The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-06-19, Page 10THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 1$, JOP»ge 3 A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times-Advocate Refreshments including a de­ corated birthday cake, were ser­ ved by a committee convened by Mi’s. W. Middleton. Feminine Facts ’n Fancies Rebekahs Mark Five Yearsz Give $800 To Hospital Fund j I’ride of Huron It e b e k a h of Goderich. South Huron Institutes Hold Annual At Kippen I | Mrs. Kirkland commended the ’groups for enthusiasm shown , and thanked them for their gen­ erous contributions to various i worthy campaigns. Mrs. Kirk- : land’s place will A year’s program which in- c 1 u de d contrihiHiuns to th t South Huron Hospital, the Child­ ren's Aid Society and a Greek tractor fund was reviewed in re­ ports from nine Women's Insti- tuteg at the District Annual held 'turning year by ' of the Elimville New Executive Mrs, Johns was elected dur­ ing the afternoon sessions to (head the district. Vice-presidents > are Mrs. Emery Desjardine, of .'Grand Bend. Federation repre- »of Zurich.I Others mi the executive are; ! Secretary-treasurer and assistant iMrs. William Johns, R.R. 3, Exeter and Mrs. Alex Hamilton, epre- Sea- at Kippen Thursday of last wt-ek. Fine Meetings The round-up (f tht year's m tivities showed that the groups have arranged a fine series of meetings as well as giving time and hard work to needy causes. Opening the ull-day session at ' Mrs. S. Kippen W.I.. 30 ladies. South Huron < u <• p e r a t i o n Instituits and urged that Opening the all-day Kippen United Church. Graham, of the welcomed close to She said that was known for among I_. ___ ..... . the annual be one of sociability. Mrs. James Khkland. imme­ diate past president, of Exetei. presided for the whole day. In her opening remarks she told the ladies that it was their meet­ ing and she stressed the need for - pen; opinions and questions as the day progressed. • YQUR-'FAVOURlIE' BEVERAGE KIST I Time-savers I For The Summertime I AT HOME OR COTTAGE-: | Lmewzed Paper Ware Mats* | ........................... package I Wood's Monogrammed | Coasters ...... 25C Packages I Paper Tabb1 Covers | and Plates for Picnics I Bamboo Place Mats | 4 for.................... ■ to Mrs. be taken in the Mrs. Ken Johns branch. Grand Bend. Federation tentative. Mrs. Cosier of! forth and alternate is Mrs. Har- ; old Walper of the Grand Bend , group. ! Standing committee heads are I Mrs. Harry Strang, R.R. 1, Hen- 'sall: Mrs, Paul Doig, Seaforth; Mrs. Robert Elgie, R.R. 1 Kip- Ms. Emery Desjardine, :Grand Bend: Mrs. William Bell, ‘R.R. 2. Kippen: Mrs. Arthur Rundle. R.R. 2 London. Auditors are Mrs. Garnet Hicks • and Mrs. William Elford both of . R.R. 3 Exeter. Mrs. Harold Tay- ■ lor of R.R. 3. Exeter is repre­ sentative for the area conven- ; lion. • Interest and Enthusiasm • Reports from the standing committees shewed that each ■ convenor had arranged a meet- ■ing on her particular topic. Al­ though reports were not i plete from all the groups, j eral accounts of the work | by each convenor showed . interest and enthusiasm had i a major factor during the year, t At noon, a banquet was serv- j ed by the Kippen group in the ' Sunday School rooms of the church. Seated at the head table were Mrs. James Kirkland, Mrs. Kenneth Johns. Mrs. Emery Des-| jardine. Mrs. Alvin Moir, Miss 'Jean Scott and Miss Margaret | Myer of the department. Mrs. C. j Williams. chairman of the Lon­ don district. • Rev. and Mrs. Hinton, Mrs. Whitehouse, Kippen, Mrs. Arm- | strong. Hensall: Mrs. Pepper, j Seaforth: Mrs. Hunter, Elimville; |Mrs. Motz. Crediton; Mrs. Roch, I Zurich: Mrs Gill. Grand Bend; (Mis. W. Simms. Hurondale and J Mrs. Reg Hodgert. Hurondale. ' Rev. Hinton, pastor of the i vhurch took charge of a devo- j Donal period and sing-song af- Iter di'inei and Mrs. Ken Johns ! gave a very comprehensive re- ! port on the recent convention 'held at Guelph She urged every : member. who had a chance, to t attend future conventions. Glad For Tenn ; Mrs. T. Meyers, provincial Sector told the group that i was glad t«* have had the term 