HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-04-17, Page 8Page 8 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 17, 1952 Junior Farmers Meet The regular meeting of the South Huron District Junior Farmers was held on April 2. Holl call, “How to prevent farm accidents’, was answered by 22 members. Bob Hern gave a talk on the 4-II Clubs. Glen Stewart gave a report on the “mail box signs” project which was followed by a dis­ cussion on the same. The meet­ ing was then adjourned to be followed by the joint meeting with the Junior Institute. Houseclean 7Attic Fillers7 With A Classified ~'________ ______________________________T____________'_____________ ______________ 1 _____________________________ FOR SALE FOR SALE—Wedding cake boxes at The Times-Advocate. 15% Excise Tax... Save Money on Refrigerators - Ranges Washing Machines 10% Excise Tax... RADIOS Prices Are Down Snelgrove*s Phone 18-W Exeter«------- --------- ---- ---------------g NOTICE—If you are in the need of eavestroughing or lightning rods, contact S. J. Healy or Tom Cronin Jr. Phone 16-7 Blyth. Prices reasonable. 3:10:X7* FOR SALE — Cabin IS by 12, new lumber, four years old, on cement blocks. Merit, coal and wood stove. Hotplate with oven attachment. Apply Mrs. Amelia Desjardine, Grand Bend. 10:17c MAGAZINES—New and renewal subscriptions for any magazine are received at The Exetex' Times-Advocate. FOR SALE — Yellow taffeta bridesmaid’s dress, size 16. Can be seen at Brady Cleaners, Ex­ eter. IT* FOR SALE—A Good stock car in good condition. Apply to Ken­ ny Bros., Stratliroy, R.R. 3. 17:24:1* FOR SALE—Sunshine baby car­ riage, brown, in good condition. Phone 540-r-5 Exeter.______17* iFOR SALE—Supro electric ha- waiian guitar and amplifier. Ex- I cellent condition. Apply Times- Advocate. 17* FOR SALE—Church shed 44’ x 5 6’, 8’ concrete block wall, cor- rigated steel roof. —R. E. Balk­ will. 17c Dry in an hour for rehanging pictures and drapes. No Messy Cleanup- your hands, brush, or roller­ coater all come clean with water. FOR SALE—1950 DOdge Sedan, heater, low mileage, sacrifice. Vic Dinnin, phone 168 Zurich. 17:24* SEED CORN BACKED BY RE­ PLANTING agreement. Pioneer gives you free seed corn if you must disc up and replant for any reason. Order strong ger­ minating Pioneer now’. See or call J. Earl Burr, R.R. No. 1 Dashwood, phone Grand Bend 35-r-lG. J Scrubs Clean Again and Again — without harming its lovely satin finish. Easy "Glide on" Application —goes on as easily as stroking a wail with a dry brush !j BLANSHARD Mrs. T. Waugh, of London, spent the week-end with her daughter Mrs. Leonard Thackex’ and Mr. Thacker. Mrs. James Mossey and Kath­ leen spent a few days with Mrs. W. B. Young of St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mills of Auburn are at home with his mother Mrs. Fred Mills. Mrs. Fred Pattison spent Sun­ day in London with her sister Mrs. M. Driver. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones and Carl were* Sunday evening din­ ner guests with her parents Mr. and Mrs. James Brayn, Prospect Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones and Carl were Sunday dinner guests of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Gor­ don Jones of Glendale. Mr. Jack Rinn, Bill and How­ ard Rinn, of Base Line, were Sunday evening dinnei* guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomson. Miss Elizabeth Thackei' is spending a few days with her cousin Miss Rachel Waugh of Lambeth. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Hooper were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parkinson of Base Line. Mr. and Mrs. Ross .Langford and family of Woodham, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins and family of Glendale were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Langford. 1950 PONTIAC COACH. Torpedo. 