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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-02-07, Page 5
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 7, 1952 Hensall And District News y°°dUn CarnivJ I :;¥;: DAY OLD CHICKS Hopcroft Poultry PHON! Representatives for NEUHAVSER, MY-LINE AND FRANK EDWARDS HATCHERIES Write Us for Price Lists DASHWOOD FOR CANADA MALTING COMPANY Contact Us Contracts Can Be Arranged* by Phone or Letter Phone 103 — Nights 133 Geo. T. Mickle & Sons Ltd. HENSALL, ONT. • Fast Unloading Facilities• Good Service *9 CARS Consul Demonstrator, a buy at only .. Ford Sedan, a buy at only .................. Dodge Sedan, like new ........................ Ford Coach, see it at only .............. Mercury Sedan, clean ............................. Ford Coach, just like new .................... Ford Coach, worth the money ............. Plymouth Coach, new motor ............... Dodge Sedans, (2), your choice at .. Chev Coach, very good ........................... ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 1951 1950 1947 1947 1946 1942 1940 1937 1937 1932 1,595. 1,595. 1,250. 1,150. 1,095. 895. 525. 350. 295. 95. TRUCKS ☆ 1950 Dodge Pickup, like new ........................ 1,350. ..... 995.☆ 1946 Ford 3-Ton Stake, new motor ....... &1946 Ford 3-Ton Chassis and Cab .............. 450. TRACTORS ☆1949 Ford ..... 895. ☆1937 Job n Deere B on rubber ..................... 450. ☆1943 Allis Chalmers, a buy and only .......... 525. Larry Snider Motors Phone 624 or 64-W Exeter, Ontario GENERAL ELECTRIC LUMI-BOWL LAMPS tj! 'tei,i"9 fixtures the new d fixtures. They caStVnte,5est ^esc & iumi-bowl clowned iigk Limp Dealer? CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC ---------------------------------COMPANY LIMITED----------------------------------- District Churches Hold Annual Meetings The annual congregational meeting of Hillsgreen United Church showed the past year to be one of the most successful in the history of the church. Elected to’ the Board of mana gers were Herbert Stephenson, Ralph Turner, Ross Love, George Stepenson, Russell'’ Consitt, El mer Turner, Reg. Porter, Harvey Turner, Robt. McAllister and Ward Forrest. Elected to the of ficial board were Harvey Turner, Rosg Love, Herbert Stephenson, Ward Forrest, Russell Consitt and Ms. Ralph Turner. Herb Stephenson and Ross Love were appointed auditors for 195 2. The secretary read a letter of thanks and apprecia tion to the minister of the church Rev. A. E. Hinton for the gift of a new pulpit, communion table, and fern stands, the work of his own Chiselhurst At the Chiselhurst Wednesday Harold Earl Treffrey were elected the Board of Managers. J, Glenn, Benson Stoneman, Brintnell, weres elected to board of trustees and Angus Robertson, is the new secretary treasurer. Harold Parker was appointed superintendent of tshe Sunday School to replace J. Ferguson who retired owing to ill health. Wilbert Parker, caretaker, A total of $2,400 was raised for all purposes, and there families on the roll. A motion was made letters to the shut-ins church, he exterior of the church was redecorated and further im- provemensts will be made sthis year. Rev. W. J. Rogers s the minister. Mr. Donald MacArthur, son of Mr. Sydney MacArthur, of Hen sall, was accepted Wednesday, January 3 0 by the Presbytery of Middlesex of the Presbyterian Church of Canada'’as a student and layman. He will “be appoint ed to a fiseld or charge in month of March when he start his studies. United Church Report At the annual meeting of United Church held 'Tuesday evening, January 29, Jack Tudor, Russel Broderick, Douglas Cook, Clarence Smillie, were elected to the Board of Stewards . and George Arstrong was elected to the Board of Trustees. Over $13,000 was raised for all purposes and all Missionary Allocations were met. The church was new and Rev. ter. hands. United annual United evening, Januarys 30 Parker, Joe Ferguson, 'to M T, the Church meeting of Church held are 67 to send of the the will the decorated inside and out, lighting' system instiled, and modern washrooms instiled. W. J. Rogers is the Minis- Choir Entertainment Following choir practise Thursday evening, January 31, some thirty members of the choir of the United Church were pleasantly entertained at the home of their choir director and his wife Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Ran- nie. A social time was spent by all and a recreational period en joyed by