HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-01-03, Page 2THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 3, 1952
Exeter <imesJ=^titJocate
Tiines Established 1873 Amalgamated 1924 Advocate Established 1881
Published Each Thursday Morning sit Exeter, Ontario
An Independent Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of the Town of Exeter and District
Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa
Member of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association
Member of the Ontario-Quebec Division of the OWN A
Member of the Audit Bureau of Circulation
Paid-in-Advance Circulation as of March 31, 1951 — 2,396
Canada, in advance, $2.50 a year — United States, in advance, $3.00
Single Copies 60 Each
J, Melvin Southcott Publishers * Robert Southcott
In Review
Nineteen hundred and fifty-one was a
progressive year for Exeter and district.
We hope it’s an indication of what's com
ing for the remainder of the last half of
the century.
Many important changes, developments
and improvements were made or started in
the past year. In review let’s glance at a
few jf them.
Town Expands
Exeter started the year with a change
in st ilus. The step from a village to a town
was mostly a nominal one but nevertheless
it h is shown its advantages—if nothing
more than to put more men on council to
deal with ever-increasing municipal busi
A building program of more than $1,-
000,000 took place, including a new public
school, Legion Memorial Hall and many
new homes.
The inauguration of parallel parking
relieved traffic congestion on the main
Steps were taken to improve the tele
phone service, and a new system was prom
ised for the town in 1952,
Collective bargaining brought em
ployees at the Canadian Canners plant
more money.
Along with neighboring municipalities,
the town’s hydro was changed to 60-cvcle.
The recreational council was reorgan
ized and made plans to expand organized
The Kinsmen sponsored the town’s j
first holiday entertainment and the Domi- I
nion Day Celebration was so successful the
club will make it an annual event.
The Huronia Male Chorus organized
the first competitive music festival in the
town, another successful endeavour.
The Exeter bantams captured the
W.O.A.A. baseball title, first in Exeter's
The South Huron Hospital Association
purchased the Carling estate to put the
hospital project in the building stage.
The town and district were host to <500
youths who attended the United Church
Young People’s Convention.
District Developments
Grand Bend incorporated in Lambton
County and began to improve itself as a
summer attraction. A new Lions Club was
active in promotion and the first steps
were taken to build a new public school.
One of the most moderp grain mills
in the country was constructed at Hensall
after fire destroyed an older one. A new-
industry was attracted by an alert Cham
ber of Commerce.
RCAF Station Centralia was the scene
of a history-making NATO graduation, in
which youths of seven countries trained in
a cooperative program for world peace. A
$6,000,000 building program got underway,
including some 550. houses for personnel.
People living in the air force town elected
their first council,
< A new post office was built in the
village of Centralia.
Dashwood reorganized a band and the
merchants formed an organization to pro
mote the centre.
Lucan started an ambitious ice project
and before the end of the year was install
ing the plant. Modern postal facilities were
built. ‘
Rural Changes
A good crop year brought changes in
the prosperous farming area. Impetus was
given conservation, by the county, Usborne
township and the Ausable Valley Conser
vation Authority. Much reforestation was
done and some 640 acres were purchased
in Hay swamp by the Authority to help
control the Ausable.
Canning crop growers stuck together
and held out for higher prices. Improve
ments were made in harvesting the canning
Greater interest was shown in the Fed
eration of Agriculture.
The King’s Guineas were won by a
district junior.
Purebred cattle organizations became
A night school was started in South
The high school boys captured the
WOSSA Senior B Championship.
The county made a move to dispose
of the Canada Temperance Act and pro
posed an addition to the county home.
These are but a few of the progressive
things that took place in this district this
year. It was without a doubt one of the
best we’ve seen for a long time. *
* * * *
Ahead With Jupiter
So far as we can see, 1952 has all the
prospects of another good year. If you be
lieve in it, the astronomical outlook in
dicates health, wealth and happiness. The
year will be governed by the planet Jupi
ter, author of all success, and will be a
year of optimism and good fortune. Days
will be mild and pleasant, crops bountiful.
