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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-04-17, Page 6
Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 17, 1952 Varba W.A» The Woman's Association of Varim United Church met for their April meeting and enter tained as their guests the so cieties of Goshen and Hillsgreen United. Churches and the Varna Anglican Association. President Mrs. Anson Coleman took the chair and extended the welcome. Mrs. George Heid led the devotional. Mrs. E, Moyer read the scripture lesson. A pro gram was enjoyed consisting of a vocal duet by Mrs. Ralph Stephenson and Mrs. George Coleman; trio, M r s. Elmore Keys, Mrs. E. Hayter, Mrs. Ro bert Peck; piano duet, Mrs. C. McBride and Mrs* W. Taylor; piano selection, Miss H. Love, of Hillsgreen; reading, Mrs. R. Taylor and an address on wo men’s work in Newfoundland by Mrs. T. J. Pitt. Mrs. Mel Web ster was convener of the lunch eon which was served in the church schoolroom. Attention Farmers Dead or disabled farm ani mals wanted at prevailing prices. Darling & Co. Phone Exeter 235 Collect or 851-r-ll Seaforth Collect Ed Andrew, Hauler Contract for Barley Now We are now contracting barley for the Canada Malting Company. Our elevator is now complete. We have four ramps for fast unloading. Contact us at the office. Phone 32 and 33 during the day and 2 during the evening. W. G. Thompson & Sons Ltd. HENSALL ONTARIO Contract Barley We Are Again Contracting Barley with CANADA MALTING COMPANY - Seeds Supplied - BARLEY IS TREATED FREE OF CHARGE Cook Bros. Milling Company Phone: Day 54, Night 86 Hensail, Ontario YOUR AUTHORIZED COCKSHUTT DEALER Bill Parke PHONE 147-W Special Easter Program a ' " ~[ For Chiselhurst Group | The Women’s Missionary So- 1 ciety of C h i s e 1 h u r s t United Church convened in the church Tuesday afternoon, April 8 for ' their April meeting with ‘Easter* | used as the theme for the meet- i ing. * Mrs. Harold Parker opened ‘the meeting with prayer. Easter ; messages were presented by Mrs. i Ben Stoneman, Mrs. T. Brintnell ?and Mrs. Cal Horton. ! A thank-offering collection <was taken and 20 members re sponded to the roll call. Mrs. B. ’Stone and Mrs. T. Brintnell were < appointed delegates to attend *the Presbyterial to be held at j Wesley’ Willis United Church, i Clinton, Thursday, May 1. ! Cards of thanks were read from Mrs. J. Westlake and Mrs. jEarl Treffry. The study book and’’ ! Home Missions were used for the topic, dealing with “French Canadian Evangelism”, taken by Mrs. Earl Kinsman, Mrs. Clar- Sence Coleman, and Mrs. Roy i McDonald. At the conclusion of the meet ing the Women’s Association met for a brief meeting with the chair* taken by the president, Mrs. Roy McDonald. It was dis- ■ closed that the cupboards have • been completed and installed in ! the church kitchen, work to be done by Angus McKaig, ofI Cromarty. Final arrangements I were made for the wedding din- ' ner coming up shortly’ for which ' this organization will cater. HENSALL Hensall And District News Florist Addresses Hensall Institute The April meeting, the annual meeting, of Hensall Women’s Institute was held in the Legion Rooms Wednesday night with a splendid attendance. Hostesses were Mrs, G. Bell and Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin. Mrs. C. V. Cooke, Clinton, florist, guest speaker, addressed the group presenting a very instructive talk on “The Care Of Perennials”, bulbs, roses and other varieties, Standing committee reports were presented: “Citizenship and Education”, Mrs. R. H. Middle ton; Community Activities and Public Relations, Mrs. A. R. Orr; Historical Research and Current Events, Mrs. W. B. Cross; Home Economics and Health, Mrs. A. Shirray. The reports were read by Mrs. F, Beer. The secretary-treasurer, Miss Gladys Luker, read a satis factory report. Mrs. R. J. Middle ton, Mrs. R. Y. MacLaren and Miss M. Ellis offered to act as a nominating committee to pre sent the slate of officers at the next meeting. The Conference “We Call It Human Nature”, presented in the town hall here March 13, was reported on by Mrs. Middle ton. The lunch committee, Mrs. G. Armstrong, Mrs. Middleton, Mrs. A. E. Munn and Mrs. A. Joynt were thanked for their