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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-05-29, Page 13
Page 13 some them have make Diner: "What is this?" Waiter* "*Filet of sole, sir." Diner: "Send it back and ask them move rubber heels.” THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 29, 1952 The Opening Of Customer: lamb chops lean.” Waiter: ward, mossoin, Tea The Guild of Trinity Anglican Church, Birr, held their Blossom Tea on Wednesday afternoon, May 21 An added feature was a demonstration of floral arrange ments, sale of plants and bulbs, home cooking and fancy work. Elaine and Marie Hodgins played duets Mrs. Ernest O’Neil, a for mer president, received the guests. Social Evening At a. social evening sponsored by the Granton C.G.I.T., educa tional pictures were shown under the direction of Miss Leslie and Miss McComb. The pictures were followed iby 12 tables of croqui- nole. The prize winners were; Lila Westman and Nelson Mills. Refreshments were served. Nwrrs« Honored A delightful dinner reception was held on Tuesday last at Hook's Enn, Lambeth, in honor of Miss Margaret Ashworth, who graduated from Victoria Hospital. Illness prevented Mr. Ashworth from attending. Among the guests were following people from Rev. L. Mrs. Harold Corbett, M r s. Isabel Underwood, Miss Thorpe, Mrs. Clayton Haskett, Miss Audrey Marshall, Miss . Marie Stanley, and Miss Anne Atkinson. the Lucan: C. Harrison, Mr. and Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Nw JLocation House No. 1114 Richmond London, on May 22 took a ride on No. 4 Highway. Still bearing its number, it found a resting place on .No. 4 between Cons. 12 and 13, London Twp. Its new owner will be Jack Legg, of Birr. Traffic was temporarily rerouted during the moving. St., Exeter Salvage Co. Phone 423 FOR SALE We specialize in the follow ing used items: Railroad Iron, angle iron, all sizes,* cables, all lengths and thick nesses; chains, all sizes and thicknesses; wheels, all sizes, all kinds. Used tires. Eye beams and all beams; flat iron, steel, all sizes and messes. other plates, tliick- WE BUY New and used feathers and feather ticks, scrap iron ton prices paid. ON ALL FLAVOURS W“ Lucan And District News Mass Alice Stanley Lucan Guest Speaker Resplendent with an array of spring flowers and ferns the Lucan United Church parlor was the setting for a most enjoyable evening on Thursday, May 22, when the Evening Auxiliary entertained members of their own W.M.S. and also members of the Anglican Holy Trinity W. A. The three branches filled the room. At sided over by the president, Mrs. ‘ ' were and also for a pot luck supper at their anniversary meeting. The devotional session on "Stewardship” was ably led by Mrs, J. W. Lockyer, with Miss Reta Chown at the piano and Mrs, C. Sovereign, Mrs. D. Lucas and Mrs. Earle Young reading portions of scripture. The guest speaker was Lucan's own Miss Alice S tanley, who spoke on her experiences as a carivaner at Vacation School at Sarnia last summer. Miss Stanley has a most pleasing personality,.. an ease of manner and a wonder ful flow of language. After hear ing her address Thursday eve ning all present understood why she was elected president of the Middlesex Young People’s Union. Miss Stanley told of the work done by the carivans sent out by the Christian Youth Union and particularly of her own ex periences, with three comrades, in the two Sarnia Vacation Schools. They were assigned rooms in the basement of St. Paul’s Church. She told of the kindness and co-operation of the people. The children were all intensely interested and loath to say fare well. Besides their teaching they made a survey of the district to ascertain the number of United Church members. Mrs. Dave Park moved a vote of thanks to Miss Stanley for her most interesting address. This was followed by a solo by Mrs. J. Elson who sang beautifully, the appropriate number, "My Task”. the business session, pre- Alex Young, arrangements made for packing a bale Mrs. Harold Whyte read a letter from the Branch's mission ary, Miss Kathleen Metheral, R. N., telling of her trip from New York to Central India. Mrs. J. Murdy, president of the Anglican W.A., thanked the branch for their invitation to visit them. Even after refreshments, the members from the three branches sat around, and visited and all seemed loath to break up a most pleasant evening. Wayne O’Neil Funeral services for Wayne O'Neil were held in the .Haskett Funeral Home on May 20 and were largely attended. A guard of honor was formed by girls of Denfield School * where Wayne attended. Boy playmates were flower bearers. Pallbearers were Donald and Max O'Neil, Jerry and Tom Noyes^ Keith Grigg and Donald Leitch. Highest Prices Paid FOR POULTRY ALL TYPES — ANY AMOUNT Weighed on Your Scales ait Your Door Riverside Poultry Co. 1236 TRAFALGAR ST., LONDON London 7-1230 Phone Collect 680-r-2 Hensali S - 