HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-11-29, Page 9THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 29, 1951 Page 9
We are occupying the store next to I-Iawkins Fiard
ware, recently vacated by the Conservative Com
mittee .Rooms, two doors north of our own establish
ment, in- order to display more merchandise and faci
litate your Christmas shopping.
Pre-Christmas Selling
Grand Opening
Men’s Bomber Jackets ................................... $9.95
Station Wagon Coats .............................................. $27.50
Men’s Comb. Underwear ......................................... $2.98
Overalls .................. $3.69 Work Sox .... 3 pr. $1.00
Rubber Footwear at Less than Dealers’ Lists
Rock Bottom Cash Prices
George Wright
This Store Is for the Farmer and Working Man
On Wednesday night in the
town hall, the W.A. of the An
glican served a turkey dinner to
their congregation. Both the
W.A. members and the congrega
tion of over 80 were gratified
with the result of the get-to
Mrs, Thomas Turnbull is Quite
ill and has been moved to the
home of her son, Mr. L, Turn
Mrs. Emma Grieve is confined
with a severe cold.
The Lions Club executive held
an emergency meeting Friday to
plan a local feather party for
December 12,
We wonder why Eric McIlroy
is wearing such a gay, broad
smile these days. It was first de
tected around 8 p.m. Thursday
and expanded noticeably all day
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Harrison
spent several days at the Royal
York last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gascho
of Zurich visited his sister, Mrs.
Mary Ravelle, on Sunday.
Mrs. John Mousseau visited
London last week.
The C.G.I.T. had a very suc
cessful cookie sale Saturday,
Good cookies, too.
Miss Marian Caldwell is al
lowed out of bed for a short
time each day.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Young
were guests of the F. Hayson’s
of London Sunday.
Miss Shirley Mason is visiting
her aunt in Sarnia.
Mr. and Mrs. Bev Yeo, De
troit, visited his sister Miss Mary
Yeo, and Mrs. Mollard, Sunday.
Miss Colleen Gill of St. Jo
seph’s Hospital spent Sunday
with her parents, the Wellwood
Rev. and Mrs. Smith are ac
companying her father, Mr.
Evans, to Toronto, for a few
days this week.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Slade of
Chatham spent Sunday with his
sister, Mrs. E. Desjardine and
Mr. Desjardine.
The W.A. of the United
Church catered for the Huronia
Choir banquet on Friday evening
in the church basement. It be
ing Ladies’ Night, each lady re
ceived a corsage bouquet. There
was an enjoyable impromptu
program. Ample food was pro
vided for the fifty 'guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Webb of
London and Mr. and Mrs. White
of Toronto visited their .parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Webb, on
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Dodds of
Buffalo spent the American
Thanksgiving with* her mother,
Mrs. Geromette. On Saturday
they and Mrs. Geromette and
Mrs. Mae Holt visited his bro
ther in Seaforth.
Mr.-’ and Mrs. Lightfoot and
family visited Mr. and Mrs. W.
Balter on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Strathmeyer
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M.
Mason Sunday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Webb
have returned from thei^ honey
moon and are residing in Dash-
Elimville Groups
Pack Box For Needy
Close to 20 members and two
guests met at the home of Mrs.
Alvin Pym on Wednesday after
noon for the November meeting
of the Elimville WMS and WA.
Mrs. Charles Stephen was in
charge of the meeting and scrip
ture readings were given by
Ruth Skinner and Mrs. Thomas
Bell, The Rev. Mail* led in pray
er and conducted the election of
the slate of officers prepared by
the Elimville ladies.
Mrs. Harold Bell sang and
Mrs. Lewis ' Johns and Mary
Herdman read from the study
book. Mrs. H Ford gave a read
ing on Christmas stewardship
and the meeting closed with a
prayei- by Mrs. Stephen.
During the WA meeting, Mrs.
F. Horne played a piano solo,
and Mrs. Franklin Skinner read
a poem. Mrs, Gilbert Johns was
in charge of the business ses
sion when the ladies decided to
send a gift box to the needy in
stead of exchanging gifts at the
Christmas meeting, Mrs. New
ton Clarke and Mrs. W. Batten
will pack the box. A quartet
composed of Mrs. Ross Skinner,
Mrs. W. Johns, Mrs. A. Del-
bridge and Mrs. H, Ford closed
the meeting with several songs.
