HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-12-13, Page 6/J I Page 6 Canada has more than 630,000 farmers and stockholders.Gleaned from the High School THIS T1R£ YOU THRU WHEN THE GOING IS TOUGH! THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETEK, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 13, 1951 By BILL BATTEN Last Friday night the Exetei’ iris* basketball team, accom­ panied by a number of fans, travelled to Stratford to meet the local team, Exeter coming out on the big end of a 13-11 count. Being the first game of the season and the girls having only two practices behind them, the game proved to be a little slow and sloppy. Jean Taylor was the only big gun for Exeter, scoring 10 points, and Dorothy Pooley scored the other three points. Other members of the team were Mary McKuight, Nancy Tie­ man, Pat Hopper, Marjorie Tay­ lor, Marg Bray, Lorna Taylor, Margaret Thomson, Labelle Hill. Following the game esses /entertained with and a stage show. Don’t forget to get bets for the Christmas December 21. the host- a dance your tic- Dance on 4- Say Hello To These Good-Buys * i 4 FOR SALE FOR SALE HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE—One hundred Sus­ sex pullets, four months old. Phone 32-r-22 Kirkton, Alvin Pym. 13* FOR SALE—Woods Deep-Freeze or would exchange on live­ stock. John Tomlinson, Wood­ ham, phone Kirkton 53-r-ll, 13* HELP WANTED — Experienced cashier, phone 640-W. 13 c •A ploclc chester- coat, size 14, practically one winter Burkeley It’s Monday!—The day to pre. pare your T-A ad, WANTED 1919 with WANTED — Immediately! Boy’s junior bicycle, in good condi­ tion. Phone 48-r-2 Crediton. 13c 1939 tires. FLORIDA BOUND! Two ladies are looking for a ride early in January, —Please phone 125 Exeter, 13nc 1911 clean nearly new tires, motor overhauled. Only DODGE COACH (not1 a worn out car), good clean inside, good "body. Only ....... $495.00 SPECIAL FOR SALE field new; mw wAxivax .« * n. « x u y coat, size 20, in good condi­ tion.Phone 272 Exeter, 13* FOR SALE—^Quebec heater; two used electric washing ma­ chines. Apply Lloyd Ballan- tyne, phone 173-r-32 Exeter. 13* OFFICE HELP WANTED — All applications for permits and motor licenses must be filled out before presentation for re­ newal. —R. G. Seldon. 13tfc FARMERS, Woodcutters, Loggers —-Why search further for a. fast-cutting, safe, power-chain saw? Buy PRECISION! Sold and serviced by D. L. Kernick, R.R. No. 3, Exeter. Complete informacion on request, N23:20wks* 4 > FOR SALE—A coal space heat­ er, good condition. Phone 383- J, evenings. 13c FOR SALE — Brown m o u t o n coat, three-quarter length, size 16. May be seen at Brady’s Dry Cleaners/Exeter, 13* FOR SALE—Coal space heater, good condition, $15. Apply 41 Anne or phone 9 7-R. 13* WANTED—Kitchen help wanted immediately. Apply Rether’s Coffee Shop. 13c NOTICES CHEVROLET COACH in excellent condition, extras. Only ....................... .................... $1,490,00 PONTIAC CLUB COUPE loaded with extras, interior, push-button radio, sun visor, heater, ’ - - - - $695,00 Made Only By B.F. Goodrich Drive safely, surely on Mud- Snow Hres over mud or snow- covered roads ... the spec­ ially designed tread permits driving without chains . • • • sure pulling power. Exeter Motor Sales PHONE aoo EXETER 1951 heater, clock, Prestone, mileage 165 miles, asked us to dispose of this for him as he has for the second car. This car cost $2,485.00. will accept $2,175.00. See this car at our BRAND NEW PONTIAC COACH Model 2007, Owner no use * Owner garage. WANTED—Two used men’s fur coats. —Phone 55^-R Exeter. 13* WANTED TO RENT — Unfurn­ ished apartment, with stove and refrigerator if possible, one or two bedrooms. Apply Box "C”, Times-Advocate. 13* WANTED — Some Devonshire cream for Christmas. Apply at Times-Advocate. 13* WANTED—10 tons of baled hay. —Sandy EllioS* phone 476-W Exeter. 