4 For Sale B w. «» FEDDLAR STEEL ROOFING All length of sheets front 6’ to 10’ FLEURY-BISSELL FARM IMPLEMENTS * . * * DISCS, PLOUGHS, LAND PACKERS., 'TILLERS, CULTIVATORS FIELD TILE AU sizes amounts *■ for delivery, 4” to 14«”, from stock, small or orders for truck loads delivered. WCAN Scott’s Elevator PHONE 63 Clandeboye Honors Minister; Served Charge For 21 Years A pleasant evening was spent on Friday at the Clandeboye School when the members of St. James’ Church. Clandeboye, met for a social evening. Mr. Moore Cunningham acted as chairman for a program of community singing, mouth or gan selections by Mr. Ernie Lewis, Jack Harrison and Nick Fedossow, and solos >by Mrs. Gordon Maines of Dorchester. Mr. Jack Harrison, people’s warden, read the address. Mr. Roy Cunningham, minister’s war den, on behalf ot the congrega tion, presented the Rev. L. C. Harrison with a nylon travelling bag and purse of money. Miss Barbara Simpson, on be half of the congregation, sented with a of the Carter chan with a cup and saucer. Mr. Harrison thanked the .members and spoke of the many happy memories he will have of his twenty-one years as rector of St. James’ Church and the many kindnesses received from the members. Mrs. Karl O’Neil and Mrs. Mervin Carter had charge of the contests. Mr. Harrison takes up his new duties on June 1 as rector of St. Peter’s Church, Dorchester, and St. George’s Church, Belmont. The Rev. James F. Wagland, B.A., who comes from Quebec, took his training at University of Toronto and Trinity College, Toronto, is expected to arrive the first week in June and take charge of St. James' Church and Holy Trinity, Lucan. Farewell Service A large congregation, includ ing former members, attended the service on Sunday, May 25, at St. James' Church, which was adorned with spring flowers of lilacs and tulips. The Rev. L. C. Harrison took liis text from Second Corrin- thians: "Finally, brethren, fare well. Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you.” The choir supplied special music. The service closed with the Holy Communion being ad ministered to 73 communicants. Personal Items Mr. William McGowan spent a week with his son, Robert, in Petrolia. Mr. and Mrs. Archie McCul lough of London, Mr. and Mrs. Dan McKenzie and Mr. and Mrs. W. Guthrie of (Sarnia visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Kilmer. Mrs. spending brother, of London. Mr. Howard Paton ot Glan- worth visited on Wednesday with his uncle, Mr. J. H. Paton. Mr. Norman Wilson is driving a new Chevrolet car. Mr. Jim Cunningham has pur chased tor. Mr. Diane, don visited with Mr. H. Murless on Sunday. Mrs. Cecil McFalls of London visited on Sunday with her ter, Mrs. Harold Hodgins, family, also her father, Mr. McRann. Mr. J. H. Paton visited Ed Faulder on Saturday and we are pleased to report he is proving. We are sorry to report Jack Morgan is very ill in Joseph’s Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Riehl, Veneta and Bobby, of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Logan and Myrna of Thorndale were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paton. Mr, and Mrs. Bill Rollins and children of Sarnia were guests of ivlr und Mrs* Mcrvin Curtcr on Sunday. ■Mrs. Russell Schroeder visit ed her mother, Mrs. Bowden, in St. Joseph’s Hospital on Satur day and reports she is improv ing. A ball game between Clande boye and Lieury was held at Lieury Monday night, Lieury be ing the winners. After the game the young people hold a weinef roast on the farm of Mr. Ward preDr. Elizabeth Harrison gift of money. On behalf Ladies Guild. Mrs. Andy presented Mrs. Carno- Susan McWilliams is some time with her Mr. Ben Cunningham, a new International trac- and Mrs. Norman Willis, Barry and Ronnie of Lon- and Mrs. sis- and Jim im- Mr. St. Mos* Hodgins. Mr, Bill Aikens is putting a cement foundation under his barn, Congratulations to Mr.and Mrs. Lyle Bevington on the of a son at St, Joseph’s pltal May 17. Lucan Persona Is Miss Joan Leslie and Miss Verna McCombs, of Woodstock, hav e been re-engaged in the Granton Public School. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Colbert ot Seaforth spent last Wednesday with their niece Mrs. Brownlee. Miss Marie Stanley, training at St. Joseph’s is holidaying with her Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Stanley. Among the 72 graduates from Victoria Hospital at Thames Tall U.W.O. on Tuesday evening, May 20, was daughter of Mr, Ashwotli of Lucan. Her many Lucan friends extend congratula tions and best wishes in her chosen career. The third memorial annivers ary of the Lucan Community Centre will be held Sunday, June 8. The committee is busy making plans for a big day. Weather permitting, Legions in the com munity, also C.G.I.T., Explorers and Cubs will meet opposite the old post office and parade to the arena. The executive of Birr Com munity Home and School As sociation met at the