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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-07-24, Page 5
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 24, 1952 Page S Sarnia Boy Scouts Tour Centra lie Boy Scouts from Sarnia toured the RCAF Sation at Centralia on Friday, arriving from sum mer camp oft Lake Huron. F/Q Den Lebrun, an instructor at the flying training school, arranged the tour in which 20 Scouts took part. The youths inspected the in strument flying school, saw the air radio officers school and took a hand at guiding the Link trainers which simulate actual flying conditions. The group was under Scout master Jim Copland, Sarnia. at Pinery Plan Ready In Fall A plan for public land use The Pinery will be completed early this fall by Ontario Depart ment of Planning and Develop ment, it was reliably reported here Wednesday. An engineer of the department is understood to have made a preliminary check of the area. This is the first direct action taken by any government agency in support of a proposal which would make The Pinery mile-long public park Lake Huron south of Bend. Sought By Authority Recently, Ausable Valley Con servation Authority asked the department to prepare a plan for The Pinery. No announcement has been made that approval for given, but it is reported every the necessary survey has 1 effort is to be made to get plan finished by September. A proposal to preserve Pinery for use of Western tario’s million inhabitants a five- along Grand been , the The On- li as been strongly s u p p o r t e d by scores of municipalities, cham bers of commerce, and other in terested organizations and in dividuals throughout the dis trict. Original support came from London Chamber of Commerce after reports became prevalent 4 American interests-were interest ed in developing the area as a ■resort. Delegations have approached a number of provincial cabinet •ministers, seeking support. No price for the 4,000 acre tract has been set by The Pinery Corpora tion, formed last winter to de velop the land privately. The Pinery lies within Au- sable Authority’s watershed, and that body has legal powers to take over the area, but no funds for a# project of size. Provincial and federal iributions1 are being sought. Preparation of the plan involve engineering surveys, tests, and outline plans for cess roads and use areas. has that con- will soil ac- | Have Your | I. Radio Checked | I ANY Radio - ANY Model I | WORK GUARANTEED | | Hcasonablle Rates - | | Howard’s | | Radio Service j | 311 Aim St. * Exeteir | | PHONE 55S>-W | Usborne Council Sets Rate At 23 Mills, Same As f51 Dsborne council set the mill rate for the township at 23 mills, same as last year. In debating the budget at its recent meeting, the council esti mated a total revenue of $94,951 and expenses at $93,925. The township levy was set at 7 mills. The school area board requested 5.5 mills. Council met in regular month ly session with Reeve Verne Pin- combe presiding and Councillors Harold Jeffery, Earl Mitchell, Harold Hern and Clayton Smith in attendance. By-law No. 5-1952 known as the Kerslake Municipal Drain By-law was finally passed. The Clerk was instructed to issue a tender for the contract to construct the Kerslake drain and have the tenders in for the August meeting. The Clerk reported to Council that Luther Rowcliffe had ap pealed to the County Judge from the decision of the Court of Re vision on the Kerslake drain. Judge Costello set Friday, July 25 at 10 o’clock in the Township T-Iall as the time for appeal. Council' discussed tion of the roadside ing program with R. Betteridge and the Road Superintendent re ported the completion of the spraying. Council agreed to the return of his contract guarantee to R. Betteridge. Norman Jaques presented a petitition for a municipal drain to the Council on behalf of him self and others in the area. hearing the the comple- weed spray- CENTRALIA Mrs. E. J. Greenway, Crystal City, Man., and Miss Eva Green way, of Winnipeg, visiting with Mrs. : Mrs. Kershaw. Mr. family, visitors ■Mrs. , Man,, Parsons are and andDavies were recent E. Knight. and Mrs. of Forest, with Mrs. Lome Hicks and Miss Wilda Pollock were guests last weekend of the Misses Lambshed at their cottage at Smith Lake, Minden. Miss Pollock returned home with her sister and is re maining