HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-05-29, Page 6Page 6 the times-advocate, bxbtbb* Ontario, Thursday morning, may 29,1952 Y I)UH FAVOURtlt 8EHRAGL KIST liBWWHHarf the COMPLETELY NEW FOR YOU 1 * “The Money Saver” SEE IT AT South End Service "S’ POULTRY HOUSE OF "TURNAU” FLATBOARD Turn ALL” Asbestos -Cement Flaiboard is the answer to the need for a durable poultry house material that cart withstand con­ stant soap and water scrubbing with a heavy broom. Need Never Be Pointed Kcrt, Vermin and Ret Proof Fire Resistant Easy to apply with hammer and saw—sheets can also be scored and snapped. See Us and See ‘'Turned!” Fldfib&ard' Dashwood Planning Mill Hensail And District News t Twelve BeptUed I At Carmel Church s Twelve children received rites of baptism in a baptismal service held in Cannel Presby­ terian Church Sunday at 3:3(1 pan. conducted by the minister, Rev. J. B. Fox. The children were: John Ray­ mond Moir, Robert Arnold Moir, Patricia Eileen Moir, Ilarry James Moir, children of Mr. and Mrs. George Moir; Bradley Ed­ ward Mousseau, Barry Lloyd Mousseau. children of Mr. and ' Mrs. Lloyd Mousseau ; Ruth : Elisabeth Petty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Petty; Al­ lan Robert Reid, Gerald Clarence Reid, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Clar­ ence Reid; Joan Christina Tin­ ney, Dwayne Garvin Tinney, children of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tinney: Faye Louise Troyer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gor­ don Troyer. i Mr. and Mrs. Milton Willert have taken up residence in the Newton apartments in Exeter. BLANSHARD Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thac­ ker, Orrie and Elizabeth attend­ ed Ebenezer anniversary Sunday afternoon and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hartwick. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones, Carl and Edwin spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jones of Glendale. Mrs. Fred Mills and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith of Fullarton. Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hoo­ per, Ruth Clare and Veryl spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken­ neth Facey of Belton. Miss Orrie Thacker spent Sat­ urday with Mrs. Fred Pattison. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kent | of Ernbro spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. E, Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson of Glendale spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomson. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Thomson, Murray, Anne and Barry spent Sunday with Mr. John Rinn of Baseline. Mrs. George Hopkins of Mit­ chell spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thom­ Many Attend Anniversary Large congregations were pre­ sent at the anniversary services of the United Church held Sun­ day, Lovely spring Howers decor­ ated the church and were placed in loving memory of Mrs. Alice Cudmore by members of the family. The guest speaker for the day was Rev. R. A. G. Passmore, B.A., B.D.S.T.M., of Salford, who recently accepted a call to Nor­ wich United Church. Mr. Pass- more delivered two very fine discourses both inspiring and in­ formative, For his morning theme he based his thoughts from the sub­ ject “A Look to the Past”. The choir, under the direction of S. G. Rannie, with Miss Greta Lam- mie, at the organ, rendered “Spirit of God”. Solo parts were taken by Mrs. H. McEwan and Mrs. R. Broderick. Mrs. R. Mock contributed a solo, “0 Lord Most High”, and a duett was rendered by Dr. D. McKelvie and S. Ran­ nie. For the evening service Rev. Passmore chose to speak on “A look to the future”. The choir selection was “Sing Praise to God”, A mixed Quartette com­ posed of Mrs. T, C. Coates. Mrs. Pearl Passmore. R. Mock, and S. Rannie sang “Walking in the King’s Highway”. The - minister. Rev. W, J. Rogers, was present for the evening service. Carmel Presbyterian Church withdrew their evening service in favor of the occasion, and Chiselhurst United Church with­ drew their morning service. At the close /0f the evening service the choi); were entertained at the manse by Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Rogers. Miss Marian Irwin, Miss Betty Mickle, nurses-in-training at Vic­ toria Hospital, London, spent Monday with the latters parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle. son. DASHWOOD Birthday Celebrated Twelve girlfriends gathered at the home of Mrs. Leo Gibson last Tuesday evening, the occa­ sion being Mrs. Gibson’s birth­ day. The evening was spent in playing court whist and bingo. First prize in court whist went to Gertrude Beisnthal, second to Verda Rinker. Bingo prizes were won by Ruth Eveland, Thelma Garvie, Rose Anderson, Gloria Habel and Martha Gossman. Mrs. Gibson received many beautiful gifts including a ker­ chief from her brother in Korea. Lunch