home of Mrs. Sherman- Adams. Arrange ments were made for the open meeting to be held in the school house Thursday evening, May 22. A skit by the members and musical numbers will be features of the program. Mrs. Stanley Rooney, her son and daughter-in-law, of Winni peg, called on their aunt, iMrs. George Young, on Thursday. Mrs. Copeman, Audrey and Marilyn of London spent last Sunday with Mrs, Wes Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Hulbert called on their brother-in-law, Mrs. Charles Kerslake, Exeter, who is very ill. Mrs. George Young is spend ing the week who is taking to. Mumps are which gives the yount Lucan a swell time. Recently, a number of the public school children hace been having a very "swell time” after their vaccina tions. Even one of the teachers was out of school last Thursday with a temperature and badly swollen arm. William nurse-in- Hospital, parents, Margaret Ashworth, and Mrs. D. with her husband a course in Toron- not the only thing g folk of EDGEWOOD Personal Items iBernice Westman spent last weekend in New York. Don Middleton was ‘the guest speaker at the May meeting of the W.I. held in Lucan Memorial Centre. He address on Virginia. Mr. Allan sick list again. Mr. Joseph Zubal has installed a new milking machine. Mr. Knip and family who have been living in the Middleton’s home have leased Mr. Morley Wass’ farm at Granton. They will take possession, in the fall. Misses Alla and Evelyn Moore and Tommy Pye of London spent Saturday afternoon in Wood- stock with Mr. and Mrs. Pye and family. The new church at' Wesley is progressing. Mr. Gordon ed the W.M.S. meeting held Stratford last Mrs. Earl Middleton was the hostess to the Granton W.M.S. Circle in May. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Ralliei* of London will take over the busi ness of Mr. John Juul, (butcher. Mrs. Rallier is an experienced butcher. Revere W.M.S. Eleven members attended the Revere W.M.S. ‘May meeting at the home of Mrs. G. Rathburn. Mrs. Harold Hardie resided over the worship period assisted by Mrs. Stanley Crawford and Mrs. Milton Hardie, The study book was given in three parts by Mrs. W. Gregory, Mrs. K. Hardie, Mrs. F. Dykes. A very interesting letter was read by Mrs. G. Rathburn from a former member, Mrs. Maurice Berry, thanking the circle for remembering her at Easter. Mrs. N. Newby and Mrs. Mullen looked aftei* the program for the meeting. Mrs. K. Hardie and Mrs. M. Hardie assisted tho hostess in serving lunch. The June meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Haysei Perrins. gave an interesting his trip to West Westman is on the Rathburn attend- Perth Presbyterial at the YMCA in week. Many a man has made a mon key of himself by grabbing the wrong limb. Past Minster’s Wife Add resses W.M.S. The W.M.S. of the United ■Church met in the church parlors on Thursday, May 22, with the president, Mrs. T. S. Hill, presiding. There was almost a one hundred percent attend ance. Mrs. Wes Hodgins’ group was in charge of the meeting. Mrs. Chown and Mrs. Orme sang a beautiful duet in keeping with the theme of the meeting which was “Stewardship”. The guest speaker was Mrs. George, of Parkhill, wife of the. Rev. T. J. George, 41 years ago, pastor of the Lucan Church. Mrs. George gave a splendid ad dress on "Stewardship” C. T. U. work. The closed with refreshments usual social half hour, and W. meeting and the and Mrs. Mr. LUCAN AT LONNIE’S SNACK BAR Fresh Baking Every Day Specializing In Wedding Cakes — Birthday Cakes Special Orders—Large or Small We Roast Fowl for Banquets and Special THIS WEEKEND SPECIAL HONEY CREAM CAKES VARIETY OF COOKIES Occasions Sunday guests with Mr. Mrs. George Young were Lily Young of London and and Miss Berryhill, also of Lon don. PHONE 143 Drop In — Look Around — Inspect Our LUCAN Kitchen HASKETT MOTORS $495 $575 ' OH BOV! t M TAKIN L ADVANTAGE OF THAT-. BUT QUICK' ’CASHIER • 4--<_ —t knew I Should A waited until AFTER TH’CHECK WAS PAID ©EFORE I rouO HIM IF the wonderful service HASKETT MOTORS LTD. $1,7751950 Dodge Sedan 1932 Ford Coach YOU BHY THE MOST EFFICIENT MOST PROFITABLE WORKING FORCE when you invest in up-to-date power farming machines 1946 Studebaker Half-Ton 1941 Chev Three-Ton Making use of up-to-date equipment to get more work done with less help is the most efficient and the most profitable way to operate a business. In farming as in other in dustries power mechaniza tion steps-up production, increases the output of available manpower, and keeps costs down. The steady adoption of new machines to re place worn out or ofcbstyle equipment Is an investment that pays off in easier more profitable farming* In Massey-Harris riiachines you get the latest in equip-’ ment built to save time, save labor, and save money. Your local Massey-Harris dealer will be glad to give you full particulars. MASSEY-HARRIS COMPANY, LIMITED Makers of High Quality Farm Implements since 1847