HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-01-24, Page 5S' Service with Courtesy Exeter Cab Supertest Station PHONE 465 HAY OB NIGHT •» ■ THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 24, 1952 Pm* 5 A Little Times-Advocate Want Ad Results GARAGES Open this Sunday, Wed­ nesday afternoon, and dur­ ing out the evenings through- the week:—- SUPERTEST Service Station, Church 1 Hensail And District News JAMES STREET UNITED Bev. II. J. Snell, Faster Mr, Lawrence Wein, A.W.O.M., JHusical Director 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship. Sermon Subject: “Can We Be Like Jesus?” Anthem by Choir. Solo by Bruce Cudmore. 7:00 p.m.—Evening Worship. Continuing the series "Living Witness to the Living Faith”. Sermon Subject: "The Chris­ tian Social Witness". Solo by Shirley Anderson. A warm welcome is extended to all. The Board of Stewards will meet on Thursday evening at 8:00, January 31, in the Sunday School rooms. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev, Donald R- Sinclair, ILA. Minister Qrganjst; Mrs. E, Nixon, A.T.C.M. 11:00 a.m.-—Public Worship. 12:15 p.m.-—Sunday School. TRIVITT MEMORIAL e— Anglican re­ Rector: Rev. O. X». Langford, R.A., M»A. Organist; Robert Cameron Sunday, January 27—- 10:15 a.m.—Sunday School, 11:30 a.m.—Morning Prayer. MAIN STREET UNITED Rev. A. E. Holley, B.A., B.D. (Supply Minister) Mrs. A, Y. Willard, Organist 11:00 a.xn.—Morning Worship. 12:15 a.m.—Church School. 7:00 p.m.—Evening Service. You are cordially invited attend. to THE REFORMED CHURCH C. M. Eclxnan, Pastor Sunday, January 20, 2:30 p.m.—• Service in Exeter Canadian Legion Hall. AU welcome. ZION Evangelical United Brethren Crediton Rev, J. V. Dahms, Minister Sunday, January 27— 10:00 a.m.—Worship. Sermon: "Religious Emotion.” 11:00 a.m.—Church School. 7:30 p.m.—Worship. Sermon: “The Importance of Love.” Dry Cleaning Announcement We have . been appointed agents for Goderich French Dry Cleaners. TWICE WEEKLY SERVICE Articles picked up Monday morning delivered Thxxrsday morning. Articles picked up Thursday morning delivered Monday morning. T- For superior dry cleaning try French Dry Cleaners! Hensail TUDOR’S LADIES’ WEAR — DRY GOODS Phone 70 January Specials Off on All Off on All Off on All Skirts and Blouses Snow Suits Housedresses Washingtons are in now and are 15% 25% 10% The new Martha included in the sale. Be sure to see the Print Remnants on sale. First quality Nylons, 45-gauge .......................$1.19 TUDOR’S Phone 70 LADIES’ WEAR - DRY GOODS Hensall 3’i«iiiii*iiiiiiiiii>ii>iiiii>i>iiiiiniiii>iiiii>iiiiiii>ii)iiiiiiiiniii>iiu....... on Display at — • X The 1952 Dodge Cars and Trucks Call and see the new features and ask for a de monstration in the hew or used cars and trucks. 1951 DODGE Low DODGE New DEMONSTRATOR sedan Mileage TWO-DOOR Car Condition 1948 DODGE Like FOUR-DOOR New 1941 DODGE FOUR-DOOR £ 1941 CI-IEV TWO-DOOR 1937 FORD FOUR-DOOR 1935 CHEV FOUR-DOOR 1949 FORD 3-TON TRUCK Hensall Motor Sales 1 Phone 31 — Hensall I DAY & NIGHT WRECKER SERVICE | Phone 76 or 98 far Night Calls PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Rev. II. Kendrick, Pastor Fri., 8 p.m.—Y.P.S, Speaker Mr. Milford Prouty. Sun., 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. Supt.: Mr. E. Cudmore. Sun,, 11 a.m.—Morning Worship Sun., 7:30 p.m.