HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-01-17, Page 11toe; times-advocate, otter, Ontario, Thursday morning, January w
Lucan And District News
Last season, June to
November egg production
was the most profitable.
Start yotir flock as soon as you
Order now from Spruceleigh who have
been line-breeding with great success for
the past thirty years. All Spruceleigh
chicks are hatched on our own farm
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Write today for details and price list.
Portable Arc welding
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Steel Fabrication
Machine Work
Surprise Party
Marks 35 Years
A delightful surprise party
was held at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. Harold Hardy January
3 to celebrate the thirty-fifth
wedding anniversary of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Hardy.
The evening was spent in the
playing of
whist during
h u m o
Hardys’ .
ence Hardy, presented the "bride
and groom’’ with a beautiful
china dinner set and a crystal
bowl on behalf of the family.
A delicious supper was served
by the ladies of the family. Mr.
and Mrs. Hardy were married in
St, John's Church, London Town
ship, by the Ven. Archdeacon
Richardson 35 years ago.
euchre and court
which Mr. Clarence
a few well chosen
the reading of a
'About the
r o u s poem.
written by Mrs.
Now Masonic Posts
Granton Masonic Lodge in
stallation of officers was con
ducted by Robert Rainey, result
ing as follows. I.P.M., Joseph
Bryan; W.M., Ronald Squire;
S.W., Douglas Tuttle; | ■■
George Wilson; chaplain,
Westman; treasurer, A. J.
worthy; secretary, Robert
ey; S.D., Gordon Dann; .......
William Munro; director of cere
monies, Austin Hobbs; S.S.,
Bruce Trant; J.S., William Rodd;
I.G., Jerse Elston;
Horticultural Officers
At the annual meeting of
Ilderton Horticultural Soci
Marshall & Murray
Machine Shop
Lucan Senior W.l.
Plan Year’s Project
The January meeting of
Sr. W.l. was held in the Com
munity Centre Thursday after
noon, January 10, with the
president, Mrs. Scott, "in the
chair. During the business part
of the meeting members decided
to contribute $10 towards the
Tractor Fund, to enter the quilt
contest, and to have a Rexair
demonstration at the February
The motto was taken by Mrs.
Frank Hardy, who gave a splen
did paper. This was followed by
a sing-song and currents events
by Mrs. Murray Hodgins. Miss
Vari, the school nurse for this
district, then gave a talk on her
work, emphasizing how parents
and teachers could assist in the
improving of child health.
The lunch convener, Mrs. Was-
. e t y
held in the Community Memorial
Hall January 7, the following of
ficers were elected: Director, one
year: Fred Kennedy, Mrs. R.
Carter, Mrs. J. Watson, Mrs. A.
Scott, Mrs. George Robson.
Directors, two years: Mrs.
Charles Little, Mrs. E. McGrath,
W. Pike, Mrs. Roy Bloomfield,
Mrs. Cecil Walls.
Advisory board: Alex Scott,
S. R. Prebble, A. C. Hutchinson,
Mrs. D. A. Carmichael, Fred
McAudless, Clair Hall.
George Graves, the president,
was chairman and Mrs. W. Hen
derson gave the secretary-treas
urer’s report.
Special projects of the past
year were reviewed—Flowei’
Show display at Ilderton Fair
and prizes to six local public
schools which completed
school beautification contest.
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many readers of THE CHRIS
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nidge, assisted by her
served a sumptuous lunch
was followed by the usual
half hour.
A $10 contribution was
towards the purchase of a trac
tor for a certain village in
Northern Greece. All branches of
the Federated Women’s Insti
tutes of Ontario are helping in
this worthy .project. Already $6,-
800 have been contributed and
more being added daily, "Mrs.
Purcell, the president, announced.
In an address by Dr. Lotta
Hitsch-manova, he said this par
ticular village had been left vir
tually manless and levelled by
the war and the brave Greek
women had one desire above all
others—to have a tractor. It is
only fitting the women of On
tario should lend a hand in see
ing this desire in granted.
Tho Christian Science Monitor
One, Norway St., Boston IS, Mass., U. S. A.
Please send me an introductory subscrip
tion to The Christian Science Monitor—
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Lucan Anglican WA
Hear Mission Reports
The January meeting of the
Anglican W.A. was held in the
Parish Hall on Wednesday after
noon, January 9. Since no presi
dent has been elected, Mrs. Cor
bett most kindly took the chair.
She was assisted in the devotion
by Mrs. Coleman and Mrs. Under
wood. Mrs. McFarlane took the
Litany and Miss Lina Abbott the
Scripture reading. The treas
urer’s annual report showed an
encouraging increase.
Fees were paid for 1952 after
which Mrs. Corbett read a long
interesting letter from Miss Lil-
lias Powell, describing her work
in the New Life Sanatorium,
Obusemura, Naganoken, Japan.
Mrs. Jack Murdy then read an
other most interesting letter
from the Rev. D. S. Pitts telling
happy events in St. Paul’s Angli
can Indian School at Cardston,
Until such time as a president
can be secured, members decided
to try out a
Day’’ scheme,
meeting will
Hovey’s with
president for
"President for a
The February
be held at Mrs.
