HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-03-06, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 6, 1952 W-SB1 Our ......... ..... We Sell You A Fit In Our Private Truss Room s Trusses, Belts, Supports of AB Kinds SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Over 15 Years’ Experience Your Drugs At Robertson's Exeter ______ i Phone 50 radio news : BY ' . THIS IS Education Week L Is to wel Public and Schools mark the occasion a half-hour 920 tonight radio program at 9'30. *< * * Beware The "Idles" Of March - Sell Them Here FOR SALE FOR SALE WORK WANTED CLASSIFIED RATES FOR SALE—4U0 bates of hay. Alvin Walper, R.R. 1, Dash-| I wood. 6* j- --] I 4 jFOR SALE—44 sap pails. Also 20 gal. sap can for gathering sap? Will sell cheap. Apply Times-Advocate. 6c FOR SALE — Five - tube "Baby Champ” radio, cream, $26; Eleetrohome radio phonograph in brown leather ease, $50; Hoover “Dustette”, $20. All new condition. Adams, P.M.Q. 361A, RCAF Centralia. 6* ATTENTION FARMERS — We have several experienced Dutch farm help, mostly families. Apply now to Mr. E. M> Eel­ man, P.O. 336 or phone 678. 2-7tfc FOR SALE—Frame building 20’ x 24’, good shingle roof (would make double garage). Two-wheel trailer. R. E. Balk­ will. 6:13c FOR SALE—Good reliable 9 years old. Also young bred York hog. Hodgson, Centralia. team pure- Apply Reg 6c CUSTOM WOOD-CUTTING with chain-saw. Logs or wood. — Phone 342-W Exeter. 6c FOR SALE—-One Holstein cow, 6 years old. Due to freshen March 10. Apply Orville Lang­ ford, R.R. 1. Lucan, phone 15-r-4. 6* FOR SALE—Washing machine, in very good condition. Apply at N Anne Street. 6:13c FOR SALE—Baled hay, $15.00 a ton. Norman Mitchell, Cen­ tralia. 6* FOR SALE—International man­ ure spreader, 4 steel wheels, first class shape. Exeter Farm Equipment, phone 508 Exeter, j 6e WORK WANTED—A Dutch girl wants housework job. Live in. Apply P.O. Box 336 or phone 678 Exeter. G * BABY CHICKS FOR SALE—Male Collie pups. Mother real heeler. —Frank Parsons. R.R. 1, Hensall. tele­ phone G92-r-33. 6* FOR SALE—Shredded straw and Cartiei’ oats for seed. —Steve Basa, 5 42-1-4 Exeter. 21:6* CADET IzEAGUE is an educational pre- Maitiand Squadron ''-e air­ ing the facts its operation. Show will take the form of brief interviews with cadets and mem­ bers of the civilian sponsoring committee. Broadcast time will be Wednesday and Friday after­ noons at 5:25, immediately fol­ lowing ’'Torn Corbett—Space Ca­ det”, newest radio entry in the adventure field of science-fiction fantasy.# « * * THE AIR working on gram, too. from Goderich will iCIS V lake t 'f ■ FOR SALE—Good clean alfalfa seed. Apply Cecil Rowe, R.R. 1. Exeter. 6* FOR SALE—Two ladies’ suits, size 12. Can be seen at Brady Cleaners. 6:13* FOR SALE—Six Stockers; IS pigs nine weeks old. —Earl Raiz. phone 165-T-5 Dashwood 6* FOR SALE—’47 Chev Sedan; ’35 Dodge Sedan. Apply Brod.- erick Bros., phone 277 Exeter 6* ARTICLES FOR SALE — quality 51-gauge nylons, urday only at $1.29. summer shades. Tudor’s Goods, Hensall. First Sat- New Dry 6c BRAY PULLETS—You can’t do better. For the egg markets you have your eye on. Hatch­ ery has them for immediate delivery, dayold and started, also cockerels. Order mixed chicks in advance. Agent — Eric Carseadden, Exeter phone 246-J. 6c 25 words or less 60c More Than 25 Words »—» Per Word SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS 300 More Thau 25 Words —• Pei‘ Word 20£ OFF if ad paid with order or by Saturday following the last insertion Semi-Display Classifieds (restricted to one column) First Insertion 34c per inch Subsequent Insertions 70c per inch Classifieds calling for a number 10c extra. Classified ads accepted up Wednesday noon. Auction sale ■eopy should be in Tuesday at the latest. and spiles; and many too* numerous to men- 101 box till LARD FOR SALE—In 50-60 lb. containers, 10 cents a pound, while it lasts. Tieman Bros., phone 108 Dashwood. 