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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-05-22, Page 14
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 22, 1952 WOl and Mrs. Wilf Green- hough and Fit, Sgt. and Mrs. A. A. Eades were guests on a fish ing trip with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liaxn Chambers at their cottage on Chesley Lake over the week end. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Heywood and Mr, and Mrs. Gordon McTavish dropped in to the cottage for a short visit. Mrs. William Pearce is a pa tient in Victoria Hospital. FRIDAY & SATURDAY May 23 and 24 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johns and Bessie, Miss Ruby Miners and Miss Ada Andrew’ w'ere guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Johns Sunday. Mrs. A. D Sleeth, Mrs. E. ■Geddes and Mrs. D. Foreman of Sarnia visited with Miss Helen Hardy Saturday. Mrs. James Anthony returned to Hamilton with Miss Isabelle Anthony and Gladys Eehlin for a short visit on Sunday. Verne Jewell of Calgary and Ray Anderson of Rose Valley, Sask., who are attending Radio College in Toronto in the same class with Bob Russell, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Russell. Miss Helen Hardy, and Miss Helen Anthony visited in Owen Sound on Sunday. Announcements JAMES ST. CHURCH ' BASEMENTMa & Pa Kettle At The Fair ★ Marjory Main * Percy Kilbride MATINEE SATURDAY, MAY 24 AT. 2:30 I*.M. MONDAY & TUESDAY May 26 and 27 - DOUBLE BILL - The Unknown Man * Walter Pidgeon 4r Ann. Harding - Also - Never Trust A Gambler . 4r Dane Clark ★ Cathy O’Donnell <( Adult Entertainment) j Friday, May 23 3 te 5 p.m. I Under Auspires of the W.A. I Presentation j And Dance ! FOR MR, AND MRS. j HAROLD SCOTT j Friday, May 23 i - / *ait West McGiillivray WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY May 28 and 29 Golden Girl ★ Mitzi Gaynor 4r Dale Robertson A technicolor musical of the California Gold Rush days. For Health's Sake Roller Skate at the EXETER ROLLER RINK Wed. - Firi. - Sat. 8:00-11:00 p.m. - Skates Supplied - Admission 25« and 35$ Refreshment Booth SIXTH ANNUAL Sports Day Dashwood, May 24 12:30—MONSTER PARADE: Floats, Clowns, Freak Vehicles, Decorated Bicycles. Led by Dash wood Junior Band. (Good Prizes) 1:00—MEN’S SOFTBALL: St. Joseph vs. Lieury 2:00—GAMES, RACES, FREE PONY RIDES 2:3©—’OFFICIAL OPENING of Huron-Perth Base ball League: Exeter Intermediates vs. Dash wood. REFRESHMENT BOOTH Adnata 500 - Children under 16 250, under 10 Free Lakeview Casino -----------------Grand Bend BIRTHS ALLEN—Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Allen, Fullerton, a daughter, Katherine Alberta, in Strat ford General Hospital, May 7. COOK—Mr. and Mrs. Douglas •Cook (nee Patricia Hay), of Hensail, a daughter, Elizabeth Hope (9 lb. 12S oz.), at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Tuesday, May 20. (A grand daughter, for Mrs. G. Hay and Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook.) JACKSON — At Mrs. Hunter's Nursing Home on Wednesday, May 21, to Cpl. and Mrs. Charles Jackson, P.M.Q., Cen tralia, a daughter.' JOHNSON ■— Mr. and Mrs. Leo Johnson of Exeter, a daugh ter, Carolyn Marie, on May 17 at the Hopper Nursing Home. MORLOCK —Mr. and Mrs. Ray Morlock, Crediton, are happy to announce the birth of a son, James Ray, on May 16, at the Hooper Nursing Home. NESS—To Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Ness of Exeter, a daughter, Gail Lorena (8 lbs.I, at the Hooper Nursing Home; a sis ter for Sandra and Gary. PEACOCK—At Grace Hospital, Ottawa, April 24, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Peacock, a daughter, Jarvis Sandra, a little sister for Terry and Gary, and a granddaughter ’ for Mrs. Grace Harpole, of Hensail. PEARSON — Mr. and Mrs. Al fred Pearson (nee Edna Saun- dereock), a daughter, on Sun day, May 18. WALPER—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Walper, Exeter, a son, on Wednesday, May 21, at the Hooper Nursing Home. DEATHS CUDMORE — In Exeter, Thurs day, May 22, Alice Daley, be loved wife of the late Samuel Cudmore, in her seventy-ninth year. Service May 24 at 1:30 from Hopper-Hockey Funeral Home. McDOUGALL — In Kingston on Monday, May 1,, Duncan Mc Dougall, in his seventy-seventh year. Burial iu Kingston on May 22 at 2:30 p.m. YAUSIE—-Charlotte Ann Yausie, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Yausie, of 83 Jac queline St., London, died May 10, in St. Joseph’s Hospital. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. William E. Jef fery wish to announce the en gagement of their daughter, Mary Eileen, to William Douglas Riv ers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Rivers, Exeter, Ont. The wed ding will take place in the early part of June. 22* Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Vogau, of Walkerton, announce the engagement of their daugh ter Lois Raye to John Herman McKnight of Walkerton,, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen M. McKnight of Exeter. The marriage to take place on June 7, 1952, at 3 p.m. in St. Paul's United Church, Walkerton, Ontario. * The engagement is announced of Phyllis Doreen, eldest daugh- tei' of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Des- jardine of Grand Bend to Mr. Everett Warren Desjardine of Grand Bend, son of Mrs. Amelia Desjardine and the late Leo Desjardine. The marriage will take place on Saturday, June 7, 19 52, at 1 o’clock at Grand Ben<l Church of God. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington R. Haist, Centralia, wish to an nounce the engagement of their daughter Doris Irene to Lome Stewart Listoen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eiling Listoen of New West minster, B.C. The marriage will take place on Saturday, June 14 at 4 p.m. in Crediton Evangelical U.B. Church, c CARDS OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Wray Sweitzer, Ronnie and Barbara wish to thank all those who remembered them at the time of their car accident. Special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ratz and Dr. Boyce of Parkhill. Also those who remembered Ronnie with cards, treats and visits while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital and since returning home. — Madeline, Wray, Ronnie and Barbara. 22c CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late James Horne would like to express their sincere thanks and appre ciation for all kindness shown during Mr. Horne’s illness and at the time of their bereave ment.—Mrs. James Horne. 22* On behalf of myself and fam ily I wish to thunk all my rela tives, friends and neighbors in Exeter and district for the lovely cards and cheery letters as well as flowers, plants and Easter lillies. 'Special thanks to Rev. H. Snell who called so many times to visit me while in Vic toria Hospital for the past four months; also to Mr. and Mrs. Sproule and Mrs. Ella Hunldn, who, on Mothers' Day, visited me and to my old neighbours who brought me a large basket of flowers.—Yours sincerely, Mrs. C. Creech.* The family of the late Mrs. Mary M. Stacey wish to express their sincere thanks to the neighbors and friends for kind ness and sympathy extended to them in their recent sad bereave ment and to those who loaned cars. Special thanks to Rev.. Mr. Snell, Dr. Dunlop and Hopper and Hockey funeral directors. * IN MEMORIAM HOWARD—In loving memory of my father and mother, who passed away May 24, 1948, and April 7, 1944. There are stars that go out in the darkness But whose silvery light shin- eth on, There are roses whose perfume still lingers When the blossoms are faded and gone. There are lives full of light and of sweetness When no longer their life cur rent flows, Still their goodness lives on with the living Like the soul of the star and the rose. I keep in memory a love of the past, To me it’s as bright as of old, For deep in my heart it was painted to last And in absence it never grows cold. —Ever remembered by Evelyn. —Please Turn To Page 8 Mr. and Mrs. James Squires attended the tenth anniversary service at Woodham on Sunday last and spent the afternoon with their old neighbours Mr. and Mrs. William Thompson. In the evening they visited with Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Stone, Kirk ton. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Neil and Miss Betty Neil of Chatham visited on Sunday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. William Sweitzer spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Barr of Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Doupe of Kirktcn have moved into their new house onHuron Street in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Taylor left Edmonton Tuesday on their way home. They are expected in Ex eter at the end of this week. ‘Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Patrick left Wednesday for Edmonton, Alberta, where Mr. Patrick has taken a position with the National Supply Company. Mrs. Patrick has been visiting in Exeter with her mother, Mrs. Snell the last couple of months. Come And Get It! $1,075.00 BINGO SEAFORTH Fri., May 30 bancing Every Saturday Night i Music by BOBBY DOWNS i AND HIS ORCHESTRA I ADMISSION $1.«) A.....•... .. —.......................