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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-07-24, Page 7
‘5 THE TIMES-APVOiCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 24, 195?Page 7 Church!Debenture Debt, Unpaid Taxes Increase Among Municipalities TRIVITT MEMORIAL —- Anglican —- Hector: Rev. C. L. Langford, B.A., M.A. Organist; Robert Cam er on iSuuday, July 27— 11:30 a.m.—Morning Prayer. Sunday School discontinued for July and August. UNION SERVICES At James Street United Church Rev. II. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.O.M., Musical Director 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Joint service with Main Street Church. Srmon Subject: ‘Justice, Mer cy, Humility.” 'Solo; Mrs. Clare Green. Douglas Insley will play his electric guitar accompanied, by Mr. Lawrence Wein at the organ. A warm welcome is extended to all. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Rev. If. Kendrick, Pastor Wed., 8 p.m.—Bible and Prayer Service. Speaker: Mr. E. Prouty. Fri„ 8 P-m.—Y.P.S. ■Special Speaker: Mr. Smith and his family of singers and prayers. Sun., 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. Mr. E. Cudmore, Supt. Sun., 11 a.m.—Morning Worship. Sun., 7:30 p.m.—The Gospel of Holy Spirit. We invite you to any or* all of these services. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Donald R. Sinclair, B.A., Minister Organist: Mrs. J. G. Cochrane 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. Filmstrip: “Samuel, Temple Boy”. 11:00 a.m.—Public Worship. “Christian Liberty.” fl1 ' " 1 .......... —..-■■■ ■ 1 'J!,..1*... ...... The Consistent Advertiser Gets the Best Results Ifc pays to advertise consistently. Regular insertions add to the prestige and reputation of the advertiser. It indicates that the advertiser has values important enough to he publicized. Lack of advertising creates a negative impression. Advertise regularly in The Times-Advocate to attract the greatest number of shoppers^ o Exeter Times-Advocate Home Newspaper”. % 2,600 AVERAGE WEEKLY CIRCULATION CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD Rev. J. Henry Getz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist 10:00 a.m.—Church School. 11:15 a.m.—Worship. Rev. J. V. Dahms, Crediton. 5:00 p.m.—Congregational Sup per Fellowship on Church Lawn. Sacred Music by the Band. Speaker: Rev. Dr. Wilbur Harr from Naperville, Ill. THE REFORMED CHURCH C. M. Eelman, Pastor This Sunday, 2:30 p.m..—Service in Exeter Canadian Legion Hall. All welcome. The 1951 audited report of the town of Exeter does not ap pear in the latest Annual Report of Municipal Statistics because it did not appear in time, it was stated in the introduction. Fig ures of 1950 were used. The report was delayed be cause of illness in the family of the auditor, W. 0. Attridge, of Goderich. He has since resigned his position as town auditor. There were 71 other munici- CHURCH OF GOD GRAND BEND Rev. E. Wattam 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship. 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic Service. Wed., 8:00 p.m.—.Prayer Meet ing. Fri., 8:00 p.m.—Young Peoples. ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON Rev. J. V. Dahms, Minister 10 a.m.—Morning Worship. 11 a.m.—Sunday School. Town Topics F/O Ivan Hunter-Duvar spent last weekend with his parents and family and he expects to be home next weekend before leaving for Greenwood N.S. He is at present in Trenton, On tario, taking an instructor’s training course. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Simpson, of Strathroy; Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam G a 11 m o r e, Shirley and Brenda, of London; Mr. and Mrs. Colling and Judy, Mr. and Mrs. William Walper, of De troit, visited on Sunday with the former’s aunt, Miss L. El liott, Carling Street. IN M EMORI AM BIRTHS ELLIOTT—Mr. and Mrs. William Elliott, Exeter, wish to an nounce the birth of a son, on Wednesday, July 23, at the Hooper Nursing Home; a bro ther for Johnny and Shirley. HODGINS—Mr. and Mrs. Art Hodgins( nee Jean Morley), of Clandeboye, wish to an- nouce the birth of their daughter, Laura Jean, at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Thursday, July 17, 1952. HODGINS—Mr. and Mrs. Emer son Hodgins are happy to an nounce the birth of a daugh ter at the Brantford General Hospital July 16. HODGINS — Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hodgins (nee Shirley Lewis) announce the birth of a son, at Owen Sound Hospital, on Sunday, July 20. MASON ■— Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mason, Dashwood, wish to an nounce the birth of their daughter, Bonnie Rose Ella, on Tuesday, July 22, at Miss Ballantyne’s Nursing Home; a sister for Larry and Ronald. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. William H. Weeks, Clinton, announce the engagement of their daughter, Joyce Muriel, to John Gladwin Lavender, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lavender, Hensail. The marriage is to take place the latter part of August. 