HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-05-29, Page 14the TIMES^ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO* THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 29, 1952 Something New o’-cudrung new for modern times but reminiscent of olden ■ days was the feat of Hurry 1 Gossnuu. of wh.°. 8 terns of Social and Personal Interest In and Around Exeter in ’pt^’7nnd?‘0for \he twenty* The Time*-Advocate is always pleased to publish these items. We fourth, resuming to London on ; and our readers are interested in you and your friends. Tel. 31-W Sunday ’ Mr James McWilliams is tin- «der the doctor’s care at ! Hodgert’s nursing home. r Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Sweet j have moved into the house form- ~ j erh occupied by Mr. Lewis HURONIA MALE CHORI JS ' Brown m Hill street. ! Mr. Grant Collingwood of To- I ronto visited with his parents over the weekend. On Sunday, [Mr. and Mrs. Tom Collingwood. - Mrs, Johnson -and David, aud j Miss Prouty drove to Arkona to : visit relatives. ; Visitors with Mrs. F. Brierley J over the holiday weekend were ; her sister and husband, Mr. and 1 Mrs. ’ ; and Mr and Mrs. Howard Ford i and their two sons. Perry and f Terry of Brampton. E.D.H.S. GLEE CLUB at James St United Church Sunday, June 1 8:15 p.m. (Note Change of Time) AUSPICES of W.A. S8 i. HIGH SCHOOL WOi and Airs. Wilf Green- Mrs.’lmugh and Mr. and Mrs. Graham Mason were weekend guests at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam Chambers. Sunday guests at the home ot ’ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alderson and • Mabel of Thedford were: Mr. Grant Collingwood, of Toronto, ■ Mr. and Mrs. T. Collingwood, | Miss Hazel Prouty and Mrs. | Lome Johnston and David. | Miss Ella Link visited rela- ’ lives in Ubly and Port Hope, i Michigan, over the weekend. I Mr. Fred Reepe of Hamilton ,was a guest Monday with Mr. wi auu (umuai™, .»**. : and. Mrs. W. Greenhough. William Smith of Detroit j Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Stanlake, tv >n.4 XTrc Hiwnril Pni'rf ’ Ml', an<j Ml'S. XOI'Ilian StUIllaka, ! and Miss Isabel Stanlake visited < in Detroit over the weekend. ■ Miss Grace- Pepper of Ailsa ■ Craig visited with Mr. and Mrs. t George Jaques over the weekend. : Mr. and Mrs. Grenville Black- 5 lock, Sharon and Donald visited ■ on Saturday evening with Lome Johnson and hoys. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Paisley and Jeanette and. David of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs Itoy Luunnie. Bobby and Jean of Centralia; Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Dunn and Mr. and Mrs. Cluster Dunn spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Sturgis were weekend guests with Mt.' * Dur-and Mrs. I. V. Sharpe in ham. COMING EVENTS GARDEN PARTY — July 1ft is your date for Kirkton’s annual Garden Barty. It’s going to be a big attraction again this year, 5-2 Mfe i Appointed Organist Miss Marguerite Carrier, form­ er Gand Bend girl, daughter of the late Rev. and Mrs. Carrier, has accepted the position of or­ ganist of the new Leaside Pres­ byterian Church. Toronto. The official opening day is to be Sunday, June 8, at which time a program of music will be heard over radio station C.B.L. at 4:30. The Evening Auxiliary of Main St. United