HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-03-06, Page 9Page 9THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 6, 19S2
Heads Company Sales*
Mr. William Gordon, branch
manager for the Norwich
Union Life Insurance Society
in London, takes pleasure in
announcing that Mr. Macdon
ald, of Exetei’ and Grand
of Exeter
Bend, achieved top
honors for paid-for
in 1951.
in 1951His paid-for business
totalled in excess of ?500,000.
Hibbert Council Meets
Hibbert Township Council held
their regular monthly council
meeting Monday, March 3, in
Staffa Township Hall. The fol
lowing tenders for crushing and
delivering gravel on township
roads were received: 'George E.
Elliott, Clinton, 75 cents per
yard; Joe Kerr, Wingham, 65
cents per yard; Lavis Contract
ing Company,
The tender of
Company was
ditor's- report
council and
Clinton, 64 cents.
Lavis Contracting
accepted. The au-
was presented to
resolution passed
adopting report.
Owing to the illness of
teacher, Mrs, G. Hodgins,
pupils had a two day holiday
during the past week.
Mrs. Vern Ridley had a quilt
ing at her home on Thursday
Mr. Albert Devine of Mollard
Line had a chimney fire on
Saturday night but with the aid
of the neighbours and friends it
was soon extinguished.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hodgins
and family of Cedar Swamp
spent Sunday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Carruthers.
Mr, Hector Murray is spend
ing a few days in Toronto.
Mr. William Hodgins suffered
a heart attack on Saturday. We _____
hope to see him out again soon, 15“ o’clock.
Some of the schools of the
district will have films shown in
their classes this week.
World Prayer Service
Women of the Crediton Evan
gelical Church and of the Credi
ton and Shipka United Churches
met in the Evangelical Church
on Friday, in observance of the
World Day of Prayer. Service
was led by Mrs. E. Wenzel, Mrs.
W..Mack and Mrs. J. Ratz. Mrs.
Clydesdale of St. Marys was the
guest speaker and gave a very
interesting address.
Soloist was Mrs. Love of
Shlpka, Service was largely at
Memorial Service
Many baskets of flowers, plac
ed in the United Church Sunday
morning were in memory of
Carol Finkheiner who was pre
sent at the services one week
previous, and whose tragic death
took place the following Tues
Mr. Jas. Mawhinney. Sunday
School Superintendent conducted
a very impressive memorial
during the Church School Ser
vice. Mrs. Bowers, wife of Major
Bowers, returned Missionary
from Africa, was present and
proved helpful and interesting to
both young and older members,
Her son Fred was also present
and contributed a cornet solo,
The annual meeting of the
of the Evangelical U.B.
will be held at the par-
on Friday evening
sonage at
Our .congratulations go out
Mr. and Mrs. John Kuzmich,
the arrival of a son in St. Jo
seph’s Hospital, London,
Wednesday of last week.
Mr. W. A. Tiers, of Windsor,
is assuming temporary manage
ment of the local Bank of Mon
treal, during the absence of Mr.
C. W. Parkinson, who is spend
ing some
Mrs. M.
time in Head Office,
Faist and Miss
visited during
with Mr. and
Barley Contracts
Taken For
★ Seed Supplied from Registered Stock
A Fertilizer Supplied If Desired
★ Free Storage of Barley
Limited Acreage
Contract Today
1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------ft
Lewis Faist in St. Thomas.
Mrs. Rodney Bowman of Wind
sor, spent several days last
week with her father, Mr. E.
Mr. Russel Clark, of Detroit,
spent the week-end with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W.
Mrs. Ruth Watson of Brinsley
visited on , Saturday with her
aunt, Mrs. G. Wein.
Mr. Royal Haist, of Chicago,
spent a few days last week with
his parents, Mr, and Mrs. I-I.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Fahrner,
of Kitchener, were Sunday visit
ors with Mr. C. Fahrner and Mrs.
M. Ewald.
Mr, and Mrs. G. K. Sutcliffe,
of Goderich, visited over the
week-end with Mrs. Sutcliffe’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. William Berfy and Mrs.
W. H. Wyatt of London were
guests on Sunday with Mrs. A.
M. Berry.
Mr. H. K. Eilber has been
under observation in Victoria
Hospital this week. His- many
friends extend good wishes.
William Young
Funeral services were held in
London on Tuesday for Mr. Wil
liam J. Young, son of the late
Mr. and Mrs. John Young. Mr.
Young, a retired tinsmith, was
born in Crediton and for some
years had resided in London.
Mr. Herbert Young of Crediton
is a brother.
Elimville W.l.