all. A delicious lunch was served by Mr. and Mrs. Ran- nie and members of their family Rev. W. J. Rogers, on behalf of the choir, extended sincere thanks to the host and hostess for hospitality. their Saw Slips Edward Gackstetter, of Zurich was employed at Kalbl- leisch’s mill at Zurich met with an accdent while operating a saw, the board slipped and the little fnger of his left hand was cut to the bone. Dr. J. C. Goddard gave first aid and removed him to Clinton Hospital for further treatment, it will not be known for a week whether his finger will be saved or not. near Institute Entertains Members of Zurich Women's’ Institute entertained their hus bands to a banquet in the town hall, Zurich. The tables looked^ very smart, decorated in color schemes of yellow and blue, In stitute colors. A recreational per iod was enjoyed. Winners in the various games and contests were Mrs. Mary Manson, Mrs. Leonard Erb, Mr. Philip Hartman and Elmore Klopp. C. L. Smith, edit or of The Zurich Herald, ten dered a vote of thanks, second ed by E. F. Klopp. Janice Lynne, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bon- thron, who tyas been in Clinton Hospital since her birth Novem ber 13, 1951, came home on Tuesday of this week. She has gained considerably in weight and is in splendid health. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Williams Brown, were in Toronto Wednesday and Thursday of this week attend ing the Ice Hollies, held at Maple Leaf Gardens. At the morning service in •Hensall United Church, Rev. J. Rogers, the pastor, spoke the subject, Out of Misfortune” offered the selection to God’ McEwan. Mr. William Fairbairn has cepted a position as bookkeeper with Mr. Lome Eiler. the the W. on Making the Best The choir Thanks Soloist was Mrs. Be H. acj C Of C To Back CN|B Campaign Th© Hensall Chamber of Com merce convened, for their Jan uary meeting in the council chambers Tuesday evening, Jan uary 29, Discussion centered around the new home being built in London for the Blind. Hensall’s quota is $500, and the Chamber of Commerce are going to sponsor this project to raise the money by public subscrip tions and entertainments. In charge of this project are Reeve A. W. Kerslake, chairman; W. O. Goodwin, and Harvey Keys. Two signs now completed will be erected shortly on No. 4 Highway. W. R. Middleton, W. F. Riley and Rev. W. J. Rogers were ap pointed a committee to inter view the officials of Clinton Air School as regards presenting theii’ show here in aid of blind. Lome Hay, manager of Hensall Midget hockey team, present and gave report of progress being made by team. Howard Scene, coach, was present. George Armstrong, president of South Huron Agricultural So ciety, was present in regards to setting the date for the Stock Show. Friday, May 23, was date set. the the was the the also the Another Player Injured Harold Nicholson, forward the Hensall hockey team, suf fered a fractured shoulder at the game Monday night at St. Marys. He received treatment at Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea forth. This makes four casual ties for members of Hensall team this season. Ray Consitt, suffered a fractured leg; Don Moore, right winger, a concus sion; and Art Woodcock, goal tender, a cut eye requiring stitches. on Personal Items Rev. John B. Fox, who with Mrs. Fox and family arrived in Hensall Saturday from Brandon, Man., occupied the pulpit at Carmel Presbyterian Church Sun day last, and expressed deepest thanks to the congregation for kindness extended to them be fore and upon their arrival here. J. L. Nicol was at the organ console, the choir offered an thems, and solos were rendered at the morning service by Mrs. W. * Brown, and at the evening service by Mrs. W. Jerrott. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pepper, a recent bridal couple, sented 'With an electric and coffee perculator bors and friends on last. Mrs. Pepper is the former Edna Walsh.. Mr. Glenn Bell has received the appointment as superintend ent of Carmel Presbyterian Church Sunday School to replace Mr. George Tinney, who recently resigned after five years of serv ice. Mr. Tinney and family in tend taking up residence in Ex eter. Mrs. George Hess is leaving this week for an extended trip to Victoria, B.C., to visit her mother, Mrs. Pettigrew, who is in poor health. A Valentine dance will be held in the town hall, Hensall, Friday, February 15, Proceeds are for Exeter Hospital Fund. The dance is sponsored