HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-02-28, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 28, 1952 This Page Is Everybody’s Business, Too . FQR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE LIVESTOCK WANTED CLASSIFIED RATES -a, It f* I II(jet educated! FOR SALE-—Four-piece bedroom outfit; a set of dishes for 12; a set of silverware for 12; a small cookstove; Pigs. phone 370-W Exeter. Apply Harold 10 small Elliott. 28e FOR SALE OR TRADE?-—Two Dalmatian marked dogs, one male, one female, seven mos. old. .Suitable for farm. War­ ren Sanders, phone 106, Ex­ eter. 2 Sc WEDDING CAKE BOXES for sale at The Times-Advocate. BEEF SHARES—There are a few vacant shares in the Thames Road beefring. Any­ one interested, please contact Victor Jeffery. Phone 173-r- 13. 21:28* FOR SALE—One Holstein hei­ fer, due to freshen March 1. Vaccinated. Apply Phil Johns, phone Kirkton 44-r-21. 28* FREE THERMOMETER — plus cash at your farm for dead or disabled horses or cows. Tele­ phone collect Exeter 2S7-W, William Stone Sons, Limited. l-24tfc I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any Bize, as? age. —G. J. Dow. phone 83 Exeter, l*tfc HELP WANTEp EXETER MOTOR SALES is please to announce that Mr. Kenneth Collinson, of "Windsor, a First ('lass Mechanic, has joined our staff. Mr. Collin­ son comes to us well-recommended by his former employers, A. B. Grey., of Windsor, and Hal Kemp, of St. Thomas. The addition of Mr. Collinson enables us to continue to offer our customers expert service and high quality work­ manship. Specializing in Motor Turie-Ups and Carburetion Our licenced mechanics, specially trained in Chrysler school in the knowledge of the use of mod­ ern service machines, can assure you of good results. Let us have vour car or truck to prove our machines' and our men’.1? ability. New Tires Due to over-stock, puriiosely purchased before the synthetic content was added, we can give you tires that tests prove will WEAR LONGER; STOP QUICKER. POSITIVELY LESS SKID ON ICE than tires of today, at . . . 10% DISCOUNT Exeter Motor Sales FRED DOBBS, PROP.Phone 200 Exeter How Would You Like to Win A BEAUTIFUL Silver Tea Service AND NUMEROUS OTHER “LOOT” FREEH? at Jack Smith Jeweller's Treasure Hunt Draw Every customer at Jack Smith Jeweller’s during Treasure Hunt days will receive a free chance to win one of these valuable prizes. Lucky Draw Will Be Made Saturday at 9:30 p.m.Ni Greatly Reduced Measure Hunt PRICES ON English China Sandwich and Sewing Plates DINNER SETS 38-piece, 66-piece and 94rpiece ENGLISH VASES SPECIALl English Teapots $1.00 J These Values for “Treasure Hunt” Days Only You’ll Have to See Them tn Believe Them! Come In atid Seek Them Out! FOR SALE—Gent’s winter over­ coat, navy blue, size 40. In good condition. Can be seen at Brady Cleaners. 28* WAITRESS WANTED — Apply Rether’s Coffee Shop. 28c 1938 Hudson Ter­ good mechapi- New rear-end Good interior. §150. Apply MUST SALE- raplane Coach, cal condition, and battery.Original paint. | _ . Harry Dougall, R.R. 3, Exeter, phone Hensail 6S9-r-ll. 28:6* FOR SALE—A good Percheron team, 8 years old. Two good Durham cows, due to fresh­ en. Apply Russell Webb, tele­ phone 34-r-10 Dashwood. 2S* FOR SALE—Modern coal and wood range with high shelf. New condition. Phone 68-W Exeter. 2 Sc FOR SALE—Apartment-size Kel- vinator refrigerator, in very good condition. —-Phone Tom­ linson’s 46 28c FOR SALE—One white marked gander. Apply Stuart Trieb- ner, phone Dashwood 36-r-16. • 28* FOR SALE—A quantity of baled red clover hay. —Phone 35-25 Kirkton. 