HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-01-31, Page 12Page 1SB.THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 31, 1952 9fl- Ailsa Craig Native ■Byried In Crediton Funeral services for John Donald, formerly of Ailsa Craig, who died Friday in Detroit, were Mac Youth for Christ brings The Eureka Jubilee Singers Famed Darkie Sextet and Evon Hedley Canada’s Leader of Y.F.C. A dynamic and aggressive speaker A fine setup for a wonderful program, in the Clinton High School Saturday, Feb. 2 8:00 p.m. f s^. Phone 421 Previews Its Coming Attractions FRIDAY & .SATURDAY February 1 and 2 Across the Wide Missouri ★ Clark Gable ★ Ricardo Montalban A year in the making . . thousands in the cast! MONDAY" & TUESDAY February 4 and 5 I’ll Get By -Ar William Lundigan iAr June Haver (Color by Technicolor) You'll swing into high with ‘Til Get By". WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY February 6 and 7 ★ Marion Brando x Teresa Wright (Adult Entertainment) A completely new experience between men and women . . . conducted in Crediton, Wednes­ day at the home of his brother- in-law Herbert Fahrner. Pallbearers were Eldon and Gerald Smith, Harold Gore, Em­ erson "Wenzel, Morris and Harry Hirtzel. Interment was made in Crediton Cemetery. Born in Ailsa Craig, Mr. Mac­ Donald was married to the form­ er Clara Wenzel, of Crediton, in 1901. His wife predeceased him in 1942. Surviving are one son Fred of Detroit, four brothers, An­ drew, Lawrence and Norman ol Ailsa Craig and Daniel of De­ troit, and. three sisters, Polly and Margaret of Ailsa Craig and Catherine of London. Mrs. Margaret MaeNicoll who has been a patient at Victoria Hospital, London, has returned home much inproved. Awl Come on Out TO E.D.H.S. Wednesday/ Feb. 6 at 8:30 p.m. * to Junior Farmers Meeting How About Lunch, Boys! Monster Carnival COMMUNITY RINK Hensall i Thursday/ ^eb. 7 8:OO pan, sharp COSTUBCE CLASSES Girls under 10, Fancy Cos­ tume, Comic Costume, Girls 10 to 16, Fancy Costume, Comic Costume. Boys under 10, Fancy Cos­ tume, Comic Costume, Boys 10 to 16, Fancy Costume, Comic Costume. Ladies: Fancy Costume, Com­ ic Costume. Gents: Fancy Costume, Costume. Best Comic Couple, Best Couple, Youngest Skater, Skater. Comic Fancy Oldest BROOM BALL Fanners Married Men Firemen Married Men This will be good, as it is ts. a challenge ga-me. Twenty minutes of real action^ Girls 10 and under, Boys 10 and under, ALL 16 16 any age. PRIZES SI - Third .50 Announcements BIRTHS Children may purchase admis­ sion tickets at our box office between 5:30 and 0:00 pan, on Saturday without being accom­ panied by an adult for the Sat­ urday 6:00 p.m. show. RACES and under, girls ladies any age. and under, boys gents CASH First $2 Second Absolutely No Skating Without Costume During the Judging and Judging Will Commence at Sharp Sponsored by the RINK COMMITTEE Visitors with Miss Willa Hun- ter over the •week-end were Miss Ruth Marshman of London, Inez Dixon and Joan Hunter of Stra­ th roy. Mr. and Mrs. George Chapman and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hicks at Zion on Monday. Darlene Wilson was a guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wilson over the week-end. Mrs. E. Amy returned home on Sunday after spending a month in Brantford with her nephew Wiliam McLaughlin and daughter Margaret. She also visited relatives and friends in Hamilton, Woodstock and Lon­ don. Mr. Albert Mitchell was among 100 relatives and friends who attended the fiftieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Webster, celebrated at Endora last week. Mrs. Webster was formerly Miss Mitchell, born in Centralia where she was married in 1902.. She is Mr. Mitchell’s Mr. and Mrs. "William Jeffer­ ies of Sarnia spent the week-end with Mrs. Jefferies’ mother, Mrs. Mary Hannigan. