HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-07-03, Page 11THE TIMES-APVPCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 3, 195? HANDY TRICK, IF <OU CAN t>0 IT, ANO , If ORANGE « IN POPS fl NO! NO! NOT THE ' elevator, cousin! COME ON... I HAVE. A SHORT CUT!! PRono 423 FOR SALE We specialize in the follow­ ing used items: Railroad Iron, angle iron, all sizes; cables, hH lengths and thick­ nesses; chains, all sizes and thicknesses; wheels, all Sizes, all kinds. Used tires. Eye beams and all other beams; flat iron, plates, steel, all sizes and thick­ nesses. § WE BUY | = New and used feathers and : i feather ticks, scrap iron— i E top prices paid. = Portable Arc Welding • ® Acetylene Welding • ® Steel Fabrication • ® Machine Work • • Grinding • Local Juiniors Wim From Harn ng ton Though baseball fans have been somewhat disappointed in the standing of their Irish Nine yet the Lucan Jr’s have upheld the honor of the old town. Thursday night Fred Reving­ ton struck out 13 batters and scored the second straight win over Harrington to sweep best of semi-final wag 6-5. meet the ton-St. Paul series. Needless to say Lucan fans will be on hand to cheer the Jr's on to further victory. .............. . the three Thames Valley series 2-0. The score The team will now winner of the Gran- Lucan And District News Marshall & Murray Machine Shop EXETER ONTARIO 'hfHnminnmiHuiiiiuinMiHHHiiiiiiitmniiHiiHHUHi*1 PHONE STONE'S FOR PROMPT REMOVAL OF DEAD OR DISABLED COWS - HORSES W/M. STONE SONS LTD. PHONE COLLECT ' . INGERSOLL 31 EXETER 287-W ■ a- We Have in Stock Dry White Pine 1 >x 5 and 1x6 Matched Also 1 x 4 - 5 -• 6 - 8 - 1'0 and 12 inches Dressed 4 sides A, J. Clatworthy PHONE 12 GRANTON >■ Lucan Personals Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Culbert and family are holidaying in a cottage at Port Sta'nley. Miss Gora Neil is holidaying with Toronto friends. Miss Vivian Fairless, of Lou­ don, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Annie Fairless. Rev, William Pike past grand chaplin of the grand lodge was in charge when the Ilderton Masonic Lodge attended annual church service on day, June 23. Mrs. Orme and Murray Mrs. Wildern home to St. arines on Friday. On their re­ turn home on Wednesday they stoped off ‘in Hamilton to visit Mrs. W. Gibson. Mrs. Eva Palmer, of London, has returned home after spend­ ing a week with Miss Gertrude White. Mrs. H. S. Stanley and Mary were Sunday Guests with Mr. and Mrs. G. W, Taylor in Sarnia Mrs. C. H. Porter is in Vic­ toria Hospital for treatment. Lucan Cub News The Lucan Pack held its final meeting for the summer season on Thursday of lastr week. A hike had been planned but had to be cancelled. They did, how­ ever, have a real feed of hot­ dogs on. “Akela’s” lawn. They exress their appreciation to Lion Bud Stanley for his donation of pop and ice cream. Both Bagheera and Balu (Mel and Ivan Culbert) were unable to attend. Leaders, Ray Elson and Har­ old Whyte did a really good job of inspection after the lunch. The ball game was of duration but made up for in fast play. The group committee Lion’s Club along with Ivan, Ray, and Howald all each cub a safe and happy day. Mrs. Macintosh is still on sick list. Mr. and Mrs. John Blair tended the annual Mitchell nic held at Springbank, Satur­ day, June 28 at which over 200 sat down for dinner. Members were there from Detroit. Hen­ sail, Exeter Ilderton, Centralia and London. The day was ideal and a good time was had by all. their Sun- took Cath- short that and Mel wish holi- the at- pic- June results of Lucan Public School are as follows: Grade eight to nine: Jean Bond, Tina Eizenga, Kathleen Graham, Rose Marie Dainm, Larry Hyatt, Dorothy Miller, Clayton Thompson, Thomas Wil­ kinson, Dorothy Untereiner. Grade seven to eight: Bernice Appleton, Bernard Avery, Thom­ as Brooks, William Elson, Alice Frost, Cecil Hodgins, Terry Hod­ gins, Doris Kenny, Gary Mc- Falls, Larry McFalls, Margaret Neil, Nyles Nicholson, Rose Rev­ ington, Martha Rummell, Aud­ rey Whitehead Yvonne Young, F. W. Morgenroth is the teacher. Grade six to seven: Gladys Bond, Gary Elson, S h e 1 e i g h Ewen, Keith Frost, La Verne George, Helen Hardy, Jack Park, Marlene Revington, Peter Ship- ley, Beth Watson, Lillian Wilken- son, Robert