HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-02-21, Page 44 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 31, X9S? Girl: “x feel sorry for the poor animal that was skinned for this coat you gave me.” Boy friend: “Thanks for sympathy.” your New and Used Milkers Lovell H. McGuire Phone -160-M Wingham Subdealers carrying parts; W» Xi, Hodge, Crediton Allen Fletcher, U.K. 1, Kirkton Parts also available at; Howcliffe Motors, Seaforth Stade & Weido, Zurich OUR MOTTO: “Service with Satisfaction” rove s Our Greatest GRAND BEND Ou u perfect rinK lust Thurs­ day evening the Thedford Mid­ get hockey team skated the II- derton Midgets to defeat in their group finals. The score was 9-5 and our local lads, playing with Thedford, contributed a big share in the victory. In the next round of the DMHO play-offs, Thedford will meet either Blen­ heim ox* Alvinston. Congratula­ tions to oux' midgets. The Grand Bend Lions Club wish to obtain good negatives of snap-shots of places xxf interest in and about Grand Bend. Help make the folder book attractive. Time is important. Don’t put it off. Discuss Annvci’sary The U.C. W.A. and W.M.S. met in the vhui'ch schoolroom on* Wednesday of last week with the president. Mrs. H. Pfile in charge of the worship service. A thaptei’ of the study book was taken by Mrs. Willis Gill assist­ ed by Mrs. C. Lovie, Mrs, Gill. Mrs. C. Green and Mrs. Gill. Plans for celebration of 25th anniversary of the church on May 25 were discussed. Mrs. — — - - - the W.M.S.W. Gill conducted service. The World's Day February 29, will N' D. W. the SHIPKA The W.A. is having a evening Friday of this February 22 at the School. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart have returned home after month’s holiday at Florida. Mr. Harvey Pickering from, London, visited the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pickering. Miss Ruth McNair from Den- field spent the week-end at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lam­ port and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sheppard. Mr. present trouble Mr. violin solo accompanied by Mrs. M. EL Ratz at the piano Sunday morning at Sunday School. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Neil and Betty from Chatham were Sun­ day visitors with relatives here Miss Mabie Harlton. London is at present takiii; of her father Mrs. quilting to Friday Mr. moved week. Miss social week, Public Webb a Arthur Finltbeiner is at suffering from some eye caused by an accident. Larry Angus played a Mr ItUSSell the afternoon and Mrs. into their RN, of care . Herb-Harlton. Mellin gave a neighbours on last. Jack new Pickering home last Cubs - Guides Just For Howls Akela forgot to mention the Church Parade on Sunday. It’s a good thing you have me around to remind you about such im­ portant things. You should gion Hall by eleven Sunday much uniform A welcome from I, Gus, and a welcome from the White Six too. Good Hunting to him. I'll see you in Church and un­ til then I remain-—yours for warmer weather, Gus. all be at the Le- twenty minutes to morning and in as as you own. to Frankie Boyle Guide Talk I Congratulations to the girls •' for their good showing Monday ! night. It was a very special event J for us. We were certainly glad to have Captain Merklinger and ! former Captain Hoffman of Kit- Ichener with us to present awards. I Don’t forget church parade on Sunday girls. 500 RECORDS OFFERED AT 4 for 1.50 Famous Favorites BENNY GOODMAN CAB CALLOWAY DINAH SHORE KAY KAISER - FRANKIE CARLE LES BROWN WOODY HERMAN TONY PASTOR GENE KRUPA FRANK SINATRA XAVIER CUGAT HARRY JAMES DUKE ELLINGTON ELLIOT LAWRENCE PLUS WESTERN FAVORITES ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ of Prayer on be observed in the United Church at 2:30 in conjunction with women of all churches in Grand Bend and the Dashwood Evangelical church. A sizable bale of 12 new quilts and good used clothing, destined for overseas relief, was shipped to Toronto last week. Mrs. M. Turnbull and committee assisted in the task of packing by serving­ tea and dainty lunch. Last week Mrs. C. Desjardine entertained her friends with a demonstration of plastics and Mrs, Sarah Hamilton held a de­ monstration of aluminum ’ uten­ sils at her home. ■Mr. Bert Cox is again in West­ minster Hospital. F/L Bruce Henry, Mrs. Henry and Gail were in Detroit over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. R, Miller and son are home from California. Mr. and Mrs. G. Brenner, Mr and Mrs. E. Webb, Mr. and Mrs. P. Elsie are home