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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-07-24, Page 4
Page 4 THE T1MES-ADV0CATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 24, 1952 EDGEWOOD Mr and Mrs. Harold Westman ©pent Sunday last wwith Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Tate. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Dunlop are spending* a few 'days north. Mr. and Mrs. Don Johnston. Galt, attended the funeral Chalmers Clan Reunion HenSall And District NeWS PASHWQOD Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Brandt and Harold spent an evening visiting friends in Dashwood on their way to Rohlin, Man. Miss Shirley Becker returned home after spending two weeks at Bible School in. Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Eckstein spent Sunday with relatives at Dashwood. Mr. and and Dennis days Mrs. Lome Mr Windsor, Air. and hagen last week. Mr. and Mrs. Williams, of Bowmanville, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. stiver. Mrs. George Tieman and little son are spending Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Woodbridge, were ors with Mr. and Garvie and Ronnie, spent the weekend with here. Ness is spending this Westerners At Picnic Air. Faxford, Sask., and. Mr George Bugshaw. left last after a relatives Prior’ and Mrs- Jim Bagsliaw, and Airs. Birsay. Sask., week for their homes few weeks visit with and friends. to their departure, a Bagshaw family picnic was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey Arthur, of Anderson. Forty-nine relatives were present from Saskatchewan, T o r o n t o, Guelph. Windsor, London, Nairn, Exeter, Saintsbury and St. Alarys. Also present were and Mrs. Trueman Saskatchewan, who in the east. After races meat. Held At Stratford On July 16. 1952. some b’U members of the Chalmers elan gathered in Queen’s Park, Strat ford, for their twenty-seventh annual reunion. The aft era o o n was spent pleasantly in renewing friend ships. Prior to the supper hour, the president, William Allison, called all together for a brief business meeting. He extended Zubal Ito a11 a hearty welcome and par- j tieularly to Mrs. Roy Bingham , and Air. and Airs. William Sim, Marion returned Kort Wiiiiam, who were with evening after: tlle gr0Up for the first time, They are descendants of Mr, Alex Duncan and Joan Chalmers (Duncanl. Airs. Bingham spoke breifly expressing their pleasure at being present Air. William Moodie. president for twenty-six years, made a short address and was given a hearty handclap. Greetings were read from Mrs. Robert Kydd, of Clinton: Mr. and Airs. Harry McCullough, Mr. and Airs. Leslie Slaney. Air. all of Vaneouvei; Mr Herb Wood. Mrs. Charles Mr. and Airs. Douglas, of belle Chalmers, Montreal. The 19 53 reunion will he in Queen’s Park. Stratford, third Wednesday in July, officers for 1953 are; Honorary president, William Aloodie; president, William Allison; vice- president, Airs. Robert Dunean; secretary-treasurer, Kathleen L. Robb: lunch convenor, Airs. Bev. Morgan: sports convenor. Mrs. William Sillery. Under the convenorship of Mrs. Alvin Passmore, all en joyed a bountiful supper. After supper a program of sports was greatly enjoyed under the leader ship. of Mrs. Bev. Morgan. The oldest couple present was Mr. and Mrs. William who will be GC years this autumn. up of .. .. of the latter’s uncle, the late Fred Neil. Barbara Anti Zubal is spend ing a few days wiwth her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. and family. Joyce and I" ' home Saturday evening spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Foster of the Mit chell road. Mrs. Orville Macke and Mar lene, of Motherwell, visited on Monday with her parents. Miss Betty Lou Garrett, of London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Garrett and family. Earl Middleton Middleton are days up north. Roy Moore and Wednesday eve- Mr. and Mrs. and Mr. John spending a few Mr. and Mrs. family visited ning with Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson in Ailsa Craig. Miss home weeks family. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Armitage are having the hydro installed in their home. Mary Zubal returned after spending a few with mer brother and i i and Mrs. Eason-Cai. and Mrs. Calgary; Mr. and firobe. of Calgary: Fred Chalmers and Regina; Miss Isa- held the The »- Special At Goodwins* HENSALL — 25% OFF — SUMMER SHOES SWIM SUITS T-SHIRTS SPORT SHIRT'S STRAW HATS Moodie married cocktailThe life of many a party is dead from the neck up. You have to exert a lot of push before you have a pull. X'Glenn’s Auto Wreckers Plhi<&m 411 &Exeter NEW AND USED PARTS FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS We Bury Scrap) Metal! < iso* 11»w 11 ujjs nwn j m Business Directory W, G. COCHRANE, B.A. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR DR. H„ HL COWEN EXETER. ONTARIO At Hensail, Friday, a to 5 P.M. DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Main Street, EXeter Closed Wednesday Afternoon Bus. 36-W - Phone - Res. 3G-J L.D.S.. D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Bell Building Phone 273 Exeter BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS ■ NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL. Q C. C. V. .LAUGHTON.. LL.B. Zurich office Wednesday afternoon EXETER PHONE & 4 ALVIN WALTER LICENCED' AUCTIONEER For Huron, Lambton, Perth and Middlesex For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times ‘‘Service that Satisfies” PHONE 57-r-2 DASHWOOD PERCY C. WRIGHT LICENCED AUCTIONEER Cromarty, Ontario Purebred, Farm, and Household Sales a Specialty For a Better Auction Sale Call the "Wright” Aiictioneer Phone Hensail (J9O-r-22 Collect ■E. F. CORBETT LICENCED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER, R.R. 1. Telephone Zurich 92-r-7 FRANK TAYLOR LICENCED AUCTIONEER. For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Exeter P.O.Or Phone ids ARTHUR FRASER INCOME TAX REPORTS, BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, ETC. Ann fit., Exeter Phone 1504 For JOHN W. ORCHARD OPTOMETRIST Alain Street.. Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday Appointments Phone 355-J WM. HL SMITH LICENCED AUCTIONEER . For Huron and Middlesex (Special training assures you your property's true value sale days Graduate of American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed CREDITON P.O. or PHONE 43-2 of on EDWARD H. UNGER BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY OM Post Office Building LUCAN, ONTARIO Tuesday afternoons 3:30 to 5:30 and Saturday afternoons from 3:00 to 5:30 Funds Wanted for First Mortgage Investments USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario President Milton McCurdy R.R. 1 Kirkton Vice-President CromartyWm. A. Hamilton Directors Harry Coates E. Clayton Colquhoun Science Hill , 2 Dublin 1 Mitchell Martin Feeney Angus Sinclair R.R, R.R. Agents Thos. G. Ballantyne Alvin L. Harris E. Centralia R.R. 1 R.R. 1 Woodham Mitchell CromartyRoss Houghton Solldter G. Cochrane Secretary-Treasurer Arthur Eraser Exeter w.Exeter Benefit Pays $400 To Ray Consitt Kay Consitt. son of Mr. Mrs. Roy Consitt. Kippen, and was presented with a purse of mon ey containing close to §400 at a benefit dance held at Bayfield Pavilion Monday night, spon sored by the Hensail Hockey Club. The laregst crowd ever in Bayfield parked the Pavilion for the affair. William Brown, treas urer of the club read the ad dress and Wilson Allan, manager of the team, made the presenta tion. Ray, popular right winger of the Hensail hockey team, frac tured his leg in the first sched uled game of the season, Decem ber 2S, and was confined to the hospital for many weeks, his leg having to he broken over again. Last week while riding on the tractor on his father’s farm, he fell off the tractor, spraining the ankle of the same leg. He is still on crutches. Family Honors Couple Before Returning To UK Mr. and Mrs. Homer L. Tin ney held a farewell party for Mr. and Mrs. A. Reed, who have been spending the past two months