HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-05-15, Page 8Page 8 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 1952 Town Topics Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Francis returned last week after spend­ ing the winter in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Erie Campell of Belmont visited with the former’s parents, Mr. and MrB. Andrew Campbell on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kingston, spent with the latter's G. Seldon. Mr. and and family mother in weekend. Mr. and Millbank and were weekend visitors with Mrs. William Balkwill. John (Mallet of London is visit­ ing in Exeter for a few dayB. Jackson, of the weekend father, Mr. R- C. J. ErsmanMrs. ...visited Mrs. Ersman’s Palmerston over the Mrs. Ben Milliken of daughter Marion Guaranteed O.K. Used Cars Sn FOR good hose, ward Exeter. No Controversy About Artificial Results Here FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE BABY CHICKS LOST AND JFOUND NOTICE TO CREDITORS SALE—-Twin gas pumps in condition, complete with Apply F. C. Beaupre, north general store. Phone 301 15c SEW AND SAVE with summer yard goods at Tudor’s in Hen- sall. We have a grand selection of cottons. Special — sanforized broadcloth at 65 yard. 15c FUR SALE—One new three- burner Coleman gas stove. Ap­ ply Graham Mason, phone 269. 15* FOR SALE-—One factory-made ironing-board in good condition, $3.00. Also one wheelbarrow, steel wheel. Rubber-tire sprayer, with pump, compressed air tank, agitator, 9-gal. galvanized stqel tank, rubber hose, brass exten­ sion rod with automatic shut-off. Stream or mist spray. Used two summers. Price this year $39.95 — my price $25.1)0. —E. C. Appleton, 117 Huron St. E., Exeter, 15 FOR SALE —“New Perfection” coal oil stove with oven in per­ fect condition. Sell cheap for quick sale. Apply Exeter Times- Advocate. 15* FOR SALE—Light blue baby carriage, like new. Can be seen at 220 Main Street. 15c FOR SALE—Eight-piece dining room suite, fumed oak. Phone 156, Exeter. 15c FOR SALE—^0-cycle refrigera­ tor, 9.2 cubic ft. Excellent con­ dition. Apply F/O Scattergood, Box 1000, RCAF Station, Grand Bend or phone 341-r-31. 15c FOR SALE — 1938 Chevrolet Coach, in splendid condition. Also a Corgie Scooter, in good shape. Phone 176-23 Exeter. 15* DO IT NOW—Call Sandy Elliot about that Milking Machine. — Phone 64-W. 5-15tfc SALE—Coal and wood in perfect condition. — 15* FOR stove, Phone 48-r-lO Kirkton. FOR SALE—About two tons of good mixed hay. Apply Amos Wright, Centralia, phone Exeter 537-r-12. 15c FOR SALE—Jersey cow, three years old. Just freshening. Calf also. Apply Albert Mitchell, Ex­ eter South. 15* FOR SALE—Girl’s suit, size 12- 14, light grey, nearly new, $15. Can be seen at Brady Cleaners. 15* PLASTIC DRAPES in all the newest 'patterns. With or with­ out valances at $1.98 pair. See it by the yard too at Tudor’s in Hensail. 15c COCKERELS-—limited quantity-,— dayold and started, immediate delivery, Dayold chicks to order. Pullets 3-4 weeks available. Bray Hatchery, 120 John Hamilton; Eric Carscadden, eter Phone 246-J. PERSONAL N„ Ex- 15c STRAYED from Lot 6. Biddulph, red yearling with horns. Phone 9-r-4 or 3.71-W Exeter. N.B-, heifer Lucan 15c FOUND—If Catherine Swartzen- truber will call at the Times- Advocate, we will return her wallet containing motor vehicle licence. nc “SKINNY” GIRLS! GET LOVE­ LY CURVES! Gain 5 to 10 lbs., pew pep. Try famous health and weight-lbuilder, Ostrex Tonic Tab­ lets. Introductory, “get-acquaint­ ed” size only 60£. All druggists. 5-15:29; 6-12:26; 7-3:17c In the estate of WILLIAM E. SANDERS, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of William E. Sanders, late of the Town of Exeter in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 26th day of January1, 1952, are quired to file particulars same with Messrs. Bell Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 24th day of May next after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to thoge claims of which notice has been received BELL & LAUGHTON, Solicitors for the Executor... Exeter, Ontario. 