HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-03-20, Page 6FOR SALE OIL STOVE—Coleman, medium size. Only $49.95. Don South- cott, phone 31-W Exeter. | LIVESTOCK WANTED III FOR SALE—Mixed wood. Orval Mellin, phone 607-r-23, Parkhill, 13:20* FOR SALE—Scotch Shorthorn bulls. Registered and accredited. Fred Brown, R.R, 2, Crediton. 0 13:26c THE EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 20, 1952 | FREE THERMOMETER — plus cash at your farm for dead or disabled horses or cows. Tele­ phone collect Exeter 2S7-W, William Stone Sons, Limited. l-24tfe I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exe­ ter. l*tfe NOTICES NOTICE-—The monthly meeting of the Centralia (R.C.A.F.) As­ sociation of the Civil Service and prevailing rate employees is to be held in the Legion Mem­ orial Hall, Exeter, on Tuesday, March 25, at 8:15 p.m. Election of officers for 1952 will be the main issue at this meeting. 20c FOR SALE — Ladies’ black shortie coat and suit: several dresses, all size 20, for short person, and all other articles all for $25.00. Apply The Times- Advocate. 20* BABY CHICKS > FOR SALE Good frame hem- ’ lock building, 50x20.—John L. ; Henderson, Kippen. Onta rio. phone Hensall 694-r-13. 20* GET YOUR CHICKS growing to­ wards good markets. Bray Hatchery has wide choice var­ ieties. davold. started, in coc­ kerels. pullets, mixed. Ask us for list and prices. Agent—Eric Carseadden. Exeter Phone 246-J 20c NOTICE—Any person who con­ tributed to building fund. Hurondale slaughter house de­ siring settlement from sale of said building please contact the undersigned" on or before April 4, 1952. Forty per fent of ori­ ginal cost will be paid, after which date the proceeds which are unclaimed will be donated to Hurondale Women's Institute. Apply Ben S. Case. 20:27:3c of FOR SALE—A limited amount of pure home grown Ladino clover seed. $1 .25 per Ih, — George Link.phone 24-r-21 Dashwood.3-20:fe SEE OR CALL us for strong germinating, high yielding Pio- j neer hybrid seed corn. Choice of early, medium and late hy­ brids. Order now, they may be sold out later. J. Earl Burr, R.R. No. 1 Dashwood, phone Grand Bend. 3a-r-16. 20 ONE. TWO THREE week old, Msxed. Pullets. Barred Rock, Liu’i: Sussex. Red x Rock. Leg x ’ 5-lamp. Special prices. Com­ plete line brooder stoves and poultry equipment. —Neuhauser Hatcheries '1 King Street. Lon- 383. 20 c WANTED WANTED — Coal oil hanging lamps; old colored glass.— Mrs. Ralph Bailey, Main St. 2-281fc den Phone REAL ESTATE HOUSE WITH ACREAGE want­ ed. We have a client wishing to purchase a- comfortable home with acreage, in or close to Exe­ ter. C. V. Pickard, Exeter. 3-2 S ealf, due hi September; part Dur-]lamps; kitchen utensils; quan- ham and Jersey cow, 5 years old, Hity of sealers, due latter part of May; part t?wat. wfl’iw Hereford and Polled Angus cow; 3 Durham fall calves; Polled Hereford bull 15 months old, best of quality, can be registered All cattle fully T.B. tested, with no reactors. PIGS—21 Yorkshire pigs 8 ■weeks old at time of sale; 10 Yorkshire chunks. MISC. ITEMS AND HOUSE­ HOLD EFFECTS—Deering 11- run disc grain drill, 2-wheel trailer with stock racks, 2 steel tire wagons, set of bob sleighs like new. with platform; ditch scraper, set of britchen harness and collars, syrup pan, quantity Of lumber and many other ar­ ticles too numerous to mention, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS— 2 square top extension tables, 6 din­ ing room chairs, enamel top kit­ chen cabinet, 2 beds complete with springs and mattresses, wash stands, couch, glass churn, space oil heater, etc, etc. No