HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-05-22, Page 12P*W 12 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 22, 1952
Engine Tune-up j
for month of |
South End Service I
New and Used
Mrs W J Davis entertained
on Saturday evening in honor of
her children. Mrs. M Abbott,
I Ivan and Clarence who celebrate
Itheir birthday in May. Those
present were Mrs. F. Davis, Mr.
and Mrs. I Turner, Mr. G. Wein’
estraum, Mr. and Mrs. D. Abbott,
Mr. and Mrs M Abbott and Mr.
C. Davis and family
W.A. And Guild
The W.A. and Guild met at
the home >£ Mrs. E. Atkinson
on Wednesday afternoon with 2d
members and two visitors pre
sent. Mrs. H Davis was in
charge of the meeting assisted in
prayers by several members. Mrs.
J. Turner read the scripture
Lucan And District News
lean up
lesson. Bishon Luxton suggested
in Kitchen er that each W.A.
Branch try tn live up to the
ideals otttlined in. t hat chapter.
Plans we made for a Bios-
som Tea to be !held in the ParishHall on June 4 The hostess was
assisted by Mr s T Kony. Mrs.
J. Turner :and Mrs.D Maguire
served lune
Several I;adies fro;ai 'his com-
munitv itt end ‘d t!lie Blossom
Tea -P ;.lo United (L’hur-h Cen-trulia Th ir sdr.rnoon.
A *? VI s held ar St.
Pat rh-h’s ■ ‘h F riday after
noon when ladies gathered to
clean and :resh en hi:i the church
a n d p a r i h a 1 I. The men
gathered in Monday evening and
planted tre*>s around the church
yard and h 3.4 .i g^in■null outdoor
See Us Today!
Hard ware
Mrs. a rM,vi, if Exeter spent
Wednesday and Thursday at the
home of Mi* a:id Mrs H. Davis
and attend-3 d r!lie W.A. meeting
and the un at <Centralia.
Mr. and Miu5 C. Davis and
family and M::u and Mrs. M.
Elston w a i’ e ■Sunday dinner
guests with Mfj5. F. Davis.
Mr. and Mr s. M. McDonald
and Joyee tuid Mr. and Mrs. J.
Dinkins we■re Sunday visitors
with Miss A. Maines of Watford.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Carroll spent
Saturday in London and visited
with Mr. and Mrs. C. Ings ana
called to see Mr R. Atkinson in
St. Mary’s Hospital. On Sunday,
they visited Mr. and Mrs. H.
Hodgins of Lucan.
Mr. G. Carroll of Detroit visit
ed with his parents Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Carroll on Thursday and
Mr. A. Carroll of London spent
the weekend at home.
Will last for years
V Go on over old roof
i V Are fire-resistant
V Come in many styles
and colours
Besides Asphalt Shingles, your
Barrett Dealer has a complete
line of roofing, insulation and
weather-proofing materials,
Halifax Saint John Montreal
Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver
Bingo News
No, the Jackpot was not won
Saturday night at the Dions Club
Bingo! The §5 consolation prize
went to Mrs. Joe Haskett. "‘Share
the Wealth” was split four ways,
the following receiving $175
each, Mrs. Omar Cunningham,
Mrs. Herb Fahrner, Bill French
and Mrs. Nagle. *Other winners Vere Mrs. Arm
strong, Mrs. Dickson, Mrs. Herb
Fahrner, Les Woodward, Mrs.
Sheridan Bevington, Lola Dick
son, Mrs. Strasser, Jim Keri.
Little Darline Boyle won the 53
As Lucan stores have decided
to stay open next Saturday and
close on Monday there will be
Bingo as usual Saturday night
at 9 pan.
Mothers" Day Service
Special Mothers’ Day services
were held in the Granton United
Church when the church audi
torium could not accomodate the
congregation. The church was
beautifully decorated with spring
flowers with a special basket on
the organ from Mrs. MeCrady
and Mrs. Andrews in memory of
their mother, Mrs. G. C. Raymer.
A junior choir of 20 voices gave
a splendid number. Assisting in | the Mothers’ Day program were
■ Don Devine and Jim Newby. The I Rev. G. (\ Raymer spoke on the
theme, “The Home”.
The children of the following
(parents were baptized: Mr. and
Mrs. "William Jones 1 Edwin La
verne) ; Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Ross (James Howard); Mr. and
Mrs. Leslie Parnell (Norman
Bruce); Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Riddell (Jean Catherine); Mr.
and Mrs. Wilfred Garrett (Joan
Wayne O'Neil, 8,
Rheumatic Victim
Wayne Roy' O’Neil, 8-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy O’Neil,
of Denfield, died at War Memor
ial Children's Hospital, London,
on Sunday, May IS, after a long
illness from rheumatic fever.
Surviving besides his parents are
hisg-randmotlier, Mrs. Eldon Mc-
Rdfierts, Lucan, a sister, Marilee
and a brother, David. He rested
in the Haskett Funeral Home
until Tuesday when services were
conducted by Rev. A. H. Harri
son of Birr and Ilderton. Inter
ment was in Birr Anglican Cemetery.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Wasnidge were, Mrs. A. R.