6c MUST SALE—1938 Hudson Ter­ raplane Coach, good mechani­ cal condition, and battery. Original paint. , . Harry Dougall, R.R. 3, Exeter, phone Hensall 6S9-r-ll, 28:6* New rear-end Good interior, $150. Apply AN INNOVATION in church broadcasts was heard last Sun­ day morning. The rector of St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Wing­ ham interrupted his service after introducing Bishop G. N. Luxton. The Bishop spoke over the air from a recording; he was heard by the church congregation from a radio placed near the pulpit. The broadcast was part of a fund-raising campaign to pay for recent additions to lege.* * * FOR SALE—1948 Chev Coach. -Good condition. 8 Ann Street, Exeter. 28:6* IT WILL NOT BE OUR FAULT if you have no eggs next sum­ mer and fall. Spruceleigh chicks are bred on our own farm with many years of care­ ful breeding behind them. Many of the best dates are al­ ready booked by wise farmers who make sure of their stock. You should do the same. Write now for price list and new il­ lustrated catalogue to Spruce­ leigh Farm Poultry Products Limited, Box 12 ST, Brantford, Ontario, or order through Cann’s Mill Limited. 21:28:6:13e REAL ESTATE Huron Col- launches a Talent” this CFPL, London, new "Search for month. The program is aimed toward developing semi - profes­ sional talent especially for radio. Two winners get $100 each and a shot at CBC’s "Opportunity Knocks”. Gone are the days when the talented had to find a niche for themselves entirely through their own efforts. Now in many fields, and particularly in radio and sports, they are met at least half way. Get New Pep# Vim, Vigor What a thrill. Bony limbs fill out; ugly hollows till up. neck no longer scrawny, body loses half­starved, sickly “bean-pole” look. Thousands of girls, women, men, who never could gain before, are now proud of shapely, healthy-looklng bodies. They thank the special vigor-building, flesh-building tonic, Ostrex. Its tonics, stimulants, invlgorators. Iron, vitamin Bi, calcium, enrich biood, Improve appetite and digestion so food gives you more strength and nourishment; put flesh on bare bones. Don't fear getting loo fat. Stop when you've gained the 5, 10, 15 or 20 lbs. you need for normal weight. Costs little. New “get acquainted'' sire onlif 60c. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for new vigor and added pounds, this very day. At all druggists. OIL STOVE—Coleman, medium size. Only $49,95. Don South- cott, phone 31-W Exeter, SUBSCRIPTION SPECIALS Ladies Home Journal for 2$ years — $5.00 Time — 78 weeks — $6.87 - Any Magazine, Any Time - , H. T. BUSTON Phone Exeter 308-r-5 21*tfc FOR SALE—House, 7 rooms, 3- piece bath, hot, cold water; i-acre of land, fruit trees. — Mrs. Sidney Smith, 75-W Cre- diton after 5 or Saturday. 6* I WANTED FOR SALE—B-A Service Sta­ tion. This is the leading and largest station in the town. Consisting of large living quarters. Store and restaurant combined. Garage 30x60. Lot 124 ft. frontage, 378 ft. depth. Apply Box "M”. 6tfc INSURANCE WANTED — Coal oil hanging lamps; olia. colored glass. — Mrs. Ralph Bailey, Main St. 2-28tfc HOUSE WITH ACREAGE want­ ed. We have a client wishing to purchase a comfortable home with acreage, in or close to Exeter, C. V. Pickard, Re­ altor, Main St., Exeter. 2-28tfc FOR SALE—Home, 3 bedrooms, modern bathroom', one floor and basement, hot air furnace, hardware floors, good size lot, large shed. Andrew St., Ex­ eter. —Bell & Laughton, Soli­ citors for estate. 6:13c AUTOMOBILE Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Co. "World’s Greatest Automobile Mutual” CASUALTY Massie and Renwick Ltd. Liability — Plate Glass HOSPITALIZATION FIRE Mill Owner’s Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Union Insurance Society of Canton Ltd. ON YOUR DIAL Ernest 0. Harvey Insurance Agency Phone 47 less wheels, leverrf, Dr excess weight on these low-cost implements—-and they are easily interchanged, in min­ utes. The Faraiali Supet-A is built to power the diversified farm of up to 80 acres, or be the second tractor on the larger acreage. The Farmall Super-A pulls a one or two -bottom plow, cultivates one row of com and up to four vegetable rows. You can do effective conservation farming with the Supcr-A and matched equipment. Aik us ail about it* 1 i v ‘ i ■! 