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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-05-01, Page 10
Page 10 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY J, 1952 A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times-Advocate r Feminine Facts ’n Fancies the evening, new member, Mrs. Des Parker wtis appointed to the refreshment committee and Mrs. Ken Wein was* appointed to col lect fines from late, and erring members at the next meeting to be held May 6 at the home of Mrs. Sheldon Wein. At that meeting, an auction sale will be held. Ing, mix equal quantities; <»i •corn and soft bread crumbs, add onion and salt and pepper i< taste. State CAS Officials Members of the Goderich staff of the Huron County Children's Aid Society at a public meeting, Friday, said that every interest ed person could help in their work. The meeting was sponsored by the Grand Bend W.I. in Grand Bend United Church. While their talk mainly con cerned. the need for foster and adoption homes for children, C.A.S. officials told their aud ience of the necessity of neigh borliness and understanding in a community toward unhappy sit uations which affected the future of children. They pointed out that a great part of the future of a child, who was lost from his own fam ily, depended on the attitude ot his associates in the community. • Attention was also drawn to the havt that understanding could go J a long way in helping parents to uealize their mistakes with re- ! gards to their own and their I children's lives. The meeting was opened by | Mrs* Kenneth Johns, Elimville, j a member of the board of di- i lectors. Mrs. Emery Des jar dine, • of the Grand Bend W.I., wel- I coined the guests and speakers ' and introduced Mrs. M. Chafee, 1 superintendent. ■ Mrs. Chaffee spoke of the j competent staff and the happy I atmosphere from which their ! work emanates. She introduced members of her staff and each I spoke on her part of the work. i —Please turn to Page 11 NEW KITCHEN a* .'..-foroowifysshome, uses « NOTCHED BLADE for cutting chicken bones, etc. • SERRATED EDGE for many cutting uses such as green beans, bacon, etc. PMWflRS! e © TACK HAMMER MOT CRACKER ,4 ?! BOTTLE OPENER SCREW DRIVER Blades come apart with a twist to the right, for easy cleaning IMPORTANT GUARANTEE! This is not a cast iron product. They are made of finest quality forged tempered steel to ensure long life. SPECIAL FEATURE Start Your Day Right With This HONEST FOOD! Your good health de pends on nourishing food! And Nabisco Shredded Wheat is 100% whole wheat, in cluding bran and wheat germ... costs just a few cents. Saves you money on breakfasts! fyJPAPD MAH- 7M£ COUPM 7OPAYf ♦••••••••••••••A 100% WHOLE WHEAT The Canadian Shredded Wheat Co., Ltd, Niagara Falls, Ontario Please send me one pair of Kitchen Shears for which I enclose $1.00 and two Shredded Wheat Box Tops. Name..................... , „ Address. City................................Province........... THIS OFFER GOOD ONLY IN CANADA Canadians eat more NABISCO SH RE DDE D WH EAT than all other, whole wheat cereals combined • - ' - i © andSome eighty friends neighbors of the former Audrey Harrison, Mi’s. Don Dixon, gathered in the church basement of Centralia United Church on Wednesday evening to shower her with many lovely miscellan eous gifts. The bride’s chair was decorat- ed in pink and white with streamers and confetti and bal loons. Mrs. Ralph Honsberger read an address and gifts were brought in a gay wagon by Miss es Gwen Lightfoot and. Karen Essery. A short program was present ed >by Misses Shirley Lightfoot, Lena Flinton, Maxine Godbolt, Marena Bowden, Arlene Skinner, Mrs. C. McCurdy. Mrs. Jacs Essery and Mrs. Glenn Robinson. Assisting with the gifts were Misses Bowden and Helen Light foot. Audrey thanked her friends and delicious lunch was served. Exeter Responsive To Art Says Painter Speaker Mrs. James Lyne, well-known | their time and she showed how district painter told Exeter Kin- ettes that she has found the town most responsive to interest in pictures, at the group’s last meeting. Explaining the value of art in a community, Mrs. Lyne said it was color in community life and it helped people to understand, what is going forward in the country itself. Her talk was an outline of art through its various stages in history showing how early art is related to modern art. She show ed reproductions of Michael- angelo and Tinteretto briefly sketching their lives. She pointed to Cezanne and Van Gogh as the 'moderns’ of OdD BITS By B.A. — Not Just Corn Why not try pork stuffed with a savoury stuffing? They are most chops corn delic ious and extend your food pen nies a$ well. To make the stuff- Dot’s Beauty Shoppe (North of Bell Telephone) Naturelle Permanent Waving Lusfrop Cold. Wave » Open Wednesday Afternoon - Dorothy G. Pfaff, Prop Phone 71 Exeteir Sas^, BUYS WHYS a WEEKLY INFORMATION SERVICE contemporary art is a further extension of those artist’s feel ings to get away from the mean ingless photograhic style used from Elizabethan art to early American works. Mrs. Lyne said that modern art is rebellion from the old idea that a picture must give a com plete story. “Artists in abstract paintings are trying to-use the basic ingredients color, form and