McMillen of Sarnia, Mrs. Herbert
Childs and Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
worthy, of London, Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Wright of Lambeth and
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stevens of
St. Marys.
Mr. Fred Revington left on
Monday for a week’s motor trip
to Montreal, His brother Harvey
will return with him.
Mrs. J. Graham of Chatham
spent Saturday with Mr. and
Mrs. Mitchell Haskett.
Mrs. Wes Atkinson, Mrs.
Harold McFalls, Mrs. T. Watson,
Mrs. George Hodgins, Mrs. Clias.
Powers and Mrs. Gerald Atkin
son attended the tea at St.
Joseph’s Hospital oh Tuesday
last for the graduates.
Mrs. Jarvie. who has been
visiting with her daughter Mrs.
Don Revington returned home to
Windsor on Sunday taking her
little grandson Paul with her.
While on a trip to Toronto,
Mrs. C. H. Porter had to be
taken to Wellesley Hospital for
an operation. Her sister Miss
Gora Neil went to Toronto to be
with her.
Mrs. Will Dickens is visiting
her sister Miss Alice Mains at
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. John Thomson were Mr.
Garfield Thomson and Norman,
and Mr. Tom Jolly, of Exeter,
and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern,
of Zion.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thomson
and family, Miss Marie Stanley
and Mr. Alan Scott were at
Niagara Falls on Sunday to see
Blossom Day at Victoria Falls.
They spent the day with rela
tives and friends.
Sunday visitors with Mrs.
Annie Fairless were Mr. and Mrs.
Warren Fairless and family from
Stratford and Miss Vivian Fair-
less from London.
Mr. Clarke Richardson of Mt.
Forest spent the week-end with
Mr. Eli Thompson.
Mrs. Childs of London was the
guest speaker at the United
Church on Sunday, May 18.
Miss Delrene Coursey of Lucan
and Miss Bernice Westman of
Granton are spending a week in
New York.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter
and Jack spent last Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. John Casey.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Hodgins.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Revington
wish to announce the birth of a
boy born in St. Joseph’s Hospital
on Saturday, May 17.
Miss Ann Atkinson invited 100
Of her friends to her graduation
from St. Joseph’s Hospital. Of
those 50 returned to her parent’s
home in Lucan for a reception
after the graduation exercises.
Mrs. Harold Hodgins has been
confined t.o her bed for the past three weeks.
Master Clinton Sceli, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Sceli had
a birthday party on Tuesday.
Among the guests was Mrs. Wil
liam Sceli of Lucan.
Mrs. firaban and Mrs. Raven
of London who have been visit
ing with Mrs. Preece, have re
turned home.
Strange Coincidence
At the Home and School meet
ing on Thursday night a hand-
painted cushion was sold by
Dutch auction. Dr, George’s little
girl was persuaded to make the
draw. Of all the tickets in the
box she managed to draw hei
mother’s ticket—much to the
amusement of the audience and
embarrassment of her mother.
Mrs. Jack Graham and Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Graham Sr., all
of Chatham, left on Monday for
a two-week motor trip to Winni
peg where they will be guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Haskett.
Andrew Lush
Another lifetime resident of
Lucan, M r. Andre w (Andy)
Lush, passed away on Thursday,
May 15 at the residence of his
son, Harry Lush at Woodstock
ill his eightieth year. He was the
eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. James
Lush and husband of the late
Elizabeth Lush. He rested in the
Haskett Funeral Home till Sun
day. Interment was in St. James
A.Y.P.A. News
The Lucan A.Y.P.A. held their
closing meeting for the season
on Monday night at the Parish
Hall and report a very success
ful year. On Friday night a
number of the members attended
Convocation and made a tour ot
Huron College.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters
and children, Mr. and Mrs. Wib
Batten visited Sunday with the
former’s grandparents, Mr, and
Mrs. William Walters, of near
Mrs. W. P. Reed of St. Marys
is spending a short time with her
sister, Mrs. James Horne.
Mrs. Porterfield and a number
of the local school children had
an enjoyable tliree-day sight
seeing tour to Ottawa the latter
part of last week.
Mr. Clarence Ford and Master
Eugene Dubois of Kitchener,
Mr. and Mrs. Newman Baker, of
Welburn, were recent visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lyon
.and Frances,"Mr. and Mrs. Emer
son Hefk, all of Londesboro, ana
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kerslake
of Eden were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Noble,
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Noble and
family of st, Marys called on Mr.
and Mrs. John McAllister on Sunday.
M. H- and Mrs. Elston attend
ed the annual convocation and
reception of Huron College, Lon
don, on Friday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Skinner,
Sam and Miss Aldeen Pym,
motored to Michigan on Sunday
and visited relatives at Ubly,
Pigeon and Elkton. The latter
town is the birthplace of Mrs.
Skinner and she visited her
uncle, Mr. Henry Motz, who is in
his ninetieth year. Mr. and Mrs.
Motz celebrated their fifty-ninth
•wedding anniversary recently.