visiting them. They are now on their "way home to England. All the immediate family were present and a very enjoyable evening was had by all. A lovely lunch was served and the high light of the evening was the pre sentation of gifts to Mr. and Mrs. Reed by Mr. Matt Tinney, on behalf of the family. Mr. and Mrs. Reed thanked everyone for their part in mak ing their visit to Canada a very pleasant and enjoyable holiday. Redecorating Church The interior of St. Andrews United Church manse, Kippen, is receiving extensive redecorat ing these days in preparation for the arrival of their new minister Rev. Norman McLeod and his wife, from Lennoxville, Que. The work is being done entirely by the ladies of the church who are painting and papering the many rooms in the manse. Personal Items The Misses Bernice Jinks, Jean and Betty Armstrong have returned from a d e 1 i weeks vacation at Park. North Bay, and teresting places. They trip by motor. Mrs. Mary Simpson urday for Kinlough where will spend a. month visiting relatives. Airs. Simpson was fined to bed at the Saundercock nursing home for 12 weeks but has improved very much in health. Mr. and Airs. Donald Joynt, Mr. and Airs. Edgar McLinchey, left on Monday for a ten-day vacation at High Point Lodge, Manito waning, Manitoulin Island. ■Mr. Sask., sister and Mrs. way home to the West. He came down east to purchase a new car. Jerry McClinchey is spending ten-day vacation with aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McGregor, Kippen, Mr. and Mrs. Casey Hudson and family, of Goderich the weekend son. Mr. Cecil C.N.R. agent his vacation. The many Hugh McMurtrie will regret to learn that she is in very poor health and was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital. London, for X-rays. Mr. and Airs. H. W. Horton • and Miss Gladys Luker spent Sunday in Bluevale where they visited Rev. R. A. and Mrs. Brook. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glanville attended the Garniss - Robertson nuptials at the Presbyterian Church, Mitchell, Saturday, Julv 19. Miss Irma Kipfer, Toronto, is spending her vacation here. Mrs. J. W. Bonthron rendered a pleasing solo, "Wonderful Mor ning”, at Carmel Presbyterian Church Sunday morning last. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner, Sarnia, were guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glan- ville and family. Mr. John Morris, was a weekend Scott residence. Mrs. C. Cook Mrs. M. Chellew,Los Angeles, California, are oii vacation at the Cook cottage at Grand Bend. Mrs. C. Devlin, London, visit ed last week with Mrs. G. Hud son and Mr. and Mrs. J. Pfaff. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kipfer, of Lucan, visited over the weekend Cecil Kipfer, and Dorothy. Clinton spending a few days with daughter and son-in-law, Mr. Mrs. Robert Dayman. Weekend visitors with Mr. Mrs. Louis Clark, Sr., were Airs. L. O. Nichol, Nichol, Mr. and Vaughan, all of London, and Mrs. Edward Pelly, Clair, Mich., visited with . Sr„ Mr. Clark returned g h t f u 1 Algonquin other in made the a i Suffers Stroke The many frit nds of Mrs. Wil liam Venner will regret to learn she suffered a stroke Sunday evening and at date of writing is still unconscious in Scott Memorial Hospital. Seaforth. Library To Close liensall Library will be closed the first two weeks in August while librarian. Mrs. II. J. Cam eron, is on holidays. All books that are out are due August 2. Books not returned on or before that date will draw a 25 cents. To Visit Brothers Mr. and Mrs. T. Kyle day morning, July IS for a two week vacation at more City, Iowa, and Bingham Lake, Minnisota, to visit with Mrs. Kyle’s four brothers. Noah. Simon, Dave and Saul, all of whom were born in the Zurich district and whom Mrs. Kyle has not seen for 35 years. Cannel The ldcnic Church July 16 with a splendid repre sentation of all organizations of the church present at Seaforth Lions Park. An interesting lineup of sports for children and adults was run off and well contested. The sports were directed