15.000 Miles 1947 CHEV SEDAN 1940 CHEV SEDAN 1937 TERRAPLANE, $500 Worth of Accessories 1934 CHEV STANDARD SEDAN, Excellent Condition 1936 FO&D SEDAN, Best Cash Offer 1949 FORD COACH, Blue, Like New See the New Meteor And Mercury And Mercury Trucks Now on Display South End Service RUSS AND CHUCK SNELL Phone 328 Exeter KIRKTON Mrs. F. J. Fitt visited with her lister, Mrs. Dalton Malung at Toronto this past week. Mrs. M. Gregory entertained quite a number of her friends Tuesday evening with seven ta­ bles of euchre. This will be the last party of the Euchre Club this season. Mrs. Arnold Wiseman spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. John Wiseman at Burlington. Mrs. M. Gregory is holidaying with her daughter, Mrs. B. Leonard at Byron. Meat Eaters Meet The fifth meeting of the Kirk­ ton Meat Eaters was held April 10 at the home of Mrs. J. Roundell. Fern Sawyer read the minutes of the last meeting. Nine members were present. It was suggested that the class visit the Coleman’s meat packing plant April 18. Mrs. Roundell gave a talk on a useful way of treating tough meat. Mrs. E. Paton demonstrat­ ed how to make a meat loaf, which she got from a bulletin published by the Department of Agriculture ,Ottawa. Mrs. John Roundell and son, Jackie, are holidaying with the former’s mother at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Routley, Muriel, Mr. Fred Roger and Shirley visited with Mrs. Roger at Victoria Hospital, who is im­ proving very nicely after her re­ cent operation this past Sunday. At the conclusion of the Sun­ day School, Sunday morning a special Easter program Was pre­ sented by Robert and Helen Anderson, a duet; Miss Ruth Kemp, a reading; and a ladies* quartette, Mrs. William Urqu­ hart, Mrs. T. Tufts, Mrs. Alvin and. Mrs. Alex Crago, with Mrs, Fred Sweitzer nt the piano, Mrs. James Turnbull, Mr, Ger­ ald Neil and family visited at the home of their mother, Mrs. Maty Nell, of Kirkton, on Sun­ day, FOR SALE ‘•FOR SALE — Washing machine. Can be seen at Beavers Hard­ ware. 17:24c FOR SALE—1937 Plymouth Se­ dan, new motor, seal-beam lights —general condition is good. Cheap for cash. Apply 320 Main Street aftei' 6 p.m. or Saturday after 11 a.m. 17c FOR SALE — Nine-piece dining room suite. Good as new. Also piano in good condition. —Mrs. Thos. Walker, phone 553. 17c FOR SALE—1941 Indian motor­ cycle in good running condition. New battery and licence plates. Also man’s bicycle, cheap for cash. Phone 25-r-12 Kirkton. 17:24* FOR SALE — Three accredited Scotch shorthorned bulls, 15 months old, Good quality dark red. Price according to present day prices. One John Deere 8-ft. stiff-tooth cultivator, used one year, 20 per cent off list price. —Ross Dick, R.R. 2, Hensail. 17:24:1* FOR SALE—1940 Ford Coach, or will trade on cheaper car. —- Walter Bentley, 615 William St. 17* FOR SALE — Mason and Risch piano, $375.00. Bench included. Plain mahogany case." In first class condition. Enquire R.C.A.F. P.M.Q. 113. 17* FOR SALE — Frigidaire. Com­ plete new unit. Also Beatty washing machine. Phone 55S-J Exeter. 17* FOR SALE — Turkey run, in good condition, 56’xl4’. Partly roofed. Priced right. Phone 92- r-8 Zurich. 17:24* FOR SALE—Bull calf. —G. J. Dow, Exeter, phone 83. 17* FOR SALE—1951 James motor­ cycle. Gone 1,700 miles. Cheap for quick sale. Apply Chambers & Darling or phone 9. 17c FOR SALE—One black mare, 9 years old, about 1,400 lbs. Ap- ply Wally Wein, Dashwood. 17c FOR SALE—25 chunks. Apply Cecil Rowe R.R. 1, Exeter. 17* FOR SALE—Youth’s glen-check suit, size 32. Can be seen at Brady Cleaners. 17* FOR SALE — Baby pram, blue, in good condition, $15. —Phone 297-R. 17* FOR SALE—American balloon- tired bicycle. Excellent condition. Also lady's bicycle, maroon, ex­ cellent condition. Apply J. W. Murch,- Gidley St., Exeter. 17* ’51 CHEV, 2-door, completely reconditioned — air-conditioning, undercoat, grey with red wheel trimmings, 16,000 miles. A bar­ gain at $1,900. Can be financed. F/O Oliver, Officers’ Mess, Cen­ tralia. 17* FOR SALE—Child’s steel crib. Large size. $5.00. Apply 30 Anne St. or phone 377-W. 17c FOR SALE—1941 Pontiac, 5- passenger coupe. Can be seen last house on Sanders St. West. 17* FOR SALE—3-piece sofa bed, $25. Apply Hopper-Hockey. 17* FOR SALE—Maroon baby car­ riage in good condition. Reason­ able price. Apply The Times- Advocate. 10:17* FOR SALE—1938 Ford Deluxe Sedan, in good running order. Good tires, seal beam lights. — Phone 3 70-J Exeter. 