HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-01-17, Page 7THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 17, 1952 Fwe 7 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev, Donald R, Sinclair, B.A, Minister Organist: Mrs. E. Nixon, A.T.C.M, 11:00 a.m.—Public Worship. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, 12:15 p.m.—-Sunday School. Film Strip; “Parables of Jes­ us.” Tues., Jan. 22, 8:00 p.iri.—An­ nual Meeting of the Congrega­ tion. Social hour afterwards at the manse. TRIVITT MEMORIAL — Anglican — Rector: Rev. C. L. Langford, B.A., M.A. Organist: Robert Cameron Sunday, January 20— 10:15 a.m.—Sunday School. -11:30 a.m.—Morning Prayer. Tliurs., Jan. 17, 8:00 p.m.—The Ladies’ Guild will meet at the home of Mrs. Chas. Acheson. Tues,, Jan. 22, 8:00 p.m.—The Annual Vestry Meeting will be held in the Parish Hall. MAIN STREET UNITED Rev. A* E. Holley, B.A., R.D, (Supply Minister) Mrs. A. Y* Willard, Organist 11:00 a.m--—Morning Worship. 12:15 a.m.—-Church School. 7:00 p.m.—Evening Service. You are cordially invited to attend. CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren Dashwood Rev. J. Henry Getz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist 10:00 a.m.—Worship. Sermon Subject: “Tempters of Today.” , 11:15 a.m,—Church School. 7:30 p.m.—Worship, Sermon Subject: “Believing Prayer.” This Thursday, 8:00 p.m.—The Brotherhood. Mr. D. Weber will report on the Harrisburg Congress. Dr. H. H. Cowen will show moving pictures on his Alaskan trip. The ladieb are invited to this meeting. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Rev. H. Kendrick, Pastor Fri., 8 p.m.—Y.P.S. Sun., 9;45 a.ra.—Sunday School. Sun., 11 a.m.—Morning Worship Sun., 7:30 p.m.—“God’s Promise to Gedion.” A great song serv­ ice, You are invited. Wed., Jan. 23, 8 p.m.—Annual Church Meeting. JAMES STREET UNITED Rev. H. <T. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M., Musical Director 10:00 a.m,—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship. Sermon Subject: “Our Reli­ gion—An Asset or a Burden?” Anthem by the Choir. Solo by Mrs. John Hodgert. 7:00 ,p.m.—Evening Worship. Continuing the series “Living Witness to the Living Faith’’. Sermon Subject: “The Chris­ tian Social Witness.” As a special feature, Douglas Insley will play his electric guitar, accompanied by Mr. Wein at the organ. A warm welcome is extended to all. THE REFORMED CHURCH O. M. Eelman, Pastor Sunday, January 20, 2:30 p.m.— Service in Exeter Canadian Legion Hall. All welcome. ZION Evangelical United Brethren Crediton Rev. J. V. Dahms, Minister Sunday, January 20— 10:00 a.m.—Worship. Sermon Subject: “Paul, As A Pastor”. ’11:00 a.m.—Church School. 7:30 p.m.—Worship. Sermon Subject; “The Road Ahead”. Mon., Jan. 21, S:00 p.m.—Youth Fellowship. ST. JOHN-BY-THE-LAKE - Anglican - Episcopal - Grand Bend, Ontario Rev. J. E. G. Houghton, Rector 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer. Holy Communion first Sunday of each month. Used Cars Kirkton Groups Hold Joint Meeting The first meeting of the New Year for the Kirkton W.A. and W,M,S. was held at the home ofi, Mrs. I-I. Anderson, with a good attending. An installation service was conducted by Rev. Anderson for the officers of the W.A.. Mrs. Nelson Watson, president of the WMS presided over the second, part. Mrs. Stuart Sheir gave the study book and two reading on Christian Stewardship were giv­ en by Mrs. Harding. Miss Marilyn Marshall was hostess for the Teddy Bears Girls Club on Saturday, January 11* The mothers of the girls were guests at this meeting. Miss Jean Scott, Horae Econo­ mist, of Stratford was the guest speaker and told about Achieve­ ment Day, which will be held in the near future. The girls enter­ tained their mothers with songs* readings, and demonstrations and modeled their garments* which they made. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting by the hostess and her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson of Drinkwater, Sask., and Mrs; Andrew Watson of Motherwell, spent last Monday with Mrs, M. Gregory. Mr. Fred Roger, Shirley and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Routlv visit- ed with Mrs. Fred Roger at Beck Memorial Hospital on Sun­ day. Mrs. Hoare Greenstreet return­ ed home this past week from St. Marvs Memorial Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Francis visited with Mr, and Mrs. Ray Stuart in Sarnia last week. Bill and Ron Marshall spent the week-end with David and Brian Christie of London. