HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-02-14, Page 6Iff. Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 14, 1952 Former Residents In The News, Lost, Interviewed And Honored At least three former district residents have “hit” the news in their adopted homes recently and the Timses-Advoeate is grate­ ful to interested subscribers who brought the tion. A former the night in the west when she became lost while riding former James Church pastor by a columnist vile Statesman; of an Exeter couple became lost youngest councillor in the his­ tory of the village of Uxbridge. “Mrs. W. D. Clarke (daughter- in-law of Mrs. Linda Clarke and the late Milton Clark of Us- borne) had an experience she will not forget very soon,” says the Macklin, Sask.. Times. The story continued: “She was taking the saddle horse and colt out to the Mata­ dor Ranch for the winter, a dis­ tance of twenty miles. Mr. Clarke had gone out for her in the late afternoon and she had not arrived/ Concern was felt that she had met wth an acci­ dent and the alarm went out. “Cpl. Tingle of the RCMP soon organized search parties from the Ranch, from the Co-op farm and from Kyle, numbering ' all re- items to our atten- Usborne lady spent the hilly woods of on horseback; a Street United was interviewed in the Bowman- and a grandson over 200. Search continued through the night with no suits. “Meanwhile, Lois realized was lost and around 7 p.m. decided it was not only useless but dangerous riding in the rough hilly country, so unsaddl­ ed her horse and wrapped saddle blanket around her settled on the ground for night. When daylight came got back in the saddle and her bearings as she found W’as in the hills by the river. By taking a wrong trail she got several miles further east than she should have. She arriv­ ed back home at 11.30 a.m. none the worse, but says she knows now how long the night is, try­ ing to sleep in the open in De­ cember with the coyotes howling Fortunately it was a usual for very hot. she she the and the she got she around. milder night than December, but not “Mrs. Clarke is fond of horse iback riding and an expert in the {saddle.” i Mrs. William Cook brought ; the Times-Advocate a clipping from “Ed Youngman’s Column”, in the Bowamnville Statesman about Rev. L. H. Turner, a for­ mer Exeter minister. The colum­ nist says: ‘ “After reading the splendid articles written by the New­ castle United Church Minister, Rev. L. R. Turner, in this paper, we were anxious to see what kind of a jigger this ex-miner of Durham, England, really was. He is not a very big person, but he’s all man. We could easil> absorb ten million more immi­ grants of his type into the Cana­ dian scheme. “Mr. Turner quit school and was working in a coal mine at the age of 14. As a young man he visited Canada on a harves­ ters’ excursion ticket in 1923 and remained here. Although an adult, he decided to add to his public school education. So, start­ ed high school studies at an age when a lot of people are gradu­ ating from college. He kept plug­ ging away until he, too, gradu­ ated from the Thiiversity of Tor­ onto. Such a feat can only be ac­ complished by grit and plenty of hard slugging. “A life-long symapthy for the under-dog compels our admira­ tion for Mr. Turner’s achieve­ ment. Mrs. Turner is real nice. She has a natural poise and charm that makes her a graciqus hostess. Their 10-year-old daugh­ ter is in the seventh grade and also studies piano, which indicat­ ed that eriket.” In a town of Telegram G. Davis, of Mr. of Toronto and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Davis of town. About Mr. Davis, the paper states: “There are no oxen now but the dairy cattle keep the local veterinarian and youngest and newest member of the town council, busy night and day. Dr. D. G. Davis, 26, polled the most votes in the