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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-05-29, Page 14
the TIMES^ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO* THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 29, 1952 Something New o’-cudrung new for modern times but reminiscent of olden ■ days was the feat of Hurry 1 Gossnuu. of wh.°. 8 terns of Social and Personal Interest In and Around Exeter in ’pt^’7nnd?‘0for \he twenty* The Time*-Advocate is always pleased to publish these items. We fourth, resuming to London on ; and our readers are interested in you and your friends. Tel. 31-W Sunday ’ Mr James McWilliams is tin- «der the doctor’s care at ! Hodgert’s nursing home. r Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Sweet j have moved into the house form- ~ j erh occupied by Mr. Lewis HURONIA MALE CHORI JS ' Brown m Hill street. ! Mr. Grant Collingwood of To- I ronto visited with his parents over the weekend. On Sunday, [Mr. and Mrs. Tom Collingwood. - Mrs, Johnson -and David, aud j Miss Prouty drove to Arkona to : visit relatives. ; Visitors with Mrs. F. Brierley J over the holiday weekend were ; her sister and husband, Mr. and 1 Mrs. ’ ; and Mr and Mrs. Howard Ford i and their two sons. Perry and f Terry of Brampton. E.D.H.S. GLEE CLUB at James St United Church Sunday, June 1 8:15 p.m. (Note Change of Time) AUSPICES of W.A. S8 i. HIGH SCHOOL WOi and Airs. Wilf Green- Mrs.’lmugh and Mr. and Mrs. Graham Mason were weekend guests at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Chambers. Sunday guests at the home ot ’ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alderson and • Mabel of Thedford were: Mr. Grant Collingwood, of Toronto, ■ Mr. and Mrs. T. Collingwood, | Miss Hazel Prouty and Mrs. | Lome Johnston and David. | Miss Ella Link visited rela- ’ lives in Ubly and Port Hope, i Michigan, over the weekend. I Mr. Fred Reepe of Hamilton ,was a guest Monday with Mr. wi auu (umuai™, .»**. : and. Mrs. W. Greenhough. William Smith of Detroit j Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Stanlake, tv >n.4 XTrc Hiwnril Pni'rf ’ Ml', an<j Ml'S. XOI'Ilian StUIllaka, ! and Miss Isabel Stanlake visited < in Detroit over the weekend. ■ Miss Grace- Pepper of Ailsa ■ Craig visited with Mr. and Mrs. t George Jaques over the weekend. : Mr. and Mrs. Grenville Black- 5 lock, Sharon and Donald visited ■ on Saturday evening with Lome Johnson and hoys. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Paisley and Jeanette and. David of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs Itoy Luunnie. Bobby and Jean of Centralia; Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Dunn and Mr. and Mrs. Cluster Dunn spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Sturgis were weekend guests with Mt.' * Dur-and Mrs. I. V. Sharpe in ham. COMING EVENTS GARDEN PARTY — July 1ft is your date for Kirkton’s annual Garden Barty. It’s going to be a big attraction again this year, 5-2 Mfe i Appointed Organist Miss Marguerite Carrier, form er Gand Bend girl, daughter of the late Rev. and Mrs. Carrier, has accepted the position of or ganist of the new Leaside Pres byterian Church. Toronto. The official opening day is to be Sunday, June 8, at which time a program of music will be heard over radio station C.B.L. at 4:30. The