Conducts Course
The Elimville Women’s Insti
tute held their short course,
"Something to Wear’’, in the
Elimville Hall last Tuesday and
Wednesday afternoons. A good
number of ladies attended and
learned different ways of plan
ning a wardrobe and patterns
and colors to suit their own
Euchre Club
The Elimville Euchre Club
was held on Friday evening in
the hall with Mrs. Everett Skin
ner and family as hosts. There
were twelve tables playing with
winners being: Ladies* high,
Mrs. Charles Stephen; gents'
high, Mr. Harry Sparling; and
consolation, Mr. Johnny Ridley.
This week Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Johns will be hosts for the
party on Friday evening in the
Mrs. Philip Murcli, Mrs. Alvin
Pym, Mrs. Harold Bell and
Carol Ann, Mrs. Ross Skinner,
Larry and Dale visited on
Thursday afternoon with Mrs.
William Smith and family at
Centralia airport.
Mrs. Lloyd Vogan and Sharon
of Molesworth spent a few days
with the former’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Cunnington.
World’s Day Of Prayer
The Elimville W.M.S. and
W.A. entertained the Thames
Road and Whalen ladies for the
"World’s Day of Prayer” serv
ice, held in the Elimville church
on Friday afternoon, Mrs. Hor
ace Delbridge, W.M.S, president,
took the leader’s part, assisted
by Mrs. Ross Skinner, W.A.
president, followed by the
World’s Day of Prayer leaflets.
During the program, Mrs.
Milne Pollen of Whalen ren
dered a lovely solo, "It Is No
Secret” and Mrs. Lennard Har
ris of Thames Road sang a
beautiful solo, "The Stranger of
Galilee”. Lunch was served at
the close by Group B.
The Elimville Church service
was held on Sunday at 2 p.m.
with Rev. Down of Exeter con
ducting the service. Rev. H.
Snell of Exeter delivered a won
derful message. Sunday School
followed at 3 P.m. Church serv
ices will be held this Sunday
at 2 p.m. and Sunday School at
3 p.m.Mr. and Mrs. Norman Holmes
and family visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stoner
of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Coultis
visited on Friday with Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Finkheiner of Ship-
Monday evening dinner guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Murch
were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pym,
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Skinner and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Delmer
Skinnej; and family, Mrs. Charles
Stephen and Betty Ann and
Miss Lenore Cooper.
Observe I’rayer Day
The World's Day of Prayer
was observed in St. Patrick’s
Church, Friday. Twenty persons
were present for a very inspiring
serveice led by Mrs. II. Davis.
Participants in the program
were Mrs. J. Turner, Mrs. W.
Atkinson, Mrs. H. Carroll, Mrs.
M. Lustig and Mrs. C. Atkinson.
Mrs. T. Kooy was pianist, Mrs.
M. Elston gave the topic and
Mrs. J, Dickins was soloist.
Dinner guests with Mr. and
Mrs. J. Turner Monday were;
Mr. and Mrs. M. Abbott, Mr. and
Mrs. C. Abbott, Mr. and Mrs. G.
Weinestraum, Mr. and Mrs. C.
Davis and family, Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Davis and Ivan. On Thurs
day evening their guests were:
Mr. and Mrs. M. McDonald, Mr.
and ‘Mims, H. Carroll and Mr. and
Mrs. H. Davis.
Mrs. J. Dickins spent Thurs
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
G. Squires of Whalen.
Dinner guests with Mr. and
Mrs. H. Davis Saturday were;
Mr. and Mrs. E. Atkinson, Mr.
and Mrs. C. Abbott, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Dickins, Mr. and Mrs. M.
McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. H.
Winners in euchre played af
ter dinner were; Mrs. Carroll,
Mrs. Dickins, Mr, Carroll and
Mr. Dickins. A sing-song was
enjoyed at the close of the even
Mrs. Greenlee and family of
Alisa Craig visited with Mr. and
Mrs. R. Greenlee, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. Dale, Lon
don, spent the week-end at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Barker.
Mrs. W. J. Davis had as her
dinner guests on Pancake Tues
day, Mr, and Mrs. C. Davis and
family and Mr. G. Weinstraum.
Mr. and Mrs. H, Latta, Carol
Ann and Kenneth, Mr. and Mrs.
D. Maguire and Leroy were Sun.
dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Atkinson, of
London, were Sunday guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Herman At
a............ ' —............—■
Exeter Salvage Co.
Phone 423
— We specialize in the follow
ing used items: Railroad
iron, angle iron, all sizes;
cables, all lengths and thick
nesses; chains, all sizes and
thicknesses; wheels, all
sizes, all kinds. Used tires.
Eye beams and all other
beams; flat iron, plates,
steel, all sizes and thick
New and used feathers and
feather ticks, scrap iron —-
top prices paid.
ft—.....................-....... ft
ft ft
Hopcroft Poultry
Representatives for
Write Us for Price Lists
Contracts Wanted
Barley, Oats and Soybeans
Red Kidney, White Kidney, Cranberry and
Marrvafat Beans
Phone 87 or 158 Dashwoodl
STUDEBAKER COACH, low mileage, overdrive.