recent election. “ ‘I was a little leery about 1 » i she is a smart recent article on the Uxbridge, the Toronto paid tribute to Dr. D. , 26, veterinarian, son and Mrs. Gordon Davis ■< Mi M Attention Centralia Farmers’ Supply Are Again Contracting Barley for the Canada Malting Company The seeds will be treated for the grower. Proclamation All citizens of the Town of Exeter are hereby requested to observe Friday, the 15th Day of February, 1952 as a day of mourning for His Late Majesty King George VI and it is'further requested that all institutions and places of business / REMAIN CLOSED BUSINESS THURSDAY, 15. FROM THE CLOSE OF FEB. 14, UNTIL 6:00 P.M. FRIDAY, FEB -W. G. COCHRANE, MAYOR Announcing THE OPENING OF OUR New Garage At Dashwood B-A GAS AND OILS We Are Now Equipped to Give You the Best in Service at Our Modern Garage Your Patronage Will Be Appreciated 4 Jim Hayter Results Result When You Advertise Here FOR SALE FOR SALE—Spy apples. Phone lTS-r-5 Exeter. 7:14:21c FOR SALE — 6 0-cycle Dominion Washwell washing machine in A-l condition, like new. Also 1,000-chiek size coal burner brooder stove and canopy, in good condition. Very reason­ able. Phone 84, Zurich. 7:14* YOUR AVON Cosmetic represen- tative for Exeter is Mrs. Isa­ bel Graham. In trailer home behind Supertest Station. 7:14:21* BEEF SHARES—There are a few vacant shares in the Thames Road beefring. Any­ one interested, please contact Victor Jeffery. Phone 173-r- 13. 7:14* FOR SALE—19 51 Chevrolet ton pickup deluxe cab, 3,000 miles, cheap. Apply A. J. Kellerman, phone 876 Dash­ wood. 31:7:14c FOR SALE—English Setters — one female three years old, two male pups three months old. Leroy O’Brien, Zurich. 7:14c FOR SALE—A Gerard-lleintzman piano, in good condition. — Mrs. Clara Hackney, telephone 21-r-2 Kirkton. 14* FOR SALE — Electric rangette; 1 medium size Quebec heater. Apply Mrs. Sanderson, P.M.Q. 373 or phone Exeter 67-r-3. 14 c FOR SALE—Man’s overcoat, in good condition. Sold reason- able. Can be seen at Brady Cleaners. 14* FOR SALE—1930 Ford Model A, fair condition. Phone 5 8-r- 13 Dashwood. 14* FOR SALE—’50 Chev Sedan, like new, one owner, low mile­ age. Apply Broderick Bros., telephone 277. 14c FOR SALE—Child’s crib in nat­ ural wood and spring - filled mattress. Good condition. Solid panels at head and foot with animal design. Times-Advocate 14* FOR SALE—A Findlay combin­ ation coal and wood and hy­ dro stove, practically new. Al- so 2-wlieel trailer with stock racks, 6.00x16 tires. Apply to Alf Ropp, 9 6-r-4, R.R. 2, Zur- ich. 21* 600 4-MONTH-OLD Sussex x Red Pullets raised on Purina Confinement Grower. If your hens are down 50% produc­ tion, consider selling them and replace them at very little outlay. —Lakeview Poultry Farm and Hatchery Ltd., Ex­ eter, Ont. FOR SALE CLASSIFIED RATES WORK WANTED LIVESTOCK WANTED i i i it at first,’ says the young man, ‘but when I went around on my calls, everybody said to stick with it, so I did.’ “Dr. Davis, his young wife from Elora, his year-old-son, Terry, the setter Pat and a duck called Mr. Quack, all live in a big comfortable house on a side street—they all are planning to stay there for some time. "I like this part of the country and I like the people, so I want to stay, says young Mr. Davis. I'm from Huron County. It’s mostly level there for miles, but here it's different every season. The scenery changes even from day to day’.” Of his work on pigs, Dr. Davis says: ‘We’re feeding aureomycin and Bl2 to pigs and so far we have bigger, healthier and better pigs. I’ve got a few of the farmers around here trying it out for me.’ ” -M Hensail Midgets Defeat Colborne A large crowd of hockey fans witnessed a good game of hockey at the local arena Tuesday night, February 12 when Hensall Mid­ gets defeated Colborne 4-3, win­ ning three straight of best three out of five. HENSALL—Goal; Gerald Smith; defence, Bill Fink, George Par­ ker; centre, Ken Parker; Gerald Bell, Jerry Rannie Jack Henderson, Wayne Ronald Passmore, Eric Jack Bell, Gerald Flynn. COLBORNE- defence, Blake; wings, ; alts,, Welsh/, Smale, Hicks; Gerald •Goal, Jack Wilfred Hicks, centre, Fred Buchanan; wings, Glen Feagan, Don Chi-r solm; alts., Tom MacPhee, Bill Jewell, John Buchanan, Bob Youngblutt, John Meyer, Nor­ man Stuart, George Hackett, George Wright, Art Freeman. PENALTIES — Second period, Passmore 2.41. Third period Par­ ker, 3.45; Parker 10.50. Goals, Hensall, Passmore from Welsh, first period 13.22 neth Parker, period, 13.30 Welsh (third neth Parker, period) 16.23. Goals, Colborne, Feagan from Hicks, (first period) 16.16. Hicks from Hackett (third period) 1.- 16. Buchanan from Chisholm, (third period). Ken- unassisted second , Henderson from period) 8.25, Ken- unassisted (third' To reach iron deposits northwestern Ontario a lake i Steep Rock had to be drained in at FOR SALE—Two red registered Shorthorn bulls of serviceable age. Also 800 bales of good mixed hay. —Alvin Walper, phone 57-r-2 Dashwood. 7:14* 1934 V-S FORD, good motor and good tires. Truck mud flaitp, any length, 24” wide, A” thick, 75 cents running foot. —Roy Schenk, R.R. 2, Ailsa Craig. 14* FOR SALE— Service kitchen range, clean enamel, in very good condition. Apply Harry Dougall, Exeter, phone Hen­ sall 689-r-ll. 14* FOR SALE—-Two young sows, due last part of February. ■— Major Baker, R.R. 2, Dash­ wood, phone 164-r-G. 14c FOR SALE—Not one but two Case Model “C” tractors, one on steel, one on rubber. Gen­ uine pre-war (World War II), three plow sluggers. See Ex­ eter Farm E q u i p m e n t for tuned up tractors at trimmed down prices. 14c FOR SALE—Good quantity of round baled hay. Apply Tom Simpson, one mile west of Whalen. 14* FOR SALE—P i an o accordion, 120 bass with lessons. Excel­ lent condition; $125 or near­ est. John Webster, Wellington St. or phone 423. 14:21* FOR SALE—Modern coal and wood range with high shelf, New condition. —Phone 68-W Exeter. 14c FOR SALE—Millinery stock and equipment. The place of busi­ ness is centrally located in Exeter. Apply Box E, Times- Advocate or phone 178-r-4 Ex­ eter. 14* FOR SALE—’35 V-8 Ford Coupe in good condition, inside and out, seal-beam lights, new seat covers, 3 good tires, 2 good snow tires. ’47 Mercury motor with oil filter. New hinge pins and tie-rod ends. Best offer around $225 takes it. Phone 460-r-4 Exeter. 14c FOR SALE—Gray mohair ches­ terfield suite, in A-l condi­ tion. Apply at Times-Advocate 14c FOR SALE—20 little pigs. — Cecil Rowe, Exeter. 14c FOR SALE—Grey baby carriage, convertible. White enamel baby bath, satin comforter. All in excellent condition. Willing to deliver in Exeter of Centralia. Phone 119 Dash­ wood. 14c FOR SALE at a very reasonable price, a modern electric range. Good as new. Apply 21 Marl­ borough St. or phone 33 6-M Exeter. 14c TWO, TYJ?EY, dark red, bulls, ready for service, from high- t esting R.O.P. dams; also younger ones; reasonably priced. Come and see them-— they will please you. —Phone Kirkton 3S-17, Geo. W. Car­ ter, Route 6, St. Marys, Ont. 14c FOR SALE—McClary Escort oil burning cook stove, white ena­ mel with black trim, in excel­ lent condition. Call Lucan 36. 14tfc FOR SALE—A Raymond drop­ head sewing machine, $25.00. Phone 3 84-R Exeter. If* FOR SALE—1 registered Tam- worth hog, 7 months old. Ap­ ply Kenneth Parke, 96-r-9 Zurich. 14c SUBSCRIPTION SPECIALS Ladies Home Journal for 2£ years ■— $5.00 Time — 78 weeks — $6.87 - Any Magazine, Any Time - H. T. BUSTON Phone Exeter 308-r-5 7:14tfc FOR SALE BY TENDER FOR SALE BY TENDER—Ten­ ders will be received up to February 15, 1952, for build­ ing at Hurondale slaughter house, Lot 35, Concession 3, Usborne. Building 14’ x 18’ matched pine in good state of repair, to be removed from property. Ben S. Case, secre­ tary-treasurer. 