design to express an idea,” she said, “thus eliminating what seems cumbersome to them, the that the MONTREAL—Planning garden beds and window boxes is keeping a lot of people busy just now.. They know that color harmony in flowers can’t be wished into being. Unless you’re an old hand, it takes planning! I’ve found the same goes for one’s finances—wishing’s a washout there, too. You just can’t expect your income to bloom into all the things you want without planning. It’s like laying out a garden without the help of a seed catalog 1 After Hours Woops! And here comes apology. To the ladies of two top bowling teams, we “very sorry” for something which seems the epitimy of their press representation for the year. Quite often during the bowling season, whether through fault of reporter, typesetter or proof reader, something crept into the ladies’ column which welcomed by them they stoically stood that the next week’s be accurate to the And that’s essential sports’ reports. Best Yet This last was the best yet. At 11 p.m. Wednesday night, when the' championship has been won by the Busy Bees and the paper was waiting to go to bed with a hole in it where the glad tidings about bowling should go, yours truly dashed off a report which gave the winners a 324 winning pins. They were credited the wins while actually opposition, the Hot Dogs, — two of the three sessions when total pins ivere counted. Grave Error It is a grave error when the Dogs worked hard for the games they got and it was only a big sweep in the bowling which the Bees. ■'Actually, the pins, gained by the Bees was 87. The' Hot Dogs, first game was 166 points better and although the second game was a very dif ferent story when the Bees came up with a 25 4 lead, the losers still held enough ground to gain one point in the last game. So that’s the story and to the winning Busy Bees we extend hearty losers, an the say I 1 1 1 % 1 just wasn’t at all and by hoping news would last detail, in any bonus of with all their op>- won second night of put them behind total of winning congratulations. For the it was a good battle.* * * Homes Women’s Zurich District Women’s Institutes are constantly coming up with sound ideas for the women of their communities. A few years ago, a meeting of the Children’s Aid Society held by the Zurich group prompted a member to take on the responsibilty of an emergency shelter in her home for children without homes. She is Mrs. Thomas Meyers of Zurich home which justed homes new parents.* Health Lecture In Lucan, the ped out a series tures by the well-known London man, Dr. E. V. Shute. This is offered all women of the district for a very reasanable fee. The first lecture was held last week and the next three are scheduled for April 30, May 7 and May 14. More specific infor mation can be obtained by con tacting a member of the group. It would seem to be an oppor tunity of benefit to all women who could possibly get into Lucan on these three nights.* ♦ * » The Pantry Now that eggs are in good supply, homemakers will no doubt wish to take advantage of low prices and treat their famil ies and guests to that favourite delicacy, Angel Cake. The home economists of the Consumer Section, Canada De partment of Agriculture have been experimenting on Angel Cake. What an array of mouth watering flavours and colours were produced their Angel Cake and other ones they liked best. Angel Cake 1 cup egg whites % teaspoon salt and from all reports her is a wondeful place in children may before they or permanent ** become ad- find foster homes with * W.I. has map- of health lec- recipe for the exciting This is standard some of the old use of known objects, ” i they may get directly at source of emotion.” Mrs. Lyne spoke of art something which everyone have a sympathetic feeling ward. “The coming art show,” she said, “will be comprised of paintings of Western Ontario artists”. Kinette president, Mrs. War ren Sanders, introduced the speaker and she was thanked by program chairman, Mrs. Robert Southcott. During the business portion of Tomli nson as can to- If you want to plan your money matters in a way that is working for many Canadian families—coast to coast—write for your free copy oj "Personal Planning”—an interesting booklet issued by the BANK OF MONTREAL to help people like you and me get the best out of our incomes despite today’s high prices. Personal Planning will show you . how to sow your dollars for a rich harvest of dreams come true! Send your request to Barbara Brent, 1411 Crescent Street, Montreal Do You Panic when friend hus band phones at about four o’clock, to say he is bringing a Very Important Person home for supper? Well, here’s a tip . . . put out your and chinas, wear a teaspoon cream of tartar cup sifted fruit sugar teaspoon vanilla teaspoon almond extract cup sifted cake flour Beat egg whites and salt until frothy, add cream of tartar and beat until stiff but not dry. Beat in % cup of the fruit sugar, 1 tablespoon at a time. Add flavor ing, sift remaining sugar with the flour four times and fold into meringue, 2 a time. Pour into an tube pan. Bake oven, 425°F., for 25 minutes or in a moderately ’ slow oven, 325°F., for 1 hour. Invert pan and let cake hang in pan until cold. Yield: one 9-inch cake. Variations 1. Butterscotch: cup brown sugar, closely for the fruit sugar. Omit flavour. % teaspoon rum may replace the almond. 