HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-07-03, Page 12Page 12 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 3, 1952 Rebekahs-Oddfellows Picnic Rebekahs, Oddfellows and their families, numbering enjoyed a picnic at the Lions’ < Park, Seaforth, June “ ing the picnic supper, a program j of sports was enjoyed. On the committee in were Garnet Hicks. Les Ruth Skinner and Betty about 75, 25. Follow- * charge Gibson, Coates. | June Hottest And or Weduesday and heat—more heat in seven years. The mercury 98.4,................ H'■ KRF.P THIS DATE OPEN Friday, July 11 Seaforth $1,525.00 CASH PRIZES .nduimg $1,000 Jackpot N> Fjolin’.’ It’s Got to Go! FRIDAY. JULY II FERRIS WHEEL SWINGING CHAIRS 8:00 )p>m- Can a tar a Park on the Lake last the Sol outdid himself poured on than he’s given steamed up to three-tenths higher than the previous record set on Tues­ day, the day before. This record is based on figures kept for the past seven years at RCAF tion Centralia. And the weather set other record — one that was ticipated. The rainfall was lowest for June. The figure .83 inches as compared with an average of 2 84 inches. High ... 98.4 . 90.0 ... 79.1 ... 84.6 ... 84.5 ... 80 6 83 8 Wednesday . Thursday .... Friday ....... Saturday ...... Sunday ....... Monday ...... Tuesday Low 67.6 7 5.9 57.8 59.4 62.5 61.5 5 8.2 Exeter Community Park Ontario Sugar Beet Growers Thursday, July 10 1:30 P.M. D.SX Registration 1:30 P.M,. Races for All Ages Music by McTaggert Boys’ Pipes and Sta- an- an- the was Rain i) 0 ») 0.19 0 9 •) IO J. M. Southeott, editor of the Tiines-Advocate, was on the air over C.F.P.L. during the farm hour at 10:05 Sunday morning. He referred to the new South Huron Hospital, the new public and high schools and the growth of the town from 1600 to 2600 population. J. M. is now rounding out fifty years with the Times-Advo- cate. When he began his appren­ ticeship under the White family he received the magnificent sum of one dollar a week. Three things were mentioned as standing out in memory. The first was in 1921 when with the Canadian Weekly publishers he and Mrs. Southcott made a two- week’s trip to Vancouver and Victoria, going C.N.R. and re­ turning C.P.R. stopping at all important points enroute where they were royally entertained. The second was in 1924 when with about 150 newspaper men he made a trip to Belgium, France and the British Isles and the last was in 1950 when he was honored with the presidency of the Ontario and Quebec divi­ sion of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper- Association, Presentation Dance FOR MR. AND MRS. STANLEY KNOWLES Friday, July 11 ABERDEEN HALL, KIRKTON With A Good Orchestra In Attendance RECEPTION ■» Softball! 2>:00 P.M. Tug-O-Wir: East vs. West Brief Addresses by Prominent Men and Basket Lunch 5:30 P.M.Everybody Drums Women Welcome! VERNE ROBINSON, CHAIRMAN, ONTARIO SUGAR BEET GROWER MARKETING BOARD Eighth Annual Community Association Garden Party Kirkton, Wed., July 16 6:00 p.m.—Ladies’ Softball Game London Central Auto Marts "vs. Stratford KroeMers 7:30 p.m.—Outstanding Juvenile Contest Twenty-eight talented children from a wide area will compete for valuable prizes 9:00 p.m.—All-Star Professional Program THE CONTINENTALS the Land Biggest Little 5hiw Bind tn THE SOPHISTA QUEEN — Snappy, Colorful Dance I^ine Cy LEONARD & HAPPY — Canada's Top Ventriloquist, Already under contract to CBC Television Studios HAL BLAIR — Hand Balancing and Comedy Acrobat from Buffalo, N.Y. MILDRED MORAY — The Best Comedienne in the Busi­ ness with Personality Plus THE HARMATONES — Harmonica TUo with NovePiag etc. RAE TODD — Beautiful Girl Songstress with Guitar BLOND BOMBSHELL — Breath-taking Acrobatic Dancer HARVEY ANTHONY — Musical Director MASTER OF CEREMONIES - - Our Own Leon Pa fit Ample Refreshment Booths on Grounds Soft Drinks & Ice Cream Coffee & Hot Dogs Admission: Adults 75# * Children. 