10:17* FOR SALE—Model A Coupe, new motor. Also two Model A coaches. —S. Deelstra, R.R. 1, Centralia, Ont. 10:17* FOR SALE—Lady’s new spring coat, brown gabardine, never been worn, size 14. Too small for owner. Sell for half price. Call at Times-Advocate. 4-3t£c FOR SALE—Good clean Galore barley. Grown from registered seed. $1.75 per bushel. Also 1,600-lb. horse, 9 years old. — Wilfred Shapton, phone 35-r-17 Dashwood. ______27:3:10:17c SEW AND SAVE — New and used sewing machines, fully guaranteed. Repairs to all makes and models. Singer Sewing Ma­ chine, Goderich. Phone 1135. _______________ 3-20tfc SUBSCRIPTION SPECIALS Time — 78 weeks — $6.87 - Any Magazine, Any Time - H. T. BUSTON Phone Exeter 308-r-5 21*tfc LIVESTOCK WANTED FREE THERMOMETER — plus cash at ybut farm for dead or disabled horses or cows. Tele­ phone collect Exeter 287-W, William Stone Sons, Limited. l-24tfc I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. -—G. J. Dow, phone 23 Exe­ ter. l*tfc .Highest prices in Ontario for dead, disabled cattie and horses positively GUARANTEED. Call Ontario Rendering Co. COL­ LECT, Exeter 158 or StrathrOy 128-J. 3-27tfc BABY CHICKS BEST MARKETS from best chicks. Bray chicks. Ask us fox' prices on prompt delivery pul­ lets, dayold, started. Order in advance, cockerels, dayolds. Full particulars, prices, breeds—agent Eric Carscadden, Exeter Phone 246-J. 17c IT WILL NOT BE OUR FAULT if you have no eggs next sum­ mer and fall. Spruceleigh chicks are bred on our own farm with many years of careful breeding behind them. Many of the best dates are already booked by wise farmers who make sure of their stock. You should do the same. Write now fox* price list and new illustrated catalogue to Spruceleigh Farm Poultry Pro­ ducts Limited, Box 128T, Brant­ ford, Ontario, or ordex' through Cann’s Mill Limited. 3:10:17:24 WORK WANTED ATTENTION FARMERS — We have several experienced Dutch farm help, mostly families, Ap­ ply now to Mr. C. M. Eelman, P.O. 336 or phone 678. 2-7tfc REAL ESTATE 100-ACRE FARM — Modern 3- bedroonx house. Double garage, large, hennery and good barns. Hydro and water pressure throughout. This farxn is well located and is very productive. Spring possession. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 3-20tfc NEW HOUSE, central east side location. Kitchen, dining 0 room and bath. Could be finished with either two, three or four bed­ rooms. —R. E. Balkwill. 3-13tfe FOR SALE—Nicely-located build­ ing lot. Town sidewalk and serv­ ices pass property. —C. V. Pic­ kard, Realtor. 3-20tfc SERVICE STATION & STORE— Highway location in a very busy district. Large new building, built fox' the purpose. Modern living quarters. Aix' conditioned house. Water pressure. Up-to-date gar­ age and store equipment includ­ ed. Flourishing business. Very liberal terms. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter._________3-20tfc 50 ACRES, good white brick house, bank barn and driving shed, hydro throughout. This farm is well drained, close to school and on a county road. 70-ACRE FARM in Hensall dist­ rict, all modern conveniences, immediate possession. 5-ROOM COTTAGE, Grand Bend, 3 bedrooms, living room, kitchen and bath, furnished and very good location. 2-STOREY WHITE brick house in Exeter, full basement with furnace, 3 bedrooms and bath upstairs. Living room, dining room and kitchen downstairs. —Contact Fred Cole, Exeter, re­ presenting J. W. Holt, Realtor, Grand Bend, Ont.__________17* TWO-STOREY solid brick house, insulated, storm windows, full basement, furnace, 3-piece bath, built-in cupboards, attached gar­ age. Nicely situated for schools, churches and general shopping. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 3-27tfc CENTRALIA — 3-bedroom house with modern kitchen and bath­ room. Hot water heated. Large lot with fruit trees and small barn. Quick possession. —C. V. Pickard, Main St., Exeter. 4-17c 2-BEDROOM COTTAGE — Well located on Main Street, conven­ ient to school, church and store. All conveniences. Thos. H. Wal­ ker, phone 553. 17c 3-BEDROOM COTTAGE, insulat­ ed, hot watei’ furnace, 3-piece b;ath, kitchen modernized. Three lots, several fruit trees. Posses­ sion arranged. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman, Exeter. 