HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-02-21, Page 5Page 6 FOR SALE—Two young sows, due lasl part of February. — Major Baker, R.R. 2, Dash­ wood, phone 164-r-6. 14:21c EOR SALE—P i a n o accordion, 120 bass with lessons. Excel­ lent condition; $125 or near­ est. John Webster, Wellington St. or phone 423. 14:21* IM/ %. • :y.-.> & > W THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 21, 1952 Park Your Eyes On These Budget Meeters FOR SALE FOR SALE CLASSIFIED RATES HELP WANTED FOR SALE—A Findlay combin­ ation coal and wood and hy­ dro stove, practically new. Al­ so 2-wheel trailer with stock yacks, 6.00x16 tires. Apply to Alf Ropp, 96-r-4, R.R. 2, Zur­ ich. 21* BEEF SHARES-—There are a few vacant shares in the Thames Road beefring. Any­ one interested, please contact Victor Jeffery. Phone 173-r- 13. 21:28* FOR SALE-—1950 blue torpedo Silver Streak six-cylinder se­ dan, hegter and defroster, like new inside and out, 14,000 miles. May be financed. Apply Times-Advocate. 21* FOR SALE—8 pigs, 7 weeks old. —Joe Bowlands, 163-r-4 Dashwood. 21c NEXT IN LINE TO THE THRONE — Second in line of succession to the throne of Britain now is Prince Charles, shown in the latest photo taken of him and his sister Anne, third in succession. They were snapped as they appeared at the departure of their mother, then Princess Elizabeth, and father, Prince Philip, for the five-month tour, cut short by the death of the King. —Central Press Canadian FOR SALE—’35 V-8 Ford Coupe in good condition, inside and out, seal-beam lights, new seat covers, 3 good tires, 2 good snow tires. ’47 Mercury motor with oil filter. New hinge pins and tie-rod ends. Best offer around $225 takes it. Phone 460-r-4 Exeter. 21c FOR SALE—Apartment size Kel- vinator refrigerator, in very good condition. —Phone 146. 21c 25 words or less 60c More Than 25 Words — 1^0 Per Word SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS 30£ More Than 25 Words — 1$ Per Word 20£ OFF if ad paid with order or by Saturday following the last insertion Semi-Display Classifieds (restricted to one column) First Insertion 84c per inch Subsequent Insertions 70c per inch Classifieds calling for a number 10c extra. Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday noon. Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at the latest. AUCTION SALES box FOR SALE—Shredded straw’ and Cartier oats for seed. —Steve Basa, 542-r-4 Exeter. 21:6* WANTED — A woman to do weekly ironing. Mrs. Lloyd Bell, Mill St., phone 96-W. 21c WANTED—Single man to work on dairy farm, 4 miles south of London. Apply Roy Lam­ port, R.R. 2, Crediton, phone 59-r-5, 21* EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for a man willing to work selling in Exeter district. Well known American product now made and serviced in Canada. We prefer a married man with re­ sponsibilities. Car a necessity. Must be able to furnish good references as to integrity. ' Write Box 232, London, Ont., for personal appointment at your home. 21c Announcements Jack Mar- BIRTHS CONSITT—Mr. and Mrs. Consitt, Kippen, (Nee garet Shepherd) are pleased to announce the arrival of their son at Clinton Hospital, Tues­ day, February 12, a grandson for Mr. and Mrs, Roy Consitt, Kippen, CAMPBELL—At Clinton Hospi­ tal, Tuesday, February 19, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Neil Campbell, Kippen, a son. A brother for Donald, and a grandson for Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell, Windsor. HEEKLEMAN — Cpl. and Mrs. W. S. Heekleman of Cen­ tralia, a son, Barry Allan, on February 18, at the Hooper Nursing Home; a brother for Donna. KIPFER — Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Kipfer, Hensall, are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter at Clinton Hospital, Friday, February 15; a sister for Danny and Linda Jane. MILLER—Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller (nee Jean Brock) an­ nounce the birth of their son, Brian Warren, at Victoria Hos­ pital, London, on Monday, February 18, 1952. PLANT—Cpl. and Mrs. A. G. Plant, a son, Scott Richard, at the Hooper Nursing Home, on February 19; a brother for Joanne, Christine and Gerald. DEATHS GREGUS—In Usborne Township on