reserve as the farm is sold TERMS: Cash JOS. GELINAS, i»ROP. R. F. STADE, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCT. , etc., etc. REAL ESTATE: Property con­ sists of 50 acres, being North Half of Lot 8, Concession 14, Stephen Township. There are 14 acres of ipixed bush, remainder in grass. Never-failing water supply. This is an extra, good grass farm and will be sold sub­ ject to reserved bid if not prev­ iously sold. Terms of Real Es­ tate will be made known on day of sale. TERMS: Cash. MRS. ERNEST KEYES,‘ PROP. GLEN WEBB, MILFORD MERNER, CLERKS ALVIN WALPER, AUCT. 13:20c Clearing AUCTION SALE General Merchandise CONTINUED FOR REMAINDER OF STOCK FOR SATURDAY, MARCH 22 1:00 pan. STORE, ZURICH Street Corner is continued because nier- 10 sheets steel roofing; quan­ tity heavy duty belt lacing; elec­ tric fencei';- milk can; harness; pulleys and shafting; shovels; forks, ropes, whiffle trees, bolts; man’s bicycle, tires and tubes; many articles too numerous to mention. HAY & GRAIN: One bushel red clover seed; 2 bushels of timothy seed; 100 bushels of Clinton oats; 200 bushels mixed grain; quantity of baled hay and straw. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Elec­ tric washing machine; buffet; 2 beds complete with springs .and mattress; congoleum rug 135 x 12; Wilton rug 9 x 10; rug 9 x 12; circular heater; etc., etc. TERMS: Cash. No reserve the farm is sold. . EARL HERN, PROP. R. B. "WILLIAMS, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCT. as FOR SALE—A dark red pure­ bred Shorthorn, bull. Ready for service. Tested. —George Allen, phone 34-r-7 Kirkton. L.. TWO COTTAGES — Moderately ‘priced. Each of these comfort- ;able homes has two bedrooms, a 5 large bright living room and a t modern kitchen and bathroom, j Both have full basements. One ten. has oil-burning equipment, Quick 20c I possession. C. V. Pickard, Real- ----»tor, Exeter. Ont. 3-13tfc WANTED — General trucking, gravel and fill and topsoil. Apply L o r n e B e e k e r, phone 57-r-4 Dashwood. 13:20:27* WANTED—Small cottage with garden, country preferred. State price and full particulars. — Herbert Lee, R.R. 3 Mt. Bridges. 20:27* The undersigned auctioneer has. been instructed to sell by auction on THURSDAY, APRIL commencing at 1:30 p.m, CATTLE: FOR SALE — 1931 Model A ’------------------------------------------- Coupe, new motor. Also Model; lfiO-ACRE FARM — Modern 3-A Coach. —S. Deelstra, R.R. 1,1 bedroom house. Double garage, Centralia. 2<l:27*’large hennery and good barns. Hydro and water press u r e throughout. This farm is well located and is very productive. Spring possession. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 3-20tfc WANTED — Feed beans, any quantity. Edgar Cudmore, phone 171-r-14 Exeter. 20:27c FOR SALE—One team of work horses. Apply Lloyd. Ballantyne, phone 173-r-32 Exeter. 20c FOR SALE—Black mare, 9 yrs. old. Quiet in every way. Apply Bill Rowcliffe. phone 6S0-r-4 Hensail. 20c FOR SALE—Ford V-8 deluxe sedan in good running order, good tires, seal-beam lights, fog light. Apply 106 William St. 20:27* FOR SALE—100-acre farm with large barn, hog and age, 12 situated also 5 0 Apply Wm. S. Johnston, Zurich, Box 159. 20:27c WANTED—We require a num­ ber of copies of The Times- Advocate of Majrch 6 and will pay 7 cents per copy for a limit­ ed number, —The Exeter Times- Advocate. FOR SALE — Electric lantern projector and 50 slides. Ideal for S.S. or church -work. $50.00, — Phone 33-r-10 Grand Bend. 20* FOR SALE—-About 15 tons of hay; north of Kippen, first sideroad west. —-John Imensa, phone 6S-r-22 Hensail. 