Church are holding a Saturday, May 31 at 3:00 p.m. Thursday, May 29 Classroom Tour Begins at 8:00 P.M. itie-nG vmuiueting ihH'nh’iwnih :n classrooms girls' sewing modvlh-d. bovs gvinnastics, and of school activities in th- gvmM-isvim. STRAWBERRY SUPPER—Main St. United Church W.A. will hold a Strawberry Supper in June. Watch for the date. 29c KIRKTON COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Preliminary • I i ABERDEEN HALL, KIRKTON Sponsored by the Exeter Branch Canadian Legion Wednesday, June 4 $1000 in Cash Prizes Catches Baby Fox ; A baby fox found behind Snell i Bros, Ltd. on Friday has become j the pet of Gordon Smith, . employee. The young animal spurted behind the building - -aught by Gord. After a ! hours in the showroom he ? taken home and is now ' fortable in civilization. an ; WS.', ! and / few 1 was com- Bro » I at EXETER LIBRARY For Health’s Sake Roller Skate Friday, June 6 8:00 p.m. D.S.T. ROY GOULDING, Imndon, Adjudicator Open to All Public School Pupils (Entries Close May 30) For Entry Forms & Information Apply to Mrs. T. A. Crago, R.R. 1, St. Marys, Phone 27-r-2 Kirkton I i Garden Party Wednesday, July 16 56' 15 Regular Games for $15,00 Each 2 Special Games for $50.00 1 Special Game for $75.00 $600.00 JACKPOT MUST BE WON FEATURING THE BINGO BLOWER Proceeds in Aid of the South Huron Hospital Building Fund Admission $1.00 Extra Cards 250 Doors Open 7:30 — Games Start 9:00 P.M, M H i $1,075 81030 ' AT j SEAFORTH 1 MEMORIAL CENTRE Friday, May 30 ! 15 Games at 20.00 ............. 300,00 2 Specials at 50.00 ................. 100.00 1 Special at 75.00 ................. 75.00 ‘ Jackpot Special ....................... 600.00 ! Total Prizes .............. $1,075.00 ( They Must Be Word ! Admission Play Starts Extra Cards j 1.00 9 p.m- 250 ! ■ June 31! Beta Sigma Phi is presenting a programme -of BALLET and TAP with JACQUI FORT, MJRLA.D. of St. Marys and her 75 Pupils Between 3-17 Years ALSO A PLAY A Marriage Has Been Disarranged by Members of Sorority June 3 - E.D.H.S. Auditorium - 8 p.m. ADMISSION Gfy & CHILDREN 500 Proceeds to purchase Film Projector for Public School MONSTER BINGO Sponsored by ■Clinton Lions Club in -Aid of Artificial I-ce Clinton Lions Club Arena Thursday, June 5 $900 Given Away Including Four Special Games $500.00 JACKPOT MUST BE WON $75.00 — $50.00 —- $50,00 15 Regular Games — $15,00 Each BINGOES EVERY OTHER THURSDAY Admission $1.00 for 1J Regular (mines Extra Cards 25^ -■ Special Games 25$ Extra Doors Open 8:30 — Games Start .0:00 Sharp Refreshment Hensall Show —Continued from Page 1 <’at tie A b er dee n An g u s—E d w a rd thers, Watford and Arva; Short­ horns — W. E, Parker and Sons, Watford; Dr. Stapleton, Sea­ forth; M. C. Taylor, Belgrave; Roy Pepper, Brueefield; L. I). Frain, Brussels. Herefords—-Jack McGregor, II, Wright, Cromarty. Holsteins— Ross Marshall, Kirkton. Grade Butcher Steer—Kenneth Coul­ son, Cromarty; Herb Kertcher, Hensall; Raymond Cann, Tom Easton, Exeter. Grade Baby Beef—Tom East­ on: McGregor breeders’ special, Easton, McGregor, Kertcher. The Robert Simpson Special went to Edwards Brothers and the T. Eaton Special was won by Peter Graham. Judges were; Ted Woodley, of Ridgetown; E. Snell, Clinton; W. P. MacDonald, Lamb ton argri- cultural representative; Bill Ab­ raham, assistant agriculture