31:7:14c PERSONAL ' SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 to 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh; new vigor. New “get acquainted” size only. 600. All druggists. MALE HELP WANTED CARETAKER WANTED for No. 1 School, Usborne Township School Area. Duties to com­ mence March 1, 1952. Appli­ cants .reply in writing by Feb­ ruary 19. A, G. Hicks, secre­ tary, R.R. 3, Exeter. 7:14c WANTED i—- Married man for poultry farm. Separate house, modem conveniences. Duties to commence March 18» Ap­ ply in (person to Edgar Cud- more, R.Tl, 1, Hensail, Phone Exeter 171-r-14. 14c 25 words or less 60c More Than 33 Words Per Word SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS 300 More Than 35 Words — 10 Pei’ Word 200 OFF if ad paid with order or by Saturday following the last insertion Semi-Display Classifieds (restricted to one column) First Insertion 81c per inch Subsequent Insertions 70c per inch Classifieds calling for number 10c extra. Classified ads accepted Wednesday noon. Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at the latest. a up MISCELLANEOUS box till HONSBERGER SIGNS ..TRUCK LETTERING SHOW CARDS Reasonable Rates Phone 661 — 122 Hill St. EXETER 10:17* tfc E. FARMERS, Woodcutters, Loggers —Why search further for a fast-cutting, safe, power-chain saw? Buy PRECISION! Sold and serviced by D. L. Kernick, R.R. No. 3, Exeter. Complete informacion on request. N22:20wks* IF YOU ARE INTERESTED in Power Weed Spraying Equip­ ment, be sure to see some on display. I have also several kinds of weed killer including Dow, Green Cross and Nauga­ tuck; also selective weed kill that can be used on young peas and alfalfa seedlings and brush-kill, Lindane and Chlor­ dane, DDT, Calcium - Arsenate and Arsenate of L. V. Hogarth, phone 266. 13tfn .un Dead. Apply REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Choice 100 acres exceptionally well situated for markets, schools, church, shop­ ping, school bus, milk truck pas with one. Earl eter. s . Substantial buildings conveniences. W. C. Pearce, Parsons, Salesman, See this Realtor, Ex- 7c 2-OR 3-BEDR00M HOUSES— We have buyers for two- and three-bedroom houses. If you would consider selling we will be glad to talk the matter over with you. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 7tfc FOR SALE—Building Exeter, Main ■brick storey, frame storey; ing, block in 50x200, corner of affl'd Wellington; building 40x60, full basement; building, 24x30, one cement block 24x40, one-storey. Recent­ ly vacated by Lakeview Hatch­ ery Limited. Apply at new of­ fice, north of Monetta Men­ ard’s. Lakeview Poultry Farm and Hatchery Limited. 31:7:14c one two- one two- build- HOUSE FOR SALE—Immediate possession, built-in cupboards, • new partial bath; lots of new raspberries and strawberries. Large lot, 66’xl99’; full base­ ment. Apply Mr. L. Rumpel, Simcoe St., Exeter. Box 253. $3,000. 14* NEW BRICK BUNGALOW—Two bedroom bungalow on Huron Street West. Forced air heat­ ing, completely modern th roughout. See it now. $7,- 500. Mortgage can be ar­ ranged, Phone 5 71-J Exeter. 31tfc, GOOD FARMS—50 acres and 150 acres on county road. Also highway farms 90 to 200 acres. All have good buildings with conveniences. — W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman, Exeter. 31tfc BRICK COTTAGE & ACREAGE —Roomy brick cottage with hydro and town water. Barn and one acre of land. Edge of Exeter. Early possession. —C. V. Pickard, ^Realtor, Main St., Exeter. FOR SALE—New house, full basement with furnace and water heater, living room, kit­ chen, two bedrooms and bath on first floor. Upper floor un­ finished, with stairs in. R. E. Balkwill. 