efforts in this connection. Discussion took place with re gards to the Frigidaire Cooking School to be held in Hensall Town Hall Tuesday night, May 27. Kippen and Hensall Insti tutes are sponsoring this event. Prizes will be given free to ladies. During the evening draws will be made. Mrs. Orr volun teered to look after the tickets for the group. A shower of cards was sug gested too send members who are ill, Mrs. F. Appleby, Mrs. T. Sherritt and Mrs. H. Workman. Institute members regret the re moval of Mrs. A. E. Munn, a valued officer, to London. The meeting voted $10 to aid the Goderich Children’s Aid So ciety. All Blue Cross fees must be paid to Mrs. Edna Jones by April 26. Miss M. Ellis contri buted a reading. Hostesses for the May meeting are Mrs. G. M. Drysdale and Mrs. Gedrge Hess. Party For S.S. Class Carol Brown, Betty Bell, Lin da Oesch, Marion Bell, Billy Brown, Jerry Moir, Freddy Hyde, Leo Tiberio, Neil Forrest were entertained to tea at the home of their Sunday School teacher, Mrs. J. E. McEwan, Saturday afternoon, April 12. The chil dren enjoyed a trip to the bush with Mr. McEwan, and following supper spent a very happy time playing games. Each child re ceived favours. Marlene Reid and Bryan Bonthron were unable to be present. Rev. W. J. Rogers was guest speaker on Church of the Air on CKNX Tuesday morning, April 15 at 10:30 a.m. Guest soloists were Mrs. R. Mock and Mrs. R. Broderick. Miss Greta Lammie was accompanist. Kippen Shooters Win Blue Top Trophy At the largest annual Good Friday shoot held at the Kippen Gun Club for the Blue Top Trophy, the Kippen team com posed of Bill Kyle, John Ander son, Sam Dougall, T. Sherritt and Chester Lee, was high with 107. Goderich team was runners up with 104, followed by Ridgetown, Kippen No. 2 team and Duart. Following are the winners of prizes donated by merchants from Hensall, Exeter, and Kip pen: Chester Lee, Hensall; Al O’Brien, Zurich; B. Sifton, of Ridgetown; Norm Harburn, of Cromarty; T. Koehler, Duart; E. Passmore, Exeter; B. Siskin, Ridgetown; Jolyi Anderson, Hen sall; S. Rade,w Ridgetown; G. Johnson, Chatham; A. Brien, Ridgetown; Headley Prouse, of Goderich; .H. Greenway, Ridge town, G. Johnson, Chatham; Bill Cooper, Kippen; John Anderson, Hensall; A. Greenway, Ridge town; and Bill Kyle, Kippen. John Anderson won the doubles prize. Personal Items Misses Connie Corbett ana Shirley Coleman are holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Morenz at Dashwood this week. Mrs. Emalie Schroeder, who spent the winter months with relatives in St. Clair, Mich., re turned to her home last week. Miss Helen Moir, of London, spent the week-end with her brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Baynham. Mrs. Edna Corbett spent a few days last week at the home of her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Archie McGregor. Miss Bernice Jinks, nurse-in training at Victoria Hospital, London, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Manley Jinks. Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Bell of Windsor and Mr. Donald Bell of Toronto spent the week-end with their parents Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bell. Dr. James Jarrott of New York is spending a month with his mothei* Mrs. Catherine Jar rott at Kippen. e Mr, and Mrs. Norman Alex ander and family of Londesboro. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simpson, Kirkton, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dilling, of London, were week end visitors with their parents Mr. and Mrs. William Alexander. Mrs. William Brown, Carol and Billie, are visiting this week with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Neeb in Tavis tock. Mrs. W. R. Bell is spending a few days with members of her family in Toronto. Miss Betty Mickle, nurse-in training, at Victoria Hospital, London, visited recently with her parents Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mickle. Miss Isabell Alexander of To ronto is spending the Easter holidays at the home of her pa rents Mr. and Mrs. William Alex ander. Miss Geraldine Parker is holi daying at the home of her grand mother Mrs. Edna Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, Charles, Bobby and Ann spent Wednesday