1 ■ I • J ■j » J|W r □ 1or f Just a finger-tip touch — and right now, a Farmall Super-A Tractor with Touch* Control does what you want done* You command 2000 pounds of hy* drautlc power to raise the implement# force it into the ground or hold it at any selected working depth, A full tine of matched, quick-change implements—direct-connected and forward-mounted —fits the Farmall Super-A to do a list of jobs as long as your arm—to do every power job for you whatever crops you raise. No use- S^e this Fctrrfiall at work oh your own farm Call us for a demonstration now. Pfiohe 153-W Exeter MORTGAGE WANTED — $4,500 on 100-acre farm with good buildings and bush. Apply Box D, Exeter Times-Advocate 6 * FOR SALE — New two-bedroom house, hardwood and tile floors, furnace thermostat con­ trolled, large garage; owner occupied. Possession arranged. —J. M. Mahon, 523-W. 21tfc WANTED — Pasture for season 4952 for client’s cattle. Kind­ advising pasturagely write available. —Bell & Laughton. 6c HOUSE FOR SALE—Immediate possession, built-in cupboards, new partial bath; lots of new raspberries and strawberries. Large lot, 66’xl99’; full base­ ment. Apply Mr. L. Rumpel, Simcoe St., Exeter. Box 253. $3,000. 28* WANTED — Season’s pasturage (50 acres) for 26 head of cattle for the 1952 season. Immediate arrangements must be made. Apply to the under­ signed, giving particulars and price. If offer is accepted, written contract will be re­ quired. Ontario, Thompson, Gregory, Anderson & Ehgoetz, 29 Downie Street, Stratford, Ontario, Solicitors. 6c GOOD FARMS—50 acres and 150 acres on county road. Also highway farms 90 to 200 acres. All have good buildings with conveniences. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman, Exeter. 31tfc Dated at Stratford, March 6, 1952. — We have GOOD FARMS with good buildings, well located for schools and markets. 50 to 300 acres. Choose yours.— W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman, Exeter. WANTED—Pasture for 10 head of cattle. Apply Times-Advo­ cate. 6* WANTED—Pasture for ling heifers, cow and Frank Parsons, R.R. sail, phone 692-r-33. FOR RENT 4 year- calf. —• 1, Hen- 6* FOR RENT —• Flat, containing bedrooms, kitchenette, sitting room and wash room, all furn­ ished. Private entrance. Carl­ ing St. next to Roller Rink. 28* FARMS FOR SALE—The estate of the late Albert Devine; 50- acre farm, Lot 20, Concession 19 of Stephen Township. On this farm is a house and barn —'also a rock well. Also for sale; a 25-acre farm across the road, Concession 18, quar­ ter of a mite south of Lot 20. This is good pasture land. — Executors: Mrs. Lloyd Mac­ Gregor, R,R. 4, Parkhill; Nor­ man Devine. 21:28:6* NEW TWO-BEDROOM HOME— In Exeter, J automatic oil f u r n a C e, full basement. four-piece bath, LIVESTOCK WANTED FREE THERMOMETER — plus cash at your farm for dead or disabled horses or cows. Tele­ phone collect Exeter 28 7-W, William Stone Sons, Limited. l-24tfc I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow. phone 83 Exeter, l*tfc HELP WANTED APPLICATIONS WANTED — Ap­ plications for the position of secretary-treasurer of the Hay Township Farmers’ Mutual Fire Insurance will be received by undersigned up to Satur­ day, March 8, 1952, at 1:00 p.m. State qualifications. The lowest or any application will not necessarily be accepted.— H. Eilber, Crediton, Ont. 21:28:6 WANTED—Lady or capable girl for minding two children af­ ternoons white mother works. Chisholm Beauty Salon, phone 112. 6c WANTED—A middle-aged lady as housekeeper for one adult. A good home rather than wages. Apply Times-Advocate. 6:13* LOST LOST—A small black Terrier dog with white around neck. Was last seen in vicinity of Eliraville and has been miss­ ing for two weeks. Please contact Freeman Horne, Win­ chelsea. nc LOST—A chair in Exeter. Leave at Times-Advocate. 