The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-06-19, Page 8Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 19, 1952 « GARAGES Sunday and Evening Service Open this Sunday, Wednes­ day afternoon, and during the evenings throughout the week: SUNOCO Service Station Double Ring Ceremony! For Listoen-Haist The Kvurmdc.d 11* Chui-h. Dre-dite*'.. tvus tl»i srcl’t' et .< douhh rim- vereiuun* - wh*'” Ben- Dane daughter vt My. and Mr* Wtdlkmnm .was united in ’iiarriagv to Louie ’’ Stewart Listova, sen •■: Mr and ■ Mrs. EHing Listov’.. New West­ minister. B-C.A profusion ■ and lemon lilies pi u bmkground of ferns and ■ white satin kneeling cushions and ivCiitt carpet extending to the ; hanked altar, all termed a loveh ■stitina for Hn verenumy , was performed by 1 Dahms.Gues: pews were marked with ’white satin ribbon i.“J‘ : roses Mrs Emmery aunt of the bride presided at the organ and Miss Norma Fahrner sang. . Given in ■ ther t • a flee: ■ white satin. hvdiet and seeded pearls, -in full skirt, falling in ’ train, with fingertip veil in lace and heudress of blossoms She carried a Bible with red rose buds and ste- phauosis caught with streamer. Her attendants wore gowns ot net over taffeta in floor Might identical styles, with full i skirt, la. f bodice, cape and head ! dress of matching nylon net.- - - ■ • , Miss Delores ! Schenk, maid of honor wore iaqua. Miss Delores Pfaff, brides- ' maid in yellow and Miss Rosalie Mack hridesmaid in orchid, each ' carrying a cascade of sweet , peas and rose buds. ; Little Miss Margaret Haist as ! flower girl carried a hasket of . pink and yellow snapdragons •t’Hd Baby Blue Cornflower, she ’was gowned in pink taffeta with Imatehing bonnet. Master Larry Jones, nephew of bride was ring bearer, wearing navy hlaizer and white trousers, carrying a white satin cushion. Willard Berge was groomsman and ushers were Donald Ratz and John Fuller. A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. Re- < eiving guests. Mrs. Haist wore p street length navy crepe dress with lace bodice, navy and white accessories, nylon picture hat and corsage of bettertime roses. For the wedding trip to New Westminster. B.C.. home of the grooms parents. Mr. Listoen -wore identical The bride chose navy and corsage of pink sweetheart roses and forget-me- nots. Following their return they will take up residence in Lon­ don. FOR SALE FOR SALE NOTICES TENDERS WANTED breac;bread box: pans: wash boiler; pet swu'ptr: ash ’various garden tools; cleg too numerous to The estate of the Cndmore. TERMS: Cash. EDGAR CUDMORE. CUDMORE, EXECUTORY GARNET IIICKS, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCT. fruit sealers' brooms siftei many mention late Aliet pots; car- axe. art.-SALE—1940 Dodge, new KIDDIES! Bring Mother to Tn- covers. good tires, reason- in Hensall and get u T- Ipplv 32:: Ann St. 19* shirt and a pair of shorts for ----------------—_ SiUu^ier jjjj. ; FOI . seat ‘ able I FOR SALE -On rubber. 22-:» S —————•——————« .........International threshing machine’FOR SALE-- tuft, white enamel lighted candles. | with high elevator and drive- ? bath tup. Apply Henry Fink- ' ’ ‘ ...... .......... " jheiner. phone 2G-r-:<. 19v I I peonies, hi w Inch Rev J. V. and yellow Fahrner. marriage by her fa­ ne bride was < harming in length gown of net over with inserted lace panels slight edged range white a with flower trim. 4 m/® Town Trips Only 250 Pop’s Taxi All Passengers Fully Insured I>ay and Night Call 357 or 545-r-3 •for Speed and Comfort NOTICE -Would the party who picked up the grey blanket at the ball game on Wednesday evening. June 11. please return at once to the Hensall police as the party is known. 19c ! ’belt 1911 K5 International ; truck with beet dump. -Larne ( Hodgins, phone 28-r-5 Lucan. * FOR SALE A kitchen cup­ board Apply Wesley Hackney. Hay P.O. __________ 19* FOR SALE — 195b G.E. refriger­ ator. in excellent condition. Ap- 1 ply P.M Q. 189.