28* FOR SALE—A quantity of feed turnips. Phone 176-r-4 Exeter. 2S* FOR SALE—1948 Chev Coach. Good condition. 8 Ann Street, Exeter. 28:6* FOR SALE — Studebaker % - ton truck, 2,300 miles. Price $1,- 375. Model 1951. Good as new. Lloyd Chittack, Granton phone 5-r-21.28* FOR SALE—A piano, in very good condition. Apply William Sweitzer or phone 342-W Ex­ eter. 2 Sc FOR SALE—Registered "and vac­ cinated Ayrshire and grade Holstein heifer and young cows just ready to calve. Will 'exchange for beef heifers or cows. Apply to Whitney Coates —1 mile south and 1J miles east on St. Marys road or phone Kirkton 4S-r-3.28* FOR SALE—Weaner pigs. Ap­ ply Allan Wescott, phone 173- r-32 Exeter,_____________28c FOR SALE — Sunshine rangette in first class order. Apply Ernie Thompson, Anna St., ’ Parkhill P.O.___________ 28c FOR SALE—One Tweed maple evaporator pan, 2 ft. x .8 ft. Good as new. Used one sea­ son. 100 pails and spiles, thermometer and felt strain­ er. —-James Cornochan, phone 6 65-32 Seaforth, Ont. 28* £ WANTED—Wide awake man to represent the largest auto­ mobile insurance company in America for Exeter and dist- trict. Part time or full time; excellent commission. A p p 1 y Times-Advocate. 28c 25 words or less 60s More Than 25 Words ,— 1J0 Per Word SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS : More Than 25 Words - 10 Per Word 200 OFF if ad paid with order or Saturday following the last insertion Semi-Display Classifieds (restricted to one column) First Insertion 84c per inch Subsequent Insertions 70c per inch Classifieds calling for a number 10c extra. Classified ads accepted up Wednesday noon. Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at the latest. 300 by box till SUBSCRIPTION SPECIALS Ladies Home Journal for 25 years — §5.00 Time —-78 weeks — §6.87 - Any Magazine, Any Time - H. T. BUSTON Phone Exeter 308-r-5 21*tfc PERSONAL SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 to 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh; new vigor. New “get acquainted” size only 600. All druggists. WORK WANTED ATTENTION FARMERS — We have several experienced Dutch farm help, mostly families. Apply now to Mr. E. M. Eel­ man, P.O. 336 or phone 678. 2-7tfc WANTED WANTED—Second hand child’s crib. —Phone 634 Exeter. 27c •WANTED — Coal oil hanging lamps; old colored glass. — Mrs. Ralph Bailey, Main St. 2-28tfc HOUSE WITH ACREAGE want­ ed. We have a client wishing to purchase a comfortable home with acreage, in or close to Exeter. C. V. Pickard, Re­ altor, Main St., Exeter. 2-28tfc APPLICATIONS WANTED — Ap­ plications for the position of secretary-treasurer of the Hay Township Farmers’ Mutual Fire Insurance will be received by undersigned up to Satur­ day, March 8, 195 2, at 1:00 p.m. State qualifications. The lowest or any application will not necessarily be accepted.— H. Eilber, Crediton, Ont. 21:28:6 BABY CHICKS YOU’LL WANT PULLETS — that’s ‘for sure’—for the good egg markets. Bray Hatchery has day-old and started in a variety of breeds for prompt shipment, also cockerels. Ask for prices on mixed, to order. Agent—Eric Carscadden, Ex­ eter Phone 246-J. 28c FOR RENT FOR RENT — Flat, containing bedrooms, kitchenette, sitting room and wash room, all furn­ ished. Private entrance. Carl­ ing St. next to Roller Rink. 28* FOR RENT—Downstairs apart­ ment, heated and furnished. Centrally located. Suitable for quiet couple. Phone 274. 2S* FOR RENT—Three-room apart­ ment, lower, unfurnished, pri­ vate entrance, for a quiet cou­ ple with no children. Posses­ sion immediately. Phone 23 3, Exeter. 