6* MISCELLANEOUS HONSBERGER SIGNS TRUCK LETTERING SHOW CARDS Reasonable Rates Phone 661 — 122 Hill St. E. EXETER c 10:17* tfc FARMERS, Woodcutters, Loggers —Why search further for a fast-cutting, safe, power-chain saw? Buy PRECISION! Sold and serviced by D. L. Kernick, R.R. No. 3, Exeter. Complete informacion on request. N22:20wks* IF YOU ARE INTERESTED in Power Weed Spraying Equip­ ment, be sure to see some on display, I have also several kinds of weed kilter including Dow, Green Cross and Nauga­ tuck; also selective weed kill that can be used on young peas and alfalfa seedlings and brush-kill, Lindane and Chlor­ dane, DDT, Calcium - Arsenate and Arsenate of Lead. Apply L. V. Hogarth, phone 266. 13tfn NOTICE TO CREDITORS Clearing- AUCTION SALE of Farm Implements# Feed, Grain and Household Effects AT LOT 9, CONCESSION 12, TUCKERSMITfl TOWNSHIP 1$ miles south and 2$ mites east of Kippen on TUESDAY, MARCH 11 at 1:30 p.m. sharp the following: IMPLEMENTS: M.H. No. Junior tractor with lights, start­ er, P.T.O., and wheel weights; tractor scuffler and bean puller attachment tor plow; M.H. 6-ft. equipped with Wisconsin up, grain binder Deering 15-run double disc drill with power lift (nearly new); Cockshutt side delivery rake (nearly new); Cockshutt 1-way disc (nearly new); Cockshutt manure spreader; Fleury Bissell 3-section spring tooth harrows; Fleury oat roller; Smalley grain blower with pipes; Frost & Wood 6-ft. cut mower; Chatham fanning mill with bagger; Vik­ ing cream separator; Renfrew 2,000-lb. truck scales; Moffat electro-pail heater; 3-drum steel roller; 8-ft. stiff-tooth cultivat­ or; 5-section drag harrows; rub­ ber-tired wagon with grain box and flat rack; 2-wheeled trailer with grain box and stock rack; all steel stone boat; walking plow; single row scuffler; 30- ft. of blower pipe for threshing machine; 30-ft. extension lad­ der; B-h.p. electric motor; J-h.p. electric motor; electric fencer; Beatty brooder stove; grindstone; hag truck; steel gate; colony house 10’xl2’; feed troughs; 180’ of B” forks; shovels, chains and erous other articles. FEED bales of 100 bales 400 bus, able for seed); approx. 400 bus. of Ajax oats; approx. 200 bus. of Montcalm barley; approx. 200 bus. of mixed grain; approx. 100 bus. of feed oats. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS; Num­ erous household effects includ­ ing a Maxwell power lawn mow­ er with 1-h.p. motor. TERMS: Cash, No reserve as the farm is sold. FRED SLAVIN, PROP. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, AU CT. K. W. COLQUHOUN, CLERK 28:6c 3-furrow M.H. trac- M.H. tandem disc; Clipper combine a four cylinder auxiliary motor, pick bin and bagger; M.H. 6-ft. cut; McCormick buckets articles tion. HAY . of choice wheat; 650 bushels of early Alaska seed oats; 50 bush­ els of Beaver seed oats; quantity of good clover hay; 400 bales of straw. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Two oak extension tables with leaves; 3 small tables; 10 kitchen chairs; pictures and picture frames; various rocking chairs; couches; quantity of dishes; glassware; crocks and sealers; combination china cabinet; bur­ eau; box stove; small spinning wheel; rug, lantern; 3 high back chairs, etc. TERMS: Cash. No the farm is sold! EMMERY STEBBINS, PROF. GLEN WEBB, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCT. 28; 6c & GRAIN: 150 bushels antique parlor 10Bx9 ft., like Aladdin furniture; new; gas lamps; 6 reserve as emery; 12-ft. pipe; num­ 250GRAIN: Approx, timothy hay; approx, of clover hay; approx, of Clinton oats (suit- FOR RENT—Downstairs apart­ ment, heated and furnished. Centrally located. Suitable for quiet couple. Phone 274. 28* FOR RENT—Six heated rooms. Private entrance, hot and cold running water. Apply Times- Advocate. * 6c FOR RENT — Two-room heated apartment on ground floor, furnished or unfurnished, hot and cold water, share bath­ room. Available March 15. — Phone 294-R. 6* FOR RENT—Newly decorated apartment, centrally located. Ground floor; private en­ trance; fully equipped bath­ room, Apply Dick Howard, Exeter. . 