And commenting on this, the New
Yorker says: “Although a man is always
glad to get a lift from Jupiter or some
other body that is going his way, he is
nevertheless conscious that his life is some
times advanced, and even elevated, because
of his own power, properly applied, There
are well-authenticated cases of human be
ings gaining rapidly on their destination by
the light of intellect and other interior
fires. Such examples electrify us about this
time of year. The farmer’s urgency in seed
time is, of course, the beginning of the
crop, and if the urgency were lacking, not
even Jupiter or fine weather could fill the
rows "with potatoes. Human life begins
whimsically and proceeds along classical
lines to a tragic end, but the time in be
tween is unquestionably a time of” travel
ler’s choice, and that is why year's end is
doubly exciting—not only a convenient
break in time but a pause at the four cor
ners, when optimism enjoys a brief cred
* * * *
New Year’s Wishes
We’re making some New Year’s
wishes. Like to hear about them? For Ex
eter merchants, we wish cooperation on
store closing hours, especially at the next
Christmas season.
For Exeter council, we wish the fore
sight to.work on a town plan and new in
For the Bell Telephone Company, we
hope nothing happens to that new system.
For the Legion, Lions and Kinsmen,
better cooperation and more work on the
Santa Claus parade next year.
For Grand Bend, a warm summer 'and
success in their clean-up campaign.
For Lucan, a continuation of that fine
Irish spirit directed along community lines.
For the Exeter Agricultural Society,
an earlier start on the fall fair.
For the district high. school, more
basketball championships.
For the district high school board, a
Christmas spirit when granting use of their
facilities to the community.
For the township of Stephen, munici
pal cooperation.
For the baseball and hockey teams of
the district, more and better local talent.
For the hospital board, no more de
For the rural communities, new public
For the farmers of the Woodham-
Kirkton district, a pipeline from Lake
Huron to RCAF Station Centralia.
For RCAF Station Centralia, no plane
For OPP Elmer Zimmerman and Cecil
Gibbons, no accidents or robberies and the
For the Ausable Valley Conservation
Authority, more progress and support.
For the farmers, a continuation of
good prices.
For industry, cheaper methods of pro
For the Times-Advocate, more news,
more pictures, more room, more advertis
ing, more editorials, more humor, more sub
scribers and fewer errors.
YOU IN 1952.* * * *
Monetary mention, by The Toronto
Star: “Loan sharks rarely attack those who
do not go out beyond their financial
* * * *
One occupation in which men become
old before their time is the driving of rail
way locomotives, asserts The Port Arthur
News-Chronicle. They are so often thrown
into a state of nervous tension by motor
ists who insist on racing them to the cross
As the----------
1 —" 1 - - " —r*
Mr. N. D. Hurdon was in
Clinton on Thursday last as a
delegate to u convention of the
ons of England.
There are at present fifteen
cases of smallpox quarantined,
mostly on the fourteenth and
sixteenth concessions of Stephen
reaching to Dashwood. The coun
cil has deemed it expedient to
compel every person to be vac
cinated at once.
Miss Vina Fisher was in Lon
don on Christmas Day attending
the wedding of her cousin, Miss
residence at the bride’s par
ents on Christmas evening, by
the Rev. Morlock of Dash
wood, Mr. Edgar Broderick of
Hay to Miss Minnie, eldest
daughter of Mr. Alex Rennie.
dulph, Sauble Line, on Decem
ber 18, by Rev. W. Stout of
' Kirkton, Mr. Frank Coates of
Usborne to Miss Lottie Dic
kens, daughter of Mr. Thomas
A new sprinkler system for
fire protection is being installed
in the local .branch of the Can
adian Canners.
Dr. D. A. Anderson of Lon
don, a former resident of Exeter,
has purchased the residence of
the late John Pedlar on Main
Street and expects to move to
Exeter early next summer.
Mr. William Sweitzer, ex
warden of Huron^County, is re
tiring as reeve of Stephen Town
Saturday Evening
Here, There
And Elsewhere
By Rev. James Anthony, M.A,
ship. He has been a member of
the council for the past 17 years
and for the past eight years
served as a member of County
Messrs. Howard Johns and
Delmar Skinner of Elimville are
taking courses at the O.A.C. in
On Christmas Day, Mr. and
Mrs. H. Jennings were happy to
receive from their son, Rev. H.
L. Jennings, Anglican Church
minister at Ft. Norman, a radio
gram with Christmas greetings.
In a competition for window
display of electric lamps spon
sored by the Ontario hydro de
partment, Miss Dorothy Davis
won second prize in the group
ing for smaller towns.