9tfc $4,000.00—FRAME — Centrally located. Can be used as two- or three-bedrdom home. Hot air furnace. Town water. Terms. —C. V. Pickard, Main Street, Exeter. GRASS FARM consisting of 105 acres Con Township, 1£ miles north of Dashwood. All clear hut three acres bush; 60 acres freshly seeded; plenty of water — Delbert Geiger, Zurich 97-8. 14:21c 13, Lot 7, Hay We have GOOD FARMS with good buildings, well located for schools and markets. 50 to. 300 acres. Choose yours,— W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman, Exeter, 14 ATTENTION FARMERS — We have several experienced Dutch farm .help, mostly families. Apply now to Mr. E. M. Eel­ man, P.O. 336 or phone 678. 7-F FREE THERMOMETER — plus cash at your farm for dead or disabled- horses or cows. Tele­ phone collect Exeter 287-W, AVilliam Stone Sons, Limited.” l-24tfc BABY CHICKS I NEUHAUSER CHICKS — Twenty breeds, cross breeds and Lines. Some started in brooders now. Complete of poultry equipment and pairs for brooder stoves. —81 King Street, London. Phone 20383. 14c AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G« (jJ. Dow. phone 88 Exeter, l*tfc Hy- our line re- WE PAY $$$—Get tin- highest prices in Ontario for your dead and crippled cattle and horses by simply phoning col­ lect the Ontario Rendering Co Phone Exeter ^58 or London 2-3363. Try us! BRAY STARTED pullets—start­ ed cockerels — for immediate shipment. Get catalogue and price list and order your day- old chicks in advance. Full in­ formation — agent Eric Cars- cadden, Exeter Phone 246-J. Bray Hatchery, Hamilton. 14c FOR RENT FOR RENT—S mall furnished cottage in Centralia. Ideal for young couple, Apply Ken Hod­ gins, Centralia, or phone 241- r-14 Exeter. 14nc FOR RENT — Newly decorated apartment, centrally located, ground floor, private entrance. Fully equipped bathroom. — Phone 143 between 6 and 8 o’clock. 14c HEATED APARTMENT — Two rooms and a bath, unfurn­ ished, Apply Times - Advocate. 14c FOR RENT—Modern unfurnished downstairs apartment. Central­ ly located, private entrance. Phone 571-J Exeter. 14tfc FOR RENT—Heated, furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Phone 274. 14* WANTED WANTED — Coal oil hanging lamps. — Mrs. Ralph Bailey, ‘ Main Street. , ltfc WANTED TO RENT—House, 3- 4 bedrooms, basement, prefer­ ably furnished. Contact F/O Revill, RCAF Centralia, or Exeter Times-Advocate. 7:14:21c WANTED — Jackrabbits. Buying any amount. Excellent prices. Gordon Eagleson, Dashwood. 7:14* WANTED—$7,000 on first mort­ gage 135-acre farm. Modern buildings. Buyer has stock and machinery on hand. Apply The Times-Advocate. 14* WANTED — Married Canadian farmer desires to rent 100-200 acres or would consider work­ ing on shares; experienced in dairy and row-crop farming; references. Apply Box “M”, Times-Advocate. 14:21c TENDERS WANTED GRAVEL TENDERS Township of Hay Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 6:00 p.m. March 1, 1952, for crush­ ing and hauling approximately 8,000 yards of crushed stone, % inch screen size. Material to be used will be from the Mc­ Lean pit northeast of Hensall, Ont. Tenders to state price per cubic yard for crushing and also flat rate price per cubic yard for hauling anywhere in Hay Town­ ship. Contractor to supply crush­ er and trucks. Hay ~ supply one truck. Half of contract pleted in May and tember. All work the supervision Superintendent, for $200.00 to accompany Lowest or any tender not sarily accepted. Contract signed as soon as tender JAMES MASSE. Road Supt., Zurich, R.R. H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk-Treasurer, Zurich, Ont. 14:21c Township to to he com- half in Sep- to be of the Marked under Road cheque tender, neces- to be is let. No,2 WARBLE-FLY SPRAY Township of Hay Sealed tenders plainly marked will be received by the under­ signed for the contract to spray all cattle in the township for the control of Warble-Fly. Township will supply all spray material, contractors to supply all equip­ ment. Work to be done under the direction of the