6c FOR RENT —• Partly furnished apartment. Available the 15 th of this month. Apply John Ward, Exeter. 6* FOR RENT —- Small apartment, furnished or unfurnished. — Phone 226 Exeter. 6* PASTURE—-100 acres, in Stah­ ley, fenced so cattle can be changed to fresh grass. Plenty shade and water; loading gahgway. Write Dr. Moffatt, London. 6;13;20c basement. —- For particulars, phone Exeter Motor Sales, 200 Exeter (after 6 p.m. 282-J). 28:6* -Six-room hou&e, 8 3-piece bath, hot good basement, 4 ;1 acres Apply >U»L, 28* FOR SALE- bedrooms, air furnace, town water, garage, of land, low taxes, _ Ralph Batten, Huron St. East, Exeter. 28 FOR SALE—Highway store with three roomy cabins and own­ er’s residence. Hydro and wa­ ter pressure. One acre, nicely treed. Well located. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. 2-28tfc TWO-BEDROOM COTTAGE with additional apartment. Two modern kitchens and bath­ rooms. Oil heated. Well locat­ ed in Exeter. —0. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. 2-28t£c In the estate of VERA GRACE ESSERY, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Vera Grace Essery, late of the Town of Ex­ eter, in the County of Huron, who died, on or about the 5th day of February, 1952, are re­ quired to file particulars o. same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the Sth day of March next after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON, Solicitors for the Executor, Exeter, Ontario. 21:28:6c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Livestock, Tractors, Farm Implements, Hay, Grain and Household Effects, etc. ON THE PREMISES, LOT 9, L.R.E., BOSANQUET TWP, 2J miles south of Grand Bend, 1 mile east of B-A Station on Highway 21 The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12 , at 1 o’clock p.m. sharf) CATTLE: Two part Durham and Hereford cows, 6 years old, due at time of sale; roan Dur­ ham cow, 4 years old, due in April; Hereford heifer with calf at foot; red Shorthorn cow, 5 years old, due before sale date; 2 Durham farrow cows; part Durham and Hereford heifer, carrying first calf, due middle of April; Shorthorn cow, 6 years old with calf at foot; part Here­ ford and Shorthorn cow, 6 years old, due the latter .part of March; Shorthorn yearling hei­ fer. This is an extra good herd of cattle with'clear T.B, tests. PIGS AND POULTRY: York­ shire sow, not bred; 2 Yorkshire market pigs; Yorkshire sow bred December 24; 8 chunks. 150 Rock and Leghorn laying hens. A number of Bantam chickens. TRACTORS: McC-Deering ’50 Super A tractor, like new, equipped with hydraulic lift, finger touch control, used one year; also with complete 4-row 'scuffler, with and 1-row beet ing hydraulic plow; English Clearing AUCTION SALE of Livestock, Tractor#, Farm Implements and! Household Effects ON THE PREMISES, Part Lot 9 and 10, Con. 9, USBORNE TOWNSHIP mile south of Winchelsea, on St. Marys road. 5 mites east of No, 4 Highway, 4 miles west of Kirkton The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on TUESDAY, MARCH 18 commencing HORSES: horses, quiet every way. DAIRY CATTLE: stein heifers, freshened in ember; Holstein cow, 4 old, freshened in January; Hereford and Holstein cow, years old, freshened in January; Holstein cow, 5 years old, with calf at foot; Holstein cows 5 years old, due at time of sate; Holstein heifer, 2 years old; 7 Holstein heifers, 1 year old; Jersey calf; 3 I-Iolstein calves; registered Holstein bull, 2 years old. The above mentioned cattle are from purebred females and purebred two consecutive clean PIGS: 14 chunks, 75 to 15 0 lbs. each; chunks; 1 sow due June 1; 1 sow due June 1; 1 sow due June 15; 1 Tamworth boar, one year old. FARM MACHINERY: John Deere 12-24 on good rubber, in good working order; John Deere 2-furrow tractor plow; McCor­ mick Deering 15-disc fertlizer drill with power lift, new; Mc­ Cormick Deering hay