs. Meno Steckle. Dashwood ladies entertained with sports on church lawn and Crediton ladies served a bount­ eous lunch. Following a sing-song in the evening, Mrs. 0. O’Brien and Mrs. Gingerich concluded the Study Book review. Miss Nola Faist favored with a vocal solo, “This Is My Task”, and Rev. Getz of Dashwood pronounced the Benediction. Personal Items Mr, and Mrs. Moses Gaiser and Mrs. Aaron Brown, of Kit­ chener, and Mr, Solomon Gaiser, of Saskatchewan, visited on Sun­ day with Mrs. Charles Fahrner and Mr. and Mrs. Lome Morlock and called on many old time friends. Former Crediton resi­ dents and children of the late Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Gaiser. Forty-eight years had elapsed since the latter visited Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. J. Porter of Vancouver called on Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark on Friday. Mrs. Sherman Willis and daughter, Bernice, of Sexsmith, Alta., are spending some time with the former’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Albert King. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bennett, of Detroit, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. King. Mrs. Sam King and daughter, Eunice, and Mrs. Karl O’Neil of Clandeboye spent several days over the weekend at North Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wein, of London, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wes­ ley Wein. Mr. Austin Fahrner, , of Tor­ onto, is holidaying at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Fahrner. Mrs. Austin Fahr­ ner, who has been visiting friends in Western Canada, will join her husband here this week. Mr. J. Ayers, who is on leave from RCAF, is visiting with Mrs. Ayers at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Fahrner. They expect to leave shortly for Ottawa, where Mr. Ayers has been posted. H. G. Halward, formerly of Centralia RCAF, left last week for his new posting in Saskatoon where Mrs, Halward and family will join him during August. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Brown have purchased the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Halward on main street. Mr. H. K. Eilber’s many friends were delighted to see him driving into town on Mon­ day. Since his serious illness, Mr. Eilber has been recuperating at the home of his daughter in Zurich, and now at his summer home in. Grand Bend. Mrs. William Gaiser has im­ proved sufficiently to be re­ moved to her home from London hospital. The many friends of little Miss Elizabeth Parkinson are sorry lo team she is confined to her room and wish her a very speedy recovery. F/S John Wade, who has been visiting with Mrs. Wade and family left on Sunday for Goose Bay, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Fahrner of Kitchener are visiting with Mr. C. Fahrner and family, Mr. Robert Wolfe of Sarnia is holidaying at ’the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. John Krug, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Krug and Mrs. L. V. Washburn of Tavistock visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Young.Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wuerth and baby spent the weekend in Strat­ ford and Woodstock. Rev. J. V. Dahms attended a church convention in St. Marys, Ohio, last week and left on Sun­ day to attend the youth camp at. Goderich this week. Mr. John Smith celebrated his eighty-seventh birthday recently. He is enjoying fairly good health and still enjoys listening to pro­ fessional hockey broadcasts. (Canada’s Health and Welfares Canada is a land of plentiful food supplies, a land where agri­ culture plays a most important role in our national life. Largely because of our agricultural posi­ tion, Canada has become one of the most important food pro­ ducers of the world. Canada, with a population of roughly 14 million, has a farm population estimated at three and one-half million and this groui> represents a segment of the population which is extreme­ ly vulnerable to the effects of fire, accident or illness. On a farm, where illness or accident to one person may bring pro­ duction to a standstill for many days, there is much truth in the slogan “one out, everybody out”. If a store in a town or city burns there is generally some other place where the business can be carried on. When farm buildings burn, years of work and an irreplaceable harvest of­ ten go up in the flicker of an eye. Illness, accident or death on the farm are vastly more im­ portant in the production picture than similar events in urban areas. And the farm, through the years, has been the site of a re­ latively high percentage of ac­ cidents. The accidents occur on all parts of the farm—in the fields, the barns and the home. ■Surveys of farm accidents in­ dicate that falls ,encounters with cutting or piercing instruments, and crushing account for 71% of the total of lost accidents. Almost time lost is due such as kicks from and misadventures and motors. Burns ible for the balance. Unfortunately for farm pro­ duction, statistics indicate that by far the majority of farm cidents happen to people in working years. In fact. 84% all farm accidents happen people between the ages of and 64. Fifty-eight percent the accidents occur in the fields and 27% in the home or out­ buildings, so naturally the prov­ inces with the greatest acreage under cultivation in proportion time through 27%, of the to accidents farm animals with tractors are respons- ac- the of to 14 of HARPLEY and Mrs. Willis Paton, of west, ar here holidaying home and at Grand Bend, and Mrs. Tom Desjardine Mr. of the at her Mr. ... _ and family spent Thursday eve­ ning at the home of Mr. Jack Ridley. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lawson, of Ottawa, visited the past week with Mr. and Mrs. William Love and other friends in this com­ munity. Mrs. Lillian McLean, of De­ troit, and Miss Rona Hickey, of Toronto, who are staying at Grand Bend, called at the home of Mr. Mansell Hodgins on Wed­ nesday afternoon. Miss Jean Ridley and Gerald Love are attending the Vacation- al Bible School at the Church of God, Grand Bend. Visitors at the home of Mrs. William Love on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. G. Whiting and family, on Cenenary, Mr. Mrs. William Sturdevant fafmily, Mrs. Mary ’Gill and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gill, of Grand Bend,, Mr. an Mrs. C. K. Love and family and Mr. and Mrs. Hector Laing, of London,, who are holidaying at Grand Bend and and THAMES ROAD Misses Margaret Bray, Mar­ garet Cann and Nona Pym, of London, spent the weekend at their homes here. The sympathy of the ^com­ munity is extnded to the family of the late Mr. Matthew Thom­ son, who passed away ,_at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Wil­ liam Lamport. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wanner, of Sarnia, spent the weekend with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pym. Quite a number from this community attended the Chal­ mers reunion held at Queen’s Park, Stratford, on Wednesday of last week.Miss Mary Gay Pettibone, of London, is holidaying with her cousins, Mr. and ' Mrs. William FOUR-YEAR GUARANTEE The Wonderful Mary Proctor Five-Piece IRONING SET SECOND LINE B1DDULPH Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis, Alexia and Mrs. Fred Davis were dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Elston on Sunday. Miss Janette Blair spent a couple of days last week with her grandmother, Mrs. Leo Flannigan, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Elston and Mr. and Mrs. Winston Shapton attended a ball game in London Saturday evening. » Miss Mary Ellen Gray, of ■Milan,. Mich,, is holidaying with her aunt, Mrs, Jack Blair. Mrs, C, Skinner and Mrs. J. McAllister and boys motored to Belgarve on Tuesday and visited with Mrs. Skinner’s daughter, Mrs. Ken Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Whiting and children spent Sunday eve­ning with Mr. and Mrs. J. Mc­ Allister. Janette Blair has in her pos­ session seven beautiful Persian kittens o.f which she is very proud. Rohde.Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Passmore, David and Dennis, visited Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Welling­ ton Haist, of Crediton. Masters Brian and Randy Coward, of Kitchener, are visit­ ing with their grandfather, Mr. Roy Coward and their aunts, Misses June and Labelle Cow- ard.Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Moores and Marilyn attended the fune­ ral of the late Mr. A. Proctor, of Belgrave, Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ryland, of Saskatoon, who just returned from Europe, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Snow for a few days re­ cently. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Billy and Bobby attended the Moore family picnic held Bright’s Grove oil Sunday. Mr. -A. -.1'... Carol and Eva, of Bothwell visiting with their aunt, Mr, -f| IVTYft* XjyiTi3.il JMiOOYCj William Snow, at and Mrs. Harold Smith, ' “ “ *1, are *r uncle and and Mrs.Lyman Moore. Sunday services will he held at the usual hour on Sunday, Sunday School at 10:16 a.m. and church services at 11:15 There's no horsepower Ito the farm population the higher incidence, words, it seems that are more likely to large farms worked by people than on small, more heav­ ily staffed farms. Fire is the worst accident haz­ ard on most farms. Many farm homes are of highly inflammable construction and employ heating methods that are relatively dan­gerous from ” - - - fire hazard. , __L„ farms still employ methods of illumination that are potentially dangerous. A sizeable percentage of our farm homes have been construct­ ed by inexperienced, if willing, labor, and often the chimneys and stovepipes could be con­ sidered a menace. Another factor in farm fires is the type of wood burned in many stoves and ranges. Gener­ ally speaking, the wood is of whatever type happens to be easily accessible and it may of­ ten be of a type that burns rapidly, carrying off large vol­ umes of sparks which may en­ danger wooden roofs or adjacent buildings. Considering the proporetion of farm residents to the population as a whole, it is significant to note that during the years 19 46 and 1949 there were 321 rural homes pared to 370 urban dwellings. Thus ~ ;' homes fire. The death tolls during this four-year period were 576 and 553 respectively. Fifty-five per­ cent of the victims in rural and 51% in urban areas children. Farm homes are particularly vulnerable to because of their remoteness effective firefighting and the lack of an ply of water under Authorities are education presents manent solution to the dangers of farm accidents. To this end many voluntary and government groups are directing a great deal of time and effort. In^ the forefront of this cam­ paign have been the large Can­ adian oil and farm implement companies, federal and provin­ cial departments of agriculture and the Dominion Fire Commis­ sioner’s office. With an eye to the future, much of the accident prevention education in rural areas is now being directed at the children, the farm owners of tomorrow Schools, junior farmer clubs, boy scout and girl guide movements and many other groups have played a large part in the con­ tinuing plan for farm safety. It is to be hoped that the results will soon be reflected in a marked lowering of the accident rates among Canada's rural population. will have In other accidents occur on a few the point of view of In addition, many in home or barn destroyed by fire as com- an average of 80 farm per year are lost through areas were Often fire from ,g equipment adequate sup­ pressure. agreed that the only per- Ml' EVERY (AR will lost- some of its zJp-aml-xown, if the spark plugs are dirty, or weary with over-agt Each of your cylinders need a good spark to ignite it, when charged with gasoline—a. crackling* bright electrical spark to touch off its peak power 1 So let our experienced ignition specialist check your spark plugs sometime* soon—as well as your generator charging rate, your distributor points and ignition timing. You’ll find the. increased power and fuel mileage is more* than worth the moderate charge for this work. Drive in this week, why not? Ask for our spark plug and general ignition checkup— and feel the dif­ ference when you drive out! Dealers m Chevrolet, Oldsmobile and Chevrolet Trucks PHONE W EXETER I 'll Of X- ft W ■ WWil f W: • A beautiful •woniau Man’s Prized Treasures . .(I and a diamond of rare tTjIliaTjcc—how right that a diamond should ex- gr his df.f p love for the woman of his choice Jack Smith Jeweller you’ll find ihost I'<'rgct-Mt-Not and Bridal Wreath <ha* that bear a double guarantee of Ugh ior your protection. 8. E And you get these exclusive features too 2 One-piece- porcelain foc-d compartment c Quickube Ice Tsoys Bin-size, all-p an <-.»>- lain Hydratoisf * Famous Meler- Miser mechanism with 5-Year Protec­ tion Plan Aluminum shelve* that cannot • New Faad-Saf^rty Indicator • Beautiful, Rayman^ Loewy StyJJnp # Sfomge »pac< do&r