20e FOR SALE—54 runing feet first grade marboleum. Light green, slightly used. Reasonable. Phone 185 Hensail. 20* FOR SALE — Three-drum steel roller. Wray Sweitzer, 164-r-12 Dashwood. 20* FOR SALE—Baled hay, alfalfa and timothy. —Alvin Gingerich, Zurich. 20:27* SEW AND SAVE — New an d used sewing machines, fully guaranteed. Repairs to all makes and models. Singer Sewing Ma­ chine, Goderich. Phone 1135. 3-20tfc FOR SALE—About 10 tons of choice loose clover hay. Apply to Grant McLean, phone 6S4-r- 31 Hensail. 2u* house, driveshed, hen pens, double gar- acres hardwood bush, 25 miles from Zurich; acres of pasture land. WANTED TO RENT—A quan­ tity of good farm land in Exeter and Hensail district. Apply The Times-Advocate, phone 31-W. 20*. NEW HOUSE, central east side location. Kitchen, dining room and bath. Could be finished with either two, three or four bed­ rooms. •—R. E. Balkwill. 3-13tfc FOR SALE—B-A Service Sta­ tion, This is the leading and largest station in the town. Con­ sisting of large living quarters. Store and restaurant combined. Garage 30x60. Lot 124 ft. front­ age, 378 ft. depth. Apply Box “M”. 6tfc FOR SALE — New two-bedroom house, hardwood and tile floors, furnace thermostat controlled, large garage; owner occupied. —J. M. Mahon, 523-W. 3-21tfc. I HOUSE FOR SALE—Immediate possession, built - in cupboards, new partial bath; lots of new raspberries and strawberries. Large lot, 66’xl99’; full base­ ment. Apply Mr. L. Rumpel, Simcoe St., Exeter, Box 253. $3,000. 20:27* I TENDERS WANTED CRUSHING AND HAULING GRAVEL Township of Stephen Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned for the crushing and hauling gravel for the Township of Stephen; 5,000 yards to be taken from Moody’s Pit for the east half of town­ ship and 5,000 yards to be tak­ en from Stebbins’ Pit for the west half of township. Gravel to be crushed to g” size, Tenders to specify rate per yard for crushing and hauling. Township will supply one truck. Contract to be completed by the first day of July, 1952. A marked cheque must accompany tender. Tenders to be in the hands of the under­ signed on or before the 31st day of March. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. F. W. MORLOCK, Clerk, Crediton, Ont. SPARTON CONSOLE radio, just | like new, only used four months. ‘ cost $162.50. Owner leaving, town, will sell for iiev cash J offer by Saturday this week. — 621 William St. 20* FOR SALE—-Highway store with three roomy cabins and owner’s residence. Hydro and water pres­ sure. One acre, nicely treed. Well located.—C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. 2-28tfc NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of THOMAS WELSH, deceased, persons lining claims , the estate of Thomas FOR SALE ■ - Te.-l blue wool shorty < <>at. worn only a few times, size 1 1 «r 16. $15.00, — Phone 52b-W Exeter. 20* TWO-BEDROOM COTTAGE with additional apartment. Two mo­ dern kitchens and bathrooms. Oil heated. Well located in Exe­ ter. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. * 2-28tfc FOR SALE—Boy's sidewalk bi­ cycle, $18.00, W. Martin, Exeter, phone 43. 20* SALE—One man's blue Size 38. A real knockout $10.00. Also man’s brown $10,00. Can be seen at 20c FOR suit, suit, suit, Brady Cleaners. WE HAVE STORES in various parts of the county and an egg grading station including equip­ ment and cream business and ice delivering service and trucks.— Wm. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Par­ sons, Salesman. 