HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-01-24, Page 8THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY H 1952 Tike Quebec government has established, a school for paper­ makers to provide skilled work’ ers to the province’s pulp and paper industry. New and Used Milkers f Lovell H. McGuire Phone TVinghain, Oulxlealers caiwytiig parts: Tif. I;. Hodge, Crediton Alien Fletcher, RJU 1, Kirk ton Parte also available at; J&owcliffe Motors, Seaforth Stade S?. Weldo, Zurich OUR MOTTO; Aftervice with Satisfaction” Financial Statement Of Usborne Township School Area Receipts Balance on hand Jan­ uary 1/51 ...............$1' Prov grants .............- H Twp grants & levies . 1' Other receipts ........... of of of of of Expenditures instruction ..,.$16,974.26 supplies ........ administration plant operat’n plant main’nee Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Auxiliary agencies Transportation .... Capital outlays 2,524.00 1,085.96 3,843.85 1,458.15 239.27 1,13 (LOO 1,484.39 DASHWOOD Mi\ and Mrs. Milton Webb and Mr. and, Mrs. Lorxxe Kleinstiver left on Sunday for Florida where they will spend a fewT weeks. Glenn Haugh has returned to NhperyiUp, III., after spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Haugh. Ray and Mary Snell of don spent the their Chas. Snell. Mr. moved to Lucan last week where lie is employed. Mr. Fred Genttner is spending a few weeks with his daughter in Blyth. Little Diane W’ebei* celebrated her third birthday on Saturday January 5, with a number of hex’ little friends. After receiving a number of suitable gifts the party enjoyed a few games a sleigh ride and a dainty lunch of sandwhiches, cake and ice­ cream was served. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Walper of London are visiting with rela­ tives. Mr. and Mrs. Harold (Bud) Schroeder, newly-weds have mov­ ed into Mark Brokenslxire’s new house. Word was received here of the death of Mr. Mahlon Reste- nieyei’ nee (Alma Walper) in Cavalier, N.D. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Higenell, of Wingham, spent the holidays with Rev. and Mrs. L. Higenell Mrs. George Wiegand is on the sick list. Hex’ daughter, Mrs. Hauser of Rodney is attending hex* at present. parents, week-end Mr. and Lon- with Mrs. and Mrs. theii* household Lome Genttner effects WHAT? — Radio Broadcast WHERE? - CHLO St. Thomas WHEN? — Fri., 9:30-10 P.M. Total Balance W Expenditures $28,745.88 on hand Jan- 1/52 .............. 14,813.66 Lucan And District News of in Appointments Named At V«?$try Meetings The annual vestry meeting Holy Trinity Church was held the Parish Hall Monday night, January 21. Special invitations had been sent outD during the week to all members so a good crowd was on hand to welcome back Mr. Harrison, who has been laid up for so long. He presided at the meeting with the following appointments: Lay delegates—D. Ashworth and T. A. Hodgins; substitute dele­ gates-—Jack Murdy and Wilson Hodgins; rector’s warden—Har­ vey Hodgins; people’s warden— Clarence Hardy (re - elected); board of management — Wilson Hodgins, Charlie Corbett, Guy Ryan, D. Ashworth, Don Bant­ ing and Mrs. Guy Ryan; audit­ ors--I). Banting and H. S. Stan­ ley: St. James’ Cemetery Board -—Austin Hodgins and Jack Mur­ dy. * Eddie Hawkshaw was ap­ pointed to have charge of ush­ ers. All reports were most en­ couraging financially. A congregational meeting fol­ lowed the vestry meeting, after* which refreshments were served. Daring Theft Near Brinsley A most daring theft occured on the farm of Mr. Emerson Glenn south of Brinsley on Sat- urday night when thieves killed a fat pig, in the barn and took six geese and two turkeys. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn do not live on the farm in the winter but re-/ side in / ” . ~ \ miles distance. Mr. covered the loss next when he returned to chores. The Vestry meeting Mary’s Anglican Church, Brins­ ley was held in the church par­ lors on Friday evening and a very successful year was report­ ed- Mr. Alonzo Hodgins and Mr. Levi White were re-elected war­ dens and Miss Verna Greenlee church treasurer; Ailsa Craig some four Glenn dis- morning do his Teen Town Club Holds Hard-Times Party If you had poked your head into the Memorial Centre on Friday evening you have thought you wore at a gathering of ho­ boes, but you would have di$- coyerecjl it was nothing more noi' less than the regular bi-weekly Teen Town party. The committee in charge had decided they must do something different so everyone was sup- Exeter Radio & Electric Wiring Appliances Radio Repairs Fixtures of St. $43,559.54 Audited and found correct on January 19/52 by T. A. Wise­ man (Municipal Auditor). A. GARNET HICKS, SEC. 1 The “Light Of The World” Broadcast presented for your spiritual and enjoyment by FAITH TABERNACLE London Rev. A. G. Newkirk Preaching rest Explorers Installed By Rev. E. M. Cook The regular expedition of the Lucan Explorers was held on Monday evening. Counsellor Iva Hodgins led in singing and re­ creation while Counsellor Joan reviewed the next chapter of the Study Book, telling of the many phases of Home Mission work. The Rev. E. C. Cook installed the officers elected at expedition and spoke encouragement to the their Explorer work. The worship service was taken by Explorers Barbara Coxe and Marjorie Sovereign. the last word of girls in See hom if s £.■ j? PEKICDAI UtNtnAL El E PT DIP C LE wrl 1 • HEAT LAMPS = liyes">tk * l0W-Casf Heat lamp chick, pouJ a"“«ak easier, safer the Farm„ Deafer’ Or direct 's and other Hcat Lamps all your G-L Lam -CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC—] COMPANY LIMITED Mr. and Mrs. Willard Garrett and family returned home from Florida on Wednesday and re­ port a wonderful trip and won­ derful weather. They celebrated their New Year’s dinnei* with Mrs. Garrett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Coleman, on Sunday, January 20. At the last meeting of W.I. members decided to basket of fruit to Miss Hodgins, a W.I. member, still in St. since a car accident October Mrs. William Brownlee took basket in on Friday night found Miss cheerful in tViy in the Mr. and R.R. 2, sixty-tliird wedding anniversary recently but did not spend it to­ gether as Mr. Telfer was in the hospital at “ ' tion. Both ton district theii’ lives, in St. Church, London, Andrew’s Church. They had four sons and foux’ daughters. Mr. and Mrs, Lome McFalls of St. Thoxnas spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Coleman. Mrs. C. H. Porter, who has been on the sick list since Christmas, is beginning to feel better again. Mrs. John Blair spent Wed­ nesday in London, the .guest of her sister, Mrs. Stanley Andrew. Mr. Malcolm Hodgins and Mrs. Charles Windsor visited their sister, who is seriously ill in Carno Hospital, Mich. They found Mrs. Rowley slightly im­ proved. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Dickens of London spent Tuesday, January 15, with Mr. and Mrs. Bo-b Cole­ man. Dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mullens, London, on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Abbott, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gar- roll of Saintsbury and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins of Lucan. Joyce McDonald and Maureen Fenn spent last week-end with Mrs, Will Dickens. We are sorry to report Mr. Downing is on the sick list. Mi’, and Mrs. Ivan Stanley were dinnei* guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Bevington on Sunday. the Sr, send a Hattie who is Joseph’s Hospital 23. the and andHodgins bright spite of her long hospital. Mrs. Adam Telfer, Ilderton, marked their observa- of Ilder- lived all married Andrew’s Presbyterian now First St. London for are natives where they They were YwHE-E-W ! AM I GLAD TO SEE YOU,DOC. was re-elected Personal Items Miss Shirley day with Miss We are sorry Mr. Wilbert Sholdice is not im­ proving so quickly as his many friends would like to see. Carl Turner of Ailsa Craig spent the week-end with Master Donald Lewis. Mrs, Paterson (nee Edna Shol­ dice) of Brucefield visited re­ cently with hex- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Sholdice. Mr. J. L. Amos is spending some time with friends in Lon­ don. Miss Eleanoi* Pickering of London spent the week-end at home here. Those in Brinsley United Church Sunday School attend­ ing the largest number of Sun­ days for tlxe yeax* and receiving “Stars” fox* their diplomas were as follows: Grace and Ruth