Mrs. Hovey
that meeting.
IPhone 50 Exeter
.Miss Mabel Dezort of the
can phone office has been trans
ferred to Ingersoll. Her Lucan
friends wish her good luck in
her new position.
ipleasant time
home of Mr.
McAllister on
Social Evening
A happy anfl
was spent at the
and Mrs. John
Friday evening. The first gather
ing was held this winter among
the neighbours. Those present
were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coates,
Allan and Melville Buswell, Mr.
and Mrs. Allan Elston, Mr. and
Mrs. J ack * Blair, Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Blair, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Atkinson and Mr. and Mrs. Or
ville Langford. At the close of
the evening the host and hostess
served a delicious lunch.
Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Godbolt
and family spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Elston.
•We hope that Mrs. Cecil Skin
ner, who is undei’ the doctor’s
care, will soon be fully re
Mr, Gordon Atkinson of Lon
don spent
mother and
Mr. and
son and family spent Saturday
evening with the latter’s bro
ther, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Eagleson of Greenway.
Mrs. M. H. Elston served
afternoon tea on Thursday after
noon to a few of her immediate
neighbour ladies.
Some of our young people are
enjoying skating these days.
Clandeboye U. C,
Hear Reports
The Clandeboye United Church
held theii- congregational meet
ing on Thursday evening with
the Rev. E. M. Cook presiding.
The S.S. report showed a very
encouraging year with increased
attendance and collections.
One of the two projects be
sides the regular gift to the Mis
sionary and Maintenance fund
was money sent to heal an Afri
can leper,
garden seeds
Mr. Alex
Mr. Kermit
Supt. Mr. Geo, Simpson is assistant. Miss Audrey Tindall is
secretary-treasurer and Miss Jan
et Scott assistant organist.
The W.A. reported that they
raised $468.00 and spent 381.00.
Mrs. Mac McNaughton
dent and Mrs. Arthur
The WMS sent
ing and $80.00
treasurer. They
members in their
Collins is president and Miss A.
Northgrave, treasurer.
Mr, Kermit Thompson report
ed the church treasury has a
surplus of $174.00 over last year.
He wras re-appointed treasurer
for 1952.
Mrs. McNaughton and Arthur
Simpson were appointed to the
session for a three year term.
Other members are Russell
Schroeder, Ward Hodgins, Wil
mer Scott and Lloyd Lynn.
of the
ected. Chairman is Mac McNaugh
ton; members are George Simp
son, Arthur Hodgins, William
Wilson, Kermit Thompson and
Rea Neil, secretary.
Mrs. Kermit Thompson is the
pianist and Mrs. Russell Schroe
der, assistant. Mrs. C. Elson is
The Lucan and Clandeboye of
ficial board increased their mini
sters salary by $300.00 for 1952.
After the meeting the ladies
served lunch.
On Sunday, January 6, the
Supt., Kermit Thompson, on be
half of the Sunday School, pre
sented Bob Tindall, Allan Tin
dall, Dorothy Lynn, June Lynn,
Sharon Blake. Donna Blake and
Jeanette Blake each with a Bible
for best attendance at the United
, Church Sunday School.
Junior Girls
On Thursday evening the
ior girls and their leaders
at Mrs. Murray Lewis'. It
decided to name the group
Clandeboye Lonely
girls have their
finished and
Achievement Day on Saturday,
January 19, at Medway School
when they will take part in a
skit and demonstration.
Mrs. Wilmer Scott ^as
for the WMS and WA
United Church. Mrs. T.
president of WMS
Scripture was read by Miss Aggie
An invitation
from the W.A.
Church to attend
in January. Mrs.
poem, "Recipe For New Year”.
The Rev. Cook closed the meet
ing with prayer.
Mrs. McNaughton presided for
the W.A. meeting. Mrs. Arthur
Hodgins gave a report of the
Sunshine Committee and boxes
were given at Christmas to Mrs.
Meads, London, Mr. Brooks, Mr.
George Young, Lucan, Mrs. Aus
tin Bice, Miss Minnie Lynn and
Miss Bice. After the meeting the
hostess served refreshments to
eight members and three visitors.
In last week’s report of prizes
of St. James S.S., it should have
read as follows: A Bible was won
by Clare Paton, for perfect at
tendance, from Mrs. H. Murless.
, Marlene Harrison, best atten-
H. i dance, a Bible from Mrs. A. Hen-
drie. Tommy Tomes was award
ed the hymn book from Mrs.
Fred Simpson and Anna Jean
Lanford the book from Miss V.
Cun nigh am.
and a collection of
to be sent to Af-
Mclntosh replaces
Thompson as S.S.Sunday with his
Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Mrs. Charles Atkin-
Personal Items
Mr. Murray Hodgins has
on the sick list for the
"Money Maker’’, owned by
Sheridan Revington of Lucan
and driven by Gordon Kitchen,
shared honours with "Bradford’s
Peter Jr.’’, owned by W. J. Gil
lespie of Toronto, at the Toronto
Dufferin Park trotting races on
Monday, January 7’. Congratula
tions, Sheridan!
