HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-12-13, Page 9THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 13, 1951
Page 9
Thank You
Electors of Stephen, I will serve you faithfully
to the best of my ability.
MONTREAL.—-Isn’t it fun to put on party-clothes
for the parties that happen at this time of year?
And speaking of clothes—I’d like to remind you
that beautiful stockings are an important part
of that well-dressed look! So remember to “stock
up” on the most beautiful stockings of all . . .
GOTHAM GOLD STRIPE! Canada’s favourite
stockings — “Fashion Five" .. .
1. Krimp Twist (for longer, prettier wearing)2. Camouflage Heel (so neat and good-looking)3. Hidden Sole (gives you double strength plus foot comfort)
4. Secret Toe (Simply won’t unravel)6. Shaddw Seam (the luxury look, priced to suit your pocketbook)Ask for beautiful Gotham. Gold Stripe stockings — at better store?
everywhere 1
Ever Noticed how many of the good things you buy are packaged in
aluminum? The dairy and candy industries have
“taken a tip’’ from us homemakers — who’ve used
aluminum kitchen utensils for three generations —
and loved ’eml Yes, these industries prefer aluminum
for the same reasons that we women do ... because
it’s light and durable — because it protects food*
purity and flavour and assures cleanliness. All reasons
why aluminum is ideal for milk bottle caps, butter
wraps and candy wrappers. And, in the kitchen, aluminum has these
additional advantages — that it distributes heat evenly and quickly —
therefore economically ... and looks bright and smart — always.
I Like To Tell You Success Stories about favourite buywords of mine.
Tho Success Story of RED ROSE. TEA AND
COFFEE began with an ideal of quality — so -that
now the Red Rose name .means flavour perfection
in thousands of Canadian homes! And I know you’ll
agree with the “Red Rose I’ans” that Red Rose
/_ A- Tea is good tea — from the moment you taste that
very first, flavourful sip! Remember, too, that be-
cause it’s good tea, it actually .gives more cups to
the pound — it’s flavour goes a long, long way! Red Rose Coffee is
as good as Red Rose Tea. Always fresh — always flavourful — once
you’ve tasted, this full-bodied coffee, you’ll never be satisfied with any
other! So do ask your grocer for these Red Rose successes — the
flavour-wise tea — the taste-satisfying coffee. I’m sure you’ll make a
„ w__. o___ ... . .... __ ___ ____ 3 — the
__.... ___ — the taste-satisfying coffee. I’m sure you’ll make a
year-’round, clock-around habit of them!
Do Yourself
flavoured. Simple
Proud some winter’s
evening with
this really
Nesselrode Pie.
It’s made with
JELL-O Vanilla
Pudding, so you
can be sure it’s
creamy and rich
to make too!
1 pkge. Jell-O Vanilla Pudding
•1% cups milkVi -cup cream, whipped1 tspn. chopped maraschino cherries% to ’/« tspn. rum flavouring1 baked 8-inch pie shell1 tbspn. shaved Bakerls
Unsweetened Chocolate Prepare ‘pudding by package directions, decreasing milk to
l’/a cups. Cool, fold in Vz of the cream, reserving remainder
for top of pie. Fold in cherries and rum flavouring. Turn into pie shell, spread with remaining cream, sprinkle with choco
late. Serves 6.
/Vice To Come Home to a cozy
fire at the end
of a blustery
day. Yes, it
feels good to
relax by the
fireside—but it
doesn’t always
relieve the
aches ’n’ pains
weather sometimes
brings. They’re 'way down deep
in your bones—and I know just
the thing to relieve them . . .
to the heart of the hurt. Just pat
it on! You can feel its soothing
warmth penetrating—giving won
derfully quick . relief. Sloan’s
relieves the pain of rheuma
tism, neuralgia, sprains ’n’ strains.
That’s why I believe in having a
bottle of Sloan’s always handy.
It’s very reasonably priced—just
50c for the small-sized bottle—90<y
for the large—at your drugstore.
Only A Few Shopping Days ’Til
Christmas—yet •
For Better Citizenship
Guides - Brownies - Cubs
Guide Talk
Well the guides had a new
Captain and also a Lieutenant
for about three quarters of an
hour on Monday night. How did
it go girls? Captain had an ap
pointment so she left Sandra Mc-
Knight get a taste of being Cap
tain and Norma KeRer thinks
she might like to be a Lieuten
ant. From all reports things
went very ’well and when Cap
tain arrived, she found the girls
busy in their patrol corners.
Now we had to see how many
of you remembered to have that
pencil and paper in your pocket
to “Be Prepared”. And was it
ever hard for Captain to decide
what patrol
to be a
and the
we glance around the room, we
see about. ten recruits working
away on that tenderfoot. I do
believe they want to get enroll
ed in January and that just
might happen!