Tre- vethick, Marjorie Fenton, Bon­ nie Watson, Leslie and Harvey Steeper, Eddie Watson, Jimmie and Wayne Brest, and Wesley Hodgson, Beverly Preet winning his first Diploma for attending the largest number of Sundays. Lewis spent Sun- Kathleen Morley, to report that H. & S. Officers The following are the officers for the 1952 Lucan Home and School Association: President, Mrs. Edith Watson; vice-presi­ dents, Mrs. Gladys Culbert and Mrs. Inez McRoberts; recording secretary, Mrs, Mary Culbert; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Mary Whyte; treasurer, Mrs, Mary Thompson; executive, Mrs. Muriel Donaldson, Mrs. Eileen Haskett, Mrs. K. Lankin, Mrs. Marie Park, Mrs. Alma Beving­ ton. Birthday In Hospital Mrs. B. Stanley celebrated her eighty-third birthday in Victoria Hospital, where she has been since October knocked down Street, Lucan, day gifts and will probably light cast, and the favourable medical report the most of all. Hex' many Lucan friends hope it won’t be long now till she will be able to return «to hex’ in the village. 23 after she was by a car on Main Of all her birth­ remembrances she enjoy her new home Overcome By Fumes Mr. Ken Garret, No. 7 way, had a very narrow last Thursday. Just after noon he went out to the garage to get his car. After starting it he got out to make some repairs. Though the garage doors were open he was apparently over­ come by fumes for his son found him unconscious on the floor at He was taken to the hos- and it wasn't till 10:30 at that he regained conscious- High- escape 4:30. pital night ness. Birthdays Celebrated A number of 'birthdays were celebrated this week. Mrs. T. C. McFarlane entertained her Bridge Club in honour of her birthday on Saturday. Mrs. Henry Hodgins received word on Monday of the death of Mrs. Ed Marsh of LOs An­ geles, Calif. Mrs. Marsh was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Atkinson of Detroit. different so everyone was posed to dress in their most rag­ ged attire. The prizes were won by Miss Marilyn Brownlee Mr. Keith Frost. Miscellaneous table games were available fox' those not wishing to indulge in the danc­ ing and several novelty numbers were enjoyed during the eve­ ning. ' Sandwiches and “cokes” were served during the intermission and the music was supplied by Mr. J. Benn, Mrs, E. Scott, and Mr. Howard Kew with Mr. Hugh Toohey calling the dances. Chap­ erones for the evening were Mrs. Mel Culbert, Mrs. A. E. Reilly, Mrs. A, Culbert, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Morgenrotli and Mrs. I-I. Hodgins. The next Teen Town will held on Friday, February with the following committee charge. Misses Joyce Morgen- roth, Joan McLean, Jean Smi- bert and Yvonne ® Young Messrs, ton and Misses Joyce Joan McLean, and Yvonne ® Young and George Gallagher, Clay- Thompson, Gordon Smibert Clarence Appleton. SAINTSBURY The January meeting of Ladies' Guild was held at home of Mrs. James Barker Wednesday evening with nine­ teen members present. Mrs. Clar­ ence Davis was in charge of the meeting and the scripture short talk on ness meeting spent n pieeng blocks donated by the members. The meetng was closed with prayer and the hos­ tess assisted by Mrs. H. Davis and Mrs. E. Greenlee, served lunch. Tlxe next meeting will be held in the parish hall on the second* Wednesday in February. On Wednesday evening, Mrs. D. Abbott gave her home for a demonstration of Stainless Steel Kitchen Ware. Six couples were entertained. Mr. and Mrs. C. Abbott and Rowena were Monday evening dinner guests with Mrs. W. J. Davis and Ivan on Tuesday eve­ ning, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Car­ roll and boys were dinner guests with Mrs. Davis and Ivan. Mr. and Mrs. M. McDonald, Mrs. J. D. Dickens, Mr. and Mrs. H. Carroll and Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis attended the Eastern Stai’ Euchre in Exeter on Thursday evening. '. and Mrs. M.. Abbott and and Mrs. D. Abbott were Saturday evening guests at tlxe’ home of Mr. and Mrs, W. Ma­ guire of Brinsley. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Atkin­ son and family spent aSturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Atkinson, London. Misses Joyce MacDonald and Maureen Fenn were Saturday evening guests with Mrs. W. J. Dickens of the CKNX arena. Mr. and family and vis an'd evening and Mrs. C. Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. A. Elston and family were Sunday dinner guests with Mrs. F. Davis. Mr. A. Abbott spent Sunday at Glenco. Mr. R. Klempie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herman At­ kinson. Mrs. W. J. Dickins, of Lucan spent Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickens and, attended the quilt meeting at Mrs. J. Barker’s that evening. Mr. and Mrs. 'Griffin and boys were Thursday dinnei* guests with Mr. and Mrs. I-Iarry Carroll. Mr. A. Carroll of London spent the week-end with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mr. Griffin read lesson and gave a it. After the busi- the evening was and Phone 187-W Ford, Ford, John John 1,350. 1,250. 895. 795. 595. 995. 650. 250. 350. 100. 3-Ton, above average .................. 3-Ton Stake, motor overhauled 1,450. 1,425. 1,250. 1950 1949 1949 1946 1946 1940 1938 1937 1929 1950 1949 1947 1942 TRACTORS above average ........... like new ...................... Deere "B” on. steel .. Deere “B” on rubber CARS a buy at only very good .... Ford Sedan, Ford Sedan, Dodge Sedan, above average Ford Coach, just J ike new, low mile- i .................. Ford Coach ........................................... Chev Sedan, mechanic’s special ......... Plymouth Coach, a buy ......... ............. Model A, not bad ........ ......................... TRUCKS Dodge Pickup, like new ....... International 1-Ton Stake, like new .. Mcrcurv Vo-Ton Pickup and only ...... Ford ‘ - Ford Larry Snider Motors Phone 624 or 64-W Exeter, Ontario Lucan and attended Barn Dance at the Mrs. C. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. H. Da- Alexia were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. Mr. It. R. Hamilton turned after his visit in Carr oil. has re­ Guelph. REFRIGERATORS New...and YEARS AHEAD » Huge 8.2 cu. ft inside ... space* saving outside! • Full-width freoxer holds 35 lbs,I • Space for 25 quart bottles I • Sparkling Chromium shelves! • Full-width Crisper hold* 16 qts.l Easy to sec why the IH storage story is a best­ seller everywhere! You get amazing interior spaciousness in a compact cabinet, dozens of convenience features of the future, plus the iasdng beauty of Shadowline styling! See the complete line 7 Models! 7 Sixes! INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER Model HA-S1, WOW INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER 7 cu. ft. FREEZER Holds 245 lbs. Imagine the care-free luxury of freezing food* right in your own kitchen! Store everything you need for weeks of good eating... everything its just a 27V4 x 4-114 in. space! Think of saving valuable time and footsteps, of getting exciting IH feature*: smooth table top for added work, ing space, over-all freezing so you can freest foods on 5 surfaces, Dri-Walt cabinet that does away with excessive moisture! Preserve tee* tonal foods, pocket dollar savings... nowt Phone 153-W i / / [3 Exeter By Roe Farms Service Dept. v«»-as you've Saved my neck, please tellthe BOSS ABOUT YOUR GOLDEN E66 BREEDERS'MASH DON'T PUT ALL THE BLAME ON ME FOR POOR HATCHES, BOSS. YOU KNOW THAT FLOCKS LAYING E.G6S FOR HATCHING A SPECIAL FEED. T COME AND GET IT, 61RLS ! ROE GOLDEN £66 FOR’GOLDEN EGSS. J shell zGERM albumeM breede WORkieD ABOUT LOW HATCHES, EH, BILL? IT ISN'T ALWAYS THE ROOSTER’S FAULT. A FERTILIZED E66 MUSTCONTAIN STORED UP VITAMINS; EXTRA ANIMAL PROTEIN AND THE LATEST6R0WTH FACTORS TO HATCH A Bl6 HEALTHY CHICK AND KEEP IT GROWING. LOOK AT THIS FERTILE E66, BILL. IT IS MADE UP OF THE SHELL-ALBUMEN AND YOLK. SCIENCE PROVES THAT THE HEN CONVERTS THE EXTRA VITAMINS, PROTEIN AND GROWTH FACTORS INTO THE EGG BEFORE SHE SEALS IT IN THE SHELL. IN 21 DAYS THE STORED UP FOOD MUST GROW A BIS HEALTHY CHICK AND KEEP IT SOI N6 FOR NEARLY IO 0AY5 AFTER HATCH I NS. THAT'S A , I there's sure sense in what 1 YOU SAY, DOGi ROE GOLDEN E66 MASH PUTS EXTRA MONEY IN MY POCKET-AND IT'S ONLY A FEW CENTS EXTRA FOR THIS SPECIALLY MADE BREEDERS' MAS F0RBI66ER HATCHES OF STRONG CHICKS THAT LIVE BREEDERSWSH Ob al ■Pt FARMS MULING C» C. Tindall, Mooresville H. Kellerman, Dashwood Lome Hay, Hensall Milton Dietz. Zurich