by the north group of Exeter Eastern Star. In the financial statement of Hensall United Church, we not ice that a gift of $1,000 was given to the church by Mr, and Mrs. Jim Rowcliffe, of London, in memory of the late Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Rowcljffe. Miss Audrey Walsh of Gode rich spent the week-end at her home here. Big Success A large crowd attended the third annual carnival sponsored by the Woodham Community Association at the Woodham rink Friday night. King and Queen of the carni val were Reg. McCurdy and Shir ley Rundle. Best comic costumes were worn by Ross Dobson and Marilyn Brine. Marion Moelry and Angelo O’Brien were most original in theh’ dress. Other winners were Reg. Mc Curdy and Shirley Rundle, Wil liam Mills, Dennis Webb, Ralph Hern, Phyllis O’Brien, Ronnie Chattem, Betty Hern, Ross Mc Curdy, Donna Mills, John Rodd, Phyllis Wheeler, Betty Hern, Norris Webb and Lawrence Bec kett. Mr. William Lambert of Gran ton, Mrs. William Routly and Mr. Harry Carling of Elimville were judges. After the judging, a large number enjoyed skating to music provided by the Association’s own record player and sound system. Personal Items Mr, and Mrs. Benito, Manitoba Mrs. Roy Hunt visited recently with Mr. Mrs. Oscar Brine, Mr. and Mrs, Wilbert Small of Culloden visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Morris I Sask., visited Mrs. R. Kirk Bert Rundle. Miss Marian Mills, R.N., of Victoria Hospital, London spent Sunday with her father, Mr. Wil liam Mills. Miss Grace Doupe spent the week-end with Miss Marilyn Brine, Miss Donna Dickinson of St. Marys spent the week-end with Miss Merle Hazelwood. Mrs. J. Butters of Thames Road spent! Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Willis spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rodd. Mrs, John Adams of Toronto, is spending a few days with Rev and Mrs. T. G. Wanless, Mrs. John Adams and Mrs. T G. Wanless attended^ the Daugh ters of Scotland Convention in Hotel London on Monday. Will Hunt of and Mr. and of St. Marys and Norris Webb. Kirk, of Yorkton, on Saturday with and Mr, and Mrs. were pre tea kettle by neigh- Saturday “1 went over to see Betty last night and I no sooner stepped into the house, than her mother demanded to know what, were my intentions toward Betty.” “Well, gee whiz! Were you embarrassed?” “I woulda been but just then Betty yelled down and says, ‘Ma that’s not the one.” Farmers Have your tractor cleaned like new at moderate cost. _ Grease and dirt removed with latest steam cleaning method, Do it now. Avoid the spring rush. See or Call CHUCK ROWE At Harris West's Oliver Service, Centralia SORE THROAT Don’t suffer from common sore throat, when you can do some thing about in Rub in soothing Minard’s Liniment — get a supply, today! Get quick relief—today! INARD'S •‘KING OF PAIN” LINIMENT Pioneer Feeds Full Line of BLUE AND D.&H. HARD COAL Also GOOD QUALITY SOFT FUELS Try Our Pioneer Chick Starter Comes in forms of Mash or Crumbles Our feeds are moderately priced and are packed in 50 lb. paper bags which are easily handled and also sanitary which is a very important feature with sb many poultry diseases prevailing. Feeding Pioneer Feed is no experiment; its quality has been ,proven and we can proudly recom mend it to you! "Your Blue Coal Dealer”''-. Russ Broderick London Gun Men Win Kippen Shoot At the week-end trap shoot held at Kippen Gun Club, Hal Kemp and Lome Smith of St. Thomas were high in the two- man team shoot With 90; George M ad e et er , St. Thomas, and Charles Parkinson, London, 88; William Kyle and William Ven ner, Kippen, S3; Chester Lee and Thomas Sherritt, 81; Wil liam Lumby and Hedley Prouse, Goderich, 80; Lloyd Venner and Jack Anderson, Hensall, 78; Hannigan and Tinsley, RCAF, Centralia, 77; McLeod and Pass- more, Exeter, 71; Cliff Watson, Exeter, A. Gilbert, Goderich, 70; Kercher and Ayres, RCAF Cen tralia, 67. In the 25-bird handicap, Hal Kemp and Lloyd Venner were tied with 23; Lome Smith, 18; George Macateer, 18; H. Prouse, 17; John Anderson, 19; T. Sher ritt, 20; W. McLeod, 22; kinson, 17: Lumby, 21; C. Lee, 19; C. E. Passmore, Cliff Watson, 18. In the doubles Hal Kemp high, with Charlie Parkinson runner-up. Roy Par is); was Hunter (to eamp operator): “Is all our party........... Camp Operator the last.*' Hunter deer,” back?’' : “Yep You're a Good * Then I've shot * Canadian privately Th o largest . in the world. PHONE 299 * * Pacific is the owned railway