28c FOR RENT — Furnished apart­ ment. Immediate possession. Bailey Florist, phone 276,'a26c 'FOR RENT — Two - room rear apartment, unfurnished except oil burning range. Centrally located. W. Morley, 530 An­ drew St., phone 226 Exeter. 2Sc 'FOR RENT-—-Two-bedroom cot­ tage, kitchen and living room, two-piece bath. Mrs. J. Cald­ well, opposite Monetta Men­ ard’s, Exeter. 28c REAL ESTATE FOR SALE — New two-bedroom house, hardwood and tile floors, furnace thermostat con­ trolled, large garage; owner occupied. Possession arranged. —J. M. Mahon, 523-W. 21tfc HOUSE FOR SALE—Immediate possession, built-in cupboards, new partial bath; lots of new raspberries and strawberries. Large lot, 66’xl99’; full base­ ment. Apply Mr. L, Rumpel, Simcoe St., Exeter./Box 253. $3,000. 28* GOOD FARMS—-50 acres and 150 acres on county road. Also highway farms 90 to 200 acres. All have good buildings with conveniences. — W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman, Exeter. 31tfc We have GOOD FARMS . with good buildings, well' located for schools and markets. 50 to 300 acres. Choose yours.— W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman, Exeter. FARMS FOR SALE—The estate of the late Albert Devine; 50- acre farm, Lot 20, Concession 19 of Stephen Township. On this farm is a house and barn —also a rock well. Also ''for sale; a 25-acre farm across the road, Concession 18, quar­ ter of a mile south of Lot 20. This is good pasture land. — Executors: Mrs. Lloyd Mac­ Gregor, R.R. 4, Parkhill; Nor­ man Devine. 21:28:6* FARM FOR SALE—100 acres of good land in Exeter district a mile from highway with good buildings. Apply Times-Advo­ cate. 28* NEW TWO-BEDROOM HOME— In Exeter, four-piece bath, automatic oil furnace, full basement. —* For particulars, phone Exeter Motor Sales, 200 Exeter (after 6 p.m. 282-J). 28:6* IT’WILL NOT BE OUR FAULT if you have no eggs next sum­ mer and fall. Spruceleigh chicks are bred on our own farm with many years of care­ ful breeding behind them. Many of the best dates are al­ ready booked by wise farmers who make sure of their stock. You should do the same. Write now for price list and new il­ lustrated catalogue to Spruce­ leigh Farm Poultry Products Limited, Box 12 ST, Brantford, - Ontario, or order through Cann’s Mill Limited. 21:28:6:13c with power lift (nearly new); Cockshutt side delivery rake (nearly pew); Cockshutt 1-way disc (nearly new); Cockshutt manure spreader; Fleury Bissell 3-sectiou spring tooth harrows; Fleury oat roller; Smalley grain blower .With pipes; Frost & Wood G-ft. cut mower; Chatham fanning mill with bagger; Vik­ ing cream separator; Renfrew 2,000-lb. truck scales; Moffat electro-pail heater; 3-drum steel roller; 8-ft. stiff-tooth cultivat­ or; 5-section drag harrows; rub­ ber-tired wagon with grain box and flat rack; 2-wheeled trailer with grain box and stock rack; all steel stone boat; walking plow; single row scuffler; 30- ft. of blower pipe for threshing machine; 30-ft. extension der; 5-h.p. electric motor; electric motor; electric fencer; Beatty brooder stove; grindstone; bag truck; steel gate; colony house 10'xl2 feed troughs; 180’ of 5” 1. forks; shovels, chains and num­ erous other articles. FEED GRAIN: Approx. 250 bales of timothy hay; approx. 100 bales of clover hay; approx, 400 bus. of Clinton oats (suit­ able for seed); approx, 4 00 bus. of Ajax oats; approx. 200 bus. of Montcalm barley; approx. 200 bus. of mixed grain; approx. 100 bus. of feed oats. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS; Num­ erous household effects includ­ ing a Maxwell power er with 1-h.p. motor. TERMS: Cash. No the farm is sold. FRED SLAVIN, EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, AUCT. K. W. COLQUHOUN, CLERK 28:6c Clyde mare, good Clyde colt 2 years* MISCELLANEOUS HONSBERGER SIGNS TRUCK LETTERING SHOW CARDS Reasonable Rates Phone 661 — 122 Hill St. EXETER 10:17* tfc E. FARMERS, Woodcutters, Loggers —Why search further for a fast-cutting, safe, power-chain saw? Buy^ PRECISION! Sold and serviced by D. L. Ker nick, R.R. No. 3, Exeter. Complete informacion on request. N22:20wks* IF YOU ARE INTERESTED in Power Weed Spraying Equip­ ment, be sure to see some on display. I have also several kinds of weed killer including Dow, Green Cross and Nauga­ tuck; also selective weed kill that can be used on young peas and alfalfa seedlings and brush-kill, Lindane and Chlor­ dane, DDT, Calcium - Arsenate and Arsenate of Lead. Apply L. V. Hogarth, phone 266. 13tfn TENDERS WANTED WARBLE-FLY SPRAY Township of Stephen Sealed tenders plainly marked will be received by the under­ signed for the contract to spray all cattle in the township for the control of Warble-Fly. Township will supply all spray material, contractors to supply all equip­ ment. Work to be done under the direction of the Township Inspector. Tenders should be in the form of price per head for two sprays. Tenders to be in the hands of the undersigned by March 3, 195 2. Lowest oi' any tender not necessarily accepted. F. W. MORLOCK, Clerk, Crediton, Ont. 28c AUCTION SALES Clearing 7 AUCTION SALE of Livestock, Tractor, Machinery and Household Effects On the premises LOT 9, CON. 9, USBORNE TWP. U mile south of Winchelsea on TUESDAY, MARCH 18, 1952 Complete list for next week’s issue. PROPRIETOR, Garnet Johns, AUCTIONEER, Alvin Walper. 28c lad- 5-h.p. emery; 12-ft. Pipe; lawn mow- reserve as PROP-. WANTED TO BUY—15 tons of good baled hay. Harvey God­ bolt, Centralia, phone Exeter 178-r-13. 28* WANTED—A piano, medium si26, good condition. —Phone R.C.A.F. Centralia, Local 27. 2-28tfc WANTED TO RENT—Tillable land to rent or Building Tim es-Advocat e. on shares. not necessary. Apply 28* FOR SALE—Six-room house, 3 bedrooms, 3-piece bath, hot air furnace, good basement, town water, garage, 41 acres of land, low taxes. Apply Ralph Batten, Huron St. East, Exeter. 28* FOR SALE—Highway store with three roomy cabins and own­ er's residence. Hydro and wa­ ter pressure. One acre, nicely treed. Well located. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. 2-28tfc Clearing AUCTION SALE of Livestock, Tractors, Farm Implements, Hay, Grain and Household Effects, etc. ON THE PREMISES, LOT 9, L.R.E., BOSANQUET TWP. 21 miles south of Grand Bend, 5 mile east of B-A Station on Highway 21 The undersigned auctioneer has ■been instructed to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12 at 1 o’clock p.m. sharp CATTLE: Two part Durham and Hereford cows, 6 years old, due at time of sale; roan Dur­ ham cow, 4 years old, due in April; Hereford heifer with calf at foot; red Shorthorn cow, 5 years old, due before sale date; 2 Durham farrow cows; part Durham and Hereford heifer, carrying first calf, due middle of April; Shorthorn cow, 6 years old with calf at foot; part Here­ ford and Shorthorn cow, 6 years old, due the latter part of March; Shorthorn yearling hei­ fer. This is an extra good herd of cattle with "clear T.B. tests. PIGS AND POULTRY: York­ shire sow, not bred; 2 Yorkshire market pigs; Yorkshire sow bred December 24; 8 chunks. 