______ 12* TUDOR’S IN HENSALL are still shouting about their outstanding values in summer dresses. Don’t be disappointed—see them now. 19e RE: COLLECTION OF I will be in the Town June 28 and 30 from 12:00 a.m. and 1:30 FOR SALE—-Good heavy grain | mixture —barley, wheat and oats. lApplv J. M. Bell. R.R L Hen- ! sail _______ 19* ■ FOR SALE—Wedding cake boxes ( at The Times-Advocate. i FOR sale -—Lady's balloon- tired bicycle, in excellent con­ dition. Priced right. Apply Jack Cutting, Exeter North, phone 10- J after 7 p.m. 19* TAXES Hall on 9:00 to to 5:00 p.m. for the purpose of collect­ ing taxes. 12:19:26c ERIC CARSCADD’EN Tax Collector a.m. BABY CHICKS FGR SALE Tenders will be accepted until July 15. Building William burner. and one the Hospital Building Carling House). These may be tendered for collectively or individually. The highest or any tender not necessarily ac­ cepted. AH tenders to be marked “Tender". SOUTH HURON HOSPITAL BOARD Exeter, Ont. 19:2C'< 1952- for one I trick on corner of Ann and Streets. Also one oil one hot water toiler, fire-place at present in (former items HAROLD FOR SALE—-Dearing dump rake, ’ one-horse spuffler, walking plow, hob sleigh, chicken shelters. No reasonable offer refused. Apply Lloyd Reynolds, phone 177-r-4. 19c and Mrs. blue suits accessories carnations Cottons are Smartest- wherever 'you Go/ Crediton Youth Group Holds Special Service Service in the United Church on Sunday morning was conduct­ ed by members of the Youth Fellowship with Rosalie Mack in i FOR SALE—Mixed timothy al­ falfa. Apply Cecil Rowe, phone 30-r-(> Dashwood. 19* I I ■ charge. Scripture | Calvin Wein and a iby Doris Swartz. t Joyce Chambers i er and a very fine address given by Ronald Wein. The choir Bvas comosed of members of the I Fellowship Group with a number. Mack san; ture of Christ the church by lowship group. The United School picnic Saturday. Park. The Evangelical School picnic is being June 25 at Turnbull’s Members of the congregation are urged to attend these picnics and enjoy the day with the church school members. Trip to Toronto Pupils of Crediton School Senior room and of Khiva School together with their teachers. Mrs. S. Smith and Mrs. M. Mc­ Donald respectively, enjoyed a trip by us to Toronto on Friday and visited many places of in­ terest. Mrs. William Smith is spend­ ing a week in Elkton Michigan, with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Parkin­ son, Elizabeth and Johnny and Mrs. M. Faist attended Decora­ tion Service in Dorchester Ceme­ tery on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Morloek of Galt spent the week-end with Mr. A. Morloek and Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Young. Mr. and Mrs. Hutton attended in Windsor on Satur- F.OIJ SALE—Four sows due to farrow in five weeks. Apply Urban Ducharme, phone 91-r-7 Zurich. 19* offered pray- was and favoured Miss Winnifred g a solo. A framed pic- was presented to the Youth Fel- Church will be June 28. in Bunday held on Seaforth Sunday held on Grove. FOR SALE — Grey team. Also W. C. Allis Chalmers corn scuf- fler. Apply Russell King, phone 459-r-fi Exeter. <2? 19* SUMMER GOWNS at $1.98 to beat the heat at Tudor’s in Hen­ sail. Real value’. 19c FOR SALE—Good Holstein bull calf, $25.00. Sandy Elliot, phone 476 Exeter._______________19c FOR SALE—One baby’s pram. Apply Times-Advocate. 19* FOR SALE — One Craftmaster tilting arbor bench saw, com­ plete with motor and stand. Ap­ ply Times-Advocate. 19* FOR SALE—Weaner pigs. Allan Wescott, phone 176-r-32 Exeter. 19* CIRCULAR SKIRTS in gay cot­ ton prints, gold tones, and quilt­ ed styles at Tudor's in Hensail. 19c FOR SALE—Number of small pigs. Apply Sol Gingerich, phone 84-r-3 Zurich. 