Evening Auxiliary of Main St. United Church are holding a Saturday, May 31 at 3:00 p.m. Thursday, May 29 Classroom Tour Begins at 8:00 P.M. itie-nG vmuiueting ihH'nh’iwnih :n classrooms girls' sewing modvlh-d. bovs gvinnastics, and of school activities in th- gvmM-isvim. STRAWBERRY SUPPER—Main St. United Church W.A. will hold a Strawberry Supper in June. Watch for the date. 29c KIRKTON COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Preliminary • I i ABERDEEN HALL, KIRKTON Sponsored by the Exeter Branch Canadian Legion Wednesday, June 4 $1000 in Cash Prizes Catches Baby Fox ; A baby fox found behind Snell i Bros, Ltd. on Friday has become j the pet of Gordon Smith, . employee. The young animal spurted behind the building - -aught by Gord. After a ! hours in the showroom he ? taken home and is now ' fortable in civilization. an ; WS.', ! and / few 1 was com- Bro » I at EXETER LIBRARY For Health’s Sake Roller Skate Friday, June 6 8:00 p.m. D.S.T. ROY GOULDING, Imndon, Adjudicator Open to All Public School Pupils (Entries Close May 30) For Entry Forms & Information Apply to Mrs. T. A. Crago, R.R. 1, St. Marys, Phone 27-r-2 Kirkton I i Garden Party Wednesday, July 16 56' 15 Regular Games for $15,00 Each 2 Special Games for $50.00 1 Special Game for $75.00 $600.00 JACKPOT MUST BE WON FEATURING THE BINGO BLOWER Proceeds in Aid of the South Huron Hospital Building Fund Admission $1.00 Extra Cards 250 Doors Open 7:30 — Games Start 9:00 P.M, M H i $1,075 81030 ' AT j SEAFORTH 1 MEMORIAL CENTRE Friday, May 30 ! 15 Games at 20.00 ............. 300,00 2 Specials at 50.00 ................. 100.00 1 Special at 75.00 ................. 75.00 ‘ Jackpot Special ....................... 600.00 ! Total Prizes .............. $1,075.00 ( They Must Be Word ! Admission Play Starts Extra Cards j 1.00 9 p.m- 250 ! ■ June 31! Beta Sigma Phi is presenting a programme -of BALLET and TAP with JACQUI FORT, MJRLA.D. of St. Marys and her 75 Pupils Between 3-17 Years ALSO A PLAY A Marriage Has Been Disarranged by Members of Sorority June 3 - E.D.H.S. Auditorium - 8 p.m. ADMISSION Gfy & CHILDREN 500 Proceeds to purchase Film Projector for Public School MONSTER BINGO Sponsored by ■Clinton Lions Club in -Aid of Artificial I-ce Clinton Lions Club Arena Thursday, June 5 $900 Given Away Including Four Special Games $500.00 JACKPOT MUST BE WON $75.00 — $50.00 —- $50,00 15 Regular Games — $15,00 Each BINGOES EVERY OTHER THURSDAY Admission $1.00 for 1J Regular (mines Extra Cards 25^ -■ Special Games 25$ Extra Doors Open 8:30 — Games Start .0:00 Sharp Refreshment Hensall Show —Continued from Page 1 <’at tie A b er dee n An g u s—E d w a rd thers, Watford and Arva; Short horns — W. E, Parker and Sons, Watford; Dr. Stapleton, Sea forth; M. C. Taylor, Belgrave; Roy Pepper, Brueefield; L. I). Frain, Brussels. Herefords—-Jack McGregor, II, Wright, Cromarty. Holsteins— Ross Marshall, Kirkton. Grade Butcher Steer—Kenneth Coul son, Cromarty; Herb Kertcher, Hensall; Raymond Cann, Tom Easton, Exeter. Grade Baby Beef—Tom East on: McGregor breeders’ special, Easton, McGregor, Kertcher. The Robert Simpson Special went to Edwards Brothers and the T. Eaton Special was won by Peter Graham. Judges were; Ted Woodley, of Ridgetown; E. Snell, Clinton; W. P. MacDonald, Lamb ton argri- cultural representative; Bill Ab raham, assistant