150 Rock and Leghorn laying hens. A number of Bantam chickens. TRACTORS: McC-Deering '50 Super A tractor, like new, equipped with hydraulic lift, finger touch control, used one year; also with complete 4-row scuffle?, with and 1-row beet ing hydraulic plow; English in first class condition, on rub­ ber; M.H. 2-furrow tractor plow. MACHINERY: International 14- plate double disc, like new; Cockshutt 13-jdisc grain drill; International 6 - ft. stiff - tooth cultivator; McCormick 5-ft, cut mower; McCormick 6-ft. binder; Cockshutt manure spreader; M.- H. S-ft. fertilizer spreader; M.H. bean scuff ler; International 3- section spring-tooth harrows; dump rake; 3-section diamond harrows; rubber-tired wagon; 16-ft. flat hay rack, like new; cutting box; Bain wagon box; Lester 5-h.p. gasoline engine; 2- h.p. gasoline engine; 1-h.p. gas motor; 8-inch planer; 14-ft. line shaft, complete with pulleys; 2 electric fencers; 2 brand hew 14-ft. sills; suitable for rack, 2 small gates; Chatham fanning mill, complete with sieves; new steel-tired buggy; Portland cut­ ter; 4 steel drums; gas pump; 2 iron kettles; corn sheller; 20 cedar posts; wheelbarrqjv; 150- ft. hay fork rope; 500-capacity chick brooder; 135-ft. hay fork rope; pulleys; new grain shovel; quantity of sacks; .15 single cords of good dry, mixed wood; chop boxes; 4 steel barrels; set of sling ropes; logging chains; carpenter tools; maple syrup equipment; new 7-ft, buckets and spiles; articles tion. HAY AUCTION SALE of 65 Durham and Holstein Cattle, 70 York Pigs, Real Estate and Miscellaneous Articles The Undersigned Auctioneers have been instructed to sell by Public Auction on LOT 22, CON. 12, HAY TWP. 1% miles west of Zurich, and % mile north on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5 at 1:00 o'clock sharx> HORSES: 1 inevery way; 1 old.COWS: 12 Holstein Cows in calf, 4 to freshen at time of sale; 11 Durham Cows, all being heavy with calf; 4 steers 2 years old; 22 baby beefs; 5 Holstein heifers; 15 Durham yearlings; 1 pure bred Shorthorn Bull, 10 - months old.All cattle are fully T.B. tested and are in good condition. PIGS: Pure Bred York Hog, one year old; 10 York Sows duei in March and April; One .York, Sow with litter at foot; 50 Stock­ er Pigs 50 to 80 pounds each. MISC.: Two wheel trailer with racks; Chatham fanning mill; Warner electric ’brooder; Mc­ Deering 6-foot mower; set of bob sleighs; Renfrew cream sep­ arator, used only 3 years; 1200- lb. capacity platform scales; Fleury 8-inch grinder; clover re­ cleaner for any separator; 12 cords of Beech body wood, Cedar stakes and kindling wood. REAL ESTATE: Consisting of 105 acres pasture farm, being Lot 7, Con. 13 Hay Township; 1% miles north of Dashwood, 65 acres are tillable and haej been freshly seeded; 4 acres bush. If not previously sold will be offered subject to a reserved bid. Terms of Real per cent on day of in 30 days. In case of bad will be held under TERMS: Cash. PROPRIETOR, Delbert Geiger, CLERKS, Stade and Weido, AUCTIONEERS, Alvin Walper, Dashwood, Jim McLean, Parkhill 28c Estate—Ten sale, balance weather sale cover. AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock and Implements The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction at LOT 12, CON. 4, STEPHEN TP. 15 miles east of Crediton and 5 mile north on THURSDAY, MARCH 6 at 1:00 o’clock the following; HORSES: 1 good work team. CATTLE: Cow, due April 1; cow, due April 15; cow, due calves at side; 3 heifers rising rising rising rising steers; April 10; cow, due cow, due April 25; May 5; 3 cows with 101 all attachments lifter. McC-Deer- 2-furrow tractor Fordson tractor, WANTED TO RENT — Small house with conveniences. Good reliable tenants. Phone 551-M fixe ter, 28* TWO-BED^OOM COTTAGE with additional apartm ent. Two modern kitchens and bath­ rooms, Oil heated. Well locat­ ed in Exeter. —-C. V. Packard, Realtor^ Main Street, Exeter. 