24* Mr. and Mrs. Herb Broom wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, June I Ellen, to Gilbert Addison Borland, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs./ Charles Borland, Thames Road. The marriage will take place August 2. 24c The engagement is. announced of Betty June Moir, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Moir, Hen sail, to Robert William Sangster, son of Mrs. Sangster, and the late William Sangster, Hensall. The marriage will take place at 2 p.m. Saturday, August 2, at Listowel. 24c CARDS OF THANKS Mrs. William Gaiser, Crediton, wishes to thank all those who so kindly remembered her with callEs, flowers, gifts and cards while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. 24* Mrs. M. Thomson and family wish to thank all those who so kindly remembered Mr. Thom son in any way during his lengthy illness and to express their sincere appreciation t o their many friends and neigh bors for the kindness and sym pathy shown them during their recent sad bereavement. With special thanks to Rev. William Mair and Rev. Moores. 24* DAVEY—In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Susan nah Davey; who passed away four years ago, July 26, 1948. There’s a sad but sweet remem brance, There’s a memory fond and true, There’s a token of affection, dear mother, A heartache still for you. —Ever remembered by her hus band and family. 24* MASON—In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, George Mason, who passed away eleven years ago, July 23, 1941. Just a .thought of sweet remem brance, Just a memory fond and true, Just a token of affection And a heartache just for you. More and more each day we miss him', Though our thoughts are not palities in the province whose audits were not submitted in time for the book. In the foreward to the report, Hon. George H. Dunbar, minis ter of municipal affairs, says the rising trend of debenture debt outstanding and the increasing amount of uncollected municipal taxes are two features which are increasingly apparent in the re port. “The increasing debenture debt has been caused,” >'the minister said, “by the postponement of municipal improvements during the depression of the thirties and also during the recent war. An other factor to be considered is the acceleration which has taken place in our economy because of immigration and the increasing industrialization of urban areas.” The minister urged that the costs of municipal improvements be met as much as possible from current taxation. “The loading of the cost of municipal improvements on the tax rate of future years by de- benturing such capital costs may prove to be dangerous. If the municipalities meet all possible costs of improvements from cur rent taxation, excessive fixed charges will not arise and future councils will have a freer hand to face the problems which will undoubtedly confront them as the municipalities grow larger." In connection with the in creasing amount of municipal taxes outstanding, the minister said “every effort should be made to collect the current year’s taxes in the year of levy. CROMARTY Allen, McLachlan, Hoggarth Clan Hold Annual Reunion The annual reunion of the Allen, McLachlan and Hoggarth connections was held in Queen’s Park, Stratford, on Saturday with a large crowd present. The officers elected for 1953 are: President, Alf Ross; secretary treasurer, John Wallace; lunch committee, Mr. and Mrs. T. Laing and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Allen; sports committee. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Dearing and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Allen. Mrs. James Reidie Mrs. James Reidie, widow of Rev. James Reidie, who was minister of Cromarty church for several years, passed away in hospital in Guelph on Wednes day after a short illness. A brief buriel service, conducted by Rev. G. H. Vair, of Erin, took place at Staffa cemetery on Saturday. Many friends from Cromarty, Staffa, Seaforth, Toronto and Simcoe were in attendance. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Albert Diechert and Ronnie, of Zurich, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. Laing. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hunkin, Belmore, and Mr. and 'Mrs. Alvin Worden and family, of Staffa, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Ham ilton. Mrs. H. Moore, Fenelon Falls, is spending a few weeks with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. H. R, Currie, London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker. revealed; Little do they know the sorrow That is within our hearts con cealed. —Ever remembered and sadly missed by his daughter Della, Tom, son Delbert, Mona and Bill. 24c MOR-LOCK—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, John N. Morlock, who passed away one year ago, July 27, 1951. Remembrance is a golden chain Death tries to break, but all in vain; To have, to love, and then to part Is the greatest sorrow of one’s heart. The years may wipe out many things, « But this they wipe out never: The memory of those happy days When we were all together. —Ever remembered by his wife and family. 