3-20tfc FOR SALE — Massey - Harris cream separator, No. 9 fitted for electric motor. Also a Royal coal-burning brooder stove. Ap­ ply Mrs. Jacob Ratz, R.R. 3, Dashwood. Phone 161r-2, 20c FOR SALE-—Nicely-located build­ ing lot. Town sidewalk and serv­ ices pass property. —C. V. Pic­ kard, Realtor. 3-20tfc All against Welsh, late of the Village of Hensail, in the County of Hur­ on, who died on oi' about the 29th day of February, 1952, are required to file particulars of same with Messrs. Bell & Laugh­ ton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 29th day of March next after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON, Exeter, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 13:20:27c FOR SALE—Lady’s balloon tire bicycle in very good condition. Apply Times-Advocate. 20* DAIRY EQUIPMENT FOR SALE The all new Wilson Zero Spray. Front opening Milk Cool­ ers. Also Chore - Boy balanced low - vacuum pipe - line milkers. For free demonstration phone E. McBride, 206-R Exeter, Ont. 20:27:3:10* SERVICE STATION & STORE— Highway location in a very busy district. Large new building, built for the purpose. Modern living quarters. Air conditioned house. Watei* pressure. Up-to-date gar­ age and store equipment includ­ ed. Flourishing business. Very liberal terms. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. 3-20ffc 150 ACRES—Close to Exeter. Hydro. Fall wheat, 50 acres fall ploughing, 30 acres freshly seed­ ed. Some bush. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. 3-20tfc SUBSCRIPTION SPECIALS Ladies Home Journal for 2J years — $5.00 Time — 78 weeks — $6.87 * Any Magazine, Ahy Time - H. T. BUSTON Phone Exeter 308-r-5 21*tfc HOUSE FOR SALE—In Credi- 3-piece hath, hot i acre of land, Sidney after 5 20* In the estate of ERNEST KEYES, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Ernest Keyes, late of the Township of Stephen, in tl^e County of Hur­ on, who died on or about the 19th day of February, 1952, are required to file particulars of same with Messrs, Bell & Laugh­ ton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ont., by the Sth day of April next, after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been, received. BELL & LAUGHTON, Solicitors for the Executrix, Exeter, Ontario 20:27:3c ton, 7 rooms, 3 and. cold water, fruit trees. Apply Mrs. Smith, 75-W Crediton, i p.m. and on Saturdays, AUCTION SALES DO IT NOW! Call Sandy Elliot about milking machine. We have from $50.00 up and your really respond to the new man Low Vacuum Milker, faster with only 10 inches of vacuum. Phone today for demon­ station 64-W, 13:20:27:3c that them cows Hin- Milk FRAME HOUSE, 5 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kit­ chen, three-piece bath, furnace. Large barn, extra building lot, immediate possession, Wm. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 3-20tfc ADDITIONAL WANT-ADS MAY BE FOUND ON PAGE SEVEN New Red Brick House Two Bedrooms, Living Room, Dining Room, Bath, Oil Furnace - Andrew Street South « 11. E. BALKWILL PHONS 8 9-J EXETER Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Livestock, Miscellaneous Items and Household Effects The undersigned auetioneer has received instructions to sell by public auction on the premises Lot 19, N. Boundary Concession Hay Twp,, 2% miles north of Zurich, Goshen Line. THURSDAY, 'MARCH 27, 1952 Commencing at 1.30 p.m. sharp CATTLE—Roan Durham cow, 5 year's old, fresh 2 weeks. With red heifer calf at foot, roan Dur­ ham cow, 7 years old, due latter part of May; part Durham and Harford heifer carrying second AUCTION SALE of Real Estate and Household Effects Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, __ been instructed by the adminis­ trator of Elizabeth Davis, late of the Township spinster, deceased, sale: (1) Lot Concession, bert, 100 good water tank. (2) Lot Concession, bert, brick barns, driving shed, hen and pig pen. (3) Household effects. TERMS: On real estate down, balance 60 days. Reserve bid. Chattels Cash. Date of sale to be announced later. CROWN TRUST COMPANY, 284 Dundas St., London, Administrator. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ontario. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. 13:20c has of Hibbert, to offer foi* the Seventh26 in Township of Hib- acres pasture land, supply, windmill and in the Eighth Hib- bank house 26, Township of house, large 10% Clearing AUCTION SALE of Real Estate, Livestock, Auto, Farm Implements, Hay, Grain and Household Effects ON THE PREMISES, LOT 14, GON. 15, STEPHEN 1J miles west and 3 miles south of Dashwood; 5 mile north of Crediton Road The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, MARCH 21 commencing at 12:30 p.m. sharp HORSES: Matched team of Percheron geldings, 8 years old, quiet and reliable in every way; black Percheron mare. CATTLE: Roan Durham cow, 6 years old, due March 25; roan Durham cow, 6 years old, due before sale date; part Hereford and due fer, ter and milking, due in September; part Durham and Hereford years old, due April Hereford and Durham carrying second calf, July; white Durham heifer, car­ rying second calf, due at sale date; 2 Durham and Hereford heifers, due in May; Hereford heifer, 15 years old; 3 yearling steers; 2 yearling heifers; 3 summer calves; dark roan regis­ tered Shorthorn bull, 2 years old. This is an extra good herd of cattle with clear T.B. tests. HOGS and POULTRY: Tam- worth sow, carrying third litter, ,due in April; 75 Rock and Leg­ horn hens; good Collie dog. AUTOMOBILE: 1950 Pontiac coach, dark grey in colour, equipped with radio, heater and seat covers; correct mileage 13,- 500. This car is in new condi­ tion. FARM MACHINERY: M-H. 101 Junior Standard tractor on rubber, equipped with starter .and lights, all newly overhauled; M-H. binder, 6-ft. cut; Cock- shutt manure spreader, on steel and nearly new; M-H. W drill; M-H. mower, 5-ft. M-H. hay loader; 3-horse vator; 14-pla.te M-H. disc; bee riding plow; 3-drum roller; 4-section harrows; rake; walking plow; tired wagon; Durham cow, at sale date; carrying first part of June; Hereford cow, 4 years old, Durham hei- calf, due lat- part Durham 5 years old, cow, 5 4; part heifer, due in 11-hoe , cut; culti- ; Que­ steel dump rubber- tired wagon; 2 steel-tired wa­ gons; set of bob sleighs; 2 16- ft. flat hay racks; new wagon box with stock rack; single car­ riage; gravel box; snow fence; quantity of new lumber; quan­ tity of dry wood; Lester cream separator with motor; extension ladder; Clinton fanning mill complete with sieves; bag truck; wheelbarrow; 2,000 -lb> truck scales; new tarpaulin 11x12 ft.; buggy; cutter; logging chains; good iron kettle; set of sling ropes; small chains; grain shov­ el; grain bags; and many arti­ cles too numerous to mention. HAY & GRAIN! 90 bushels of wheat; 700 bushels of oats; 15 tons of good mixed hay; quantity of turnips. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: tension table; step ladder ; chairs; sets; i Ex­ kitchen stove; coueli; kitchen ; two complete bedroom small tables; Aladdin at THIEL’S Main This sale the extra large stock of __ chandise could not all be sold in one, day! Four complete breakfast sets; quantity of fancy cups, saucers; large assortment fancy dishes, china and glass w a r e plaques and novelties; of men’s clothing—shirts, ers, trousers, socks, ‘ jackets, parkas, ther mitt, caps, smocks 'overalls; girls’ and boys’ in various sizes; ladies’ ers, slacks, ski pants; raincoats, , trays, full line sweat­ breeches, snowsuits, lea- 5 and wear sweat­ men’s dress shirts, woollen sport shirts, fancy leather belts; full line of infants’ clothing; variety of rugs, fancy mats, tablecloths, chenille", -bedspreads, woollen blankets; large assort­ ment of floor covering, different designs, inlaid and congoleum. Be sure to attend this great auction. Everything will be sold without reserve as owner has sold this property. TERMS: Cash. CHARLIE THIEL, PROP. ALVIN WALPER, AUCT. x 13c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Farm Machinery and Some Household Effects AT TOMMY BUTT’S FARM at the VILLAGE OF KIPPEN on- MONDAY, MARCH 24 i at 1:00 p.m.. FULL LINE of farm machin­ ery and household effects. TERMS: Cash. No reserve, as farm is sold. THOMAS BUTT, PROP, HAROLD JACKSON, AUCT. 13:20c LIVESTOCK AUCTION SALE of Choice Durham and Hereford Cattle ON THE PREMISES, LOT 10, CON. 3, USBORNE li miles south of Exeter and 1^ miles east on the St. Marys road The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, MARCH 28 commencing at 2 p.m. sharp CHOICE COWS: Part Durham and Hereford cow, 7 years old, due middle of May; red Durham cowf?v 7 years old, due before the date of the sale; roan Dur­ ham cow, carrying third calf, due in June; part Durham and Hereford cow, milking with calf at foot; red Durham cow, milk­ ing, with twin calves at foot; red Durham cow, 7 years old, due before sale date. REG. MALE AND YOUNG CATTLE: Seven Durham heifers, carrying first calf, due in April and May; part Durham and Jersey heifer, carrying first calf, due in April; 10 Durham and Hereford feeder cattle, averag­ ing 800 lbs. each. Registered roan Shorthorn bull 3 years old, a real herd sire. Be convinced by seeing his calves. These are all the very choic­ est of cattle, fully T.B. tested with no reactors. TERMS: Cash. WALTER McBRIDE, PROP. GARNET HICKS, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCT. 20:27c Clearing AUCTION SALE Farm Machinery and Hay LOT 5, CON. 2, TUCKERSMITH l.f miles east of Hensail SATURDAY, MARCH 29 at 12:00 p.m. Massey 44 diesel tractor; Harris Massey- 2i I Clearing AUCTION SALE of Livestock, *Valuable Trucks, Tractors, Farm Implements, Hay, Grain and Household Effects ON THE PREMISES, LOT 14 & 15, CON. 15, USBORNE TOWNSHIP miles north-east of Kirkton, 9 miles east of Exeter on Huron Street The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26 commencing at 1 p.m. sharp CATTLE: Holstein heifer car­ rying first calf, due March 31; Holstein heifer carrying first calf, due April 3; part Durham and Jersey cow, due in June; Durham heifer, rising 2 years old; 4 steers, rising 2 years old; 3 Durham steer calves. These cattle have been fully T.B. tested with no reactors. PIGS: Seven Yorkshire pigs, averaging 150 ea'ch. TRUCKS: 1950 Chevrolet truck 2-ton pickup equipped with heavy duty tires and stock rack, in guaranteed new condition; 1948 Mercury 3-ton gravel truck with new motor, if not previous­ ly-TRACTORS, COMBINE, FARM IMPLEMENTS: Cockshutt 30- row crop tractor equipped with live power take-off, starter and lights; 2-row cultivator and bean puller; Cletrac Caterpillar, 3- plow size, power take-off and pulley and hydraulic loader; M.H. 12-ft. self-propelled com­ bine fully equipped with pick­ up attachments; Western 27-ft. .grain elevator on rubber-tired wheels, with hopper, used one season; John Deere l^-way disc; John Deere 8^-ft spring-tooth cultivator power lift on rubber; 13-disc Cocksllutt