The slate of officers for 1952
is: WMS president, Mrs. Horace
Delbridge; vice-pres., Mrs. Wil
liam Johns; treasurer, Mrs. Al
vin Pym; recording secretary,
Mrs. Charles Stephen: correspond-
sec., Mrs, Howard Johns.
Mrs. Newton Clarke assistant;
Mrs. W. Batten, Missionary Mon
thly sec.; Mrs. Everett Skinner,
literary sec.; Mrs. Delmar Skin
ner, temperance sec.; Miss Dora
Delbridge, Christian steward
ship; Mrs. H. Ford, supply sec.;
Verda Kellet and Mary Herd-
man, systematic givings; Mrs. W.
Horn, community friendship sec
retary; Mrs. Alvin Cooper, help
ers; Mrs. Ken Johns, Mrs. J.
Coward, Mrs. C. Gilfill and Mrs.
H. Kerslake-—mission circle lead
Mrs. W. Routly and Miss Ruth
Skinner, Mission Band: Mrs.,
F. Skinner and Mrs. Garnet
Johns, Mission Band; Mrs. John
Batten, press sec.
The new president for the WA
is Mrs. Ross Skinner; vice.-pres.,
Mrs. John Ridley sec., Mrs. H.
Bell, treas., Mrs. Gilbert Johns.
Caven Circle Meets
The November meeting of Ca
ven Circle was held at the manse
with Mrs, W. G. Cochrane pre
siding. Mrs. F. Whilsmith led in
the devotional exercies. Mrs. C.
Cann was in charge of the pro
gram at which time Mrs. T.
Pryde gave a very interesting
outline and description of the
dinner they attended, given by
the lieutenant governor in hon
or of Princess Elizabeth and
Prince Philip,
Mrs. Cann gave a reading by
Peter McArthur. Plans were
made for the bazaar to be held
at W. G. Simmons and Sons show
rooms on Saturday, December 8.
'J'he Anthem, “Saviour Like A
Shepard Lead Us” brought the
meeting to a close and lunch was
served by Miss Hatter and Mrs.
W«C.T.U. Report On Alcoholism In U.S,
The Exeter-HensaH Branch
of the WCTU met on November
20th at the home of Rev. C.
Down. Mrs. Cook was in charge
and gave an interesting talk on
the Christian life. Prayers were
then given by Mrs. Amy, Mrs,
Miners and Mrs. Cook, A duet
was sung by Mrs. Pybus and
Mrs. Amy which voiced the pray
er of every member present.
The treasurer reported 536.89
on hand. The ladies decided to
send 54.50 to Tidings and the
balance to the budget fund.
Mrs. Pearce, assisted by other
members, gave a clip sheet on
Narcotics. There are over 4,000
known drug addicts in Canada,
mostly under 25 and in the il
literate class. All of these die
-young, whether they finally gi%e
up the drug or not.
Cancer of the lung has in
creased with the increase of
cigarette smoking. In the United
States, since 1949, there are
over 65,000 aleholics annually.
Mrs. Pybus read a clipping tell
ing of 513,000 raised in Pena.,
for fruit juices’ instead of liquor
to be sent to the soldiers in
Korea. Mrs, Down read an
article from the Observer, writ
ten by Dr. John Coburn. Mrs.
Layton closed the meeting with
The first turnpike—a toll road
was established in Canada in
To Help You Stretch Your Christmas Spending Budget
6 only at $3.98 .....................
6 only at $4.98 .... ................
8 only at $5.98 .....................
6 only at $6,98 .....................
8 only at $7.25 .....................
6 only at 11.25 .....................
Sale Price $2.98
Sale Price $3.98
Sale Price $4.50
Sale Price $4.98
Sale Price $5.98
Sale Price $8.75
Delicate pastels! Rich deeper
tones! Hundreds of glorious
decorator-styled colors await
your choice in FLO-GLAZE
Colorizer paints!
Stephan-Halliday Wed
At London Church
A lovely wedding was solem
nized in Wesley Avenue United
Church Chapel, London, Novem
ber 9, when Marjorie Jane Halli
day, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
David Halliday, Central Avenue,
London, add Pte. Mervyn Daniel
Stephan, Camp Borden, son of
Mrs. Pearl Hooper, Exeter, and
the late Otto Stephan exchanged
marriage vows.
