HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-04-24, Page 5THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 24, 195?Page 3
If You Have
Worries Call
Cmdmore Gravel
Maybe We Can
Be of Help
Phone 171-r-3 Exeter
.. ....... Bi
Our Service Is Different
We Sell You A Fit In
Our Private Truss Room
Trusses, Belts,
Supports of All Kinds
Over 15 Years* Experience
Your Drugs At
Phone 50 Exeter
Hay Council
Tackl es. Drains
Petition for a drain on the
upper branch of the Mousseau
drain was accepted by Hay
council at its regular meeting
recently, Council will have the
engineer make a report.
The referred report of the
engineer on the Mousseau drain
will be held on April 23.
Landowners who sign deeds
tor land transferred to Hay
township for road widening be
tween Concessions 9 and 10 will
be paid on the basis on $75.
A $5 grant for every township
member of the South Huron
Calf Club contesting in the
achievement contest was author
ized. The contest will be held at
the Hensail Spring Fair.
Owners of Lot 32 L.R.W. and
Hay township will sign an agree
ment to restrict the new sub
division. The clerk will prepare
a by-law incorporating restric
tions as per agreement.
Only veterinary service or
dered by the Warble Fly in
spector will be paid by council.
The human brain is a wonder
ful thing. It starts working the
moniuent you are born and nevei*
stops until you stand up to speak
in public.
Mt —— .
Garden Seeds
stop for the Tillsonburg basketballers is the Olympic games
in Helsinki. They defeated the Winnipeg Varsity grads 55-
54 to win the senior men’s championship at Tillsonburg, Ont.,
and .set the home town cheering. Here, Tillsonburg's Simp
son, centre, grabs a rebound from Winnipeg’s Don Reid and
Card liidd, in the bar^l-fought final game. ■ C.P.C,
I !
Play Hosts
The Cub Troop of R.C.A.F.
Station Centralia played host to
parents and friends Friday eve
ning in the J. A. D. McCurdy
School at Canada’s largest air
training base.
Cubmaster Ernie Dempster led
the young boys through a series
of games, songs and the tra
ditional rites of scouthood the
world over. During the presenta
tion Danny Holmes was awarded
his first star signifying one
year’s membership and that he
has met the requirements of a
senior club. Bobby Drennan was
presented with his collectors
badge for which he collected 60
match covers from various cities
and towns in Canada and the U.S.A.
In recognition of the aid he
has given to R.C.A.F. Cub and
Scout officials Louis Yaffe,
Huron District Scout official, was
presented with a set of book
ends by Cub Jimmy McGibbon.
The final presentation was
made by G/C W. W. Bean, OBE,
who presented the T. P. Begley
Intersix Challenge Trophy. The
proud members of the Brown
Six who won the coveted award
are Murray Cutler, leader, Doug
Cussons, Jimmy Sagriff, Gordy
Miall, Peter Bean, Jerry Kuuner
and Jask Matheson.
....■ ... -
Domestic & Commercial Wiring
Garfield Thomson
Phone 232-M Exeter
This Weekend
"J pkgs, for 25c
Ask us . . .
We*8! help you solve it
at no obligation.
Monarchs Oust llderton
The Miracle Capacity
After Teams
Mildmay Monarchs finally
eliminated a battling llderton
"C” team in the W.O.A.A. finals
after the best-of-five series
stretched to six games.
Tied two games apiece last
week, llderton fought the “B”
champions to a 2-2 tie on Lucan
ice Wednesday. In the decider
Saturday at Goderich, the north
erners won 3-1 on the strength
of a brother combination which
netted three counters in the first
Joe and John Weller were red
hot for the first 12 minutes of
the game, Joe started things off
with an unassisted goal at 3:24.
Brother John tipped in Joe’s
blueline drive for the second
and Joe raised it to 3-0 on a
long screened shot after John
Tie Final
set him up.
Lone llderton tally came from
B. Evans late in the third per
On Wednesday, the llderton
six scored two in the second
period to lead in the game 2-1.
But Mildmay came back with a
single in the middle of the third
and neither team could break
the tie.
McNair and O’Neil scored for
llderton; Borho and P. Evans
for Mildmay.
Mildmay had to battle hard
to get past two teams in the
local hockey loop. The series
with Zurich also went to six
Mildmay now meet Durham,
the six that ousted Ilensall in
’the “A” playoffs.
Auto Racing
Begins May 9
Racing at the Huron Auto
Racing Club’s track near Dash
wood will begin on May 9, the
club announced at a recent meeting.
It is planned to hold a meet
every Friday night. Workmen
are now getting the oval in
The meeting was held last
Tuesday at the home of Earl
Ratz, Stephen.
Self-Serve System
Sanders Grocery
----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------M
Floor Coverings
JASPE - Canada’s Newest Flooring Sensation
The popularity of Dominion Jaspe linoleum is simply ZOOMING!
like those of Marboleum except that it has a duo-tone of “grained”
through to the base. Jaspe
building owners.
MPI—■........ mm In ‘I . 1.1 I................... ,.,HI—I......... .............................IB
Fear New Usbome Drain
Will Lower Water Table
Usborne Council met in reg
ular monthly session with Reeve
Verne Pincombe presiding and
Councillors Harold Jeffery, Har
old Hern, Earl Mitchell and
Clayton Smith in attendance.
