HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-03-06, Page 3THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO^THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 6, 1952 Page 3 Service with Courtesy Exeter Cab Supertest Station PHONE 465 DAY OR NIGHT New and Used Milkers Lovell H. McGuire Phone 460-M Wingham Subdealers carrying parts: W. 'Li, Hodge, Crediton % A Elen Fletcher, R.R. 1, Kirkton Parts also available at: IRowclii’fe Motors, Seaforth Stade & Weido, Zurich OUR MOTTO: • Service with Satisfaction” Hensall, St Marys Battle In 'A' Hensail and St. Marys will fight it out in a hest-of-five series starting Wednesday night to decide the W.O.A.A. “A” win­ ners of this district. W.O.A.A. has ordered the playoffs over by Saturday in order to meet For­ est next week. Hensail ousted Thedford in the final game of their playoffs Mon­ day night by a 4-1 score. St. ■Marys eliminated Exeter in the fourth game of their series Fri­ day night with a 10-5 victory. Wils Allen’s boys had to stop a determined Thedford bid to stay in the game. After losing the first two, the Combines fought back to win two close ones, 5-4 last Monday and 4-3 on Friday, Mousseau was the big gun in Hensall’s payoff win Monday night. He scored two goals. Broom and Munroe counted the others. Lone Thedford tally came from Saltarski. Aftei’ a scorless first period, Hensall took a 2-1 lead in the second and made the win de­ cisive with two more goals in the third. Opens .Scoring Munroe opened the scoring in the middle of the second on a three-way combination writh J. Nicholson and Broom getting as­ sists. Mousseau tallied from Hildebrand and J. Nicholson a minute later. Saltarski scored from Galey near the end of the priod. Mousseau notched his at the five-minute mark third with the help of brand and A. Nicholson, got the final counter a and a half later on a play from Munroe and A. Nicholson. second in the Hilde- Broom minute * Minerals Stone Town Ousts Exeter In Fourth Exetei’ intermediates hung up their skates for the season after losing a 10-5 decision to the Stone Town six Friday night. St. Marys clinched their win in the third period when they bulged the twine five times. Exeter made its best showing in the second stanza when they narrowed the score to 5-4. St. Marys led 4-1 at the end of the first. Jerry Lawson scored two markers for the locals. Wagner, Waghorn and Lavolette counted the other goals. Don Fletcher and J. Noble paced St. Marys with three and two goals each. Game Summaries Recent reports indicate that a number of herds of cattle in various parts of the province are showing’ the symptoms of mineral deficiencies. This constitutes a serious threat to the health of Ontario cattle herds, a threat however that can be met’easily and dealt with effectively. Thedford 4, Hensail 3 First Period Goals: T—Dunlop (Carru­ thers, Jamieson) 10:00; T— Mc­ Lachlan (Brown) 11:52. Pen­ alties: none. Second Period Goals: T—C. Baird (B. Baird, Gooding) 5:50; H—Knight 7:10. Penalties—A. Nicholson. Third Period Goals: T—Jamieson (Carru­ thers) 0:20; H-—-Knight (Mun­ ro, J. Nicholson) 1:32; H. Hilde­ brand (Cowan) 18:50. Penalties: Wade, Hildebrant, Sangster, Baird, Saltarski, Shirran. St, Marys 10z Exeter 5 First Period Goals: SM—Fletcher 5:30; SM—Elgie (Baird) 5:50; SM— Scheuerman (Elgie) 8:50; SM —Fletcher (J. Noble) 9:30; E Waghorn (Wagner) 19:20. Pen­ alties—Penhale. Second Period Goals: E—Lavolette (Musser, Penhale) 5:55; SM — O'Brien (Fletcher) 15:45; E—Lawson 17:45; E——Wagner 18:50 alties—Penhale, son, Fetter (2), Third Period Goals: SM—-J. by, Fletcher) 1:42; E—Lawson 7:47; S-M—Fetter (Elgie) 9:17; SM — Elgie, 10:32; SM — J. Noble (Fletcher, Osgerbyl 11:02; SM—Fletcher (J. Noble) 15:45. Penalties: Tuckey, Waghorn, Lavolette, A. Noble. Lucan 8, Dashwood 1 First Period Goals: L—F. R e v i n g t o n (Smith, Stretton) 7112; L. Wat­ son (L. Revington) 15:28. Pen­ alty—R. Hayter. Second Period Goals: L—J. Hardy (Stret­ ton, N. Hardy) 11:04; L—Stret­ ton 14:14; L—F. Revington (J. Hardy) 19:33, Penalties: F. Revington 2, J. Hayter 3, Wein, J. Hardy, Stretton. Third Period Goals: L—Stevenson (J. Rev­ ington) 1:37; L—Stretton 3:27; L—F. Revington 16:36; D— Wein 17:49. Penalty: Watson. B. Pen- Tuckey, Law- Elgie. Noble (Osger- Club Nears Top Spot Ready For Playoffs The Exeter Badminton Club, in line for one of the top two spots in the Western Ontario “C” league will join in the open tournament in Clinton at the end of this week. From there they will go on into the playoffs among the top four teams. A home and home series for total points will be played off between the first and third teams and the second and fourth teams