8;15;22c ro­ of & NOTICES WORK WANTED Mrs. Herbert Robinson Funeral services for Mrs. Her- bet V. Robinson, Mitchell, were held Monday afternoon with interment in Woodland cemetery. Deceased taught school for ten years before her marriage and after her marriage resided in I Logan Township. Trucks 7 DAYS A WEEK DIAL 980 I 12:45 P.M (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) LIMITED Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Cars and Chevrolet Trucks The Clown Prince of Western Entertainment PHONE 100 EXETER SUMMER DRESSES in all their glorious colors at Tudor’s in Hensail. Size 11-52 from $3.95. 15c FOR SALE —10 weaner pigs. Feeding good; 6 weeks old. Ap­ ply Elmer Desjardine, phone 38-27 Grand Bend. 15* NOTICE—The party is known in Dashwood who is responsible for getting rid of the pet dog of Wayne and Valerie Gibson on Sunday, April 27. Charges will be laid if settlement is not made immediately. 15* WORK WANTED—Housework or baby-sitting by young married Dutch woman. Call 36 Hensall after 6:00. —Mrs. Iseger (Fink apartment). 8:15c ..... ..... - - * ............a... ................. . .... ATTENTION FARMERS — We have several experienced Dutch farm help, mostly families. Ap­ ply now to Mr. C. M. Eelman, P.O. 336 or phone 678. 2-7tfc phone 266, 12-13tfn AUCTION SALES REAL ESTATE LIVESTOCK WANTED SEW AND SAVE — New and used sewing machines, fully guaranteed. Repairs to all makes and models. Singer Sewing Ma­ chine, Goderich. Phone 113 5. 3-20tfc FOR SALE — 4 chrome chairs, kitchen table 4 chairs, child’s commode chair with pad, child’s combination high and play luxury pram, all steel grey, chrome plated with ner; untilty table; indirect ing ing set- _ ing table; spring-filled mattress, 2 size, new; chest of drawers with mirror; 3 sets of drapes with hooks; card table; wooden wheelbarrow; 7‘5 ft. garden hose with reel; garden weed sprayer; Wingham Clipper coal range, white enamel, 37”x23” top, 18” oven with warming closet, used two years; electric rangette; 3 pairs white frilled curtains; studio couch; 2 occasional chairs. All articles in good con­ dition. Can be seen _at the jresi- dence _ Street, Hensall, phone 14-R^or 65. — - - chair, body, run­ light- fixture; steel glider, swing­ style with mattress; lawn -two lawn chairs and fold- of William Riley, King 15c FOR SALE—Wedding cake boxes at The Times-Advocate. KIDDIES’ JEANS and T-Shirts are just right for summer at Tudor’s in Hensail. Price right, too. 15c MAGAZINES—New and renewal subscriptions for any magazine are received at The Exeter Times-Advocate. I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exe- l*tfcter. FRAME HOUSE—Four bedrooms, large basement. Hot air furnace. Three-piece bath. Garden and garage. Good location, close to school. Apply Mrs. Laura Gai- ser, Andrew 'St., Exeter. 15:22c FOR SALE—Eight weaner pigs and eight chunks. —Ken Presz- cator, phone 26-r-2 Crediton. c FOR SALE—1942 Ford truck, very low price, exceptionally good tires, ideal for farm use. Apply Tuckey Beverages phone 515-W Exeter, 15c Highest prices in Ontario for dead, disabled cattle and horses positively GUARANTEED. Call Ontario Rendering Co. COL­ LECT, Exeter 158 or Strathroy 128-J. 3-27tfc 3 or 4 bed- Choice location in Ex- 3-piece bath. Good small and nice lot with fruit Price $4,200.00. Liberal —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, 5-8tfc FRAME HOUSE, rooms, eter. ; barn trees, terms. Main St., Exeter. AUCTION SALE SHEDS AT AILSA CRAIG BAPTIST CHURCH will be sold by public auction on THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 22 at 8:00 p.m. • Sheds are in good condition with a corrugated steel roof; seven stalls, TERMS: Cash. JAMES MCLEAN, AUCT. 8:15 c FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE — Medium walnut chest of drawe­ rs. Also 2 wicker chairs. Would exchange for smaller chest of drawers or dressing table. Tele­ phone 568-W. 15:22* ATTENTION FARMERS-Prompt and courteous service on all dead or disabled farm animals, Phone Collect Ed Andrew, Sea­ forth 851-r-ll, Exeter 235, 5-ltfc MODERN 2-BEDROOM cottage, Exeter. This home is nicely laid out and well finished with hard­ wood floors, etc. It has a good basement with oil-burning furn- us HELP WANTED . ace. Price, $5,500.00. show you this property mediate possession. —C. kard, Realtor. Let for im- V. PIC­ S’8tfc used Also done 6 7 9- FOR SALE—12’ speedboat, 2 years, for quick sale, custom post hole digging with tractor auger. Phone r-33 Hensail, Howard Dayman. 15c FOR SALE — Coffield washing machine, good condition. Quick sale $50.00. —Marshall, P.M.Q. 129. 15c SALE-—Piano, small up- walnut finish, modern bench. Perfect condition, or offers. Bargain as leav- Marshall, P.M.Q. 15c FOR right, with $225 ing district. 129. FOR SALE — Acme rangette* used about 6 weeks, like new. Will sell reasonably. Apply Box D, Times-Advocate._________15c FOR SALE—Capital soy beans, one of the best varieties for this locality. Registered No. 1 grade $4.00 per bushel. Same beans unsealed $3.50. —Elder Bros., Hensail. 8:15:22* FOR SALE — Seven registered Hereford bulls, fully accredited, ready for service, large and rug­ ged at farmers’ prices. —Ernie O’Neil, Denfield P.O., second farm east No. 4 Highway, two roads south of Elginfield. Phone Granton or Ilderton. 15:22:29* SUMMER HELP wanted. Apply W. K. Brown, Riverside Restaur­ ant, Grand Bend. 15c PART-TIME BUTCHER — Apply Dutch Boy Food Market, RCAF Station Centralia. 8:15c FOR SALE — Building lot on Mill Street and two frame build­ ings, a kitchen and a stable. Buildings sold separately or with the lot. Also a 40-gal. oil drum. William Warren, phone 4 89-R. 15:22* AUCTION SALE of Household Effects The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction on STREET, house Street on SATURDAY, at 1:30'the following: High-grade Heintzman plane, like new; occasional chair; hand-painted screen; hand-tpainted pictures; lamps; lamps; ble; 6 ANDREW (First James ', EXETEffi north of Church’) MAY 17 FEMALE HELP WANTED HELP WANTED—Waitress and kitchen girl for nights. Apply Monetta Menard’s. 15* BRICK HOUSE, Exeter. 3-piece bath up and down. Would make good family house or two apart­ ments. Immediate possession. — C. V. Pickard, Realtor. Main St., Exeter. 5-8 tfc. SUBSCRIPTION SPECIALS Time — 78 weeks — $6.87 ■ Any Magazine, Any Time - H. T. BUSTON Phone Exeter 308-r-5 21* tfc zPhone 661 HONSBERGER SIGNS TRUCK LETTERING SHOW CARDS Reasonable Rates — 122 Hill St. EXETER 5-15:29:6-12:26* E. WANTED PORTABLE PHONOGRAPH — Motor must be mechanically per­ fect and equipped with governor. Phone 31-W. tfn ALL TO WIN . . . nothing to lose ... no disbursement, now or later. Special call to all wo­ men who wish 'to make easy money, full or part time. Take orders for lingerie and hosiery: for ladies, men, children, also babies wear. Nothing easier, with our low prices and our low prices and our magnificently illustrated catalogue, containing 850 superior quality garments with over 8.500 sizes and colors, all with samples of our mater­ ials. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Fast delivery. Generous commission, bonuses, gifts, etc. We are positively the ones who give the most to their representatives and still offer the lowest selling prices, which means easy and numerous sales. Write immediately for your free catalogue. DU JOUR LINGERIE 4235-124 Iberville, Montreal, P.Q. 4-24: 6-12 (8)c SERVICE STATION & STORE— Highway location in a very busy district. Large new building, built for the purpose. Modern living quarters. Air conditioned house. Water pressure. Up-to-date gar­ age and store equipment includ­ ed. Flourishing business. Very liberal terms. —C. V, Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. 