'a- South Huron representative jc;. the provincial board. She en- itenraged the ladies to go after members. —Please Turn to Page 0 Races, Games, Picnic For Sheppard Reunion The annual Sheppard Re­ union was held recently at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Sheppard, Parkhill, Ont. The weather was ideal and a good attendance helped make it the usual success. Following are some of the winners in races and contests. Douglas Thompson. Darien e Sheppard. Marlene Fraser. Dave Sheppard Jr., Ralph Thompson, Garry Sheppard, Ken and George Fraser, Murray Sheppard, Mrs. David Holland, Marian McNaugh­ ton, Jimmy McNaughton. Helen Taylor and Cal Lucas, Arthur Thompson, Mrs. Emerson Paton, Mrs. Gordon Frazer and Harry Muray Sheppard. A lovely picnic supper was served and the tables were de­ corated and centered with an an­ niversary cake marking the anniversary of Mr. and David Sheppard. Guests were present j Parkhill, London. Kirkton, Marys, Dashwood and Lieury. year the re-union will be the home of Mr. and Mrs. McNaughton, R.R.6, St. Next held at Duncan Marys. Weddings 45 th Mrs. from . St. com- gen- done that been dir- she Plan Rummage Sale Members of the Beta Sigma Phi sorority held their last meet­ ing for the summer at the home of Mrs. G. A. Cann, Tuesday June lo. when they made first plans for a rummage sale to be held June 28. Norma Wilson and Audrey Bentley, in charge of the pro­ gram gave a sketch review of the years* programs and activi­ ties and Marion Bissett and Mar­ garet Sangster served lunch. Gelinas-MsCann Eileen Elizabeth McCann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs- B. J. McCann, of Dashwood, became the bride of Arthur Vincent Gelinas son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gelinas, Zurich, at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, Saturday, June 14 at 9 a.m. Rev. Father J. M. Fogarty officiated. The bride was given in mar­ riage by her father. She wore a gown Of white net over satin with a lace bodice. A halo of pearls held her finger-tip veil of lace trimmed net and she carried red roses. Mrs. Donald Hartman of Dash­ wood was her sister’s attendant, wearing a dress of blue net over satin with a matching picture hat and she carried yellow roses. Donald Hartman was best man and Joseph McCann and Harvey Corriveau were ushers. Miss Reta Hartman of Mt. Car­ mel was organist and soloist was Barbara Hartman of Dashwood. The bride’s mother wore a dress of dusky rose with a navy hat and navy accessories and the groom’s mother wore a dress of black sheer with white accessor­ ies. The reception was held at the Dominion House. Zurich. For the wedding trip io Nor­ thern Ontario, the bride wore a pink sheer dress, a pink hat and white accessories with a corsage of white roses. The couple will live in Zurich. Ollen-Bittle - Shapton In a double ring ceremony Helen Shapton was united in marriage with Jack Le-Roy Ollen-Bittle of Toronto, at James Street United Church, Saturday, June 14 at 3 p.m. Rev. H. Snell* performer the ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Shapton and the groom, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ollen-Bittle of North Bay. The ceremony took place before a setting of white snapdragon*, lavender stocks and candleabra. Entering the church with her father, the bride was lovely in a gown of white satin with a skirt accented at the hipline flowing down to a train. Chantilly lace in a front panel of from the lace bodice a Queen Anne collar, medallion neckline and 'bridal sleeves. A pearl studded, satin bonnet held her three-quarter length il­ lusion veil white bible stephanotis rose petals^ Matron of honor, Laurene Shapton, sister-in-law of the bride wore a gown of appliqued white nylon net over green taf­ feta with matching picture hat and gloves, and she carried a cascade of lavender and white sweetpeas and white carnations. Janice bride, wore of the and cathedral continued the skirt which had and she carried a with red roses and with cascades of ODD BITS By B.A. s £ Keep A quite about week. —... Huron Rebekah Lodge celebrated its fifth birth­ day on June 4. when