in the league. The club has lost only two matches and has wop every tournament since C li r i s t m a s. Three of the top players are front RCAF Centralist. President of the club, Hugh Wilson, says the club will break even financially this year al­ though earlier in the season lack of paid membership showed a big defieite on the. books. Members of*the club’s tourna­ ment team are: Ada Dinney, Elsie Tuckey, Betty Wilson, Wil- la Hunter, Lois Baker, Loreen Shapton, Irene Beaupre, Clare Bowyer, Luke Ouelette, Ray McElwee, Ray Wuerth, Bob Din­ ney, Ross Tuckey, Herman Dett- mer, Bill Bird and Hugh Wilson. “C” league consists of teams from Stratford, Clinton, RCAF Clinton, Seaforth, field, Zurich and Exeter, Tlie Bay- the Exe- Here are mineral deficiency symptoms that you should be on the look-out for: (1) Depraved Appetite—cattle chewing’ bones, leather, boards in an effort to get minerals from a foreign source. (2) Stiffness of Joints—the cattle are now’ reaching a state of severe deficiency. They will demonstrate a poor appetite and poor physical condition. Here is your EASY CURE or better still your EASY PREVENTATIVE for mineral deficiency in your cattle. SHUR-GAIN Essential Mineral for Cattle t Simple isn’t it? and ESSENTIAL We can supply you with SHUR-GAIN ESSENTIAL MINERALS FOR SATTLE — $4.10 CWT. . Cann’s Mill Ltd. EXETER WHALEN CORNERS 3B OB STOE4SS Ji. IBSlia Jig MEW CASE Break-AwayPlmu Stop worrying about bent beams and broken shares! When this new Break-Away Plow hits a rock or stump, the safety release lets go. It re-couples itself when you back the tractor. You touch the hydraulic control and the plow lifts clear of the obstacle. Like otfyer Latch-On Plows for Case "VA” Series Tractors, this Break-Away Plow has one-minute hook-up, from tractor seat. It has the same free- floating action that holds even depth in un­ even ground. Come in and see it. Winner Of Lucan-Zurich Bout Meets Wellesley In 'B' Series The Lucan Irish went one up in the final playoff series with Zurich with an overtime 5-4 win Monday night. Ron Stevenson’s goal at 1:12 of the extra period was the winning clincher after $he teams had struggled to a deadlock at the end of regular Play. Both bucked sudden local ”B” winner. Lucan won the round robin series by whipping Dashwood 8-1 Friday night. Zu­ rich, in second place, was order­ ed to play the deciding quickee with Lucan but both teams balk­ ed at the single game'^idea. Lucan and Zurich teams a W.O.A.A. edict for a death final to decide the W.O.A.A. president Hugh Haw­ kins gave them until Thursday to play either a two-out-of-three oi’ home-and-liome goals-to-count series. They decided on the for­ mer and the second game will go Wednesday night. Winners will play-off with Wellesley in the next series, Stretton scored twice for the Irish to lead them to victory in the first game. N. Hardy and L. Bevington notched the other markers. O’Brien, Decker, Hesse and Barash counted Zurich’s goals. Lucan led 1-0 at the end the first; Zurich was up 3-2 the second; the Irish tied it the third. Native Of Exeter Dies In Vancouver Mrs. Teresa Shortreed, former Teresa Coward of ter, died in Vancouver on Febru­ ary 22. She was the wife of Dr, Roy D. Shortreed, a Vancouver dentist. Born in Exeter, she moved to Vancouver 32 years ago. Surviv­ ing besides her husband are two brothers, Roy and Charles Cow­ ard of Woodham, and two sis­ ters, Mrs. Florence Burns, St, Thomas and Victoria Coward, Exeter. Mrs. Shortreed was an active lodge member in the west coast city. She was a member of Zarah Lodge, Daughters of the Nile and took an active interest in the or­ ganization’s work on behalf of crippled children. She was also a member of the United Church. Keglers Dukes . Maroons “B” Division Whizz Bangs Chuckers .... Short Circuits Rural Rollers Butchers ..... Apple jacks .... Strikes Panthers Down The Alleys Ladies’ League The league-leading Frisky Sis­ ters had a run for their money in the third game of their match with the Yarn Spinners when the Spinners bowled enough to give them two points for the game and one The Sisters, out the extra two games to Phil Haworth winners with 621 and 213. the losing Yarn Spinners Robinson bowled high triple (225). The Busy Bees coasted by Trailers for seven points. Geor­ gina Webster came out ahead again with 622 and 240 for the Bees. Maxeen Reeder was high scorer for the Trailers with 505. Five points were taken by the Happy Gals when they met the Hot Dogs. Dot Hall was£' best when she bowled 619 and 265 for the Gals and on the defeated team, high triple, 49-2 (203) was bowled by Dot Brady. The Hi-Lights took five points from the Jolly Jills with the help of