HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-02-14, Page 12THE TIMES-ADVPCATE. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 14, 19S2 Attention Legion Members and Auxiliary Friday, February 15 Mrs. William Pearce is in Vic­ toria Hospital, London, having undergone an operation Monday. Mrs. Olive Wilson and daugh­ ter, Ruth, of Winnipeg spent the past week with the formers’ aunt Mrs. Mary Hannigan. < Mr. aim Mrs. W. N. Murdock of Dundas and Miss Olive Wood of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Aulier and Ronald, of Warwick, visited on Sunday ut the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Luxton. Meet at Legion Hall 10:15 a.m. Dress: Berets and Medals Baby Sitters at the Legion Hall for Auxiliary Members’ Children Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Matting­ ly and two children and Mr. and Mrs. Toni Page and three sons and Mrs. William Jeffries, all of Sarnia, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mason and daughter Donna of Grand Bend visited on Sunday with Mrs. Mary Hannigan. Mrs. Jefferies is remaining for a few days. E Attention £ £ £ sr £ £ i All Co-Op Members and Cattle Shippers £ £ Social Evening £ £ will be held in CO-OP HALL s s s £ Friday, February 22 £ Program consists of a talk by Mr. Robert Morrisson, president of Ontario Live Stock Co-Op, on cattle shipping. Also moving pictures. Ladies provide lunch. Card tables please. R. B. WILLIAMS, CO-OP SHIPPER South Huron District High Schoo! At Home Dance High Sch ool Auditorium Friday, February 15 - Featuring - BOBBY DOWNS & HIS ORCHESTRA Couples Only Dancing 9:00-1:00 Admission $2.50 Per Couple Dress Optional W. H. Wood Wednesday in Lam- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bill. Mrs. R. E. Balhurst Mr, and Mrs. spent last beth with Wood and Mr. and visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. 0. R. Poulter, Thornhill. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Snel- grove, Judith and Margaret were in Oil Springs Sunday they attended a funeral Snelgrove’s aunt, Mary son. Mr. Gordon ton, dislocated day. Mrs. Cleve where of Mr. Ander- Credi-McDonald. his shoulder Mon­ Pullman of Cen­ tralia underwent an operation Thursday at Victoria Hospital, London. Miss L. Elliot visited last week with Mrs. Helen Qallmore in London and Mrs. Marion Simpson in Strathroy. COMING EVENTS PANCAKE SUPPER in Trivitt M e m o r i a 1 Church on Shrove Tuesday, February 26. Admis­ sion 50 cents. c EUCHRE — February 21 at 8:30, Legion Hall. Sponsored by Hurondale W.I. Admission 50 cents. Lunch and prizes provided. 7:14c BAKING SALE — The ladies of Main Street Church will hold a baking sale Saturday, March 1. , 14c IN THE CARLING HOUSE — A Monster Bridge and Euchre. Sponsored by O.E.S. Proceeds for the hospital. Monday, Feb­ ruary 25. ______14c POSTPONED TO FEB. 22 — O.E.S. Valentine Dance at Hen- sall. Make sure of the date— Friday, February 22. Proceeds for hospital. Fun for all! 14c NOTICE M Stock Car Fans There Will Be a Meeting to Form a Club February at 8:00 p.m. at ED LIPPERT’S 15 Reception and Dance FOR MR. AND MRS. BURNS BLACKLER at KIRKTON ABERDEEN HALL Friday, February 22 Monster EXETER LEGION HALL Admission 500 The Student Council, after serious consideration, have decided to carry out their plans for their “At- Home” on the evening of February 15 as the period of mourning in Exeter terminates at 6 p.m., by the authority of the mayor.DANCE Eniay THEATRE Phone 421 Dancing 9-12Admission 750 s5 S s S z S FRIDAY & SATURDAY February 15 and 16 :: s s § e E E S £ E S E Dancing THIS Saturday Night Airnd Every Sat Night a TV W Wed., Feb. 27 Dancing 9 p.m. until 1 a.m. STAN SKIPPER AND HIS ORCHESTRA Benny Goodfellow AND HIS LONDONAIRES BINGO Legion Memorial Hall Friday, February 29 $450 in Cash Prizes 15 Regular Games for $10.00 Each 2 Special Games for $25.00 Each 1 Special Game for $50.00 and $200.00 JACKPOT MUST BE WON Come and sec the new Bingo Blower in operation I AH numbers arc mixed and ejected by forced air, Admission $1.00 Extra Cards 250 Doors Open 7:30 —- Games Start 9:00 P.M. (The management reserves the right to cancel the bingo according to weather conditions) ..... .. .............. ...................................... .'M Previews Its Coming Attractions Blue Blood ★ Bill Williams ★ Jane Nigh story of a race horse—be- the scenes look at racing. A hind Spectacular in cinecolor! The town, every MONDAY & TUESDAY February 18 and 19 Katie Did It ★ Ann Bly th «★ Mark Stevens 24 hours that shocked and there’s a laugh with scandalous second! the WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY February 20 and 21 ★ Arlene Dahl ★ Barry Sullivan Arlene Dahl as the double- crossing doll ... so beautiful , . , so treacherous . . . FIRST SHOW EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT AT 0:30 DASHWOOD Interest In Library The book entitled The Royal Tour has been placed in the Dash­ wood Library. People of this community would do well to join the library and avail themselves of this splendid book at this par­ ticular time. It is suitable tor both children and adults. The trustees of the village of Dashwood have declared Friday February 15, as a public holiday. A member of the G.N.O. Club will call to ask for your dona­ tion toward the hospital for the blind. This is a worthy cause, please give liberally. Mr. and Mrs. R. Roundtree of Woodbridge spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hop­ croft. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pfile are spending this week with rela­ tives in Lansing Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Alber-t Goetz ot Stratford were Sunday visitors with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Goetz. Mrs. Trudell who has been on the sick list for some time was taken to the Sanitarium by am­ bulance on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Willert ac­ companied by Mr. and Mrs. Dlx-> on of London left pn a trip to Florida last week. Mr. Arthur Morenz of London spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Art Haugh. , Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Weber and Diane were Sunday visitors with Mrs. William Eagleson and Mrs. Cameron Ireland in London. Mrs. William Gossman, Mrs, George Gossman and Mrs. Leo Gibson spent a day recently in Pt. Huron, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Welten and family of Thedford and a num­ ber of friends spent Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gibson, the occasion being Jack Welten‘s birthday. Mr. and Ms. Leo Gibson and family spent* Sunday in London visiting friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibson of Thedford called on Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gibson and family saying goob-bye before leaving to spend- the rest of the winter in Florida. The Ladies Aid of Zion Luthe­ ran church, Dashwood, are look­ ing for a good crowd at their bazaar and baking sale they are holding in the club room on Sat­ urday afternoon. Louis and Stephen Deitrich of Dashwood recently arrived in Key West, Florida. The young men are making a sight-seeing tour of the island city. It is their first trip to Key West, southern­ most city in the United States. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Heenan, Exeter, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Heenan at Cobourg last week. Mrs. Charlie Falnier broke her hip Monday and is in Victoria Hospital, London receiving treat­ ment. Mr, and Mrs. Carfrey Cann and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hodg­ son attended the Ice Capades in Toronto last week. C. B. Symonds, Telephone Company manager for this re­ gion/ said this- week that 138 telephones were added in Exe­ ter during 1951, bringing the to­ tal to 1080. A PLAY ENTITLED B,L. Young People, Londesboro, Will be presented in ELIMVILLE UNITED CHURCH Tuesday, Feb. 19 at 8:15 pan. Sponsored by Elimville Women’s institute ADULTS 500 - CHILDREN 250 George Racey formerly of Exe­ ter has accepted a position as pilot with Trans-Canada Air­ lines. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Munroe, of Glencoe, parents of Keith Munroe who was recently trans­ ferred to the local Bank of Montreal, were sent to London hospital after a crash on No. 2 Highway on Saturday night. THAMES ROAD Mr. and Mrs. Roy Russell and daughter of Russeldale, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Duncan and family, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner were Wednesday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lome Passmore. Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner were: Mr. Ed Francis of Cross well, Michi­ gan, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Day of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Gibson and family of Bryanston, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher, of Whinchelsea. Mrs. Lee Webber and infant son returned home from Mrs. Hooper’s Nursing Home, Exeter, on Monday of last week. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Sam 'McCurdy (nee Sarah McJCeller) who were married on Wednesday of last week. Mr, and Mrs. Allan Wanner of Sarnia spent the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pym. Jack Cann of the RCAF who has been stationed at Centralia is now at Crumlin and began his Flight Cadet this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jeffery attended the Ice Capades in Tor­ onto on Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. Welligton Haist, Bernice and Morris of Crediton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Passmore. Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Gordon Stone and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Passmore and Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. William Cann spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cann. Mrs. Mac Hodgert and Jack visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer I-Iowett of Blyth last week. Farm Forums were held at Lumley School House and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Johns. The YPU will meet next Sun­ day evening in the church base­ ment at 8:30 p.m. Congregational Meet The annual congregational meeting of the Thames Road United Church was held on Tues­ day evening in the Sunday School room with a good, crowd in attendance. All departments of the church showed a marked increase. Messrs. Jack Stewart and Elmer Gackstetter were the two members appointed to the Board of Stewarts. Moving pic­ tures were enjoyed after the meeting. Lunch was served and a social time was spent by all-’ YPU Elect Officers The Thames Road YPU met in the church basement Sunday evening, February 3 with the president, Betty Moir, presiding. The meeting opened with hymn 19 6 followed by all repeating the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Mrs. Mair presided for the election of officers for the year 1952. The following officers were elected. President, Glen Jeffery; vice- president, Mildred Ballantyne; secretary, Joanne Mair; assistant secretary, John Pym; treasurer, Donald Bray; pianist, Agnes Bray; Faith and Evangelism, June Coward; Stewardship and Training Commission, Glen Ste­ wart; Citizenship and Community Commission, Doris Anderson; Mission and World Outreach Commission, Murray Dawson. Re­ creation and Culture Division, Margaret Bray, Labelle Coward, Rosemary Passmore, Ann Elf ord. Delegates were then chosen to attend the Officers Congress in Winthrop United Church on Mon­ day evening, February 4. Misses Doris, Anne Elford, June Coward, Messrs, John Pym and Glen Jeffery attended the Officers Congress at Winthrop United Church on Monday even­ ing. Community Gathering The regular social evening was held at the Thames Road School with a large crowd in atten­ dance. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simpson, and Mr. and Mrs.^Jack McNichol wore in charge for the evening. Euchre was played and prizes were given to: Ladies high, Mrs. Orville Beaver, lone hands, Mrs. Orville Beaver, ladies low, Billie Maver, men’s high, James Hod­ gert, Low William Ferguson. Lunch was then served and a so- Dance EXETER LEGION HALL Wednesday, Feb. 20 9:30 p.m. MUSIC BY THE SYNCOPATORS Sponsored by the Jr. Farmers Admission 500 The public is invited to attend a Joint Meeting OF NIGHT SCHOOL AGRICULTURAL AND FARM MECHANICS COURSES Thursday, Feb. 21 at 8 pan. E.D.H.S. AUDITORIUM TOPIC: “SUGAR BEETS’’ Speaker: B. E. Easton of Canada & Dominion Sugar Co., Chatham • A remindei* for the public to come and hear E. L. Woodley, B.S.A., "Ridgetown, on Thursday, February 14. ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND FRIDAY & SATURDAY February 15 and l(i SWORD OF MONTE CRISTO (Supercine Color) ★ George Montgomery ★ Paula Corday SHORTS & COMIC STRIPS TWO SHOWS — 7:30 & 9:30 TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY February 19 and 20 GOODBYE MY FANCY ★ Joan Crawford ★ Robert Young ★ Frank Loveday NEWSREELS & COMIC STRIPS ONE SHOW — 8:00 O’CLOCK ■I...................................... ■ PUBLIC MEETING FOR FARMERS, WIVES AND FAMILIES AND ANYONE INTERESTED IN AGRICULTURE Crediton Town Hall Monday, February 18 at 8:30 p.m. n « Sponsored by the Stephen Federation of Agriculture PICTURES AND ENTERTAINMENT LUNCH WILL BE SERVED Bring Your Friends and Bring Your Problems Everything Free! Gordon Ratz, Pres. Allan Richard, Sec. «------------------------—---------------------------■ Star Weekly Free Concert featuring the = “VIDEO-ETTES” AND “COMMODORES'* I Outstanding Toronto Musicians | James Street United Church 1 Thursday, February 21 8:00 p.m. I Sponsored by the Women’s Auxiliary = CAFETERIA LUNCH WILL BE SERVED I 8-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carnival Lucan and Community Memorial Centre Friday, February 22 at 8:00 p.m. Prizes for Best Costumes (National, Fancy and Comic) and Races Prizes for Oldest Skater & Largest Family on Skates Best Skating Couple Musical Chairs and Tug-of-War i t Free Skating After Carnival ADMISSION: Pre-School Children FREE School Children 250 Adults 500 Only those in costume allowed on ice before judging. /■-----------—-------------------------—----------- ---------------—------£ Skating Show & Carnival EXETER ARENA Thursday, Feb. 14-8 p.m. Kitchener-Waterloo Skating Club Featuring Some of Ontario’s Outstanding Skaters This show has drawn large crowds and high praise in various other appearances. Appearing by permission of the Figure Skating Association of Canada, Ottawa, Ont 8:00 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. Draw for Door Prize Admission 50c and 25c