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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-06-19, Page 11
THE TJMES-APVOCAT& EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE is, 1952 HOME! It strikes everywhere bringing ruin an d loss. S e e us for insurance that protects. Strikes INSURANCE IS THE «s* BEST POLICY W. H. Hodgson “The Insurance Man” Phone 24 EXETER ONTARIO South Huron Institutes Hold Annual Meeting —Continued from Page 8 •‘If there is something you want,” she said, "go after it and get it. Let ns line up to out great home and country motto. We have read, heard and thought,” she continued, "hut what have we done?” She urged all members to start putting in spiration to work and she ed that the district would members and prosper in coming years. An outline of the work by juniors was given by Jean Scott, home economist coach. She reported on the suc cess of various projects finished by juniors during the year and told of the enthusiasm with which the younger girls were forming garden clubs, and achievement groups. Proud Of Institute Mrs. C. Williams, London area 4 hairman, closed the session with an address. She told the as sembly that she was more proud every day of achievements of Women’s Institutes. "We have in our groups,” she said, “an opportunity of mould ing public opinion and carrying out sound public Institutes seem to ity to reach out what is at hand.” Mrs. Williams H the groups for their work during the year. Interspersed with the were musical numbers by Hensall and Hurondale. Mrs. It. Broadfoot conducted a period of community singing and before dinner, Mrs. Iteg. Hodgert gave a demonstration on the making of salads. hop gain the done Miss relations. The have the abil- and just take congratulated splendid business provided Cromarty Ladies Entertain Exeter The ladies of the W.M.IS. met in the S.S. room on Thursday with a good representation of the auxiliary of Caven Church, Exeter, as their* guests. Mrs. Thos. Scott Sr., presided and conducted opening exercises and business period, after which the Exeter ladies presented a varied program, with Mrs. E. Mitchell in the chair. Mrs. Moir led in devotional exercises and a splen did address was given by Mrs. Sinclair. Several musical numbers were contributed by Mrs. Simpson, Mrs. Sillery and Mrs. Stanlake with Mrs. II. Strang as accom panist. Refreshments were serv ed by the Cromarty ladies and a social hour enjoyed by all. Cromarty Plans Church Fete The Cromarty Presbyterian congregation is preparing to celebrate the centenary of the building of the original church for the Hibbert congregation. Special services to mark the one hundredth anniversary will be held on the last Sunday of this month, June 29. Rev. Dennies, of Toronto, a farmer student minister will con duct the services. Rev. R. Dun- canson is the present minister. Previous to 1852 the Presby terians in Hibbert attended Roy’s Church in Fullarton. 'While the log church was being built in 1852 on the corner of the Hamil ton farm which is lot 11, con. 11 and now owned by Ross Mc Phail, services were held in a log barn nearby. The present stone church was built in 1864. Taylor^Boutilier Wed In London Church A quiet wedding took p.att at the United Church parsonage. London, when Rev. W Hunt j united in marriage Charlotte Mary Ellen Boutilier. daughter of Mrs. Boutlier. Nova Scotia, and Delbert Ray Taylor sou of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor. Exe ter. The bride chose a hfjge with matching accessories wore a corsage of red roses only ornament was a necklace, gift of the group Melvin Dale, Seaforth the groom was bridesn in a blue suit with m c essories. Mr. Clive Lambeth the groom. After the they motored to the* h groom’s parents. Exete a buffet lunch was s, about 30 guests. A reception was luRi the evening after w: happy couple left fry n. Alberta where they aj|. suit and Her hinestone 4rs. 1. sister of tiaid. pi, at •Inn wn ac I»I*O rem of who ’ved c rt cd ony thf e (i BLANSHARD : Mr. and Mrs. Alex Dobson and •Wayne of Weston spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. I Fred Pattison. Mrs. Dobson is re maining for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Carl l’ Auburn sent Sunday with j1 Fred Mills and family, j Mr. and Mrs. Thedore h-hens, of Anderson. Mrs. Mossey and Kathleen spent day with Mr. and Mrs. G (Ferris of Prospect Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor of Auburn. Mrs. H. Martin of Gode rich spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Milton Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hoop er. Ruth. Clare and Very] spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Denzil Facey of Thorndale Milk of Mrs. Diner: Waiter: Diner: them to heels " What is this?” "Filet of sole, sir.” Send it hark and ask remove- the- 3 uid-er 'Page 9 thi' h<4 uno. Wt have facilities for cleaning radiator*. n verst flush method. Hot summer days are here again and with the weather comes overheated radiators. H your car is overheating, bring it in to t gj ste p v. t will r< pair to your satisfaction. SNELL LIMITED Dealers in. Chevrolet, Oldsmobile and Chevrolet Trucks PHONE W EXETER, O’ 'H I H ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! EDGEWOOD Mr. home seph’s Mr. spent n-Turned St. Jo- INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER K AND LABOUR /* • If Install