HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-12-13, Page 4Page 4 THB TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 13, Hensall And District News^““"NA“^erj I The Legion Hall, Hensall, love- ; ly with Christmas emblems was [the setting Tuesday evening of last week for the annual Christ- hnas meeting of the Legion Lad- ;ies Auxiliary. President Mrs. E. was in the chair. Special I guests were Miss Dorothy Hoyle, Stratford, Zone Commander, and Mrs. Richards, Stratford. Miss | Hoyle who conducted the elec- ftion answered questions pertain- |ing to the work of the Ladies ! Auxiliary and discussed problems ifacing Auxiliary groups. She told the meeting 1 there were 245 Auxiliaries -Ontario ing the Horton to the Christmas war veteran at Westminster Hos­ pital. Mrs. J. Drysdale presented the Financial Statement. Winners of the draw are as follows: First prize, quilt, Mrs. Edna Mae Jones, Hensall; se- <* IDistrict WJ. Executivej Gather At Hensall The Executive of South Huron Women's Institutes convened in the Town HalL Hensall, Wednes­ day of last week for their fall meeting. The choir was taken by the president, Mrs. James Kirk­ land. Branches represented were Hurondale, Grand Bend, Zurich, Kippen, Seaforth, Crediton, Elimville and Hensall. Mrs. E. Johns spoke in the interests of the ,• Children’s Aid Society and stat­ ing there were 130 wards and | stressing the great need for clothing, She thanked the WI branches for donations received in the past. Mrs. Wilfred Mack of Credi­ ton, district representative, gave highlights of the London Area Convention, and Mrs. P. Doig of Seaforth spoke in the interests of the Junior Institutes and ask­ ed co-operation of the branches to stand behind them and sup­ port them. Readings were contributed by Mrs. Anna Walker of Hensall; Mrs, Newell Geiger, Zurich; Mrs. P. Doig, Seaforth; while the story "The Black Madonna” was presented by Mrs. Warren Brock of Elimville. The president expressed her pleasure and thanks to the bran­ ches for theh’ excellent exhibits at the Exeter Fair. Bride Honored Mrs. W. Hooper, Exeter, was hostess for a kitchen shower for her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Mer- vyn Stephan, London, a recent bride. A mock wedding was a highlight of the affair and roles were portrayed by, bride, Mrs. Alvin Smale, Seaforth; groom, Mrs. Howard Smale, Hensall; minister, Mrs. William Smale, Hensall. Wedding music was pro­ vided by Miss Eunice Ducharme of Grand Bend. The bride re­ ceived some ve’f'y lovely gifts and the presentation was made by the Misses Margaret and Orian Stephan of Exeter in an attrac­ tive basket in color pink and white. Miss Ducharme with guitar selections song was was served, sent from Cromarty, tunvu, uaP1.c1, Hensall. Mrs. David Halliday of London was a guest. schemes of entertained and a sing- Luncheonfeatured. Relatives were pre­ London, Seaforth, Zurich, Exeter, and Christmas Barty The regular meeting of Amber Lodge was held Wednesday, Dec- tern per 5 in the IOOF Hall and. »at the conclusion of the meet- J ing the annual Christmas party J was held with the husbands, friends and special guests. Nineteen tables were in play |for the progressive euchre and jthe winners were: ladies, Mrs. G. E. Walker, Mrs. R. A. Orr, Miss Ir. Avery; gents, Jim McAllister, ■ Wes Richardson, Lome Chap- hnan. Winners of crokinole: Mrs. A. Parsons, Mrs. B. Kyle. A special collection was tak­ en to be donated to the Hospital jBed Fund; and gifts brought by ! the members will be forwarded J to the Children’s Shelter at Gode- Jrieh, Luncheon wag served. Mrs. j H. McEwan was entertainment convenor and lunch convenor was Mrs. U. Horton. i i the meeting that 245 Auxiliaries in at the present time. Dur­ business session Mrs. H. was appointed to attend matter of purchasing a gift for the adopted Rersonal Items Mrs. Flora Consitt visited dur-;—.