CHEV HALF-TON, low mileage.
Graham Arthur
Use iltein to match the colors in
your rugs, drapes, wallpapers
Mrs. Victor Westman spent
Wednesday in London with Mrs.
J. Fisher who is still a patient
in the Hospital.
A number of persons from the
community attended the Gran
ton carnival.
Mrs. James Bendall of Oxford
County visited Mr, and Mrs. R.
Harvey Kennedy, Nelson Tate,
Oscar Metters, Haysel Perrins
attended Perth County Hog Pro
ducers annual meeting and ban
quet in Milverton.
Marion and Joyce Moore are
both sick with flu.
Rev. G. C. Raymer began a
ser-ies of Lenten services Sunday
Flowers were placed in the
church in memory of Mrs. George
A sale on the property of
Maurice Berry, near Prospect
Hill was held Monday.
Mrs. Alice Wiper, of London,
visited with friends in the com
munity Sunday.
Mrs. Joseph Zubol and fam
ily visited Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. J. Zubol Jr. and family.
Now you can choose from 1,322 beautiful decorator-styled
colors — FLO-GLAZE Coiorizer paintsl
Famous FLO-GLAZE quality in new Coiorizer paints assures
Here at last is a way to create your own distinctive color
schemes . . . match or blend paint with any other colors. No
more wasteful hit-or-miss mixing. Just pick the shade you want
from the 1,322 real paint chips in the Coiorizer Album 1
of Wallpapers
Choose It . , . Take It Home
Mrs. Edwin Miller and infant
son returned home from Victoria.
Hospital on Tuesday of last
’Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Hackney who were
married on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lome Passmore
entertained quite a number of
young married couples on Thurs
day evening.
Miss Elsie Bray of London
spent the week-end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Bray.Miss June Coward entertained
a number of young people on
Wednesday evening of last week.
Farm Forums were held at
the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Elford and Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Cottle and at Lumley
School House. .The Mission Band are holding
a St. Patrick’s concert in the
basement of the church on
Thursday evening, March 13. All
parents are cordially Invited to
attend. ,Regular Sunday Services will
Centralia Observes
Day Of Prayer
The World Day of Prayer
service was held in the school
room of the church on Friday
afternoon. Mrs. G. Burton was
the leader and opened the serv
ice with a talk on "‘The World
Day of Prayer”.
The printed programmes were
followed with special prayers be
ing offered by Mrs. L. Hodgson,
Mrs, K. I-Iodgins, Miss Agnes
Anderson, Miss Flossie Davey
and Mrs. Arthur McFalls.
A prayer poem was read by
Mrs. W. A. Elliott and the ad
dress was given by Mrs. Gerald
Godbolt. A lovely solo "Garden
of Prayer” was sung by Mrs. O.
Mrs. G. Hepburn was the
pianist for the service and soft
music was played before the
call to worship. The offering
was taken by the treasurer,
Miss Anderson. The service was
brought to a close with the
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrfe. O. Pollock and
family of Ripley were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lome
Mr. and Mrs. George Bayn-
ham visited over the week-end
with their son, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Baynham, in Detroit.
Mrs. Harold Tripp returned
home from St. Joseph’s Hospital
on Monday.
Mrs. F. Foley is a patient in
St. Joseph’s Hospital, London.
Many friends hope for a speedy
• The C.N.R. agent, with his
wife and family, have moved
into the residence of Mrs. John
Essery. We welcome them to the
village. 0Residents of the village were
greatly shocked on Saturday
when it was learned that Mrs.
Edith Flynn, widow of the late
Mr. George Flynn, had passed
away suddenly. We extend our
sincere sympathy to the family
of the deceased in their bereave
ment. , .. . .. .Mrs. Frank Smyth is confined
to her home owing to illness.
We hope to see her out again
in the near future.Steve Honbserger, youngest
son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hoiis-
berger, had the misfortune to
break his arm, recently, while
playing around home.
be hold on Sunday. Sunday
School at 2 p.m. Church Service
at 3:15 p.m.The monthly meeting of the
W.A. and W.M.S. met at the
homo of Mrs. Lome Passmore on
Wednesday afternoon.
ft ft
need of lifesaving blood transfusion services, the inevitability
of great disasters of fire and flood... all must find the Red Cross
ready. As the need to alleviate suffering grows, the generosity of
Canadians grows too. But today the task is almost beyond
measure. There is the challenge. The opportunity to help is
before you.
Phone JJ40-W Evoter
Gifts to your Red Cross are wisely used. Each year the accounting is approved
by auditors of the Dominion Government.
er non Heywood, Campaign Chairman 311 Gi<1,ey