Friday, February 15, 19 52, August Gregus, beloved hus­ band of the late Pauline Gre­ gus, in his sixty-second year. PARKINSON — Suddenly in St. Joseph’s Hospital on Saturday, February 16, 19 52, Ethel Gor- vett, beloved wife of George Parkinson, in her sixty-sixth year. ENGAGEMENTS The engagement is announced of Eileen Snell Morley, daughter of Mrs. Snell and the late John C. Snell, to F/L A. T. (Guy) Mather, RCAF Rockcliffe, Ont., son of Mr. A. Mather and the late Mrs. Mather of Vancouver, B.C. 21* CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. James Willis wish to thank the friends, neighbors and relatives for the many kindnesses extend­ ed during their recent sad reavement. Special thanks to pallbearers, those who cards. Rev. sent Mrs. Langford, flowers Arthur FOR SALE at a very reasonable price, a modern electric range. Good as new. —Mrs. Harold Broderick. 21* FOR SALE—McClary Escort oil burning cook stove, white ena­ mel with black trim, in excel­ lent condition. Call Lucan 36. 14tfc FOR SALE—One purebred York hog nine months old. Apply Reg Hodgson, phone 477-r-3 Exeter. 21c be- the and and 21* FOR SALE—Ladies’ black cloth coat, small size, like new; also new brown calf pumps, 5JAA. Phone 468 Exeter. 21* FOR SALE—Philco refrigerator, A-l condition, practically new. Extra large wardrobe; coal, wood or oil range, cheap for quick sale. Apply Adrian R. Brooks, 212B R.C.A.F. Station Centralia, phone 4 48-r-15. * SUBSCRIPTION SPECIALS Ladies Home Journal for 21 years — $5.00 Time -— 78 weeks — $6.87 ■ Any Magazine, Any Time - H. T. BUSTON Phone Exeter 308-r-5 21*tfc FOR RENT FOR RENT —Upper apartment. Unfurnished, centrally located. W. Morley, Andrew St., tele­ phone 226. 21* FOR RENT—Three-room apart­ ment, lower, unfurnished, pri­ vate entrance, for a quiet cou­ ple with no children. Posses­ sion end of the month. Phone 233 Exeter. 21c APPLICATIONS WANTED — Ap­ plications for the position of secretary-treasurer of the Hay Township Farmers’ Mutual Fire Insurance will be received by undersigned up to Satur­ day, March 8, 1952, at 1:00 p.m. State qualifications. The lowest or any application will not necessarily be accepted.— H. Eilber, Crediton, Ont. 21:28:6 MISCELLANEOUS CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late August Gregus wish to thank their many friends and neighbors who as­ sisted in any way during their recent sad bereavement. Special thanks- for the many floral tri­ butes, mass cards, loan of cars, and kind expressions of sym­ pathy, Dr. Fletcher, Father Fo­ garty, pallbearers, and Hopper- Hockey. 21* Mr. Milton Love and- family wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for kindness and sympathy shown them during their recent sad bereavement, c Exeter Salvage Co. Phone 423 FOR SALE We specialize in the follow­ ing used items: Railroad iron, angle iron, all sizes; cables, all lengths and thick­ nesses; chains, all sizes and tliicknesscs; wheels, all sizes, all kinds. Used tires. Eye beams and all other beams; flat iron, plates, steel, all sizes and thick­ nesses. WE BUY New and used feathers and feather ticks, Scrap iron—- top prices paid. * « It w. Mr. and wish to extend their most cere thanks to the many friends, relatives and neighbors who so kindly remembered Mrs. Amy with beautiful flowers, treats, cards, visits, etc., while a patient in Victoria Hospital, and since reurning home. 21* We wish to extend our heart­ felt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and floral offerings received from neighbors, rela­ tives and friends, also thanking Rev. J. V. Dahms and the pall­ bearers in the sad bereavement of our loving father, Mr. John English. —The family. 21c We wish to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral of­ ferings received from friends and neighbors.—Jim Whyte, Mr. and Mrs. H. Whyte. 21* Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons and Donald wish to thank their many friends and relatives for cards and treats. Special thanks to those who visited Donald while a patient in War Memorial Sick Children’s Hospital in Lon­ don. 21c Amy sin- FOR SALE—Two ladies’ suits, $12.50 each. Can be seen at Brady Cleaners. 