30# Advance Ticket Sale to July 12' - U5# and 25 Plenty of Free Parking Space Provided Come with your family and friends and enjoy Western Ontario’s Biggest Entertainment Value for 1952! Pastry FOR MR. AND MRS. ARTHUR GELINAS Music by the Symcopators Ottawa Will Pay Grants For RCAF Property Taxes Huron County in general, and the townships of Tuckersmith and Stephen in particular, will benefit as a result of a change in the policy respecting the pay­ ment of grants in lieu of taxes on Federal property, it was an­ nounced by Andrew Y. McLean, M.P. for Huron-Perth, this week. These municipalities will now eligible for a Federal grant lieu of taxes with respect Crown owned property. For almost two years Mr. Mc­ Lean has been holding discus­ sions with the Minister of Fin­ ance and officials of the Finance Department, pointing out the situation that exists In wholly rural municipalities when there is established such national de­ fence installations. RCAF Sta­ tion Clinton is located in Tucker­ smith Township and Centralia is in Stephen Township Under existing legislation, municipalities, in order to qual­ ify for a grant in lieu of taxes, must provide certain services to the Federal property, but in the case of stations such as those at Clinton and are located in the provision services is same ities • taxes Iing assessment THEATRE Phone 421 Previews Its •Coming ‘ Attractions J * 'ffl FRIDAY & SATURDAY July 4 and 5 Carson City Ar Randolph Scott Ar Lucille Norman This is a real large western melodrama. scale MONDAY & TUESDAY July 7 and .8 Flame of Araby Ar Maureen O’Hara Ar Jeff Chandler An adventure melodrama technicolor.in WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY July J) and 10 Bulldog Drummond Ar Walter Pidgeon Ar Margaret Leighton The latest adventure of the great fictional amateur detective —‘Bulldog Drummond. be in to Mr. and Mrs. Jfl. Lindenfield visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lindenfield at Stir­ ling. From there, the four took a trip to Montreal, Ottawa, King­ ston and the Thousand Islands. Four teachers from South Huron District High School are marking departmental papers at Toronto. They are Joseph Creech, Fred Meek, John Mahon and Mrs. Jessie Stewart. F/O Ivan Greenwood, several days Mr, and Mrs. and family. The Young _ _„ ____ James and Main Street Churches enjoyed a theatre party at Grand Bend recently and afterwards a weiner roast at Turnbull’s Grove. Mrs. William Gall and daugh­ ter Jean, of Ingersoll, are visit­ ing with Mrs. James Anthony. Miss Pearl McLeod is spending her holidays at her parents' home on Thames Road. Mr. D. Glover, Mr. and Mrs. O. Glover, Roland, Man., and Mr. and Mrs. B. Scott, Winnipeg, Man. spent a couple days with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Miller. Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Steiner spent a few days last week in Rochester and Buffalo, N.Y. Miss Helen Westcott is spend­ ing two weeks holidays at home. Decoration Service KIRKTON UNION CEMETERYFor Health’s Sake EXETER ROLLER RINK Hunter-Duvar, of N.S., is spending with his parents, Ed Hunter-Duvar People’s Union of Mon. - Wed. - Firi. - 8:00-11:00 p.m. « Skates Supplied - Admission 25# and 35# Refreshment Booth xit 3:00 pan. Special Speaker: REV. ALLAN DUFFIELD of Lambeth Music by Woodham Male Quartet If Weather Is Unfavorable, Service in Kirkton United Church Ross Marshall, Frank Routly, Chairman. Sec.-Treas •w Willert Reunion We cordially invite you and your familly to be present at JOWETT’S GROVE, BAYFIELD, ONT. (No. Lt Highway to Bayfield New Bridge, Turn Left) Saturday, July 5, 1952 Bring Picnic Baskets for the Day Tablecloths, Plates, Cups and Spoons Provided LUNCH AT 12 O’CLOCK NOON Join Us — Help Our Seventh Reunion Be A Success Pres.: Mr. Bruce Willert, Sec.; Miss Bernice Haist, 81 Oak St,, London. R.R. 1, Exeter. Centralia,, which rural townships, of the specified possible. At the rural municipal- not the been unable to levy result of there hav- renwved from the ___ . . rolls the property owned by the Crown. The muni­ cipalities, too, have had to pro­ vide for additional expenses be­ cause of the increased use which is made of township roads by traffic the air time have as a been proceeding to and front force