a 464 triple by Kay Han­ nigan. High for Jills was a 519 triple by G. Bierliug. The Alley Cats bowled for all seven points against the Cracker­ jacks. A 52 8 triple by E. Foley was tops for the winners and for the Cracker jacks D. Bird’s 486 was best. The Pin-Heads tangled with the Merry Maids for five points. Dee Sword was top scorer for the winners with 583 and 250. For the Maids, E. Charlton bowl­ ed 560 and 208. for the total, however, squeezed point in the first put them ahead. was best for the For D. 557 the Under 17-Point Handicap Maroons Play Final Saturday Exeter Maroons will travel to Leamington Saturday with a 17- point handicap on their shoul­ ders for the final game of the home-to-home, points to count series. Disappointed, but not discour­ aged, over their 59-42 loss Sat­ urday night, the local hoopsters still have a chance to win the series if they can get that ball through the hoop and not around The round oval misbehaved for the Maroons most of Satur­ day’s game. Shot after shot, es­ pecially during the first half, rimmed the basket as the locals’ shooting eye was slightly off. The Marroons w'ell outplayed the Leamington crew in the first half but the score ended 23-18 for the visitors. The jinx didn’t disappear in the second half as the Falcons went on to the 59-42 win. Doug Robinson scored 19 points for the winners. Glen Schroeder led the Maroons with 13 while Uel Schroeder potted 10 and Ken Moir eight, the match in the high school gym. f: t Ladies League Standing (Friday Morning) G P Frisky Sisters ...63 83 Busy Bees ............................63 82 I-Iappy ..Gals ......63 S2 Alley Cats ..........63 79 Pin Heads .........1 1 U 1 < < ) t 63 77 Merry .jS&aids .....63 75 Hot Dogs ...........60 72 HiLights ..............163 71 Jolly Jills ...........60 68 Yarn Spinners ....1 63 66 Trailers ............63 61 Crackerjacks ......63 59 Two modern youngsters were discussing the subject of piggy banks. “I think it's Childish to save money Maryopined. replied. “And it encourages misers.” “ worst of it. turns bers.’ little Ahnie that way, ‘I do too/ I believe also tihat childern to become 'And that’s not the Mary exclaimed. “It patents into bank-rob- Men’s League The playoff race in “A” sion continues at a hectic and neck pace as the top teams battle it out for the payoff positions. After Monday night’s spree only four points separate the five sixes. The Tradesmen took over top spot by whipping the Spares 5- 2. Re; “ ’ (270) Rene (287) The second-place tie with the Spares with a whitewash of the Mar­ oons. Har Brintnell paced Ed’s team with 6 61 (291). John Christie bowled 613 (271) for the colored shirts. The Big points ahead by blanking Ken Hockey’s six and Ford with 642 (225). The Pinpoppers took five from the Dukes. Jake Wuerth trun­ dled 590 (245) for the printers while Grant Cudmore’s 554 (250) was best foi’ the Dukes. “B” Race Race in “B” division is con­ fined to the Rural Rollers and Butchers who are battling for that fourth place spot. The Roll­ ers are five points up on the Butchers but the latter have one more game to play. The Roll­ ers lost a 5-2 decision to the Chuckers Monday night. Bill Mc­ Lean trundled 742 (277), best score of the night. Best for Rollers (233). Still Whizz Panthers 4-3 to bring their total to 89. Irv Armstrong sparked the winners with a 649 (282) night. B. Heywood trundled a nice 689 (261). Wednesday night the Butchers took five Circuits meatmen one pin. (231) was best for both teams. Murray Brintnell trundled 693 (241) for the ’electricians. The Strikes whipped Applejacks 5-2 with Bill Kenzie’s 627 (244) showing way. Wes Watson was best the, 'jacks with 578 (213). “A Tradesmen Spares ....... Spare Parts Big Six .... Pinpoppers LEAMINGTON----Robinson 19, Irwin 12, Hicks 12, Jackson. 6, McCallum 4, Wigle 4, Templch, Emerson, Wilson. Gow 2. EXETER-—G. Schroeder 13, U. .Schroeder 10, K. Moir 8, J. Reiher 7, G. Cann 2, G. Rether 2, E. Farrow, B. George. Portable Arc Welding Acetylene Welding Steel Fabrication Machine Work Grinding Marshall & Murray Machine Shop Exeter Spring’s Around The Corner!! SEE OUR SELECTION OF Used Cars WILLYS STATION WAGON DODGE REGENT SEDAN DODGE SEDANS (2) MERCURY SEDAN DODGE 'SEDANS (2) DESOTO CLUB COUPE For Example: Phone 200 FRED DOBBS, PROP.Exeter divi- neck four :g Taylor rose to a 713 for the winners while Francois chucked 693 for the Spares. Spare Parts moved into a Six jumped two of the Pinpoppers the Keglers 7-0. 657 (243) led the topped Pop’s team was Ivan Stewart’s well out in front are Bangs who edged the 627 the the points from the Short in a close tilt. The won the total by only Harold Wolfe’s 65 5 Division the mu