fertilizer seed drill tractor hitch and power lift; Massey-Harris 5%-ft, mow- l er. The above machinery all in first class condition and good as„ new. Ten-foot stiff-tooth cultivator with power lift; International 3- furrow tractor plow on rubber; tractor tandem disc; steel land roller; buck rake; Massey-Harris hayloader; 2-section lever har­ rows; rubber-tired wagon; steel- tired wagon; Massey-Harris man­ ure s p f e a d e r; Massey-Harris side rake; dump rake; post-hole auger; Cyclone grass seeder; li- h.p. electric motor; 2 rubber belts; Webster paint spray out­ fit and air chain hoist; _ .. heavy duty barn jack; jack; Chev 3-ton wheel and tiro; scythe; coal 500-chick brooder; and 12-ft. compressor; 3-ton 2 logging chains; small 3 sharp- Roan Durham cow, 4 years old, with calf at foot; roan Durham cow, due before sale date; part Durham and Hereford cow, milking, due lat­ ter part of April: Durham cow, carrying third calf, due latter part of May; 3 Durham summer calves. All these cattie are test­ ed for T.B. with no reactors. POULTRY; 50 New Hamp­ shire and Light Sussex yearling hens. Good Collie dog. MISC. ITEMS: McDeering mower, 5-ft. cut; set of diamond harrows; 12-plate 2-horse disc; Clinton fanning mill; 2 sets harness; set single harness; ex­ tension ladder; Renfrew cream separator; quantity of good lum­ ber; quantity of new elm planks; cutter; 4 shingles pulper; ous basket; tools; many articles too mention. HAY & GRAIN: choice clover and quantity of oats; turnips; 5 bags of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Two- piece chesterfield suite, like new; two 3~piece bedroom sets, complete; 4-leaf extension table; 6 dining room chairs; oak bur­ eau with mirrow; arm chair; glass cupboard; couch; Doherty kitchen stove installed with oil burner; sideboard; extension ta­ ble; rocking chairs; kitchen clock; quilting frames; box stove; carpet rug; quilts; centre tables; bake board; pictures and picture frames; lamps and lan­ terns; galv. pails and tubs; Beatty electric washer, like new; quantity of dishes and glass­ ware; some antiques; 45-gaL coal oil drum; etc., etc. . TERMS: Cash. No reserve, as the farm is sold! MISS PEARL KEYES, PROP. GLEN WEBB,' CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCT. 20:27c quantity of new cutter; 4 bundles of logging chains; root fence stretcher; numer- onion crates; large chaff wheelbarrow; carpenter scythe; barley fork; and numerous to 400 hales of timothy hay; quantity of potatoes. LIVESTOCK , AUCTION SALE* Valuable Dairy Cattle ON THE PREMISES, LOT 2, CON. 6, USBORNE 39 miles east of No. 4 Highway, 2 ' The been TRACTORS: No. Harris No.- 22 row crop tractor and equipment; 2-row scuffler and bean puller. A 21A self-propelled 12-ft. combine; Massey - Harris 12-ft. swather. Massey - Harris 6-ft. one - way .disc; M and tie automatic last year); furrow plow Massey - Harris stiff-tooth culti­ vator; 9|-ft. Massey-Harris trac­ tor disc; 9-section diamond har­ rows; Fleury Bissel spreader on rubber (new); two 9-ft. steel rollers; 17-run John Deere drill, single disc, hydraulic control and markers (new); John Deere beet and bean planter; 9-ft. lime and fertilizer sower; 7-ft. Massey-Harris tractor mower (like new); New Holland 10” hammer mill (new); Oliver 2- row corn picker; 10-ft. Massey- Harris binder; power emery; pea harvester and lifters; 5-ton rubber-tired wagon; 8-ton rub­ ber-tired wagon; steel truck wa­ gon and rack; grain boxes for each wagon; steel welding table; tractor comfort cover; machinery umbrella; grain lifters; Massey- Harris mounted weed sprayer with 3 0-ft. boom; New