visitors were present from Goderich and Ilderton lodges. Each officer was accompanied by a Brother Rebekah. William Cann, P.N.G. of the I.O.O.F. and a charter member of Pride of Huron „ _ ? N.G. Mary Gardiner and he and the other visiting officers ducted the opening ceremonies of the lodge. An impressive re-consecration service was conducted under the direction of degree captain, Mrs. Irene Brown. A Christian flag presented to the lodge by the N.G. Mary Gardiner was dedi­ cated. During the business meeting it wag voted to present a cheque for $800 to the South Huron Hospital Association to furnish a double room in the hospital. Visitors who brought birthday greetings to the lodge were D.D.P. Mrs. Ada Armstrong of Brussels. Mrs. Fred Fritzley, N.G. of Goderich. Mrs. M. N. Grieve, N.G. of Ilderton, Earl Campbell and William Dougall, Hensall, Garnet Johns Sarnia, Clarence Hodgins. Ilderton and Mrs. Mabel Tweedie D.D.P. elect Lodge accompanied con- and closing donned a white summer suit with navy pin stripes and navy and white accessories and wore a corsage of red roses stephanotis. The couple left a wedding trip through Eastern United States. On their return they will live in Toronto. Out of town guests at the wedding were from Toronto, North Bay. Fullerton, Whitby, Port Arthur and Port Huron. she and for the I Dot’s Beauty Shoppe (North of Belt Telephono) Natwrejle Permanent Wavin® Lpstron Cold Wave - Open Wednesday Afternoon * Dorothy G. Pfaff, Prop Phone 71 Iilxotw Chisholm (Formerly V’s Beauty Shoppe) Specializing in Permanent Waving. Hair Cutting and Styling MURIEL CHISHOLM, Prop, Phone 112 - 3ft An» Street Tomlinson Hairdressing MOVED TO Corner of Huron and William Streets Same Management Same Phone Number .— ■ TWINS i Maxine Reeder and Hamilton, cousin of the were bridesmaids. They dresses designed like that matron of honor in mauve with matching picture hats and and carried lavender and bouquets. Groomsman was Don Bittie, brother of the groom, of Terrace Bay, Ontario and ushers were Winston Shapton, brother of the bride and Ty Lemberg of Toronto. Wedding music was played by organist, Lawrence Wein and the Huronia Quartet sang. A reception followed the ding at Monetta Menards, bride’s mother greeted guests. She wore a dress powder-blue sheer with matching hat and a corsage of pink carnations. The groom’s mother wore a two piece blue silk dress with a black velvet hat trimmed with pink and a corsage of pink and white car­ nations. After the reception, the bride BRIDE gloves white Ollen- GROOM AT JACK SMITH JEWELLER ’’’A Complete Jewellery Store” Most Disenmmatmg Brides Select! Their: Most Discriminating Grooms Select Their: to live with.” After this, we were glad the excuse so we went up had some some iced tea. ♦ * 4 * Cool rather wise friend was amused at complaints the weather over the past We felt downright con­ quered by the heat and in mood to joke. “You k n o w,” she said, doesn’t, solve the problem to in a big ‘tissy’ about the heat— just makes you feel it more. En­ ergy is precious on hot days and you’d be surprised at the amount wasted on complaints. W e weren’t convince d. “There’s still the same amount of work to be done in hot -wea­ ther,” we said, “and when heat comes on a week-end people who can't escape to lake are forced to face it home and struggle through. Why shouldn’t they complain?” “What do you suppose would happen,” she said, “if instead of spending half an hour a day talking about the weather people started doing something about it?”. We thought that pretty im­ possible and told her so but she continued. “I mean, doing something about their own had like worry­ ing, hurrying and g e n er a 11 y bringing about a hot storm with themselves. Do you think the world would be any different if people abandoned that useless activity for a few minutes every day and relaxed with a glass of iced tea in hot weather? “What would happen if the housework wasn’t quite finished or you missed out on the most choice lettuce cause you did minutes? “Or what there were still a few weeds in the garden on father’s afternoon off or if he holes of golf gular 18?” “Probably”, be