Township Inspector. Tenders should be in the form of price per head two sprays. Tenders to be in hands March tender TT Clerk for the by any of, the undersigned 1, 1952, Lowest or not necessarily accepted. W. BROKENSHIRE, -Treasurer, Zurich, Ont. 14:21c APPLICATIONS The Township Of Hay is call­ ing for applications for inspect­ or to supervise the spraying of the cattle in Hay Township sprayed according to the Warble- Fly Control Act, 1949. Inspector to collect /payment for spraying done. Applicants to receive in­ structions from the Council of the Township of Hay. All ten­ ders to be In the Clerk’s office by March 1, 1952. H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk-Treasurer, Zurich, Ont. 14:21c NOTICES NOTICE TO HOUSEHOLDERS RE HOUSE-TO-HOUSE PEDLARS & SALESMAN It is illegal for persons, other than the producer, to sell mer­ chandise, of to door or merchandise later unless Town Licence so to do. If you have salesmen calling at your door please ask to see their li­ cence. BY ORDER OF COUNCIL C. V. Pickard, Clerk, Town of Exeter any kind, from door to take orders tor to be delivered the salesman hag a 7.14C RE ANNUAL MEETING Hay Municipal' Telephone System Due to the funeral of the ‘late King George Sixth, the Annual, Meeting of the Hay Municipal Telephone System which was' to be held in the Hay Township Hall, Zurich, Ontario, on Friday, February 15, 19 5 2 will not be held on the date set, but will be advanced one week and will be held on Friday, February 22>, 19 5 2, at 2:00 p.m. in the Town- shp Hall, Zurich, Ontario. EARL CAMPBELL, Reeve H. W. BROKENSHIRE. Secretary-Treasurer AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE of Household Furniture SATURDAY, FEBRUARY If AT CENTRALIA box; electric washing ma- 1 rangette; carpenter, cook stove; 4 wicker and table; trailer; Ice shine; tools; chairs 1 small trailer; garden garbcnge can; 1 clock; 1 water pump; 1 flush box new; saw; other articles. W. STEWART, PROP. FRANK TAYLOR, AUCT. 4 wheelbarrow; tools; table; toilet, power many 1 mirror; 2 heaters; many other articles. Second Annual REDUCTION SALE of Registered and Grade Yorkshire Sows and Boars Also Feeder Shoats and Weamw to be held on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21 at 1:30 p.m. on the farm of J. C. ROBB & SONS, LOT 20, CON. 9, LOBO TWF... 3 miles west and 1 mile north of Ilderton, 15 miles north of - London purebred sows due to March (a grand op­ to secure club gilts); Twenty farrow in portunity 15 purebred and grade sows, due in April; 3 English boars, 4 months old; 1 boar, 1 year old‘ 1 Belgian gelding, sorrel, light mane and tail (a show horse), well broken, weight 1,500 lbs 1 Holstein bull, 1 year old, reg­ istered and accredited. J. C. ROBB & SONS, PROP MILTON BROCK, AUCT. 14( NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of GEORGE EDWARD ANDERSON deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of- George Eel­ ward Anderson, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Retired Tinsmith, who died on or about the 28th day of January 1952, are required to file particulars of the same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 23rd_ day of February next after which date the estate will be distribut­ ed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON, Exeter, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor 7:14:2'Jc In the estate of JOHANNES WOUDA, late of the Township of Usborne. in the County of Huron, Farmer. Creditors and Others having claims against the above estate are required to send full parti­ culars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the first day Of March, A.D. 1952, after which date the estate’s as­ sets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received. W. G. COCHRANE, ’ Exeter, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administratrix 14:21:28e