Mr. Wilbei’ Luker and Messrs.
■George and Bill Hodgins of Lon
don were visitors of Mr. and
Mrs. James Hodgins on Tuesday
We are sorry to report Mrs.
Cap Howard
The Rev.
Mrs. Elson
visitors with
Mr. and Mrs.
and family have
"Martin House”,
employed at the
Mr. and Mrs. A. Hedden have
been laid up with heavy colds.
Mrs. John Blair of Lucan and
her two brothers, Mr. Norman
Mitchell of Centralia and Mr.
Albert Mitchell of Exeter, at-'
tended the golden wedding of
their sister, Mrs. Will Webster,
of Uxbridge on Tuesday, January
Miss Verna Banting of London
spent the week-end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. G.
In spite
and Arctic
the Lucan
tinue. Old-timers
recognize the front with its new
modernistic facing which is be
ing put on this week. ~
roof there now extends
the heavens a massive
ial which seems to
Lucan’s water tank.
Mr. Howard Cranston,
has been on the sick list,
been granted two jnonth’s leave
of absence from Medway School.
His many friends trust he will
soon be restored to health again.
Mrs. Jas. Stanley entertained
her family to a fowl dinner on
Wednesday evening, January 9.
Many people have family dinners
but few folk when they are near
ly 94 years of" age. Mrs. Stanley
is wonderfully well and none the
worse aftei* her dinner party.
The joint "Week of Prayer”
service for Birr and Ilderton
churches was held in the Ilder
ton Anglican Church on Monday
night. The Rev. A. H. Harrison
was in charge. Scripture passages
were read by the Rev. W.
Pike, retired piinister. "Worship
—the Need of the World” was
the theme of the address given
by the Rev. D. A. Cowan, Unit
ed Church ministar.
is on the sick list.
Mervyn Elson and
were New Years
Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Lorne Genttner
moved into the
Mr. Genttner is
Scott Elevator.
of blustering snow
cold, renovations on
Central Hotel con-
would never
From the
high into
is presi-
of cloth-a bale
to the branch
have five life
branch. Mrs. T.
George Simpson is leader
family night with Mrs.
Williams, treasurer..
Stewart Board was re-el-
j un
book corners
planning for
of the
was received
of St. James
their meeting
Collins gave a
To Elect Warden
Election of a warden to suc
ceed Hugh McEachren will be
the principal business of the in
augural meeting of the Middle
sex County Council beginning
January 15. Among the eight
councillors with hats in the ring
will be Harold Corbett, Lucan’s
popular reeve.
Explorers Elect Officers
At the regular Expedition of
the Lucan Explorers Monday,
January 7, the following officers
were elected for the next three-
month period: Chief Explorer,
Joan Taylor ; Recorder, Ann
Revington; Keeper of the Treas
ure, Laverne George; pianist,
Anne Marie Murdy.
Counsellor Joan took the next
chapter in the
Explorers Joan
Marie Murdy
Recreation and
by Counsellor Iva. The Expedi
tion-closed with the Explorer
Prayer and Taps.
Study Book and
Taylor and Anne
led in worship,
singing were led
The Memorial Centre Enter
tainment Committee held a eu
chre hnd dance in the auditorium
on Wednesday evening, January
9. Players from 15 tables can’t
be wrong in saying it was a de
lightful evening. The prizes for
high score went to Mrs. T. Wat
son and Mr. Aljoe Culbert while
in a draw for lone hands prize
Mrs. John Park was the winner.
Charlotte Bice
Charlotte Bice, 83, passed
away at her home in McGilli
vray Wednesday, January 9. She
was the daughter of the 1 ate
Lorren and Caroline Bice. Sur
viving are a sister, Amanda, and
a brother, Ivor, both of McGilli
vray. She rested at the Murdy
funeral home here until service
Friday. Interment was in Nurs
ery Cemetery, McGillivray.
Ann Eliza Langford
Ann Eliza Needham, beloved
wife of the late Albert G.
Langford and dear mother of
Millie Langford, died at home
in Granton Monday, January 7.
She was in her ninetieth year.
Private service was held at her
late residence on Wednesday,
January 9, and interment was
in Silvam Cemetetry.
Margaret O’Meara
Miss Margaret O’Meara, 86,
who * died in St. Mary’s Hospital,
London, on Tuesday, January 8,
was born in Usborne Township.
She was one of the oldest mem
bers of St. Patrick’s Church,
Blddulph. Surviving are one bro
ther, Michael, Winnipeg, and two
nieces, Mother Mercedes,'““Brescia
Hall, London, and Sister M. Re
gina, St. Joseph’s, Windsor.
She rested at the Haskett fun
eral home until Friday and then
to St. Patrick’s Church, where
requiem high mass was sung by
Father J. A. Mackesy. Interment
was in the adjoining cemetery.
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