19:26* SEW AND SAVE — New and used sewing machines, fully guaranteed. Repairs to all makes and models. Singer Sewing Ma­ chine, Goderich. Phone 1135, 3-20tfc FOR mel, 4-lid tion. SALE—Ice box, white ena- in excellent condition: also cook stove, in good condi- Phone 511 Exeter. 19* FGR SALE — A White sewing machine, good as new. Call 43- r-15 Granton. 19c HIGHER EGG PRICES, demand more pullets to meet market’s. Still effective 3-4 week pullets, shipper's choice breeds—Heavy breeds. $30.99. Ask us choice. mixed. Bray Hatchery, 120 John N.. Hamilton, or Eric Carscad- den. Exeter Phone 24G-J. 19c 3 week $25.90; 4 week Mediums $34.90-$38.90. for prices on your own Also dayolds, pullets, EMPLOYMENT WANTED WORK WANTED —Young mar­ ried woman desires housework by hour or by day. Apply Times- Advocate. 19* STOCK WANTED I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exe- l*tfcter. ATTENTION FARMER’S—Prompt and courteous service on all dead or disabled farm animals. Phone Collect Ed Andrew, Sea­ forth 851-r-ll, Exeter 235, 5-ltfc Call Ontario Rendering Company for dead, disabled animals. Satis­ faction GUARANTEED, Sanitary Removal. Special weekend and holiday service. Call COLLECT Exeter 158. or for fast service call direct COLLECT Hamilton 3-8656, the truck in your vicin­ ity will be notified. 19c FOR RENT FOR RENT — One three-room unfurnished apartment in Ailsa Craig, large rooms, all conven­ iences. heated, $10.00 per week. Apply M. T. Burn. Ailsa Craig. 12:19:26* FOR RENT—Three-room flat, on lower floor, furnished, hot and cold water, newly decorated. Also large comfortable room for single man for light housekeep­ ing. —Carling Street, next to Roller Rink. 19* REAL ESTATE —.————2- FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—I would like tc exchange my big brick house and two acres of land in Centralia for house and lot in Exeter or St. Marys- Pre­ ferably a cottage. Apply Mrs. B. Field. Centralia. 19* AUCTION SALE of Household Effects AT THAMES ROAD MANSE on WED. AFTERNOON, JUNE 25 at 1:00 p.m. at home of REV. WILLIAM MAIR 4 miles east of Exetei. on No. 83 Highway. chesterfield suite ’ writing desk • oak upholstered rock­ footstool; fernery; lamp, 1 set Com- Texts FOR SALE—At Grand Bend, cement block house—9 rooms, hot and cold water, bathroom, sunporch. Two 3-room cabins, nice location, not far from lake, 2-piece bath in each. Apply Mrs. J. Wildfong. phone 159 Dash­ wood. 19:26* FGR BALE—-Several good build­ ing lots in Exeter. Phone 577. 29:5’12:19c GENERAL STORE doingNEW good business in Huron town. Two upstairs. Gas cash required. apartments pumps. $15,000 Rare chance for energetic cou­ ple. Illness causes sale. —Wm. Pearce, Realtor. Ear] Parsons, Salesman. 5-22tfc FINE FOUR-BEDROOM home with one of the most beautifully landscaped lots in Exeter. There is a very large living room with ‘fireplace. Excellent hardwood floors. Oil burner. Air condition­ er, Garage. —C, V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 5-22 4 bed- Ghoice location in Ex- 3-piece bath. Good small nice lot with fruit Price $4,200.00. Liberal —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, 5-8tfc FRAME HOUSE, 3 or rooms, eter. barn and trees. terms. Main St., Exeter. SERVICE STATION & STORE— Highway location in a very busy district. Large new building, built for the purpose. Modern living quarters. Air conditioned house. Water pressure. Up-to-date gar­ age and store equipment includ­ ed. Flourishing business. Very liberal terms. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. 