i n Ridgetown with the former’s mother, Mrs. Geor. T. Mickle. The following were visitors with John Elder during Easter Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elder, of Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Lome Elder, Ken, Jean and Kathy, of Hamilton; Mrs. Fred Howe (Helen) and Betty, Hyde Park; Mrs. Delbert Geiger (Pearl), Zurich, and Mr. Ben Elder. Some of these also visited with Mr. John Passmore. Easter visitors with Mrs. C. Hedden and Herb were Mr. and Mrs. Russel Hedden and Karen, Orville Hedden, Mrs. Alex Short house, Gwen and Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hedden, Joyce, Linda and Sam, St. Catherines, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hedden, Bobby and Jimmy, Dresden, Mr. and Mrs. W. Carter and family, Clinton. Ross Jinks has accepted a po sition with Mr. B. W. Tuckey, of Exeter, driving one of their large trailer transports. He com menced his new job Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scrimes, of Pomona, Cal., were recent week end house guests with Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale. M r s. Scrimes is the former Etta Elgie. They made the trip by plane to Detroit, and the return trip by motor. Flight Sergeant Fred Evans, Mrs. Evans, Maureen and Patty, spent Easter with relatives in Toronto and Belleville. The many friends of F. J. Appleby are pleased to see him able to be out again following his recent illness. Mrs. T. J. Sherritt who under went an appendix operation in Clinton Hospital, has returned home and is improving nicely, Mr. and -Mrs. Casey Hudson, George, Donna, and Dianne, of Goderich, were Easter visitors with Mrs. George Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Shaddick and Billy visited in Port Dover over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scruton and family. Mr. Shaddick, sr., who has been spending the past month with them, returned to Hensall on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Drysdale, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Drysdale spent Easter with friends in To ronto and also attended the Frigidaire convention held at the Royal York Monday and Tuesday of this week. Meeker To Speak At Hensall Banquet The Chamber of Commerce feteing the Hensall Midget hoc key’ team to a turkey banquet in the Legion Hall on Thursday, April 24. This team, *sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, made a splendid showing this year in their first year of hoc key, reaching the finals, Guests for the affair, includ ing the fathers of the hoys, will be Howie Meeker, M.P. for Well ington North, Tom Pryde, M.P.P. for South Huron, Hugh Hawkins, Clinton, and Tory Gregg, Wing ham. Train Derails Near Kippen A C.N.R. freight train, operat ing between Clinton and London, was derailed at Kippen Thurs day while it was picking up three extra cars, Railway officials said the en gine and a flat car jumped the track when a rail “rolled.” It took a crane and 28 section-men from Clinton, Hensall and Cen tralia six hours to get the engine on the tracks. Final Forum Meet The final meeting of the sea son of Cromarty Farm Forum was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Riley. .William Harper was elected president, and Mrs, Filmer Chapple, secretary-treasurer for the coming season. It was dis closed during the meeting that twenty folding chairs had been purchased for their forum. The members chartered a bus to Toronto, Tuesday, April 8, to attend a Farm Forum banquet held at the Royal York. Mrs. John Pfaff spent Easter week with members of her fam ily in London. Miss Elvira Churchill, Toron to, is spending Easter week with her sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Shaddick and family. Evening Auxiliary Easter Meeting The Easter meeting of the Evening Auxiliary of the United Church was held in the school room Monday. Mrs. D. Kyle took the chair. Mrs. R. Mock led the devotoional. Mrs. D. McKelvie gave the scripture lesson. Mrs. B. Kyle and Mrs. S. Rannie read Eastei* passages. Plans were made for the supper to be served to the Young People’s Presby tery, April 27, in the church. The group accepted an in vitation from the Arnold Circle of Carmel Presbyterian Church, to