2-2 8 tic Clearing AUCTION SALE of Farm Implements, Feed, Grain and Household Effects AT LOT 9, CONCESSION 12, TUCKERSMITH TOWNSHIP 14 miles south and 25 miles east of Kippen on TUESDAY, MARCH 11 ^at 1:30 p.m. sharp the following: IMPLEMENTS: M.H. No. Junior tractor with lights, Start­ er, R.T.O., and wheel weights; tractor scuffler and bean puller attachment; 3-furrow M.H. trac­ tor plow; M.H. tandem disc; M.H, 6-ft Clipper combine equipped with a four cylinder Wisconsin auxiliary motor, pick up, grain hiii dnd bagger; M.H. binder 6-ft. cut; McCormick Deering 15-run double disc drill 3 2 2 3 3 years old; years years years small PIGS: 2 brood sows; around 80 or 9 0 lbs. IMPLEMENTS: Allis Chal­ mers tractor; Mc-Dearing binder, nearly new; M.H. hay loader; M.H. mower; Case manure spreader; M.H. 13-hoe seed drill; Cockshutt seed drill; stiff­ tooth cultivator; land roller; 2 walking plows; Case 3-furrow tractor plow; set of harrows; disc harrow; 'hay rake; 2 steel­ hay rack; wagon 2 sets sleighs; cutter; bug- lialtei' for leading a cow; 2 double harness; set of turnip pulper; fanning new single bridle and wheelbarrow; McDeering old; 6 old; 2 old; 3 calves. 1, steer steers, heifers, yearling S chunks tired wagons; box; gy;sets scales; mill; lines; cream separator; hay fork, ropes and pulleys; slings; forks, sho­ vels, hoes, whiffletrees, neck- yokes, chains, boxes, barrels and other articles. TERMS: Cash. FRED KERR, PROP. FRANK TAYLOR, AUCT. ---------------------------.— .........................................................» NOTICE TO CREDITORS I pan, 120 and many too numerous to men- HAY & GRAIN: 150 bushels of choice wheat; 650 bushels of early Alaska seed oats; 50 bush­ els of Beaver seed oats; quantity of good clover hay; 400 bales of straw, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Two oak extension tables with leaves; 3 small tables; 10 kitchen chairs; pictures and picture frames; couches, glassware, combination china cabinet eau; box stove; j wheel; antique parlor rug, 105x9 ft,, like lantern; 3 Aladdin high back chairs, etc. TERMS.' Cash, No the farm is sold! EMMERY STEBBINS, PROP, GLEN WEBB, CLERK ALVIN W ALP ER, AUCT. 28:6c various rocking chairs; quantity of (1 i s h e S ; crocks and sealers; , bur- small spinning furniture; new; gas lamps; 6 reserve as In the estate of JOHANNES WOUDA, late of the Township of Usborne, in the County of Huron, Farmer. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full parti­ culars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the first day of March, A.D. 1952, after which date the estate’s as­ sets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received. W. G. COCHRANE, Exeter, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administratrix. 14:21:28e In the estate of VERA GRACE ESSERY, deceased. All .persons haying c 1 a i fft s against the estate of Vera Grace Essery, late of the Town of Ex­ eter, in the County of Huron, who died on or day of February, 1952 quired to file same with Bell .... ___. Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the Sth day of March next after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received.to' about the 5th are re­ particulars Oi & Laughton, BELL &s LAUGHTON, Solicitors for the Executor, Exeter, Ontario, 21:28;6c