The Reeve reported on a meet
ing held in the morning with
representatives from the munici
pal council and Public Utilities
Commission of the Town of
Exeter, the Ausable River Con
servation Authority and S. W.
Archibald, Engineer, regarding
the Kerslake drain and possible
lowering of the water level in
the area to the detriment of the
well used by the town on south
part of Lot 13, Concession 5.
Mr. Morrison, Chairman of the
Authority, is to consult the
Authority’s legal advisor to de
termine if the Authority had any
right to intervene.
At 2 -pan. a report from J. A.
Howes O.L.S. on the repair and
extension to the Ausable River
Improvement drain was read for
provisional adoption with the
interested ratepayers in attend
ance. A further complaint signed
by Albert Etherington and Wil
liam Westlake regarding need
for further repairs upstream to
the mouth of the Anderson drain
was presented to the Council.
The report on the repair and ex
tension to the Ausable River
Improvement drain was referred
back to the Engineer, J. A.
Howes, with repairs in the report
to correct the matters complained
W. R, Brock, Township repre
sentative on the Ausable River
Conservation Authority reported
to Council on the recent activi
ties of the Authority and dis
cussed the problem connected
with the proposed Kerslake drain
and the Town of Exeter water
A Court of Revision on the
Johns Municipal Drain was for
mally opened by the members of
council' subscribing to the oath
of office. The Clerk reported
that no appeals had been made
against the assessments on ^the
drain, whereupon the Court was
formally closed and By-law No.
4—-1952 The Johns Municipal
Drain, providing for the con
struction of the said drain and
collection of the assessments
connected therewith was finally
The Clerk was instructed to
call for tenders for the construc
tion of the Johns 'drain, tenders
to close by the time of the next
regular meeting.
■Council set the date for the
Court of Revision on the Kers
lake drain for Monday evening,
May 19, provided there was no
intervention from the Ausable
River Conservation Authority.
The road superintendent pre
sented his report and vouchers
for payment to the amount of
The treasurer reported receipts
since March 10 of $7375.96 in
cluding the final payment of the
19 51 road subsidy from the De
partment of Highways of $6742.-
70. Balance of cash, March 31,
Robert Hern, representing the
South Huron Junior Farmers
Association, interviewed. Council
asking for a grant to assist the
Association in a proposed pro
gram of painting and placing
owners’ names on all the mail
boxes in the township. An as
sistance grant of $150 was made
to the South Huron Junior
Farmers Association to be used
in the mail box painting and
naming program.
William Johns, tax collector,
reported that $2727.26 of 1951
taxes was still outstanding.
Membership was taken in the
Huron County Municipal Associa
Approval of the 19 5 2 Road
Appropriation By-law in the
amount of $45,000.00 by the
Department of Highways was
tabled and noted by Council.
Current accounts in the
amount of $1856.33 were passed
for payment on motion of Mit
chell and Smith.
Butchers/ Bangs
In Final Match
The Butchers won the sudden
death tilt over the Chuckers to
reach the playoffs with the
Whizz Bangs. Monday night,
when the two teams clashed the
Butchers took the first two
games to clinch the win.
Harry Holtzman topped the
meatmen with a 311 single. Les
Plummer bowled 290 for the
The Whizz Bangs and the
Butchers will now play three
triple-games to decide the win
has caught the imagination of commercial and
Its qualities are
effect . . . right
(8^” sq.) or Straight (9” sq.) Cuts
i n
fine display
help you in ar
ranging patterns and advise you in lay
ing your own floors. Or, we can ar
range. to Jay them for you.
Marboleum, A gauge .......
Marboleum, 3 gauge .......
Marboleum Tile, A gauge
Congoleum, 3 yd. wide .. $2.70
Congoleum, 2 yd. wide .. $1.70
Rexoleum, dlx., 4 yd...... $4.25
Congoleum Rugs ......... at lowest prices
Marboleum — Congoleum
Plan your new floor
.store and seeing the
floor covering. We can
$2.95 sq. yd.
$1.90 sq. yd.
For sheer beauty
practicability include
washable wallpaper
y o u r spring decorating
plans. Gay patterns ap
propriate for every room
in the house make up
our new' collection. A
wide price and pattern
range. Make your selec
tions today.
Grocery Specials For Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Five Point Marmalade
Orange and Lemon
24-oz. jar ....................... .
Heinz Cherry Jelly
Tumbler, 9-oz....................
No. 1 Dutch Set Onions
Free Surf (You buy a box, send boxtop
to co. who in return refund
chase price and postage)
Stokely Custard Pumpkin
Fancy, 28-oz.............................
Aylmer Pitted Red Cherries
15-oz. .Outside Car Lotteries
Banned By Seaforth
The Seaforth town council held
their regular meeting for April
on Monday evening in the town
hall with all members present,
Mayor Dr. McMaster presiding.
Important business included bar
ring car lotteries from the town
streets, setting a tentative tax
rate, and a report that an im
portant new industry was in
prospect for the town.
(Seaforth News)
. 450
.. 450
... 220
. 230
the pur-