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Routly oft Elimville spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rout­ ly. Members of the UYPU enjoyed themselves at a Skating party at the Kirkton Rink on Monday evening, January 7. Hot soup was served by the lunch commit­ tee in the church basement. Euchre Party A successful Bucher Party was held Friday evening in the hall, undei' the auspices of the Kirk­ ton Library. Prizes were given to the following: Mrs. Fitt and Mr, Harold O’Brien for high score, Mrs. D. Shamlaw and Mrs. Har­ ry Webber for lone hands. Mr,. Ross Francis, door prize and Mr, Lome M a sh all lucky draw. Lunch was served by members of the Library Board. KIPPEN W.M.S. Hold First Meeting The W.M.S. jnet on Wednes­ day afternoon last at the home of Mrs. J. W. McLean with 20 members present. The new presi­ dent, Mrs* John Sinclair, presid­ ed and opened the meeting with a hymn—the new version of “O Canada”, taken from the Missionary Monthly. A reading on New Year’s Re­ solutions was given by Mrs. Sin­ clair. Hymn 570 was then sung. Mrs. Herbert Jones was in charge of the worship period. The minutes and roll call were taken and a “thank card” was read from the McBride family, Mrs. Emerson Kyle reported she and Mrs, Dinsdale had called on six shut-ins last month. Mrs. E, McBride and Mrs. W. Alexan­ der are the visiting committee for January. A year’s report of the Mission Band was given by Mrs. Thomas Kay. The study, which was Chapter 2 of the Study Book, “This Is the Land We Serve”, was given by Mrs. W, Alexander, A piano instrumental was given -by Mrs. Ross Broadfoot. The closing hymn was 37$, The benediction was pronounced by Mrs. Sin­ clair. Lunch was served by Circle No. 3. A contest in charge of Mrs. T, Kaye was much enjoyed. The slate of officers for 1952 are as follows; President, Mrs. J. Sinclair; first vice-president, Mrs. J. McLellan; second vice- president, Mrs. E. Kyle; third vice-president, Mrs. W. Alexan­ der; fourth vice-president, Mrs. R, Peck; secretary, Mrs. H. Caldwell; treasurer, Mrs. R. El- ,gie; press secretary, Mrs. A. Gackstetter; Missionary Month­ ly secretary, Mrs, A. Parsons; Mission Band secretary, Mona Caldwell; assistant, Mrs. W. Workman; Community Friend­ ship secretary, Mrs. A, McMur- trie; Christian Stewardship sec­ retary, Mrs. A. Hinton; supply secretary, Mrs, Herbert Jones; supply committee, Mrs. J. W. McLean, Mrs. A. Parsons, Mrs. A. Gackstetter; pianists, Mrs. Harold Jones, Mrs. Ross Broad­ foot; sunshine committee, “Mrs. E. Jarrott, Mrs. E. Kyle; Asso­ ciate Members secretary, Mrs. John Anderson. Officers for the W.A. are: President, Mrs. E. McBride; first vice-president, Mrs. Allan John­ son; second vice-president, Mrs. W. Workman; third vice-presi­ dent, Mrs. Harold Jones; fourth vice-president, Mrs. A. McMur- trie; secretary, Mrs. Allan John­ son; treasurer, Mrs. E. McBride; finance committee, Mrs. Emer­ son Kyle, Mrs. W. Bell, Mrs. Joe McLellan, and Mrs. Robert Mac­ Gregor. Zion Lutheran Ladies Plan Bazaar And Tea The Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid held their regular monthly meet­ ing Wednesday afternoon. Pre­ sent were 30 members and five visitors. The pastor gave the topic on\ the life of Peter. The ladies re­ ceived many cards of thanks from recepiants of the Christ­ mas boxes sent. A committee was nominated to arrange for buying new vest­ ments for the church. Arrange­ ments were made for a bazaar, baking sale and tea Febuary 16, The group under 'Mrs. W. C. Sal­ mon served lunch at the closing of the meeting. Hensall And District News Mrs, J. Bar bo in* Hyde Mrs. John Barbour Hyde pass­ ed away at the home of her son Jack Hyde, Hensall, Tuesday morning in her 82nd year. Death was attributed to a severe stroke she suffered the latter part of last week. The former Louisa Herold, she was born in South Easthope, and resided in Stanley Township for many years before