3-20tfc Three-piece rolled top oak library table; ing chair and Philco cabinet radio; table bridge lamp; of Preachers’ mentary; 1 set of the Bible; magazine rack; room pictures, pearl inset: oval walnut table, walnut end table; wooden can­ dles and holders; 1 walnut ped­ estal; 1 round oak table; wall mirrors: 1 ivory bedroom suite spool bed. springs, mattress ble, wash large wall mirror; lace doilies, radio lamp, Homiletic of Great reading books, 2 large living- 21”x 25" with 1'Cotton Clinic’’ IFs Our Sam tone AFPBOVEb StSVICE ®<«and there’s a new secret method of cleaning your pretty cotton dresses that keeps them color-bright/ tissue-crisp longer! Yes, we work miracles yon could aever do at home with our new Sanitone Service for cleaning and finishing cottons. All dirt and spots removed. Perspiration gone. No odors. Careful reshaping re­ stores original body and crispness. Try us today. SAN ITO NE From Moths, Fire, Theft or Damage Store them at Brady's. Your furs and heavy gar­ ments will be given personal attention and individual care. Correct temperature maintained at all times. DO IT NOW! PHONE 136 EXETER a wedding day. Mr. and son visited friends in Erie district. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wenzel the week-end with relatives in Wallace and Millbank and at­ tended the Brisbin-Wolfe wed­ ding in Wallace on Saturday. Misses Marie, Susie and Pearl Kraft and Mr. Sam Kraft of Saskatchewan called on Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wolfe on Friday. Robert Wolfe, of Sarnia, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. A. Haist accom­ panied him to Camlachie where she will send some time in her summer home. Mrs. W. Sisson and daughter returned to Montreal after a visit with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd England. Mr. and and Anne, during the week-end and Mrs. Edwin eBaver. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fahr­ ner and family attended Decora­ tion service in Zurich Cemetery on Sunday. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fahrner were Mr. and Mrs. C. Flegman. Mrs. Mild­ red Cora and daughter Sandra and friend. Mr. L. Cooer all of Detroit. F/S John Wade of Goose Bay is sending some time with Mrs. Wade and family. Mr. H. Radford, spent last week Mrs. C. Radford. Mr. and Mrs. Royal Oak. spent here. Mrs. S. Lamport erturned to her home after visiting in Detroit. Relatives attending the Lls- toen-Haist wedding on Saturday j included: Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Schroeder and Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. O. Schroeder. Mr. and Mrs. Her­ bert Haist. of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Holtzman of Orten- ville Michigan and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Willert, Shirley and Bruce of London. Mrs. P. Marks and son Louis, r. and Mrs. J. Rankin , and Mr. and Mrs. Knightley and Mary all don. Decoration Service held in Credit on Cemetery on Sunday, June 22 at 3p.m. Speak­ er will be Rev. Getz of Dash­ wood. Evening service, will be withdrawn. Mrs. George Steven- on Sunday Cultus in the with Lake spent Mrs. A. Robertson of London, visited with Mr. of Blyth, with Mr. and O’Leary, oi the week-end and Bet- Leonard of Lon- will be on FOR SALE — Large crib and mattress, in excellent condition. Apply Mrs. Peter Ellis, phone 121. 19c. HOUSE FOR RENT—Two miles east of Centralia. Phone 206-R Exeter. 12:19* DO IT 'NOW—Call Sandy Elliot about that Milking Machine. — Phone G4-W. 5-15tfc FOR RENT — Centrally located three-room apartment, partly furnished, available July 1. — Phone 158 for particulars. 19* 3-BEDR00M COTTAGE, insulat­ ed, hot water furnace. 3-piece bath, kitchen modernized. Three lots, several fruit trees. Posses­ sion arranged. —W, C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman, Exeter, . 