a few more hearty laughs on ; hot days and a few less nervous breakdowns in the country. The death rate from heart attacks 'would probably drop to half and ' you’d find yourself a lot easier for and Male no “It get the the the at she said.” there'd only played nine instead of the re­ nt the store he- nothing for a few would happen if The Hollow Tree F AND MAIL] THIS COUPON TODAYIMPORTANT! FINEST QUALITY TEMPERED STEEL (No! a east iron i>roduct!) smar £.i It builds resistance agains: Keeps you fit! It's health only a few rents a day! Exeter Dairy to taae care or your o drink one quart of milk a resistance against colds insurance Phone 331-J Gleaming forged steel shears feature handy curved blades, serrated cutting edge and ‘pruning” notch for cutting and cleaning meat, poultry and fish I Combines scissors wi th nut­ cracker, bottle-opener, screw­ driver and hammer I Blades come apart for easy cleaning I The hand­ iest tobl you’ve ever had in your kitchen I 8 The Canadian Shredded Wheal Ca., Lid., I Niagara Falls, Ont, g Please send me tone pair of Kitchen Shears 8 v'?'S.h 1 £n<0°se «nd two Shredded 5 Wheal Bax Tops. • NAME............................. g address............... H CITY...........................................,PRbV............ J This offer goad only in Canada g The Pantry It’s salad time again here’s where imagination can go on a spree, You have probably a favourite combination of ingre­ dients and whatever it is, the success of the dish depends on its crispness, it's nutritive value and its appearance. For a cool flavour try a dress­ ing made simply by combining lemon juite with brown sugar until it is tangy but not too sour to your own taste. This can be used very successfully in place of the heavier french dressing. .•» * * * It’s strawberry time too! And a time when the family may be really delighted with a. variety of tasty deserts. We found a re­ cipe whien looks tempting and new and which should show the first few strawberries good advantage. Strawberry Delight Yield—eight servings. Combine lightly cups sliced fresh berries cup fine granulated Turn into a mixing bowl package strawberry jelly powder Pour in cups boiling water and stir until jelly powder is dissolved: stir tablespoon lemon Beat slightly in of double boiler 2 egg yolks Drain the juice strawberries into the cook over simmering water, stirr­ ing constantly, until mixture is thickened—about three minutes. Remove from heat immedi­ ately and gradually stir in the jelly mixture. Chill, stirring oc­ casionally, until softly set. Beat until stiff but not dry 2 egg whites and gradually beat in 3 tablespoons fine granulated sugar Beat the jelly mixture until foamy; fold in the sliced berries and the meringue. Chill, folding occasionally, until mixture begins to hold dessert Chill berries. 1% % 1 1% 1 and i off to straw- •sugar in juic-e tipper pan from the egg yolks; its shape, then turn into bowl. and garnish with whole Rebekah Assembly Honors Mrs* Cann Mrs. Gladys Chambers Miss Irene Sweet are attending the Rebekah Assembly of On­ tario being held at the Royal York in Toronto, On Monday night the Decoration of Chivalry was conferred upon Mrs. Kay Cann, first Noble Grand of Pride of Huron Lodge, in a colourful ceremony jn the banquet hall of the Royal York. Miss Mary Gar­ diner, Mrs. Gwen Gibson, Mrs. Anne coates, MIsb Betty Coates and Mrs. Margaret Fletcher went to attend the ceremony. wed- The the of lace, Silver China. and <(Crystal Bridesmaids Fawrs Wedding Ring for Groom Wedding Present for Groom Diamond Ring Wedding Ring Wedding Present for Bride Favors for His Groomsmen Favors for His Ushers From I $ee it new I The wwclerMy new aM dWeirewt cycl F * ® ©r, « € w/e FRIGID VURF It's a Food Freezer and SHELVE Phone 109 Exeter -"hnJvdco« And you gel all these exclusive features too! Here’s Y°ur 5>%s&k 0HWSW6 One-piiecef porcelain food compartment 4 Quickube Ice Trays' • Bin-size, all-porce­ lain Hydrators «» Famous Meter* Miser mechanism With 5-Yedr Protec­ tion Plan Aluminum shelves that canned ruse New Food-Safety Indicator • Beautiful, Raymond Loewy Styling 4 if drage spaie <tn door