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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-05-08, Page 6
Page 8 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 8, 1952 IN ALL FLAVOURS Lumber Comp Discuss Campsite For Huron Scouts A campsite for Huron District Scouts was discussed at a meet ing of the Huron District Scout Association at R.C.A.F. Station, Clinton. A camp committee was set up, comprising H. Winter, chairman; G. Craig, J. Churchill and J. Bisho©. Western Ontario Field Com missioner Harry Firth, London, was guest speaker, and discussed policy matters with members of the association. Other projects discussed in cluded Scout leaders training programs, church parades and collection of scrap metal. j. CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rawlings of Ailsa Craig spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Lewis. Mr. Fred Rawlings, who has spent the past two weeks here returned home with them. Miss Marcia MacDonald, Exe ter, spent the weekend with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bay nh am. Mr. and Mrs. Gor don Caudle and son Bobby of Petrolia spent the weekend with their aunts and uncles Mr. and Mrs. William Motz and Mr. and Mrs. ’William Horney in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anderson and Linda of London spent Sat urday at the Anderson home. Mrs. R. Motz is helping out in Mr. S. B. Taylor’s store in ~ ter while Mr. Taylor is out on a trip. Congratulations to Mr. Baynham who was eighty-four years old May G. Exe- West Sam at We Are Again Contracting Barley FOR CANADA MALTING COMPANY Contact Us All Barley Will Be Treated Free of Charge Contracts Can Be Arranged by Phone or Letter Phone 103 — Nights 133 Geo. T. Mickle & Sons Ltd. HENSALL, ONT. • Fast Unloading Facilities• Good Service Business Directory BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C, C. V. LAUGHTON, LL.B. Zurich office Wednesday afternoon & DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Bell Building Phone 273 Exeter DR. H. H. COWEN L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Main Street, Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoon Bus. 36-W - Phone - Res. 36-J W. G. COCHRANE, B.A. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR EXETER, ONTARIO At Hensall, Friday, 2 to 5 P.M. D. J. McKELVIE, D.V.M •VETERINARY SURGEON Phone 99 Hensall And District News Hensall Council To Buy Fire Engine For $8,865 Hensall council tentatively ap- prqved the purchase of a new fire truck for $8,865 at its meet ing Monday night and gave the reeve and clerk permission to buy if cei'tain conditions were met. Reeve A. W. Kerslake and Clerk J. A. Paterson will go to Toronto shortly to interview the Fire Marshall and the Depart ment of Municipal Affairs to get their approval. ■Council okayed the $8,S65 tender of Sickle - Seagrave for the fire engine. Another tender at $10,000 was submitted by LaF rance Fire Engine and Foamite Co. Plan Service A delegation from the Hensall Legion—I). Dayman, R. Shad dick and W. Brown appeared be fore council asking for a grant in support of a Drum Head Serv ice on June 22 and for permis sion to block off traffic on King street during the parade. Coun cil granted the request and don ated $100. Assessment Assessor W. council discussed thorough review ties. The salary was increased to E. R, Davis reported work being done on the Considerable discussion place on the conduct of children on the streets and it was sug gested that the parents use a little influence to control the children or police would have to use strong measures. It was decided, to grade York street 'between Nelson and Albert and to have culverts installed. The constable was instructed to collect the remaining dog lic ences at once or take court ac tion. Arrangements were completed to collect garbage on May 14 and 15. The street committee was asked to of. water in front J. A. Carmel Presbyterian The Rev. E- A. Sinclair spoke in the interests of Temperance at the morning service .The choir anthem was “Come unto me”. Mrs. L- Tiberio and Mrs. C. Ken nedy sang a pleasing duett. B. Cross and the roll and a of the proper- of the assessor $100. on the streets, took investigate a complaint running across the road of Thompson’s elevator. Paterson reported re turning the arrears to the coun ty treasurer of the 19 51 taxes to the amount est in years. $3,300 in tax Membership County Municipal Association was taken. of $275, the low- He has received prepayments. in the Huron Personal Items ’Mr. Russell Hedden, of Catharines, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Carter and family of st. Clinton, Mrs. C. JOHN W. ORCHARD OPTOMETRIST ** Main Street, Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday For Appointments Phone 355-J Hensall Ontario ALVIN WALPER LICENCED AUCTIONEER For Huron, Lambton, Perth and Middlesex For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times “Service that Satisfies’* PHONE 57-r-2 DASHWOOD WM. H* SMITH LICENCED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex (Special training assures you your property’s true value sale day) Graduate of American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed CREDITON P.O. or PHONE 43-2 Of on PERCY C. WRIGHT LICENCED AUCTIONEER Cromarty, Ontario Purebred, Farm, and Household Sales a Specialty For a Better Auction Sale Call the “Wright” Auctioneer Phone Hensall "690-r-22 Collect EDWARD H. UNGER BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Old Post Office Building LUCAN, ONTARIO Tuesday afternoons 3:30 to 5:30 and Saturday afternoons from 3:00 to 5:30 Funds Wanted for First Mortgage Investments were recent visitors with M. Hedden and Herb. Mr. and Mrs. Gonyou, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Pepper. Mrs. Pepper returned home with them for a week’s visit. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clark and daughter Kathy of London were guests on Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Goodwin. Miss Irene Douglas of London, formerly of Hensall, will ibe the guest speaker at the meeting of the Evening Auxiliary in the United Church on Monday, May 12, at 8:15. The members of the United Church, the Arnold Circle &f Carmel Presbyterian Church and the young women of St. Paul’s Anglican Church will be guests. Mr. Robert McDougall of Moose Jaw, Sask., is visiting with his cousin, Miss Minnie Reid. Mrs. James W. Bell returned last Friday from Oakland, Cal., where she spent -the winter months. ■Mr. and Mrs. Frank getting nicely settled home in the village. iMrs. Annie Logan chased the Hoggarth property on Richmond Street and she and will Detroit, Bean are in their her sister,, Mrs. Harvey, move in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMurtrie of Toronto were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John McMur trie and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mc Murtrie. Mr. and Mrs. John MacGregor visited recently with their rela tives, the Camerons, at Tjverton. Bell of with and E. F. CORBETT LICENCED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER, R.R. 1 Telephone Zurich 92-r-7 FRANK TAYLOR LICENCED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Exeter P.O. or Phone 138 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario President Milton McCurdy R.R. 1 Kirkton Vice-President Wm. A. Hamilton Directors Harry Coates E. Clayton Colquhouh Martin Feeney Angus Sinclair Agents Thos. G. Ballantyne Cromarty Centralia l R.R. 1 Science Hill R.R. 2 Dublin 1 MitchellR.R, ARTHUR FRASER INCOME TAX REPORTS, BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, ETC. Ann St., Exeter Phone 501 Mr. and Mrs. Ron Windsoi’ spent the weekend the former’s parents, Mr. Mrs. W. R. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. A, L. Case recent visitors with the latter’s mother, Mrs. J. Reid, in London. Mrs. Catherine Devlin of Lon don, formerly of Hensall, who is visiting with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Edna Corbett, observed her eighty-second birthday on Sun day, May 4. Mrs, Tetreau spent the week end with relatives in Zurich. were '' ’s Legion Plan Zone Service Hensall Branch of the adian Legion met in the Legion Hall Monday for their regular monthly meeting. President Don ald Dayman conducted the meet ing assisted by Comrades George E. Walker and Lawrence Bayn ham, vice-presidents. Zone Com mander George Inglis of Howick Township, and Deputy Zone Commander Thomdyke of Clin ton were present. Plans were outlined for the Zone C-I church drumhead serv ice to be held Sunday, June 22. Arrangements were made for the District C meeting to be held in Harriston Sunday, June 1. The secretary-treasurer, James Clark, stated the sum of $400 was subscribed for the Canadian Red Cross. Canvassers were the Legion Ladies Auxiliary and Legion members, the former can vassing the town and the latter the country. CROMARTY Can- W.M.S. Meets The May meeting of the men’s Missionary Society held in the Sunday School room on Thursday. Mrs. Thomas Scott, Sr., presided and conducted the devotional exercises. Mrs. Thomas Laing read a, chapter from the study book and Mrs. Grace Scott led in the Glad Tidings prayer. A splendid topic on “Our Task at Home,” was given by Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl. Ladies Aid The president, Mrs. Houghton, presided for the Ladies Aid meeting. Besides other items of business it was decided to have a penny contest. Sides were chosen with Mrs. Houghton and Mrs. T. L. Scott as captains. The meeting closed with the Anthem. Personal Items Recent visitors with Mrs. T. L. -Scott were Mrs. Denton Taylor, Wo- was National Mr. and Mr. and Kenneth and Sherrill, Burlington, and Mr. Alex McKay, Heuston, Texas. Word has been received of the death of Mr. William McLaren, Seaforth, who foi’ many years was a resident of Hibbert town ship. Dr. Clarence Hulley of the University of Alaska in Fair banks, visited with his cousins Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Coleman and Mr. and Mrs. T. route to Washington, was born in Staffa West to Manitoba parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hulley in 1910. Lainig en- Dr. Hulley and went with his WHALEN George Parkinson spent Kippen Minister Goes Tp Quebec Rev. A. Hinton has informed the congregation of St. Andrew’s United Church here, that he and Mrs. Hinton are leaving Kippen the latter part of June for appointment in Berchton, brook, Quebec. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs.’Stiles and of Brussels and Mr. and Mrs. S. Cudmore and Lome of London were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. S. Cudmore. Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dawson visited recently with friends in Goderich, IMr. Hay of Cromarty visited Monday with his sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert Thomson. iMr. and Mrs. T. Hill of Lucan were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long. . Mrs. Jennie Schilbe of Exeter visited recently with her mother Mrs. McClymont. Mr. and Mrs. A. Parsons and family and Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter and girls attended the wedding reception for Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Ferguson in the Legion Hall, Exeter, on Friday evening. a new Slier- family I.O.O.F. Attend Church Service At the morning service of the United Church assisting Rev. W. J. Rogers, was Mr. L. Peebles of Toronto, a young businessman. Mr. Peebles spoke in the inter ests of the Ontario Temperance Federation. The choir rendered the anthem, “They shall God”. At the evening service one hundred members of I.O.O.F. and Amber see over the and Amber Rebekah Lodges attended divine service and were addressed by the Rev. W, J. Rogers who based his thoughts from the theme, “Tak ing stock of our way of life”. The choir’s selection was “God’s lovely dwellings”, Mrs. Pearl Passore and Mrs. H. McEwan, soloists. A mixed quartette com posed of Mrs. T. C. Coates, Mrs. Pearl Passmore, S. G. Rannie and H. Horton, sang. Following the service the brethren met at the lodge hall and heard speeches by Mr. Clark, Seaforth; Lloyd -Hudson, St. Marys; Rev. Rogers, Cliff Weido, N.G. of the I.O.O.F., and Mrs. Ross Richardson, N.G. of Amber Rebekah Lodge. Brethren were present from Seaforth, Exeter and Brucefield. W. O. Goodwin was parade Marshall. 1 Special At I 1 Goodwir/s I I HENSALL j = Tip Top Tailor Suits = = made to your measure i | $46.95 and up ! r COCKSHUnfiSS! TRACTORIZEDl FIELD-TESTED ! FARM PROVEN! Specially designed tor use on Cockshut tractors Come in and see the COMPLETE line KL 9 L h See Cockshutt Mounted Plows —General Cultivators—Beet and Bean Cultivators—Planting and Fertilizing Attachments— Selective Planting Equipment— Side Dressing Attachments etc. All Designed Right—Built Right—Priced Right—Easy to Attach or Detach. BUY PIPE that’s. Root-Proof Leak-Proof PHONE 147-W HENSALL NO-CO-RODE is GOOD tor Life There’s a whole lifetime of trouble-free service in no-co-rode root-proof pipe. Soil settlement won’t crack or break it, freezing or thawing won’t affect it. Tapered joints prevent leaks, keep out roots, no-co-rode saves you time, work, money. Use no-co-rode root-proof pipe fo’r House-to-Sewer or House* to-Septic Tank Connections, Downspouts, other underground non-pressure uses. Get no-co-rode perforated pipe for Septic Tank leaching beds, foundation footing drains, soil irrigation, field drainage. Both types are backed by a 40-year record of out standing service. \v /. - ••■-.•■X-X-X- Mr. the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Don Marshall, London. Mr. and Mrs. R. Lamond, of London, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Squire. Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen and Donald attended Open House at St. ‘Mary’s Collegiate on Friday evening. The W.M.S. and W.A. will meet on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Finkibeiner. Alicia and John. Zavitz, of To ronto, visited during last week with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Khlare. Miss Audrey Arksey, London, was a weekend visitor with her parents. On Sunday, Mr. Glenn Froats, London, also visited with them. Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Squire visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. William Walls, London. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Foster, St. Marys, visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkinson. Friends ofs Mrs. George Squire will be glad to know that she is progressing favourably following an operation in St. Joseph’s Hos pital last Tuesday. 'Mrs. O’Brien is spending a week in London with Mr, and Mrs. Thomas O’Brien. Several “Blossom Woodham afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. son, and Howard Roy „ , __ neth Hodgson, Mrs. Harold Car ter Mr Hodgson-Bavkovy rj the Knox Presbyterian Church in Toronto on at 2 o’clock. Mrs. David jr„ Windsor, visitors with __ __ __ liam Hodgson. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Dann, Wesley, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William MOrley, sr. Miss Donna Currie, Teesw’ater, has returned to her home after a ten-day visit with Mrs. O’Brien. Mrs. Norman Hodgins spent a few days in London during last week, I - ladies Tea” United Hodgson, Mr attended the and bazaar at Church Friday William Hodg- Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Ken- Miss Eileen McKenna. and Ross Duffield attended the wedding at Bank of Montreal(Saturday afternoon Port Elgin Man Speaks To Youth The May rally of Clinton Area Youth for Christ was held in the Collegiate auditorium The speaker for this Rev. Alf Rees of Port Musical talent was by a trio of young men from Goderich, Dave Medley, Mac. Campbell and Bill Chase, KJI HUI I OH CAHADIAKS Hodgson and David were weekend Mr. and Mrs. Wil- ♦ Exeter Branch: C. E. SHAW, Manager Centralia (Sub-Agency): Open Mon. Wed. & Fri. Credition Branch: CHARLES PARKINSON, Manager (Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) Dashwood (Sub-Agency): Open Mon. Wed. & Fri. Hensall Branch: WALTER JARRETT, Manager R.R. 1 Woodham Mitchell Cromarty Alvin L, Harris E. Ross Houghton Solicitor W. G. Cochrane Secretary-Treasurer Arthur Fraser Exeter Exeter Saturday, rally was Elgin. provided CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1BJJ ............. ' ............. . ............... .............. ' "• ......■.....■■■ . .; ........ ..... .... eo!i7at