- ~ —— --------— — ing the past week with Mrs. R. cond prize of $10.00, Betty Jean - -- ----- jTuckey, 15 Balmoral St. Lon- Mnnt third prize of $5.00. C. Oxford St. Lon- Comrade Hoyle drew the T. Butt M. Kirby at Exeter. i Miss Carol Brown, who hasp°n; u-. - . ’been confined to her room fori Hammer, 700 I the past week with a throat in-1 don; faction, is convalescing. The ladies of Carmel Presby­ terian Church are holding a home-baking sale and tea in the school room of the church on Saturday, December 15, at 3 p.m. I Miss Marjory Russell of Lis- towel, Divisional Trainer visited the Hensall Girl Guides Tuesday evening, December 4 and enroll­ ed 3 new members. The Guides drive Guides making over four tons collected this fall. Mrs. R. M. Kirby of Exeter was the guest of Mrs. Flora Consitt during the past week. Baptismal Rites Rites of Baptism were admini­ stered at Hensall United Church on Sunday to Karen Marie Cook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cook, John Thomas, son of Mr, and Mrs. Don Joynt, and San­ dra Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Richardson.' At the service, the Rev. Rog­ ers dedicate-d a Baptismal Bowl, presented 'to the church by Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Munn in mem­ ory of their son who died in Au­ gust of 1950. local Association of Girl held another newspaper Saturday last, the Girl •collecting half a ton, ! i winning tickets. Mrs. won the mystery prize. Following are the results of the election of officers for the 1952 slate: Past president, Mrs. E. Dick; president, Mrs. A. Clark; first vice-president, Mrs. S. Rannie (accl.): 2nd vice-pres. Mrs. B. Moir faeel.); sec., Mrs. Keith Buchanan; treasurer, Mrs. William Brown; standard Bear­ er, Mrs. H. Horton; executive committee, Mrs. B. Kyle, Mrs. E. Shaddick, Mrs. J, Simmons, Mrs. F. Beer, Mrs# J. Drysdale: pianist, Mrs, F. J. Appleby and assistant, Miss Gladys Luker, Members exchanged gifts, and also were presented with indivi­ dual Christmas corsages. Lunch­ eon was served. Decorating committee who were responsible for the beauti­ fully decorated tree, and were Mrs. S. Rannie, and Byron Kyle. Evening Auxiliary Holds Yule Party Mrs. Howard Scane and W. J. Rogers, assisted by Russel Broderick and Mrs.hostesses in Christmas Special ANGORA SETS BY GRANDMERE Beret and Gloves — Bonnet and Mitts Shrink-Proof — Moth-Proof Regrularly $3.95 — Xmas Special $3.49 Looking for a Small Gift? We have a lovely plastic tea apron at 59$ — Be Sure to Ask for Free Gift Boxes — TUDOR’S PHONE 70 Ladies’Wear - Dry Goods HENSALL Office Girl | EXPERIENCED Wanted Immediately Shorthand Typing and Book-keeping Necessary Up-to-Date Office APPLY Cook Bros. Milling Co., Hensall Phone Day - 54 Night - 63 —■... ............. DON'T PUT ALL THE BLAME ON ME FOR POOR HATCHES, BOSS. YOU KNOW THAT FLOCKS LAYING EGGS FOR HATCHING NEED A SPECIAL FEED. J. 1 I Alex still Hos- hall, ■Mrs. ■B ............... .... ........ ........’