HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-05-15, Page 96 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 15, 1952 Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Hoffman, Mrs. Ullman and Mrs. Penfold, of Hamilton, visited with Mrs. Davis and Miss Viny Fisher at the home of Miss Verna Coates. forever/ Huron Lumber Co. C/tM'SC £ ^DIAMOND RING ' miilvtkt/ SteppingStone offer* < to ehote detail. The offer that ClRO aiways allows you /zz// turn-in value on the future purchase of a Jarger-diamond Bridal Bell! JEWELLER Rebekahs Initiate Five Candidates At the regular meeting of the Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge Wednesday night, the degree team with Mrs. Irene Brown as captain, conferred the Rebekah degree on five candidates, Visit­ ors were present from London and Listowel. On lodge home room noon ceeds Ouseveral carloads’ of local lodge members attended the fortieth anniversary of Edelweiss bekah Lodge, Seaforth. , At the next regular meeting of Pride of Huron ' Lodge, the winners of the bridge and euchre marathon will Ibe announced. Cards will be played at the con­ clusion of the meeting. Mrs. Ho\vard Ferguson, soloist of the Metropolitan Church, London, will sing, accompanied by her daughter, Elizabeth Ann Fergu­ son. The fifth annual birthday party of Pride of Huron Lodge will be held on June 4 and a special program is being ar­ ranged. Monkton, 10, the successful the show May very sale in Bros, Ltd. After­ served. The pro- $100. Saturday, held a cooking of Snell tea was exceeded Wednesday night, May 14 Re- Tabernacle Corner SO THAT HE WHO RUNS MAY READ If all the blessings enjoyed by who was a son of the con- the received, be “■ ~ ob- Adam, living God, were retained ditionally, how could all blessings we have unconditional. It will be served that Adam was not under the law, he was under grace, for all the gifts he received from God were bestowed freely and he was the subject of un­ merited favor of God. Adam and his wife had un­ limited freedom to choose their own destiny. He was the only being on earth that had this power. In fact, in this respect, man was as great as God him­ self. God could have made man without the power of freewill or free choice but he would have been a mere machine, Man for­ feited eternal life and lost every­ thing he received from through disobedience. God all His omnipotence, did keep man nor preserve against his own will/ Man He lost his paradise. He fellowship with God. He lost his purity. He became a sinner and sinful and if atonement had not been made by the shedding of blood and man had refused to submit to the divine provision, he would have been lost forever. God has given to every one of us the same free will. Every man and woman has the power to choose his own destiny. Every­ thing we have received through Christ and through his atoning blood, is of grace. It is the gift of grace, pardon, justification, cleansing, sanctification and re­ generation, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, fellowship with God and inheritance in heaven are all gifts from- God. The same principle which applied to Adam in the garden applies today in this day of 'grace. “If ye live after the flesh ye shall die, but if ye through the spirit do mor­ tify the deeds of the flesh ye shall live.” Romans 8:13. God, with not •him died. lost when you buy NEW good/years ALLOWANCE Here’s your chance to cash in. We’ll give you the highest trade-in allow­ ance on your old tires when you buy new, long-mileage, guaranteed Goodyears. Why delay? Come in TODAY! COUTH END OERVICE RUSS & CHUCK SNELL PHONE: 328-W €ood/Vear ^TIRES^-^ Church! MAIN STREET UNITED Rev. A. E. Holley, B.A., D.D., Minister Mrs, A, Y. Willard, Oganist and Choirmaster Sunday, May 18— a.m,-r—‘'Basic Hungers” 12:15 p.m.—The Church School tn all Departments. p.m.—“A Magnificent Obses­ sion” You and your friends are most cordially invited to Main Street United Church. 7 JAMES STREET UNITED Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M., Musical Director 10 a.m.—.Morning Worship. Speaker; Rev. Andrew Lane of Brussels, of the Huron Presbytery. Anthem by Choir. p.m.