—The Promise of the Father Forfilled in These Latter Days. Wed., 8 p.m., Jan, 30—Bible Study and Prayer. Prepare Plans To Mark Anniversary Annual meeting of St. Paul’s Anglican Church held in the basement of the church Monday night included a hot supper with 43 members present. With Rev. 0. L. Langford as chairman, all reports of the different organiza­ tions showed a nice balance for the year. Following were appointed to the officers of the church: Mini­ ster’s Warden, W. F. Riley; People’s Warden, John Hender­ son; treasurer, W. " " vestry clerk, A. L. men, T. Lavender, rest, F. W. Evans; Synod, A. L. Case Evans. Board of managers, Mrs. J. Henderson, W. F. Riley; audi­ tors, Mrs. T. Lavender, R. H. Middleton. Arrangements are undex* way now for the 75th anniversary of the church to be held in June, date of which will be announced later. The church will be rede­ corated fox* the occasion. O. Goodwin; Case; sides- Frank For- delegates to and F. W. i CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren Dashwood Rev. J. Henry Getz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae. Organist 10 a.m.—Worship. Sermon Subject: "We Have This Ministry.” 11:15 a.m.—Church School. 7:30 p.m,-—Youth Service. The young people in charge, Speaker: Mr. Bruce Seebach, Waterloo College. Monday, Jan. 28—District Youth Rally at Milverton. Wednesday, Jan. 30 ■—■ Midweek Prayer Service and Bible Study. Friday, Feb. 1—Regular WSWS meeting. Members of the Youth Fellowship will oe guests and will conduct the Devotional Service. Hensall Lady Receives Life Membership Mrs. E. Fink was hostess for the Arnold Circle Evening Auxi­ liary, January meeting held on Monday evening. The chair was takeix by president Mrs. C. For­ rest, and worship period was con­ ducted by Mrs. C. Kennedy. A Life Membership Certificate and pin was presented to Mrs. A. Hildebrand by the president. Mrs, Harry Hoy reviewed the first chaptex* of the study book "On South America.” Mrs. J. E. McEwan read an article from the Record, and Mrs. A. R. Orr gave an article from Glad Tidings. Mrs. Orx* gave highlights of the Presbyterial held in Clinton re­ cently. Mrs, Harvey Hyde spoke on behalf of the Mission Band. During the business session it was decided to send a cash dona­ tion to Toronto to be forwarded to Margaret Anderson Mission­ ary in British Guinea. Mrs. W. Jarrett gave the closing prayer. Refreshments were - served. Ladies Aid Mrs. Lome Luker was hostess at her home Monday evening for the January meeting of the Lad­ ies’ Aid of Carmel Presbyterian Church, President Mrs. W. Bell conducted the meeting Mrs. Earl Campbell led the votional period. Members disclosed that ladies had purchased twenty hymnaries fox* the church. Mrs. W. Brown, Mrs. A. Kerslake, and Mrs. W. Bell were appointed to purchase new -furnishings for the manse. The annual meeting of this organization is planned for January 24. Hensall Rebekah’s Meet The regular meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge was held in the lodge hall Wednesday evening, January 16, with Mrs. Beatrice Richardson, Noble Grand, in the chair. Many important items of business were discussed, follow­ ing the meeting a social was Jield by the members and invited guests. Fourteen tables were in­ play for progressive euchre, and two tables Winners Euchre: Farquhar; Mrs, Clarence Volland; Bryan Kyle; George Glenn, Sam Rannie; Crokinole: Harold Bell, Mrs. Broderick, Mrs. Byran Kyle. Organize Hensall YPU The Young People’s Union of Hensall ganized church by the Rogers. ficers was appointed fox* 19 52: President, Miss Jean ter; secretary, Miss Flynn; treasurer, Jerry faith and evangelism, Venner; stewardship and train­ ing, Shirley Chapman; citizen­ ship and community, Peggy Row- cliffe; missions and outlook, Ken Tuckey; Christian recreation and Culture, Lucille Lee. The group will meet the second and fourth Wednesday of each xnonth. *>■«< HEADQUARTERS Glenn’s Auto Wreckers Phope 418-M Exeter Used Parts, Used Tires, etc. for crokinole. as follows: ladies, Mrs. Charles Mrs. Inez McEwan, Gents, United Church was or- at a meeting held in the ■schoolroom, conducted, minister, Rev. W. J. The following slate of of- McAllis- Shirley Rannie; Murray ST. JOHN-BY-THE-LAKE - Anglican - Episcopal - Grand Bend, Ontario Rev. J. E. G. Houghton, Rector 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer. Holy Communion first ^.Sunday of each month. CHURCH OF GOD Grand Bend Rev. E. Wattaxn -Sunday School. —Worship. ■Evangelistic Service. 