HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-01-17, Page 10z THE TIMES-APVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 17, 1952 "Be My Valentine" Let's make a date today, to make this the happiest Valentine's Day ever, for the one you love. Just call us for an appointment to have your portrait taken by one of our skilled professional photographers. Lucan And District News is visiting j Now on Display at theSnell Bros. Ltd enterof been past re- for the with Jan- entertained St. Mary's Wednesday thegave beginninu McNaugh- (first),! Onno Jansen I game will be and will be Harold Cour- and Mrs. John Hunter daughter, Mrs. R. Staples- of London visited Ida Porte on Sunday, 13. Mr. and ford, Miss uary Mrs. V. G. Banting has confined to her bed for the week. School. Brinsley United School are: WesleyScore the January 5 edition Porr. Huron Times-Herald Euchre Resumed The euchre parties at S.S. No.! 1* Biddulph--’ the Coursey School -’“Were resumed on Friday eve­ ning, January 11. Apparently this school section enjoys the; community spirit, fox* nine tables ! of players were on hand for the j first game of the new year. The; winners were: Eric Hodgins and| Mrs. George Hodgins Mrs. Stokes and (second). The next oa January 25. sponsored by Mrs. sey and Mrs. Stokes. Several Lueanites this week received the charred remains of mail, which went through the Brantford fire. Some were just Christmas cards. One man at least lost valuable papers includ­ ing a birth certificate and papers which cannot be replaced. ............... You Are Invited to see the new Chevrolet New Chenille Bargains From Factory to You Our nationally famous fully covered, no sheeting showing, baby chenille bedspread still at only $5.25 each. Also, new luxur­ ious corduroy chenille bedspread, thousands of small velvety tufts at only $7.50 each. Both spreads come in all colors, single or dou­ ble bedsize with either multi­ colored or solid scuptured center patterns. First quality. Sent COD plus postage. Immediate money- back guarantee. TOWN & COUNTRY MFG.. Box 1496 Place D’Armes, Montreal. Quebec tch-tch/ just look at that/,.. WHAT HAVE YQU GOT TO SAY FOR YOURSELF? I'M SORRY, 6RANOMA, C.G.I.T. News The Lucan C.G.I.T. held their regular meeting on Tuesday eve­ ning in the Sunday School room. The sing-song was led by the leader. Mrs. Charles Corbett. The meeting opened with the C.G.I.T. hymn and purpose. The worship service was conducted by leader, Miss Pat Gowlett. Mrs. Corbett introduced the Mis­ sionary study book and read the first story from it. During the business period projects were planned to finish making a baby’s layette which they had started, as a project to accom­ pany the study book. After a period of games, meeting elosed with Taps. time as a patient in St. Joseph s Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Lewis and family dined with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Steeper of West McGil­ livray on Sunday evening, Mrs. Sawyer of Kirkton visit­ ed recently with her daughter, Mrs. Harvey Hodgins. Ms. Aaron Scott the Ladies Guild of Anglican Church on afternoon last. Mrs. Roy Hodgins in Kitchener. Mrs. Wm. Grives spent Tues­ day afternoon with Mrs. Alonzo Hodgins. Mrs. Earl Morley entertained a number of ladies from Brinsley United Church to a quilting on Tuesday last. Plan Parents’ Night The regular meeting of the North London and B i d d u 1 p li teachers was held in the Lucan Public School on January 8 at 3 p.m. The vice-president, Mr. Fred MacDonald, presided, There were 13 teachers pres­ ent. It was decided to drop the idea of holding Parents' Night during Education Week. The next meeting is to be held on February 12 in the Granton Pub­ lic School. Clandeboye W.l. Plans Projects Mrs. David Henry was hostess to 15 members and seven guests of the Clandeboye V>\l. at their meeting, January 9. During the meeting, members were divided into three groups under Mrs. David Henry, Mrs. Murray Thompson and Mrs. Ernie Lev­ ies. These groups will be sponsible for making money the quilt which will Salada contest. Mrs. A. Macintosh Scripture lesson at the of the meeting, Mrs. ton was in charge of current events and Mrs. Rae Neil read a poem. A hand-made mat was display­ ed by Mrs. Silver and she ex­ plained how it was made. Mrs. Art Cunningham gave a paper on historical research and House­ hold hints were given by Mrs. Murray Livies. Miss Aleda Hughes gave a talk on her trip to Chicago and Mrs. Art Hod­ gins conducted a contest. Honor Couple On Friday evening, neighbours and friends met at Marrs School and presented Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morgan with a studio couch. The presentation was made by mer Blake and Joe Morgan the address. The evening spent in dancing. May we our best wishes to the young couple for a happy married life. Mr. Moore Cunningham en­ tertained Mr. and Mrs. J. Hewitt, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. H. Murless, Mr. and Mrs. T. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harrison and Mr. Charlie Edginton on Wednesday evening. The evening was spent playing cards. Brinsley S.S. Elects Officers Superintendant Wesley ‘Wat­ son received a receipt, and a very thankful message from the Salvation Army, London, for the number of White Gifts and $10 sent from the Brinsley United Church Sunday ~ ’ Officers of Church Sunday Superintendant, Wesley Wat­ son; assistants, Earl Lewis, Gor­ don Morley; secretary, Gordon Morley; assistants, Billie Allison, Carman Pickering; treasurer, Mrs. Jack Trevethick; pianist, Douglas Lewis; assistant, Betty Sholdice. Teachers are: Beginners, Kathleen Morley and Betty Sholdice; primary, Mrs. Karl Pickering and Helen Lewis; juniors, Mrs. Jack Treve­ thick and Mrs. Earl Lewis; inter­ mediate, Martin Watson, and Mrs. Melvin Allison; adult, Mrs. Wes Watson, Mrs. Earl Morley and Mrs. Ken Sholdice; mission­ ary, Wesley Watson. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. David Morley left on Thursday last for a motor trip to the southern states. Bonnie Watson spent Thurs­ day with her grandmother, Mrs. Lin Craven. Mrs. J. Vernon of Sylvan spent a few days recently with her daughter, Mrs. Harvey Twed- dle of West McGillivray. We are glad to report that Mrs. Jack Tweddle has returned to her home after spending some Lucan AYPA To Enter Drama Competition There were 14 members pres­ ent at the A.Y.P.A. meeting held in the Anglican Parish Hall on Monday evening, January 7. Plans were made for a Minstrel Show to be held in February and also for the attending of the London Drama Festival January 22 at the Adam Beck School and the London District Festival at Dorchester January 29. The Lucan A.Y.P.A. made a splendid showing in last year’s festival and are entering again with a play, “Tea for Three”. The meeting closed with re­ freshments. The lunch commit­ tee were Marion Coursey, Mari­ lyn Brownlee and Roscoe Hod­ gins. High In The we read: “Dr. Kenneth C. Bant­ ing enjoys his bowling and never i fails to take the opportunity of rolling a few games every day if possible. “New Year’s Day he had a ■ few open minutes so he decided to take a m*aek at Emery's Re- j creation pins. “He finished one game with four strikes in a row and then went on to dump the pins for an addition 11 in a row, and wound up with eight pins for a 29S—or just, two pins every bowler’s goal. ‘’Needless to say the was elated." Dr. Banting W. T. Banting of Lu'an and childhood in the village. shy of doctor of Dr.is a son and Mrs. Banting spent his early Open this Sunday, Wed­ nesday afternoon, and dur­ ing the evenings through­ out the week:—- Armand C. German ; In Granton on Saturday, uary 12, Armand C. German, beloved husband of Jean Young- • son and dear father of William s B., died at his home in his sixty- l ninth year. He rested at the C. j Haskett & Son funeral home j until Tuesday, January 15, at 2 ! p.m. and was then taken to St. . Thomas Church, Granton, for I service. Interment was in Gran- ; ton Cemetery. Jan- SUNOCO Service Station Mr. R. . Elizabeth. ' with Mr. i roth. | Mr. J. McLean has been elect- j ed chairman of the Board of 8 ! Education,i Dezort and daughter, spent last week-end and Mrs. F. Morgen- Business Directory ELMER D. BELL, K.C. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Successor to J. W. Morley EXETER, ONTARIO DR. H. H. COWEN Librarian Honored Lueanites attending the Mid­ dlesex County Co-operative meet­ ing at the_ London Public rary “ were Cook, Earle Dr. speaker. As Mrs. Coursey has al­ most completed 10 years as Lucan’s librarian she was hon­ ored by having her picture tak­ en with Dr. Brown and some of the committee. on Friday, January Mrs. Irene Coursey, Rev. L. Harrison and Haskett. Brown was tile guest i L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Main Street, Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoon 8us. 36-W - Phone - Res. 36-J W. G. COCHRANE, B.A. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR EXETER, ONTARIO EDWARD H. UNGER BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY Old Post Office Building LUCAN, ONTARIO Tuesday afternoons 3:30 to 5:30 i.. „ „ x „and Saturday afternoons t Hensall, Friday, 2 to 5 p.m. 3:00 to 5:30 Funis wanted for first mortgage investments. DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. jOENTAL SURGEON Hell Building Phone 273 Exeter JOHN W. ORCHARD OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday For Appointments Phone 355-J WM. H. SMITH LICENCED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex Special Training Assures You Tour Property’s True Value Sale Day Graduate of • American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed OREDITON P.O. or PHONE 43-2 of on D, J, McKELVlE, D.V.M VETERINARY SURGEON Phone 99 Hensall, Ontario ALVIN WALPER LICENCED AUCTIONEER For Huron, Lambton, Perth and Middlesex For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times “Service that Satisfies” PHONE 57-r-2 DASHWOOD E. F. CORBETT LICENCED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER, R.R. 1 Phone Zurich 92-r-7 FRANK TAYLOR LICENCED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Exetdr P.O. Or Ring 138 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario President Milton McCurdy R.R. 1 Kirkton Vice-President Wm. A. Hamilton Directors Harry Coates !E. Clayton Colquhoun Science Hill Martin Feeney Angus Sinclair Agents Thos. G. Ballantyne Woodham Alvin L. Harris E. Roas Houghton Solicitor W. *G. Cochrane Cromarty Centralia R.R. 1 2 Dublin R.R. 1 Mitchell R.R. ARTHUR FRASER Check the discomfort of a cold—fast! Inhale Minard’s YOU ARE INVITED TO SEE THE * I tried year whe- Wil- read was add Lib- 11, Mrs. Mrs. Liniment. You’ll breathe easier, feel better. Just try it—you’ll see. 4 4 4 4 4 RELIEF FOR COLDS e '■ DEALER’S NOW!AT YOUR CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH-FARGO 4 4 • * It 4 ♦ 4 4 4 ♦ Just turn the ignition key! The electric automatic choke provides the correct fuel-air mixture for fast starts in all kinds of weather. The '52 Plymouth is at your dealer’s now! We say it’s the finest Plymouth ever built, and that goes for quality, for value, for engineering features, for everything about it. But we would sooner let Plymouth speak for itself. Plan to see it soon, and try Plymouth’s sensational new Safety-Flow Ride! Built in Canada by Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited 4 ♦ ♦ 4 4 4 4 Lucan’s Teentown group is staging a “hardtime” party Jan­ uary 18. All coining in good clothes to the arena will be fined. Girls bring sandwiches and boys a quarter. It will be a big night so don’t miss it. Medway H.S. Pupils To Try Teaching A new scheme is being out at Medway School this to assist pupils in deciding ther or not they wish to enter the teaching profession. A dozen pupils, all from Grade 13, will go to schools in Lobo,. London, Biddulph and West Nissouri to observe in classrooms and to try their hand at teaching. Co-operating with Principal A. E. Robinson are Principal F. C. Biehl of the London Normal School. D. G. Smith,- inspector for East Middlesex and Elm­ wood Oakes, inspector for West | Middlesex. Anniversary Club Mrs. W. Lambert was hostess to the United Church Annivers­ ary Club at Granton. Mrs. Ruth Gunning presided ad Mrs. Mur­ iel Lewis spoke on the theme “Service”. Taking part in the worship period were Bryan, Munroe, Rhea ) brought in that the project of installing a rest room in the United Church was completed. Officers for 1952 are: President, Ruth Gunning; first vice-presi­ dent, Gertie Wallis; second vice- president, Gladys Legge; secretary, Amelia Jameson. Florence Gladys Legge, Francis , Amelia Jamison and Hardie. A report was News the Lions Club Saturday it seemed to be a com- PLYMOUTH . with Oriflow Shock Absorbers a new adaptation of the hydrau­ lic principle. Only a demonstration ride will show you how the '52 Plymouth S-M-O-O-T-H-S out any road . . . even the roughest road. Ths long list includes Electric Windshield Wipers; Safety-Rim Wheels; long, 118'A" wheelbase; "big-car" interior room; rustproofing; insulation against road-noise and weather; and many other "plus values." such advancements a$t Luxurious new fabrics, finishes and trim... tasteful new colour-harmonies that you'll want to see. Plymouth 6-cylinder brakes (an extra brake cylinder on each front wheel) give maximum braking with a minimum of pedal pressure. Improved interior styling and ten, eye­ delighting exterior colours for you to choose from. Bingo At night bination of Hodgins Night and Family Night, for among the winners there were no less than four Hodgins and a husband and* wife—a wife, her daughter and her brother. As no one got the jackpot it goes up to $170 for Wednesday night (there will be no game next Saturday night). The $5 consolation prize went to Mrs. Emerson Wallace, while Mrs. Schroeder won the $10 “Share the Wealth”. Other prize winners were; Jack Murdy, Joyce Morgenroth; Jim Kirk, Mrs. Reilly Jr.; Mr. Pitt, Mrs. Pitt, Mrs, Aby, Mrs. Art Hod­ gins, Mrs. Morgenroth, Mr. R. Dezort, Mrs; Cecil Hodgins, Mrs. Aby, Mr. J. Wallace; Mrs. Har­ vey Hodgins (Coutsey Road), Harvey Hodgins (Lucan), D. Beatson, Harry Foot, INCOME TAX REPORTS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, ETC. Ann St, Exeter Phone 604 R.R. 1 Mitchell Cromarty Eiteter Secretary-Treasurer Arthur Fraser Exeter Exeter Newton Motor Sales Ontario