13c WANTED — Coal oil hanging lamps. — Mrs. Ralph Bailey, Main Street. ltfc FOR SALE—Christmas trees, Scotch pine, spruce or cedar. —E. R. Witmer & Son, phone 572-W, Marlborough St. 13* RE: COLLECTION OF TAXES I will be in the To\yn Hall on the evening of December 13, from 7:00 to 10:30 p.m., and on December 14, from 9:00 to 12:00, 1:30 to 5:00 p.m., for the purpose of collecting taxes. ERIC II. CARSCADDEN, Tax Collector 29:6:13c IF YOU ARE INTERESTED in Power Weed Spraying Equip­ ment, be sure to see some on display. I have also several kinds of weed killer including Dowe, Green Cross and Nauga­ tuck; also selective weed kill that can be used on young pe’as and alfalfa seedlings and brush-kill, Lindane and Chlor­ dane, 1>DT, Calcium - Arsenate and Arsenic of Lead. Apply L. V. Hogarth, phone 266. 13tfn * * I PERSONAL Ward Fritz WORK WANTED Dodge and De Soto WORK WANTED—Nurse avail­ able, day or night duty. Sal­ ary in accordance to case. Phone 209-r-5 Exeter. Bray has some STARTED CHICKS for delivery. Mixed, pullets. Just what you may need. Ask us for particulars. If you waiit day-olds for December-January delivery get price list and order soon. Agent Eric Carscadden, phone 246-J, Exeter. 13c FOR SALE—Chunks, approxim­ ately 100 lbs. each. Apply Louis Masnica, R.R. 2, Credi­ ton. 13* FOR SALE—Fur coat, latest style, only worn a few times. Will sell reasonably. —Phone 520 Exeter. 13c ONTARIO Silverware Phone 153-W have you International Harvester 7 cu. ft Home Freezer and 8.3 cu. ft. DON’T MISS THE CHRISTMAS Refrigerator B.F.Good rich BEST IN THE LONG RUN ZURICH English China Coalport Czechoslovakian Crystal NO BID TOO SMALL MAIL YOURS NOW! FOR SALE — 1948 Chevrolet, green, four-door, $1,250. Tele­ phone 247-W Exeter or 282- W Clinton. 13* RE PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing under the Milk Control Act will be held in Room 4505, East Block, Parlia­ ment Buildings, Toronto, on Tuesday, December 18, 1951, at 2 p.m. This public hearing is for the purpose of providing all in­ terested parties an opportunity of making representations to the Milk Control Board of Ontario before this board arbitrates mat­ ters in dispute between the pro­ ducers supplying milk and the distributors of milk and pre­ scribes the maximum prices at which milk may be sold in the markets of Blytli, Clinton, Ex­ eter, Goderich, Seaforth and Wingham. A. P. Clark, Secretary, MILK CONTROL BOARD OF ONTARIO SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 to 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh; new vigor. New "get acquainted” size only 60^. All druggists. LOST LOST—Since Dec. 1, one full- grown dog, fawn Collie type, white markings, police dog tail, answer to name of Bus­ ter. Little boy’s playmate. Re­ ward. Write Box 345, Exeter, or phone 487 Exeter. (Attn. Grand Bend and Exeter resi­ dents.) 13* st ■» 1 REAL ESTATE LOST—Pet cat. Dark grey with stripe, valued as child's pet. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Apply to Mrs. Bert Selves, 177-r-23 Ex­ eter. 13c I 4 r 1 X FOR SALE—Tractor cab to fit either Ford or Ferguson trac­ tors, Apply Burns Blackler, 28-r-9, Kirkton. 13* FOR SALE—Findlay coal or wood stove, white enamel fin­ ish, small size with reservoir, in excellent condition. Phone 468. 13* FOR SALE—Electric 4 - burner range, low oven, $35. A new 2-burner hotplate, $3.75. Tele­ phone 384-J Exeter. 13c FOR SALE—Purebred Durham cow and a three months old calf. Alfred Pfaff, phone 94- r-13 Zurich, 13* 3 - BEDROOM COTTAGE. Large livingroom. Modern, roomy kitchen. Good floors through­ out, New oil burning furnace. Garage. C. V. Pickard, Real­ tor, Exetex*, Ont. 2 2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS aatoarasao Distinctive Watches anv iiy- ova, Lorie a new timepiece un- the tree and thrill member of the fam- We’ll show you Bul- Elco; Certina and masterpieces. FOR SALE—One boys’ balloon bicycle, $18.00; one girls’ bi­ cycle, $20.00. —W. Martin, Exeter South. 