Young. Grade five to six; Margaret Eizenga, Harold Frost, Lorraine Graham, Gerald Hamilton, Frank Hardy, Allan Hodgins, Barbara Hyatt, Mary Kenney, Donald Lankin, James Magoffin, Anne Marie Murdy, Allan Ryan, Tom­ my Ryan, John Smibert, Mar­ jorie Sovereign, head, Donald Guenther, Damm, Sheila Ir edale, Finley. Failed: Mary Neil, Carl Rummell and Jim Rummell. C. Croker is the teacher. Grade four to five: Stewart Appleton, Don Black, Billy Chown, Terry Culbert, Barbara Coxe, Frank Egan, Victor Neil, Carolyn Odd, Anne Revington, Joan Taylor, Marie Whitehead, Carol Young, Harvey Hayes, Clifford Acheson, Kenneth Young. Failed: Bob Gray. Grade three to four: Kenneth Avery, Beverly ’Butler, Wayne Culbert, Jim Drennan, Patrick Egan, Alice Ryan, Arnold Tig- chelvar, David Whyte, Joan Young, Gerry Kehl, Patsy Gray. Failed: Joe Hodgins. Miss P. Gowlett is the teacher. Grade two to three: Heather Acheson, Beth Black, Bobby Chown, Mae Cobleigh, Lois Coxe, Dina Culbert, Marilyn Culbert, Billie Darling, Ilene Donaldson, Victoria Eizenga, Shirley Eme­ rick, Arnold George, Joe Ken­ ney, Michael Murdy, Billie Neil, Kathleen Ryan, Erma Thompson, Rose Wilkinson, Ronald Wood­ ward, John Young. Grade one Bond, Arthur Cochrane, Bonnie Drennan, Paul Graham, Randy Paul, Ryan, Betty Ann Young, Young. Failed Robert Evelyn Wliite- Walter Allan Young, Patricia to two: Harry Cobleigh, Jean Edna Gordon Damm. Mrs. M. Donaldson is the teach­ er. Parents Visit What boosts a man’s stock NTS BOSS Because hankers and others Who lend money render such useful service, their opinion of a matt is Important. To them, ownership of adequate life Insurance is often an Important factor in establishing satisfactory credit. Invariably, employers like the kind of man who readily accepts re­ sponsibility. And they know that this attitude is suggested by a num's ownership of life insurance. So life Insurance can be a “plus” to a man iti any line of work. NflGHBOUftS M«ny a man Is rated “the bust husband in the World” by his wife. But If he owns life Insurance— which provides his family with financial Security—he enjoys extra laurels because of his concern for their future. When they know that a man owns life Insurance, they know he’s try­ ing to achieve financial Indepen­ dence for his family and, perhaps, for his owrt later years. And be* cause he’s doing his share In tills way, they regard him with respect. Nursery School Parents and friends attended the closing exercises of Mrs. Dobie’s Nursery School which was held at the home of Mrs. Murray Hod g ins, Wednesday morning. Twelve excited wee people could scarcely control their exu­ berance with visitors looking on as they offered their morning prayer, sang their songs, danced their dances and dramatized Red Riding Hood. Even “teacher” in her excite­ ment confused the name of Red Riding Hood with Goldy-locks, but was inmmediately by the kiddies much to usement of the visitors, gay was presented to sent which the children informed us Mrs. perfumed. Then ments which old ; joyed. While visitors the children’s people had their pictures taken. It is hoped before September rolls around some one will unteer to take charge of Nursery for next year. checked the am- A nose- all pre- proudly , Hodgins had came and refresh­ young en- were work examiuing the wee vol- the Today, millions of Canadians are providing security for themselves and their families—and enjoying greater prestige—through owning life insurance! AT YOUR SERVICE! More than 50 Canadian, British and United States life insurance com­ panies compete actively to offer you the best possible Hie insurance service, A trained life underwriter from any of these companies will gladly help you choose the kind and amount of life insurance that will best fit your needs, TH® FIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES in CANADA “It Is "Good Citizenship to own Life Insurance” L-2520 Strawberry Supper Provide a good program, oh a good supper and people will come back next year and bring their friends.” This was shown on Tuesday night at the Lucan Community Centre when a splendid crowd attended the Ham and Strawberry Supper sponsored by the Lucan United Church W.A. in spite of the extreme heat; all stayed for the program which consisted of dancing by