......... ££L£m END Mrs. Wal- ter Spencer, were the school room of the Hensall United Church for Christmas meeting of the Eve­ ning Auxiliary. The school room was lovely with Christmas de­ corations exchange bers was ning. Mrs. J. F. Blackwell presided for the program. Mrs. R. Mock read the scripture and the de­ votional "The Coming of the King of Kings” was presented by Mrs. J. C. which Mrs. prayer. Mrs. *R. W. Spencer the January meeting with Mrs. Pearl Passmore in charge of the devotional and Mrs. J. F. Black- well will present the study. A donation of $10 as a White Gift for Korea, and relief was given by ' the Auxiliary. Mrs. Blackwell expressed thanks for the po-operation and support of the members during the year. Rev. W. J. Rogers presented an interesting film of the ’ Huron County Library. Interesting games were directed by Mrs. Broderick and Mrs. Spencer af- were FOR HAPPY LEISURE HOURS AND HOME COMFORT, CHOOSE AN ELEGANT the annual and a tree, and the of gifts by the mem- a highlight of the eve­ "The Coming of was Goddard, after Bert Horton led in o Broderick and Mrs. will be hostesses at refreshmentster which served. The many Munn regret confined to pital, London, following an at­ tack of influenza. We wish ^him a speedy recovery. friends of Mr. to hear he is St. Joseph’s Arm Injured While carrying metal roofing up a ladder at the home of his father, Mr. John Pepper, Tucker­ smith, on Saturday, Bloss Pep­ per had the misfortune to fall and cut the muscles in his arm. He was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, where he receiving treatment. The symbols on the sides Canadian freight cars give railroad men a case history the car. E^a/T O 3-Piece Living-Room Sets MADE BY KROEHLER As Low AsDEEP, SOFT DIVAN, MATCHING ARMCHAIRS A199 5-Piece Chrome Dinette A gift for years of enjoyment, deeply cushioned for comfort . . . well-made . . . hardwood frames. Richly covered in figured tapestry. Choose from the many models in our TABLES The latest in designs and styles to rejuvenate any room. We have a splen­ did assortment, ranging from .........,...... $4.50 up- AM I GLAD TO SEE YOU,DOC. YOU'VE SAVED MY NECK. PLEASE TELLTHE BOSS ABOUT YOUR-£Q£0£/V E66 BREEDERNASH^ % WORRIED ABOUT LOW HATCHES, EH, BILL? | IT ISN’T ALWAYS THE ROOSTER’S FAULT. A ^FERTILIZED EGG MUST CONTAIN STORED UP VITAMINS, EXTRA ANIMAL PROTEIN . AND THE LATEST GROWTH FACTO RS TO HATCH A BIG HEALTHY L CHICK ANO KEEP V IT GROWING. stock. HOSTESS CHAIRS Practical and modern hostess chairs in many colours and patterns. Well - built and comfort­ able, they sell $14.95 up Mar-proof, stain-proof table top; chairs upholstered in durable plastic leather. Chrome base and legs, this wonderful Christmas MODERN LAMPS Lamps of all descriptions to light up your Christ­ mas happiness. Beautiful styles and shades to choose from. See them now. See gift. $69 SMART LUGGAGE Dominion and Langmuir Luggage to add pleasure the and that to any trip. See sturdy construction convenient gadgets will convince you! Hopper-Hockey Furniture LOOK AT THIS FERTILE EGG, BILL. IT IS MADE UPOF THE SHELL”ALBUMEN AND YOLK. SCIENCE PROVES THAT THE HEN CONVERTSTHE EXTRA VITAMINS, PROTEIN AND GROWTH FACTORS INTO THE EGG BEFORE SHE SEALS IT IN THE SHELL. IN 21 DAYS THE STORED UP FOOD MUST GROW A BIG HEALTHY CHICK AND KEEP IT GOING FOR ‘ NEARLY IO DAYS AFTER HATCH I NG. THAT'S A \iOB AND IT NEEDS A SPECIAL MASH. SHELL ^g>eRM By Roe Farms Service Dept. VSB-23 COME AND GET IT, 61RLS I ROE GOLDEN £66 FOR GOLDEN EG6S. J f yoLK« albums M X there's Sure sense in what YOU SAY, DOO. ROE GOLDEN EGG MASH PUTS EXTRA MONEY IN MY POCKET-AND IT'S ONLY A FEW CENTS EXTRA FOR THIS SPECIALLY MADE BREEDERS'MASH^x , ...... ........... bWI FOR BI66ER HATCHES OF STRONG CHICKS THAT LIVE A Too LBirTjFJF# 'BRFFDERS’MASHj jtl.111 KM n*Ot FARMS MULING Ct M rim Atwoob k- bw.t -11 SrW C. Tindall, Mooresville H. Kellerman, Dashwood Lome Hay, Hensall Milton Dietz, Zurich