13 * w. FOR SALE—Two boys’ suits, blue, size 11-12 years, like new. Apply at Mooresville Store, 13* FOR SALE—Boy’s wool covert two-pant suit, 6-8 years. Can be see at Brady’s Cleaners, or phone 48-r-2 Crediton. 13* FOR SALE—A house in Park­ hill, insul brick siding, imme­ diate possession, modern con­ veniences, attached garage, 3 lots, livingroom, tile floor, pic­ ture window, bedroom, 3-piece bath, large kitchen, den, utility room downstairs; two large bedrooms with clothes closets upstairs; fully insulated, win­ ter’s coal in; cement drive­ way, fruit trees; low taxes. Price $5,900. Apply H. Bocock, Parkhill. 29:6c HENSALL li-storey residence. This is a comfortable home. It has well arranged rooms and is in very good repair. Two- piece bath. May be purchased at a very reasonable price, — C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter, Ont. 22 c 1 a i m s of Bruce who died NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All persons having against the Estate Hawthorne Hodgins, on the 5th day of July, 1951, are hereby notified to send par­ ticulars of the same to the undersigned on or before Jan­ uary 15, 1952, after which date the Executor will distribute the assets of the estate having re­ gard only to thb claims of which he shall then have notice, Dated this 13th day of Dec­ ember, 19 51. WILLIAM GOODSON, Execut­ or, by ENFIELD & KIMBER­ LEY, 577 Kingston Rd., Toronto, Ontario, his solicitor herein. 13:20c * < f £ X X i ♦ INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER Our convenient Christmoi Lay-away Plan makes it easy lor you to buy a famous IH Refrigerator. . , feature for feature the finest refrigerator on the market They’re femineered . .. and years aheadl A Gift to please all the family YOUR IH REFRIGERATION DEALER on the Being Offered By Doulton Figures FOR SALE—One child’s three- piece snowsuit, size 2. Worn one winter. $8. —Phone 136 ■Exeter, or apply Brady Clean­ ers. 13c BRICK COTTAGE & ACREAGE —Roomy brick cottage with , hydro and town water. Barn and one acre of land. Edge of Exeter. Early possession. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. It’s what every woman longs for. See the pat­ terns made by expert craftsmen — Community Plate, International Ster­ ling, 1847 Rogers, and King’s .Plate. FOR SALE—One RCAF officer’s greatcoat, two_blue dress jac­ kets. One form. Size condition. Apply Brady Clean­ ers, phone 136, Exeter. 13c HOUSE FOR SALE—Apply Gor­ don Heywood, R,R. 1, Cen­ tralia. 13* Dinner Sets BILLFOLDS T-W summer uni- 38. All in excellent FOR SALE—Nine pigs, 5 weeks •old. William Boa, R.R. 1, Hensall. 13* FOR SALE—Good Holstein cow, 5 years old; Tamworth hog; first class Clyde gelding, 3 years old. Apply Lome Allen, 63-r-9 Kirkton. f 13* from and Select a timepiece the many colours designs we have in stock. Electric Shavers The man will be happy with one of these time­ savers. Economical prices. FOR SALE—One set of team sleighs; set of double har­ ness, 'britclien type; new 22” collars; new walking plough; 1-horse scuffler; dump rake; front wheels for an Interna­ tional manure spreader, rubber mounted, good tires and tubes. Phone 177-1--4 Exeter, Lloyd Reynolds. 6:13* FOR SALE — Standard bicycles for Christmas delivery at re­ duced prices. Boys’ and girls’ juvenile, $46.00; gents’, gents’ cycles, wagon, one only, Martin, Exeter phone 43. $49.00; balloon, $14.95; ladies’ ladies’ $59.00; C.C. & $10.00. - South, and and tri- M. —W. tele- 6:13* TABLE MIRRORS COMPACTS FOR SALE—Coal and wood kit­ chen range with a warming closet, reservoir. Quebec heater; electric range, sonable. Ah’ Station after 5. Large size heavy duty All very rea- House 279 Centralia 6*131 A Full Line Of Hollywood Specials for Christmas FOR SALE—"Wingham Clipper” coal or wood stove, four lids, reservoir and self, like new. Harold Wurm, Gidley St., Exe­ ter. 13* LIVESTOCK WANTED HORSES WANTED — Will buy any kind of a horse. Will sell or exchange, —Frank Taylor, Exeter, ring 138. 