be their guests Monday, April 21. The Evening Auxiliary will entertain at their May meeting the Women’s Missionary Society of the church, and the Arnold Circle of Carmel Church. On this occasion Miss Irene Douglas of London will he the guest speaker. It was decided to hold the picnic, June 16 at Seaforth Lions Park. In case of wet weather, June 18. Mrs. W. Richardson reported on visits made. The group were informed that the W.M.'S. are packing a bale of clothing next month, and will appreciate donations of used clothing. Mrs. L, Chapman contributed an article dealing with “Modern Living”. Mrs. H. McEwan and Mrs, R. Broderick rendered a vocal duet and Douglas Shirray sang. Accompanists were Mrs. A. Shirray and Miss G. Luker. Luncheon was served. Mrs. J. Corbett and Mrs. J. Flynn were hostesses. Foreign woman customer (in bank): “I would lika maka da loan.” Bank Manager: “You’ll have to see the loan arranger.” Woman: “Who, plizz?” Bank Manager: “The loan ar ranger.” Woman: “Oh, you mean the one who say Hi-Ho Silver?” Cannel Presbyterian W.M.S, The Easter meeting of the Women’s Missionary Society of Cannel Presbyterian Church was held in the church schoolroom •Thursday afternoon with Mrs. R, Y. McLaren in the chair. The program was arranged by Mrs. McLaren and Mrs. D. Park. The bible lesson in two parts was read by Mrs. Inez McEwan and Mrs. C. S. Hudson. Mrs. G. Wal ker offered prayer. Mrs. A. Logan read an. Easter poem, and Mrs. B. Edwards read an Easter message from Glad Tidings. President, Mrs. C, S, Hudson, presided for the business period. Mrs. R. Y, McLaren presented the topic “Easter Meditation". Mrs. Inez McEwan and Mrs. G. Walker were appointed visiting committee for April. An invita tion was accepted by the society to be guests of the Arnold Circle at their Easter thank-offering Monday, April 21. Mrs. Malcolm Dougall and Mrs. James A. Paterson rendered a pleasing duet, “The Old Rugged Cross”. The meeting concluded with a prayer by Mrs, J. B. Fox. Attend Graduation At O.A.C. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and Frances Taylor of Thorold attended the banquet and grad uation exercises at OAC Guelph, Tuesday of last week. Bill Mickle graduated and received his dip loma for the two year agri cultural course there. M, .................... .. . .............. .........................................—1 We Are Again Contracting Barley FOR CANADA MALTING COMPANY Contact Us All Barley Will Be Treated Free of Charge Contracts Can Be Arranged by Phone or Letter Phone 103 — Nights 133 Geo. T. Mickle & Sons Ltd. HENSALL, ONT. & Good Service © Fast Unloading Facilities s—■*—-—■——~—— ----------———--------------- See us for NEW LOW-PRICE GOOD/VEAR TIRES PRICES REDUCED ON AUTOMOBILE TRUCK AND FARM TIRES AND TUBES LOOK AT THESE NEW LOW PRICES THE FAMOUS MARATHON NOW ONLY LESS A BIG TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE MARATHON SUPER-CUSHION S $24’5 (SIZE 6.70 x 15) LESS A BIG TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE See us and find out about the sub stantial price reductions on all other Goodyear tires and tubes. Hensall Motor Sales Phone 31 Wins Easter Egg Lois Simmons, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Simmons, was the lucky winner of the $5 Easter egg which was drawn for this week at Middleton'’® drug store. OF ALL BREEDS | Hatched Every | Monday and Thursday | Limited Number of Starter Chicks Every § Tuesday and Wednesday H PHONE 7 OR S I (SIZE 6.00 x 16) By Roe Farms Service Dept. SCI Mins NlllUtC C» COMPLETE COMPLETE GROWING MA5H I’VE BEEN WORRYING A LITTLE, DOC. I DOh/TWANT TO UPSET MY CHICKS WITH A SUDDEN CHANGE IN FEED THERE’S NO FEAR OF THAT, BILL. JUST MIX YOUR PRESENT ROE VITAFOOD WITH ROE VITA6R0W THE FIRST WEEK, GRADUALLY REDUCING THE AMOUNT Or VITAFOOD, AND THE SWITCH WILL BE EASY IS THERE ANYTHIN6 ELSE I SHOULD WATCH FOR,DOC? YES,SIR. AND IT'S JUST AS IMPORTANT AS FEED. KEEP THE LITTER DRY. TO DOTH IS, A LITTLE HEAT IS NECESSARY, AND ALSO KEEPTHE LITTER WELL STIRRED UP. WATCH UNDER THE BROODER WHERE THE CHICKS SIT AT NI6HT, AND IF IT IS AT ALL DAMP, STIR IN A LITTLE HYDRATED LIME. IF THE LITTER GETS MATTED, REMOVE IT THIS 15 600D INSURANCE AGAINST COCCIDIOSIS CHICK STARTER F“ x=_ / /