21* CAS Works For Greater Scope CORSAGE One slightly used Corsage of Red Roses Apply Box "S”, EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE 21* FOR RENT — Flat, containing bedrooms, kitchenette, sitting room and wash room, all furn­ ished. Private entrance. Carl­ ing St. next to Roller Rink. 21* HONSBERGER SIGNS TRUCK LETTERING SHOW CARDS Reasonable Rates Phone 6 61 — 122 Hill St. EXETER 10:17* tfc AUCTION SALE " of Household Effects The undersigned auctioneer has instructions to sell by public auction at property ‘ MRS. JOHN ESSERY CENTRALIA on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23 Sparton radio, in t<od condi­ tion; walnut bookcase and sec­ retary; 2 cabinet phonographs and records; cook stove, small, coal and wood, and quantity of pipes; clock; electric two-plate stove with oven; kitchen table, extension; oak dining room suite, 6 chairs, sidehoard, and long extension table; linoleum rug, blue, large; Wilton rug; 3 pairs lace net curtains and heavy side drapes; walnut sofa and walnut platform rocker; S wooden bed and springs and mattress; iron bed (0) and springs and mattress; 3 odd D R. chairs; large wooden arm chair; sewing chair; cane rocker; L R. arm chair; kitchen utensils; tubs; 2 clothes horses, new stepladder; wall hat rack; cellar table; sealers and gems; dishes and silverware; boy’s bicycle; curtains and numerous other ar­ ticles; incubator, Prairie State, 240 eggs; side saddle; cutter; some wood; large oat box; tools. FRANK TAYLOR, AUCT. of SR, E. LOST LOST — Will party who picked up Larry Cronyn’s billfold with license and money please return same. No further action will be taken. 21c FOR RENT—Heated apartment, two rooms and a bath, un­ furnished. No children. Phone 13-r-ll Exeter or see John Caldwell, across Monetta Menard’s. Mrs. from 21c in all of IN ME MOR I AM EILBER1—In loving memory of a dear husband, who passed away three years ago Feb­ ruary 21, 1949. Someone remembers and some­ one cares, Your name is remembered sonoone’s prayers; Morning and evening and year through Someone’s heart is thinking you. —Ever remembered and sadly missed by his wife, Mary. 21* PARSONS—In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. Samson Parsons, who passed away February 22, 1951. Deep in our hearts a memory is kept Of one we loved and will not forget. —Sadly missed by daughters and sons.4 21* The Rev. R. G. MacMillan, Goderich, was re-elected presi­ dent of the Huron Children’s Aid Society at the annual meeting held last week. Others elected were: Vice-pre- sidnts, the Rev. H. A. Dickinson, Mrs. George Johnson; honorary secretary, A. M. Robertson; sec­ retary, A. H. Erkine; treasurer, John G. Berry. Directors: Hugh Berry, Wood­ ham; John Winter, I-Iowick; F. L. Davidson, Wingham; Mrs. K. Johns, Elimville; R J. Bowman, Brussels; Miss Etta Saults, Mrs. F. Hunt, Mrs. A. Taylor, Capt. R. Goldsmith, Arthur Curry, Mrs. F. R. Redditt, Mrs. J. B. Reynolds, Harry McCreath, R. E. Barnes, Miss N. Cunningham, Miss S. McLean, Goderich. Special committee: Mrs. Red­ ditt, Mrs. Reynolds, Miss Saults, Miss Cunningham. Mrs. M. Chaffee, superinten dent, said a greater scope is pos­ sible with the new offices* and clothing room and another staff worker.. Seventy-eight children were admitted to care, .bringing the .total to 124 at December 31. There were 103 court ces. Assistance was given married mothers; were completed homes arranged. A. H. Erskine, reported receipts penditures Estimated 53 and attendan- to 9 6 un­ adoptions 6 6 foster treasurer, NOTICES HOUSE FOR RENT — Unfurn­ ished farm house, north-east corner Exeter. Three-piece bath, hot and cold running water. Phone 7 days or 35 6 nights. 21c FARMERS, Woodcutters, Loggers —Why search further for a fast-cutting, safe, power-chain saw? Buy PRECISION! Sold and serviced by D. L. Kernick, R.R. No. 3, Exeter. Complete informacion on request, N22;20wks* NOTICE—The monthly meeting of the Centralia Civil Service Association will be held in the Exeter Legion Hall at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 26. 