coming to Hensall to reside. Sur­ viving are three sons, Alex, Kip­ pen; Jack; Hensall; Laurie, Lon­ don; one daughter, Mrs. Gordon Herdman, Buffalo, N.Y.; one brother, Rev. Jacob Harold, Ohio; and 13 grandchildren. Resting at the family home, Hensall, where public funeral services will be held Thursday at 1:30 p.m. conducted by Rev. A. E. Hinton of St, Andrews United Church, Kippen. Burial will take place in St, Andrews cemetery, Shakespeare, Dr, Douglas J, McKelvie, of Stratford, has opened up a veter­ inary practise in Hensall, and with his wife and two children are getting nicely settled in their home they purchased from Mr. John Farquhar; Dr. McKelvie before coming to Hensall was Veterinary Inspector* with the health of animals branch in Stratford for three years. He graduated with OAC Guelph/ was three years with the RCAF and served overseas one year, He is a native of Shelbourne. Mr. and Mrs. John Farquhar,, Graham and Daryl left last Thursday to take up residence m Exeter. Miss Joyce Weeks, Clinton, has accepted a position as book­ keeper at Cooks Garage. Mrs. Catherine Delvin of Lon­ don spent the past week visiting with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Edna Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell of Exeter have rented part of the residence of Miss Violet Hyde and have moved into same. / Mr. Roland Hughes of Bagota, Columbia, South America, who is attending OAC at Guelph was a guest with Mr. Bill Mickle at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. E. L. Mickle, recently. Mrs. George Follick who has been confined to her room for the past three weeks is able to be up and around the house. Mr. and Mrs. Keith MacLean have moved into their newly built home this week. Master Bryan MacLean off Exeter spent the week-end with his grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. John MacGregor. Mr. Sid MacArthur visited re­ cently with Mrs. J. Manson and Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Laing in Exeter. Married in Detroit Beautifully decorated with Christmas Evergreens and flow­ ers, Central Methodist Church, Detroit, Michigan, was the scene of an all white wedding Wednes­ day evening, December 26, when Marion Wilma Sturdevant, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Haven II. Sturdevant, of Three Mile Drive, Detroit, became the bride of Norman Arthur Sinclair, son of Rev. Arthur and Mrs. Sinclair, of Alexandrine St. Windsor, and formerly of Hensall. Immediately after the 'wedding the bride and groom left on a short honeymoon to Chicago and points west, returning to take up residence in their new home in Windsor. Rev. J. B. Fox, Mrs. Fox and family of Brandon, Manitoba, are expected to arrive in Hensall the latter part of January to take up residence here. Rev. Fox recently accepted the appoint­ ment of Minister of Carmel Pres­ byterian Church. Mrs. John Hyde Sr. recently suffered a severe stroke and is confined to her home here. Rev. A. W. Hare, London, was guest Minister at Carmel Presby­ terian Church Sunday, January 13. Mr, Charles Jinks, who has been confined to his home with illness foi' the past several weeks is somewhat improved, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Shepherd are spending two weeks holiday­ ing with relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell and family were recent visitors with the former’s mother, Mrs. Wil­ liam G. Bell in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mc­ Queen left this week for Flori­ da where they intend to spend the remainder of the winter. The many friends of Mr. G. M. Drysdale are pleased to hear he is improving following his re­ cent illness. PASHWOOP Mary Louise Shenk and James Larry Maier celebrated their birthdays together on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Maier. Miss Marie, Grace and Howard, Maier, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Maier. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Mathers of Goderich spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Maier. ZION Mr. Wellington Brock and Tom left on Wednesday for Rochester, Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hern spent a few days last week in Toronto. Mr. Harry Hern was heard over CJCS Stratford from Cen­ tral United Church, at the morn­ ing service Sunday last. Mr. Ephraim Hern attended the funeral of his cousin, Mrs. Edwin Woodward in Stratford on Tuesday, formerly Vida Cov­ ert of Zion. Misses Elaine and Perla Hern entertained the Elimville Young People to a social evening at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hern on Friday even­ ing. Miss Anna Routly qf Elimvillq spent the -week-end with Miss Pearla Henn. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dickinson of Denivis. Former Centralia Resident In Accident Milton Sleamon, a former merchant of Centralia, now liv­ ing at 584 Piccadilly street, London, is in St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital, London, suffering undeter­ mined injuries sustained in a two-car crash in a heavy fog late Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Slea­ mon was with him but escaped injuries. George Seffernick, R.R. 3, Mt- Brydges, had backed his car out of a lane on Albert Street, west of Strathroy, and had proceeded about forty feet when the Slea­ mon cax’ struck it in the rear. Police Constable Frank Hendry, of Strathroy, said the accident occurred on wet pavement and in heavy fog. Damage to the Seffernick car was estimated at $150 and to" the Sleamon car at $350. Hurondale WX The Rev. Griffin of Kirkton who arrived from England a few months ago spoke to the Huron­ dale W. I. on the traditions and history of Christianity in the British Isles at the January meeting. Mrs. Theron Creery took the chair for the program and mem­ bers enjoyed a sing song. Mrs, William Routly gave a demon­ stration on making honsedresses. The CBC deficit for 1950-51 was $1,271,874; for 1949-50 the deficit was $243,746. CREDITON The annual meeting of the Crediton Library will be held Tuesday, January 22 in the. council chambers. 1949 PONTIAC COACH Grey 1946 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1936 FORD South End Service Phone 328-W Exeter James St. Willing Workers Mrs. Harold Snell conducted installation of officers at, the January meeting of the Willing Worker's Auxiliary of James Street United Church at the home of Verna McDonald, Janu­ ary 7. Reports showed that $450 had been sent to the branch secretary During the program Shirley Har­ ness sang two solos. Mildred Al­ lison’s group was in charge. They Protect SO DOES W. H. HODGSON! json “The Insurance Man” Rhone 21 Exeter Firemen arc standing-by 24 hours a day to protect life and property! W. H*. Hodgson PROTECTS with the best Fire Insur­ ance coverage obtainable I SM -M Hl QhMY Ah/d Woodham Officers Installed By Pastor Rev, T. G. Wanless conducted an installation service for the 1952 officers of the YPU during the Church service on Sunday morning. Following are the new officers President, Harold Levy, vice- president, Glenn Copeland; sec­ retary, Lloyd Cowdrey; assis­ tant secretary, Roy McCurdy; treasurer, Betty Mills; press re­ porter, Bessie McCurdy; pianist* Bessie McCurdy; assistant pian­ ist, Helen Webber, i Recreation Committee, Harold Levy, Glenn Copeland, Betty Mills, Verla Wheeler; social com­ mittee, Mrs, J. Smith, Mrs. H, Webber; auditors, Fred Doupe and Norris Webb; stewardship and training, Merle Hazlewood and Norma Hern; Faith and Evangelism, Helen Webber1 and Donna Mills; citizenship and community service, Verla Wheel­ er and Betty Mills; Missions and Outreach, Jean /Copeland and Dianne Marriott. Ail ini Jtl S tip ji ci’ The annual supper meeting of the Evening Auxiliary was held in the basement of the Church With thirty members and visit-* ors present. The supper arranged by a committee of three was greatly enjoyed by all. Business was conducted by the president, followed by a program ahd games. The evening closed; with a Worship Service. Choir Elects Officers The annual meeting of the United Church Choir was held on Thursday evening after choir practise in the church with, thir­ teen members present. Lunch was served and a social time en­ joyed by all at the close of the meeting. The officers elected for 1052 ate as follows: Honorary President, Roy. T G, Wanless; president, Glenn Copeland; vice-president. Merle Hazelwood; secretary-treasurer; Verla