—....... ............... g | Stratford District Yorkshire Club | Eleventh Annual Yorkshire Sale | 19 BRED SOWS — 4 OPEN SOWS — 6 BOARS | Inspected for health by Ontario Veterinary College | Selected for type and with A.B. backing by the | Ontario Live Stock Branch Agricultural Grounds, Stratford I Tuesday, June 3, 1952 | Show and Sale at 1:30 P.M, D3,T. = Catalogues on Request | D. H. Hart, R. E. White,. | President Sec.-Treas.,1 Auctioneer Strafford, Ont. I Wm. E. Nairn Mr. and Mrs. John Luxton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Luxton and Elaine of London attended the Mothers’ Day services in Mitchell when Rodger John, son of ’Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Luxtou, was baptized. Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Steiner spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Campbell of Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Woods of Brantford were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Luxton. Mr. Ernest Hatter went to Toronto Wednesday for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Art Amy have returned home after a trip to Victoria B.C. 'Sgt. T. D. Jamieson who is now stationed at Camp Borden spent the weekend at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Rook and son John spent last weekend with Mrs. Rook’s parents in Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Sturdy of Goderich visited on Sunday with relatives in town. KIRKTON COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Preliminary Juvenile Contest ABERDEEN HALL, KIRKTON Friday, June 6 8:00 p.m. D.S.T. ROY GOULDING, Landon, Adjudicator Open to All Public School Pupils (Entries Close May 30) For Entry Forms & Information Apply to Mrs. T. A. Crago, R.R. 1, St. Marys, Phone 27-r-2 Kirkton Garden Pariy Wednesday, July 16 BAYFIELD PAVILION | Let’s Make Up a Party and Go Dancing | J EVERY WED. NIGHT: Modern & Old Tyme | 1 to “The Serenaders” | | (from St. Joseph's) | | 10:00-1:00 — Admission 500 | | EVERY FRI, NIGHT: Frank Traher’s Orchestra | | Vocalist “Hoppy” Hopkins | = 10:00-1:00 — Admission 750 | | May 24 Monster Dance 1 Let’s celebrate at Bayfield Pavilion! f i Dancing to the popular “Serenaders” f | (from St. Joseph's) 5 = Beginning at 8:^0 — Admission 750 | I J COMING EVENTS C&RDEN PARTY — July 16 is your date for Kirkton’s annual 'Garden Party. It’s going to be a big attraction again this year. 5-22tfc MOCK BROADCAST on Satur day, June 7, at 2:30 p.m, in 'Thames Road Church. A mock radio broadcast called “The ’Children’s Hour”, directed by Mrs. Scarlett of CHLO St. Thom as. Sponsored by the Mission 'Band. Admission; Adults 2 5$, Children 10$. 22c BLOSSOM TEA — The Elimville W.A. will hold their Blossom Tea on May 28, at 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Bowers of Crediton will be guest speaker and give her topic on Bermuda. Admission 35$. BLOSSOM TEA & BAKING sale in James St. Church basement, Friday, May 23, 3 to 5 p.m. un der auspices of the W.A. 8:15c ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND FRIDAY & SATURDAY May 23 and 24 ON THE RIVIERA (Technicolor) A Musical Comedy Starring ★ Danny Kaye 4r Gene Tierney ★ Oorrine Calvert SHORTS & COMICS TWO SHOWS — 7:30 & 9:30 MONDAY & TUESDAY, May 26 and 27 L NIGHT INTO MORNING When dreams go smash you can build a new life . . . ★ Ray Milland 4r Nancy Davis ★ John Hodiak 4- Jean Hagen NEWSREEL, SHORTS & COMICS TWO SHOWS — 7:30 & 9:30 ★ « * * Two Shows Each Night Till Fall Don’t Miss! $ the programme of BALLET and TAP Sponsored by Beta Sigma Phi with JACQUI FORT, M.R.A.D. of St. Marys and her 75 Pupils Between 3-17 Years ALSO A PLAY A Marriage Has Been Disarranged by Members of Sorority June 3 - E.D.H.S. Auditorium - 8 p.m. ADMISSION 650 & CHILDREN 500 Proceeds to purchase Film Projector for Public School . ......................................................................... Lacrosse SPEED! EXCITEMENT! Hensail Arena Monday, May 26 8:30 p.m. ALL INDIAN TEAM “Oneida Reserve Iroquois Indians” Lead by Chief Onendaga in Full Indian Dress! VS. LONDON TECUMSEH Sponsored by Hensall Park Board Come and See a Game You Will enjoy Children Free with Parents (250 Unaccompanied) Adults 500 II---------------------------------------------------—............................ n I.................■ Stock Car Races f alt Lippert’s Speedway SPECIAL EVENT AND POWDER PUFF RACE Saturday, May 24 at 2:00 p.m.■ Adults $1.00 Men in Uniform and Students 500 Children Under 12 Free * I Royal Canadian Air Forces Mobile Recruiting Service 12 Noon until 9 P.M. The RCAF Offers You Security, Travel and Adventure “INFORMATION WITHOUT OBLIGATION’’ -K if