Misses Ann Morgan and Grace
Beckler of Usborne, who are at
tending London Normal, and
Misses Margaret Allison of
Thames Road and. Florence
Southcott of town, who are at
tending Westervelt Business Col
lege, were home for the Christ
mas holidays.
Corporal Ted Wilson of Mont
real is spending a 14-day fur
lough Christmas leave with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wil
There will be no election in
Exeter this year, all of the old
officials being retained in office
in accordance with tthe provi
sions of the provincial govern
ment Extension Act of last year.
The turnip waxing plant of
S. Winer & Co. had a record
output of 3 6,000 bushels last
week. This represents a carload
of waxed turnips for each day.
... Neighboring News ...
Glad To Be Back
“I’m sure glad, to be back
home again,” Pte. Ross M. Col-
quhoun, 20, exclaimed with fer
vour as The New-Record chatted
with him yesterday following his
return from army service in
“Cigarettes are the biggest
problem for the Canadian boys
in Korea,” Ross said, adding
that “books would be welcome
“The worst enemy we had
over there in Korea was the
country itself, it is so mountain
ous,” he declared.
Clinton News-Record
Flower Laurels
Mr. Murray Tyndall, Bruce-
field, has another addition to
his list of gladiolus achieve
ments. This week he learned
that the newly-crowned gladio
lus king of Saskatchewan had
purchased all his bulbs from
The blooms from these bulbs
had 'won trophies at Kindersley,
Saskatchewan and Winnipeg
flower shows.Huron Expositor
To Film St. Marys
National Film Board officials
visited St. Marys again on Tues
day and told the Journal-Argus
that they expected to start film
ing here about January 3.
The film, which will be an
other in an all-Canadian series,
will picture a typical Canadian
town and St. Marys has been
chosen by the National Film
Board as the town to Use. The
picture will likely involve num
erous indoor and outdoor scenes
and is likely to feature a few
local people in it.
St. Marys Journal-Argus
Women Die In Fire
The charred and smoking ruins
of a Cranbrook district farm
dwelling yielded the bodies of
two elderly sisters who perished
in flames which consumed the
frame home shortly after noon
time. Jane F. McNair, 7 6, and
her sister, Janet, 80, were found
dead in the northwest cornel’ of
the house by neighbors and fire
men probing the debris.
Seaforth News
Who Santa Was
Now it can be told. That jolly
old St. Nick who has been ap
pearing about town for the past
couple of weeks was Milton Jor
dan, a good South Ward neigh
bor of “Billy” Swan, on whose
■behalf he was appealing for a
Christmas gift of more than per
sonal dimensions. Since he has
amassed the grand total of $203
he has turned it over to the
Rev. G. Lamont and Lew Reaney
to spend as they see fit.
Mitchell Advocate
Zurich Wins
In a thrilling exhibition game
of hockey on Friday evening in
Zurich, the local intermediates
defeated the powerful Clinton
Colts by the score of 5-4, before
a large crowd of enthusiastic
spectators. The game was fast as
was the ice, as the latter is in
splendid shape for so early in
the season.
Zurich Herald
Farewell And Hail!
We bid farewell to 1951. The
year may have been a great
many things but it has not been
The Korean war lias dragged
its wearisome cruel length. Again
and again we were sure that it
was about to end but as often
we have been disappointed. The
smoke of battle still lingers on
those Far East horizons. The oil
dispute in the ancient land of
Iran has come to a head but
gives no sure sign of settling.
Egypt, the land of ghosts and
tombs and pyramids and sand,
will not quiet down to steady
national life but festers in mis
ery' and self-assurance between
East and West.
Britain has had a change of
government and is reverting to
her old way of ruling, though
with more forward look and
step. Some sand has been
dropped into the relations of
Britain and the United States.
The United States is in the
throes of going over her home
leaders and White. House parties,
and of turning some of the ras
cals out.
The first steps in getting the
St. Lawrence waterway well
started have been taken. We
have made some changes in our
educational ideals and are doing
our little bit to see that every
public man does a little better
what he can already do well.
We greet 1952 with a warm
hand and a good word. We wish
sucess to those who are teaching
our language to our new citizens.
We hope that agriculture will
take another step upward and
Saskatchewan appears to have
gone back in her population.