4-17t,fc la- stand ; dresser and waste paper baskets; lace curtains; over­ drapes, doilies, cushions, plastic curtain; 1 pr. feather pillows, 1 folding cot with mattress 30 x 72; 1 dark bedroom suite, bed springs, mattress, large dresser; 1 antique walnut swing mirror 1 walnut finish chest of draw­ ers; 1 walnut finish wash stand; pictures of all sizes; picture, frames; gray linoleum 10’ x 8’; 1 Welton rug 7’ x 4’; 1 revers­ ible rug 6’ x bed lamps; 1 chairs; baby’s carriage; high electric stove; flat irons and toilet; club bags, 1 trunk, suit­ case; bedspreads, couch throw, bath mat set; hotplate; 2 square wash tubs; tub stand; wash­ board; clothes basket; 10-ft. ex­ tension cord; coffee perculatoi; platters, dishes, cooking utensils, vinegar jugs, meat chopper; crib mattress cover; frying pans, flower pedestal for lawn; wheel­ barrow; step-ladder; Swede saw and extra blade; pitch fork: watering can; cattle tie out chain; jam jars. Other articles too numerous to mention. TERM'S: Cash. FRANK TAYLOR, AUCT. FREI) DAWSON, CLERK REV. WILLIAM MAIR, PROP. scatter rugs. rocking baby Moffatt iron; 5 chemical 3’; trilite; commode; chair; electric handle; FOR SALE—No. 42 4-ft. Inter­ national combine, in good shape. Apply John Reeder, Centralia, phone 477-r-23 Exeter. 19* FOR SALE — Strawberries, pick your own. Apply William Wal­ ters, Winchelsea. phone 14-16 Kirkton. 19c FOR SALE—1.9 chunks. Apply Charles Rawlings, phone 536-r- 21 Exeter, 19c FOR SALE—Springer, vaccinat­ ed. change on beef cattle. Mas­ sey-Harris hay loader. Also new Princess Pat stove, coal or wood. In good condition. Apply Whit­ ney* Coates, phone 48-r-3 Kirk­ ton. 19* FOR SALE—Cabin car trailer in good condition. Accommodates 2 people. Phone Canadian Canners. 28 Exeter 19c LOST LOST — Grey blanket between Sanders St. and Thames Road. Apply Times-Advocate. 19* STRAYED—from Lot 32, five 1’ork pigs. 7 weeks old. Apply Mervin Dunn, phone 177-r-31. * STRAYED—14 head of cattle. Now on the premises of Arnold Desjardine. north end of the B Line. Apply Fergus Turnbull, Dashwood. 19c HELP WANTED OFFICE CLERK-TYPIST—Apply Hydro Office. H.E.P.C., Exeter, Ontario. 19c WANTED — Cabinet - maker to take charge of production. Apply Clipper Coach Manufacturing, Hensall, Ontario. 19e WANTED . and Mrs, Mrs. daughter Kirk ton day morning of the day with Mr. and Laverne Stone of Kirkton. .Tames Squire Alda Anderson Shirley attended anniversary last g and spent the and the Sun­ rest Mrs. FOR RENT—Our precision tur­ nip planter will be available for rent at $1.00 per acre again this year, Market more and better turnips. Phone 91-r-18 Zurich or see Harold Dignan, Hensall. 5:12:19:26* FOR SALE — Lot 60’ x 1 50’ on N.E. corner Hill and Andrew, Exeter. —‘Phone 513-W Exeter. 6-5tf* FOR RENT—Floor polishers and vacuum cleaners. Beaveres Hard­ ware. 5-8tfc FOR RENT-—The office former­ ly occupied by Clerk C. V. Pic­ kard. Apply at Times-Advocate. 3-20tf* FOR SALE!—Nicely located two- or three-bedroom cottage. This home has been redecorated throughout and has. bright, airy rooms. Three-piece bath. Hot air furnace. Also well built building suitable for garage or workshop. Terms. Immediate possession. — C. V. Pickard. Realtor. Main .St., Exeter. 6-5tfe MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE — Whitewashing and cleaning, arrangements can made. —Bill Watson, phone 35- r-19 Dashwood. G-18:U-30c 8-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, insulat­ ed, storm windows, hardwood floors. 3-piece bath, electric range, built-in cupboards, furn­ ace, attached .garage. . —"W. C. Pearce, Realtor. Earl Parsons, Salesman, 6-5 tie Poultry AUCTION SALE ON THE PREMISES, South Half of Lot 22, Con. 14, STEPHEN TOWNSHIP. 13 miles west of Dashwood and 1 mile south. 9 miles west of Exeter on Highway 83. The undersigned has been instructed to sell by public auction on WED. EVENING, JUNE 25 at 7:30 p.m. HIGH PEDIGREE PULLETS at which time and place there will be offered for sale 1,500 Rhode Island Red crossed with Light Sussex 5B months old, to be sold in shelters in lots of 75. This flock oped these convince yourself quality. TE'RMS: Cash. GORDON PEARSON, PROP. GLEN WEBB, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCT. 12:19c is an exceptionally good of pullets, all fully devel- and starting to lay. See birds before sale date ano of their fine be AUCTION SALES MONEY TO LOAN on first farm mortgages. Apply Exeter Times- Advocate. 