Several ladies from the com
munity attended the blossom tea
at Centralia United Church on
Thursday and enjoyed the ad
dress given by Miss Courtise oi
Mr. and Mrs. Allan F. Elston
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. E. M, Fahner of Crediton,
when Allan was guest soloist at
the one hundred and first anni
versary of Zion Evangelical U.B.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Atkinson
and family and Mrs. Eva Atkin
son were at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Herman Atkinson on Sun
day evening as supper guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blair, Jan
ette Ann and Geraldine had their
evening meal with Mr. and Mrs.
Don Blair on Sunday,
Mrs. Leo Flannigan, of Lon
don, spent the weekend with her
daughter, Mrs. Jack Blair.
Mr. and Mrs. John Blair of
Lucan visited recently with Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Blair.
Little Miss Bonnie Lou Blair,
who has been ill and under the
doctor’s care, has recovered.
Messrs. Allan Buswell and
Allan Elston motored to Gode
rich on Wednesday evening with
the Huronia Choir when they
sang at the musical festival.
Conceited young man: “It’s a
fact that people often take me
for a’member of the guards.”
Pretty young thing: “Really!
Mud or black?”
Are You Ruptured?
Our Service Is Different
We Sell You A Fit In
Our Private Truss Room
Trusses, Belts,
Supports of All Kinds
For Sale |
• peddlar steel roofing I
All length of sheets from 6’ to 10" I
All sixes for delivery, 4" to 11", from stock, small |
amounts or orders for truck loads delivered. |
Scott’s Elevator
II* llUXIIIKIIIIIItllllllllllllK IIIIII<<I<III< II11 l|l<lll|ll*lllt>llimilll<lllllllU<*Ulllllk^
for old tires when you buy NEW
Why risk the uncertainty of driving
on worn tires any longer? Our big
trade-in allowance makes it so easy
for you to ride on brand new,
long-mileage, guaranteed Goodyears.
Why not come in TODAY?
Mark Common Anniversary
Mrs. Ettie Baker spent Sun
day in Exeter with her daughter,
Mrs. N. Wells. Mr. and Mrs.
Wells were hosts to Mrs, Wells’
three sisters and their husbands:
Mr. and Mrs. Manford Luther,'
Grand Bend; Mr. and Mrs. Don
ald Hulbert, Waterdown, and
Mr. and Mrs. William Hicks of
Shedden. All the sister were,
married on May 14 and celebrate
the occasion each year on the
Sunday closest to that date.
Mrs. John Gill is in Brampton
with her son’s family while he
and his wife are in Mexico on a
business trip.
Mrs. Howard Desjardine has
accepted a contract to teach at
the B-Line School in September.
Mr. Gilbert Statton has dis
posed of his cabins to the new
owner of the Witherspoon lot.
Mrs. iGriffin Thomas is visit
ing her sister Mrs. H. Cotting-
ton in Toronto.
Mrs. Bender is home from a
two-week visit with her daughter
in New York.
Mr. W. Young has, as guest,
his brother from the Toronto
School of Art.
Mrs. David Jackson of Mont
real has returned home after a
short visit in Grand Bend with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Mrs. A. Mollard and Miss
Mary Yeo are spending Saturday
and Sunday in West Lorne witn
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mollard.
Mrs. Jack Wilson is a guest
of the Fred Wilsons’ over the
Don’t forget the chest clinic
on May 28, next Wednesday.
On Monday, May 2G, in the
United Church, the ladies of the
church are serving a supper in
honor of the twenty-fifth anni
versary of the laying of the
cornerstone of the church. A,
reunion of many former mem
bers of the congregation and
friends of former years from
distant parts are expected. Come
and enjoy the get-together.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Rath and
small daughter Judith were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wright
in Harrow on Sunday.
'Grand Bend regrets the pass
ing of one of our oldest and
most respected summer residents,
Mr. Jones, of London.
Mrs. Knechtel and Miss Eliza-
bctli jFtdinic of Kitchener li&ve
opened their cottage.
Miss Doreen Page of London
was home for the weekend.
Miss Frances Cassidy enter
tained Miss Rose Licciardo of
London over the weekend.
Mf. and Mrs. ’ Camp have
opened their cabins for the sea
Mr. Prout, of Prout & Gar
wood, is running his store per
sonally this year.
Mrs. C. Smallman visited Mr.
and Mrs. W. Miller on Sunday.
Blake Broadbent, of Merlin,
and Douglas Anakin of Chatham,
who attended afflcers’ congress
of London Conference Branch of
Y.P.U. at Forest, were guests of
Murray Desjardine on Sunday
Over 15 Years’ Experience
Your Drugs At
Phone 50 Exeter
'OUTH ENDService
£! ■..
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PHONE: 328-W
Holiday week-ends bring unusual traffic hazards to
Ontario. More drivers and pedestrians use the streets
and highways. More miles are travelled. More time is
spent out of doors, and thousands of children are re
leased from school. All these factors swell the normal
traffic volume and increase the danger of accidents;
I earnestly urge all citizens, and all leaders in com
munity and municipal life, to encourage widespread
awareness of the need for safer driving and safer
The traffic accident record can be kept down—if
each of us does his part.
The Department of Highways is conducting a planned
attack on accidents. Let us all work together to keep
the approaching holiday period free of accidents.