HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-04-17, Page 531' A THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AFBIi 17, 1952 '■ P*g• 5 Deluxe Four-door Sedan I See It in Our Showroom USED CARS DOWN '50 ’46 ’39 PHONE 210 paradise ! STUDEBAKER, 4-DOOR PLYMOUTH, 4-DOOR CHEV, 4-DOOR Graham Arthur Studebaker Sales and Service Texaco Products EXETER s TACKLE BOXES BRONSON REELS INGLIS REELS STEEL GLASS BAMBOO POLES RODS RODS tl. a MINNOW PAILS See our win- \ a sportsman’s . . offer you the best stock in town on fishing equipment. dow for from $2.75 fa-om $2.40 from $8.95 $2.15 and $7.95 and up up up up all sizes SEINE SMELT NET, 30-foot HAND DIP NET ................... COLLAPSIBLE DIP NET .... at $14.50 at at $2.75 $3.95 GAIFF HOOKS at $3.95 SHAKESPEARE LINE, Nylon .and Silk Spools ................................................................ $2.00 and up SPECIAL SAMSON NYLON FISHING LINE a(t $1.15 TROUT FLIES, NYLON FISHING LINE LEADER MATERIAL OUI| OWN WEIGHTED TREBLE HOOKS .SUCKERS AND FOR SPECIAL GUN PRICES ft Bag yotff game W/H? Fie BEST/ ONE. WEEK ONLY! - .22 SteVens Automatic, was $53.50 ...... NOW $49.95 .22 Mossberg Repeater, was $45.00 .... NOW $40.00 .22 Noble Pump, was $49.00 ..... NOW $39.00 MUSKRAT TRAPS .................................... 450 each HUNTING KNIVES................... good quality LADIES! Take Advantage Of The Pyrex Spring Special Purchase a 3-piece mixing bowl set at regular price of $1.95 and we give you FREE one 8-oz. dry measuring cup, regularly 35$, and one 8-oz. liquid measuring cup, regularly 39$. “The Leaders” PHONE 181 EXETER M M Grand Bend Bowlers Claim Trophies In the women’s finals the Lucky Strikers, Mrs. R. Webb, Mrs. S. Webb, Mrs. Doreen Webb, Mrs. Ruggles, Mrs. L, Mason, Miss Margaret Gill, won the challenge trophy. Mrs. Phillis Glen won high triple, donated by Mr. W. F. B, MacLaren. J. Witherspoon won high rage. In the men’s teams, Mr. old Richardson or ParkliiJl ....... the high single trophy donated by Grand Bend Lions. The xnep are playing off their final games this week. The p. & W.’s play the Parkhill Legion. Mr, Mac­ Laren donated the high triple cup for the men. This was won by Lawrence Mason. Rudy Ra­ velie won the high average. Mildmay-llderton Ice Duel Stretches To Full Five Tilts Mrs. ave- Har- won The Mildmay - Ilderton series stretched to the full five tilts this week as both teams won two games on. their home ice, Mildmay whipped the south­ erners 10-5 in Walkerton on Monday after Ilderton stopped the Monarch 8-6 in the third game at Lucan last Wednesday, Paced by Ron Schmaiz’s hat trick, Mildmay evened the series Monday night. Monarch marks­ men were Liesemer, Voison, S. Schmalz, Jim Kunkel (2), and Borho. Ilderton scorers were Bloxam, Urbshott, Evans (2), and Loft. Mildmay went ahead 3-2 in the first period, 5-3 in the sec- ond and made a splurge in the third wide margin. Last Wednesday, ......_ McNair sparked Ilderton to their 8-6 win with two goals each. After Jack Kunkel put the Monarchs up 1-0 early in opening frame, Don Scott R. Evans bagged counters the winners and they were never headed. Other Ilderton snipers were Bloxam and McPherson. Monarch counters were made by Leisemer (2), Voisin (2), Weiler t Kunkel. Final game is being played Lucan Wednesday night. Ladies* League The Busy Bees and the Hot Dogs are on top of their re­ spective groupings after Wed­ nesday night’s sessions at the alleys. They will go on to bowl nine games to decide first place in the league. The Bees took five points from the Merry Maids in a game which showed the Maids way be­ low par. Best Bee was Georgina Webster with 577 and 229. Naida Francois took top honors for the losers with a 646 triple and 277 in one game. Bowling after that decisive game, Alley Cats lost five points to the Frisky Sisters in a game which was well bowled by both teams. Gladys Hunt came up with 587 and 223 for high win­ ners’ score and for the spunky Cats, Betty Wilson’s 571 triple and 213 single were tops. Another close game showed the Pin Heads five points better than the Happy Gals. High tri­ ple, 489, (201) was bowled by F. Ford for the winners and J. Grayer’s 591 and 20 6 were for the losing Gals. best FINAL STANDING “A” Group G P Busy Bees .................. 15 23 Pin Heads .................. 15 21 Frisky Sisters ............. 15 20 Alley Cats .................. 15 16 Happy Gals ................ 15 14 Merry Maids ...........•.... 15 11 In the "Bs”the Hot Dogs took i from them : league was top bowler for the winners with 541 and Crackerjacks, was highest. The Jolly points without much opposition to the Trailers. Best of the five players present on the Trailers’ team was Dorothy Pfaff with 502 and high spot among the four faithful Jolly Jills was A. Preszcator with 542 and 218. The Hi-lights came out five points ahead of their opposition, the Yarn Spinners. Kay Hanni­ gan bowled for high triple, 56 6 (215), for the winning Lights and best Yarn Spinner was Robinson with 508. FINAL STANDING “B” Group a fairly easy five points the Cracker jacks to put in their front seat on the t bench. Shirley Darling Men’s League The Whizz Bangs assured themselves of a spot in the fin­ als by taking the Spares Irv Armstrong with topped (248). The will fight it out next Monday to decide who’ll meet the Whizz Bangs in the championship bout. The teams wound up in a tie for second spot. When the second place win- ned is decided Monday, it’s ex­ pected the first of the three champ rounds will be played Wednesday night. Tuesday night the Chuckers took five points from the Trades­ men. Thornton bowled 761 (28 8) to help the Chuckers. B. Sanders’ 612 (237) was for the losers. The Butchers almost lost by taking a 4-3 loss from Spare Parts. Ed Hunter-Duvar bowled 70S (292) to lead his team while Wes Ryckman’s 655 (265) topped the meatmen. The Big Six garnered 4 from the Rural Rollers with the help of Don Case’s 703 Rollers’ ace was with 678 (288). Whizz Bangs ........ Butchers ................ Chuckers ........_....... Rural Rollers .'...... Spares ............... Big Six .................. Tradesmen ......... Spare Parts .......... . ... 5-2. led the winners 663 (271). Don Bray the losers with 66 6 Clinchers and Butchers best out the (274). The Penh aleH. 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 24 19 19 1G 10 11 11 6 200 and for the M. Hockey’s 501 Jills gave seven WINCHELSEA Mr. and Mrs. Henry Delbridge of Exeter and Miss Pearl Spicer of London were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Delbridge on Sunday. Mr. Clarence Ford of Kit­ chener and Miss Betty Bailey of Exeter spent the week-end at their parental homes. Mr. and Mrs. Bill children of London week-end with Mr. Fred Walters. Mr. and Mrs. W. Walters and Danny spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. W. Glanville of Staffs. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Carty of London spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Prance. Brock and spent the and Mrs. p. PG Hot Dogs ................... 15 26 Yarn Spinners ............ 15 17 Trailers ....................... 15 16 Jolly Jills ................... 15 16 Hi-Lights .................... 15 15 Craclcerjacks ............... 15 15 of of Two More In H-P Ball Loop? Two more teams may vie in the Huron-Perth Baseball League this summer, it was indicated at the re-organization meeting cently. Strathroy and St. Marys interested in the local loop 10 teams played last year, new president, Wally said he expects all of last teams to enter again, are Mitchell, Dashwood, Exeter, Clinton Colts, Zurich, Hensall, re- are in which The Wein, year’s They Lucan, Clinton RCAF, Goderich and Centralia RCAF. Jim Fairbairn of Exeter was elected first vice-president. Gor­ don Stock, Clinton, is second vice-president and John Liver­ more, Clinton, secretary - treas­ urer. The next meeting will be held in Dashwood on April 30 to draw up the season’s schedule. Edwin Bruce Mitchell Formerly Of Centralia Edwin Bruce Mitchell, a for­ mer well-known Centralia resi­ dent, died at St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital ill his sixty-fifth year. He was born at Centralia and lived there until 11 years ago, when he moved to London and lived in semi-retirement at 160 Mill street. He was a former stationary engineer, farmer, and businessman. He was a member of Centralia United Church and a member of the Masonic Lodge, at Exeter. His widow, the former Chris­ tina Smith, survives with one son, Walter Mitchell, of Toronto, and three brothers, Milton, in London, and Warren and John M. Mitchell, of Vancouver, B.C. The body rested in London where service was conducted on Wednesday by the Rev. A. D. Boa, of Empress Avenue Church. Interment was made later in Exeter Cemetery. THAMES ROAD Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wanner Sarnia and Miss Nona Pym London spent the holiday week­ end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pym. Miss Dorothy McNaughton of Hensall spent the week-end with her cousin, Miss Mabel Selves. Mr. and Mrs. William Fergu­ son entertained Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rohde of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne and Lar­ ry, Mr. and Mrs. Vic Jeffery and Billie, Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde and Douglas, Mrs. G. Wiseman and Mr. Edgar Mon­ teith, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bal­ lantyne on Tuesday evening last. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Hodgert held a modern cookware demon­ stration on Thursday evening and entertained quite a number of married couples. Misses Elsie Bray and Mar­ garet Cann of London spent the week-end with their parents here. Mrs. William Rohde and Doug­ las spent last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. William Thomson of Woodham. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hackney were entertained to a rousing cliivari on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ken McAllister and Carol of Kitchener spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Duncan. The r e g u 1 a r Mission Band meeting will be held on Sunday during the church hour. Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Pass- more, David and Dennis spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Haist of Credi­ ton. Mr. James Harris of London, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Harris, Ernie and Art spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nesbit of Blyth.Misses Margaret and Jean and Marion of Bryanston spent a few days last week with their cousin, Marilyn Gardiner. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner and Marilyn were Easter Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gardiner of London. Rev. and Mrs. Mair, Joanne and Betty, and Mrs. Ferguson were Sunday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Eliord. Organize Local Softball League An Exeter recreational softball league for men was organizezd Tuesday night gt a meeting in the town hall. Four teams have entered for the summer—Legion, Hydro, Maroons and Pool Room. Derry Boyle was elected presi­ dent and Doug Sweet secretary. No person playing in organ­ ized O.A.S.A. is eligible to play in the league. Entry fee for teams is five dollars and' silver collections taken at the game will go into the league kitty. Ernest Glanville Ernest Glanville, a native of Stephen Township, died in New Westminster, B.C., day morning at the He was in ill health year. Mr. Glanville was raised on the farm pied by Charles Glanville on the fourth concession of Stephen. He married Albertina Wuerth, of Crediton, on December 31, 1903. They moved to Napinka, Alberta, and later to the west coast. Surviving, besides his wife, are two sons, Lloyd and Clar­ ence, both of New Westminster. Ward and Phone 331-J @astaclars Yes! with few cents you pay makes it you can’t you strong , , , go wrong. Just a + - for a quart a Keep in step . . . milk gives you day! pep ’ on Good Fri­ nge of 75. for over a born and now occu- ► T/RE F/RSTFOR MILEAGE SAFETY ECONOMY EXETER Graham Arthur PHONE 210 Mathers Bros. MAIN ST., EXETER PHONE 321-W EXETER Larry Snider Motors PHONE 624 OR 64-W Floor Coverings JASPE - Canada’s Newest Flooring Sensation The popularity of Dominion Jaspe linoleum is simply ZOOMING! Its qualities are like, those of Marboleum except that it has a duo-tone of “grained” effect . . . right through to the base. Jaspe has caught the imagination of commercial and public building owners. Straight (9” sq.) Cutsi I run. Johnson’s Paste Wax Free sample Pride furniture polish 14b............................................,....... 630 yd. yd. Marboleum — Congoleum — Rexoleum Deluxe Diagonal sq.) or PHONE 16 EXETER 4 Plan your new floor by visiting our store and seeing the. fine display of floor covering. We can help you in ar­ ranging patterns and advise you in lay­ ing your own floors. Or, range to lay them for you. Marboleum, A gauge ...... Marboleum, 3 gauge ....... Marboleum Tile, A gauge Congoleum, 3 yd. wide .. $2.70 Congoleum, 2 yd. wide .. $1.70 Rexoleum, dlx., 4 yd...... $4.25 run. Congoleum Rugs ......... at lowest prices $2.95 sq. yd. $1.90 sq. 200 run. IB sheer beauty practicability include washable wallpaper y o u r spring decorating plans. Gay patterns ap­ propriate for every room in the house make up our new collection. A wide price and pattern range. Make your selec­ tions today. new Grocery Specials For Thursday, Friday and Saturday Aylmer Yellow Peaches 45$$ Sugar 20-oz. ............................... . Weston’s Creamfilled Cookies I-lb. pkg.................... Quaker Sugar Puffs 5U-oz. pkg. 310 2/290 Gold Seal Sockeye Salmon .......................... Blue Ribbon Coffee 14b. jar and our i n