20tfc I AM IN THE MARKET tot all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —- G. J* Dow. phono 83 Exeter* l*ifd HALF ACRE land, small brick cottage, double garage, on paved road. Immediate posses­ sion. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 12-6tfc FOR SALE — l|-storey frame house with insul-bric siding, built four years ago, 2 bed­ rooms on first floor, modern kitchen and 4-piece bath, up­ stairs unfinished, air-condition­ recreation Apply in Campbell, 253-R Ex- 29tfc ing oil furnace, room in basement, evenings to Roy Victoria St.., phone eter. NEW BRICK HOUSE—Two-bed­ room bungalow on Huron St. west. Forced ail' heating, com­ pletely modern throughout. See it now. $7,500. Mortgage can be arranged. Phone 571-J Exeter. 29:6:13:20c BRICK HOUSE in Centralia with water pressure system, quick possession. W. C. Pearce, Re­ altor, Exeter. 22tfc TWO-STQREY brick house, well located on good lot. .This house has nice bright rooms and is in good general repair. It has hot air furnace and modern conveniences. Price $6,000.00. Terms if desired. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter, Ont. v - 22 100 ACRES in Tuckersmith, good buildings with many con­ veniences. Abundant water Supply throughout by pressure system. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman, Ex­ eter, FOR SALE—New house, full basement with furnace and water heater, living room, kit­ chen, two bedrooms and bath On first floor. Upper floor un­ finished, with stairs in, R, E. Balkwill. 9tfc $4,000,00—FRAME — Centrally located, Can be used as two- or three-bedro&m home. Hot air furnace. Town water. Terms. — C. V, Pickard, Main Street, Exeter, In the estate of JOHN CALDWELL, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Drover, Deceased. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to culars of such undersigned on 20 th day of 1951, after which date the es­ tate’s assets will he distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received. W. G. COCHRANE, Exeter, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. 29:6:13c send full parti­ claims to the or before the December,A.D. In the estate of OLIVER MARTIN ROWCLIFFE late in of the Township of Hay the County of Huron, Yeoman, Deceased, persons having claimsAll _ against the estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned soli­ citor for the said estate, on or before the 29th day of Decem­ ber, A.D. 1951, after which data the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. Dated at Clinton, this 3rd day of December, A.D. 1951. F. FINGLAND, K.C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the Said Estate 6:13:20c AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE HENSALL SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15 Sideboard; studio couch; two rockers; table and six chairs; ■coal heater; coal or wood pail; book stand; kitchen linoleum; flower stand; occasional table; living room chairs and rockers; pictures; rugs, mats and cur­ tains; mirror; bed springs and mattresses; dressers; - commodes; two 'bedroom chairs; cash box; dishes; kitchen cabinet; hydro Stove with annex; kitchen table; electric iron; lamps; washing machine; electric clock; beds; step ladder; shovel; garden tools; lantern; hall rack; stool; boiler; pails; tubs; clothes bas­ ket; quantity of fruit; roasting pan; coal and wood; kitchen utensils; carpet sweeper; high, chair; cream cans; large trunk; linens and bedding; lawn mower; axes; carpenter tools. TERMS: Cash. ROY DEWAR, _ _ FRED DAWSON, CLERK FRANK TAYLOR. AU CT. clothes box; hand saw; PROP. « I r v I f st < $ * * 4 « i t o* 1 I ♦ I t » * I »■ 1. ♦ 4 <• I t * 4 r 1