loader; M-I-I. side delivery rake; M-H. mower, 5-ft. cut; 3-drum steel roller; McCormick Deering 3- section lever harrows; set dia­ mond harrows; rubber-tired har­ rows; rubber-tired wagon; steel wheel wagon; flat hay rack; set of sleighs with flat rack; Cock­ shutt corn scuffler; 1-horse scuf­ fler; walking plow; dump rake; grain drill; top buggy; open buggy; 2 range shelters; elec­ tric brooder; chicken feeders; extension ladder, 3 6-ft., new; Fairbanks Morse hammer mill extension pipes used 2 small quantity of cor- steel; small quantity , of 100 4-inch tile; iron wheelbarrow; stoneboat; cans, 80-Ib.; cross-cut hoes; root at 1 Two and p.m. sharp good work reliable in Three Hol- Dec­ years part 5 foundation sires with T.B. tests. averaging 16 small AUCTION SALES New Red Brick House Two Bedrooms, Living Room, Dining Room, Bath, Oil Furnace - Andrew Street South - IL E. BALKWILL PHONE 89-J EXETER Clearing AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements, Grain and Household Effects LOTs 11, CON. 3, HAY TWP. li miles west of Hensall, 2B south, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19 at 1:00 p.m. ED MUNN, PROP. ED CORBETT, AUCT, all attachments lifter. McC-Deer- 2-furrow tractor Fordson tractor, in first class condition, on rub­ ber; M.H. 2-furrow tractor plow. MACHINERY: International 14- plate double disc, like new; Cockshutt 13-disc grain drill; International 6 - ft. stiff - tooth cultivator; McCormick 5-ft. cut mower; McCormick 6-ft. binder; Cockshutt manure spreader; M.- I-I. 8-ft., fertilizer spreader; M.H. bean scuffler; International 3- section spring-tooth harrows; dump rake; 3-section diamond harrows; rubber-tired wagon ; 16-ft. flat hay rack, like new; cutting box; Bain wagon box; “ ' " ‘ . 2- 1-h.p, gas 14-ft. line . . 2 2 brand new suitable for rack, 2 ; Chatham fanning new Portland cut- 4 steel drums; gas pump; j; corn shelter; 20 wheelbarrow; 150- rope; 50O-capacity ; 13 5-ft. hay fo£k new gfain shovel; 15 single 9” with winters; rugated lumber; kettle; 6 milk saw; shovels; forks .pulper; milk cooling tank (gal­ vanized); %-h.p. electric motor; jjiwn mower; quantity of wood; quantity of grass seed; also Cockshutt 3-furrow tractor plow; 6-inch drive belt; etc. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, ETC. General Electric combination range, 4-burner, nearly new; 3- piece oak bedroom suite; 3-piece ivory enamel bedroom suite; 2 spring-filled mattresses; 1 mat­ tress; 2 sets of springs; day­ bed; wash stand; fern stands; linoleum rug, 9’x9’; 2 wash tubs; tub stands; food chopper; roasting pan; electric iron; vine­ gar barrel; and many articles too numerous to mention. TERMS: Cash. No reserve, as the farm is sold! GARNET JOHNS, PROP. GARNET HICKS AND W. C. ALLISON, CLERKS ALVIN WALPER, AUCT. 6:13c t Ge Lester 5-h.p, gasoline engine; h.p. gasoline engine; motor; 8-inch planer; shaft, complete with pulleys electric fencers 14-ft. sills; small .gates, mill, complete with sieves steel-tired buggy tqr 2 iron kettles cedar posts; ‘ ft. hay fork chick brooder; rope; pulleys; quantity of sacks, cords of good dry mixed wood chop boxes; 4 steel barrels of sling ropes carpenter equipment tools. new 7-ft. . set logging chains; maple syrup pan, 120 AUCTION SALE DATES Alvin Walper# Auctioneer WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12 — Lot 9, L.R.E. Bosanquet Town­ ship, 2i mites south of Grand Bend. Emmery Stebbins, prop. TUESDAY, MARCH 18—Con. 9, Part 9 and 10, Usborne Township. Garnet Johns, prop. MARCH 20 —THURSDAY, _____ Con. 9, Lot 12, Hay Township, Babylon Line, prop. FRIDAY, MARCH 21 — Con, 15, Lot 14, Stephen Township, Mrs. Ernest Keyes, prop. WEDNESDAY, MARCH Con. 15, Lot, 14, 2B mites north Oast of Kirkton. Earl prop. FRIDAY, 3, Lot 10, Exeter, 1J McBride, prop. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2 — Stanley Township on Highway 21, 2B mites north of Drysdale. Leonard Etue, prop. James Ranhie. 26 Hern, MARCH 28 — Con. 1$ miles south of miles east. Walter