Wheeler, music, commit­ tee, Ray Mills and William Mills: organists, Rhea Mills and Bessie McCurdy; choir leaders, Ray Auxiliary Honors Two Active Ladies The monthly meeting of the Evening Auxiliary took place in the United Church Schoolroom Monday night, January 14, with an excellent attendance. Mrs. R. Broderick and Mrs. W. Spencer were hostesses. President, Mrs. J. F. Blackwell occupied the, chair and Mrs. Pearl Passmore conducted the devotional assist­ ed by Mrs. J. Flynn. Miss M. Ellis submitted the slate of officers for 1952. Hon. president, Miss M. Ellis; presii dent, Mrs. D. Kyle; vice-presi­ dents, Mrs. L. Chapman and Miss Gladys Luker; secretary-treasur­ er, Mrs. A. Shirray; treasurer, Mrs. J. Drysdale; Press reporter, Mrs. Maude Hedden; pianist, Mrs. Pearl Passmore; Social committee, Mrs. J. Simmons, Mrs. J. Traquair; stewardship secretary, Mrs. W. Richardson; literary secretary, Mrs. I-I. Fa­ ber; cards, Mrs. J. Flynn; re-6 creation, Mrs. I-I. Elder, Mrs* H. McEwen; supply secretary, Mrs. S. Rannie; friendship secretary, Mrs. R. Drysdale. Mrs. Kyle thanked the group for confidence placed in her and assured members of her earnest efforts in the coming year. Mrs. McNaughton and Mrs. sented the treasurer’s report; secretary’s report was given by Miss Gladys Luker. The presi­ dent asked for money making suggestions. The group favoured holding a bake sale and tea, February 16. Mrs. J. Drysdale and Mrs. J. Simmons were nam­ ed a visiting committee for Jan­ uary and February. Mrs. McvNaughton and Mrs. Blackwell were presented with Life Membership Pins and certi­ ficates in recogniton, of their faithful services, Mrs. Kyle and Miss G. Luker doing the honors. Miss W. Gray offered a reading and Miss Luker a piano solo. The study book chapter “French Canadian Evangelism” whs dealt with by Mrs. Blackwell and Mrs. J. Harrison. Mills and William Mills. Social and Special Entertain­ ment committee, Norris Webb, Harold Levy, Bessie McCurdy, Helen Webber; gowns And music, Mrs. L. Thacker, Mrs. I. Mc­ Curdy, Mrs. G. Wanless; floral committee, Betty Mills and Bcs-j sle McCurdy; committee for new members, Ray Mills, Glenn Cope­ land, Mrs. G. Wanless, Verla Wheeler. $35.00Values $24.9'5to $39.50Valuesto A good selection 35 to 46. of all-wool cloths in sizes 20% Off All Fashion-Craft Made-to-Measure Suits and Overcoats Here is your opportunity to save up to $20.00 on your new custom tailored spring suit. Choose from a wide range of pure botany wool cloths. Each suit hand-tailored to your exact measure­ ments by expert craftsmen. This Offer Good for a Limited Time Only! MEN’S WINTER Overcoats Greatly Reduced Values to $55.00 25% Off All Ladies’, Misses’ and Giris’ Fall and Winter Coats - Suits - Dresses Blouses - Snow Suits EXTRA SPECIAL — One rack of dresses, sizes 11 to 20 and 161/2 to 20% clear­ ing at ......... $7.95 each Flannelette Blankets First quality, Size 70 x 90. Regularly at $6.95 a pair. On sale at ........ $5.95 pair Extra large size. Regularly $7,50 pr. on sale $6.95 pr. Prints and Figured Flannelettes Hundreds of yards. Values to 65$ yd. On sale 49£ yd. $29.00 25% Off All Men/’s Station Wagon Coats,, Parkas and Windbreakers Special Clearance Sale Men’s Broadcloth Shirts Values to $5.50 .............................. on sale at $3.79 Men’s Fancy Wool and Cotton Sox by Penman’s Reg. $1,25 ........ on sale at 890, 2 prs. for $1.75 Men’s Knit All-Wool Pullovers and Cardigans at ................................... greatly reduced prices 20% Off AH Boys’ Station Wagon Coats, Parkas and Windbreakers Clearance of Boys’ Overcoats — Sizes 30 to 37. Reg. $15.95 ................................. on sale at $10.95 Circular Pillow Cotton Seven webs, best quality, 42”. Regular price $1.00 I yard ...... ........... on sale at 850 yard j Superior Store Specials for Jan. 17, 18, NABOB COFFEE 1-lb. bags DOLE’S FRUIT COCKTAIL Fancy quality, 20-oz. tins ...... AYLMER BOSTON BROWN 15-oz, tins .................................. each 990 each 320 BEANS 2 for 290 GENERAL FOODS’ MINUTE RICE New, ’ready-cooked, 2$ sale 2 pkgs* 200 NUCOA MARGARINE Save 70 on 2 lbs. .................. 2 lbs. 710 COUNTRY KIST PEAS Standard quality, J 5-oz, tins 2 for 250 J) Jones & May