For her wedding the attrac
tive bride chose a winter grey
English gabardine suit with vel
vet trim, black accessories, and
orchid corsage. The bride’s only
attendant was her sister-in-law
Mrs. Ronald Stephen, of London,
who wore a winter white English
gabardine suit with accessories
in black, and a corsage of baby
Ronald Stephan, London, was
his brother’s groomsman. Fol
lowing a reception at the Brass
Rail, London, the couple left by
plane to the United States for
their honeymoon. After they re
turn, the groom will leave for
Germany with the Twenty
seventh Army, for one year. The
groom is a former well known
Hensail resident and for some
years was assistant Station Agent
at the C.N.R.
8 only at $6.75
6 only at $4.98
8 only at $8.95
6 only at 10.25
■6 only at $3.78 ..
8 only at $5.75 ..
6 only at $3.98 ..
Sale Price $5.50
Sale Price $3.98
Sale Price $6.95
Sale Price $8.00
Sale Price $2.98
Sale Price $4.50
Sale Price $2.98
12 only at 3.98 ..................... Sale
6 only at $6.60 ..................... Sale
Price $2.98
Price $5.00
Here's the only way to get
ready-to-use paints that match or
blend with the colors in your
drapes, rugs, wallpapers. No
hit-or-miss mixing! Just pick the
exact shade you want from
samples in Colorizer Album at
the store.
FLO-GLAZE Colorizer paints
are available in all interior fin
wood. -j
Miss Alma Holt spent the
wek-end with friends in London
and Ailsa Craig.
i The Church of God is holding
a Christmas concert on Monday,
evening, December 17.
Mr. and Mrs. Goodfellow of
Holiday Inn spent Sunday here
en route south for the winter.
F/O Bruce Henry has had a
rugged tussle with measles.
The W.I. are having a Fashion
Show on Monday evening in the
town hall after the election
(municipal). There will also be
a bazaar and tea.
Mrs. James Breen spent Mon
day in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Walker
of Sarnia were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. John Manore for a few
days last week.
Rev. and Mrs. Wattam, the
new pastor of the Church of
God, attended a ministers’ con
ference at North Bay last week.
Miss Evelyn Desjardine and
Miss Marion Snider visited Mr.
and Mrs. Keith Horner over the
week-end. "
Miss Evelyn Desjardine, a
pupil of London Normal School,
is doing her practical work in a
McGillivray school this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Turn
bull attended a thirty-fifth wed
ding anniversary celebrated by
Mr, and Mrs. Aquilla Sharrow
Mr. Glen Eckmier and an as
sistant librarian will be exchang
ing books at Grand Bend Dec
ember 17. Mrs. Eckmier will be
unable to do any exchanges for
the present due to ill health,
Sergeant: "Now, suppose you
are on your post one dark night.
Suddenly a person appears from
behind And wraps two arms
around you. What will you call
Doughboy; "Let go, honey.’?
6 only at $3.50 ..............................
8 only at $3.98 .............................
8 only at $5.75 ............................
12 only at 6.60 ..............................
48 only at $3.15
12 only at $4.95
18 only at $4.75
14 only at $3.25
Sale Price $2.98
Sale Price $2.98
Sale Price $4.50
Sale Price $5.25
Sale Price $2.45
Sale Price $3.95
Sale Price $3.75
Sale Price $2.50
This is all new merchandise bought within the
last two months. We need money immediately so
you get the benefit of 15% to 20% discount on
your dollar for your Christmas shopping. You
have seen our sales before and know you get the
best bargains and this sale is on at the right time
for your Christmas buying.
100 Percent Wool Coats on Sale
4 only at $55.00 ..... Sale Price $44.00
3 only at $45.00 ..... Sale Price $36.00
4 only al $47.50 ..... Sale Price $38.00
2 only at $42.00 ..... Sale Price $33.60
3 only at $39.95 ....... Sale Price $31.97
2 only at $32.75 ....... Sale Price $26.25
' 5 only at $28.75 ....... Sale Price $23.00
2 only at $17.75 ....... Sale Price $14.21
These coats, of various colours and style, each one guaranteed, 100% wool; were
all bought by us within the last three months. They are on sale for TEN DAYS
ONLY commencing Thursday, November 20. Don’t Miss These Bargains while do
ing your Christmas shopping.
Gift Suggestions
Blouses Bunting Bags Pullovers
Scarves Ski Suits Hankies
Baby Blankets Gloves Slips
Baby Sets Nylon Hose Nightgowns
Baby Gowns House Coats Pyjamas
Storm Coats Bed Jackets Slacks
Station Wagon Coats Cardigans Skirts
CARDIGANS AND PULLOVERS Ladies’ and Children’s ALL 20% OFF!