Evidently her leaders have been
mistaken in their ideals of farm
ing. What looked to be a new
and better way of winning the
province’s agricultural treasures
seems to have some grave de
fect as far as humans are con
cerned. Men who brought me
thods into prominence in that
province know how to correct
those defects as those defects
become evident.
The country is entering upon
an .experiment in its ways of
merchandising. Manufacturers and
large distributors of goods are
to be prohibited from setting the
price at which those goods are
to be retailed to the ultimate
consumer. Interest, even anxiety,
is felt regarding the outcome of
the new way of merchandising.
We may find that things in this
region of business are not what
they seem. At any rate the move
is calculated to curb inflation.
Hopes are entertained that
unionism is taking a still more
enlightened view of its place in
modern business. The strike
bludgeon is expected to be wield
ed more cautiously, for the good
of both labour and management.
Our best men are planning
very earnestly how to help Bri
tain in her present financial hob
ble. Something more than mere
gestures is required, in this con
nection from both Canada and
the United States. Aid that is
given in time is twice given. Th'e.
old saying that a stitch in time
saves nine applies right here.
All in all, 1952 is dumping a
large order on civilization’s door
Our Opportunity
Western Ontario should aim to
the seed bed of Canada. We
have the soil and the climate
and the farmers that encourage
us to believe that she should
render this service. We have all
the physical advantages for this
work without the disadvantages.
A great part of this portion of
the province is well drained,
thus permitting early sowing.
Every once in a while we hear
of some farmer who has won out
in seed grain competitions where
the best growers have exhibited.
Why should not this good work
be continued till this part of
the province is well known for
its high grade seeds? Why
should it not be said of counties,
of * townships, and concessions,
“That is where you may secure
wheat, barley, and potatoes and
apples of the finest quality”.
Certain districts, to tlieii' ever
lasting credit, are spoken of as
the Holstein or the Shorthorn or
Jersey and Ayrshire districts.
Such' fortunate neighbourhoods
have cash in hand merely on
their reputation. Why should
not this same practice be ex
tended to the production of seed
Further, we saw some of the
finest fields of red clover grown
in the Hillsgreen district. Exeter
has an enviable reputation for
handling clover and timothy and
alfalfa seed. What is needed at
the present is a survey by the
farmers of each district, under
the guidance of an experienced
seedsmen, with a view to finding
out what each farm and each
district is fitted for in the mat
ter of seed production and seed
grading. Along with this should
go some judicious advertising.
Her Head Held High
Britain holds hei’ head high
these difficult times. Interest is
due on sums she borrowed from
the United States and Canada,
and what is due Britain will
pay. She has economic problems
of the most serious character
but she does no bleating but
pays on the anvil. Her people
are closely rationed. She is called
upon to contribute highly for the
defense of Europe. She has trou
bles in South Africa. Iran has
taken advantage of her extrem
ities. Egypt is ugly, to mention
but a fraction of her difficulties.
Without a word of complaint
she is paying her debts, though
some with duller sense of honour
believe that she might default on her interest debts to uanaoa
and the United States. However,
that is not her way and we love
her all the more loyally because
she prizes her honour, to say
nothing of her business integ
In this connection would it
not be the just thing for Canada
and the United States to “for
give” the interest now due? Had
Britain not stood in the breach
in the two world wars there
might have, been little of the
United States or Canada these
stirring days. Let us not forget.
We cannot afford to stand by
doing the hardest sort of penny ,
pinching when our mother is in
the torture chamber.
Mr. Churchill,
Prime Minister
Mr. Churchill does not forget
that he is Prime Minister. Great
Britain folk who shouted about
“Good old Winny” now find that
Mr. Churchill is aware of the
responsibilities and duties right
fully expected of him. He fully
understands that the days are
now here when the grave work
of consolidating the freedom
prizing people of the world must
be attended to. The spectacular
—Please turn to Page 3
“I had a beard like yours once
but when I realized how it made
me look I cut it off.”
“I had face like yours once
and When I realized that I
could not cut it off, I grew this
beard.”* •* * *
TwC small boys were quarrel
One jeered: “Anyway, you’re
a heathen. You’ve never been
“Yah!” shouted the ether.
“That’s all you know about it. I
can show you the mark on my
arm, new!0