24* PIPELINE LAYING CONTINUES — The proline, which will carry Alberta oil to points across Ontario, is a job for skilled labor and wages run us high as $250 for a seven-day, 70-hour week. The ditch housing the pipe runs under rivers, under highways, up hill and down hdl for 185 miles. It will dive under the bottom of Lake Ontario at Hamilton to reappear along the shore and continue to Toronto. After landscaping, it is impossible to see ’where the pipe is laid. —Central Press Canadian Mrs. K. McKellar spent the weekend in Mitchell with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Binning. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Schlater and Janie Terrington, Detroit, visited over the weekend with Mrs. A. Robertson and John. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fell, Louis and Lome, of Staffa visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Scott and family, of Carlingford, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. .... 1 .......................— Sale of Kurly -Twist Scatter Rugs We are placing on sale this week our entire stock of Kurly-Twist scatter rugs. These rugs are very popular at the present time—are washable and suitable for any room in the home5. Colors are wine, grey, green, rose, blue, green and red in two sizes. Size 24JSIx 45wy reguilarly priced! at On Sale At $4.95 Size 3(Fx regutllariy priced! at $11©,^ On Sale At $7.95 Act quickly as they will go fast at these low prices 1 Congoleum Rugs We still have a few discontinued patterns left of some sizes at greatly reduced prices. Superior Store Specials For July 24, 25, 26 HUNTS TOMATO JUICE Fancy quality, 48-oz. tins .... each 33ft’ MONARCH SWEET MIXED PICKLES . Special value, 16-oz. jars ...... each 23$ ' TIDE AND IVORY SOAP SALE Personal Ivory 1$ bar, with Tide ........................... pen jplsgo 3®£' GREEN GIANT FANCY PEAS Large, and tender, 15-oz. tins 2 for 37$ MOONKIST ORANGE JUICE Florida pack, 48-oz. tins ........ each 27$ REFRESH The refreshing family drink, while it lasts ........................... 6 for 23$ Jones & May Robert Gardiner. Mr. and Mrs, William Routley and daughter Anna visited with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McLach- lin. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Allen, Sheila and Mary Lyn of Mitchell visited with Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Storey on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Murray McGill of' Waterloo, and Mrs. James Fulton were guests of Mrs, D. McKellar. Mrs. Ruby Routley is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Allen. II—--- ------ --- ' ................. Service with Courtesy Exeter Cab Supertest Station PHONE 465 DAY OR NIGHT ■ .......... ......................................’■ 25% Off AH Ladies’, Misses11 aunicl Girls* Summer Dresses and Coats A large stock to choose from at 25% off regular prices. Help The Hospital Campaign . . . by purchasing tic kets on the Lions Dream Home at Grand Bend. Tickets available from any Lion or at this store. DOC, I WISH YOU'D TELL ME SOMETHING MORE ABOUT YOUR NEW FAST RANGE FEEDING. I'VE HEARD A LOT ABOUT IT AND I SURE COULD USE SOME EXTRA TIME NOW, ) ©IF fe ' GLAD TO OBLIGE, GEORGE. T YOU JUST MIX YOUR GRAIN AND ROE RANGE CONCEN TRATE PELLETS.THENYOU RIG UP A SPOUT ON YOUR FHEP1N& WAGON, DRIVE ALONG. | AND FEED AS YOU GO. (a .............................. ...............................................y WE'VE FOUND THIS THE EASIEST AND MOST FLEX IBLE OF ALL FEEDING METHODS,GEORGE. JUST IMAGINE, ON OUR RANGES WE FEED 25,000 PULLETS < IN ABOUT 4 HOURS. WITH YOUR 1,000 PULLETS YOU SHOULD TAKE VERY LITTLE TIME. j--------- /* s©* > // NO FEED HOPPERS, EH, DOC ? /r HOW COME THERE ARE SO FEW BARE SPOTS ON YOUR RANGE ?y------------ ---------------------------- -- _ ,—7-----------y THAT'S THE BIG ADVANTAGE.GEORGE: / NO FEEDING HOPPERS" NO KILLING OF GRASS | IN SPOTS "THE FEED IS DROPPED IN A NEW \ ROW EVERY DAY SO THAT THE RANGE IS 1 ALWAYS FRESH AND GREEN.THERE'S NO V-.... .... WASTED FEED, EITHER. ------------> it 1 W, tr- $ *(<■ 1 AND HERE'S AN EXTRA,GEORGE- BEST OF ALL,YOUR BIRDS BALANCE THEIR OWN REQUIREMENTS 0F6RAIN TO PELLETS SINCE THEY LIKE BOTH EQUALLY WELL. YOU SEE JF BIRDS Aiare coming along too fast, YOU CAN FEED’EM LESS PELLETS. IF THEY’RE TOO , Slow, you feed’em less grain, j------------— By Roe Farms Service Dept with FARM’PROVEN /7 THANKS A LOT,DOC. SEEING IS CERTAINLY / BELIEVING.NO WONDER I'VE HEARD SO MUCH I ABOUT ROE RANGE CONCENTRATE PELLETS. 1 ROE CONCENTRATE PELLETS A BALANCED RATION CONTAINING ALL THE NEWEST GROWTH FACTORS WkjBl'O'O £ i j RoncemtmtezsPELLET^ tirim ,%(FARMS M'UINf. {♦plO( FARMS M'UINI A V V r 11 I I C. Tindaib Mooresville H. Kellerman, Dashwood Lome Eiler, Hensall 4*x.