for a visit. Mrs. Andrew Proctor was in London for a couple of days last week owing to the seriousillness of her father, Mr. Arthur who is at the home daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Powe. Mrs. Merton Sholdice went an operation for appendi citis at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Saturday week. She has the best of many friends for a recovery. Mr. Charles I-Iodgins, was a Sunday visitor with his brother, Mr. Hodgins. A number attended the Kirkton on Wednesday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. Henry and family, of Listowel, were Satur day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks. Miss Jane Henry and girl friend re mained with her grandparents for some holidays. Mr. and Mrs. O. Pollock, of Ripley, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks. iMr. E. Carruthers is visiting with Mr. George Baynham. The service in the Sunday will be in charge of Mr. Harvey Sparling of Elimville. Brooks, of his Ewart under of last wishes speedy Sarnia, and Mrs. Kenneth from the village garden party at of London and Mrs. church on Highest Prices Paid FOR POULTRY ALL TYPES — ANY AMOUNT Weighed on Yow Scales at Your Door Riverside Poultry Co. ’ 1236 TRAFALGAR ST.t LONDON London 7-1230 Phone Collect. 680-r-2 Hensail Somebody The »H0n at the side of the blacktop road read:*“Slip pery When Wet.’5 The piece in the paper said: "Mother of 3 Killed in Crash.” How did it happen? She forgot to wear her glasses. She forgot to get the windshield wiper fixed. She also forgot to slow down for the slippery road. | No wonder she didn’t see the sign, or the other car. v Maybe you won’t either. Be Careful**- rhe life you save may be your own J Sponsored In the interest of your scifety by Phone: Office M Res. 16M W. Herman Hodgson *MThe Insurance Man” Council accepted the petition. J. A. Howes O.L.S., Listowel, was appointed engineer to make a survey and make a report to the Council in answei' to the Jaques petition on motion of Mitchell and Hern. The Road Superintendent made his monthly report to the Council and it was passed along with road vouchers for payment to a total of $4017.64. The Clerk reported that he had been advised by A. Dollar & Son that they expected start making delivery of the for the Jeffery drain about end of the week and that tile for the Johns drain would be ready about the same time; also that L. H. Turnbull and Son ex pected to start work on the Hicks and Gardiner drains right away. A grant of $50.00 was made to the Huronia Male Choir in support of their musical festival on motion of Smith and Mitchell. Correspondence was read and dealt with as follows: County of Huron reporting 11 acres and 13,500 trees planted in the township in 19 52, bill for half planting cost amounting to $56.32 accepted by Council. U shorn e Township School Area Board requisition for 195 2 at 5.50 mills, * A. Y. McLean M.P. re settle ment of claims in connection with airport pipe line; filed. Province of Ontario re lifting of rent controls. Council instruct ed that the Select committee be advised to continue rent controls in the Township of Usborne. Council confirmed the rebate of the credit balance and pro vincial grant to ratepayers on the Branch “C” of the Glenn- Sommerville municipal drain and the Prout municipal drain on motion of Jeffery and Hern. i GENERAL MOTORS VALUE to tile the the Huron County Crop Report By G. VV. MONTGOMERY The farming outlook was con siderably brightened in this county with a very heavy rain in most sections the middle of the week, followed by an all-day rain which was general through out the county. This was the first rain received in some sec tions since May 24. Practically all the fall wheat has been cut in the southern section of the county along with a few fields of early barley. Grain fields have ripened rapid ly and harvest will be quite gen eral in the county by another week. At the end of the week there had been no Armyworm out breaks reported in Huron Coun ty, although they have appeared in neighboring counties. Rasp berries appeared on the market in considerable quantities this week and ranged in price from 35 to 4 5 cents per quart. County Carrier In Operation The huge new asphalt carrier recently purchased by the road committee of Huron County Council started its first job last Thursday