by Rev. J. B. Fox, Mrs. A. Kerslake, Mrs. Glenn Bell, Mrs. R. A. Orr. The refreshment committee included the sports committee plus Mrs. H. Hyde and Mrs. W. R. Bell. fine of left by Fri- hus Gil- Picnic a n n u a 1 congregational of Carmel Presbyterian was held Wednesday, KIPPEN Isabelle Caldwell andMiss Miss Merle Deekert are holiday ing this week in Pontiac, Mich, is left Sat- she with con- Chris Aason, Regina, paid a flying visit to his and brother-in-law, Mr. George Hess, on his I J* I XL — ,. Airs. Robert Thompson some improved in health. Mrs. Thomas Workman, who has spent several months at the Hodgert nursing home in Exe ter, returned to the home of her son, Mr, and Mrs. Orville Work man, last week. Mr. R. J. Cooper is spending this week with his daughter and son-in-law, Air. and Airs. Grant Love, Mr. visited ter’s Elston Air. and Mariln spent a day recently in London. Mrs. hurst, Kyle, Hospital on Monday. Recent visitors with Airs. William Ivison at. tage at Drysdale were Mrs. Walker, two daughters, and Gail, of Port. Credit. Mrs. Alice Cook, of London, spent Alon clay evening with her mother. Airs. J. McClymont. Airs. Robert McBride spent the weekend with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. S. Beattie, in Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. N. Deekert visit ed relatives in Listowel on Sun day. Air. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor and Terry, of Stratford, and Air. and Mrs. Miller McConnel and two children, of Detroit, were visitors with Mrs. R. and Miss Mabel White- Mr. in Caro, Mich. and Mrs. Eldon Kerr on Sunday with the lat- mother, Mr. and Mrs. Dawson. and Mrs.E. Mousseau William Venner, mother of Mr. was taken to Chisel- William Seaforth Mr. his and cot- Dan Gemge his with Mrs. Vanh orne, here, is friends spent G. Hud- popular enjoying i, of Munroe, guest at the and daughter, and Carolyn, with Mr. and Mrs. Danny, Linda Jane, Mrs. Glazier, of is her and and Mr, Mrs. Mrs. and Pearl George Mr, of St. Mf. and Mrs. Louis Clark last week, with them for a few days visit. Mrs. William Kirk are spending a few the former's sister, Becker and family, and Mrs. Hazen Dark, of spent a Mrs. with few days with Charles St ein- Williams, of Lome Klein- this week in Roundtree, of weekend visit- Mrs. Hopcroft. ofAirs. Sarnia, friends Airs, week with friends in Stratford. Bob Hopcroft, of Port Col- ! borne, is spending his vacation with his parents. Mr. Percy Kleinstiver and son, of Chicago, are spending vacation with his mother, E. Kleinstiver. their Mrs. MacDonald Picnic The MacDonald picnic held at Seaforth Lions Park on Saturday, July 12, with 55-in attendance. After a picnic sup per, sports were run off. Results of the races were as follows: Children five and under, Donna Smale; six to ten, Edward Johns; 11-14, Grace Johns; young ladies, Phyllis Cann; married ladies, Mrs. Grant Ratcliffe; married men, Reg. Hodgert; kicking slippper, ladies, Alice Passmore; men, Ken Duncan. A candy scramble was held for the’ children. The earring race was won by Ken Duncan’s side, candle and nightgown race by Melvin Gar diner’s side, and the balloon race by Ken Duncan’s side. Myrtle Passmore won 1he hammer and nail contest for the ladies and Aylmer Passmore won the men’s event. Oldest person present Mrs. Alice Gunning and youngest, Dennis Passmore. The executive for 1952 president; secret ary-treasur- Mrs. Mrs. . an d was was 1116 is: Mrs.Duncan, Duncan, Mr. and ' and Mr. s p o r t s Cann, Mrs. William Cann, table Ken Ken er: cliffe, Mr. diner and Broadfott, Mrs. Bob Cann, Mrs. committee. Grant Rat- Melvin Gar- Mrs. Ross committee; Carmen number of cousins. Mr. Singular, of are visiting supper a created a lot oi amuse- BRINSLEY Personal Items Mr. Cecil Ellwood look in the races at Tillsonburg. Mr. Tom Lee spent Monday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley called on his parents one ning last week. Signalman Duncan, husband of Katherine Keogh, arrived home this week from Korea. Quite a number of children from this