HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-12-20, Page 9THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 20, 1951 May your Christmas holiday be filled with joy and fun And may the coming Hew Year, be your very nicest one ! McKnight & Walper Dinney Furniture r and a Happy New Year .795. 650. 850. Sedan, see this one at only Sedan, you can’t beat it .... Sedan, radio, like new ...... Coach, above average ........ 1,350. 1,295. Ford, Ford, J ohn TRUCKS Ford Pickup, like new International 1-Ton Stake, like new .. Ford 3-Ton Chassis and Cab, above 1951 1949 1946 average 1946 F< 1938 M Ford Sedan, a beautiful two-tgne Consol Demonstrator ................... Ford Ford Ford Ford Plymouth Coach, new motor ...... Model A Coach, above average Chev Coupe, looks like a million CARS Sedan, radio, overdrive, low TRACTORS only ...... ..... stejpup transmission, overhauled Deere “B” .................................. Merry Christmas to Everybody! 1951 Monarch mileage ......... 1950 1951 1950 1949 1947 1940 1937 1931 1931 Larry Snider Motors Phone 624 or 64-W MAIN STREET UNITED Rev. A. E, Jlolley, B.A., B.D. (Supply Minister) Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist Christmas Sunday December 23 11:00 a.m. “God’s Unspeakable Gift” Anthems: “And ‘There Were Shepherds”, “Joy Bells” 12:15 p.m, The Church School 7:00 p.m. Candlelight service Anthems: “Peace on Earth”, “Cantique do Noel” You, your family and friends are most cordially ed tp these services.' your invit- JAMES STREET UNITED Rev. H, J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A-W.C.M,, Musical Director May the blessings of the Christ Child be uponw us all at this Joyous Christmastide. 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School.11 *00 a.m.—S e r m o n Subject; “The Bells of Christmas,” The choir will sing two an­ thems. Solo by Helen Shapton. Duet by Jean McDonald and Margaret McFalls. 7:00 p.m.—Sermon Subject: “Christmas Is What We Make It?’ The Junior Choir will be pres­ ent and will sing three an­ thems. A warm welcome is extended to ZION Evangelical United Brethren Crediton Rev, J. V. Dahms, Minister Sunday, December 23— 10:00 a.m.—Worship. Sermon Subject: “When Angels Went Away.” 11:00 a.m.—Church School. 7:30 p.m. — Christmas Festival, White Gifts and ^tlie Cantata “Miracle at the Inn”. v'the CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren Dashwood Rev, J. Henry Getz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist 10:00 a.m.—Divine Worship. Sermon Subject: “What Means Christmas?” 11:15 a.m.—Church School. 7:30 p.m.—Christmas Festival. nA service presented by Juniors and a Cantata, Star Still Shines”, by young people and choir. the “His the PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Rev. H. Kendrick, Pastor Friday, 8 p.m.'—Sunday School Christmas Concert. Sun., 9:45 a.m.-—Sunday School. Supt.: E. Cudmore. Sun., 11:00 a.m.—“A Son of the Line of David.” Sunday, 7:30 p.m.—“A Merry Christmas.” 9 Mrs. Caven i and The “Light Of The World” Broadcast presented for your spiritual rest and enjoyment by FAITH TABERNACLE London Rev. A. G. Newkirk Preaching' ladies Store Open Monday Evening, December 24 Below we offer a few suggestions. joy- the With BESTS WISHES for a HAPPY holiday SEASON! FOR LADIES AND GIRLS — Nylon hosiery, slips, nightgowns, pyjamas, um­ brellas. handkerchiefs, house, coats, suits, coats, dresses, etc. The Christmas bells out our message of ous greetings for coming year. BOYS — Ties, shirts, station -wagon coats, Churchz TRIVITT MEMORIAL —- Anglican — Rector; Rev, C. L. Langford, B.An M.A. Organist: Robert Cameron Sunday, December 23— 10:15 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:30 a.m. — Christmas Carol Service. Join with us in the singing of these familiar hymns and carols. Monday, Dec. 24, 11:30 p.m.— Midnight Communion Service. Christmas Day, 8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion. Thurs., Dfec. 20, 8 p.m.—Sunday School Entertainment and Christmas Tree. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Ilev. Donald R. Sinclair, R.A. Minister Organist: Mrs. E. Nixon, A.T.C.M. 10:00 a.m.—No Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.-—Christmas Service. Junior Choir: “Baby Jesus”, “The Beautiful Hills”. Senior Choir: “Ring Sweet Bells”, “Glory in the Highest.” Members of the Sunday School not in the choii* will attend with their parents. ,Fri„ Dec. 21, 7:30 p.m.—The Sunday School Christmas en­ tertainment, featuring a pag­ eant: “Christmas in Story and Song”. Caven Club Serve? Annual Dinner Members of the Caven Club, and many of the young adults’ group of Caven Presbyterian Church gathered at the manse Sunday evening to enjoy a Christmas dinner. More than thirty sat down to tables season­ ably decorated, and bounte­ ously laid with roast turkey and ali the trimmings, while the Ro­ bert* Shaw Chorale provided beautiful Christmas music on re­ cordings, The dinner was pre­ pared and arranged by the of the Caven Club, Following the dinner, Sinclair, on behalf of the < Club, welcomed everyone briefly explained to those who were not members, the organiza­ tion and purposes of the Caven Club, and the arranging of this dinner. A worship service was con­ ducted by Mrs. H. Laing, in which parts were taken by Mr. Sinclair, Hilton Laing, Norman Stanlake, Lee Learn, Bill Mac- Lean, Fred Simmons and Roy Campbell, and a number of car­ ols were sung I reetir^ ST. JOHN-BY-THE-LAKE - Anglican - Episcopal Grand Bend, Ontario Rev. J. E. G. Houghton, Rectoi1 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer. I-Ioly Communion first Sunday of each month. WHAT? — Radio Broadcast WHERE? - CHLO St. Thomas WHEN? — Fri., 9:30-10 P.M. 1EAR . , . — ORAL ROBERTS SUNDAY MORNING at 8:00 on HEALING WATERS BROADCAST CHLO — 680 on youx* dial Oral Roberts is being mightily used of God in the saving and healing of tens of thousands . . more than 50,000 decisions fox’ Christ in 1050. Hear , . . DR. E. CLIFF oxx “Lessons ixx Living” on CFRB at 3:15 p.nx. every Sunday Here's to a Happy Holiday ... a wondrous New Year! G. Simmons And Sons We Extend to All Our Very Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas Dashwood Youth Wed At Goderich The home of the bride’s ents, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wat­ son, R.R. 6, Goderich, was the scene of the wedding of Jean Isabel Watson and Harold Fred­ erick Schroeder, of R.R. 2, Dash­ wood, the Rev. J. Harrower of­ ficiating. Wedding music was provided by J. William Schroe­ der. The groom’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. William J. H. Schroeder, R.R. 2, Dashwood. The bride wore a powder blue gabardine suit, navy blue acces­ sories and a corsage of deep pink roses. Miss Frances Watson was hex’ sister’s only attendant, wearing a navy gabardine suit with matching accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. Best man was Earl Schilbe, of Dash­ wood. On their return from a wed­ ding trip to Eastern Ontario and the States, Mr. and Mrs. Schroe­ der will reside at Dashwood. par- We are ready for the final Christmas rush with an exceptionally large stock to help you solve vour Christmas gift problems. FOR MEN AND socks, jackets, handkerchiefs, scarves, hats, suits, over­ coats, wallets, cuff links, tie racks, etc. SPECIAL — Eight dozen men’s fine dress shirts, white and colours. Value up to $5.25 on sale at $3,95 each MEN’S FLANNEL HOUSE COATS — In shades trim, sizes Reg. price Reg. price Regularly $4.95 $2.95 .Regularly $3.95 . sale at $6.95 sale at $9.95 navy, corded GRATTON & HOTSON Grand Bend HANDBAGS ON SALE — We are clearing out the balance of our ladies’ handbags. of wine and 38 to 44. $9.50 $13.95 $3.95 ■ #< 1 lb. tin 990#• May Your Holiday Cheer go on and on I E. L Chaffe And Sons Creditor! Road arid No. 4 HighwayExeter, Ontario 995. 750. 650. 2.850. 1.850. 1,700. 1,595. 1,250. 1,150. 795. 295. 125. HOLIDAY SEASON WESTMINSTER TOILET TISSUE Extra value .................... .. 3 rolls 290 PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 regular cakes and 1 tube of Colgate’s Dental Cream (med.) ........ all for 390 GOLDEN MIXED CHRISTMAS NUTS All new, No. 1 quality ...... per lb. 390 LUSHUS JELLY POWDERS Shirriff’s, assorted flavours 3 pkgs. 290 BLUE RIBBON COFFEE Regular or drip grind i/2 lb. tins 52$ ..... . TREAT PEACHES Choice halves, large 20-oz. tins each 220