HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-02-28, Page 88 •r THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 28, 1952 , /Made T/e mee/etst _ .... C? AGS SALADA TEA* aHlal A* Special Bargains THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY During “Treasure Hunt” Days ANDERSON’S Phone 37 Exeter ■h ■■ INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER Select from 10 Ooor Handle Colors ENTIRE INTERIOR ACID RESISTING F. W. Huxtable Phone 153-W THURSDAY ONLY! YOUR TREASURE HUNT SPECIALS! ★ * ★ ★ ★ LOAF CAKE AND DOZEN COOKIES Regularly 550 ,..................... Special 450 FRIDAY AND LAYER CAKES Regularly 500 .. 0 SATURDAY ONLY! Special 450 TARTS (Butter. Raspberry. Lemon) Regularly 450 ....................*.......... Special 400 HONEY-DIP DONUTS Regularly 390 .............. CUP CAKES Regularly 500 . ★ PEANUT CLUSTER CANDY Regularly 790 ................ ......... doz. Special 350 Specie! 450 doz* doz. Special 690 lb. Mayfair Bakery “A TREASURE HUNT STORE” — By Grand Bend has come to rea­ lize that its local lady of the li­ brary, Mrs. Irene Meyers is not just snooping when she begins to ask questions around the vil­ lage. She.’s hunting news for the weekly column of Community happenings. ’ A few months ago Mrs. Meyers joined T-A correspondents’ ranks and now it is not just a solitary project but one shared by the whole community. She is known by members of th village more for the keen in­ terest and which she the Public ever people stand the importance of her posi­ tions as "news hunter”. The vil­ lagers are very interested and cooperative,” she said, "They really have helped to get the column filled each week.” Mrs. Meyers enjoys the work andjshe has gone into it with de­ termination to do the very best and to improve with every week. She welcomes criticism, wise,” she said "I how to improve.” She spends a time reading and be forever hunting thing new and interesting in life as well as her work, hard to say just what she her sights trained on but may be sure it is a goal she reach with much success. Meet our lady of the week, an extremely interesting .person with a keen mind uable service * After Hours The James iary are going ahead with great leaps on a project for quilts, Clothing and useful household articles which will make make up bales for needy families in other countries. Their February meeting was at the home of Mrs. Carfrey Cann and where some 18 ladies work­ ed on knitted squares for an afghan. A very interesting program was presented by Mrs. R. M. Southcott. * * * The sorority in town is bounc­ ing ahead on plans for their an­ nual Balloon Ball to be held in March this year. The gals have lots of surprises in store for their formal night out this year. They will crown a 195 2 Sorority Sweetheart. * Members met at the Luxton Wednesday of last week to honor Dean Morley, a former employee, who plans ried in March. :,k J|t Pantry an easy Rice. It’s * And The Here’s Spanish competence with looks after books a\ Library. Lately, how- have begun to under- "other- wouldn't know great deal of she seems to for some- her It's has you will and offering inval- to her community. * * « Street Junior Auxi- of the home of $ R. * bank staff Mrs. Robert to he mar- 1X recipe extra for good Trivitt Groups Plan Projects The W.A. of Trivitt Memorial Church has taken on a project to provide clothing and bedding for the Indian school at Brant­ ford. At their February meeting, held at the home of Mrs. L. Hod-i gins, members devoted the night to work on quilts for the school, During a short business ses­ sion, the ladies made final ar­ rangements for their part in the World’s Day of Prayer. To Decorate Hall Members of the church Guild will decorate the hall of the rec­ tory, Arrangements were made for work to start on this project soon. The ladies of the group also started work on their St. Patrick’s Tea to be held in •March. \ B’A T with left over fish or any food for that matter. Spanish Rice To 4 cubs pf boiling water add 2 tsp." salt and 2 cups of rice. Bring to a boil over direct heat and then reduce heat and sim­ mer gently, Cover the pot ana shake it occasionally. Watch to see that it doesn’t burn. Fry 30 or 40 minutes, the water should be all absorbed and the rice cooked, Fry 2 large onions, chopped finely, in 2 tbsp, butter or mar­ garine until they are golden. Add 1 tsp, chili powder and a large can of tomatoes. Put thia mixture in the top of a double boiler and add 1 cup of grated eheddai’ cheese. Place over boil­ ing water and stir until cheese :is melted; A plain cabbage salad is a good complement. World Day Of Prayer At Main St. Church Women’s groups from all Exeter churches have organized the joint program for the World’s Day of Prayer to be held in Main Street United Church, Friday February 29. The fisrt service will be at 3 p.m. and each group has a part in the service. In the even­ ing, the younger women’s groups will conduct a service. The evening service was be­ gun several years ago for the benefit of working people, stu­ dents and young mothers who are unable to attend the afternoon service. The ladies have spent many hours planning these services and an interesting program has resulted from their work. Citizens are all urged to attend. Sorority Hears Talks On Drama And Art Drama and Art were featured by the local chapter Beta Sigma Phi at the group’s February meetings. C__.... Mrs. James Lyne of Mrs. Forte of the Little Theatre. Some 25 members Forte’s talk on stage presenta­ tion at the home of Dean Mor­ ley, February 5. Members gain­ ed information on the essentials in forming a drama lowing her talk, Mrs. ected the group in skits. The speaker was by Ada Dinney and thanked by Phil Haworth. Lunch was serv­ ed by Maida Richards, Betty Wilson and June Hayter. 