2. Cherry: Fold % cup chop ped maraschino cherries, which have been thooughly drained, into the batter. 3. Chocolate: Reduce flour to % cup and sift % cup cocoa with dry ingredients. Omit mond flavouring. 4. Chocolate Ripple: Omit al mond extract. Gratel ounce sweetened chocolate. Pour % of batter into tube pan and sprinkle with % of grated chocolate. Con tinue in this manner, finishing with batter on top. 5. Daffodil: Omit flavouring. Divide batter in half. Fold 4 well-beaten egg yolks and 1 tea spoon lemon juice or lemon ex tract into one half. To other half add % teaspoon vanilla. Drop by spoonfulls into pan, alternat ing white and yellow hatter. 6. Maple Walnut: Omit al mond extract. Reduce vanilla to % teaspoop and add % teaspoon maple extract. Add % cup finely chopped walnuts with last ad dition of flour. 7. Marble: Omit almond ex tract. Divide batter in half. Fold 2 tablespoons sifted cocoa into one part. Drop by spoonfulls into pan, alternating with white bat ter. 8. Peppermint: Omit almond extract. Add % teaspoon pepper mint extract and a few drops of green food colouring. 9. Spiced: Sift with flour, y2 teaspoon cinnamon, y2 teaspoon nutmeg, and U teaspoon cloves. Omit almond flavouring. tablespoons at ungreased 9" in a. very hot Substitute 1 packed, almond extract al- un- Appetizing cornburgers make a quick and easy supper dish. To prepare the patties, mix a can of whole kernel corn with ground beef and some tomato sauce or condensed tomato soup. Season broiler, buns. (Consumer Agriculture.) * * Scalloped corn still a favourite canned corn. It can be with a can of cream whole kernel corn as __ __, vegetable or combined with some other vegetable, potatoes for ex ample. Either tomato juice or milk can be used in. the sauce. Strips of bacon or cheese add flavour and colour as a garnish. (Con sumer Section, Department of Agriculture.) and place under the then serve on toasted Section, Dept. * * is an way old, but to serve prepared style or tne only Wife PreServers MIO The secret of well pressed trousers legs is making sure inside leg seams areex- actly matched before you Start pressing. Hairdressing MOVED TO Corner of Huron and William Streets Same Management Same Phone Number — Chisholm a 146 Don’t You Love That Confident! Feeling you get when you take your Swans Down cake out of the oven, and it is tempting-looking, light and evenly risen? Don’t you love to have the family form an admiring circle around it, and ex claim over the first taste of melt- in-your-mouth, tender and deli cious cake? I’ll bet it’s then that you thank your stars you’ve dis covered SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR! For you are one of those lucky women who has learn ed how much more even-textured, fluffy and moist cakes are, made with Swans Down, because it is sifted and resifted until 27 times as fine as ordinary flour, makes better cakes, every time. finest silver ___„ ___ „ charming smile . , . and serve a Jell-O Pudding for dessert. Wheth er plain or “fancied up” a bit, JELL-O PUDDINGS add a gay air to any company meal. And they can be prepared so quickly. Always keep a package on hand . . . and you’ll never be caught “unawares”. With four Jell-O Pudding flavors and three Jell-O Tapioca Pudding flavors, there’s a Jell-O Pudding to please every taste. Jell-O Puddings are won derfully economical ... and so good for the kiddies! Jell-O Pud dings cost you only about 3c a serving to prepare . . . yet Jell-O Puddings are nourishing, milk-rich desserts. You’ll Be “On Top Of The World” when you’ve chased the “Glooms'' away with sparkling SAL HEPATICA. Yes, a bub bling glass of Sal Hepatica'effervescent salts taken before breakfast or supper will work quickly, yet gently, to relieve that sluggish, uncomfortable feeling in your stomach. Sal Hepatica laxative salts are a trusted family laxative—-for young and old—to just sweeten sour stomach—as a mild laxative or a more thorough remedy for constipation. They help to restore normal bodily functions — safely and pleas antly. Next time you’re shopping, ask for a bottle of Sal Hepatica and then send the box top or label, and address, to me—Barbara Brent, 1411 Crescent St., Montreal. P.Q I’ll send you., postpaid, a free, 25c size jar oj Ml/JI Cream Deodor ant! with your name on (Formerly V’s Beauty Shoppe) Specializing in Permanent Waving, Hair Cutting and Styling MURIEL CHISHOLM, Prop. Phone 112 - 33 Ann Street /! Wonderfully new and different! * <■ © ©•/ • A ft’s a Food Freezer and Refrigerator combined! r w 0 o ♦ As r ■’"s PHONE 109 V New, exclusive CYCLA-MATIC DEFROSTING —inthe refrigerator! Gets rid of frost be- \ fore it even , \ collects I Z 9 *» New and exclusive CYCLA-MATIC LEVELCOLD!! Zero zone Levelcold in the Food Freezer, Super-safe Levelcold in lhe Refrigerator and in the Hydrators regardless of out side temperatures I New and exclusive ROLL-TO-YOU SHELVES! All shelves roll out full length — put all food right at your finger tips! And you get ail these exclusive Frigidaire features, too! • Ail-porcelain interior • Famous Meter-Miser mechanism • One-piece Steel Cabinet • Quickube Ice Trays • Raymond Loewy Styling