21c REAL ESTATE LIVESTOCK WANTED FOR SALE — New two-bedroom house, hardwood and tile floors, furnace thermostat con­ trolled, large garage; owner occupied. Possession arranged. —J. M. Mahon, 523-W. 21tfc IF YOU ARE INTERESTED in Power Weed Spraying Equip­ ment, be sure to see some on display. I have also several kinds of weed killer including Dow, Green Cross and Nauga­ tuck; also selective weed kill that can be used on young peas and alfalfa seedlings and brush-kill, Lindane and Chlox^ dane, DDT, Calcium - Arsenate and Arsenate of Lead. Apply L. V. Hogarth, phone 266. 13tfn AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock and Implements The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction at LOT 12, CON. 4, STEPHEN TP. on WEDNESDAY, MARCH € at 1:00 o’clock the following; 1 good work team. Cow, due April 1; cow, due due April 25; 3 cows with ; 3 heifers rising 1, steer steers, heifers, yearling FREE THERMOMETER — plus cash at your farm for dead or disabled horses or cows. Tele­ phone’ collect Exeter 287-W, William Stone Sons, Limited. 1-24tfc I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow. phone 83 Exeter. l*tfc 2- OR 3-BEDROOM HOUSES— We have buyers for two- and three-bedroom houses. If you would consider selling -we will be glad to talk the matter over with you. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 7tfc TENDERS WANTED WORK WANTED WORK WANTED — Embroidery or fancy work done to order. Apply, at Times-Advocate. 21* HOUSE FOR SALE—Immediate possession, built-in cupboards, new partial bath; lots of new raspberries and strawberries. Large lot, 6 6’xl99’; full base­ ment. Apply Mr. L. Rumpel, Simcoe St., Exeter. Box 253. $3,000. 21* ATTENTION FARMERS — We have several experienced Dutch farm help, mostly families. Apply now to Mr. E. M. Eel­ man, P.O. 336 oi' phone 678. 7-F GOOD FARMS—50 acres and 150 acres on county road. Also highway farms 9 0 to 200 acres. All have good buildings with conveniences. — W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, 'Salesman, Exeter. 31tfc PARSONS—In loving memory of a dear mother and grand­ mother, Mary Treble Parsons, who passed away one ago February 22, 1951. No one heard the footsteps Of the angels drawing near, Who took from us to heaven The one we loved so dear. —Remembered by Roy and fam­ ily. 21* ROGERS—In loving memory of a dear aunt, Christiana Rogers of Saline, Mich., who passed away February 23, 1949. Loving memories will never die As days go on and years go by; Deep in. my heart a memory is kept Of one I loved and will forget. —Lovingly remembered by Dorothy Quinlivan. year never niece 21c. CROMARTY Mr, and Mrs. Frank Cadick and baby Sharon of St. .Thomas, and Mr. Murray Cosens and Miss Barbara Bloomfield, L o n d o n, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott, > Farmers Have your tractor cleaned like new' at moderate cost. Grease and dirt removed with latest steam cleaning method. Do it now, Avoid the spring rush. See or Call CHUCK ROWE At Harris West's Oliver Service, Centralia ■ <W 1951, of $34,929; ex- $35,0 42; overdraft $113. Estimated receipts for 19 52 in a proposed budget were placed at $3 4,3 05; and expendi­ tures of same amount. The staff was re-engaged and complimented on their work. Harry McCreath, reporting for the clothing committee, said that 80 per cent of the articles donat­ ed were in Al condition, other 20 per cent was not able for C.A.S. work. Mrs. K. Johns, publicity retary, said that a pamphlet ering Children’s Aid Work, The sult- sec- cov- p re­ pared by her, would be ready for distribution at the end of February. It was left with the executive to appoint delegates to the an­ nual C.A.S. convention in Tor­ onto in April. It is hoped to obtain space at Fall Fairs for the purpose of placing the work before the pub­ lic. This is to be arranged by the publicity committee. CROMARTY Mrs. A. Robertson has return­ ed from St. Mary’s where she was visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Chittick. Mrs. M6rvin Dow is a patient in Stratford Hospital having un­ dergone an operation for appen­ dicitis. Rev. R. Duncanson and Mr. Calder McKaig are attending a meeting of Stratford Presbytery on Knox Church, Mitchell this Tuesday. Mr, Frank Stagg and Mrs. William Houghton attended a re­ ception in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rolph (nee Helen Kemp,) newlyweds, in Mitchell on Tuesday night. A commuhity memorial ser­ vice for the late King George VI was held in Cromarty Church on Friday afternoon, conducted by Rey. R. Duncanson, Mr. Frank Allen, reeve of Hibbert read the scripture aud Rev. Daynatd of Staff a United Church’, delivered ah address. Several members of Staffa choir assisted with the singing of the hymns and Mrs. Ross Smale sung a solo "Cros­ sing the Bar’”. DRESSMAKING—Easter is com- Bring altera- Pryke, 703. 