Once again, we see Rena and
Norma working on that sema
phore. I think by the time that
test is over, we should have two
excellent signallers in our com
Then in another corner are
about twelve guides who might
be nailed members of the “Eag
er Beavei’ Second Patrol”, or
something like that. What say
girls? At any rate, Captain saw
quite a few buttons last night
and I $o think they would stay
put for a while too.
The holes in the socks were
darned and some hemming done
too! My, this will be a help to
the mothers—if it lasts and Cap
tain sincerely hopes it will.
Rena Murray, Janice
Norma Veal and Margaret San
Nature and Health Books during
your vacation.
The time certainly slips
around, so much so that we mis
sed out on our game didn’t we
girls? Well maybe our Christ
mas party next week will make
up for it.
At campfire, we thought we’d
better get in practice if we were
going carrolling next week and
so we sang carrols until we
couldn’t sing any more although
everyone did get up steam when
it came to the old favourite
“Jingle Bells”.
Vespers and Taps were sung
ana Captain took the Good-night
salute and reminded the girls to
be there at 6:p.m.- next week.
Bye for another week. Captain
ters, for Guiding in Canada and
around the World. 12% cents of
it goes to Guiding in the Pro
vince. 12% cents of it goes to
guiding iij your own area.
Bye for this week girls and
lets see how many can remember
to bring those fees in.
, The Owls
Town Topics
Mr. and Mrs. Prank Triebner
and Mrs. Douglas Triebner at
tended the funeral of their cou
sin, the late Mrs. Lisle Wood
burn of Greenway, on Wednes
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Brough
ton and son of Hamilton visited
Sunday with Mrs. R» H. Russell.
got those special
However, it turned out
tie between the canaries
period followed and as
passed their sewing test
flying colors so the rest of
had better get caught up
the holidays. And don’t for-
to get working on those
Jyst Fpr Howls
Gus made very angry notes
this week we can’t give you all
that he said, but here is a part
of what he left for us.
“Howls! Why I’ve never heard
anything like it! In fact for a
long while I was struck speech
less. Now I’ve been reading those
jungle stories and I will admit,
I was impressed by your council
rock, boys or Bangqi-log as it is
called, hut I think we, should
have a pack of hienas and jack-
els instead of wolves after the
meeting on Monday night.
“Do you know what the white
Stripe means? It is a sign that
the wolf is not yet able to keep
up with the rest of the pack and
it means that the rest of the
pack must
with the
means too,
pack must
1 ed opes to be cubs worthy of
membership in the pack. Now
if the rest of the wolves fail in
this duty, then the whole pack
has a bad mark on it.
“Let’s have a council rock the
last meeting in every month and
let’s see if we can show next
month that the pack has worn
off its three white stripes and is
again able to be proud of
boy who is a member.
“Good work on those
from what Akela said,
were several who passed
promise, hopping and flags.
“I will be a little late for the
Christmas party next week, Ake
la because I have to go out into
the country and get my Christ
mas tree, just a small one, and
that’s the only time I can go,
“Remeber the words of the
old wolf—“Now this is the law
of the Jungle, as old and as
true as the sky—and the wolf
that shall keep it will prosper
and the wolf that shall break it
must die.” That means that the
wolf cub who does not keep his
law and promise, is no longer a
good wolf and must give up his
place as a wolf to a boy who will
make a better wblf cub.
.Yours for better hunting—
speak for the wolf
white stripe. That
that the rest of the
train the white-strip-
.Ur I □ tM
On Your List
Annex next to Hawkins
Your Man Is Exclusive with You . . . Buy His
Christmas Gift from an Exclusive Selection of
Exclusive Brands at GEORGE WRIGHT’S.
People are getting to know about our Bargain
Hardware. These goods are clearing fast. If you really want bargains and
save yourself money—$5 buys many things in here.
Small Laced Rubber Shoes
Boys’ Work Shirts ................
Boys’ Combination Underwear
.. 880
. 980
Children’s Rubbers
Men’s Windbreakers
Dress Pants (wool)
. 690
Just Drop In — See for Yourself!
time enough to i
besure of
Christmas de- .
livery of a new I
TOR or FRIG- >___
I’d advise you to stop in at your
nearby Frigidaire dealer’s right
now and look over their grand
display of models. This is surely
the year , for “practical” gifts —
and nothing is so practical as a
Frigidaire Refrigerator or Frigi
daire Electric Range. They save
time, work and money on food
buying, on food keeping and on
meal preparation. They’re one of
the most valuable gifts you can
give wife or mother to help her
combat'the high cost of living.
Your Frigidaire dealer will arrange
a fine deal on your old appliance
— and you can take all next year
to pay!
Did You Ever Wish when you are
baking that you could say “Hey,
presto” — and suddenly have your
cakes, or muffins, or tea biscuits
as delicately light, and evenly
risen as a dream? Well, I can tell
you something that’s. more-won
derful— and more reliable—than
a magician’s trick. It’s to say
DER, please,” when you’re shop
ping. Instead of sheer wizardry, you
have Calumet’s double action to
insure your baking results. And
that’s something that nothing can
disturb ... no, neither stirring nor
interruptions can trouble you if
you rely on Calumet’s. two-way
action —first in the mixing bowl,
then later in the oven.