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Page and three sons of Sarnia visited on Sunday with Mrs. Mary Hanni­ gan. •Mrs. Harold Holtzman return­ ed with Mr. and Mrs. Page to Sarnia for a few days’ visit Mr and Mrs William Cutting celebated 38 years of marriage Tuesday, January 29. Mrs. William Cutting is con­ fined to her bed with a throat in­ fection. Mrs. Noble Scott underwent an operation in St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital, London, recently. She is making a splendid recovery, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Beavers re­ turned home this week after en­ joying a vacation in Clearwater, Florida. Mr. Beavers, along with Eric McIlroy, of Grand Bend, attended a Lions Club meeting there. Mrs. William Sweitzer accom­ panied by friends left Sunday for Florida where they expect to stay the remainder of the winter. Mrs. Norman Ford of Detroit returned home Thursday visiting with her mother, Chas. Box at the home of Frank Taylor. Mrs. Edith Faley was in treal visiting relatives over the week-end. after Mrs. Mrs. Moo­ Mr. and Mrs. Janies Rivers, of Seaforth, former residents of U s b o r n e township, celebrated their sixty-fifth wedding anni­ versary last week. They were married on January 26, by the late Rev. Colin Fletcher of Thames Road. Mrs. Rivers was born in a log shanty in Usborne daughter of the late Mrs. Francis Ashton, father was a Methodist of the Eden and Elimville dist­ ricts. f— I 8:30' ADMISSION: Adults 50$ - Children 25$ ■ i > i111 >i i ■ 11111111i111111 ■ i ii 11, ii i m i ■ 111111111111 ii 111,111111 it i < < i ii i< i it mi iiiiiim hi i ■ 11 in i it 11 ■ ii ■■ 11 ii ii mi i Dancing Benny Goodfellow AND HIS LONDONAIRES Admission 750 Saturday Night And Every Sat. Night Exeter Legion xs Hall Dancing 9-12 %niilta«iiliiltlilitiiiiiiiiliiiiiliiitliliiiiiliiiiililiiitiiiiliiiiniiitliiiliiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiii>Hiiliiiiiiiiii,iiiiiliiliiiiiiliiiiiliit <1 1886, townshp, Mr. and and her preacher "x CubsGuides Page 6—Continued from Award Night. Recruits worked and some .were passing them. Meanwhile, the second class group was busy giving first aid. I do hope you all survived. It was an important night for two first class guides, again they would like to thanks to Mrs. Southcott tested them in mapping semaphore. But what happened to othei’ first class ‘Guide. Did forget this was testing night? Captain wasn't pleased and I’m afraid that PL will need a very good excuse to wiggle out of that one. A brief campfire and Taps and Captain took the goodnight .salute. So long and good guid­ ing. away at tests successful at Meanwhile, group Once say who and our she Captain Under The Toadstool This week found the Wee Folk busily braiding coloured yarns and they all passed their test with flying colours. The newer Wee Folk also passed their Law, Motto and Promise. If Mother has any parcels she needs tied this week she can call on the Golden Bar Brownies and they will show her the knots they learned this week for this duty. See you next week Brown­ ies and remember to always Wear that Brownie Smile. !^Siimi««„i ii mtn t ii 11111 i 1111 i 11 i 11 i ii 11 i 11111 i 111111111 n 111 ii 11111 ii 11 ifnii 11 iiiittii mi lit i mi in till ■ ml i in 11 ii u i ii 11 n I in n i m 111 mi i n n in u mi i m 111 m 11 n 111 i 111 n u 1111i11 u ri i u 111111 u 1, n, 11 e E c Friday, February 1 K :<:: i: i: SPONSORED BY THE EXETER DISTRICT CO-OP Please Bring Card Table, Sandwiches^ and Cookies COME AND ENJOY A GOOD SOCIAL EVENING and Grant Case to announce the daughter, Janice CASE—Betty are happy birth of a Elizabeth, at St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital op January 27. COCKWILL—To Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Coekwill. a son, Nelson Alford, January 2S at the Hooper Nursing Home. A bro­ ther for Ray DELLOW—To Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Dellow, a daughter, at Clinton Public Hospital, Janu­ ary 26. A sister for Marilyn and Keith. ETHERINGTON— Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Etherington, a son, on January 19, 1952, at St. Jo­ seph’s Hospital, London. HUNTER — Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hunter, Exeter, are happy to announce the birth of a son, David Roy, on Monday, Jan­ uary 2 8, at Miss Ballantyne’s Nursing Home. JOHNS—To Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Johns, a son, Douglas Rog­ er, born at Women’s College Hospital, Toronto, January 26. A grandson for Mr. and Mrs. R, Frank Johns, Toronto. TIEMAN—Mr. and Mrs. George Tieman, Dashwood, a cliael George, in St. Hospital, London, on 26. COMING EVENTS Of DEATHS son, Mi- Josepli's January GOWAN—Peter Gowan of Wing­ ham passed away Wednesday morning January 30 at his home in Wingham. Mr. Gow­ an was a former school teach­ er, Funeral services were held Thursday in Wingham. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Henry Tiessen, Leamington, Ont., an­ nounce the engagements of their daughter Irma Cornelia to Cyril Edward Strange, son of Mr. John Frederick Strange and the late Mrs. Strange. The marriage will take place on February 28 at 7:00 o’clock in Weston Bap­ tist Church, Weston. 31c CARDS OF THANKS I am thankful to be up and around again. I wish to thank friends and neighbors who so kindly called and visited me and those Who sent get-well cards during my recent illness. 31c —Frank Down ■Cliff and Laurene Brock of Crediton would like to thank all those who remembered Cliff while in Victoria Hospital and who remembered treats and visits home. I would like neighbours, relatives and friends who were so kind to me while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital. Special thanks to those who remembered me with cards, treats and neighbors who helped with the chores. 31c —Frank Lostell I would like to thank my friends who were so kind in re­ membering me with cards and treats whjle a patient in Victoria Hospital. Special thanks to the doctors and nurses. 31* —Mrs. Margaret McNicol Mr. and Mrs. James W. Gardi­ ner wish to extend their sincere thanks to all those who so kind­ ly remembered their son Charles during his long illness in the hospital. Thanks to all who sent him cards, toys, and remembered him in any way. 31* IN MEMORIAM him with cards, since returning 31c to thank my like last are not mo- 31* BROCK—In loving remembrance of Mrs. Elizabeth Brock, who passed away one year ago, January 31, 1951. This day we do remember— A loving thought we give To one no longei1 with us, But in our hearts still lives. —Ever remembered by hei* son, grandson and great grand­ children. 31* COWARD—In loving memory of Mrs. Roy Coward, who passed away four years ago, January 31. He faint last wish we should to have heard, And breathed in her ear one parting yrord; Only those who have lost able to tell The pain of the heart in saying farewell. —Ever remembered by her ther and sister. FINKBEINER—In loving mem­ ory of a dear wife and mother, Lousia Finkbeiner, who passed away one year ago, February 3, 1951. Loving and kind in all her ways, Upright and just to the end of her days, Sincere and true in her heart and mind, Beautiful memories She left be­ hind. Love's greatest gifts "Remem­ brance".1 —-Ever remembered by husband and family. 31c POLLOCK -— In loving memory of my husband, Albert Pol­ lock, who passed away Jan­ uary 30, 1946. Just beyond life’s gateway Is a garden light and fair, Where again I’ll one, And there’ll there. Days of sadness me, Tears in silence Often flow For memory keeps you ever near me, Though you died six years ago. —Fondly remembered by his wife Laura. 31* meet my loved be no parting still come o’er Lucan Irish Mentor Answers Charges Harvey Langford, sponsor the Lucan Irish, re'plied to Hen­ sail charges of “dirty and rough tactics” with the statement “Peo­ ple in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones”, in a letter to The Times-Advoeate this week. “Last season,” he said, “one q£ our players received a broken leg while playing against the Hensall team in the Hensail arena.” “Three or four years ago anothei* of our players, Jerry Paul, while playing for us against Hensall in the Exeter Arena received a concussion. In another game one of our play­ ers, N. Hardy, received a broken wrist and Fred Revington torn ligaments." The Irish boss said he didn’t denounce the Hensall team or any other for rough and dirty tactics because “it always takes two or more opposing players to start rough and dirty tactics”. “I am not," he stated, “infer­ ring that the Hensall team were the cause of these accidents—I don’t know." “However, I do know that it is very hard for any individual to say and prove that certain tactics were deliber­ ate or otherwise. “I have witnessed every hoc­ key game except one that the Lucan team has participated in since the thirties, We have played just as clean hockey as any othei1 team and have been very successful in our group, particularly against Hensall. In closing I would say that certain members of the Hensall execu­ tive can’t take it." OWNERS’ MEWING — Ford Tractor, Dearborn Farm Equip­ ment Owners’ Meeting on Wed­ nesday, February 6, 8:00 p.m. Ford Garage, Everyone welcome. Filing, entertainment, treats. 