Holland power side rake; King-Wyse 4 2- ft. elevator; front end mounted, circular saw; air compressor and paint sprayer; tractor chains for 28” wheels; Hornet chain saw, 3-ft, blade; two 2,000-lb. scales; 32-ft. extension ladder; parts bin; Massey-Harris Master man­ ure spreader; bulldozer blade' 1947 3-ton Ford truck with combination box; Moffat electric pail; Beatty 2-c.ylinder pressure pump and GS-gal. tank (new); 9 cattle water bowls (new); 4 pig water bowls (new); copper kettle, barrels; 4 wheels fo" rolling rack; emery stand with 5-h.p. motor;90 rod woven wire fence (new); 250 ft. of $*inoh piping; 160 ft. of T-inch piping; 40 square used steel roofing- beet forks, shovels, chains, and grease guns; Coleman gas range- 25 tons baled mixed hay; 10 tons baled straw; other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS: No reserve, TED HAROLD E. P. CHESNEY, CLERK 20:27c M Waterloo wire hay baler (new Massey-Harris 4- (like new); 10-ft. Cash. Farm is sold. MUNN, PROP. JACKSON, AUCT. Clearing AUCTION SALE of Livestock, Poultry, Hay, Grain, MisdellaiiOous* Items and Household Effects ON THE PREMISES, North Half of Lot 13, Con. 15, STEPHEN TOWNSHIP miles west of DashwoodIS _ _______ 3S miles south; half mile north of Crediton road and miles south of Elimville. undersigned auctioneer has instructed to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, APRIL 4 at 1:30 p.m. sharp COWS: Holstein cow carrying second calf, due April 8; Guern­ sey cow carrying third calf, due before sale date; Holstein aow carrying third calf, due April 17; Holstein cow carrying third calf, due April 2; Holstein hei­ fer, milking, bred in January; Holstein cow, fresh 3 weeks, with calf at foot; Holstein cow, 4 years old, fresh 1 week; Hol­ stein cow, 4 years old, fresh 1 month; Holstein heifer, fresh 3 weeks; Holstein cow, milking, fresh 6 weeks; Holstein cow, 7 years old, due April 28; Hol­ stein cow, milking, bred January 15; Holstein cow carrying fourth calf, due April 17; Holstein hei­ fer carrying first calf, due be­ fore sale date; 7 Holstein hei­ fers due in April; registered Holstein carrying first calf Loc­ kinvar Columbus Emile bred to Rex Ideal Successor, due in April; registered Holstein hei­ fer carrying first calf Molly Dutchland Mercena bred to Elm­ croft 23. All with hood males Unit Sires of high pedigree. Be sure to attend this sale. All will be sold without reserve as own­ ers are disolving partnership. TERMS: Cash. ALVIN PYM & SON, PROPS. GARNET HICKS, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCT.20:27c Voyangeur M, bred Nov. cattle fully T.B. tested no reactors and all calf- vaccinated. All these fe- have been bred to Oxford 26 — north, Hern, AUCTION SALE PATES Alvin Walper, Auctioneer THURSDAY, MARCH 20 —- Gon, 9, Lot 12, Hay Township, Babylon Line. James Rannie, prop. FRIDAY, MARCH 21 — Con. 15, Lot 14, Stephen Township. Mrs. Ernest Keyes, prop. WEDNESDAY, MARCH Con. 15, Lot 14, 2X miles east of Kirkton. Earl prop. MARCH 27 — Lot 19, Con. North Boundary, Hay Township. Joseph Gelinas, prop. FRIDAY, MARCH 28 — Lot 10, Con. 3, Usborne Township, IS miles south of Exeter and miles east of St. Marys road. Walter McBride, prop. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2 — Stanley Township on Highway 21, 21 miles north of Drysdale. Leonard Etue( prop. THURSDAY, .APRIL 3-—North Half of Lot 13, Con'. 15, Stephen Township, 1$ Dashwood and 3?: Half mile noi'tli road. Miss Pearl Keyes, prop. FRIDAY, APRIL 4 -* Lot 2, Con. 6, Usborne, 2 miles south of Elimville. Alvin Pym & Son, props. e miles west oi’ miles south, of Crediton