21c ing, better get ready, your dressmaking and tion problems. —Mrs. Weber’s Trailer, phone BRICK COTTAGE & ACREAGE —Roomy brick cottage with hydro and town water. Barn and one acre of land. Edge of Exeter. Early possession. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter’. WANTED WANTED — Coal oil hanging lamps. — Mrs. Ralph Bailey, Main Street. ltfc FOR SALE—New house, full basement with furnace and water heater, living room, kit­ chen, two bedrooms and bath on first floor. Upper floor un­ finished, with stairs in. R. E. Balkwill. 9tfc WANTED-—$5,000 on good farm mortgage. About April 1. Good land, good buildings. 'Good se­ curity. Apply Times-Advocate. 21* WANTED TO RENT—-House, 3- 4 bedrooms, basement, prefer­ ably furnished. Contact F/O Revill, RCAF Centralia, or Exeter Times-Advocate. 7:14:21c $4,000.00—FRAME — Centrally located. Can be used as two- or three-bedroom home. Hot air furnace. Town water. Terms. —C. V. Pickard, Main Street, Exeter. WANTED — Married Canadian farmer desires to rent 100-200 acres oi' would consider work­ ing on shares; experienced in dairy and row-crop farming; references. Apply Box "M”, Times-Advocate. 14:21c GRASS FARM, consisting of 105 acres Con. 1 3, Lot 7, Hay Township, 11 miles north of Dashwood. All clear but three acres bush; 60 acres freshly seeded; plenty of water — Delbert Geiger, Zurich 97-8. 14:21c BABY CHICKS WE ADVISE YOU ask us for Bray pricelist and catalogue, and order your day-old chicks in advance. For immediate shipment they have started pullets and started cockerels. Agent’—Eric Carscadden, tele­ phone 2 4 6-J, Exeter; Bray Hatchery, 120 John N., Hamil­ ton. IT WILL NOT BE OUR FAULT if you have no eggs next sum­ mer and fall, Spruceleigh chicks are bred on our ov*1 farm with many years of care­ ful breeding behind them. Many of tho best dates are al­ ready booked by wise farmers who make sure of their stock. You should do the same. Write now for price list and new il­ lustrated catalogue to Spruce­ leigh Farm Poultry Products Limited, Box 12 ST, Brantford, Ontario, or order through Cann’s Mill Limited. 21:2S:6:13c We have GOOD FARMS with good buildings, well located for schools and markets. 50 to 300 acres. Choose yours.— W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman, Exeter. 21c FOR SALE—Good farm for sale in Hensall district. If you wish to buy or sell, contact Fred Cole, Exeter, represent­ ing J. W. Holt, realtor, Grand Bend. 21* FOR "SALE-— In Lieury, stucco house, 6 rooms, hydro, 3 lots, henhouse, garage, church and school convenient. Immediate possession. Alex Reid, R.R, 8, Parkhill, phone 605-r-3 Park­ hill. 21c FARMS FOR SALE—The estate of the late Albert Devine; 50- acre farm, Lot 20, Concession 19 of Stephen Township. Oh this farm is a house and barn —also a rock well. Also for sale: a 25-acre farm across the road, Concession IS, quar­ ter of a mile south of Lot 20. This is good pasture land. Executors: Mrs. J” Gregor, R.R. 4, man Device. • Lloyd Mac- Parkhill; Nor- 21:28:6* HORSES: CATTLE: cow, due April 10; April 15; cow, cow, due May 5; calves at side 3 years old; years years years small PIGS: 2 brood sows; around 80 or 9 0 lbs. IMPLEMENTS: Allis Chal­ mers tractor; Mc-Dearing hinder, nearly new; M.H. mower spreader, drill; Cockshutt seed drill; stiff­ tooth cultivator; land roller; 2 walking plows; Case 3-furrow tractor plow; set of harrows; I-------r; ‘hay rake; tired wagons: hay rack ; box; sets ■scales; ! mill; lines; cream separator; hay fork, ropes and pulleys; slings: forks, sho­ vels, hoes, whiffletrees, neck- i yokes, chains, boxes, barrels and ! ether articles. i TERMS: Cash, j FRED KERR, PROP. FRANK TAYLOR, AUCT.. old; 6 old; 2 old; 3 calves. rising 3 rising 2 rising 2 steers; 3 & chunks M.H. hay loader; Case manure M.H. 13-hoe seed RE WARBLE FLY SPRAYING Sealed tenders plainly marked will be received by the Township of Usborne up until 2 p.m. on 1.T" ’ March 10 next for the contract i nanow to spray th® cattle of ike Town- , ship of Usborne for the control j of warble fly: work to be car-; , ried on under the supervision of inspectors a ppoint ed by. the Council. Spray materials to be supplied by the township. Ten­ ders should be in the form of a price per head per spray. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. H. H. G. STRANG. CLERK 21c 2 steel­ wagon 2 sets sleighs; cutter; bug­ halter for leading a cow 2 double harness; set of turnip pulper; fanning new single bridle and wheelbarrow; McDeering GRAVEL TENDERS ,, Township of Hay { Sealed tenders will be received! Til PRPniTRRQ by the undersigned up to 6:00 i Bv 1 IU LnEUllUnO p.m. March 1, 1952, for crush-; ing and hauling approximately J 8,000 yards of crushed stone, % inch screen size. Material to be used will be from the Mc­ Lean pit northeast of Hensall, Ont. Tenders to state price per cubic yard for crushing and also flat rate price per cubic yard for hauling anywhere in Hay Town­ ship. Contractor to supply crush­ er and trucks. Hay “ supply one truck. Half of contract pleted in May and tember. All work to be the supervision of the Superintendent. Marked for $200.00 to accompany Lowest or any tender not sarily accepted. Contract signed as soon as tender JAMES MASSE, Road Supt., Zurich, R.R. Township to ! In the estate of ! GEORGE EDWARD ANDERSON deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of George Ed­ ward Anderson, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Retired Tinsmith, who died on or about the 28th day of January 1952, are required to file particulars of the same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter. Ontario, by the 23rd. day of February next after which date the estate will be distribut­ ed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON, Exeter, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor 7:14:21c ■ to be com- half in Sep- under Road cheque tender, neces- to be is let. No. H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk-Treasurer, Zurich, 2 In the estate of WARBLE-FLY SPRAY Township of Hay Sealed tenders plainly marked will be received by the under­ signed for the contract to'«kpray all cattle in the township for the control of Warble-Fly. Township will supply all spray material, contractors to supply all equip­ ment, Work to be done under the direction of the Township Inspector. Tenders should be in the form of price per head two sprays. Tenders to be in hands March tender H. Clerk-Treasurer, Zurich, ’ O’nt j , JOHANNES WOUDA, 14-<>lc Ila<;e of the Township of Usborne, I rr---------- for the by any of the undersigned 1, 19 52. Lowest or not necessarily accepted. W. BROKENSHIRE, Ont. 14:21c in the County of Huron, Farmer. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full parti­ culars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the first day of March, A.D. 1952, after which date the estate’s as­ sets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received. W. G. COCHRANE, Exeter, Ontario, Solicitoi’ for the Administratrix. 14:21:28c APPLICATIONS The Township of Hay is call­ ing foi* applications for inspect­ or to supervise the spraying of the cattle in Hay Township sprayed according to the Warble- Fly Control Act, 1949. Inspector to collect payment for spraying done. Applicants to receive in­ structions from the Council of the Township of Hay. All ten­ ders to be in the Clerk’s office by' March 1, 1952. H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk-Treasurer, Zurich. Ont. I 14:21c In the estate of VERA GRACE ESSERY, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Vera Grace Essery, late of the Town of Ex­ eter, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 5th day of February, 1952, are re­ quired to file particulars cu same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the Sth day of March next after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON, Solicitors for the Executor, Exeter, Ontario, 21:28:6c