from Florida. Mr. and Mrs. J. MacKinnon and daughter, Mary Jane spent the week-end at their cottage in Beach O’Pines. Mr. and Mrs. L. Johnson en­ tertained the former’s parents, of Sylvan last week, also the latter’s sister, Miss Beulah Holt, of Windsor, over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. van Dongen re­ turned home from Holland on Tuesday accompanied by Kelders sister. Mr. and Mrs. Parry and S. Gill and Janis were in don Monday On Friday, February 22, at 8 p.m. the YPU of the United Church are sponsoring a play presented by the executive of the Huron Presbytery, in the church school. Mrs. G. Thomas, Mrs. R. ther and Mrs. Bennett Monday in London. Members of the Grand United Church social evening or Sgt. RCAF Station Centralia, were recently posted. Sgt. and Mrs. Plunkett have been active in the choir during their stay at Grand Bend. Mr. Plunkett, a former member of the Mendelssohn Choir, has con­ tributed many solos during church services and Mrs. Plun- ket is an accomplished pianist. The popular couple were pre­ sented with cups and Saucers and the evening was spent in songs, games and a lunch. Mrs Mrs. Lon- Guen- •spent Bend Choir held a on Friday to lion- and Mrs. Plunkett, of Station Centralia, who Ruth McNair week-end with Mr. and ry Sheppard and Don. Miss Marie Symon week-end at her home in Wiar- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ratz spent the week-end in Detroit. Dr. and Mrs. C. B. Sanders who have spent the last few days at the home of Mr. Art Finkbeiner are moving week to Welland, where Sanders is going to practise. spent the Mrs. Har- spent the and Mrs. this Dr Biggest "Little Dress" Values In Years! j They understand, able little fabric in four pastel shades- quoise. Guaranteed fast colors with stay-crisp finish —quick drying—no starch required. Sizes 2-3-3x and 3-4-S-6. Oh . . . and the price? You won't believe it! ONLY $2.98 are terrific. You have to see them to why we are so excited about these ador- dresses. All in a thrilling new embossed ■yellow, pink, blue, tur- TUDOR'S Phone 70 LADIES’ WEAR - DRY GOODS Hensall fDOC-THIS RATION I MADE USING) fTHAT; JIM, IS (7 Y0UR32^ DAIRY CONCENTRATE GIVES ME MORE MILK FORTHE WHOLE HERD BUT DOESN'T’ INCREASE MILK YIELD FOR FOUR OF MY COWS, WHY?; Ms / BECAUSE C0W5- ' UNLIKE MACHINES ON A PRODUCTION LINE—DO NOT HAVE DIALS TO SHOW YOU THEIR CAPACITY^ ------- -- WHAT’S THIS ABOUT DIALS? V/ 5SS Jig fa HENSALL and Mrs. Lome Chapman the week-end with rela­ tives in Detroit. Miss Alma Bell visiting with her and Mrs. William Mrs. P. Buchanan returned ‘to her home here after spending the past two months with rela­ tives and friends in Windsor and St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. returned home a week’s visit Mr. Cook’s brothers, Charles H. and William E. Cook, and fam­ ilies. Mrs. George Gossman, Mrs. Leo Gibson and daughter of Dashwood visited Mrs. C. H. Hedden and Herb Sunday last. Mr. Vernon Spray of Edmon­ ton, Alta., has returned home after spending a few days visit­ ing with Mr. and Mrs. E. Geiger. Mr. and Mrs. G. Voth, Gwen and Jimmy, of Birmingham, Mich., visited over the week-end with Mrs. L. Simpson. Reeve A. W. Kerslake is in Toronto this week attending the Good Roads Convention. Mrs. Kerslake accompanied him. Mr. visited ther. The United home-baking sale and afternoon tea in the church basement Sat­ urday afternoon. The basement and tea tables were attractive in Valentine emblems. Conveners were Mrs. J. F. Blackwell, Mrs. P. McNaughton, Mrs. W. Rich­ ardson. Mr. Jarvis Horton, who has been-seriously ill with' a heart condition, is improving in health. Arnold Circle Mrs. F. Peters was hostess for the February meeting of the Arnold Circle Evening Auxiliary at her home Monday, February 18. President Mrs. C. Forrest took the chair, and Mrs. A. R.' Orr conducted the worship per­ iod. Mrs, R. Simpson’ reviewed a chapter of the study book, and Mrs. E. Fink read an article from the Record. Mrs. A. Kers­ lake was appointed literature secretary. The visiting commit­ tee, Mrs. A. Hildebrand and Mrs. C. " - ... sent who was two meeting closed with the singing of God Save the Queen, after which contests were enjoyed refreshments served. Mr. spent of Toronto is parents, Mr. R. Bell. Norman E. Cook Sunday following in Chicago with Casey Hudson, Goderich, on Sunday with his mo- Evening Auxiliary of the Church held' a successful Kennedy, reported having flowers to Mrs. H. Arnold, has been very ill. There a splendid attendance with new members enrolled. The and “Arthur hasn’t been out a ; gle night for three weeks.” “Turned over a new leaf?” “No, his dad’s new car.” DW sin- 77------------------- SHAPED BODY, ROOMY BARREL AND*KIN6-SIZED" UDDER. SHE COMES.FROM HI6H-PR0DUCI NG STOCK, BRED FOR RU6GED HEALTH, KEEN APPETITE AND ABLE TO CONVERT OVER 20% OF HER FOOD ''........... .......... ...................k Captain Under The Toadstool First, we wish to give a Grand Howl of welcome to out' new Guider Marilyn Skinner. We hope she likes working with you as well as Guider Trudie and Brown Owl do. Looking in on the ten Golden Hand Brownies present we find them working hard on their sew­ ing, skipping and ball throwing. We also understand they all pass­ ed the three tests—congratula­ tions girls. The Wee on their tie passing it. rest are going kerchiefs at home pass it next week, them. One of the Wee Cochrane, brought it to tention that the word used in our Promise should now be “ Queen” so let’s see if you all can remember it for next week. KIPPEN There was a good’attendance at St. Andrew's united church on Friday morning. Rev. Hinton spoke words of regret at the passing of one of the best mon­ archs in history. “We ways remember him Good King’.” he said. Quite a few from tended the funeral of William Sinclair at the Funeral Home in Hensail last week. We are pleased to report mas­ ter Donald Parsons was able to return home from War Memorial Hospital in London last week. •Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Consit on the birth ol a son in Clinton Hospital last week. Mr. and Mrs. Pinkney, of Tor­ onto spent the week-end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. S. Cud- more. Mr. and Mrs. John Dietz and Mr. and Mrs, Tom Munro re­ turned home after a pleasant motor trip to the sunny south. Mr. ..and Mrs. Adam Black, who have been residents of the village for some time left last week to take up residence in Exe­ ter. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Deckert and Merle spent Sunday with re­ latives at Melborne. Mrs. Norman Long returned home on Monday after spending a week with relatives in Toron­ to and Weston. Sympathy is extended to the Sinclaii' Family in their bereave­ ment. LONDON, ONT Contract Barley We Are Again Contracting Barley with CANADA MALTING COMPANY - Seeds Supplied * CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS shall al­ as ‘The here at- the late Bonthron H. J. CORNISH & CO. 294 DUNDAS ST. ’ BARLEY IS TREATED FREE OF CHARGE Phone: Day 54, Night 86 Hensail, Ontario Folk again worked with two of the girls We understand the to practise on so they can Good luck to Folk,Martha our at- “King” Brown Owl Friends Surprise Pair With Wedding Feast Some 60 friends and relatives, equipped with a full course din­ ner complete with a three tier wedding cake, droppd in on Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Merner last Saturday night. They will cele­ brate their Silver Wedding Anni­ versary in the spring and this occasion was a complete surprise. After the delicious dinner was served and the wedding cake cut, Mr. Alvin Walper read an address to the bride and groom. Mr. Urbon Pfile made a presen­ tation and Mrs. Addison Tieman, twin sister of Mr. Merner pre­ sented them with a bouquet of spring flowers. Mr. Merner then thanked everyone for the lovely gifts and guests spent the remainder of the evening dancing and singing. Before leaving, guests all wish­ ed Mi’, and Mrs. Merner many more years of happy wedded life and hoped to be with them when they celebrated their Golden wed-- ding anniversary. ELIMVILLE Elimville Euchre Club was held, last Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Skinner as hosts. There were eleven tables in play and winners were: La­ dies’ high, Mrs. Philip Murch; gents’ high, Mr. John Kellett; and low was Mrs. Judson Dyke­ man. This week the party will be held Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper as hosts. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques of Zion, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Murch visited on Sfinday with Mr. Harry Murch of London. Mr. Elgin Skinner of Toronto spent the ents, Mr. ner. Sunday Melville Skinner were Mr. Mrs. Fred Ford of Eden, and Mrs. Delmer Skinner family. The Young People’s Presby- terial will present their play, “Kid Brother”, in Grand Bend on Friday night. Mr. Joseph LaPerle underwent an operation for appendicitis on Wednesday. The community wishes Joe the best of health for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. John Jessop and family of London, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Dilling of Kippen visit­ ed on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dilling. Saturday evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Johns were Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Skinner and family, Mrs. Lome Elford Marie. Sunday visitors with Mr. Alvin Pym were Mr. Harry Cole of London, Mrs. Ewart Pym of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. James Kirk- and Malcolm of Thames week-end with his par- and Mrs. Everett Skin- Mrs. and Mr. and visitors with Mr. and USED CARS PRICED & 1951 DODGE SEDAN 1948 DODGE SEDAN 1946 DODGE SEDAN 1941 CHEV COACH 1949 FORD THREE-TON Two Speed Axles 1950 HALF TON Hensall Motor Sales Phone 31 Hensail ii BLANSHARD- (Intended for last week) Mrs. Trewartha of Holmesville spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Langford. Mrs. Trewartha spent Wednes­ day with Mrs. Jas Mossey. Mrs. Alex Dobson and Wayne of Toronto is spending a few days with Mrs. Fred Pattison. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thackei Orrie, Elizabeth, Linda and Ca­ therine spent Thursday in Lon­ don with Mrs. T. Waugh. Mrs. T. Waugh, of London, Dr. and Mrs. Beattie and family, of London, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan and family of Guelph were Sun­ day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leon­ ard Thacker. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones and Carl were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bryan, of Prospect Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thack­ er and family, Mrs. Fred Patti­ son were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hodgins, Granton. Mrs. Mrs. and and land Road. The Elimville Women’s Insti­ tute Family Night was held on Wednesday evening with a good crowd attending. Quite a number attended the “At-Home” school dance in the E.'D.H.S. on Friday evening. Mr. Roy Ford of Aylmer spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ford. M rs. Anna L. Siebert Dies At Zurich Mrs. dow of died at day was . . _ ________ County, and came to Zurich 30 years ago. She is survived by three sons, Edgar R. and Franklin L., De­ troit; William A., Zurich, and three daughters, Mrs. W. R. Ma­ jor, Toronto; Nora, Lansing, Michigan,” and Mrs. Clare Hoff­ man, Galt. Another son, the fa­ mous hockey player, Babe Sie-, bert, was drowned at Bayfield. Anna L. Siebert, 85, wi- William L. Siebert, who her home in Zurich Sun- a native of Waterloo Watch Jimmy go! He’s mighty fleet on his feet And you can just bet that he’ll win first prize in this race. Some day Jimmy will grow up and get married. Then he’ll discover that one of the prizes he wants most to win is financial security for his family. But he’ll be able to win this prize “before the race is run” -— with life insurance. For, you see, the full protection of life insurance begins the moment you make your first premium payment. And those premiums can help you win some of the “prizes” that savings provide — such as a college education for the youngsters or a new home. Nowadays the savings you can make with life insurance are more important than ever. For, like all savings, they help to check inflation. And, because they are long term savings, their inflation-checking power is all the greater. So keep up your premium pay­ ments. Add new life insurance as you need it. And save money every way you can! L-751D LOOK ATTHIS HEIFER-ANGULAR,WED6E-^NOW LOOK ATTHI5 GIRL-LOW-SET, BLOCKY,RECTANGULAR ............ .......................................BUILD, WELL FLESHED, SMALLER UDDER. A GOOD HEALTHY COW WITHOUTTHE INHERITED ABILITY TO CONVERT FEEOTO MILK. SUCH COWS INYOURHERDEATUPYOURTASTY RATION MADE WITH ROE MILKMORE BUT DO NOT RETURN AS GREAT ANINCREASEOFMILKTOMAKEITPAYOFF. J By Roe Farms Service Dept. MM-10 3S ENERGYINTORICHMILK. IT PAYS TO FEED HER A RATION MADE WITH 7—ROE 32# DAIRY J CONCENTRATE- SHE'S A Busy workER J A « ill f SEE NOW-THeY/ TRICK IS TO FEED Yl J ROE MILKMORE ‘ K ms COHC. ACCORDING TO THE CAPACITY If OFEACHCOW^ ROE32^MILKMORE IstlUSTTHETHING TO USE WITH OUR BIG CROPS 0F6RAIN .TO PUSH EACH COW TO HER. FULL production; I EH DOC ? J YES, JIM, MILKMORE 15 RICH IN HIGH VALUE PROTEINS AND FATS for growth and milk conversion- well supplied with vitamins FOR HEALTH AND BALANCED WITH THE NECESSARY MINERALS. ROG MILKMORE AND YOUR 6RAINS REALLY PAYOFF, JIM. J YOUR GRAIN sn^ROE CONCENTRATE ft. COW. OAlRy COHC. I A 32%Au DAIRycoNC. cinrrww-j pommMiuiNGcs LAYWOOCiL « ONT.