six-year- old Janet Zurbrigg, solos by Mr. H. S. Harrison and Mrs. Frank Hopkins, readings by Joyce Free­ burn, accordian numbers by Hilly Clark and novelty numbers by Carl and Frank Crocker, put Clandeboye Ladies Welcome New Minister Mrs. Fred Simpson was host­ ess for the June meeting of the W.A. and Guild of St. James’ Church on Thursday. Mrs. E. Flynn, president, presided and opened the W.A. meeting, Mrs. Hewitt assisting. Scripture read­ ing was given by Mrs. J, H. Paton, Mrs. Flynn, on behalf of the W.A., welcomed Mr, and Mrs. Wagland to the branch. Mr, Wagland replied. Mrs. Flynn told of Miss’ Hasell of Saskatchewan sending reports to the Queen mother Elizabeth of her work with the S.S. van and thanking her cial help. Last volunteers visited held six services, ery of West Middlesex is to be held at Holy Trinity Church, Lucan. Guild Meeting Mrs. Andy Carter, president, presided for the Guild meeting. Mrs. ed for arrange church. It was teachers nic and set the date. The Guild will assist. Mr. Wagiand closed the meeting with prayer. Re­ freshments were served by host­ ess and committee and usual social half hour spent. Receive Certificate At the morning Sunday at St. James’ the Rev. F. J. ed certificates Tomes with 70 Harrison with the Church of ada, Department of 1__„__I Education, with Mrs. Karl O’Neil as teacher. Personal Items Mrs. Susan McWilliams is spending a week in Woodstock visiting her nieces, Mrs. Monty Potter and Mrs. Art Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Hendrie and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Downing, Karen and Joan, of Chatham at­ tended St. George’s Church at Belmont on Sunday afternoon. After the service they visited with the Rev. L. C. Harrison at the rectory Mr. and and family with Mrs. uncle, Miss Bowman at Mr. and Mrs. H. Murless and daughter visited on Sunday with Mrs. H. Peterson and family at their cottage in Grand Bend. Mr. Jim McSpadden of Lon­ don called on Mr, J. H. Paton on Saturday. The Sunday School of the United Church held their annual picnic on Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mc­ Intosh, sports, Mr. Carter Cook’s Mr. chased er. Mr. chased Mr. ___ don has accepted a position as teacher of No. 4 and 12 for an­ other year. May we offer our congratula­ tions to Joan Murless, Gwen- neth Tomes, Jacquiline Williams and Mac Harrison, pupils of Clandeboye school, who passed their exams of Grade 8. Mr. Mc­ Donald is their teacher. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paton and Clare were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Emerson Paton and family of Kirkton on Sunday. They later attended the lodge service at the Anglican Church at Kirk­ ton with Rev. Griffith, rector, taking the service. The Wood­ ham fife and drum band led the parade, Mr, George Davis, Ex­ eter, County Master of South Huron, and Mr. Lloyd Hern, District Master Of BiddUlph, in charge, We are pleased Conlin is better, a patient in St. pi tai.Mr, and Mrs. liams, Jackie, „ «. ... - . - Wayne, spent Sunday with and Mrs. Jack Williams of bin. Sandra Is staying this week. Pot-Luck Supper Held By Evening Auxiliary The June meeting of the United Church Evening Auxili­ ary was held in the church parlours Thursday evening and began with a Pot-Luck Supper which one and all enjoyed. During the business session presided over by the president, Mrs. Alex Young final arrange­ ments were made for the pack­ ing of the bale for overseas for the layette. The worship service was spon­ sored by Mrs. Bert Thompson’s group. The scripture was read by Mrs. Ivan Hearn and an Edu­ cational talk on temperance was given by Mrs. Dave Park. and Mrs. Arnold Edgar of West Mount and Mrs. John Moffat of Wingham called on Mrs. Isabel Underwood on Wed­ nesday on their way to Wing­ ham. Those who listened in to the “Your Neighbour” programme, C.F.P.L. on Tuesday morning heard Lucan Public Mrs. Granton Neighbour” on Tuesday Mrs. Don Thompson of give a boost to Lucan’s Library. E. May who has Joseph’s Hospital with a broken hip has returned to the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Devine at Granton. Langford of been in St. since March and "shouldei Miss Linfl Abbott Speaks At WMS Meet Mrs. John Blair’s group was in charge of the June