when it began pouring paving on West street at Gode rich. Warden Harvey Johnston, of ficials and members of Huron Council saw the carrier in opera tion when they attended the an nual county council picnic on Thursday. The carrier brings about 1,500 gallons of bitumen from Sarnia and sprays it on the windrows of gravel along the street. The residue is pumped into a port- County Council Enjoys Picnic Despite a torrential downpour of rain at 5 pan. and the cancel lation of some events, Huron County councillors, officials and their families enjoyed the an nual county council picnic ip Harbor Park, Goderich, on Fri day. About 200 attended. Before the rain, some of them visited the museum, while others enjoyed boat rides. Old young played free bingo worthwhile prizes. After supper served in pavilion, Warden Harvey Johns ton welcomed everyone and in troduced Harold Cousins, warden of Perth County, who spoke briefly. Arthur Nicholson, Tuckersmith, addressed thering on behalf of wardens. The supper draw was Mrs. William Dougall, sail. The prize for the oldest person present went to Mr. Fitzsimmons, 87, of Ashfield Township? while the award to the youngest went to the eight- month-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Meriam, of Goderich. The child is the grandson of Gordon Orr, ship, father-in-law of Ex-County War den Chester Johnston, of Ash field. Arrangements for the picnic were handled by Warden Harvey Johnston, County Clerk "A. H. Erskine, Deputy Clerk J. G. Ber ry and County Assessor A. Alex ander. H X CORNISH & CO. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 29 DUNDAS ST.LONDON, ONT. the all and for the of ga- ex- won of Hen- by reeve of Goderich Town- Mr. Fitzsimmons is the and into a is fed from the carrier for another able auxiliary tank small distributor. It the auxiliary while returns to Sarnia load. It has a full circulating set-up within the tank to com bine addatives with the cement. CHEVRO MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLET TRUCKS THAN ANY OTHER MAKE! To add to a new set of Hopper-Hockey DOMINION Luggage practical interiors that keep your clothes handy and in excellent condition. You don’t need to worry about crumpled clothes when DOMINION keeps them in ready-to-wear shape. Make your selection now. your holiday enjoyment, take smart DOMINION Luggage along w from Furniture. Besides its attractiveness, offers special designs and Hopper-Hockey FURNITURE PLcirae ©9 Exeter More Truck for Your Money I Get the price on the Chevrolet truck that’s the right size, type and capa city for your work. You'll find that Chevrolet gives you far more for your money — because it’s en gineered and built to unsurpassed standards of value. Rock-Bottom Operating CasteI You can’t beat Che> let’s Valve-in-Head engine for over-all economy. They just keep rolling along. A choice of four time-tested high torque engines to match the load. let the facts show you why a Chevrolet truck means dollars-and-cenll's swSimgs.8 Sixe up the four facts at the right-hand side of this page. They lay it on the line — the reasons why a Chevrolet truck cuts down your hauling or delivery costs on any job you want to name. But there’s more to it than that. With all its savings on purchase price and on-the-job costs, a Chevrolet truck is the greatest truck to drive you ever got your hands on. Easier Recirculating Ball Bearing Steering. Clutch smooth and easy. Fast, quiet Synchro-Mesh transmission that elim inates double clutching. Roomy cab with five feet of hip room, ventipane windows, and seats with double-deck springs. And for increased safety and comfort, Chevrolet trucks offer GM "Shade-Lite” Glass with the exclusive shaded windshield which greatly reduces glare and heat. (Optional at extra cost.) Chevrolet is first in operating cost per ton mile. See them in our showroom today. Engineered and M? for Your Loads J Every Chevrolet truck gets the job done fast and sure — providing the wid est selection of body styles as well as chassis for special bodies in wheel bases from 110"- 212". Your Truck Iwiwstamff is Safer J When the time comes to trade in an old Chevrolet truck, here’s good news: Year after year, used Chevrolet trucks tradi tionally bring more money, compared io what they cost, than other makes. This is confirmed by Chevrolet’s wide tomer acceptance. cos-