Merry Christmas^ everybody! I’ve been thinking about things to make
you and your family specially happy at this merriest
time of the year. And high on the list, is something
wonderful to eat. Like a fluffy, melt-in-your-mouth
Swans Down cake! There’s just something about a
cake made with SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR
that spreads good cheer all ’round — from you who
make it (it's such a pleasure to bake with Swans
Down I), to the lucky folks who eat it. Every last
morsel is gobbled up — and that’s no wonder’—for
Swans Dowii Cake Flour makes such beautiful cakes.
You see—Swans Down is sifted and re-sifted until it’s 27 times as fine
as ordinary flour! ,
Are We In A Tizzy with only 10 shopping days left? Not me, anyway,
and you won’t be cither if you take advantage of
a wonderful new Ch ristm as-shopping secret I’ve just
found — the BANK OF MONTREAL’S Seasonal
Services. The B of M’s Money Orders now eome
wrapped in the dearest little Christmas envelopes —
they look so gay and friendly on the Christmas tree J
...and they’re magic presents that turn themselves
into the Very things your friends really want. And
the small-fty? For them there’s^ a special treat—
BofM Savings Accounts of their very own, to give them a heal
groWn-Up feeling . . . with special Christmassy passboolf-coycts adding
a cheery touch to this educational gift. Even the B of M’s cheques
have taken on a holly-happy look—So appropriate for Christmas gifts.
An I look what you gain for yourself—;the extra time and trouble
wivc.l by doing your Christmas shopping at the B of M—and the
pleasure of giving presents as welcnmA’ as a whits Chn’atmaa
Under The Toadstool
This week instead of peeking
at the regular Brownie meeting
lets donate this pace to the ex
planation of fees.
Many . parents porbably won
der what happens to the fifty
cents their daughters bring at
the beginning of each term and
the best way to explain it is by
telling them what is
er sent to us by the
You see everyone in
Guide Association
youngest Brownie to
official pay this fee.
The following are a few things
that the fees from 19 50 were
used for:—When our sister
guides in Winnipeg lost so much
in the flood and their head
quarters was badly damaged you
kindly sent them $100.00—OUT
—In a far section of our pro
vince, reached only by air, lives
a small group of girls of guide
and brownie age. They can nev
er see another company of pack
but nonetheless wish to join our
movement. The next plane in af
ter their appeal was received at
provincial headquarters carried
instructions and a parcel of
—Far up a Northern river, a
.half days journey by canoe from
the lonely railroad bridge where
mail is thrown off, lives a lone
guide. It is a red letter day in
her life when the monthly lone
letter arrives, with its messages,
pictures, stories and instructions.
How grateful she is to you for
your assistance in sending it.
—-In the D.P. camps in Ger
many are hundreds of small
girls, just like you, but without
a home or country. Many of
these are Brownies, though they
have no uniforms. What a thrill
to think that yon sent Brownie
Pins so that some of them could
have the joy and privilege of
wearing one. THANKS TO YOUR
—Uu in Canada’s frozen north
are hundreds of boys and girls
scattered across a vast country.
Imagine their joy when a plane
came winging out of the sky,
bringing them a visiting Guider.
—All this and much more
your Membership Fees have done
in 1950, and will do in 1951,
provided you remember to bring
them in promptly.
Now Brownies don’t you think
bv telling $on this you can ex
plain better to your mothers and
Fathers 'why yon want, fifty
cents. Here’s another little thing
to fell them—•
Twenty-five, confs of vour fees
goes to tile Dominion TTeadnuar-
Baby Sister:
Riding Hood ate
she went upstairs
Junior: Jumpin
porridge musta been spiked.
And after Red
the porridge
and saw three
creepers! That
No Better Values Anywhere!
■a fiFii ff3
on the fold-
the Ontario
from the
the highest
Give Her a Choice
A Dream Gift
For Any Lady Why Not Use A
Ask for a FREE demonstration at our store!
CONNOR- Gyro-Balanced Washer
s; •
in vour home
"The finest washer I’ve ever used”—
that’s what Canadian women
are exclaiming about the marvellous
new Connor-Automatic washer with
the “Gyro-Balanced” action.
The wonderful Connor Gyro-wash and
Gyro-rinse mean that clothes are washed
whitest, rinsed cleanest... Connor Speedspin
drying action actually Vapour-dries clothes!
What’s more — Connor-Automatic
needs no foundation or other special
installation ... it’s vibfationless!
Here’s the perfect gift-answer when
yon aren’t sure which records to
give. Give RCA Victor Record Gift
Certificates and let the family,
friends and relatives make their
own selection. They will find many