24c Miss Shirley Langford of Tor­ onto spent the week-end with her parents, Rev. 0. D. and Mrs. Langford. Stanley Smith, son of Mr. and town, be- the Sea- EXETER meeting February room. RED CROSS — Annual and packing, Friday, 8, 2 p.m., library work 31c. Mrs. W. J. Smith of came band loader of forth Highlanders this week. He succeeded “Al" Close led the band for 47 years. who has ST. VALENTINE’S CARNIVAL — Exetei1 Arena, Thursday, Feb­ ruary 14. Don’t miss it! 31c VALENTINE DANCE — Make it a date to attend the Valentine Dance, Town Hall, Hensail, Fri­ day, February 15. Desjardine’s Orchestra. Admission 75$. Spon­ sored by the north group of the Eastern Star No. 222, Lunch booth in hall. Proceeds for South Huron Hospital Fund. c CROKINOLE TOURNAMENT — Main St. Church, Fri., Feb. 8, 8 p.m. Refreshments; public invit­ ed. Sponsored by YPU of United Churches. Admission 50$ & 25$. The Public Is Invited To Attend The Agricultural Class at the S.H.D.H.S. Gymtorium Thursday, January 31 8:00 p.m. Guest Speaker: KEN MURPHY of Victory Mills, Toronto Exeter Arena Sports Calendar c ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND FRIDAY & SATURDAY February 1 and 2 THE GREAT CARUSO (Technicolor) ★ Mario Lanza ★ Ann Blyth You must see this one . . . SHORTS & COMICS TWO SHOWS — 7:30 & 0:30 TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY February 5 and 6 FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE ■ ★ Joan Bennett ★ Robert Cummings Do not miss this one! NEWSREEL & COMICS WATCH FOR OUR WEEKLY AD We have an exceptionally good lot of pictures coming. a £ S Skating Thursdays and Saturdays THURSDAY, JANUARY 31 — Skating (8-10) FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1 — DOUBLEHEADER Zurich vs. Exeter (Midget W.O.A.A.) Ilderton vs. Exeter (Intermediate W.O.A.A.) SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2 — Skating (Afternoon 2-4, Evening 8-10) MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4 — Goderich vs. Exeter (Junior W.O.A.A.) TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5 — Skating (8-10) WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6 — Figure Skating (4-6) Any interested may receive for 50 instruction for two hours cents THURSDAY, FEBRUARY Skating 7 — (8-10) HOCKEY PLAYERS’ Any teams interested in forming a community hockey league, contact Derry Boyle, Exeter Arena, phone 333 or 259. %llllllllll........... . ................................lllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllDlllllllilllllllllllKIIKillHKIIIl^ Don’t Miss This BEEF CATTLE LEGION HALL, Tuesday, February MEETING EXETER 5 8 p.m. .An Interesting Film will be shown of the world’s largest Research Farm where through years of experimenting with thousands of Grade Cattle, a profitable program has been designed to meet the beef cattleman's require­ ments. They have over 200 cattle on feed at all times and all breeds are represented. In addition to this 4» Mr. John Gearhart A REPRESENTATIVE FROM PURINA RESEARCH FARM IN ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI will be on hand to bring out such important points as Preventing going off feed. Fitting for show and sale. Special baby beef problems. Cost of producing 100 lbs. of meat. Selection of feeder-type steers. Are horns necessary? How much silage and hay? How to hold down costs. Come and avail yourself of this up-to-the-minute dollar-making information. Bring, your neighbour with you. SPONSORED BY Cann’s Mill Limited Announcing New-Purina Dealers We take pleasure in announcing that L. P. BOULIANNE, CREDITON M. E. RATZ & SON, SHIPKA AND WEST MtGILLIVRAY are now agents for Purina Feeds and carry a full line of Purina Products. £