8:00 p.m.'—-Prayer Meet- 10:00 11:00 7:30 p.m.- Wed., ing. Fri., 8:00 p.m.—Young Peoples. a.m.- a.m.- Officers Appointed For Pentecostal S.S. Rev. H. Kendrick conducted the installation of officers at the meeting of the Sunday School held on Monday, January 7, 1952. Teachers and officers foi' the coming year are; Superintendent, Mr. Edar Cud- more, Mr, Donald Jolly; secre­ tary-treasurer, Mr. Gordon Trieb­ ner; pianists, Mrs. D. Jolly and Mrs. E. Cudmore; librarian, Ada Reand; press reporter, Mrs. G. Triebner; cradle roll superin­ tendant, Mrs. Triebner, assis­ tants, Ida Blanchard and Joyce McLaren. • Beginners teachers are: Joyce McLaren and Marion Triebner; primary, Mrs. E. Cudmore and Gloria Blue; junior girls, Mrs. M, Prouty and Betty Blue;, jun­ ior boys, Mrs. K. McLaren and Mrs. girls, Blue; Donald Jolly, and Mr. Melford Prouty; young people’s class, Mrs. T. Jolly and Stephen Ken­ drick; junior bible class, Mr. Ted Prouty and Mr. Stuart Trieb­ ner; bible class, Mr. Edgar Cud­ more, Mrs. T. Jolly. Mrs. Roy MacDonald the meeting with prayer. intermediateG. Triebner; Pearl Cann and Shirley intermediate boys, Mr. KIPPEN closed *4 Mr. and Mrs. Squire Herdman and Helen of Centralia were re-7 cent visitors with Mr. .and Mrs. Arnold Ghckstetter. Mr, and Mrs. Archie Parsons and family visited recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferguson of Chiselhurst. Miss Mkribn Thomson of Lon- desbOro spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fuss of Zurich were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane. Miss Ann Tait of Bayfield visited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love. Mrs. W. Horney of Exeter spent a couple of days last week at the home of Mr.| and Mrs. A. Gackstetter. Quite a number here attended the Hay Township Federation Of Agriculture Banquet in Zurich on Thursday evening last. The annual congregational meeting of St. Andrew’s United Church will be held on Tuesday, January 29. A pot luck supper will preceed the meeting. Park Board Plans Arena Carnival The first meeting of the 19 52 Community Park Board held Monday evening in the Council Chambers with the following members being present; George Armstrong, Lome Luker, Har­ vey Keys, C, Eyre, Bruce Koeh­ ler, Sam Dougall. All the mem­ bers present took their declara­ tion. of office before Justice of the Peace James A. Paterson. George Armstrong was ap­ pointed chairman, and Sam Dou­ gall, vice-chairman and James A. Paterson, secretary-treasurer. The chairman named a com­ mittee to arrange for a carnival namely G. Armstrong, L. Luker, H. Keys, S. Dougall. The mana­ ger-caretaker was authorized to, make any necessary small pur­ chases. Personal Items Mrs. Catherine. Devlin return­ ed to London after spending the past two week’s with Mrs. Edna Corbett. Mrs. A. Crear and Allen visit­ ed in London recently, with the former’s brother, Mr. Ed Mit­ chell who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Case visit­ ed during the past week with the latter’s mother Mrs. John Reid in London. Reeve A. W. Kerslake attend­ ed County Council in Goderich last week. The Hensall Midgets hockey team are very proud and excited youngsters, the reason is, very shortly they will each receive sweaters and socks, whiah will be a gift from Bob Cooks Motor Sales, Welsh’s Lumber, and Joynt’s Clothing, of Hensall, there are fifteen on the team. Mr. and. Mrs. A. L. Case, and Mr. and Mrs. G. ,M. Drysdale are leaving February 6th for Pheo- nix, Arizona, where