4-17tfc FOR SALE — 3-bedroom brick cottage, Exeter; good location, bright and roomy living room and dining room, very modern bathroom. Nicely treed lot. Im­ mediate possession. —C. V. Pic­ kard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 3-27tfc GROCERY BUSINESS for sale— Exeter district. Complete equip­ ment and stock. Heated store at moderate rental. C. V, Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 4-17c FOR SALE—50 acres of pasture land in Tuckersmith. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman._________ 4-3tfc New Red Brick House Two Bedrooms, Living Room, Dining Room, Bath, Oil Furnace - Andrew Street South - R. E. BALKWILL PHONE 89-J EXETER Building Lot 110 ft. x 110 ft. approx. River Valley View Trees , Positive Drainage E. E. BUSWELL HELP WANTED HELP WANTED — Married cou- pie,,. 45 to 60, healthy, willing, no family. Man for lawix work. Wife part-time housework in de­ sirable country home, Huron County, and city home» London. No children ox* laundry. Modern cottage; hydro, heat, garden, fruit supplied. Write giving qual­ ifications, wages, references. — Dr. Moffatt, London. 3:10:17c WANTED — School teacher for S.S. No. 10, Tuckersmith Twp., duties to conxmence September term. Hydro in school. Apply stating qualifications and sal­ ary to James Drummond, sec­ retary, R.R. 2, Kippen. 10:17* WANTED WANTED — Coal oil hanging lamps; old colored glass.— Mrs. Ralph Bailey, Main St. 2-281fc WANTED TO RENT—Furnished or unfurnished house or apart­ ment, vicinity Exeter, within the next two weeks. Clean, respect­ able family. Phone or write F/O L. A. Taylor, 1 F.T.S., Centralia 4-3*:10tfc WANTED TO RENT — 50-acre farm with house and barn for five years with option to buy. Good care taken of property. — Bill Adams, R.R. 1. Exeter, tele­ phone 683-4 Hensall. 17* WANTED —Two lady boarders. Apply to Merle Dearing, Main St., Exeter. 17:24* FOR RENT FOR RENI1 — Six rooms with private entrance. Hot and cold water. Available now. —Phone 175-r-3 Exeter. 10:17c FOR RENT — An electric floor sander by the day. —A. Spencer & Son Hensall. 10:17:24* FOR RENT—The office former­ ly occupied by Clerk C. V. Pic­ kard. Apply at Times-Advocate. 3-20tf* FOR RENT—Three-room unfurn­ ished apartment, heated, hot and cold water ,laundry in base­ ment. Penlxale Apts., John St, E., phone 294-R. 17* FOR RENT—■Unfurnished apart­ ment. Apply Times-Advocate. 17* FOR RENT—Heated apartment, furnished. Apply White’s Ice Cream Bar. 17* FOR RENT—Apartment, down­ stairs, heated and furnished, centrally located, suitable for quiet couple. Phone 274. 17* MISCELLANEOUS IF YOU have excavation, gravel oi' bulldozing worries call Cud- more's Gravel. Maybe we can be of help. Phond 171-r-3 Exeter. 17c PAINTING & PAPERHANGING, kitchen cabinets and all kinds of built-in cupboards. —Thos. H. Walker, ph. 553 Exeter. 4-10tfc IF YOU ARE INTERESTED in Power Weed Spraying Equip­ ment, be sure to see some on display. I have also several kinds of weed killer including Dow, Green Cross and Naugatuck; al­ so selective weed kill that can be used on young peas and alf­ alfa seedlings and brush-kill, Lindane and Chlordane, DDT, Calcium-Arsenate and Arsenate of Lead. Apply L. V. Hogarth, phone 266. 12-13tfn NOTICES Dog Owners Please Take Notice Under By-law No. 13, 1936, of the Town of Exeter, every owner of a dog who neglects to obtain a tag before April 15 of each year shall be liable to a fine of $10.00. Further, undex* this by-law, no dog shall be allowed to run at large during the months of May, June, July and August in each year. The penalty, under this section of the by-law may be $10.00. Police have been instructed to enforce this by-law. C. V. PICKARD, Municipal Clerk 10:17:24c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the state of CORNELIUS COOK, late Of the Village of Hensall, Grain (Merchant. Creditors and others having Claims against the above estate are required to send full par­ ticulars to the undersigned Exe­ cutor on of before the 21st day of April, A.D.„ 1952, aftex’ Which date the estate’s assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received. THE CANADA TRUST CO., London, Ontario, Executor, by W. G. COCHRANE, Solicitor, Exeter, Ontario. 