a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM for Greater Profits . . . save TIME and LABOR doing daily chores . . , a DURO gives added comfort and convenience in home and barn . . . Running water at the turn of a tap “speeds up’’ every farm chore. There is a DURO Pump for every farm need. KIITCHEM TRUCK GARDENERS BARN Eliminate old “pump and carry” —- fresh running WATER ON TAP saves TIME and kitchen drudgery. depend on a DURO WATER SYSTEM . , . assured of plenty of moisture when needed. Why carry water? Clean fresh running water at the turn of a tap saves WORK and TIME ... greater PROFITS too! Phone or visit us today for DURO Pumps and EMCO Plumbing Fixtures. Write for illustrated folder. Trou sseau Tea Held For Helen Shapton Mrs. Wilfrid Shapton, Exeter, was hostess at a trousseau tea honoring her daughter, Miss Helen Feme Shapton, whose marriage to Jack Le Roy Ollen- Bittle was solemnized Saturday afternoon in James St. United Church, Exeter. Receiving with Mrs. Shapton were the bride-elect and Mrs. Walter Ollen-Bittle, mother of the groom-elect. Presiding at the tea table were Mrs. Ray- Fran cis, Mrs. Andrew Hamilton, Mrs. Rhoda Shapton, Mrs. Maud Heywood, Mrs. Cecil Rowe, Mrs. Harold Sturgis, and Mrs. Earl Shapton. Tea room assistants were Miss Betty Allison, Miss Joyce Wil lard, Miss Kathleen May, Miss Claudette Blowes, Miss Marie Huxtable and- Mrs. Lloyd Fergu son. Mary Elizabeth Harmer, cousin of the groom was door at tendant. Those showing the trousseau and gifts were Miss Blanche Zaphe, Mrs. Winston Shapton, Mrs. Elwood Truemner, Miss Anne Rivers, Miss Maida Rich ards, Mrs. Lloyd Smith, Mrs. Max Harness and Miss Maxine Reeder. Miss Janice Hamilton was in charge of the guest book. Miss Shapton has been enter tained at many showers. Mrs. Max Harness entertained her bowling team and Helen was pre sented with gifts. Mrs. Cecil Rowe entertained friends and neighbors for a. miscellaneous shower at her home. Miss Max ine Reeder and Miss Maida Rich ards were co-hostesses for a mis cellaneous shower at Miss Reed er’s home on Wednesday even ing. Miss Joyce Willard and Miss Kathleen May entertained friends and neighbors of Stephen at Miss Willards home for a miscellaneous shower. Mrs. Andrew Hamilton and M r s. Winston Shapton en tertained the bridal party after rehearsal on Friday evening at Mrs; Andrew Hamilton’s home. Allen West ma 1, Wednesday fr<uu Hospital. and Mrs. Cjarc the weekend jj. attending a wedding Mrs. Kenneth Kirk ■. spent the week with .’1 Moore and family. Miss Anna Zuhal weekend with her brother and family, Mr. Joseph Zubal Mr. and Mrs. Eari Middleton attended a wedding <n Saturday in Windsor. Rev. Raymer visited Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Victor West man. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moore spent Thursday evening in St. Thomas visiting her sister. Mrs. Grant Shelby, who is a patient in the hospital there. Mrs. Irwin Neil of Alberta and Mrs. Ma.guire of Ailsa Craig visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hay pel Perrins recently. Mrs. Percy Armitage attended the Prospect W.L meeting Wed nesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zubal Jr and daughters visited their par ents on Sunday to celebrate Mr Zubal’s birthday. Mr. Orville Newby ,<nd Jack Clark of Thorndale spent a few days on a fishing trip in North ern Ontario. Mr. Eugene La Gratia of Lon don visited friends in the com munity. s-I>f u” ■ Medel G-93-D HUXTABLE Exeter^ Ont DEFROSTS ITSELF AUTOMATICALLY EVERY NIGHT, OR YOU CAN DEFROST IT ANY WAY, ANY TIME YOU LIKE Simple as A-B-C A* AUTOMATIC futly automatic def rolling uvery night. Nothing Io-da, no food Io tenwive, *■0 waler Io empty. So fust that frozen foods stay bricMiatflJ BY MANUAL CONTROL S«t th* dial. . .have fast, electric defrosting al any tlnw of day you wxmU h, A convenience feature you'll welcome} Ce CONVENTIONAL Yau can defrost slowly if you wish, ifoally handy when if# fmwi for you »© clean the interior of ypur refrigerator! Color inside... Color Outside... they're fymwuZf 8 MODELS 8 SIZES 8 PRICES Illustrated above: Regal Champion 6-cyL Starlight* Coupe* FOR SALE BY Lindenfields Limited EMPIRE BRASS MPG. CO. LIMITED London • Hamilton • 51, Catharines • Toronto • Sudbuq? • Winnipeg • Vancouver ECOP 522 Final Plans Made For Lucan W.A. Supper The committee in charge of program for the Lucan United Church Women’s Association an nual Strawberry and Ham Sup per, Tuesday, June 24, has com pleted final plans. The committee is as follows: Mrs. M. H. Hodgins, Mrs. Bert Thompson and Mrs. Lloyd Atchi son. /9S2 White sidewall tires and chrome wheel discs optional M txtru cost. Sets the pace in style and value! It’s the newest of the new in modern Wswept-ba.ck” styling. It’s the thriftiest^ too...heat all competing full-size cars in actual gas mileage in recent Mobilgas Economy Run. The Studebaker Champion Six is by far the finest car in the low price field. Studebaker Automatic Drive or Overdrive (used by both of the winning Studebakers in Mobilgas Economy Run} ole available in all Studebaker models at extra cost. Most economical of all eights | ’52 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER V-8 1 1 Beat all eights add all standard size sixes (except the Studebaker Champion) . in actual gas mileage in Mobilgas Economy Run Does not need premium fuel pi... 2w GRAHAM ARTHUR Exeter Ont, BUILT IN CANADA---BY CANADIAN CRAFTSMEN