12:19* HONSBERGER SIGNS TRUCK LETTERING SHOW CARDS Reasonable Rates Phone 661 — 122 Hill St. EXETER 5-15:29:6-12:26* E. MUSIC LESSONS—Piano, violin and vocal lessons given in your own home. Apply Arnold Kilmer, Clandeboye. • «5:12:19* i WANTED—Ride to Clinton daily from Exeter. Going morning, re­ turn evening. Apply The Times- Advocate. 19* WANTED — Coal oil hanging lamps; old colored glass,— Mrs. Ralph Bailey, Main St 2-281fc WANTED TO BUY—Flatrack, in good condition. Apply Elmer Desjardins, Grand Bend, phone 38*27. 19* SPRAY & BRUSH Painting and Decorating: Anyone wishing an estimate on painting barns, sheds, roofs, etc,, or decorating your house interior or exterior. We are *also equipped to spray all different surfaces, Johns- Manville. stucco, brick and con­ crete with special paint manu­ factured for these surfaces. For satisfaction guaranteed and free estimates, contact Gordon W. I Eagleson, phone 40*r-2 Dash­ wood. 5-15:22:29;6-5:12:19:26c PAINTING & PAPERHANGING, kitchen cabinets, all kinds of built-in cupboards, and tile floors. —Thos. H, Walker, tele­ phone 553 Exeter. 4-10tfc NOW IS THE TIME to contact me about your weed-spraying problems. Your grain should be sprayed when it is from 4 to 8 inches in height. I have a good supply of several weed-kill on hand, see me, if sprayer, for V. Hogarth, brands of Be sure to yon have your own your weed-kill. —L, phone 266, 5-8tfc Clearing AUCTION SALE of Household Effects, Antiques and Miscellaneous Items The undersigned auctioned has been instructed to sell by public auction ■ON THE PREMISES. Albert Street in the TOWN OF EXETER SATURDAY, JUNE 21 commencing at 1:30 p.m. sharp HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Din­ ing chairs: table; new; > chairs; Sideboard:, fern eral new; cabinet; mirror; bed and mattress; and mattress; 3 commodes: pin­ up lamps and shades; trunk; crokinole board; electric table lamps; bridge lamp: wicker fern stand; 8-day clock; suitcase; handkerchief basket, Two rugs; 1 12x15; clothes stove: electric, heating lid\n. Bridal Rose dinner set; an­ tique silver and glassware ; chinaware: jewellery eases; kit­ chen dishes; household stales; % room table; dining room : drop-leaf table; centre Astral refrigerator, like 4 rocking chairs: kitchen ; Queen sewing machine: various small tables; stand and jardinere; Electric table radio. upholstered chairs: davenport; large magazine rack; 1 wooden bed 3 commodes: and shades; electric Gen­ like china wall single < cotrgoleum rugs: scatter hooked mats; oriental rug ; Findley cook-stove range; s horse; Coleman oil floor stand and shield; clock: electric toaster; pad; electric iron; table NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of HAROLD FREDERICK MoDONALD, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate Frederick McDonald, Town of Exeter, in of Huron, who died the 30th day of May, 1948. are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 14 th day of June next after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON. Solicitors for the Administrator, Exeter, Ontario. 23:5:12c of Harold late of the the County on or about Tn the estate of JE4N MCDONALD, deceased. persons having claimsAll against the estate of Jean Mt- DonaljS, late of the Town of Ex­ eter. in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 29 th day of May 1948, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter. Ontario, by the 14th day of June next, after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON, Solicitors for the Administrator, Exeter, Ontario. 29:5 J f;e