—Evening Worship. The minister will preach. Sermon Subject: “Growing Grace.” Solo by Frances Lostell, is extended 7 in A warm welcome to all. NOTE: The Official meet on Monday, 8 p.m. Board will May 19, at this Brinsley Pastor To Kincardine It has been announced week that the Rev. Wilbert E. C, Vollick, L.Th., who since May ‘ ‘ of St. and 1949 has been rector Mary's Church, Brinsley, Trinity, Ailsa Craig, is to be transferred about the middle of June to the parish of Kincardine and Pine River, Mr. Vollick, a native of Ham­ ilton, Ont., served as an officer in the Church Army, an Angli­ can evangelistic society, during the years 19 40-45, at Schu­ macher, Ont., Halifax, N.S., Tor­ onto, Ont., and Carberry, Man. After a course in theology at Huron College, London, he and Mrs. Vollick spent a year at Nakina, Ont., before coming to Ailsa Craig. Mrs. Vollick, also a native Hamiltonian, is a graduate of the School of Social Work, Uni­ versity of Toronto. She has served on the staff of the Fam­ ily 'Service Btfreau, Hamilton; Ingles House, Toronto; and the Children’s Aid Society, London. Mark Anniversary Anniversary services at St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Brins­ ley, will be observed on Sunday, May 18, at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker for the day will be a former rector, the Rev. E. S. Wells, B.A., L.Th., of Pet­ rolia. .Special music will be sung at 'both services. The evening service at Trinity Church, Ailsa Craig, is being withdrawn for the occasion. Mrs. Jennie Kennedy of St. Marys and Miss Viola Kennedy of Niagara Falls spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Watson. Mrs. Walter Dobbs of spent Friday with her Mr. William Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Murray ton and Ann spent Friday eve­ ning with Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hodgins. iMr. and Mrs. Lin Craven spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Lin Craven spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Watson. Miss Joyce Schenk of London spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schenk. Mrs. Cecil Hartle has received word that her sister, Mrs. Lionel Hyde (nee Cora Blake) of Reece’s Corners is in critical condition with third degree burns suffered Tuesday when a kitchen stove exploded in her face. At the time of writing her. condition is reported “only fair”. Mr. and Mrs. William Mc­ Guire had as their guests on Mothers’ Day Mrs. Mason, Andy McGuire, Mr. and Nickles of Seaforth, Mr. and Jerry Nickles, Mr. and .Mrs. McGuire of London, Mr. Mrs. Murray McGuire, Mr. Wesley Lucan father, Hamil- Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Bob and and Mrs. Don Lucas and family of Paris, Mr. and /Mrs. Don Mc­ Guire and Lee and Mr. and Mrs. G. Flynn, of Exeter, and Stan­ ley and Bev McGuire. Mr. Wilfred Dixon from St. Joseph’s day. 'Mr. Earl Dixon this week. Mr. and Mrs. returned Hospital Sun- is on the jury X „_ ___ Fred Fenton were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Dixon on Sunday. IMrs. Beatrice Dixon spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Dixon.Mr. Bob Mills spent his last leave with his wife and Paul and Mr. George Dixon. He is on his way to Korea. Fieldman Is Named To Lambton, Huron J, R. Chard has been appoint­ ed fruit and vegetable fieldman for Lambton and Huron counties, the Ontario Agriculture Depart- met announced last week. A native of Kimberley in Grey County, he graduated from On tario Agricultural College fr 1950. TR1VITT MEMORIAL — Anglican r— Rector; Rey. C. L« Langford* B.A., M.A. Organist: Robert Cameron Sunday, May 18—-Fifth Sundav After Easter, 10:15 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:30 a.m,—Morning Prayer. THE REFORMED CHURCH C. M. Eelman, Pastor This Sunday, 2:30 p.m.—Service in Exeter Canadian Legion Hall. All welcome. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev, Donald R. Sinclair, B.A. Minister Organist: Mrs. E. Nixon, A.T.C.M, 10 a.m,—Sunday School. Please note change of time. 11 a.m,—Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD Rev. J. Henry Getz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist 10 a.m.—Worship. Sermon Subject: “He Ascend­ ed.’’ 11:15 a.m.—Church School. Evening service withdrawn favour of niversary Thurs., May sion Day This Friday, May 16, 9 p.m.— Church Council of Administra­ tion at the parsonage. in Crediton EUR An- Service. 22, 8 p.m.—Ascen- Prayer Service. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Rev. H. Kendrick, Pastor Tues., 8 p.m.—'Challengers meet at Mrs. E. Prouty’s. Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer and Bible Study in Tabernacle, Fri., 8 p.m.—Christ Ambassa­ dors. Speaker: Mr. A. Gesin- gar, a Pentecostal boy from Holland. Sun., 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. Supt.: Mr. E. Cudmore. Join the crowd and come. 11 a.m.—Morning Worship. Speaker; Mrs. Blair, wife of Western Ontario District Supt. 7:30 p.m.—Speaker: Mrs. Blair. Mon., May 19—A Great Rally at 3 p.m. Rev. Ralph Hornby of London. Listen to him 'Sunday over CFPL at 9:30 a.m. Mon., 8 p.m.