stations. Donna Lee Knight, ofMiss ____ Kitchener, is visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. £.. _L zer and Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong. Harry Page spent the week­ end with his family at St. Cath­ erines. Arthur Scott and his grandson Gordon, from Detroit, are spend­ ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. John Ward. Mr. Scott will leave soon for Western Gordon will stay summer. Sorority Picnic A picnic supper by 25 members of on the lawn of Norma Wilson’s home. Husbands, friends and children joined in for an even­ ing of fun. After supper the group accepted an invitation to go for a swim at Turnbull’s Grove where they gathered at the cottage of Dr. and Mrs. Fred Milner. Sweit- Irvine Canada and during the was enjoyed the Sorority the egg and the Dommiom Day —Continued from page 1 A feature of the afternoon was the official opening of the Kinsmen playground by Reeve R. E. Pooley. Introduced by Robert Southcott, chairman of the playground committee, Mr. Pooley spoke of the importance of supervised play for youngsters and he introduced supervisors for the summer. They are Derry Boyle, Jean Taylor, Trudy Pic­ kard, Joan Thomson, Don Tay­ lor and John Lyne. To put the right finish on afternoon, winner of the battle. Reeve Campbell, Kinsman Earl Witmer drew lucky children’s tickets. Michael Bate )f RCAF Clinton was win­ ner >f the bicycle, Glen Hodgins of Exeter captured and Georgia Burton won the wagon. Dumbo the Clown ger in most of the activities of the afternoon and did a juggling act at the evening performance. Johnny Brent ' of CKNX Wing- . ham was master of ceremonies i for ths afternoon program. Outstanding Talent An >utstanding line-up of tal­ ent appeared for the evening show Lee Paul was arranger of I the program and master of cere- i monies. The track in front of the grandstand was filled with seats and as many people at the sides for the formanee. Behind the scenes ette-5 who organized booth under the grandstand and volunteers from the community who worked unnoticed through the whole day with the Kinsmen to help make it a success. the tricycle of Centralia had his fin­ entire stood per- were the Kin­ food a BINGO Goderich Memorial Arena Thursday, July 10 Doors Open at 8:00, Bingo at 9:00 D.SX ELECTRIC BINGO BLOWER 16 Games at $10; 1 at $5(0, $75 and $100 and Jackpot of $1,000; a Total of $1,385 NO LIMIT TO 'CALLS Proceeds in Aid of Liote Welfare Woirlk •P ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY July 2 and 3 Ar Walter Pidgeon in THE UNKNOWN MAN Shocking! Revealing! Timely! CARTOON And Additional Short Subjects FRIDAY" & SATURDAY July 4 and 5 . CAPTAIN HORATIO HORNBLOWER (In Technicolor) Gregory Peck at his most heroic—Virginia Mayo at her loveliest. “BUGS” BUNNY CARTOON SUNDAY MIDNIGHT, MONDAY & TUESDAY July 7 and 8 Here is the season’s outstand­ ing entertainment treat .... Ar Gene Kelly in AMERICAN IN PARIS (In Technicolor) Ar Leslie Caron A- Oscar Levant NEWSREEL & CARTOON AN * ■■ v Grand Bend D Music by AND HIS ORCHESTRA EXETER RAGES Wednesdayj July 9 Races Start at 1:30 P.M. D.S.T, Duff erm Park Racing Stakes-year-ow $80© Sponsored by Orpen Race Tracks Class B, Non-Winners of $400 Sponsored by Tuckey Transport and Tuckey Kist Beverages 2.24 Class Trot or Pace Sponsored by Crocker Refrigeration 2.20 Cl ass Trot or Pace Sponsored by Brady Cleaners Free-f oir-a II Trot or Pace Sponsored by Business Men of Grand Bend OPEN RACES CLOSE MONDAY, HORSES ELIGIBLE JUNE JUNE 30 30 Woollen blankets donated to the winner of each race by Jones, MacNaughton Seeds Ltd., Crocker Refrigeration, Chambers & Darling, Lindenfields Ltd., Lyric Theatre, and Orpen Race Tracks of each race by CLIMIE-WH1TESELL STARTING GATE WILL BE USED Betting Privileges on the Grounds Announcer; Tory Gregg, CKNX $20 Cash Prize for Fastest Mile of Race Meet Donated by Central Hotel, C. E. and A. L. Atcheson Silver Tray for Best Dressed Outfit Donated by Jack Smith, Jeweller Frank Taylor, President Jack Morrissey, Chairman i GetL W» Lawson, Treasurer W» C, Allison, Secretary Jr