'Mrs. Lyne in her,third talk to the group, February” 19, traced the history of art from early Egyptian, to modern, discussing contributions and advancement made by each period of history. Doris Dettmer was hostess to the group on that occasion and Dean ' Morley introduced and thanked the speaker. The roll call \vas answered by suggestions for projects and members brought many original ideas. The Balloon Ball will be held March 11 and Gwen Whilsmith Will organize the annual fashion, show for early April. Ada Dinney, Gwen Whilsmith and Doris Dettmer served lunch. the ___ _ - ____ . Guest speakers were Exeter and St. Marys heard Mrs club. Fol- Forte dir­ impromptu introduced Tomlinson’s Hairdressing PERSONALIZED PERMANENTS in Machine, Machineless or Cold Wave Hair Styling and Shaping For Appointment Phone 146 4,itiiiilliliiniiiliiiiiilliiiiillliliiiH*iiiil*liitHiliiiiiii»niiiliiiiililiiliiiiiiiiiiilitl(tiiitttit(tititiutiiililliiiii><«iiiiiiillr,z Chisholm Beauty Salon Specializing in Permanent Waving, Hair Cutting and Styling - All Other Lines of Beauty Culture - MURIEL CHISHOLM (Proprietress) Phone 112 Exeter S' See Our Special Table Of Real Bargains ♦ s “A TREASURE HUNT STORE" '8 Reduced Prices on held with the the members of Strat- SEE OUR WINDOW OF SPECIALS Pride of A TREASURE HUNT STORE” Last Days of Sale - Don't Miss This February 28, 29 and March 1 Group To Visit Sister Lodges Pride of Huron Rebekah lodge with N.G. Mary Gardiner presid­ ing met on Wednesday, Febru ary 20 wib forty-five of Ruth Rebekah Lodge ford as their guests. Dates of interest to Huron Lodge members are March 4 when the members will visit the Goderich Lodge; March 5, officers of the local lodge will entertain tlje members; March 10 a card party will be held in the lodge roams; March 14 Pride of Huron Lodge will visit Monc­ ton Lodge and on April 7 will visit Edelweiss Lodge Seaforth on the occasion of the visit there of Assembly Presdent, Mrs. Betty Anderson of North Bay. ’ Following the business meet­ ing, the officers of Ruth lodge with N.G. Mrs. Alice Bilodeau presiding took charge of the meeting. Their degree team with Mrs. Marguerite Braziex* as cap­ tain. conferred the Rebekah de­ gree upon three Exeter candi­ dates. N.G. Mary Gardiner thanked the Stratford degree team for the impressive work they had carried out and presentations were made to N.G, Alice Bilo­ deau and Degree Captain, Mrs Brazier by Mrs. Jean Creech and Mrs. Celia Thomson. Miss Evalina McKenzie, Dis­ trict Deputy President, and other members of Ruth lodge spoke briefly. A social half hour concluded, the evening. Caven WMS Plans For World Day Of Prayer The February meeting of Ca­ ven Auxiliary WMS was Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs, W. G. Cochrane Mrs. E. Mitchell presiding. Mrs, A. Moir conducted devotional period reading scripture followed by prayer. Mrs. Cochrane gave a lovely ver­ sion of "The Lor-d is my Shep­ herd." Arrangements were made for the World Day of Prayer. Mrs. F. W. Whilsmith took the topic from the Study Book on South America which proved very in­ teresting. Mrs. D. Millar and Mrs. W. Sillery gave the history of the first peoples of South America. The meeting closed by sing­ ing by Mrs. Mitchell. Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. J. G. Cochrane and Miss Ballantyne, S' if iiwv vmvii m i iiiiv e • • A Salesman was looking for a safe spot to hide his treasure. As he rode through Exeter he noted the sign “THE HOL­ LOW TREE”. Said her, “Why there’s the very spot for my treasure. Where else but a HOLLOW TREE would you expect to hid and to find treasure.” COME ON, FOLKS! WE HAVE IT! Table and Floor Lamps Hopper-Hockey FURNITURE Phone 99 “A TREASURE HUNT STORE” / Dresses buy one ... we give you one free! Coats EXACTLY HALF PRICE Ski Suits A FEW LEFT — HALF PRICE Station Wagons three left — half price Pyjamas Night Gowns snuggledown’s — 30% off Come, See and Pick-up Th ese Bargains During Treasure Hunt Days 9 1 2 6 5 1 1 1 3 at at at at at at i Ski Suits $12.00 ........ $10.50 ........ $15.00 ......... $8.50 ........... $14.25 ......... $10.85 ......... ... NOW ... NOW ... NOW ... NOW ... NOW ... NOW Children's Coats NOW $14.50 NOW $13.00 . NOW $9.00 (10) $28.75 . (10) $25.50 . (7) $17.75 ... f»i if Station Wagons at $35*00 ................. NOW $18.00 2 at $22.50 ................... NOW $12.00 1 3 1 Ladies' Winter Coats (10) $39.95 ...........NOW $20.00 (14) $32.75 ............. NOW $16*50 (12) $39.95 ............. NOW $20.00 (14) $45.00 ............. NOW $23.00 (14) $55.00 ............. NOW $27*50 (18) $45.00 ......... NOW $23.00 (16) $32*75 ............* NOW $16.50 Ladies' Rain Coats (20) $21*75 ...... NOW $11.00 (12) $15*00 ............... NOW $8.00 (16) $25*50 ............. NOW $13.00 Ladies* Corduroy Suits ' (M2, 2-16) $14.50 **.* NOW $9.50 (14) $18.95 ............. NOW $10.50 Hatter's Ladies' & Children's Wea r