—The dedication of the New Nursery by the Rev. H. Blair, District Supt. We invite you to come. RADIO PEUIS by ‘ LONG-PLAY EQUIPMENT is being added at CKNX. The move will bring f I'd e 1 i t y , shows that use pop-concert light classical music, to 4 p.m. daily) for to benefit. W. CORN • — POTATOES • — Garden Fertilizers Whalen Comers Cann’s Mill Ltd. Sunday Morning, May 18 I Family Service At Centralia The annual Mothers’ Day ser­ vice was held in the church on Sunday morning with Mr. Reg. Hodgson as leader. The Christian Family Day program was fol­ lowed. A story was read by Mrs. C. McCurdy. The music was provided by a Sunday School choir under the leadership of Mr. C, Skinner with Mary Margaret Essery at the piano. Rev. Burton delivered a very fine address. During the service Shirley Marie, baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hodgson, was bap­ tized. A beautiful basket of flowers was placed in the church by Mrs, c. Rollings in memory of her mother, the late Mrs, Lewis. W.M.S. Meeting The May meeting of the W. M. S. was held in the schoolroom of the church Tuesday evening. Mrs. George Baynham was the leader, assisted by Mrs. G. Bur­ ton who gave a very fine address on “service”. Mrs. Baynham gave a short reading. Mrs. M. Elliot presided for the business. Supply work was dis­ cussed and a bale will be sent for relief. Mrs. George Hepburn gave an excellent account of the Presbyterial meeting held in Clinton. A lovely duett was sung by Mrs. Jack Essery and Mrs. Kipp, accompanied by Mrs. A. Essery. A Blossom Tea was served at the close of the meet- —'Please turn to page 14 COMMERCIAL and REGISTERED SOY;BEAN[SEED Top-Kroft and Belle River Hybrid Certified Foundation Cobblers, Katahdins, Sebagoes Agricultural Peat Moss Hydro erruption Weather Permitting W Hydro Will Be Off On from 5:30) aum, to 8:30 a.m. DJ5.T. The Areas Affected Are ZURICH, DASHWOOD and GRAND BEND VILLAGES amid) SURROUNDING FARM AREAS? H.E.P.C. Exeter Area greater variety and particularly to the or Matinee (3 one, stands * OF ALL THE women com­ mentators we know on the air, none does a better job of re­ search into the material used on her ■ programs than Hazel Wood. This is one of the main reasons for the success of her “You Were Asking” series, heard Tuesdays and Thursdays p.m. * * * at 2:45 Owing to Saturday, May Ladies’, Misses’ and Girls’ Summer ReadytcWear IMPORTANT NOTICE 24/being a holiday. Exeter stores will be closed, but will be ~open Friday night, May 23. Suits For Men and Women We wish to announce that we are the exclusive agents for Regal Park tailored clothes for men and women. With this new agency, together with qur well established Fashion-Craft line, we can give you a "wide range of materials, patterns and styles from which to choose your new suit, top­ coat or sport jacket. You will find pure wool gabardines, pic and pics, fine worsteds and tropi­ cals woven by many of England’s well known makers and at prices you can afford to pay. Let us take your measurement now! Prices from .......... ......... $45.00 to $59.50 Be ready for the first holiday of the season— Victoria Day, May 24— with your new summer outfit. We have an extra large stock of wash dresses in the newest materials: Shortie and regular coats, blouses, skirts, sportswear, slacks, iery, gloves, etc., at attractive CAR DRAW of be held on the Mother the sea­ season’s Parker’s LAST son will last show of Mysteries, Saturday, at 7:30 p.m. There’s a $200 cash as well. This the province is about another winner. Musical May 31 possible part of due for ** # * SUMMER SHORTS: The Eddy Arnold Show will continue for at least another 43 weeks . . . The Don wright Chorus bows out for the summer on Sunday’s show. Another choice singing group, The Maids and Men of Melody, from Listowel, take over the 6 o’clock slot for 19 sum­ mer shows . . . Three racing classics are set for •coming Sat­ urdays. The Preakness goes this Saturday at 5 o’clock; the fol­ lowing week, the Queen’s Plate; and on June 7, the Belmont Stakes . . . Play-by-play ball broadcasts start next week. Bar­ ring bad weather, you’ll hear the Lucknow-Wingham game on Monday at 9 o’clock. prices, see the raincoats, suits, hos- verv new __ m e r gloves in beautiful pastel shades, Ask to spring and s u m Complete new summer range TIES BLAZERS SOX T SHIRTS SLACKS JACKETS of: SPORT COATS SPORT SHIRTS SWIM TRUNKS WIZARD WICK DEODORIZER Save 20^; 2-bottle deal ........ for 980 For May 15, 16, 17 | MAPLE LEAF TENDERFLAKE LARD- Pure lard, I-lb. pkgs. ............. each 120 | BLUE & GOLD GOLDEN W. BEANS ’Fancy quality, 15-oz. tins .... 2 for 350 EDDY’S REDBIRD MATCHES Pkg. of 3 boxes ...................... each 250 GREEN GIANT TENDER PEAS Fancy quality. 15-oz. tins .... 2 f< ON YOUR DIAL NABOB COFFEE 1-lb. bags ................................. each 990 Certified Seed Potatoes Popular Varieties Now on Sale