meeting of the United Church WMS with the president, Mrs. Hill presid- i ing. Being near July 1 the meet­ ing opened with a tribute to Canada. During the business session members decided to have a pic­ nic for the Mission Band and Baby Band at the July meeting under the direction of Mrs, Banting’s group. Mrs. C. Lewis sang a solo S. Chown, by a bible rude White. Mrs. J. McLean led in prayer. A temperance skit by Mrs. Blair, Mrs. G. Young and Mrs. Wilbert Revington was enjoyed by all. The guest speaker was Miss Lina Abbott who spoke on the topic “If you would keep youx’ country clean, sweep before your own door.” Owing to the extreme heat ana threatening storm the at­ tendance was small but those present enjoyed the ments which of 0. accompai&d by Mrs. which was followed, quiz by Miss Gert- enjoyed the refresh- and the social half hour closed the meeting. ^.IKtllKlinilXlIllltUOOKlIIHIIIKIOIIKOKIIKHKK Mrs. trou- { Mrs. Harry I Murdy Chas. Elwood and son visited with Mrs. Cliff last week. For Sale for her finan- year the van 412 homes and The fall Dean- H. Murless was appoint- the summer months to for flowers Mrs. H. S. Stanley and U. F. Stanley attended the sseau tea at London in honour of Miss Loraine Petit—The later assisted in pouring tea. Mrs. William Pike, Sunday School teacher of the air for the Untied Church of Canada conducted service in the Birr United Church on Sunday last. Mrs. Norman Grass (nee Ethel Culbert) underwent an opera­ tion in Newark Hospital re­ cently. Mrs. Bruce Chown (nee Kay Philpott) who suffered a severe attack of flu and mumps is con­ valescing at Dr. Patterson's. in the decided to ask to make plans service on Church, Wagland present- t o G w e n n e t h per cent and Mac 79 per cent from England in Can- Religious in Dorchester. Mrs. Mervin Carter visited ou Sunday Carter’s aunt and Jane, and Mr. Adam Lucknow. After the program of refreshments were served. H. Murless and Douglas are working on Mr. Doug new house in Hensail. Arthur Simpson has pur- a new Massey-Harris bal- Jack Atkinson lias pur- a Allis-Chalmers tractor. Fred McDonald of L011- and ,, X., George Davis, Ex­ County Master of South , and Mr. Lloyd Hern, to report She had Joseph’s Mrs. Ifeen Hos- Rupert Sandra Wil- and Mr. Sar- Canada hag fix ocean-going, cargo vessels flying the flag of the Dominion. SPEEDY PEDDLAR STEEL ROOFING All length of sheets from 6’ to 10’ FLEURY-BISSELL FARM IMPLEMENTS . * . . DISCS, PLOUGHS, LAND PACKERS, TILLERS, CULTIVATORS FIELD TILE All sizes for delivery, 4'" to 14”, from stock, small amounts or orders for truck loads delivered. LUCAN Scoffs Elevator PHONE 63 HASKETT MOTORS Poor speedy- HE HAD AN ACCIDENT IN HIS CAR TODAY- AND H£ WAS SOAKED, BUT PLENTY SERVES THE YOUNCj SQUIRT RIGHT. HE SHOULD HAVE TAKEN IT TO OF COURSE THEY DO, BUT WHO SAID IT WAS AN ACCIDENT TO HIS CAR'HASKETT MOTORS LTD- THEiR PRICES ARE REASONABLE AHO THEY ALWAYS DO A JOB THAT IS 1OO% PERFECT? HE WAS DRINKING SOME SODAPOP IN THE FRONT SEAT AND HIS GIRL ACCIDENTALLY BUMPED HIS ELBO OH BOY, WAS ' I SOAKED’ ’51 Fond 'Convertible ................. $2,595 ’46 Cadillac Fleetwood Sedan .... $1,875 ’36 Plymouth Sedan ........<.......... $195 ’39 International Half-Ton Panel $275 ASKETTMOTORS LISTEN Ml [2-CY1INDER [ TRACTOR STOP. There's one "sure-fire" way to get the most for your tractor dollars and that's to Stop . . , Look .. . and Listen . . , before you buy. STOP at our store, get acquainted with a John Deere General-Purpose Tractor. Weigh a John Deere's modern operating features-— six-speed transmission, hydraulic Powr-Trol, Roll-O-Matic Front Wheels, differential brakes and many others—-against any in the field and see for yourself how one of these famous tractors will handle your every job easier, faster, and better. LOOK inside a John Deere and you'll quickly see how exclusive two-cylinder de­ sign, with its fewer, stronger, heavier parts— its over-all more-rugged, construction—means greater dependability . . . longer life « , . far lower maintenance costs. LISTED to the complete facts of John Deere design, capacity, and performance—make any comparison you like and you'll agree a John Deere is tops on every count. EXETER QUALITY FARM EQUIPMENT G. Simmons & Sons GODERICH TkeTuulewuuvfe o{ Qua&ty "f&wt cS&aiptttanT