agriculture rep resentative for Middlesex; Wm. Steadman, Wyoming, Roy Steva- son, Dresden. Auctioneers who donated their time for the feeders' club auction were: Percy Wright, Cromarty; Ed. Corbett, Hensall; Harold Jackson, Seaforth; Ed. Elliot, Clinton; Alvin Walper, Dash wood. Special school children’s draws for five dollars were won by Jim Orr, Hensall, and Carol Anne Armstrong, S. S. 7. Hib bert. Billy Parker Jr., Hensall, and Betty Peterson won dollars each. at the EXETER ROLLER RINK Wed. - Fri. - Sat. 8:00-11:00 p.m. - Skates Supplied - Admission 25 e and 350 Refreshment Booth ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND MOCK BROADCAST Sat., June 7 2:30 p.m. Thames Road Church Mock Broadcast Called “The Directed by CHL0, St. A Children's Hour". Mrs. Scarlett of Thomas Sponsored by the Mission Band Adults 25$ - Children 10^ SOUTH HURON Jr. Farmers’ Meeting Wed,, June 4 at 8:30 p»m. BOYS’ MEETING: Bob Cobbert of CKNX GIRLS’ MEETING: “Ideas for Brides" Boys Please Bring Bunch Boys Cotne Early for Ball Practice Lakeview Casino Grand Bend WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY May 28 and 29 TAKE CARE OF MY LITTLE GIRL ★ ★ * ★ Jean Mitzi Jean Dale Crain Gaynor Peters Robertson FRIDAY & SATURDAY May 30 and 31 STARLIFT ★ ★ * ★ ★ ★ What a Doris Day Virginia Mayo Ruth Roman James Cagney Gary Cooper* and Randolph Scott line-up of stars! MONDAY & TUESDAY June 2 and 3 FOLLOW THE SUN ★ ★ * Glenn Ford Anne Baxter Dennis O’Keefe I I .Newsreel Monday and Tuesday and Comics Shorts and Comics Every Night 30 and 9:30 •« THEATRE Phone 421 back to Canada . . Also - I Previews Its Coming Attractions FRIDAY & SATURDAY May 30 and 31 MONDAY Jfe TUESDAY June 2 and 3 TWO DAYS ONLY! In Her First Romance ★ Margaret O’Brien WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY Juno 1 and 5 ROYAL JOURNEY (Natural Color) Picture story of the royal tour across Canada into United States and My Friend Flicka ★ Roddy McDowell ■Ar Preston Foster Here is the fiercest, dearest, proud courage of fighting love, in the mighty story of today’s west! 'y.'.MH! i T' i * is' 1" w gXNClNG; Every . u. rday NisM I Music by Bobby Downs AND HIS ORCHESTRA ADMISSION $1,00 ■a T THEY'RE ON THEIR WAY TO LONDON IN PERSON YOUR FAVORITE STARS OF SCREEN, STAGE, RADIO AND TELEVISION CISCO KID (DUNCAN RENALDO) & PANCHO (LEO 7ARRILL0) WITH THEIR BIG Western Round-Up Featuring LITTLE ARMIDA heroine of THE SCREEN Plus a Large Thrilling Cast of COWBOYS AND COWGIRLS TRICK SHOOTING TRAINED HORSES ROPE ACTS COWBOY BAND d( ~ © o © o © © © I 2 BICYCLES GIVEN AWAY FREE r MAIL ORDERS NOW Reserved $2.50-$2.00 I Geherol Adm. $1.50 t (Tax Included) ] Children Half Price At Both Shows 1 At Matinee Performance g 1 At Evening Performance g Coupons; will be given to boys b and girls Who purchase their g tickets art or before June 3rd. E WwmvmnnrHmw)' • SPANISH DANCERS • BUCKING MULES • COMEDY FORDenclose soil * addressed stamped envelope for return of tickets, Out - of - town chetjueS must include ex* change. BOX OFFICE OPENS FRIDAY. 1 DAY ONLY, Thurs., June Sth MATINBE AT 4:30 — EVENING 8:30 • SENSATIONAL KNlFiE- THR0WING ARTISTS Too Young To Kiss •k June Allison ■* Van Johnson A light and breezy comedy farce that is sure to provide movie-goers with a merrlful ses sion of entertainment. LOHDOH 4)RETIA —4.