they will spend six weeks, from there they will spend a few days in Los Angeles, Cal., on their way to Long Beach, California. They ex­ pect to be on vacation for two months. A number of members of Am­ ber Rebekah Lodge accompanied by their husbands accepted the invitation extended them from the Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge, Exeter, and attended the dance sponsored in the arena on Thursday night. All report a very enjoyable t time. Constable Harold Hedden, Dresdon, sou of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hedden, Hensall, has been elected vice-president of the Kent Police Association. •Mr, and Mrs. Norman Dick-j ert and Merle and Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Bull spent Sunday with friends in Clifford. Mrs. ___„ Sunday at the home of her and daughter-in-law, Mr. Mrs. Orville McOlinchey of Varna, Mrs. Robert Thompson is fined to her bed at the home of her daughter, and son-in-law, Mr. a>nd Mrs. Schroedei' in Strat­ ford, We hope she is soon re­ stored to health. The many friends of Mrs. Har­ vey Damm of Wingham, ferm-i erly of Kippen will be sorry to learn she is a patient in Victoria Hospital in London. McCIipmont visited on son and near con Xi 20% Off WE BUY SCRAP METALS & SCRAP BATTERIES V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V At Goodwin’s Hensali 11 Days Only, January 19 to January 31 Save 20% on Station Wagon Coats and Jackets Men’s Winter Overcoats 1/^ Price All Snowsuits 20% Off Men’s Ties 20% Off Men’s Sweaters and Pullovers 10% Off (Ladies* too) Bedspreads and Quilts 20% Off 70x90 Flannelette Blankets Reg. $6.95 for $5.95 Bath Sets 20% Off Guelph Rayofleece Wool 33$ Pei' Ball Special! Guelph 90% Wool 10% Nylon 39$ Ball %-Lb. Skeins Wheeling Yarn, red and black, $1 Ladies’ Blouses, long and short sleeves, % Price Prints and Broadcloths 10% Off Heavy Doeskin Shirts Reg. $4.50 for $3.50 Other Doeskin Shirts 10% Off Men’s Dress and Work Gloves (lined) 20% Off All Curtain and Drapery Materials 10% Off All Work Boots and Work Sox 10% Off Also note that our Nylon Hose Is Reduced All Fashion-Craft Made-to-Measure Suits and Overcoats Here is your opportunity to save up to $20.00 on your new custom tailored spring suit. Choose from a wide range of pure botany wool cloths. Each suit hand-tailored to your exact measure­ ments by expert craftsmen. This Offer Good for a Limited Time Only! MEN’S WINTER Overcoats Greatly Reduced A good selection 35 to 46. Values to $35.00 Values to $39.50 Values to $55.00 of all-wool cloths in All Ladies’, Misses’ and Girls’ Fall and Winter Coats - Suits - Dresses Blouses - Snow Suits Cotton Batting on Sale AT 750 A ROLL Prints and Figured Flannelettes Hundreds of yards. Values to 65$ on sale at ..................... 490 yard- Circular Pillow Cotton Seven webs best quality Wabasso make, 42” wide. Regular price $1.00 per yard, on sale at ................... 850 per yard 25% Off Parkas and Windbreakers $24.95 $29.00 $42.00 Al! Men’s Station Wagon Coats This is a good quality cotton batting, size 72”x90’b but not bleached pure white; suitable for comforters, etc. A regular $1.00 value clearing at only ................... 750 per roll Superior Store Specials for Jan. 24, 25, 26 GREEN GIANT GOLD* WAX BEANS Fancy quality, 15-oz. tins .... 2 for 320 CRISPY FLAKE SHORTENING Made by Schneider’s, 1-lb. packages, each .... ............................................. 290 GENERAL FOODS’ MINUTE RICE New, ’ready-cooked, 2$ sale 2 pkgs. 200 KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES Oven fresh, S-oz. pkgs........u. 2 for 330 SWANSDOWN CAKE MIX DEAL One pkg. each, instant and chocolate, both for .................. ..........................» 650 NUCOA MARGARINE Save 7$ on 2 lbs.2 lbs, 710 Jones & May