was served by candlelight by the hostess. WATER SYSTEMS With “Water on Tap” from a DURO PUMP­ ING SYSTEM . . . your whole family will enjoy all the comforts and con­ veniences of modern living. A DURO PUMPING SYSTEM will, at the turn of a tap, provide all the fresh clean water needed for Kitchen . . . Bathroom . . . Laun­ dry . . . Dairy Barn « . . Milk House . . . Poultry Pens . . . Feed Lot . . . Lawns and Gardens . . . BESIDES you have FIRE PROTECTION for your buildings. E44CO FIXTURES AND FITTINGS Phone or visit us today for DURO Pumps and EMCO Plumbing Fixtures and Fit­ tings. Write for illustrated folder. FOR SALE BY EMPIRE BRASS MFC. CO. LIMITED London • MamiHon - B. Cal/ian’heJ ' Toronto - Sudbury . Winnipeg * Vancouver THAMES ROAD Mr. and Mrs. Ed Alexander have returned home after hav­ ing been on a motor trip through Eastern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller were on a motor trip to Stokes Bay over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Gardiner and Marilyn spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elston- of Saints- bury, Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde and Douglas visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rohde of Mitoliell. A number from this commun­ ity attended the ham supper in Woodham Orange Hall on Fri­ day evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Fergu­ son visited with relatives in London Township on Sunday. Quite a number of ladies were to see the trousseau of Miss Elsie Bray on Wednesday after­ noon and evening of last week. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Mark Strapp (nee Elsie Bray), who were married on Saturday. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLeod and family were Mr. and Mrs. Charles O’Brien of Hensail. Mr. and Mrs. William Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Dixon and family of Lon­ don. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rohde of Exeter and Mr. Jerry Gibson of Kingston visited on Sunday eve­ ning with Mr. and Mrs. William Rhode. The monthly meeting of the Mission Circle will be held on Saturday afternoon at the home of Misses Norma and Irene Bea­ ver. The monthly meeting of the W.A. and W.M.S. will be held at the home of Mrs. Nelson Squire on Wednesday afternoon, June 4, at 2:30 p.m. There will be no Sunday School or church services on Sunday owing to Roy’s annivers­ ary. Rev. Clysdale of London is to be guest speaker at both services—-11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Shower For Bride-Elect Mrs. Robert Cann and Mar­ garet were hostesses at a shower for Miss Dolores Allison of Ex­ eter, bride-elect of Saturday, on Thursday evening of last week. To the strains of the Bridal Chorus Margaret Cann escorted Dolores to a prettily decorated chair. Joanne Mair was in charge of the program which consisted of a reading by Mrs. Mac Hodgert and a piano solo by Agnes Bray, Miss Betty Mair read the address and Dolores was presented with a prettily de­ corated basket filled with many useful gifts. After opening the gifts Dolores thanked all those present and invited them to see her things on Wednesday. A few contests were enjoyed. A delic­ ious lunch was served and a so­ cial time was spent by all. Mission Band The May meeting of the Mis­ sion Band was held on Sunday during the church hour with Dotis Elford in charge. The meeting opened with a hymn fol­ lowed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. The Mission Band Pur­ pose Was repeated in unison, program convener for the June meeting is Billy Rowe. The topic was given by Doris Elford. The hymn, “When Mo­ thers of Salem”, was sung. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction, 1 Pcr-soMal Items Rev. R. A. G. Passmore, Mrs. Passmore and their son, Robert John, of Salford, were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Edison Forrest and family. Mrs. stelek has returned from spending the winter mouths in Windsor and Detroit and is visiting with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Manns and Donald, Toronto, were holi­ day visitors with Mrs. Manns. Mr, and Mrs. Alex Hilde­ brandt and Marlin spent the weekend with relatives in Wind­ sor, Mrs. J, W. Bonthron sang a pleasing solo at the morning service in Carmel Presbyterian Church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Welsh and Wayne spent the weekend in De­ troit, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Don Joynt and son, John Thomas, Mrs. Alice Joynt, Mrs. M, Russell spent the holiday weekend in Toronto, guests of Dr. and Mrs, Harry Joynt. Miss Elvira Churchill, of Tor­ onto, was a weekend guest with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Shaddick. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kipfer of Lucan visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Kipfer. Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson and family visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. James Morris and family, Gdoerich. Mrs. Douglas Cook and baby daughter, Elizabeth Hope, re­ turned home on Sunday from St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. The Ladies Aid of Carmel Church, Who had a booth at the Spring Stock Fair, cleared $50 from their project, which was very good indeed considering the inclemency of the weather, as it rained most of the time. Mr. and ’Mrs. W. F. Riley and Sharon Ann are moving this week into the new apartments which have just been erected by Mr. Ed Fink.Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Petzke spent the weekend with relatives in Kitchener, and Mr. Edmund Geiger, who has been spend­ ing the past two,, weeks with his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Geiger, and fam­ ily at Whitby, returned home Monday of this week. Township Field Day will be held at Zurich Wednesday, May 28, when Hay Township schools will take part. Included in the line of sports will be a display of physical training, group games, individual events, high and broad jumps.Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Campbell, Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Camp­ bell and Linda, Toronto, Mr. Bill Campbell, Toronto, were week­ end guests with Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. MaeLaren. Mrs. Reta Charles, of London, spent the weekend with her aunt, Mrs. Anna Walker. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Pater­ son spent the holiday weekend with relatives in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shep­ herd, Toronto, were weekend guests with Mrs. J. Shepherd. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hess, of Zurich, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Ms. George Hess. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hudson, London, spent the weekend with the former’s mother, Mrs. C. S. Hudson,Mr. Jack Peebles, of London, spent the weekend at the home of Mrs. L. Sangster. He was accompanied home by his wife and little daughter who have been spending a week with the latter’s mother. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Horton are enjoying a week’s vacation with friends at Winona. Mr. and Mrs, W. J. McLean and family, of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Passmore, Aylmer, were weekend visitors with Mr. John Passmore, Rev, R. Passmore, Mrs. Passmore and son Robert John, of Salford, joined the family circle for din­ ner on Sunday. A new warehouse is now in the course of erection, Mr. Mor­ ris Farquhar, manager of Steele Briggs Seed Co., Hensail, stated Tuesday. This new warehouse is separate from the present ware­ house and will be used primarily for shipping. The building, 60x40, contains four thousand cement blocks and will be completed for fall opera­ tions. Farquhar and Ford Mould­ ing Company, Exeter, has the contract. Gordon Howald, Zur­ ich, and Frank Forrest, Hensail, are doing the block work. Rev, W. A. Young, chaplain of the O.A.C., Guelph, Mrs. Young, were guests last Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family. Mrs, A, Saundercock, Mr, and Mrs. Milton Willert, and Eric Smale, of Hensail, Mrs. R. Donaldson, London, visited on Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs. Al Pearson and Barbara Ann, of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. D. S, Sangster, London, Mr. R. D. Galbraith, Calgary, Alta., spent the week­ end with Mrs. Minnie Sangster and family. Adkins-BrQadfopt Wed At Kippen Spring flowers and candle­ light formed the setting for a lovely wedding at st. Andrew’s United. Church, Kippen, Satur­ day, May 24, at 3 p.m. when Joyce Eileen Broadfoot, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Broad­ foot, of Kippen, and Howard Williams Adkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adkins, Hensall, were united in marriage by the Rev. A. E. Hinton, minister of the church. Miss Kathleen Hess of Zurich was at the organ con­ sol for the traditional wedding music, and accompanied the solo­ ist, Mrs. Clarke Kennedy, of Hensall, who sang, “I Love You Truly” before the ceremony, and “Because” during the signing of the register. The bride’s father gave her in marriage. Her ballerina length dress was of white ■ nylon net, with bouffant side panels, and trimming of white lace flowers. Her shoulder-length veil was caught to a satin cap. Slie car­ ried a spray of white and scarlet carnations, and wore white pearls, gift of the groom. Four attendants preceeded the bride to the altar. Mrs. John Deitz, sister of the bride, matron of honor, was gowned in mauve marquisette styled with a tiered skirt and small matching jacket, and her veil was fastened to a tiny peaked hat ol’ marquisette. Miss Wilma Hay, as brides­ maid, chose a gown of net and lace over yellow taffeta, with yellow and purple headdress. Both attendants carried sprays of mauve