3-20tfc house bath- Large small ■C, V. CENTRALIA — 3-bedroom with modern kitchen and room. Hot water heated, lot with fruit trees and barn. Quick possession. — Pickard, Main St., Exeter. 4-17c 2-BEDROOM COTTAGE — Well located on Main Street, conven­ ient to school,-church and store. All conveniences. Garage. Thos. II. Walker, phone 553. 4-17tfc 3-piece chesterfield; walnut table; fire-place; f looi- 2 large mirrors; table buffet; dining room ta- leather bottom chairs: grandfather’s clock; hall tree; , 4-piece parlor suite: brass um­ brella holder; scatter rug; red rug 9x12; 3 congoleum rugs; l.> carpet 10x10; 3 bedroom suites, springs and mattresses; 2 feathei* beds; kitchen cabinet,; kitchen table; 6 kitchen chairs; several odd tables; 1 couch; 1 settee; toilet set; music, cabinet; metronome; carpet- sweeper, fernery, hotplate electric iron; refrigerator; sewing kitchen clock; large old-fash­ ioned clock; quantity of fancy dishes; also a quantity of an­ tique dishes; pillows; crocks; sils; garden tools; lawn mower; garden hose; quantity of seal­ ers; lawn chairs; mats, West­ inghouse electric radio; radio, table; coal shuttle; tea kettle; quilt chest; 2 step-laddera; trunk; Easy washing machine many other articles. The chattels of the late Vera Essery. TERMS: Cash. ALVIN ESSERY, EXECUTOR FRED DAWSON, CLERK FRANK TAYLOR. AUCT ma>chine bedding; curtains; kitchen uten- WANTED Coal oil hanging lamps; old colored glass.' Ralph Bailey, Main St. Mrs. 2-281fc FOR RENT 3-BEDROOM COTTAGE, insulat­ ed, hot water furnace, 3-piece bath, kitchen modernized. Three lots, several fruit trees. Posses­ sion arranged. —W.C.Pearce, WANTED TO RENT—Furnished or unfurnished house or apart­ ment, vicinity Exeter, within the next two weeks. Clean, respect­ able family. Phone or write F/O L. A. Taylor, 1 F.T.S., Centralia 4-3*:10tfc WANTED—Good used car. From 1940 to 1945. Must be in good condition. Apply Times-Advocate. MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT--Our precision tur­Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman, nip planter will foe available for rent at $1.00 per acre again this season. Market more and better turnips. Phone 91-r-18 Zurich or see Harold Dignan, Hensall. 15:22:29:5:12:19* FOR RENT «■Three furnished rooms. Phone 22-M Exeter.15* 15c FOR RENT--Three-room apart­ ment, furnished. Newly decorat­ ed. Modern facilities. Apply 24 Andrew Street, phone 257.15* Exeter,4-17tfc TENDERS WANTED Township of Stephen RE DRAINAGE WORK Tenders will be received the Township of Stephen by for drainage work on the Gill Muni­ cipal Drain. Plan and profile may be seen and examined at the office of SPRAY & BRUSH Painting and FOR RENT 3-room apartment the Clerk. A certified cheque of Decorating: estimate sheds, Anyone wishing an on painting barns, roofs, etc., or decorating your house interior or exterior. We are also equipped to spray all different surfaces,Johns- Manville, stucco, brick and con­ crete with special paint manu­ factured for these surfaces. For satisfaction guaranteed and free estimates, Eagleson, contact wood. phone Gordon 40-r~2 W. Dash­ 5-15:22:29; 6-5:12:19:26c PAINTING & PAPERHANGING, kitchen cabinets, with, bathroom. Newly decorated. Centrally located. Apply- Hubert Miller, Lakeview Hatchery.15* FOR RENT—Three-room unfurn­ ished apartment, heated, hot and cold water, laundry in basement. Penhale Apts., John St. E., tele­ phone 294-R. FOR RENT- 15* -Floor polishers and vacuum cleaners. Beaveres Hard- ware.5-8tfc FOR RENT—Unfurnished apart- ment;bedroom, $200.00 must accompany tender. Tenders to V® in the hands of the Clerk not later than May 31, 19 52. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. F. W. MORLOCK, CLERK Township of Usborne RE WEED SPRAYING Sealed tenders for contract to spray all township roadsides for the control of weeds will be re­ ceived by the undersigned up to 8:30 p.m. May 26 next. Clearing AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effeclte The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell -by public auction the estate of the late Full list in next week’s issue. and Miscellaneous Items ON THE PRIMES, Main Street South, TOWN -OF EXETER William Kuntz, on ■SATURDAY, MAY 31 at 1:00 p.m. HAROLD KUNTZ, JOHN KUNTZ, EXECUTORS ALVIN WALPER, AUCT, Clearing AUCTION SALE of Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items Lot 2% The is ON THE PREMISES, 17, L.R.W., Stanley Tw,p,; miles north of Drysdale, on No. 21 Highway undersigned auctioneer has instructed to sell by public CHOICE” HOUSEHOLD EF- Dining room extension chairs; 2 2 couches; other dining room and kitchen in glass, cupboard; 2 cedar chests; grama- "2 complete numerous pairs of been auction on WED. EVENING, MAY 21 commencing at 6:30 sharp FECTS: diningtable;6 roomTenders to show a price per leather dining chair;roomlivingmile which includes cost of mat­room,oak rocking chairs;kitchen and bath.Heated; hot erial application and should in­all kinds- of dicate the amount of 24-D acidand cold water. One and quarteru p u <j a, r u » , and tile -Thos. H. Walker, tele- built-in cupboards floors. phone 553 Exeter.4-10tfc NOW IS THE TIME to contact me about your weed-spraying problems. Your grain should be sprayed when it is from 4 to 8 inches in height. I have a good supply of several weed-kill on hand. see me, miles north of the airport. Phone 45O-r-12‘ Exeter.15c the contractor proposes to apply. The contractor must carry in­ furniture;sewing machine IMMEDIATE POSSESSION—nice­ ly decorated, Modern cold water, heated apartment. conveniences, Shared hot and bathroom, Private entrance. Garage. Laun­ brands*of Be sure to if you have your own sprayer, for your weed-kill V, Hogarth, phone 266 ARTIFICIAL this licenced SERVICE dry facilities and’ garden, liam Oestricher, Crediton, -Wil- 8:15c -L. 5-8 tfc, from non-profit, co- operative growing Association is available from Holstein Ayrshire Polled, Guernsey Jersey, Hereford Dual-Purpose and Beef Shorthorn bulls Of high quality. Life membership is $25.00, $5.00 per cow for members and $6.00 per cow for non members Waterloo Cattle Breeding AssO- ciation,R.R, service call Varna,Ont. FOR RENT- ment,furnished -Three-room apart- private en­ trance. Carling Street, north of Roller Rink FOR RENT- 15* -The office former ly occupied by Clerk C. V. Pic- ' Apply at Times-Advocate, 3-20tf*kard. FOR RENT- rooms •Two furnished also garage.Immediate possession, Apply. Exeter Times- ' “■ 15'*Advocate. 1 Mr, Waterloo,For Harry Reid. before 10:00 a.m surance against crop damage. Tender must be accompanied by a certified cheque for $100 Lowest or any tender not neces­ sarily accepted H. H. G. STRANG Clerk, Township of Usborne R.R. 1, Hensall. Exeter District High School RE COAL Exeter District High Board invites tenders for School 160 tons of 1$ x 5 oil treated stoker coal, Tenders should provide analy­ sis of fuel and quote price per ton delivered at the school as required. Letters marked tender1 Coal should foe addressed to the Secretary, E. D. Howey, Box good condition; 3 complete bed­ wardroberoomsuites; phone with records; toilet sets dressers commodes 3 feather ticks; feather pillows number of new quilts, and wool len blankets curtains linoleum rugs. small centre dinin 9x12 tables room stairway, quantity new number plete 3 new long 2 complete 2 quantity new lumber complete sets of dishes com glass- ware, silverware, antique dishes kitche.n utensils ers cellar table quantity seal­ 2 lamps; 2 coal oil lamps stoves boiler ous other articles, tubs, and hanging 2 gas Burner- new con-da- sold without Everything is in new condi­ tion and will be sold without reserve, Exeter, Ontario, by May Cash31TERMSB. Furnished apart-FOR RENT ment. Apply John Ward, phone 15*«.348 1952 Lowest or any tender not cessarily accepted 15 ne- 22c MRS. JOHN ETUE, PROF MAURICE ETUE, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCT.