HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-04-10, Page 14SOUTH HURON at 8:30 pan. term but action ProvidedLunch needed in 1 BINGO Sponsored by the Exeter Branch Canadian Legion Legion Memorial Hall Thursday, April 10 Walter Cocur of $450 in Cash Prizes Mar- FEATURING THE BINGO BLOWER , $20.00 DOOR PRIZE Admission $1.00 COMPLETE YOUR “SPRING CLEAN-UP” Give Waste Paper to Help Build Your Hospital visited the for- in Toronto last witnessed a demon- a film projector and purchase of one. ad- fill and Lucan to Attend Items of Social and Personal Interest In and Around Exeter The Times-Advocate is always pleased to publish these items. . We and our readers are interested in you and your friends. Tel. 31-W re­ fer was contribu- following: Snel- 15 Regular Games for $10.00 Each 2 Special Games for $25.00 Each 1 Special Game for $50.00 and $200.00 JACKPOT MUST BE WON OPERA HOUSE, EXETER Seqforth Invited Return Engagement by Popular Request Town TopicsAnnouncements Afternoon Tea And Simmons. CharlesSaturday, April 12 Reception and presents FARQUHAR HALL A THREE-ACT COMEDY Princess O’Toole THEATRE Phone 421 J Princess O’Toole of a ALDON THEATRE GRAND BENDFixed Bayonets all Criminal Lawyer iitniiii iimiiii ii 10* s Wish IN MEMORIAM PRIZESSPOT DANCES E Dancing 9-12Admission 750 15 E S' s opportunity to appreciation to kindly contrib- friends for their kind­ remembering her with cards, visits and treats Ed of over X Pat O’Brien Jane Wyatt who Rus- 10* were Mr. and Mrs May, Mr, and Mrs. W and Mr. and Mrs. Fred St. Joseph’s on Thurs- MONDAY & TUESDAY April 14 and 15 DOUBLE BILL and up-to-date ranch of Samuel Hendrick the highway just south of town, is receiving permastone finish. Say you saw it in this week's Times-Advocate. It pays to read the Classifieds Previews Its Coming Attractions for Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hackney Hospital, and sitfee returning home, Everything was very much appreciated. 10* Hunter-Duvar, pro- Ed’s Imperial, has the gas station at THREE-ACT FARCE COMEDY Presented by Centralia United Church FRIDAY & SATURDAY April 11 and 12 DOUBLE BILL Benny Goodfellow AND HIS LONDONAIRES Mac: "Who was the first man to have a forty hour week?” Jack: “Robinson Crusoe. He had all his work done by Fri­ day." EASTER MONDAY April 14 A Special Treat for1 the Whole Family! EIGHT WALT DISNEY ■ ■CARTOONS PLUS FOUR OTHER REELS The greatest showing of comic strips ever shown. ONE SHOW -—8:00 South End Russ and Chuck (Adult) ★ Richard Basehart •A- Michael O’Shea Bayonets all steel! Hearts American! Their story all glory! - Also - The Tougher They Come 4r Preston Foster ■fa Wayne Morris FRIDAY & SATURDAY April 11 and 12 YOU’RE IN THE NAVY NOW Gary Cooper blow his top with Jane Greer SPORTS & COMICS TWO SHOWS — 7:30 & 9:30 Don Traquair. Irvine Arm- Les Snell, Robert son of Mr. to 10* CARDS OF THANKS* on April 7, Malan Nash a son, WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY April 16 and 17 3kMii<UHUi«iiti<imiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiihiiiiiiiHniiiiuiHHiiiiHiiOi4Wiiiriinitiiiiiiiiiiiniiiinii>i»ii»i»Hiiiii>'i>' Sale Of Baking IN W. G. SIMMONS A’ SONS SHOWROOM TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY April 15 and 16 STRANGERS ON A TRAIN l Adult) •Ar Farley Grainger ir Ruth Roman NEWSREEL & SHORTS ONE SHOW — 8:00 Sunnyside of the Street (Color) •Ar Frankie Laine Ar Toni Arden MATINEE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AT 2:30 P.M. Tuesday, at 8:30 p.m. Dancing Will Follow Proceeds to Renovate Hall ADULTS 50C ■ CHILDREN 25f) 3:00 P.M. Under the Auspices of the Caven Club of Caven Presbyterian Church Bright Victory Arthur Kennedy * Peggy Dow The great living love story today’s generation . . , - Also - Tues., April 15 sponsored by Thames Road Mission Circle will be presented BY CENTRALIA PLAYERS PARISH HALL ST. PATRICK’S CTJURCH Saintsbury Thursday, April 17 8 p.m. ADMISSION -W & 25e Sponsored by the Girls’ Guild THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 10, 1952 Kinsmen Receive Attendance Pins Eleven members of the Exeter Kinsmen Club received hundred per cent pins at the meeting Friday night, which marked the official visit of District Governor Bill Colby, of Chatham. i Receiving 2OP per cent pins were Ray Frayne. Ralph Gentt- I nor, Doug Pryde, El dr id I strong and Ray Wuertlu (Parker. 7 ‘ " ■and Don Southeott received 100 i per cent awards. j Three new members were in­ itiated into the club. They were | George Kether. Don Case and* Ralph Sweitzer. Variety Program will be presented in Kirkton Aberdeen Hall Thursday, April 17 Everybody Welcome BIRTHS ANDERSON — In Clinton Com­ munity Hospital, on Wednes­ day, April 2, to Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, of Kippen, a daughter. BALKWILL—F/O and Mrs. W. E. Balkwill announce the birth of a d aught er, Margaret Lynne, at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, March 31. COOPER—Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Cooper, Stephen Township, a son, born April 7 in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. FRANCIS — Wilf and Euoleen Francis are happy to an­ nounce the arrival of their son, on April 8. at St. Jo­ seph’s Hospital, London. HODGE—Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hodge of Ripley (nee Mar­ jorie Johns) are happy to an­ nounce the arrival of a girl, April 8, 1952, at Kincardine Hospital. HOWELL—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howell (nee Dorothy Wilkin­ son) are happy to announce the birth of a son at St. Jo­ seph’s Hospital, London, on April 7, 1952. LEE--Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Lee (nee Dorothy Wilds) of Dashwood wish to announce the birth of a daughter, Lean- ora Rose-Anne, at Hospital, London, day, April 3. NASH—In Montreal to Mr. and Mrs. (nee Mildred Miller), Brian Edward. THURTELL — In St. Joseph’s Hospital, April 2, to Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Thurtell, a son. WORKMAN — In Clinton Com­ munity Hospital on Friday, April 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Or­ ville Workman of Kippen, a daughter. DEATHS Master Pat Beavers of Morris­ burg is spending the Easter holidays with his grandfather, Mr. B. W. F. Beavers. Mrs. E. Keys and Miss P. Keys, formerly of Shipka, moved to Exeter on Monday. They have purchased one of the Balkwill homes. Mr. prietor taken Centralia airport. ” The Exeter Egg Grading Sta­ tion, founded by Earl Witmer, has been sold to Norval Reid, of Hensall. Most of the winter visitors to Florida arrived home last week and were greeted with a gen­ uine spell of winter over the week-end. Several inches of snow covered the ground accompanied by a cold wind. Among those returning William ' S. Cole Dawson. At a II. B. Williams and James Simpson were in Toronto Tues­ day attending the Farm Radio Forum Convention at the IJloyal York Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Benson Grainger of Regina, Sask., Mrs. Dianne Cowan and Mr. Douglas Morri­ son, of Blyth, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hockey Wed­ nesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hedden spent the week-end in Loudon guests of their son Jack and Mrs. Hedden. Mr. Harry Dew and son, and of Saskat- yisitors at and Mrs. Thames Road United Church BROWN — At Mrs. Hodgert’s Nursing Home on Sunday, April 6, 1952, Alice I-Iarvey, of Crediton, beloved wife of the late Albert Brown, in her eighty-fifth year. DEARING—In Exeter on Thurs­ day, April 3, 19 5 2, Henry Dearing, in his seventy-sixth year? TIEMAN—In Dashwood on Sun­ day, April 6, 1952, Fanny Snell, beloved wife of David Tieman, in her seventy-ninth year. Service was at the T. Harry Hoffman Funeral Home. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor announce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret Ina, to Mr. John Elliott Robertson, of Mrs. Russell Robertson, Southampton and the late Robertson. The wedding is take place in April. The Model and the Marriage Broker ■Ar Jeanne Craine Ar Thelma Ritter Sometimes when Cupid needs a little help . . . - Also - E Dancing THIS Saturday bright And Every Sat. Night At a pre-Easter commjtnion service in James Street tlnited Church Sunday morning, forty persons were received into church membership. Eighteen persons were received by certi­ ficate. Fourteen scholars from the Sunday School following a communicants’ class conducted by the pastor, Rev. II. J. Snell, joined the church on professioxr of faith as did eight adults. Unfortunately the pastor, who had worked diligently to bring about these results, was unable to be present to receive these new members. He was taken suddenly ill during ,tlxe night and was under the doctor’s care. Rev. C. W. Down filled the emergency and ably conducted the service. Mr. Snell is making a satisfactory recovery. The Larry Snider Motors have broken ground and are laying the foundation for a new and up-to-date garage south of town and adjoining the Station of Snell. The new style home erected on Miss Merle Dearing wishes to express her sincere appreciation to all the neighbors, friends and relatives for the kindness and sympathy extended to her in her bereavement, for the beautiful floral tributes. Special thanks to Rev. Snell and Mrs’. Maurice Quance. . 10* I wish to thank all those who so kindly remembered me while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital, London, with cards, treats' and flowers.—Charles Regier. c I would like to thank all those who remembered me while a patient in Victoria Hospital and since returning home.-—-Mrs. Jack Galloway. 10c Mrs. Maud Horton wishes to extend her sincere thanks and appreciation to all her relatives, neighbors and friends, who so kindly remembered her with cards and treats while ill. Spe­ cial thanks to Dr. Osborn Inger­ soll. 10* We wish to express ouF sin­ cere thanks and gratitude to each and every one who helped through the days of illness and sorrow with flowers, cards and visits during illness at Victoria Hospital and recent sad bereave­ ment of a dear sister, Mrs. Lil­ lie Greenlee. Special thanks to Rev. Holley, pallbearers, Hopper- Hockey funeral home, Dr. M. C. Fletcher; also for the beautiful floral tributes and those loaned cars.—Mr. and Mrs. sell Hedden and family. Mrs. William Bowden wishes to thank the many friends who remembered her with fldwers, treats, cards and letters during her recent illness and while in the hospital. We take this express our great all those who so uted blood or other donations to Victoria Hospital in our behalf. Also to those who were instru­ mental in securing donors or transporting them and to those who any Mrs. I thanks to ; bered me cards and patient in and since : nice Haist. Mrs. W. II. Thomson wishes to extend her sincere thanks to all her ness in flowers, caru», V1H1LS tiJiu ueai» while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lions Organize Cottage Drive A complete set-up of chairmen and committees to organize the project of erecting a summer -cottage at Southcott Pines, Grand Bend, by the Lions Clubs of Exeter and Grand Bend for the purpose of raising ten thousand dollars for the South . Huron Hospital, was presented at the Lions meeting Friday last. Charles MacNaughton will head the campaign assisted by Ed. Brady and Ralph Hicks, of Exeter, and Griff Thomas and W. C. F. MacLaren, of Grand Bend as sub-chairmen. C. V. Pickard, of town, and Ken Young, of Grand Bend will act as secretaries. Harp Rivers and Peter Eisenbach will head the ticket sales and distribution. The building committee com­ prises A. J. Sweitzer, W. Seldon and J. W. Hern, of town and Elmer Webb and Ted Stanlake of Grand Bend. Lionel McConnell, of the Can­ adian Oil Company, London, in­ troduced by Sandy Elliot, pre­ sented a motion picture showing the construction of- the oil pipe­ line from Redwater, Alta., to Lake Superior. The picture was a revelation of the tremendous planning and gigantic task of Mr. Oliver McInnis, chewan, were recent the home of Mr. Russell Hedden, . Mr. Harry Kieswetter of Kit­ chener has been transferred from Sarnia to the Exeter branch of the Bank of Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. George Jacques visited in Tavistock with Mr. and Mrs. James Francis. Dr, and Mrs. A. J. McKinnon of Galt spent the week-end with Mrs. R. H. Russell. Mr. and Mrs, R. R. King and family of Goderich spent Sunday with Mrs. R. I-I. Russell. Some 20 Exeter Legion ladies were guests of the Palmerston group ’ at their fifth birthday party in Palmerston on Monday, They chartered a bus for the trip and enjoyed an evening of contests and Exchange Bingo. Miss May Armstrong has re­ turned to Exetei’ after a visit with her sister and brother-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. McCreath in Kincardine. Mr. Bill Vyse is in Toronto foi’ a month attending Lineman’s Training School there. Mrs. Ernest Hatter and son Barrie are visiting Mrs. Hatter’s sisters in Detroit, Dearborn, Michigan, Leamington and Blen­ heim. Mr. Hatter will go to Blenheim to bring them home. Members of the Social Rec­ reation Night School class went to St. Thomas last week for a social evening of square dancing at the Lang Jumbo Palace there. Mrs. C. L. Langford and Mrs. C. E. Acheson mer’s daughter week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Dearborn, Michigan, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hatter over the week­ end. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gardiner of London and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cann of Thames Road were supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cann Wednesday. Miss Ila Westcott, Mrs. Blanche Ferguson and Mrs. Jim Ferguson and daughter garet visited with Miss Verna Coates and Miss Stella South­ cott over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Squire of Farquhar were Saturday evening supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cann. William E. Middleton is pre­ paring to erect a new red brick residence on Sanders Street. Mrs. L. F. Howey was in Stratford on Thursday attending the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. A. Patterson. P.S. Board Offers $200 Increase Exeter Public School Board offered teachers a $200 raise to lenew their contracts at a special meeting recently. A majority have accepted the increase. Three teachers, Craig Wilson, Esther Seip and Faye Jamieson, will resign at the end of the term. Board secretary W. II. Hodgson said the resignations resulted from personal reasons, pot monetary. The board is vertising for applications to the positions. Principal Claude Blowes •quested an additional teacher the coming- postponed. Members stratioxx of considered The board agreed to pay $5.00 hourly rental fee for the high school’s lawn mower and order­ ed pictures of Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh for the school. Principal Claude Blowes re­ ported fire drill had been held; report cards issued; and his in­ tention to attend the Ontario Education Association meeting­ in Toronto during Easter week. The board approved a grant of $25 to defray his expenses. You Can Help The Eastern Star are sponsor­ ing a drive for used white cot­ ton, such as pieces of sheets, pillow-cases, etc. Although these are probably of little value to you, they are badly the cancer clinic, Please leave your tions with one of the Sunoco service station, grove Electric store, McKenzie’s grocery store. COMING EVENTS BAKING SALE — The Rebekah Lodge Will hold a baking sale on Saturday, May 10. Please re­ serve this date. Junior Farmers EXETER DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Friday, April 18 8:00 p.m. Sponsored. by the Women’s Association of Centralia United Church ADMISSION 500 & 250 Extra Cards 250 Doors Open 7:30 — Games Start 9:00 P.M, (The management reserves the right to cancel the bingo according to weather conditions) Paper Drive volunteered or helped in way, our sincere thanks.— Clare Towle and family. * to extend my sincere all those who renxern- with visits, flowers, treats while I was a .St. Joseph’s Hospital returning home.—Ber- 10* Stephen Lets Contract For Gravel At .92 Stephen township let the gra­ vel contract to Lee Jennison at the regular meeting last week. ’The price was set at 92 cents a yard anywhere in the town­ ship. The clerk reported outstand­ ing tax arrears for 19 51 as $4,- 000. Final date for payment was extended to April 30. The Gill drain was referred to Mr. S. W. Archibald for recon­ sideration. The auditors’ report was ac­ cepted. Among the accounts paid was a $1,469 figure for the Ausable Authority. Reeve John Morrissey presid­ ed over the meeting. All mem­ bers were present including Deputy-Reeve Wellington Haist, and councillors Gordon Ratz, Ed­ ward Gill and Edward Lamport. PRANCE—In loving memory of a dear mother^ Mrs. William Prance, who passed away April 9, 1949. ’Tis sweet to know we’ll meet again Where troubles are no more, And that the one we loved so well Has just gone on before. —Ever remembered by Edna, Sarah, Grace, James and grandchildren. 10c Exeter Centralia Crediton 'Dashwood PLACE SECURELY TIED BUNDLES AT THE ROAD SIDE Notice We have located a good market for specially prepared paper. Yon can help by Opening clean newspapers out “full”. Rolling same into 10-lb. rolls. Tieing rolls at each end. Exeter Lions Club