sweet peas and yellow roses. Margaret Jean, younger sister of the bride, was a dainty little flower girl frocked in yellow taffeta and carried a mauve and yellow nosegay. She was escorted by Master Kenneth Reichert, who acted as ring-bearer for the double ring ceremony. Stewart Adkins was his bro­ ther’s groomsman. Jack Adkins, Wilmer Adkins and Beverly Broadfoot ushered. The ladies of the church served at the recep­ tion in the church parlors.. For receiving the guests the bride’s mother chose a dusky rose dress with white accessories. The groom’s mother assisted, wearing navy crepe and lace with harmonizing accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Adkins left on a motor trip East, the bride travel­ ling in a lavender suit with accessories in navy and pale beige shortie coat. Personal Items- Mrs.-0 J. Winder is visiting relatives in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. M. Hewlett and family of Toronto spent the holi­ day weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Alec McGregor. Mr. S. Cudmore attended the funeral of Mrs. Alice Cudmore in Exeter on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dawson spent a day in London recently. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Long spent the weekend with relatives at Penetange and the Round Tree Beach on Georgian Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gask- stetter and girls visited Sunday with the former’s brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. El­ more Gackstetter near Exeter. A number from here attended anniversary services in Hensall United Church on Sunday. The preacher was Rev. Robert Pass- more, of Salford, a former Hen­ sall boy, who as a student, spoke Zurich i j Elect Officers The girls’ softball dub known I as the Zurich Lumber Queens was reorganized at a meeting in the town hall. Officers elected were: Presi­ dent, Ivan L. Kalbfleisch; vice- president, Mrs. Marie Willert; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Barbara McNab; manager, Herbert Turk­ heim; assistant. Donald Oke; team captain, Shirley Fairbairn; ground supervisor, Clayton Ort- wein. The club will be competing in the Ladies’ Intermediate “C” grouping against Dashwood, Ex­ eter, llderton, Centralia, Clinton, Crediton and Lucan Juniors. Rain Dampens Shoot Hedley Prouse of Goderich nosed out John Anderson and Lloyd Venner of Hensall by one bird to win the Venner Trophy in a steady rain at a trap shoot at Kippen on May 24 sponsored by Kippen Gun Club. Only fif­ teen shooters entered the race. The next big shoot at Kippen will be a two-man team shoot for a beautiful trophy donated by a prominent London manu­ facturer, open to any team in Ontario. Money winner in Saturday’s shoot in the Lewis class was Jack Gilbert of Goderich. many times in Kippen and Hills- green. Rev, and Mrs. McLeod, of Quebec, called in the village on Thursday evening last. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Jones and sons called on friends in Crediton and Exeter on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Deckert spent the weekend with relatives in Clifford. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McBride are visiting relatives in Windsor. -Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Workman and family of Oshawa visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Or­ ville Workman and mother, Mrs. Susie Workman, who is in Exe­ ter. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Good visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dawson. Suffers Fall The many friends of Mrs. George Armstrong will regret to learn she suffered a fall, last week when she had the misfor­ tune to trip down the steps of the side porch of the house. X- rays at Clinton hospital revealed a fractured right wrist and frac­ tured left ankle, Mrs, Armstrong returned from the hospital Sun­ day. Special At Goodwins’ HENSALL Men’s, Ladies”; Misses’ and Children-e Sweaters and Fplloyere Also Silk and Cotton Head and Neck JSquww ’ ■.. ....................... |. ................... Spray And Brush Painimg Barns, Sheds, Roofs., Implements Houses, Picket Fences. Furniture Lyman Gratton GRAND BEND, ONT’. Phone 53 Huron Lumber Co- y—--------------------------‘----------------------------------------- - Hydro Interruption Weather Permitting The Hydro Will Be Off Oh Sunday Afternoon June I1 from to 4:30 p.m. D.S.T. J UN TOE VILLAGE OF HENSALL i AND TOE FARMS ON NO. 4 HIGHWAY BETWEEN EXETER AND HENSALL H.E.P.C Exeter Area y 1 ............................. g; C. E. SHAW, Manager Open Mon. Wed. & Era. Exeter Branch: Centralia (Sub-Agency): Credition Branch: CHARLES PARKINSON, Manager (Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) Dashwood (Sub-Agency): Open Mon, Wed. & Frj, Hensall Branch; WALTER JARRETT, Manager m nuion anAonn with y°UI Talk over a P B ol M roana8“smoo* that toogh tow- yOU SPCV V’*“ Bank of Montreal