locality attended bible school at Ailsa Craig past two weeks. Mr. James made a great his store front, to date now. Mr. and Mrs. and son are down from the West visiting the Trevethick family. Mrs. Hodgson was the former Ollie Trevethick. Mrs. Charlie George and aunt visited with Mrs. Minnie this week. Fractures Ann Mrs. Sammy Pickering misfortune to fall while cherries and broke her arm. the this hasTrevethick improvement to It looks quite up Wesley Hodgson M organ had the picking Bus Agent Western Ont. Motorways announce the appointment of R. H. Middleton as ticket agent anti charter coach agent for Hensall and distrlct- All Coaches Will Stop At Middleton’s Drug Store (No change in departure or arrival Innes) A BRAWD NEW GOOD/VeAR MARATHON Sunday Dinsdale man. Mrs. Hensall, Line,, is Mr. Grant and Kenneth, visited rela tives in Crediton on Sunday eve ning. Mr. John Cochrane recently with friends in ford. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur son and Mrs. R. Upshall and Jerry spent last week with rela- 'tives in Michigan. Airs. John Henderson, ac companied by Mrs. W, Melies and Mrs. Norman Long visited on Monday with Mrs. E. Sprout at her cottage near Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. E. McBride visit ed on Sunday with the former’s brother and sister-in-law,, Mr. and Mrs. Walter McBride, near Exeter. Hugh McMurtree,, of formerly of the Town confined to the hospital, and Mrs. Harold Jones, Town Topics Mr. and Mrs. Clark Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Baker spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Warwick, Port Huron. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis, of Toronto, are holidaying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davis, town. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Follick visit ed friends and relatives in To ronto last" week. Mrs. Jeannette Davis, of town, celebrated her eighty-ninth birth day on Saturday. visited Brant- Ander- ing a few days with her aunts, Misses Myrtle and Pearl Brine, of Grosse Point, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cope land and family attended the Switzer reunion in Stratford on Wednesday. Miss Grace Doupe attended the Doupe reunion in Cadzow Park, St. Marys, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Andrews, of Pontex, Sask.; Mr. and Mrs. Luther Rowcliffe, of Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Ira McCurdy and Reg. visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doupe. David Brine, of Rannoch, spent ' a few days with his cousin, Don Brine. Mrs. M. Copeland spent Mon day with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mountain, of St. Marys. BARGAINS ALLOWANCE cm your old tires IN OTHER SIZES TOO in! trade in! today! ’k. .• ■-f] PHONEM53W < WOODHAM (Intended for last week) Alary Gay Pettibone, London, spent the past week with Mr. and Airs. William Thomson. Mrs. Nancy Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Alelvin Powell, Russel, Nancy and David, of Watford, attended the decoration service at Kirkton Union Cemetery on Sunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. James Thomson, of Glen dale. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross, of London, also visited on Sunday with Mr. Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. John and family of Kenwood visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. David Shamblaw. Helen Sham blaw returned home with them to spend a week. Beth Black of Lucan spent the past week with ■" blaw. Joanne Webb few days with George Ball, of Ronnie Shamblaw spent past week with Donnie Black, of Lucan. Donnie Black is spending this week with Ronnie Sham blaw. Mr, and Mrs. Byron Oxley, of British Columbia, and Mrs. H. Copeland, of Kirkton, visited on Wednesday with Mrs. G. Cope land and Mi’s. M. Copeland. Miss Marilyn Brine is spend and Mrs. Shamblaw Helen Sham is spending a Mr. and Dundas. •the telephone in your home stands ready to serve you 'for a fraction of a cent an hour. What else in