3:10:17 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE of Household Furniture, Carpenter Tools, Quantity of Antiques The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction HALF-MILE SOUTH OF THAMES ROAD CHURCH on MONDAY, APRIL 21 at 1 o’clock the following. Bed, springs and mattress: dressers and commodes; ward­ robe; 2 walnut rockers; 6 cane- bottonx walnut chairs; cabinet sewing machine; small stand; glass cupboard; 6 rockers; cab­ inet; couch; Donxinion piano; walnut settee; quantity of pic­ tures; round walnut table; floor lamp; small stand; small wal­ nut stand; spinning reel; win­ dow mop; wool comforter; 2 down comforters; radio; pillows and bedding; quantity of seal­ ers pots and pans; stepladder: carpets and mats; coat-hangers; cherry table; 2 sprays; cross­ cut saw; 2 wash tubs; garden tools; meat saw; boiler; electric, heater; extension cord; vice and bench; set of dies; garden hose; quantity of antique dishes; liv­ ing room rug 10x12 ft.; con- goleunx rug; linoleum rug; kit­ chen table, 6 chairs; arm chair; kitchen couch; electric washing machine; 2 stools; Finlay-Gondor kitche'n stove like new; 3-burner electric stove; 2 hotplates; alarm clock; refrigerator; win­ dow screens; flower box; 2. rockers; stand; cowhide robe; . single bed; large rdfeking chair; bureau; 3 antique clocks; stuffed owl, stuffed squirrel; brass ket­ tle; brace and full set of bits; chest of gouges; hammers, saws, wrenches; apple rack; quantity of bolts; rip saw, buck saw, set of planes, tool chest; lawn mow­ er; 200 ft. snow fence; steel posts; Massey Harris No. 9 horse manure spreader, in good re­ pair; dishes of all kinds; 60 bunches of insulating board and many other articles too numer­ ous to mention. TERMS: Cash. LES ROBINSON, PROP. FRED DAWSON, CLERK FRANK TAYLOR, AUCT. Clearing AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implement, Feed and Household Effedte AT LOT 35, CONCESSION J, USBORNE TOWNSHIP 1J miles south of Hensall (entrance from the north side oi farm) on MONDAY, APRIL 21 at 1:30 p.m. the following: CATTLE: Five ‘Durham hei­ fers with calves at foot; Here­ ford heifer with calf at foot; 2 Hereford heifers in calf; Dur-' ham heifer in calf; Hereford bull 2 years old. This is a good class of cattle. IMPLEMENTS: M.H. binder, 6~ft. cut; M.H. manure spread­ er; M.H. spring-tooth cultivator; McCormick Deering mower, 6-ft cut (oil bath); Oliver 2-row scuffler; Cockshutt riding plow: Fleury walking plow; 3-drum steel roller; set of in-throw discs; 3-sectioix drag harrows; farm wagon; set of sleighs; grain box; fanning mills; set of 2,000-lb. scales ; steel water trough; water barrel; set of harness; norse collars; brooder house, 10’xl2’; brooder house, 8’xlO’; chicken feeders ; pig troughs; feed boxes; forks; sho­ vel's; chains; and numerous other articles. FEED: Approx. 5 ton^ of mixed hay; approx. 100 bus. of A rife; . HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Blue Flame oil burner; Clare Jewell enamel range; kitchen cabinet; day-bed; couch; set of bed springs; small churn; 2 Coleman lanterns. TERMS: Cash. No reserve as the farm is sold. FRANK BEAN, PROP. EDWARD®. W. ELLIOTT, AUCT 17e AUCTION SALE of Real Estate ON THE PREMISES, PART OF LOT 23, MAIN ST. (first house east of . Evangelical Church) DASHWOOD The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public 1 . auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 26 at 2:30 p.m. REAL ESTATE: Property con­ sists of Part of Lot 23, North Boundary, Stephen Township, on which is situated a good two- storey frame house with nen- asphalt roof full cellar with new cistern, summer kitchen and woodshed, hydro throughout; also good stable, never-failing water supply; best of garden land. This property in fine loca­ tion and in well kept condition. Real Estate Pasture and Woodland will be offered at the same time and place, South Half Lot 4, Con. 17, Hay Township consisting of 62 acres, 25 acres hardwood bush (beech an'd ma­ ple, also some mixed timber), reniaindex* in grass, good water supply. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. RUEBBN GOETZ, ADMINISTRATOR ALVIN WALPER, AU CT. 17:24C