rep­ resentative for Middlesex; Wm. Steadman, Wyoming, Roy Steva- son, Dresden. Auctioneers who donated their time for the feeders' club auction were: Percy Wright, Cromarty; Ed. Corbett, Hensall; Harold Jackson, Seaforth; Ed. Elliot, Clinton; Alvin Walper, Dash­ wood. Special school children’s draws for five dollars were won by Jim Orr, Hensall, and Carol Anne Armstrong, S. S. 7. Hib­ bert. Billy Parker Jr., Hensall, and Betty Peterson won dollars each. at the EXETER ROLLER RINK Wed. - Fri. - Sat. 8:00-11:00 p.m. - Skates Supplied - Admission 25 e and 350 Refreshment Booth ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND MOCK BROADCAST Sat., June 7 2:30 p.m. Thames Road Church Mock Broadcast Called “The Directed by CHL0, St. A Children's Hour". Mrs. Scarlett of Thomas Sponsored by the Mission Band Adults 25$ - Children 10^ SOUTH HURON Jr. Farmers’ Meeting Wed,, June 4 at 8:30 p»m. BOYS’ MEETING: Bob Cobbert of CKNX GIRLS’ MEETING: “Ideas for Brides" Boys Please Bring Bunch Boys Cotne Early for Ball Practice Lakeview Casino Grand Bend WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY May 28 and 29 TAKE CARE OF MY LITTLE GIRL ★ ★ * ★ Jean Mitzi Jean Dale Crain Gaynor Peters Robertson FRIDAY & SATURDAY May 30 and 31 STARLIFT ★ ★ * ★ ★ ★ What a Doris Day Virginia Mayo Ruth Roman James Cagney Gary Cooper* and Randolph Scott line-up of stars! MONDAY & TUESDAY June 2 and 3 FOLLOW THE SUN ★ ★ * Glenn Ford Anne Baxter Dennis O’Keefe I I .Newsreel Monday and Tuesday and Comics Shorts and Comics Every Night 30 and 9:30 •« THEATRE Phone 421 back to Canada . . Also - I Previews Its Coming Attractions FRIDAY & SATURDAY May 30 and 31 MONDAY Jfe TUESDAY June 2 and 3 TWO DAYS ONLY! In Her First Romance ★ Margaret O’Brien WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY Juno 1 and 5 ROYAL JOURNEY (Natural Color) Picture story of the royal tour across Canada into United States and My Friend Flicka ★ Roddy McDowell ■Ar Preston Foster Here is the fiercest, dearest, proud courage of fighting love, in the mighty story of today’s west! 'y.'.MH! i T' i * is' 1" w gXNClNG; Every . u. rday NisM I Music by Bobby Downs AND HIS ORCHESTRA ADMISSION $1,00 ■a T THEY'RE ON THEIR WAY TO LONDON IN PERSON YOUR FAVORITE STARS OF SCREEN, STAGE, RADIO AND TELEVISION CISCO KID (DUNCAN RENALDO) & PANCHO (LEO 7ARRILL0) WITH THEIR BIG Western Round-Up Featuring LITTLE ARMIDA heroine of THE SCREEN Plus a Large Thrilling Cast of COWBOYS AND COWGIRLS TRICK SHOOTING TRAINED HORSES ROPE ACTS COWBOY BAND d( ~ © o © o © © © I 2 BICYCLES GIVEN AWAY FREE r MAIL ORDERS NOW Reserved $2.50-$2.00 I Geherol Adm. $1.50 t (Tax Included) ] Children Half Price At Both Shows 1 At Matinee Performance g 1 At Evening Performance g Coupons; will be given to boys b and girls Who purchase their g tickets art or before June 3rd. E WwmvmnnrHmw)' • SPANISH DANCERS • BUCKING MULES • COMEDY FORDenclose soil * addressed stamped envelope for return of tickets, Out - of - town chetjueS must include ex* change. BOX OFFICE OPENS FRIDAY. 1 DAY ONLY, Thurs., June Sth MATINBE AT 4:30 — EVENING 8:30 • SENSATIONAL KNlFiE- THR0WING ARTISTS Too Young To Kiss •k June Allison ■* Van Johnson A light and breezy comedy farce that is sure to provide movie-goers with a merrlful ses­ sion of entertainment. LOHDOH 4)RETIA —4.